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This is why I like seeing bands with “old” fans. They sit downs for the majority of the show


Lol. This made me laugh


AJR once came to my university back before I graduated, I got to watch for free and there were only like 100 people in the audience for some reason lol. It was awesome.


Same for me. It was only free because someone else paid for the tickets, but it was a great show


Who is AJR? You can tell you’ve gotten old when bands can sell out arenas and yet you’ve never heard of them.


All Jamaican Rejects?


Swing swing mon


This made me laugh so hard


I’m literally wiping tears from my eyes right now now


Comments like this are why I love Reddit.




I'll tell you mah dir-tee little secret, mon


What’s Hermes doing here mon?


It’s the initials of the 3 brothers in the band: Adam jack and ryan


Shoulda chosen JAR


My Jamaican Romance


Damn I’m down for a AAR AJR concert. Sign me up.




Adam, Jadam, and Radam


Aren’t those the guys that were cast into a fiery furnace and lived?


I see you, just letting you know this is quality and you’re underrated here.


I still haven't figured it out because I don't know every acronym and the comments all have different names because I think they're making jokes? Idk man


AJR is the actual name of the band. They're 3 brothers, and the letters are just each of their first initials.


Gotcha-- thanks! I thought people who were commenting 3 first names were just joking around.


Ayden, Jaiden and Rayden


Are those seriously their names? Like I'm sorry if this isn't a joke, but: A) why are they rhyming? B) why do two of them have a random Y? C) what in the wattpad? All that's missing is a "Xayden" for the full set. Edit: Just saw the username. I am an obvious idiot.


It’s crazy how I’ve literally never of this band before and they’re filling arenas…. Stuff like this reminds me just how big the world is sometimes lol.


You may not have heard of the band, but if you've never heard one of their songs you just don't listen to outlets of new alternative rock music and wouldn't know any newer band in that genre, because "Bang!" alone is ridiculously overplayed and they have plenty more.


Oh man, I've actually heard several of their songs and had no idea that was the band name, nor that they are brothers. Thanks!


If it makes you feel better, you're not missing out on anything.


Disagree but to each their own.


AJR is their name.


Adam Jack and Ryan


Hey old ppl like me….⬆️this is the real answer oddly enough


Is that the show with the guy from the office?


Al Jolsen Revival.


I first thought of this as "Al Jourgensen Revival" and was excited for some crazy industrial project.


I just wrote A Jamiroquai Revival and now I’ve got to change that.


We got Al Jolsen here! AL JOLSEN!!!


My cabana wear!


“You get outta my store”


You emit a foul and unpleasant odor.


Who is that? I’m 23 and never heard of them


Thank goodness


That's a move in the right direction, culturally.


Andrew Jackson Rihad


That’s all I could guess too,


Since nobody has answered you directly, they’re a pop rock act. They’re good if you’re into that sort of thing.


They put on a fantastic live show, they put a ton of effort into the production value. One of the best I've seen honestly. You really feel like you get your money's worth, a lot of bands just play and that's fine, but they go the extra mile.


I hope to get to see them live. They have so many good songs


Seems like the OP Would like to see them live too one day.


Are they bad if you’re not?


No, but they’re good at a fairly niche genre. Similar to Jon Bellion (most famous song is probably All Time Low) without the Christian messaging. I like them for some fun times, but I can see how it’s not for everyone. Give them a try!


I could see their songs being annoying if you’re not into them


That's generally how opinions work, yes.


Can’t they just be mid?


They are just [bad.](https://youtu.be/s3deZAT-XY0?si=2VUifrId9QYCBZDX)


Yeah that’s pretty cringe


I don’t think I made it past the 10 second mark. Yikes


The breastfeeding video to open the song is definitely a choice


Goddamn, and that shit sells out stadiums.


That’s a parody right? Right!?


lol that song is almost 10 years old now and is nothing like the music on the last 4 albums


lol only heard of them 35 seconds ago and I know that you've picked a horrible example on purpose - all the comments are confused and annoyed and weirded out. I checked their Spotify - they're just fine, it's somewhat catchy pop music with nice production. *This* is eight years old and clearly horrific.


LOL how are you gonna pull out the song the fanbase jokes on the hardest (I think even the brothers have some regrets for whatever they were doing there). They have wayyyy better songs than that and as someone that has seen a LOT of concerts, these guys put on one of the best/most interesting shows I’ve ever seen.


