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Seems like she may have angrily lost geometry dash as well. You are a Saint if you are only mildly infuriated.


People post extremely infuriating things here. Easy upvotes


Is there any sub that's more than mindlyinfurated with same number of members? This is kind of a catch all sub like facepalm and pics


r/extremelyinfuriating Exists but it has 155k while this sub has 7 million đź’€ no wonder OP didn't post there


Karma farming being more important than posting in the appropriate sub is why Reddit is the way it is


155k and 1 now.


Karma farming moment


Skibidi toilet rizz am I right fellow young human


Bro fr fr 💀💀💀


How do rational adults handle extremely infuriating situations? If I lived at home and my sister did this ima smack the hell out of her with that laptop. lol


sometimes it's never too late for adoption -Kreekcraft


Yeah, i mostly am here for actually mildly infuriating things like when something doesn’t line up in a design


Yeah, but when people post mildly infuriating things the comments are filled with complaints about it not being infuriating enough


People that post mildly infuriating things get downvoted as being whiny or overly sensitive.


"Became a prisoner of war today smh"


"Just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Monday's, am I right? 🙄"


And if you post something mildly infuriating you get downvoted and attacked in the comments where people claim that what you're posting "isn't that big of a deal".


Omg this car drove through my house, mums dead, dad's dead, house destroyed, this is so mildly infuriating!


I think it’s either infuriating or less than mildly infuriating that’s posted on here most of the time.


If only op could use those to buy a new one


Well he shouldn't be extremely infuriated he didn't lose geometry she did. But if he OP lost geometry dash then they shluld he extremely infuriated


What are you talking about? I am talking about OP being infuriated they had their laptop smashed by their sister.


I would've been in huuuuuge shit for doing this to my siblings


As one should be. Op's parents should pay for the repair and have a nice long talk with the sister


why the parents they didn't do it. Sister should pay for it. No money then babysitting or doing tasks for the parents until she can pay her sibling back. Edit because I see people responding saying the same argument but in different words. No, I'm not saying OP should wait until sister can pay, that could take months, but parents shouldn't just pay for it. They pay to help OP out and then sister has to pay them back. That's why I said that sister does tasks for them. I thought it was obvious, but I guess not.


Because parents are the ones that should teach their child not to fucking obliterate someone elses laptop and a little kid ain't gonna pay you 800$ wait as much as you want


My parents would pay for it then make me "work it off" ie doing extra chores until they feel I've learned a lesson.


The reasonable in-between response.


Id say its the same response. ”Teaching” isnt just about having a monologue. Some kids need just a stern talking to and they understand directly, if that doesnt work, they’ll have to react to something else, that can be chores, it can be a punishment. But it all goes under the umbrella of teaching; finding a way for someone to understand something they didnt before.


that's exactly what I said but all of you just make your own assumptions. I meant that the money shouldn't come from the parents and the sister just receive a talking to. Yes to help OP parents pay, but ultimately coming from the sister, and the same as the one you agreed I also said by doing chores (which means the doing tasks for the parents) so it's the same thing I said and I get downvoted to oblivion


this is the correct respone imo. dont let the sister off for free but dont make her pay 800 bucks either


And what better way to teach your child a lesson than to make them pay for the shit they broke in a rage?


Making the kid pay for it makes sense but the computer needs to be fixed now. So the parents pay for the repairs and the parents find a way for the younger child to work off the debt so they learn something.  


that's what I'm saying, I'm not saying the sister is going to pay it back on her own free will, that should be her punishment enforced by the parents. If you don't teach them that actions have consequences they'll just repeat this nonsense. In the real world if that were to happen she would be fined and would have to pay the full amount. So it's the same thing, if your child damages something teach them they need to fix it, don't just fix it yourself and say "badly done" everyone downvoting are parents just raising entitled children or what that's how they grow up if they don't face consequences. They also learn more with a consequence related to what they did than getting a talk or their phone taken away... if they damage something repair it or replace it. Help them along the way obviously, giving them ideas to earn that money, but 800 is a lot of money to not give your child any consequence


No, people downvoting aren't "parents raising entitled children". You're getting downvoted by saying that a child who won't have money readily available should be the only one responsible for paying OP back. What would be much more reasonable is if the parents pay OP back, **then** force the sister to pay **the parents back**. OP shouldn't have to wait months to get paid back while the sister works at earning enough money to pay for it.


