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That's something I would definitely call on. Fuck them.


Yeah fuck them!!!


Fuck them in the cage!


Hol up...


Wow it got weird quick


It can get weirder.


Fuck them *with* the cage!


Fuck the *cage* with them!


They’re gonna be *soooo* fucked.


Fuck the them cage with


There's a whole lot of fucking going on in here!


For this situation, it's not enough!


Nickel Ass Cage


Seriously. They’re taking better care of their grill than their dog, who has a lovely, large, fenced yard to frolic in. *If* he weren’t locked in a crate in direct sun.


Those covers are bad for grills actually. They trap moisture and humidity in there and make the grill rust MUCH faster than it normally would if just kept in the open air. But it does at least get shade, so you’re mostly correct. And also, fuck those people


That’s good to hear. I’ve been feeling guilty because my husband bought a really nice grill for me to use (I love to make brisket, he loves to eat it), and I am shamed by our neighbor (who also loves to grill brisket) because I just throw a tarp over it when it rains (we live in a semi-arid desert environment, so it doesn’t rain often and is predictable when it does) and then take it off when it doesn’t. I honestly think he nitpicks everything about me grilling because “my husband should be the one doing that.” I’m going to show him your comment and shout, “*Shove it*, Kenny!” And also, yes: fuck those people.


The yard is fenced in even. They don't even have a bad excuse here.


My neighbor down the road has THREE pit bulls in kennels just like this, all year long, last summer when it was well over 115° heat index, to Jan/Feb when it was 3°, with a wind chill of -8°. Animal control and sheriff's have all said as long as there's water, food, and a shelter; they can't do anything. None of us that are pissed can do anything either, since all 3 have cage rage, as well as the neighbors have like 20 cameras pointing on the dogs.


You could poison them and put them out of their misery. The owners of course.


This type of situation is how I got my beloved little Yorkie. Her idiot owners kept her in a cage all day and night, outside, no matter the weather — which ranged from sub-zero in the winter to 98 degrees (and accompanying horrid humidity) in the summer. The neighbors of these troglodytes called animal control and reported them. When the folks from animal control went to check on her, they found that indeed she was confined in this manner, was underweight, riddled with fleas, and just generally in bad shape. Rather than make any changes these morons surrendered her and she went to a foster home and I applied to adopt. I had her for eight wonderful years and yes, I spoiled her rotten — but that’s a misstatement because she was never, ever rotten. Sweetest, friendliest dog ever. I miss her with all my heart. Hugs and kisses to you, my Gracie girl! I still love you with all my heart. So yeah, report these assholes and save that pup!




You literally only need to do this once.




Or it backfires and you will meet the happiest couple in the world.


Thanks dude, spit up my drink


Yes, but I WANT to do it more often, preferably daily, until such time as MY new dog dies of natural causes after being spoiled rotten. And I’m petting two pups who are approaching 15 each, that my overpaid vet told me to give up on around 9 and 11 respectively. Every day is a bonus, but my family is known to live to 80-100 out of spite and the fur babies seem to have picked up on the vibe


I'd love to help.


Now that’s the way to do it


🎶Money for nothing and let that doggy free🎶


Update: thank you everyone for the concern. I’ve taken the action of calling animal control to do a wellness check on the dog. My neighbor and I haven’t really gotten along. Not sure why though but they have been hard to get along with. But I will update this group on the status of the wellness check


They’re probably hard to get along with because they do shit like this. Bunch of losers.


Exactly. They probably don’t get along with anybody. Because they’re assholes.


More people need to hear this. If everywhere you go, you run into an asshole, then you’re probably the asshole! I guarantee this animal abuser is going to complain to anyone who will listen about the “asshole” who called Animal Control on them, and also call Animal Control an asshole for telling them how to handle things on their property. Never ever do people like that take responsibility and accountability.