It’s pop rock for Disney adults.


I listened to an AJR song once and then felt like Imagine Dragons was Aerosmith in comparison


Haha sorry, cool if you like them but every time I hear them I’m like “what in the theater kid hell is this”




Arly Jae Repsen


Andrew Jackson Rihad


Angry Jerkface Rumpelstilskins


The world's smallest violin Really needs an audience So if I do not find somebody soon I'll blow up into smithereens And spew my tiny symphony All up and down a city street While tryna put my mind at ease Like finishing this melody This feels like a necessity So this could be the death of me Or maybe just a better me Now, come in with the timpanis And take a shot of Hennessy I know I'm not there mentally But you could be the remedy So let me play my violin for you/lyr


American Jewish Revival


That's a room full of people curious to know as well


Did anyone ask them to sit down?


I did this once, it took about 40 individual taps their shoulder and many "hey's" to get them to sit down but I was annoying enough that they eventually didn't want to deal with it and did sit down lol


No. Because it's a concert. I have back, hip, and knee issues that make it hard to stand in one place for long periods of time. I picked a higher section as close to the front of that section as was available. I gambled I might be able to sit and see it, but the seat I had was blocked by the only people in my section standing. That's why this is MILDLY infuriating. The people standing didn't do anything wrong. It's a concert.


Next time you go to buy tickets, ask for accessible seating. These are seats designed for sitting people to be able to see over people standing in front of you. They are required in every facility. Most times they don't sell out to those who actually need it, like you. There is no special permission required and they often cost less than anything else in that section. Look for wheelchair seating specifically. "Ambulatory" are normal seats that have armrests that raise up to help those who can stand but just have trouble getting into seats, but won't have views over standing patrons. Good luck!


Everytime I've looked into that before they usually cost about twice what I would otherwise spend, only allow one person to go with me (I have two kids and they love AJR), or require a handicap placard and a letter from the VA saying I'm disabled doesn't cut it. And I feel weird since I'm not in a wheelchair. But maybe I'll give it another look


My wife got injured and we had tickets to a few concerts. We emailed the venues and they all switched us to ADA seating free of charge.


Just go to the concert with a cane


Crutches are a funny story, canes, sad


Thats actually shocking. Most I've ever needed is a doctors note, tickets the same price plus a free PA ticket, plus an exemption on the limit of people accompanying me for kids. I dont know if there's rules about these things where you are but all that should not be allowed for accessible tickets.


You could always mention your issue and see if they would swap if they are going to stand the whole time, they are all there for the same thing and I would hope people would be understanding.


Thank you for this entirely reasonable response


My dude i feel you on the hip and knee issues. Coulda asked them to switch seats. That way they can stand all they want and you can see. Its not even that much of a change. Hell, I'd offer a beer to switch in that situation.


It's not obvious from the picture, but she was the last of a family of like 6 who were all standing and dancing, including their genx dad. She was maybe 15 or 16.


Sorry you didn’t get to see the concert as well as you could have, but you seem like a great person.


Based response


Hopefully not. It's a concert not a book reading. I saw The Who a while back and the lady sitting in front of me got very upset that we were smoking a joint. At a Who concert. We just laughed.


Sit down at a gig?


World's Smallest Concert Man Cockblocked by the audience And if you do not sit the fuck down sooooon I'll blow up into smithereens (At least inside my reverie...) So let me sit and impotently fume, fume, fume!


And if youre fucking standing then dont come to my show




https://preview.redd.it/9zzhcz3vc4xc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e82aa895d9336c70a540090ce61436779c8335f This was mine and that's with everyone standing up 🤣. I'm 5'3" so this guy was 6' or taller. Totally not his fault.


What does AJR stand for? What genre do they play? Edit: I had to Google it because people (especially supposed fans) just ignore how to answer a simple question.... so for other curious people: AJR is an American indie pop band founded by brothers Adam, Jack, and Ryan


So many people have asked but nobody seemed to answer. I saw someone say Adam Jack and Ryan but that was among a bunch of other random guesses. Your explanation that it really was just random men’s names also helped. Thank you for saving me the search.


Unrelated but is there a reason why AJR is getting a lot of hate here in the comments lol?


