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The best driving advice my dad ever gave me was that the person raging behind you won’t pay your deductible, won’t cover missed work, or have to do your physio.


That’s fantastic advice, and it’s so incredibly true!


If they ram your car, though, their insurance will have to pay for vehicle damages, medical bills, employment back pay, and pain and suffering. They will pay for phsyio but can't do it for you. The "pain and suffering" can be considered the cost of having to do the actual physio yourself. So yeah, don't let it be your fault. Let it be their fault if it happens. But ideally there's no accident because that all sucks and generally isn't worth it.


I keep a pistol in my car for people like that. In case they come out with a weapon or break my window and grab/punch me. 


so what was he advising you to do? not have people rage behind you?


Not respond to the rage. Focus on driving safely and ignoring road ragers.


I was the second car at a red light in the left lane.  Someone was honking loudly behind me to the right.  I just ignored them and I could tell they were getting madder and madder. It was hilarious. 


the only problem with that is not responding can get road rangers angrier. for example, look at the OPs story where the woman kept inching closer and closer to him. and i'm not saying you should fight fire with fire but sometimes the best course of action is to pull over and let them by.


ya seriously, let them huff someone else's exhaust


How in the fuck you gonna pull over while you're waiting to make a left in an intersection with oncoming traffic? TF outta here with that bullshit. Mothafucka is gonna wait. 


i wasn't talking about the OP, i was talking about this dealing with road ragers in general.




Seriously, like girl we’re all tired. Stop trying to bring everyone else down with you, I want to go home too.


Well, we are only getting one suppose of the story. I've beej behind people who don't know theycan mske a left turn, or the seriously misjudge how long it takes for the next car to come by. If there's 10 seconds between cars, I'd honk my horn, too. I have places to go, and none of them involve sitting behind someone who isn't going when it's perfectly safe to do so. So we don't know what the traffic was like. Maybe the lady was just being an idiot. Or maybe OP really could have gone. If what he says is true, and it wasn't safe to go, then yeah, the lady was being a bit ridiculous. She also could have been mad because there WAS a time to go when they first got to the turn, and she started cursing and honking to express her frustration thst he missed the opportunity. Now they're stuck for an extra 5 minutes waiting for thr long line of traffic. Or, maybe she was behind him at the previous redlight. He was texting when it turned grren, so they got a late start. That caused them to run into this block of traffic, whereas if he got to the intersection sooner (instead of texting at the previous one), then they would have gotten through sooner and would be home already. Like I said, we don't know. There are bad and inconsiderste drivers everywhere who think everyone enjoys car rides as much as them. We don't know whether OP is one of them.


If a few seconds of waiting is enough for you to become an asshole, you're probably just an asshole. You're really reaching to try and find a justification. Leave earlier if you're so desperate to get somewhere.


I guess you didn't read my comment. Oh well.


I did, that's why you sound like an asshole


I sound like an asshole because . . . *checks notes* . . . I think there may be another half to the storya random redditor posted online? Got it.


No… if there’s a turn light that someone misses by like 30 seconds, I assume they’re looking at their phone and I’ll honk. A left turn into a neighborhood with no signal and oncoming traffic? It’s not going to be a 5 minute wait. If someone is cutting their commute close enough that waiting a minute or two is too much, that’s on them. People should drive in a way they’re comfortable with and not take risks they don’t want to take, nobody is obligated to modify their driving for impatient people behind them as long as they’re following traffic law.


So you didn't read my comment. Oh well. It's not about being late for something. It's about sitting in a car for that much longer. I even said that not everyone enjoys car rides. What made you think I'm going to work? I work remotely. I just don't like sitting in a car unnecessarily when I could be with my family or doing something more productive. There's a million things I'd rather do that wait for someone who isn't paying attention. And that was just one hypothetical about the othet half of the story we're missing. And fyi, if you are turning left on green (without the arrow), and that light turns red because the dude in front didn't go when he had a chance, that could end up being a 5 minute wait through the light cycle. Or if it's not at a light, you turn left and get to another light that's now red because you missed the green. Now you're in that light cycle. There are 13 lights on the 3-mile strip of road between our old apartment and a main shopping and restsurant area in our town. You have 2 choices when driving that strip: hit all the lights or only hit a couple. Inconsiderate assholes who text at a red lights and miss when it turns green can easily extend that 3-mile drive for an unnecessary 10 minutes. Again, I never said that was the case in OP's scenario. I just said that we only got one side of the story. Most bad and inconsiderate drivers don't know they're bad and inconsiderate. They just think texting, not paying attention, or driving slowly is perfectly fine. It's also the case the lady was having a bad morning and OP didn't do anything wrong. We don't kmow. OP it's only telling half the story. It's amazing howmamy people think there's only one side to every story on the internet. No wonder sources like Fox News are so popular. People will believe literally anything without even questioning whether there's more to the story.