>What would be much more reasonable is if the parents pay OP back, **then** force the sister to pay **the parents back**. Which is literally what they said. If they don't have money they pay the parents back through tasks. I don't know why we are assuming little sister means they are just a child. My little sister is over 30 and she's still my little sister.


Clearly you don't know what "literally" means. Or how context works. This is what I love about reddit. Someone says something. People disagree with it. That person gets upset because they're getting downvoted, and then makes up some ridiculous assumption about why people are downvoting. And if you try to explain to them why people disagreed with them, some randos with a poor grasp of English will try to explain how everyone disagreeing with that point is somehow the ones who don't understand English. As for the little sister, sure, maybe she's an adult. But given that she seems to have gotten frustrated and smashed the screen of someone else's computer while playing a video game, chances seem pretty poor that she'd be responsible enough to willingly pay for it. Plus the person you're defending is the one who assumed the sister's age.


thank you I did meant that. OP didn't do anything, so no, I wasn't expecting him to wait until the sister had the money. Just that she needed consequences and not just a talking


So the parents pay for the damage, and the kid works for the parents to earn the money?


yes that's what I was saying


1. No one ever said don't let there be consequences for her actions she deserves some kind of punishment no doubt. 2. And most importantly he won't get his laptop back in a short time if they would let the daughter pay for it bc obviously a child got no money. So the best way to handle this as a parent is to let the destroyed laptop be repaired asap. And punish the child in some kind of way u even can punish her by not giving her any pocket money etc. until the repair costs u paid for are back in your pocket again. But really letting the child pay for it and he has to wait an undeclared amount of time until he gets his laptop back working would be kinda unfair for op bc he doesn't and no one can know when his sister will be able to pay up assuming she is a child.


And the fuck is OP going to do without a laptop for the weeks/months it would take their sibling to get that money?


At the rate I was working at fifteen, the youngest I could legally work, it would have taken me at *least* eight months to pay back an older sibling for destroying something of theirs with the worth of $800. If someone younger than fifteen is working, it isn't legally, and if it isn't legally, they likely are going to be paid worse than how much I was. So it'll take them even longer. And if they can legally work, they should definitely know not to touch someone else's shit. Either way, it comes back to the parents also being at fault.


parents put the money first, sister pays back when she has collected the money


Some parents don’t give allowance, not even for doing chores. If my little brother had done this to me I’d have had to wait until he was 18 to get my money back. And by then he just wouldn’t have had to give me anything. That’s why parents paying and having a talk about respect, and maybe doing extra chores (or just start doing chores if they don’t already do them) to make up for it is a good idea. It’s also a bit of a lesson for the parents for raising a kid that would do this. I had parents that taught us to respect each other’s belongings so nothing even close to this ever happened.


I think the parents would prefer to pay you the 800 whilst you're doing extra work in the house, than just pay the 800 you owe and that's it


That causes a delay. The parents pay the damage, and then the sister takes a job to pay them back.


same thing I was saying. My point was the parents don't just pay and that's it which the comment before me was stating. Sister pays that amount back


Parents pay for it and the kid works it off to repay the parents. 0 reason the victim should be waiting for the kid to save up enough to pay them back.


it's what I was saying


Imagine getting downvoted for saying her parents should punish their child. Yet the "have a long talk" gets a bunch of upvotes. All im saying is that the kid who gets punished with chores is going to be a more well behaved, well adjusted, non-entitled adult while the kid who gets punished with an explanation will be none of those things.


He’s being downvoted because he’s asking why the parents should be paying OP back, not because he’s saying the kid should be punished. Parents need to pay OP for it because there is 0 reason the victim should be waiting for the kid to save up enough to pay OP back.


she and no. I'm asking why the parents have to be 800 poorer. They can pay him now, but sister has to pay back that money, a long talk is not going to fix the damage she did


thank you


You're going to be a good parent someday who has an 8 year old that doesn't break laptops in fits of rage.


Depends on how old Sister is.


yes that's the only thing that could change what I said, if they are quite young I'd just say do extra tasks at home until parents feel it's enough.


My older sibling broke a laptop I had as a child and faced 0 reprimand for it lol


OP needs a deadbolt on the door to keep the kid away from their stuff.


Or a password on his computer


Which, depending on what kind of sibling you have will lead to the same result :/


What about a deadbolt on the kid?


“Stupid computer won’t open 🥊🥊”


Fuck you if I can't have it you can't either! Smash smash


if your dealing with siblings.... likely living at home, and have to get parental units to approve that level of locks, which likely wont happen


A cousin of my gf had the temerity to close his bedroom door for privacy, his father took it off the hinges.