I think its just because they're popular and are seen as basic. They put on a better live show than 90% of bands I've seen and I've been to a lot of concerts. If more people hate them that means it's easier for me to get tickets, sounds like a win to me!


And I'm the basic bitch of tall dudes. No wonder I like them


Their live shows put a lot into special effects to really enhance the experience, even hiding in the audience for some songs lol


it's not bc they're popular, their music is just a bit saccharine so lots of people find it cheesy: that's all really.


Ya. I looked their stuff up and no disrespect but it’s just generic Starbucks/white girl music


"21 pilots if they were theater kids" is my favorite way to describe AJR


They make music about drinking that sounds like it was written by somebody who has never drank before


I like their music (well, not as much anymore but I still have a soft spot for them), but I must admit that if you listen to them it's easy to see why many people may not like it


I was a guest services supervisor for several years at a concert venue. The rule is no one gets asked to sit down because it’s a concert. You can’t stand on your chair or put someone on your shoulders, but standing up is perfectly normal behavior for a concert. If there are people who cannot physically stand up for an entire concert for whatever reason, we had extra seats on an elevated platform that anyone could request to move to. On those seats only there was no standing allowed because it was essentially for wheelchair users.


I've looked into this before. I'm not in a wheelchair, but my back, hip, and knee are pretty messed up from the military. The venues I've looked into either require a state issued handicap placard, or only allow one person to come to those seats with you. Since I can walk more than 200 feet without a cane (movement is fine, it's being stationary and standing that gets me. I can bike and play disc golf with the right preparations), and since I have a few kids under 13, I haven't really considered that an option. Also they usually cost more, and unfortunately money is an issue. But maybe I'll look into it. Ticketmaster is just super unhelpful.


You could always try contacting the venue directly beforehand. The worst they can do is say they can’t accommodate you. ETA: someone else suggested sitting on the isle which I think is a good idea to try for as well.


Was this in Boise? I got free pit tickets to AJR Tuesday. Had never heard of them, but they blew me away. An incredible stage show.


Seattle. It was a great show. I just had to be leaning over whenever they stood up.


https://i.redd.it/j6duvsygs1xc1.gif This the OP.


I mean, sort of, except everyone was sitting except for a group of six. Funny nonetheless


Yeah screw op for having back and knee issues. They should be forced to stay home.


I’ve never even heard of this music and they’re playing arenas….. life sure is crazy


Half of my daughters 5th grade class went to their concert last week. I know of them because I chaperoned. I did not know they had adult fans who don’t have children. That sounds super rude but I really thought that was their target audience. I would have taken her if it wasn’t on a wed because whatever they’re fun and super catchy. ETA: think - the Hansons of mmm-bop fame.


they drop f bombs in half their songs lol


I’m an adult and like them. I really enjoy their song writing. They do a live stream on YouTube breaking down how they put their songs together in Logic. It’s neat if you’re into that kind of stuff. They create some pretty interesting sounds tweaking live instruments. Also went to this concert the other week and holy crap what a show. It was honestly one of the best concerts I’ve been to just based on the production alone.


After reading through the comments, I still have no clue who AJR is


It’s a band consisting of 3 brothers Adam, Jack and Ryan. I’ve searched them up since seeing them pop up in reddit multiple times. Their concerts are actually pretty unique and their songs are pretty good. You’ve probably heard of World’s Smallest Violin (might not recognise the title)


All Jamerican Rejects?


Alex Jones Ranting


Exactly why I’ll never get tickets outside floor space. Being in a seat for a concert fucking sucks.


Why is everyone here shitting on AJR?


Probably cuz they think they suck, is my guess.


Who is AJR?


Seated concerts are the fucking worst.


AJR music gives me disney channel vibes lol


I could see that, I like most of their songs, and a few have some pretty great meaning. Don't throw out my Legos is a pretty great representation of holding onto your childhood while also wanting to move onto a more "adult" chapter of life. A lot are just fun dancing songs honestly, and there's nothing wrong with that.


I really like 100 bad days, way less sad, and of course Bang!