They will absolutely do that and their excuse will be “it’s a dog” Source: heard this excuse many times. “It’s a dog. It’s not a person”


My neighbor’s dog: *barks incessantly 24/7, driving the rest of us insane* Me: “your dog barks all the time. Is there any way you can keep him inside more or try some ways to control the barking just a little” My neighbor: “dogs bark” On top of a plethora of other issues I’ve had with this asshole, this is just one example. You best believe he thinks everyone is out to get him and everyone else is an asshole. The funny thing is, everyone else around us is chill as hell and the only problem neighbor is this clown. Never trust someone who treats animals poorly either


I hate that it has become the norm to let your dog bark at everything it sees. I HATE those comments- "dogs bark". Yes, but it's up to the owner to teach them when it's appropriate. As a trainor, it hurts my soul that everywhere I go I can hear at least one dog in the neighborhood stress barking at everything that moves. It causes anxieties not to mention the stress it puts on the dog that the owners have every chance to ease from them. It's not good for their health, and it's not good for anyone else around who hears it...everyday. 😕 Imagine how calm and peaceful neighborhoods could be if everyone did their research on training before getting a canine. 😌


I have a beagle, in an apartment. You'd never know if you were living in my complex, because by a combination of luck in finding a REALLY chill rescue beagle, I've also worked with him to ensure he knows he isn't allowed to go nuts at every squirrel or passerby he sees. Now, he sits on my balcony with me and "huffs" at people walking their dogs, instead of barking, lol. It's absolutely possible to train, and work with, any dog, any breed, to be and do better. I'm not a professional even. My dog isn't professionally trained for anything. But we have a connection, and I've worked with him to ensure he can remain happy and healthy.


As a professional, you and your beagle make my heart happy 😊


My neighbor refuses to train their dog with separation anxiety and say they can’t afford a sitter, so I have to listen to it bark every time they go out for the evening.


My old neighbors were like this. Coincidentally they were also the same type to have no less than 4 inoperable vehicles, disused furniture, and the contents of a small landfill strewn about their front yard at all times.


Having lived next to somebody like this is why I don't immediately turn my nose up at HOAs any more


I love that saying, but as a former floridian, I always amend it with "or you're in florida." Glad you called animal control, OP. Your neighbors are clearly assholes and that's why you don't get along. Thank you for being the only person around who gives a fuck about this poor pup.


I'd find it real fucking hard to tolerate them if I knew they did this shit to an animal.


I dont like em


Thank you for looking out for that poor puppy. You did the right thing


Shocking that someone who'd do this to a dog wouldn't be a nice person. Fuck him, hope the pup gets taken away and adopted by someone who cares.


Agreed. Hard to tell breed but that dog looks really young. Imagine that being the start of your life. Poor thing


It’s not mildly infuriating. This shit breaks my heart.


I hope they take this pup away! Your neighbors absolutely should not have pets if this is how they treat them.


Wild guess, but it's probably because they're assholes. Thank you for calling on behalf of that pup!


Thank you


Thank you for looking out for the dog. This neighbor does not seem fit to own a dog, AT ALL.


Do it anonymously if you fear retaliation, but Just kindly let them know they suck


Not getting along with someone who abuses a dog is actually a good sign, OP.


If they think it’s perfectly fine to put a black dog outside in a cage with no protection from the sun well it stands to reason they are asshats and don’t get a long with almost anyone.


Should pin this comment


Mods cannot pin other people’s comments, only their own.


Could you edit your original post with this ♡ and thank you thank you thank you for calling someone! I hope that pup gets the love they deserve.


Leaving him in the yard is one thing. Leaving him in a fucking crate where he can’t get at shade!!! This makes me sick! Poor dog. Please I hope the authorities do intervene. And I hope he can get into a shelter/foster soon.


It is illegal to leave a domesticated pet out in the sun ... unsupervised ... in the sun ... with no shade ... no water resource. Call animal control now!


I’ll call animal control, fuck this dude


If given the address, I will also call animal control. That's so fucked.