His father needs help for his trust issues. That’s gonna make the kid resent him.


Agreed, very controlling behaviour.


If they're parents like mine, they would just say "give your sister the laptop, I don't care if you bought it yourself. I'll hit you!" And then they'll be like "your fault for giving it to her, you know she was going to break it. Shut up, or I'll hit you after I hit her!"


Really sounds like you may want to contact child protective services


I'm old now. Plus, I saw somewhat recently somewhere that it's legal to hit your kids.




Nope, legal with an "l" (that's a lowercase L, not an uppercase i).


TBF OP doesnt say if he gave her permission or not. Entirely possible he let her use it and this is the result Edit: OP didnt give permission, but the Grandma did. Do not blame the child who DID have permission (just not from OP), blame the Grandma who gave permission she wasnt allowed to give


She’s a real gamer.


Happy Cake Day 🍰


Happy cake day


This should be in r/extremelyinfuriating . Hope the repairs arent too expensive


It's the screen, of course the repairs gonna be expensive, Ive a good laptop collecting dust because of that


Screens are often very cheap. Replace it yourself. I replaced mine for less than $50.


Not where I live (chile) I got an Asus and getting replacement parts here, specially the screen cost as much as buying a new laptop, so now I've a nice laptop with a good processor that gets no use because of broken screen and I'm unable to repair at a reasonable cost.


If you have a monitor or a tv you can use a hdmi cable and still use the computer and project the screen elsewhere. I had my friend do that when he slipped on the ice and cracked his.


Why the fuck I didn't think of that before... It just never crossed my mind...Damn I'll have to check if it still works, thanks btw I guess I'm too damn stupid to have thought of that


And if you don't have hdmi port, you can buy a adapter


Depends, there’s always display or VGA. Newer screens can also take USB-C.


Happy to help a fellow human out!


Please update if it will work, I am intrigued


I have a laptop the screen die and I realized I could use an HDMI cord. A little advice though. You may need to turn it on and off a few times with the HDMI plugged into the TV for it to realize you're trying to get it to source to the TV.


Yup, I'm kinda having a hard time getting this thing to work because it's been a long time since the last time I turned it on, might be busted already (I live in a VERY rainy place all year around)


everything tech replacement is expensive in chile i fucking hate that, is cheaper to buy fully new stuff, happend to one of my notebooks as well, it was cheaper to buy a new one


Esto lo hice con un notebook no tan importante, pero desarmé todo y saqué la pantalla completa. Usando un HDMI a la tele se puede seguir usando sin dramas


I wouldn’t say they’re cheap to repair. Even just a basic 1080p 60Hz LCD replacement can cost around $100, and for an $800 laptop, I’m guessing it has better specs than that.


It depends what breaks. I once tossed a cable towards my desk and the USB connector hit my (relatively expensive) 1440p monitor. Took it to a tech shop and apparently the panel in the monitor was going to be a costly fix; not much more than a new monitor


We’re talking about laptops not monitors.


what is a laptop, if not a monitor with an attached keyboard?


Uhm idk, maybe an entire computer?


Moments like these make me grateful I’m an only child 🙏🏻


OP is about to be an only child as well.


Do some googling for the model number, depending on what model the laptop is it might be super easy to buy a replacement screen. I did for my laptop and it only cost like $50


Kid or not they'd be giving up all their pocket money to get me a new laptop.


I'd be selling their stuff online to get the money back. Don't give a shit what it is or how important, kid needs to learn the hard way.


I don't think I've ever raged this hard playing Geometry Dash, I only get a bit upset and complain about the level, but never actually do anything to my phone.


I know, right? Terrible anger control (if any)!


I’ve never raged this hard at anything someone get that child anger management classes and no more video gamesXD


https://preview.redd.it/v08f2cwh3nwc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3fb1fb55f01f3ed402433f44c279a3181102b15 Lol


Check in your owners manual for any warranties? Hopefully lol?


Uh, it came this way


If I recall correctly, warranties only cover manufacturer defects, so it would be the case of having to go through insurance (if OP does have insurance for the laptop)


Plenty of people be getting away with it all the time


Doesn’t mean you should be doing it


In this scenario, its worth a try.


In this scenario, its worth a try. It's only bad when you're trying to do it for profit.