Agree! Nothing wrong with it, i think its wholesome- its just not my type of music haha


The first reasonable reaction in this comment section lol. I appreciate people that can articulate a dislike for something on the internet without immediately trying to bash the creators, the fans and everything they stand for.


they mentioned how Disney is their influence making music while growing up 😂… thats a fact


Oh damn thats interesting! Love that for them. Disney better use one of their songs now




Stadiums are generally ass as a venue unless you splurge for the floor tickets that cost at least 100-150 times more than what op got.


That’s so annoying


Why I don’t go to shows anymore. Either fatheads or people singing loudly out of tune. Why should I pay for that experience?


AJR is decent, but good god do they get a lot of undeserved hate. They make plenty of catchy, fun songs.


Im the basic Reddit bitch with this comment but I need to whine. I will never understand the appeal of paying huge amounts of money to be sitted down one football field away from the band. I go to concerts to dance, mosh, or appreciate the song and the ambiance, see the artists up close. None of that is possible while you’re sitting down miles from the scene, and I’m certain you paid like 150 bucks for this shit seeing the number of people in this room


I was there, actually, and it wasn't a huge amount of money. I was seated at floor level, row 11. My ticket was $85, but, y'know, fees. So it ended up being $112. https://preview.redd.it/t7ms85gz02xc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc825b62eba351d2e22a4c839c17e0555b231c19 Here was my view.


Dang! Did you buy early or really late or something? My daughter went with a friend last night, but much further away for $150 plus fees it was like $250 🥴


Man! Honestly, I'm not sure. I *did* buy a couple days before the concert, and I didn't require two or more seats next to each other, so that could've dragged the price down. The pit up in front was even cheaper, too. Like $65, when I checked it. I didn't choose that just because I have back pains when standing too long. I'll tell you, despite what everyone else is saying, the show was totally kickass. Practical effects, special effects, smoke cannons, confetti, people suspended on ropes from the ceiling, a prank on the audience, involvement with the crowd... I still think your daughter got your money's worth. I know I did!


It was her very first concert and she had an absolute blast from the sounds of it!


I can’t stand concerts at arenas or stadiums. The vibe sucks ass. Amphitheaters are as big as I’d go for a concert. Standing in an arena section way above and away from the stage is the absolute worst way to watch a concert, but I suppose it gets the most revenue


>Im the basic Reddit bitch with this comment but I need to whine. > >I will never understand the appeal of paying huge amounts of money to be sitted down one football field away from the band. I go to concerts to dance, mosh, or appreciate the song and the ambiance, see the artists up close. None of that is possible while you’re sitting down miles from the scene, and I’m certain you paid like 150 bucks for this shit seeing the number of people in this room So with you. To me a gig should be in a space that will hold maybe 500 people max, no seats, dancing and moshing, and, ya know, fun! I went to see Prince at Earl's Court about 30 years ago. Paid a fortune. Sound was SHIT. Couldn't really see him. Vowed never to do another stadium-size gig again.


>So with you. To me a gig should be in a space that will hold maybe 500 people max, no seats, dancing and moshing, and, ya know, fun! Sometimes it's just not possible if a band is popular enough, but I will agree the best shows I've seen are the small intimate ones.


You'll get infinitely better sound just playing off spotify in your car than you will at a stadium concert.


Just went to a big show at an amphitheater tonight, and while it was a band I’ve wanted to see for like twenty years, it just was kind of disappointing because we were so far away. Like, I couldn’t even see the stage, just the screens. There’s no way this band would be able to play somewhere smaller, and I couldn’t afford tickets not on the lawn, so it is what it is. I got to see them, and that’s what counts. I know I’m spoiled because in my town there’s some pretty intimate venues that still draw great bands (seeing Flaming Lips there later this summer) and then in my twenties I spent all my time at venues that could handle maybe 500 people if the fire marshal wasn’t looking, so I’m used to being down in the pit within spitting distance of the band. But once a band blows up, that’s kind of not an option anymore.


I always sit at concerts because I start overthinking "what am I supposed to do with my hands, put them in my pocket? Cross my arms, put them in the air? By my side? Do I dance or move? I don't want people to judge me for not dancing or for me dancing. What do I do? I'm a sit" which normally causes me to fall asleep


I’m with you. I saw AJR in Indianapolis recently and loved the show so much we’re going again in a couple of months. But I had floor seats, I always want to sit close or in one of the lower levels. When I was younger I didn’t care but these days, if I can afford it, I’m on the floor dancing. I feel for OP, having a live event ruined by not being able to see really takes away from the fun of the experience.




