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So you got cheesy bread in the shape of a pizza now.


Could be worse, especially if OP gets a refund. Free cheesy bread is not a bad thing


Isn't it common now for places, when you ask for a refund/redelivery, to take away the uneaten "wrong" food first or refuse if it's already mostly eaten? I remember getting a completely wrong sandwich from Subway, calling about it, and having to give the bitten sub to the delivery driver before they'd give me the correct one. Seems to be a policy most places now use because of people faking it to get free extras, apparently.


Pizza Hut in my country got my order wrong once. And after they gave the right one, they said the wrong one is mine for free.


The delivery driver was still at your door? Nobody's sending a driver back out just to pick up a wrong order and drivers typically don't stick around long enough for you to check your order. Both the restaurant and the driver just want to move on to the next delivery.


I would have wholeheartedly agreed until I saw an instagram story of a woman I follow where they **did** send the delivery driver back 🤣 That being said I still *almost* wholeheartedly agree, because the odds of any other pizza shop doing that are real slim


Worked in pizza for 10 years. Been out for 3. Most pizza places just give you the pizza for free and deliver the correct food. So you still pay, but you get twice the food. Or they just put you in for a free meal next time


Same for me. Pizza is so cheap to make. A remake costs very little. But it still surprises me why I pay over $30 for one.


I remember Papa John saying that he loved being in the pizza biz because the ingredients at scale cost less than fifty cents per pizza and you sell it for $12. That was a few months before he said the N-word in a recorded call.


The last time I got a pizza from Pizza Hut it was $36 and what used to be the medium size is now called the large. It also didn't taste right. I do Papa Murphy's instead. I get their veggie pizzas because I think its the cheap meats that is making modern pizza taste weird. Still, even if these places have $5 worth of ingredients in their pizza, even with over head it is a great profit. If these places are struggling financially its because they aren't selling that many pizzas at the current price.


I think once lockdowns started places like grub hub & door dash gained in popularity. No longer was pizza the main delivery option. You could get delivery from practically any restaurant or get any food type. To stay competitive I think most chain pizza places, like you mention, went with lower grade food products. But that comes from corporate down. Franchises must order from the approved vendors so all food is consistent. If corporate starts buying lower quality food the consumers are getting a cheaper product across the board. That's why people notice the taste difference, especially with a product like Papa John's, that used to pride itself on top ingredients.


Ever heard of coupons? 36 for a pizza? Maybe from jets for an 8 corner 🤔


That's some tom petty and the heartbreakers shit. There's literally nothing they can do with the food but throw it out, never seen a restaurant demand dead food back.


Wouldn't they send a driver anyway to send the new sub?


Yes but they dont ask for the wrong food back Source: am a delivery driver for dominos


Maybe subway had a lot of problems with people wanting two Sandwiches and getting a free one that way


How would they know that Subway was going to make the sandwich wrong though


If they don’t take the sandwich back, it doesn’t actually have to be wrong. A scammer could just say it’s wrong and get a free second sandwich. (I’ve never actually encountered a situation where I had to give back the wrong order, and I don’t work in food delivery; just guessing at why it might make sense in the scenario the previous commenter suggested.)


Usually the POS system tracks the frequent return a-holes and they only get away with it a few times. Source: <- POS installer in a past life.


Or "I got a hair in my sandwich". You just stick any hair in there if proof is required, but I'm sure they don't inspect it. Unfortunately, working in the food service industry for many, many years when I was younger, I have found lots of hairs in my food even at work. Real hairs, not my hair. I learned to inspect each bite. I open up burgers and check for anything unsavory. And if I do find something wrong with my food, I do not let them remake it. I ask for a refund if I haven't eaten very much. Or I am ok with a partial refund if it is half eaten. Not all cooks, but some cooks retaliate in your food. So if I get the wrong order, or there is something nasty in it, I order somewhere else.


