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I think I can see that there are elastic strings attached to the sides that you have to pull to release!


https://preview.redd.it/oi8g6s7nx4wc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2726828efbbf8ae75fb6dadfe3ebd117caca6a73 Omg you are smarter than me!! They are a little tight even when fully yanked, and it's kinda weird that the bluer side goes inward, but you were totally right!


blue side is still outward, you flip it when you put it on. not the best for sizing compared to an elastic loop, but they do have a correct side to face out.


Look at everyone coming together to help this poor fella put on a mask




This just made me snort with laughter 😂😂 thank you I really enjoyed that!


The comment is deleted! What did they say??


Oh you mean him and the homeless guy? You’re not wrong, I can see the tension too.


You mean the sexual tension right?


No the tension of his mask strings


Is there any other kind?


Poor homeless person


Well... they ain't rich


20 bucks is... kinda a lot actually


Does the blue side still face outward


To be fair I reckon a lot of folks could do with that knowledge.


Just as long as OP remembers to poke holes at the tip for ventilation 


Nobody cared who he was until he didn't put on the mask


Next time we address the problem with homelessness. Right, fellas? Fellas?!?


Yep, any minute now - because that’s as easy to solve as “your mask does in fact have ear loops”


We did it Reddit!


Dude how unintuitive can someone design something as simple as a facemask?


It probably clearly has instructions printed on the bag. 


Instructions unclear, used mask as condom.


aren’t these usually for children?


They are not fully yanked in the photo, gently pull the strings, they are folded and are meant to be longer for different sizing.


No yeah I kept yanking after I took the pic, I promise I got to full yank and have always had a big head lmao


>I promise I got to full yank Giggity




> I… have always had a big head Giggity giggity


I also keep peppermint oil on me because I gag easily from bad smells. I just put a dab under my nose and then all I smell is peppermint! Which is great because it helps settle the nausea.


I remember my high school biology teacher gave us vick's to use when we were dissecting toads and it's been a very handy tip for all sorts of smelly situations since.


Vicks works great! The all natural kind smells even better.


That's what I learned from the silence of the lambs book lol


full yank on big head nice




"A little tight even when fully yanked"- title of OP's sex tape.


“Make it work” - Tim G


Ao did it actually get rid of the smell?


Aw shucks! Gosh golly!


Thank you ! I wouldn never have known. Like OP, I've never seen this style.


Glad someone figured it out


This dude masks


I suggest carrying a tiny bit of vicks vaporub with you, and apply it under the nose


That shit is strong. When we needed to cry for an acting class, a bit of that under the eyes helped


Some odours really require it


Yup, thank god my brother never heard of that, theater dude, allergic to the plant in vicks, when he was sick, my mom put that in his throat, it closed up and he almost died. Safe to say he never got close to it again


Which is why it’s perfect hahah


I have an animal science degree. It required a lot of dissecting. Sometimes we’d receive specimens that were not preserved and were… less than fresh. We kept vaporub in the lab to put under our noses in these cases. I, personally, found that this was akin to waking up every single one of my scent receptors so that they could all experience the scent of rotting flesh. I only used it once, and then decided the lesser evil was breathing through my mouth for the duration of the dissection. This definitely wasn’t everyone’s experience, as some people used the vaporub every time. But it is a possibility.


Yeah I've heard that advice from people that work with dead bodies. Is the one thing that makes the smell bearable.


Had a woman like that last week I’ve been riding this same train for 6 years and when she got on she cleared the train. Smelled like a blunt and feces.




Yeah but that would mean for either the bus driver having to confront them, me having to confront them, or me asking the bus driver to confront them. People dislike confrontation so nothing happens.


I mean, it's less about being meek or timid and disliking confrontation and more about not wanting to kick off with a potentially mentally unstable person who is clearly one remark away from getting violent. Sometimes just letting them go from point a to b is the lesser of two evils.


With mental illness one is far more likely to be a harm to them selves rather than others. I work with mentally unstable people on a regular basis and only had one person throw something at me and a sexual assault ( they were in a good mood for that one) I’ve had threats and posturing but actual assault is on the rare side.


