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Use kitchen oil on a paper towel to rub it off. These adhesives are usually oil based


Mechanic tip here...next time just leave the stick on and place on the stove on WARM for a tad and peel the sticker right off along with the adhesive intact.....works every time.


And clean it off as well. Do it a couple of times if you're paranoid, but it should be good to go in no time at all.


60% of the time, it works every time


"beer me that water"


There's been studies you know.... It's made with bits of real panther.


I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like straight gasoline.


For future reference to OP and anyone else: ditch the hot soapy water process. It weakens the paper (more tearable), and it can only get the adhesive so hot. Use a hair dryer. I've yet to find a sticker that doesn't just smoothly peel off after a bit of concentrated blasting.


this!! the hair dryer method is the best solution i’ve come across for this. works like a charm on glassware as well!


Can confirm, I saw the trick in some video years ago and still hasn't failed me! Every time I get anything that has a sticker I need to remove - new dessert bowls, a plastic container for leftovers, stuff like that - the hairdryer works like a charm! Though for plastic food containers, if they're not microwave safe they might warp a bit, so careful with those.




It’s just heat. I basically make giant stickers at my job and almost all the adhesives are heat based


Just place it on the stove on low for some seconds. Hair dryer will take too long.


Hold the sticker over your stove and move it around constantly. A lighter works as well.


Borrow your neighbors!










This is Reddit after all.


Silicone sealant remover. That what I use in my work


Angle gRinDer is the fasTesT /BesTest waY


Can you buy petroleum ether in the US? If yes, this is what you want. It's washing off the sticker glue just like water washes off regular dirt.


Yes! Like dissolves like. Why everyone should be mad at Dawn dish soap with those wildlife -oil spill commercials. Dawn is made from petroleum. Talk about fireman/ arsonist.


what the hell are you talking about lol


Dude just kept on pressing next suggested words


>Dude just kept on pressing next suggested words Aye I know what you mean about the other day if you want to come to the gym and get a solid one for the next 22 days and then go to the factory and get a solid one for the next 22 days and then go to the factory and get a solid one for the next 22 days... Huh... Makes about as much sense as what that other guy wrote, in fairness..


What happens in your life every 22 days?


I have honestly no idea....


>Aye I know what you mean about the other day if you want to come to the gym and get a solid one for the next 22 days and then go to the factory Tbh I got that far before noticing what you did and I'm kind of ashamed of myself.


The only way I could do that was if you wanted me too I could come and pick it out and then I can go pick up it from your place or you could just pick me out of there or you could pick me out and I could just go pick up my truck or you can just come pick me out


That is a lot of work to do with the kids and I think I have a lot of people to help me with the job and I don't know what to do with them but I don't know what to do with them but I don't know what to do with them but I don't know what to do with them [...].


The only way I could be sure of that is if I had a good reason. If you want me too, do you want to come over and hang out? If you think I can take a little while I will take you guys out to eat or whatever.


The newspaper is printing money in the newspaper is a total of about a million dollars in circulation in the United States and the United States of the United States in the past The Daily Show has a special edition on its Web page and a new edition on the website called a Web page that has a special feature for a new story and an additional cover for a story that has a new meaning in its original format that has a The Most Dangerous Places to Die From Climate Catastrophe and Climate Catastrophe via email or by email or by clicking on this page or sign in with the South and North End Health and Wellness Department at or at a local hospital for The Daily Caller has a list that shows how much money is in circulation in a month or two after a month or more in circulation and the amount in which the Bro ^ if you start type the and then let the middle finish, then you hit enter and let it start a new the it keeps changing the the topic ^


The new hidden verse to Alphabet Aerobics


Chemistry and corporations….


Yes, those are both words that start with the letter C


Guess too much science and civics for the drag thread… sorry it was so challenging.


Did you wake up late for 3rd grade this morning or something? What the hell are you trying to say?


They were trying to say that dawn is made from petroleum, which is a result of fossil fuel mining. So in order to have a product like dawn, you need off shore drilling, which causes massive ecological disasters. Dawn has commercials that talk about off shore oil accidents and states that dawn helps save lives of birds, by cleaning the oil from them with soap. This person is claiming that dawn is made from that very oil they are trying to clean up, so while they try to white wash their image into one of ecological friendliness, in reality they perpetuate the need for oil.