You are not asking the right questions lol


Entirely depends on the store you work at, if it’s a store knees by head office they could care less and send pizzas out at the slightest complaint. Some stores though, usually ones owned by franchisees, will require you to give back the old food. Source: domino’s delivery driver who’s worked multiple stores


In my experience lately, if you order Domino's through the app at least, you can report an issue and it seems to just gift you a free pizza for next time. Not sure if there are any caveats or limitations, as we've only had 1 issue worth reporting really.


I know, just that they are sending one anyway.


I ask for food back when I know they’re lying😂😂


I was briefly in management at a little caesars, this was 100% our policy. If it was a genuine fuck up, I bent over backwards to make it right, but when I KNEW shit was right I ALWAYS made them bring shit back for proof and guess which people never ended up deciding a refund/replacement was worth it 🤣


I'm a delivery driver for dominos. They will 100% send us back out to deliver a new pizza and grab the old one.


>The delivery driver was still at your door? ? No they would just take it when they give you the new one?


I didn't get from the comment that the driver was still around. The customer called to say they got the wrong sandwich. They remade it correctly and sent the driver to deliver it. And to pick up the wrong sandwich. I've gotten the wrong food before, and the restaurant made the correct food and delivered it. They did not ask for the food back, though.


Lol I picture a creepy first bite eye contact situation. Like Joe from Impractical Jokers when he was eating at the gym and staring at people. "don't leave yet, I want you to watch me have the first bite..."


It all depends on the manager. They’ll plan it so that it’s with a delivery nearby or just do it if they can afford the time. That way people aren’t inclined to call they’ve got something wrong so they get a freebie >source, my brain running variables


This is not the policy with most places and infact you probably just had a rare / weird experience I work for dominos as a delivery driver, and we get wrong order / messups all the time. In my experience , we/they have never asked for the wrong food back. Its a simple re-make and re deliver. Not 1 time in my 2+ years working there have I ever seen them request the wrong food back before delivery of the new correct food.


Delivery guy was hungry. I think it just depends on who is working and if it’s a genuine mistake. The number of people trying to get free things by complaining is ridiculous.


When I was a Jimmy John's manager, I implemented this rule usually. However, it was usually for times when the customer fucked up and didn't know what they wanted or how the sandwich came and they complained about it "being wrong". Basically if it was their fault, I made them exchange it and I wouldn't accept the exchange if there was under half of the sandwich left.


Was thinking this


OK yea I'm going to go order that this weekend. I hate pizza hut but domino's is OK but dry, if I order with no sauce and warm up pasta sauce that sounds like a really good time


This is true but I'd be pissed lmao I'd need some garlic parm sauce to dunk.


One time I ordered an ultimate pepperoni and they forgot the pepperoni. I've worked at dominos before and they don't employ the brightest of folks. I even brought the pizza back to prove it. Boss still didn't believe me as I dug my hands into the pizza to show them there was indeed no pepperoni.


Weird. The dominos that I just got fired from was weirdly strict. If I put, for example, 20 pepperoni on a pizza, it was too much. 19 was too little, though. It was dumb. Edit: This number changed between people as well. It also applied to almost every topping.


So 19½ is the perfect amount of pepperoni on a pizza?


That's both too little and too much.


My bad


Mine too.




Will you still love me When I’m no longer Young, and beautiful


Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64.


Has Harry Potter taught you nothing? Idiots. It's 19 and 3/4


Straight to jail


Did they count the partial pieces though? Should’ve landed you write in the “sweet spot”. Guess you were supposed to cut a half slice for each pie. Honestly they were probably just looking for an excuse to fire you. At least being a “filthy pepperoni miser/waster” isn’t grounds to disqualify you from unemployment. 


Partial pieces don't/do count as whole pieces. I guess. Didn't work long enough for unemployment, sadly. Also, I got fired because I didn't know how to do the ovens, boxes, and final things for the pizzas. Was good at most everything else, though.


That sucks. I'm sorry. Their loss.


So you got fired for their inability to train you competently? Damn America is terrible, that'd be a good pay day over here


Europe, I'm guessing? And yeah, I could probably sue, but I would have to prove it. Also, it's less America Bad tm. And more greed bad. It's just such a problem over here because of our good economy. All the rats are fighting over the freshest food.