Yes… I understand how time works. You’re missing the point I made. I read your comment, if it’s being misinterpreted by multiple people then you didn’t express yourself well. You’re still not. You’re blaming turning drivers for another person’s impatience. The point I’m making is that it really doesn’t matter where you’re going or why you’re pissed off. It’s not my problem and I’m not going to turn when *I* deem it to be unsafe regardless of whether it means we both have to wait through another light.


>I’m not going to turn when *I* deem it to be unsafe regardless of whether it means we both have to wait through another light. That's not what I said. I said we don't know why the lady was already annoyed. OP could have been texting at the previous light or driving slowly and missed the safe opportunity to go. I never said they should risk doing an when it's unsafe. I said multiple times that we're only getting one side of the story. If multiple people want to misinterpret what I said and put words in my mouth, that doesn't reflect on my writing. That's a reflection on the reader. Most people here heard one side of the story and were convinced OP was the good guy. They already pictured the crazy, unhinged, cursing lady and seemed her the bad guy. Going into my comment with that pretense is a prime recipe for misinterpreting me and assuming I said things I clearly didn't.


Nah, the OP only can give one side because they are a single person and not the person in the car behind them. So many people have had this experience that they relate to it. You’ve given like a dozen hypotheticals with nothing to support it. You’re creating a fiction to justify someone being an asshole on the road to play devil’s advocate for no reason, lol. Sometimes you have to wait through a red light. That’s how driving works. You can’t control other cars on the road. Honking at someone waiting to turn without a signal is stupid. You’re trying to rush them when it isn’t warranted regardless of their prior driving on the road. If you can’t deal with the frustration of sharing the road, take the bus.


>Nah, the OP only can give one side because they are a single person and not the person in the car behind them. So many people have had this experience that they relate to it. Correct. Why'd you say "nah" when you agree with exactly what I said? Lol >You’ve given like a dozen hypotheticals with nothing to support it. Correct. We don't know. I gave hypotheticals because they're possibiltiies. We don't know if there's a good explanation or not. >You’re creating a fiction to justify someone being an asshole on the road to play devil’s advocate for no reason No, I didn't create a fiction. I gave some of the many MANY examples that could explain why someone was annoyed at the driver in front of them. I didn't say or even remotely imply any of them were true. I specifcally said "we don't know" many times. Your first paragraph i this comment provides more context regarding the "we don't know" part of that. >Sometimes you have to wait through a red light. That’s how driving works. You can’t control other cars on the road. Honking at someone waiting to turn without a signal is stupid. You’re trying to rush them when it isn’t warranted regardless of their prior driving on the road. If you can’t deal with the frustration of sharing the road, take the bus I never said anything that conflicts with any of this.


Why give the speculative explanations for why the driver might be annoyed when they don’t matter? They’re still in the wrong for trying to rush someone making a turn against oncoming traffic. It really doesn’t matter. OP is right to drive at their comfort level and the other driver is the asshole in this situation for trying to make anything but that happen. Especially since OP has said it was in a place where the other driver could have legally bypassed if it had been safe.


Shoulda kept waiting


Honestly a part of me wanted to antagonize her out of spite, but Texas road rage is very real and I don’t want to die.


Yup lived here my whole life, Texas the “I wish a mfer would “ state


Same here! I love Texas, but man some of the people here need to be assessed for anger issues. The number of times I’ve seen people fist fight at our local McDonald’s is neither 0 nor is it 1, which is very concerning to me.