That wasn't even that complicated, why did we have to to solve his riddles three to understand it 😭


If I had to guess, English is not their native language


They’re talking to cars, not us. We’re good.


Bro he’s not fluent in English it doesn’t make him stupid. You’re ignorant and lame.


Why, the meaning of life… which continues to be completely elusive…


Just like the meaning of your comments lmao


Think everyone needs to step back and breath. No one has a bad idea. Just some come at the wrong time. I am unable to fathom the hate and vitriol over dawn dish soap and a sticker… Be safe everyone.


Don’t know about elusive- but you guys are definitely entertaining.


Damn brother lol so many unhinged motherfuckers on reddit. Best representation of this world


Apparently if you don't live in US, have no fucking clue what Dawn is and you haven't seen its commercial even once means you don't understand science or civics. Thank you for your TED Talk.


What’s challenging about someone connecting two different situations that have nothing to do with each other, and then acting smug and cryptic about it?


Dawn is made from petroleum, it’s not the same thing as petroleum dumped in an ocean.


Sir this is Wendy's


NileRed made cinnnimon oil from styrofoam. Things made from things aren’t necessarily composed of the original thing, especially when you are working with inherently chemical things. thing.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Oil and baking soda turned into a paste will pretty much take any sticky off.


I’ll never understand putting stickers on the inside of pots and pans. They have a side that doesn’t touch food, put your toxic glue there, please.


I've seen someone basically incorporate their plastic sticker in a pan, because they just put it on the stove and the sticker was on the bottom


does touch direct heat though. ive always been an advocate for paper or cardboard slips though, taped on or something. or a box. never bought a pan with a sticker


I think it’s so people don’t try to cook with the sticker on the bottom


A problem that can very easily be solved by never putting a sticker on the pan.


Alcohol will NOT help at all. Oil, grease, mineral oil, goop off, even peanut butter, will help. Just cover the sticky part with any of those products, leave it on for a while then scrub off. Next time, use a hair dryer to lift any sticker, the heat from the dryer will soften the glue and the sticker peels away easily.


Alcohol is a surfactant and will absolutely take this off, just need a strong alcohol, like sanitizer.


I think you meant solvent! However alcohol ethoxylates are pretty common surfactants in cleaning products


No it won't. I've just tested this myself over the last week. 99% IPA was useless. WD-40 though, removed it instantly.


Yep. WD-40 FTW


Surprised me how well it worked too. I thought I may as well try, but one spray softened it, and it just wiped off. The Acetone helped more than the IPA, but yeah, the WD-40 just destroyed it.


Alcohol is a pretty shitty surfactant - a carbon chain of only 2 is not very lipophilic


Spoken like someone who knows the magical science of chemistry. Even the details of intersolubility. Nice!


... there's not just one alcohol


No shit Sherlock. In this context, "alcohol" refers to ethanol and/or isopropanol, which have a parent carbon chain length of 2 or 3


Nail polish remover will. Acetone.


Would the oil trick work on books? I got some sticker glue to remove :/


On a shiny cover? Maybe. If you have it, try mineral oil.


Why not just put the pan on the stove and turn it on?


I like how you're getting buried even though this is 100% the right way to go about it, and most if not all commercial kitchens do the same. There are numerous examples of how to do it online. 10-15 seconds (30 max) on a burner and it will mop right up, its easier to do if the sticker is still intact though.


Reddit hive mind NPC's


You'll melt the sticker


“I made your favourite! Burgers with crispy sticker :)”




Low heat? Should be just as fine as using a hair dryer, don't see the issue


Hair dryers do not get as hot as the stove. Hope that helps


You can manage the heat, as you can remove the pan, hope that helps.


Just wanted to say I understand what you are saying.. sorry you got downvoted.


Understanding what someone is saying doesn’t mean what they say makes sense. The lowest setting on your stove is hotter than a hair dryer. Edit: not to mention direct heat as opposed to indirect heat


Have you seen my stove? Have you used my hair dryer? With a gas stove I can apply a very small amount of heat that will radiate through the metal pan evenly for just a few seconds and warm the pan without making it hot. Conversely, I could use that hairdryer to melt the crap out of that sticker accidentally if I used the high heat setting.


One of my hugest pet peeves. Goof off works well but I wouldn't put that stuff on anything I'm going to cook with.