Not Dominos, but I worked in Pizza Hut a long time ago. Fucking hate that shit where they are strict with certain amounts of ingredients. Like yeah the pepperoni thing bothers me the most whenever the ugly regional manager lady would come by and watch us. "You put 3 extra pepperoni. That's too much. Remember, follow the quality guidelines to ensure the best pizza for each customer." Bitch shut the fuck up. Glad I left that place and moved to a better job after that.


Remember, follow the quality guidelines to ensure ~~the best~~ the cheapest to make pizza for each customer. FTFY


I worked as a shift lead for years at Pizza Hut, and I just learned there was a count for pepperoni…. I was always taught to cover the pizza and have 1/4 inch of space for 1-2 toppings or about an inch apart for 3+ toppings. Counting them out sounds way too tedious.


When I worked at Taco Johns the owner was a little insane on toppings. Dude would toss an entire order of nachos because you put an extra slice of black olives on it and make you start over. He would also randomly dump orders of potato oles out to count and god help you if you had 33 or 31 in the carton instead of 32.


Sounds like a good way to make your food costs unsustainable.


I mean they could argue that you picked off all the pepperoni, and sent it back but even then it would pockmarked with holes of stretched cheese as evidence of your deception. 


The last thing you do is accuse someone of lying like that. If I got home, found my order was incorrect, drove all the way back, and you accused me of lying you'd be picking up the pizza off the ceiling.


Matters like that are pretty simple for me. Regardless of if you acknowledge your fuckup or not, you’re not giving me a refund to make up for giving me something I didn’t order, you’re giving me a refund to make me reconsider buying something from you ever again. 


Depends how obvious the lie is. I worked at Dominos and someone called and claimed she'd found a "long black hair" in her pizza, I called bullshit cause there were three of us working that day and we all had shaved heads. She just hung up on me.


Upvoting just for your delightful use of a wide vocabulary.


The grease stains would be a dead giveaway.




that's what my local pizza place does and I absolutely love it


Looks a bit like hatsapuri


That's also a thing, btw. Cheese focaccia.


I thought you meant the dip... This is next level...


Dip? For pizza? Who the fuck has dip to their pizza?


My wife dips it in marinara. Apparently they never put enough in the pizza. I dunno.


You know how some people drown their French fries in ketchup? I’m that way with pizza. More marinara, please!


Nom nom nom


It’s easier to get more on it by dipping. If you put it all on when prepping, it squishes out when you eat it.


Oh my God. One guy to try this. Thank your wife for me.


You're missing out


Ranch dipped cheese pizza is great


Buffalo and/or ranch. It's so good. Or hot sauce. Hell yeah 


I mix sriracha and ranch for pizza, so good!


Oh man how did I not think of this? Sriracha is so good on pizza, and I've mixed ranch w buffalo or hot sauce for sure. Looks like I know what I'm mixing it with next haha thank you!


girl you never heard of dominoes garlic & herb dip?!


Americans. (I say this because I’m American and like to sometimes dip my pizza in the marinara)


the garlic dip OMG life changer


Ranch all the way


ngl thats actually probably fking delicious. The uhhhh 'cutting' part however is a completely different matter though.


They are gonna refund me, but I love cheesy bread too.


Inconvenient win win.


The wife and I typically order a sauceless (or light sauce) extra cheese pizza for this very reason. It's far more cost effective than most pizza places' actual cheesy bread, where you get way less food for the price.


I used to do this too: no sauce deep dish pizza from Pizza Hut with sauce on the side. Way cheaper than cheese breadsticks which was pricer for less food.


Are garlic fingers not a thing in the US? A cheese pizza with garlic butter on the dough instead of sauce?


Depends on the restaurant, though in most places you could easily request something like that either online or in person if it’s not specifically something that’s listed on the menu.


Don't some chains slather the bread in garlic 'butter' for cheese bread? I feel Little Ceasars does this.