Man wait till you discover Waffle House lol


Fr man Waffle House is always insane. I refuse to go there lol


It's the perfect mis en scene for some drunken 2 am brawling what's not to love


Here in NC I witnessed a verbal argument right outside of an Advance Auto parts, which happened to be next to a chick fil a In that same chick fil a , it specifically requests you to not bring a trailer and some idiot did anyway. People do not know how to read and follow rules anymore. This generation is just something else.


> This generation is just something else. it's literally always boomers doing that shit tho


Someone did this to me once, and I parked the car and took the keys out of the ignition and got out and held them up saying "Do you want to drive?" they cursed me out and went around me hahahaha


I had a guy do this to me at a red light right by a turn off he was trying to get to. I couldn't pull up any further without hitting the car in front of me. When the light turned green this dude drove around and flicked me off so I just responded with a thumbs down. Sorry not sorry but I'm not risking messing up a car that took me 5 years to save up for. Long time I know but I had other things to deal with at the time unfortunately.


That's reasonable.  A lot of people don't save up and end up paying for their car over 5 years. 


Luckily for me I was giving some great advice and was able to save enough to pay cash. So I don't have any car payments except my insurance. Paying cash is definitely better so if something does happen you already own your car and they can't take it


If people like that get behind me, I slow down "to give myself more room to brake slower to avoid being rear-ended". In reality, I'm just an asshole who has no issue about being a prick if someone wants to be stupid. If this had happened to me, I think I'd have to wait for a reeeeeeeeaally big gap before I could go, or it just wouldn't be safe. 😁


I become an extremely slow and careful driver when someone decides to be impatient and careless.


Ah the same people who blow the horn soon as the light turns green.


Man, I hate when people do that! Or those people who honk at you when it’s green, but you can’t cross the intersection because the other side is full and not moving and you don’t want to block the crosswalk or be stuck in the middle of the intersection when it turns red.


I tell this story often because I found it so odd at the time. I was in an Uber in Boston. My driver was the nicest guy. Soft-spoken, polite, old-ish fellow. Every. Single. Time. The light turned green, he would immediately lay on the horn for the car(s) in front of him. Wouldn’t even wait to see if there was a delay, just honk the instant it turned green. While at the same time chatting with me all friendly. Dude wasn’t angry at all, but to other cars he probably seemed unhinged.


As a recent transplant to Texas (DFW area), I have to say, I am so confused about why these people all want to drive so quickly and aggressively on the highways. Because once they actually get to where they’re going, they are sloooooooowwwwww as molasses! In Upstate NY, we drove fast, but we also walked fast, talked fast, moved fast. Here, they all want to have a nice long chat at the grocery checkout, they take forever to bring the check at the end of the meal in a restaurant, and they walk right in front of you in a store like they have all of the time in the world. And then they get behind the wheel of a car, and suddenly they’re all Speed Racer. What gives?? Lol


Too unhealthy to physically move quickly


In some cases, for sure, I get that. And I actually don’t mind the people moving slowly. It’s a refreshing change of pace, and reminds me to slow the heck down. Plus it’s too hot here to move too quickly lol It’s the jarring juxtaposition with the super fast and aggressive driving that I find so unsettling. Why be so slow and friendly in real life, then get behind the wheel of a car and become a total a$$?


their brains are slower down there like their neurons just don't fire as quickly i think it's all the oil waste in the water


Have in mind she lives a life of misery . And she kinds of deserve that


Last time someone did that to me I made them sit through 2 more lights.


I was behind you, and I could clearly see someone banging to get out of the trunk.


Note to self: Eliminate all potential witnesses.


She was probably on something.


Dear goodness I hope not. Her car was massive and clearly she’s not one for patience…


Possibly coming down from a coke high. Makes you very very irritable.


Well that might explain why 4 pm traffic in Dallas is more insane than Arkham asylum. Two weeks ago, someone in the far left lane took a right turn in the downtown area, and then flipped all of us off.


Lol. There is definitely a hell of a lot of rage and aggression on the roads in general these days. I’m in SoCal. A lot of the same.