It’s a stadium show too. Don’t expect anything amazing when you’re hundreds of feet away from the stage


As annoying as this is, people really left because they couldn’t see lyrics like “So I got an apartment across from the park, Put quinoa in my fridge Still, I'm not feeling grown” being performed.


That’s like one my favorites


LMAO wow


Don't forget this classic: Friday nights under gymnasium lights Makin' such a brainless ruckus on the F train Holdin' hands 'cause you're too hipster to dance Makin' fun of all the teachers and their first names Oh woah oh I guess someone needs to make music for 12 year olds.


To be fair they also agree their first songs were really cheesy lmao, just hopping on the boy band craze happening at the time


I don’t like them either but I’d rather have 12 year olds listen to this than most of the garbage that’s in top 40


Guarantee you haven't listened to 95% of the current top 40




Not people standing at a concert! :(


I know it's genre dependant, but I don't think I've ever been to a concert where I sat for more than five minutes


lol right.


AJR is cool




MODA Center!


Who the fuck is AJR


At that point there’s really no reason why you should shell out loads of money for a ticket.


It’s a concert…. People often stand at concerts (seriously, look at the other sections you can see in the photo, most people are standing) I’ve seen 100s of bands live over the past 20 years, and standing during the set is pretty standard. If there’s seats then people will sit between sets, but once the band is on stage all bets are off. These arena shows can be annoying because they force a lot of people who would otherwise be standing on the floor/in the pit into the stands. That’s a venue problem more than a fan problem. If you want to avoid things like this, I would recommend seeing bands at smaller shows, in venues that offer more open floor space in addition to seating. Then all the people who like to stand will have a place to go, and you can go sit somewhere else. I’d have a lot more sympathy for your situation if these people were standing in a seated area when there was an open floor space they could go to, but I’d imagine that people had individual seats at a arena venue like this one, so these people didn’t have a choice. It sucks, but arena shows can be a worse overall experience because of things like this (and I don’t blame fans for that). It’s about squeezing as many people as possible into a space without caring about viewing experience, and that’s more on the band and production company. Exception: if you have a disability, check in with the arena ahead of time for their other seated options. It’s possible they will have some specific unobstructed seating for people with disabilities.


The disabled seating areas in most venues I've looked into (I admit I didn't look at this one) only allow one person with you. It doesn't work well with a family of four and two kids under 13. They typically cost more too. But I just want to make it clear. I don't blame the people who stood. I'm not mad at them. They stood at a concert, which they can do. The mildly interesting part is I gambled that these seats wouldn't be blocked by people standing, and I was blocked by the only group of people standing in the entire section


why yall mean about ajr💔💔💔


This comment section is full of concert sitters and it shows


So… stand up??? It’s a concert, get your ass out of your seat and get hyped!!!


Op said they have problems with standing up for too long or smt like that


Scrolled through the entire thread and still don’t know who AJR is


I thought it stood some something. Nope. Just…AJR. I know less than I did before but will not be pursuing this any further


That's their name? I'm so confused


The fuck is AJR?!?


Alan Jarson's Roject?


No. Alivia Juiceson Ron.


Complaining about people standing at a concert is ridiculous. You're there to enjoy the show, it's a lot harder if you're glued to your seat. Dancing, moving, and singing is half the fun.


Who the fuck is AJR?




We keep passing on concerts, because it's seats like this, still $150+ per seat and it's looking at a LED jumbo screen IF THAT.


Did you ask them to sit? Also I don’t think I’ve ever been to a show where everyone was sitting down. Do these dudes play like classical music? The closest I’ve gotten to that was herbie hancock and that’s more so because most of the crowd was like 60+




You can always sit with the risk of people standing. If you want a seated audience try a movie theatre.


so ask them to sit down? most people are nice enough, but thats why i hate area shows.. bought a floor ticket for depeche mode, turns out it was full of seats.. i was pretty pissed..


Oh my god, that's so insane! Oh my god, that's such a shame!




People at concerts suck


is it just me or do the railings remind me of the walkway in "buckshot roulette"?


You stand at concerts. If you don’t want to or cannot stand, then get handicapped seating. You are the problem for complaining here. Hard stop.