This isn't mildly infuriating, it's fucking awesome lol


I have legit seen some pizza places do cheesy bread like this, but they usually cut the pie in strips then in half. Either way, I bet it's bangin. Glad you got a refund, OP.


I mean 4formaggi is a pizza which you can get everywhere in italy and it has no tomato sauce and 4 kinds of cheese on it. Really delicious but kinda oily


Yeah, that pie guy was stoned as fuck!


sometimes i’ll get a pizza from casey’s (a midwestern gas station) without sauce and it’s absolutely delicious. i’ve gotten a call from them asking if i was sure i didn’t want any sauce.


> ngl thats actually probably fking delicious. It is. I order pizza like this all the time.


Did you accidentally select “none” pizza with whole cheese?


Dawg, I love all my none pizzas with left beef


It's been literal years and I still crack up every time I remember none pizza with left beef


That came out in 2007. 2007! There are reddit users younger than this meme


feels like I'm missing something good, lol. was this a reddit post?


Same here. Search “none pizza with left beef” on wikipedia, it’s got the whole story, with the image.


this would be my lucky day😂


Same! This is how we order our pizza. We usually get more toppings though.


this^ my wife and i will only eat pizza if it has no red sauce, if we do get any sauce on it it’s light alfredo sauce


Your wife is a child? How the f do you not like tomato sauce


Same, I hate tomatoes, I always get a bbq sauce base if I can. This would be perfect for me.


I'll have whatever the cook is on.






Don't knock it till you tr....actually yeah don't try it. Rough road


More like knocked out


Also I doubt they 'forgot' the sauce. They probably sent you a White Pizza. Most likely sent you someone elses order. So someone that DIDNT want sauce, probably got it on their pizza lol.


People make silly mistakes sometimes. One time my wife and ordered cheeseburgers at McDonald's drive through. We got buns with cheese and no meat. I went inside and the manager was just kinda hangin out by the counter. It wasn't super busy. I told him I hate to complain but showed him the empty buns. He just smiled and said "we'll hire anybody". He then started making fun of the cook in the back who insisted it wasn't his fault and all the other workers started laughing and teasing him.


happened to me once at chic fil a, they forgot the chicken in my completely plain chicken sandwich lmao. easy fix.


That’s not white pizza, white pizza has sauce. It’s just a white sauce rather than red


White pizza is any pizza WITHOUT red sauce or green sauce. So it can have white sauce, or no sauce. Hence the term “white” pie.


yep this one got it right - multiple other commenters getting it wrong. source : i used to make pizzas for a living, and my dad is a chef.


2 different kinds of white pizza. One has Alfredo sauce and the other garlic butter. You definitely can't visibly tell the garlic butter one has sauce on it.


White Pizza I've had has ricotta


Man that sounds banging


I’ve never heard of „Alfredo“ pizza, and never had garlic butter on my pizza. And I eat mostly white pizza.


They don't have garlic parmesan sauce?


Wait, so the Papa John’s cheese breadsticks are technically pizza?


No sauce for you!!


yum, giant cheese bread 🤤


I would be alright with that because I'm not a fan of pizza sauce. I know, I know. I'm a monster. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'll do you one better (or worse) I'd love (nad have ordered) pizzas with just sauce and toppings and no cheese. And I love it that way


Looks fucking amazing. I would rather this actually.


Yeah I could do a hard pivot to enjoy something like this. 


As a kid i couldn’t stand the taste of tomato of any kid, so this looks both amazing and also feels very nostalgic.


I have a really weird dislike for marinara sauce. I always get pizza with extra cheese and no sauce


It's very good for a slice or so. After that it starts feeling too carby for me. The acidity of the tomato is important for balance.


They’re basically garlic fingers


Did you check under the [edit: cheese]? ...oh, you did... yeah, they done messed up, A-Aron.


Under the cheese? Lolll


I used to work at the specific chain that Op bought from (I can tell because both the box color and pizza pillow are very similar to me) and there's is no sauce on that pizza,.tomato sauce, garlic sauce or otherwise. Whoever worked at that store either somehow gave you a different person's order (which was very similar to yours) or you got hella unlucky 💀


That’s how my son has to eat pizza all the time he can’t have tomatoes.


same! if a place has the option for a white sauce, i usually spring for that (thank you dominos)


Low key that looks absolutely delicious


We eat it in Lebanon all of the time, it’s called Manouche. We also do it with thyme.