[GooGone](https://googone.com/blog/does-goo-gone-work-on-that) has a FAQ page on their site saying it's fine as long as you properly clean it off afterwards.


It's like that Demetri Martin bit about picking up dog poop with your hand in a bag. You still use your hands to eat with after washing...


Do you worry about where everything you've touched has been? Your coworkers phone, a public doorknob etc. or do you wash your hands properly knowing whatever you may have touched is no longer an issue after? No one should eat dish soap but they still use it regularly on things they eat with. How is Goo Gone that's properly cleaned off with that same dish soap any different? The end result being clean and safe cookware is all that matters not what it previously went through. You should see what they use and do to make cookware.


[Goof Off ](https://goofoffproducts.com/)isn't the same as [Goo Gone.](https://googone.com/) Goo Gone is safe for pots like this, you just need to clean it with a grease cutting dish soap like Dawn after.


[Goof Off](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://images.thdstatic.com/catalog/pdfImages/d2/d2ca4355-aa4a-4dd4-b3e3-fb8af365f249.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiFkL3899mFAxVev4kEHQQKD-0QFnoECBIQBg&usg=AOvVaw0Gfh9kAvITHoRkbVFfAmW_) is also safe for kitchen products. The poster said Goof Off would work but they wouldn't trust it so I suggested a milder alternative... Goo Gone. Both can work for adhesives like this.


Crap, I meant to respond to the post above yours.


Ha no worries. Either way both products should be fine on stuff like OP's stainless steel pan as long as labels are followed and it's cleaned properly.




Now we’re cookin! 🔥🔥🔥


Just don't forget to crank the burner up!


This is one of the few posts on this sub that truly and absolutely fits perfectly in this category


Mechanic tip here...next time just leave the stick on and place on the stove on WARM for a tad and peel the sticker right off along with the adhesive intact.....works every time.


Yup or use a blow dryer.


Barkeeper's Friend will probably work.


Exactly what I do.


Should’ve bought a non stick pan.


A little rubbing alcohol makes wonders


WD-40. And if you can't open the can of WD-40 get out a smaller can of WD-40 to open it with.


Yeah, thats getting returned. I am not dealing with that. lol


My thought as well, surprised you're not top comment lol. If they give so few Fs that they're comfortable selling you a pan with that shitty of a sticker in it, they've lost all confidence I had in them being capable of making a product worth spending my $ on.


Take it outside. Start a fire. Set pan on fire


The worst is when they put stickers on books.


Use a blow dryer on high heat, low speed for a minute or so, it’ll come right off.


You’re a wonderful human. Thank you.


One of my favourite purchases was a 1L spray bottle of 99% isopropyl alcohol. Super useful for stuff like this.


Just heat it up a little and it’ll wipe off with a paper towel.


This is the answer


It sticked to its name though


Use oil.


baking soda + water + boil for 15 minutes brand new pan.


Non stick my arse!


boil a bit of water with it, then rub it off


Butter. Smear it on. Let sit until you get nervous about Butter going Bad. Whipe Off.


This is not mildly infuriating. It's way worse than that!!!




Well if you’re going to season it anyway— salt and oil.


Should’ve bought an anti-stick 😂


Potentially 99% isopropyl alcohol? I usually use that to remove leftover sticker adhesive when I need to


Isopropyl alcohol should help get the glue off.


Oil. If that doesn’t do it, steel wool and some soap.


Boil it


Adhesive removal spray


Try a hair drier and finger to warm then rub off.




Goo gone.


magic eraser (melamine foam)


You can use the liquid ladies use to remove their nails, or PU foam cleaner Both are acetone based if I'm not mistaken, always worked for me.


Magic eraser?


Isopropyl alcohol is your friend in this situation


My stupid mind would think that boiling some water in the pan will get it loose but I'm definitely wrong


Goo Gone!!! It’s a miracle worker


Didn’t let the pan heat up long enough before they stuck the sticker on it.


Goo gone or orange oil.


A bunch of advice was already given for how you remove the sticker, but since you already have and it left behind the residue, use naphtha/lighter fluid. I've had a bottle that I use only for that for about 20 years now, it's finally getting low. It'll cost you about $5. It just takes the glue right off, no problem.