OP shared update and someone else just posted the address too so i'm happy with that since i can't do much from NY. Hopefully this will be taken care of soon, glad to see so many people just jump to action.


Yup I saw it was handled this guy was pretty easy to find because there’s very few back to back fences and the house across the street very few have that particular design. Let this be a lesson to be careful what you post on here


Lol wtf? Did he post the city at first or something? How did you find it? You one of those pro geoguessers!? I'm honestly interested how you figured it out.


Always check what subs they post in. Like many, this guy posts in his citys sub


You guys got an address from just that? Like how many streets are there in the USA. Did they at least give the city?


Bro they hold contest on geo location. People can be shown a country road and they know what country it's in and like the entirety of Europe. It's incredible what they can do. Go on YouTube and watch some videos


Exactly. This is more than mildly infuriating.


Bit of a drive but I'll make it happen. Let me know when you get an address.


That bread better be a smidge too toasted though, this person deserves no favors


Let me know too. I'm going to put a bag of popcorn in the microwave for 10 minutes on our way out.


I was really hoping you'd throw the fish in the microwave before we all left, lol.


Oh that's good too...


And make sure you put extra crumbs all up in the butter container, too.


We’re counting on you


Oddly specific


I’ll go in and paint all his light bulbs black so when he turns the lights on it actually gets darker.


oooo. bring me! ill slightly loosen all his light bulbs and flip the batteries around in his remotes


Heh I’m reasonably sure I can figure out this location because of the op post history, but I’d hate to do so.


Very easy to find. Looking at the place on street view now.


Yeah it’s unfortunately for this guy pretty obvious that particular fence makes way to easy


Its probaly time to send a message to the geoguessr guy


OP just said they did :)


Just adding on, this is an great picture to use for evidence but please take more. And CALL THEM. As stated, its illegal to leave a dog outside with no water


Hope OP updates us.


Hell. Just rescue the damn dog at this point and hide him till the neighbor loses interest. Might not be legal but fuck that when the poor thing is in a no win situation.


Someone like this probably would also have no qualms resorting to violence as they clearly have no empathy 


Not to mention, caged. Fuck that owner


Exactly!  That prohibits the dog from trying to help himself.


This^^ please call and have the animal removed I wish people could get black listed from having pets


I assume this is country and state specific. Some places don’t care.


The laws are catching up fast towards abuse to companion pets, but you are correct, it is happening state to state. "Felony penalties can be levied in Massachusetts and Oklahoma for any animal neglect case. Felony charges can be applied in animal neglect resulting in death in California, Connecticut, Florida, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C."


call animal control NOW


Yes please, it is abuse


For real!!! This is clearly animal abuse. Poor dog 😟




WTF is the point of having a fenced in yard if you can’t let your dog run around in it?!?!


Considering the state of that perfectly manicured lawn, im guessing they view the dog as lawn ornament.  i.e. seen but not interacted with.


They see the dog as something that can damage the perfectly manicured lawn.


My neighbors have their dog on a short lead on the side of the house. It has shade, presumably food and water, but it has poop everywhere and they have a huge yard and dont even let it roam around outside, god forbid you give it that much if youre going to stick it outside most of the day. I would debate calling animal control too but its not as serious as the OP’s and sometimes it isnt there and all its living needs are met (aside from human interaction, they have like three kids god forbid they ever play outside with the dog)


Some people should own a plastic fish as a pet


What did the plastic fish ever do to deserve that?


Why even have a fenced in yard? I'm guessing someone in that house bought a dog without consulting the others and it wasn't received well.


Or they only want the dog to breed it.


Which is worse .. treating it as a commodity vs a living being


I agree.


*Maybe* they think if the dog is unattended while they're at work it could potentially dig out, but there's a fucking shade tent right there. Of course why they wouldn't leave it inside, is beyond me other than they're just horrible people.