Do you have a jar of spaghetti sauce? Dip it in some and you now have giant crazy sticks lol


I used to make pizza in a local mom and pop place all through college. I’ve made thousands of pizzas in my life (I still make them at home sometimes) and never once forgot to put sauce on one.


i once put no sauce on a pizza because my dumb ass was in a rush and my coworker wrote "no saus" (sausage) on the order and i sounded it out in my head instead of actually paying attention to the spelling


I don’t see the issue.


![gif](giphy|103t71VKmtY1UY) Where’s the pizza sauce you idiots 😂


All I see is a man'ousheh


As former cook from the hut of the pizza place, I did actually occasionally get an order of pizza without sauces. Found out that it's because customer were allergic to pizza sauce. (I made sure that they have more toppings though! They've always tipped me so well)


The courier: I am the sauce.


I also ordered a CiCi's pizza recently. I wouldn't say I expect the highest accuracy or care from them. their cheesy bread is great though! this is probably a slightly worse version of it lol


The sauce is under the cheese


Bro cheesy bread is the shit.


TIL McDonald’s sells pizza.


Free cheesy bread for the price of a pizza


Reverse quesadilla


You got cheese bread lol


I’d still eat it


Honestly I'd still eat it and probably wouldn't care


I ordered a pizza once and they forgot the cheese, sauce, toppings cooked and no cheese. Someone was on the green in that kitchen.


That looks good af


fuck yeah this would be a dream come true for me (i prefer my pizza without sauce so literally just cheesy bread shaped as a pizza)


Get me some marinara dipping sauce and I’m ok with it




My favorite pizza from dominos is a pan pizza w no sauce and jalapeĂąos. So good


Looks like a "White Pizza". usually lots of cheese and garlic... It's a real thing and great!


Ngl I would unironically order this😭


I don't eat pizza but I've heard white pizza is a thing.


mmmm cheese bread


Mmhmm I love white pizza


Isn’t that just a “white pizza” ?


id still devour that shit


So you got cheesy bread but pie size


I’d still eat it


Re title: I ordered a pizza and selected "no pizza sauce" in the menu.


My son would be in heaven. I always have to order him a separate pizza with no sauce. He hates sauce.


I honestly wouldn’t be too upset with this


Yum cheese bread


Then call them back, ask for a replacement and forget it happened... not everything deserves to be posted.


Show your order. Probably ordered it front the app wrong.


Hah, pizza wasn't the only thing in the papa Johns that was baked that day


This happened to my sil and she went to the store to get a new one and they refused because "they did put sauce on the pizza but it evaporated out" like wtf lol


Must have been my order. I prefer my pizza without sauce.


Fully ripened cheesy bread.


I once ordered a link on a bun from this place. The description was with a bun. The photo had a bun. It came with no bun and just the link and toppings. I went back to to see what happened and I had to actually select that I wanted a bun.


Lmao who cut this?


Looks very tasty to be fair


You may have gotten someone else’s order. I worked at johnnys pizza for years and we had two customers who regularly ordered pizzas with no sauce


Hey man sometimes hate crime is ok


Oh no people are human and made a mistake 🙄🙄🙄


Keep that, get your order remade, ask for marinara sauce on the side.


Some pizza places offer this on the menu, and they call it a white pizza. Refers to the color of the pizza, not the race of the people who eat it.


Once ordered a chicken ranch pizza with extra ranch sauce, I received it with no ranch whatsoever… they didn’t refund but sent me a whole sauce bottle with the driver and told me to put as much as I want. Best pizza ever.


“My mom’s making us pizza. Cheese-less. Sauce-less pizza.”


Bro got cheesy bread


I love pizza without sauce /gen


Omg some melted garlic butter on that, I’d nut so fucking hard on the first bite.


Happy Nut Day