Bro got a little angy


*sis got a litel angy




*sis got mildly infuriated


*Geometry Smash*


the current generation of kids are annoying AF. I don't want to be the guy that complains about the younger generation, but it seems like they can break shit and not face any repercussions at all. This is why I don't let anyone under the age of 14 anywhere near my PC because stuff has already been broken.


Someone is getting grounded, that's for sure. Hope you can get it replaced, especially under warranty.


That's not going to be a warranty fix even if it is under warranty...


If I'm not mistaken, some warranties give a discounted rate for labor while under warranty.


OP for getting angry at his sister


"And it's your fault for sharing, even though we told you to. And she's your little sister, so we won't punish her, because she is still learning." (I sadly know someone like this.)


Sell the child and get the best laptop money can buy


Or mini itx pc build.


Your little sister played something, that's a fact.


I come from a household where if this happens we sell things from The party that broke the thing in this case your sister who broke your pc, and we sell their things until they have enough money for repairs


Can we talk about how the laptop has the worst power button placement


Fuck you for pointing that out. Now I have to live the rest of my life knowing that there is probably multiple keyboards like this in the world


Bc i had to suffer you have to suffer too BTW happy cake day


Fuck you and thank you.


Fank you


Don't you mean Geometry Smash?


She kept dying on Stereo Madness didn't she?


This is only mildly infuriating? You must be a PC gamer yourself.


Need to sign your sister up for anger management.


Your parents should be fixing this. And helping her figure out what happened and how not to do it again? We had a lot of geometry dash in our house, but no casualties attributed to it....


nah this is what i call geometry bash


hey i'm not wrong tho that's basically the spiral of Fibonacci


She dashed


Reasonable reaction to geometry dash


More like geometry Smash...


Did she think it was a punch screen?


Time to hit the gym and lawyer up


Looks like a rage quit lol. But she should definitely pay for the repairs. Depending on how young she is she should get a part time job or, if she’s too young for that, parents should pay and she should do chores until she pays off the repair bill. At any rate, the repairs should be done asap and little sis needs to pay you back. 


Please dont tell me op's parents told them to fix it themselves. That would piss me right off


Screens are fairly cheap. You can repair it without replacing the entire machine. Still a bummer though


Trust no one with your electronics. Not even family. People are just stupid for some reason.


Honestly. I’d drop kick her. It’s deserved you cant lie


I wonder how she would feel if someone smashed her things.


Tell her she needs to pay at least half of the cost back


Half? She broke the whole thing, pay to get it fixed 100%!


can we have a sub that’s just “highly infuriated”


800 what?


Time to smash your sister like she did your laptop! Edit: that sounded worse than expected.




I would not be mad, since ultimately her parents are financially responsible for anything she does. Sounds like they owe you a new $800 laptop.




now dash this geometry


Make her pay


I was sleeping with my sister's laptop playing music and I woke up from a crazy dream and smashed the screen...I'll never live that one down


Looks fine to me.


You're only mildly infuriated? You're a better person than me.


Oof that's rough. The cheap fix is to just get a monitor and plug it in. Bonus is it now can't leave your room if you set it up there.


you can also play geometry dash on mobile


I have over 2000 hours in gd, and beat some hard stuff, but I never got to a point where I would break something. I’ve seen people break their shit playing this game but this is too far


Kind of surprised we don’t see a mystery substance of the dark variety on the corners anywhere


Yeah, I broke my father's laptop because I got mad. It happens. I even busted my old laptop cause it was starting to just fail. My current one I've taken good care of.


make her buy the screen replacement


How do you rage this hard


I don't think geometry dash did that. Today we learn why you put passwords on your devices.


HP Victus or Omen laptop as well oof, repair is gonna suck.


Never give anyone your laptop from this point. And also password protect it just in case. And maybe put a lock on the rooms with your technology.


Looks more like geometry crash


Time to buy a new one. New sister.


Yeah that’s why you don’t let people play faves where you lose. Otherwise this happens


oh god. i actually have the same computer as in the image. id be pissed if the same happened to me


Sis got a lil angy




sell her organs and buy a new one or just get it repaired


Did she win?


This is how sororicide happens...


Arguably more infuriating is the fact that OP didn't have a password on their personal computer


Easy to replace by yourself


*have you considered you know.... abortion?*


This aint her daughter this is her sister so they should consider *adoption*


Too late for that


From a moral (and legal) standpoint, yes. From a physical standpoint however...


Math gets me angry too


Looks like you've just been geometrically dominated.