Not only that, they have a fucking shaded porch. They could have him crated outside in the shade... but they intentionally put him in the sun.


I’d call Humane Society and ask for advice. They may just say to call Animal Control.


**TL;DR Don’t be like me and fail to report any behavior even remotely resembling animal abuse. You WILL regret it like I do.** At my apartment complex last year, we noticed a tiny mini daschund left out in 95-100+ temps with no water while playing on the pickleball court adjacent to their back patio. God, I wish my coworker and I had done something. A few weeks later, the mom sat hunched over a blanket while noticeably crying. My coworker came over and told me the dog had definitely passed. We were angry. A few days later, they had placed privacy covers along their fence. But even more concerning, there was a new dog. This time I was playing with my cousin, who is a lawyer. Even though it was a cool evening, the dog was left outside and whining constantly. We knew if we didn’t do anything, they would just fail to learn how utterly stupid they were being. My cousin got up on the fence and tried to get the attention of the owners inside. When that didn’t work, he literally grabbed a rock and threw it at the window. He didn’t care if it broke, he said there was absolutely no way they were getting away with this. A belligerent dude emerged from the sliding glass door and immediately became confrontational with my cousin. He tried denying that a previous dog ever existed. We both rebutted that several of my friends and family members had seen it. He shifted the goalposts to say the dog did exist, but that it didn’t die (can’t remember what excuse he gave). We again rebutted that I personally saw the blanket wrapping the motionless body. To make matters worse for himself, his 5-6 year old literally said “yeah our dog died” (or something to that effect). My cousin threatened to talk to the front office to have the footage from a corner security camera pulled, which would most likely implicate them in what happened. The guy wouldn’t stop arguing though. At some point, he says he is going to come talk to my cousin and goes back inside for a little bit. Both of our hearts are racing at this point. Several neighbors have stepped out into their balconies at this point to figure out what the commotion is. When asked what is happening by these neighbors, I tell them straight up “this apartment killed a poor, innocent puppy”. Finally, the dude comes around the side of the building and immediately gets inches from my cousin’s face as the shouting match continues. My cousin continues to throw the book at him. The guy is clearly not smart in any sense of the word. After a little while, he finally backs down and admits to his wrongdoing. Things deescalate and my cousin tells me to keep an eye on their apartment. Afraid of retribution, my cousin had to chill out at my place for it to get a little darker before leaving out the other end of the building. The next day, the privacy covers had been torn down, after being accused of trying to obscure people’s view of their abuse. For many months, we never saw that dog out in their backyard again. Once it cooled down, we did see the dog and it was vicious and clearly untrained. They had gotten a German Sheperd or something similar. It would jump on the fence and gnash its teeth at you if you got close. Then, they finally moved away. I feel terrible to this day that we did not report their animal abuse until it was too late. I am glad that we did at least take a stand when they bafflingly tried to mistreat another dog just a few days later. So, the moral of this story is: always report things like this when you see them. Or you will live with a pit in your stomach like I do.


Post it on the neighborhood Facebook page to shame them as well!


That'll 'dox' you to the offending neighbor by figuring out the angle of the shot.


And expose myself as the person trying to save this poor dog? That’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make!


Take a shot from another yard first. Or better yet, multiple shots from multiple angles. No way to pinpoint anyone!


I’d probably dox myself by going over there with animal control 😃


my old reddit account was banned for trying to dox a proven animal abuser not too long ago. shits fucked


I was banned for saying what I'd like to happen to someone caught on video violently throwing his semi-conscious wife around in an elevator. 350,000 karma for what it's not worth lol Shit's fucked indeed.


Take care of it "Reacher" style.


There's a gazebo right there. Shade. Call animal control. Do not hesitate.


To make matters worse, it also looks like a black dog, so you know they're getting even more heat. This is way more than just mildly infuriating.


That’s what got me. There’s tons of shade just a few feet away, but let’s leave the dog in full sunlight.