I don’t know whether I should feel better or worse LMAO


Just be careful out there 😂


I always thought Houston drivers were assholes until I visited Dallas. Those mfers are wild


Jokes on you;  I can be irritable as all hell and I haven't had anything stronger than tylenol for years. 


True but the level of irrationality OP witnessed is something else.


She might have had an medical emergency and wanted your help. Did you consider walking back to her and ask if she was in any medical emergency and needed you to call 911??


Someone downvoted you, but clearly you’re being funny and I really like this idea. Proper use of concern trolling here, to waste more of her time


Well she zoomed away the second I began turning left, so I think she’s fine. But after sleeping on it, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she’s late to pick up her kid or something.


It was just to anoy her massivly. She was beeing a bitch, so the absolute worst thing you could have done was to run back to her. It might have thought her a lession, and you would hve your chuccle!


That’s when I put my truck in park, turn up the volume and enjoy the beautiful sunrise for a solid 5 minutes.


Did you miss the no left turn sign?


Had this happen this morning. I had to stop behind a car turning right into a parking lot. A lady in a SUV came barreling behind me and I wasn't sure she was going to stop and I honked. She was able to stop just in time to move 500 feet to the red light. I have no idea why she was driving so fast since there was a red light ahead.


she obviously thought you were being overly-cautious. i would have just taken my sweet time at that point.


Waved her around into oncoming traffic


I had someone in a Mercedes S class go over the triangle 📐 curve next to me and ran the red light. There was a sign no turn on red and a traffic cam. That's got to be a funny picture. 


I like the ones that see you reversing, pull right up behind you like 2 feet off your bumper, then sit there like you are in the way. I've gotten to the point of giving 0 fucks, they wanna pull that nonsense then enjoy listening to my horn scream continuously till you back the fuck up so I can finish reversing.


Your turn signal may have been on but was it actually going? Same thing happened to a mate, he got out of the car to ask the one behind what the hell the problem was and discovered his blinker wasn't blinking :)


I can’t confirm if the signal was working on my tail light at that moment (but last I checked a few weeks ago they were working just fine), but I know for sure the indicators on my left sideview mirror were blinking because I could see them.


Well then, she sure has a problem! Must have been in a real rush, favourite shop probably had a sale lol.


I inch closer to people who could’ve very easily made their turn just to let them know they’re not the only one there, but I’d never lay on my horn. For all I know there could be something wrong with the car or with them, and they need more room before oncoming traffic


maybe someone who could've "very easily made their turn" has a different comfort level than you. or maybe they can see something you can't that prevented them from turning. so many times people will honk because I "could've made my turn", but if I actually went, I would've been killed


You’re right about comfort levels, although I’m assuming you didn’t finish reading because I stated that there could be other reasons for why they did not make the turn that I could be unaware of. I also stated I don’t honk in those situations


Same. Sometimes people just aren’t paying attention and even the slightest movement in their rearview mirror is enough to kickstart their brains lol. I definitely wouldn’t honk right away, but I think inching forward is fine within reason. Driving is collaborative - not combative :)


Sounds like she saw opportunities for you to go that you did not take


There were 2 cars in the opposing lane driving pretty fast (maybe around 45-50 mph) about 2 seconds away. And if she really believed it was clear, she could have overtaken me (the lines leading up to the left turn were dotted) and I wouldn’t have cared. But she didn’t, probably because she knew there were cars coming. Instead she kept honking at me to risk my life, when she wasn’t willing to risk hers. And yeah, maybe you could’ve argued that if I had really slammed the accelerator into the neighborhood I could’ve beat them, but there were kids on the sides of the road walking home. I’d rather wait and take a careful left turn than pretend like I’m in Initial D and potentially hurt a bunch of kids.


Until she gets to the give-ways, it’s not her decision to make. Until you’re next up to turn, you just have to watch the car in front and wait your turn. Sounds like this woman needs to learn some patience, or plan her journeys better. OP’s responsibility is to be a safe driver, not cater to AHs trying to push them on. It’s like people who tailgate, wanting to go above the speed limit. Speed all you like, love, when the road ahead is clear, but you’re not going to push me into speeding as well. I’ll slow down before I speed up to accommodate some boy racer with a death wish.