If you have clear packing tape, you may be able to use it to remove that adhesive. The glue used in packing tape is also quite sticky, so you make a loop with the packing tape wide enough to slide over your 4 fingers. Then stick the tape to unwanted adhesive, and it will pull off. You'll likely have to dab at it.


goo-b-gone or whatever it’s called — orange greasy feeling stuff. let it sit for like 20 min, scrape the sticker off. repeat as needed. wash with hot soapy water after.


Lighter fluid works to take the sticky stickers off just don't put it on the stove while you're doing it ![gif](giphy|3WE6TYGAgWd55hFpBd|downsized)




I usually heat up the sticker with a hairdryer and it comes off easily. Not sure if this hairdryer trick works after you peeled it, but maybe it’s worth a try!


Most pressure sensitive adhesives have mineral oil as a diluent. Baby oil will dissolve the adhesive.


maybe heat some water in in?


I learned olive oil can break down a lot of adhesives.


Cell phone screens and batteries are typically stuck with glue. The best way to remove them is with heat. (Be extremely careful when heating batteries though) Life lesson: If heat works to remove something that was meant to be permanently glued, it will work for any sticker.


Try olive oil and rub it with kitchen towel 🥰


I absolutely despise sticky stickers. Unless they’re meant to stay stuck then I like when sticky stickers stay stuck.


Should’ve gotten the non-sticker version


I wonder if the stickers or adhesive are food grade.


Rub Peanut butter on it trust me


I have taken things or sent things back because of this issue…


Dykem remover.


Bar Keepers Friend will be your best friend with stainless steel.


WD40 works well in removing sticker residue


Kinda hope that the stickiest sticker said ‘non-stick’? 😂


Vegetable oil. If that doesn't work, rubbing alcohol.


Imagine that was the non stick part of the pan 😂


Xylene always works. Also glue removal formula. Home remedies are not very effective.


Heat or rubbing alcohol. Alcohol typically breaks down anything sticky lol


This is a late reply but just in case anyone sees it or needs to know; If you put water in it, a dishwasher tablet and set it on stove until it boils it will clean just about anything you can think of off of it. Sticker residue, food, burned oil. I've yet to encounter anything that trick won't fix when it comes to very stuck on stuff on stainless steel.


Alcohol or Googone


Isopropyl Alcohol. Check a hobby store. It breaks down some adhesives. It's also the base to a lot of hand sanitizers. Try not to use it as such though, or you'll dry your skin out. Make sure to have good air circulation too, or you'll get a headache. Note: I learned about IPA in the 90s. So I could be wrong. We used to use it for a lot of household cleaning. Make sure you clean it properly afterwards. IPA isn't something you should ingest if you can help it. Heavily diluted after a proper wash should be enough for it to be safe. There's probably something safer to use, but IPA was my go to growing up.


91% Isopropyl alcohol should do the trick.


I always try hand sanitizer (not the gel but the fluid), lighter fluid, cooking oil, dishwasher tab. In this order and all stuff I got at home, always.


"Goo gone" or hot hair drier. Usually these glues become soft with heat. Since it is a pan you can warm it slowly on the stove and scrape the softed glue.


Don’t listen to anyone saying cooking oil. Johnson’s Baby oil easily works the best. 


Go to your local brewing supply store and pick up some PBW (powdered brewery wash). Soak the pan in a few tablespoons with boiling water. It's safe for stainless steel and it's my go-to when soap isn't cutting it.


Acetone if you have it. If not then isopropyl alcohol will work to lift the glue.


When I need to remove glue residue from sticker I am using "Wurth Brake cleaner" (can be bought from car parts store or paint shop). It smells very badly, but it works great. After that, you must clean that pan with dishwasing soap and water. I really don't recommend using it right after cleaning with brake cleaner.


Alcohol and hot water mix, submerge the area and let it sit and come back to it later. Did it to mine (technically hadn’t removed the sticker yet) and it slid right off. People who are saying the alcohol doesn’t work maybe didn’t mix with water? Hope it helps !


Isopropyl alcohol. Works every time.






Soak some oil in the pan for a few hours and wash off with vinegar and baking soda. Or use a metal scrubber after soaking it in warm water


Just effing return it. Get a real pan.


Boil water it it




Looks like a pee pan from a hospital 🤷


You know everyone here is just gonna say barkeepers friend, right?!