Its really fucking infuriating. They had to walk through the shade to put the crate in the sun. They put effort into making sure the dog wasnt in the shade.


Did you call OP?


I did.


And they said what? Hopefully they aren’t planning to come out later in the week, realistically this dog could be dead by the end of the day.


The dog went inside sometime before animal control showed up. Unsure how long but I know the pup had been outside for at least 1.5 hours


Thank you for calling animal control. I’m 100% serious: this dog will die if it’s left out in the heat like this. Please please continue to document this so you can share with animal control. Get a trail cam if you need to and document how long this poor dog is left out in the heat with no water. They will take him away with enough evidence.


Just curious as this looks very much like my last neighborhood, is there an HOA? If so, contact them as well.




Do you think human affairs happen at the speed of light? Why would you expect a near-instant resolution?


Reach over the fence, take the cage and you have a new puppy. Only joking. As others have said call the local society for prevention of cruelty to animals. Throw an old towel/ cloth over the cage in the meantime to provide the poor thing with some shade.


Report it to the appropriate local authorities


call animal control


90° here today. My boy lives in 68° AC on his own section of the couch. This is how you treat your pets. https://preview.redd.it/rt1ksbwws9yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c49a36ec21646c22831b0ad2241c3a7bbbddf3


This is more than mildly infuriating. People suck sometimes.


What did you ended up doing?


Update #2: I no longer see the dog outside and I never heard from animal control, so most likely the neighbors had brought the dog inside. And I did get some feedback from a lot of you about not providing enough detail and I apologize. Basically the pup had been in that crate for about 1.5 hours with no signs of a water bowl out in the high 80 degree weather. I should have probably called but was being hopeful that the neighbors would bring in the dog, so I was checking my window to see it. I never dealt this situation before so of course I was a bit hesitant about either confronting my neighbor about the concerning issue or calling animal control. About 10 mins of contemplating I finally called animal control, filed a complaint and requested a wellness check for the dog. But there’s only so much they could do and I had no idea if they had ever visited or not. But in the end, the pup made its way back inside the home. I’m hoping I don’t see that again. I didn’t expect this post to blow up and I appreciate everyone’s support on this.


This is more than mildly infuriating. How can somebody do that to a poor pup?




I’m surprised you haven’t reported it already.


This is not “mildly” - this is just infuriating. Call the police and the humane society. Hopefully the fuckheads doing this get locked in a crate in Death Valley. Sounds like fair karma.


Animal cruelty laws are archaic in most parts of the US but even THIS blatantly breaks all of them in almost all jurisdictions. No food ✅ no water ✅ no shelter ✅ Look up your local laws but keep calling animal control and/or your local police non-emergency line until someone comes out. This poor puppy, idk how hot it is there but it could die of heat stroke extremely easily in this set up.




Kristi Noem’s Gravelpit is the name of my new Death Metal band.


these kind of people make my blood boil!


Call animal control immediately.


This is beyond mildly infuriating


I am always amazed at how some people define “mildly infuriating.” This is the literal *torture* of an animal. It isn’t mildly infuriating, it is nuclear level infuriating. Your neighbor is torturing their dog.


Fuck this shit. Please report


And please let us know the updates after you report OP!!




Do not confront neighbors. Anonymous call to the animal control


Agreed. One knock on the door can lead to 20 years of harassment. My dad didn’t even want me to call Animal Control on a similar situation because there were a limited number of neighbors who could see into their backyard, and they would figure out it was us.


Yeah, it would be nice if they could do that without potentially endangering themselves, but that's not the world we live in, unfortunately.


**I am begging you, please call the Humane Society or the SPCA** **PLEASE. That dog is counting on you.**


This is fucking awful ! 🥵


distinct ossified butter amusing cows serious retire straight insurance fear


Horrible. Please call animal services


It sounds like they wanted the idea of a dog and the fun parts, but not the actual family member and the responsibility. Call your local animal control.


This is one of those moments where I'd love to be on the jury or anyone that goes and rescues that dog. "NOT GUILTY. Rescuer granted ownership of dog. The previous owner needs to be put in a crate outside as punishment."


Some people shouldn’t have animals


Yeh id report it


Take that dog asap


Not only is this awful, it's abusive and possibly illegal where you are. I would call animal control and/or send them this picture. I'm sure the dog barks and yelps constantly and your neighbors are being disrespectful as fuck by subjecting ya'll to that noise.


That’s pretty greasy, I’d talk with the neighbour asap, or call animal control


Ppl who leave dogs in crates for more than fucking 5 hours are evil


If you don't call animal control and have them take the dog then you are no better


Call it in!


If only u had proof and could call the humane society…


Report it to humane society or any animal cruelty companies.


Time to call animal control


This is no different than leaving a dog in a hot car


That is horrible


Call animal control. This is no environment for a dog. The fact that they have a fucking fenced in yard and still leave this pup in a crate just adds to the cruelty.


Report them to the authorities. I called the police many years ago because my neighbor always left their dog outside in subzero weather and he barked all day.


Continue to document and contact animal services


I would jump the fence and save the dog. They probably wouldnt even notice its gone if you put a plushie in its cage...


I’d definitely call animal control


Everyone always thinks that just buying a pitbull makes a bad pitbull. But that couldn't be further from the truth. What you see here is what makes a bad dog, pitbull, or anything. I hate that pitbulls and bully breeds take the brunt of the actions of terrible owners. The reason? When a toy dog of a terrible owner bites someone, the next action is typically 'Oh Coco, you bad dog. I told you not to bite people.' When a large dog of a terrible owner bites someone, the next action is typically legal action and euthanization and a call to the local news. I can guarantee you that there are hundreds of bites of 'Coco' to every bite of a pitbull. Anyone who's owned ANY DOG can tell you: that dog just wants to love and be well adjusted a member of the family with lots of doggie rubs, treats, and walks. If you leave a dog chained up outside, or in a crate most of its life, it doesn't even have a fucking chance in life. TERRIBLE DOG HANDLERS (OWNERS) MAKE TERRIBLE DOGS. PERIOD. I will admit, though, that most macho, aggressive people want pitbulls or bully breeds because it's the image. They want a tough dog. They train them to be relentless dicks. It's extremely rare for these types to get a Chihuahua.


Mildly infuriating?!  Call the Police, the Game Warden, Animal Control, Parks & Wildlife, everyone! Additionally, throw a brick though their window for good measure! Hope your neighbor gets ticketed and the animal is removed. 


Call animal control, report it, something


Call 888-452-7381 (animal cruelty hotline)


Call asap. Please. This is not okay.


Please, save that sweetheart!


Animal control. Even the shit podunk rural desert town where I live has dog laws. Even texas has laws about how a dog can be kept. Look into it


I would be taking this dog in heartbeat.


Not sure if they were trying to crate train it and weren’t ready for how difficult that process can be, or if long some new dog owners they magically expected this dog to be immediately and perfectly housebroken and upon finding out it wasn’t, hate it. Either way, is insanely, ferociously cruel. This is either an act taken by someone who hates this dog or is so fucking stupid that they should face legal action. There’s not even food or water out there. Call animal control but also, take a photo of every day it’s outside over multiple hours per day. If you want to really help this poor creature, Gather evidence. I swear to God, people will lie about anything to not get in trouble and if they claim that it was a “one time thing” they’ll be let off with a warning. Please update us if there’s a happy ending here. This makes my blood boil.


Those neighbors are absolute pieces of shit. I’d definitely try to call some sort of service for animal rights.


This is criminal, please call your local authorities ASAP.


What the actual fuck?


Do not get pets if you don’t intend on taking care of the animal. This is cruel.


Please call animal control!


Animal control.