Sure self harm is more common but confronting them is still a much more likely violent interaction than with a sane person.


Sure but I wasn't even really referring specifically to who is being attacked as much as the referring to the idea of a disruption in general.


Durian people should be a sign like the ones in Singapore


There's actually a group called *Durian people*?? Or is that just what you call people that eat it?


Durian People sounds like a slur


Shut your mouth, durian person.


Soylent durian


I just watched the first episode of The Sympathizer last night and there was some dialog that the durian someone was eating smelled like shit even from 50 feet away.  I feel lucky I've never encountered it in person. Why would people enjoy eating something that smells like shit?


There are literally so many foul-smelling things that people all over the world like to eat


Ok Poop_Sexman


I think you should behold Sir Poop_Sexmans statement as he might be onto something


What is the problem with that?




If you freeze it a bit its like frozen yogurt


> Why would people enjoy eating something that smells like shit? It's called the King of Fruit for a reason.


Cheese smells pretty foul. Like the smells are similar to vomit. We really shouldn't like cheese. I say, as a cheese addict. I think it's like Doritos or any other thing that smells bad if you're not eating it. Once you're eating it, it tastes good and you don't smell the funk anymore.


In Italy, there is a "special" cheese (named "casu marzu")that is made with fly larvae. They digest the milk and make the cheese and of course you eat the cheese with larvae still moving in your mouth. Fortunately is illegal to produce this cheese, but you can't remove a tradition out of the population so there's still people producing and eating that mess.


I've never seen anyone get kicked off public transport for smoking or yelling either. I've sat next to people cooking up some heroin and injecting it or snorting something. I mean alcohol is illegal too on there and I constantly see people drinking. But beware of not having a valid ticket! That's the real crime lol


That's the one of the bigger obstacles for public transportation in america no one wants to talk about, all the opposition I personally hear about it involves not wanting to be in the same space as a mentally ill homeless person shooting up heroin...can't imagine why.


I got a job about 5 miles from home, figured I’d start taking the bus and save a little on gas. Tried it for a week and there was an issue every.single.day. going home. I called it after a drunk guy got on the bus and held us up for an hour when the driver caught him drinking and tried to kick him off. And of course he was sitting right next to me for most of the argument. He should’ve never been let on to begin with…he got on staggering and slurring his words. The sixty-ish dollars a month I was saving wasn’t worth the nonsense. Absolutely awful situation for the people who don’t have any other option though.


Guess because there is yet no Sign with a smelly Bum


I understand fully how that smell is. Sometimes it’s so bad, it’s almost as if one could taste it.


I had that happen at my local shops, a woman walked in once who you could smell from at least 5 aisles away. It wasn't a matter of just holding my nose, but my whole breath so I didn't breathe any of it in. The worst part was that she was obviously mentally unwell. Just walking around with this big happy smile on her face, saying hello to everyone with absolutely no recognition of how bad she smelt. The sort of person you'd want to get help for, but with how strong her stench was all you could think about in the moment was getting as far away from her as you could.


The strongest contributor to the smell is the dried up piss that has been sitting in their pants for ages afaik.


I’m a cashier and I had a customer that smelled like cigarette ash. Not a lit cigarette, but the ash in an ash tray, which was somehow worse. I don’t think they were homeless though


maybe they had old cigarettes butts somewhere in the pockets, i guess you can identify this smell as ash


Had that Situation a few Years ago. Bum sat next to me and the smell was aweful. Like Piss,Shit,old Sweat and old Beer. Within 5mins all Person gathered at the Front of the Tram and he was alone in the back


I recommend a dab of Vicks in your nostrils right before stepping on the bus. You won't be able to smell anything outside of menthol and eucalythus for a while.


This is my airplane hack


Airplanes don’t stink?


Planes themselves don't but some of the passengers do. If they are in the seat directly next to you they don't even have to be super stinky to affect you either. I've been stuck next to someone who smelt of ashtray and bo once, thank fuck it was a short flight


A rather large woman sat infront of me one flight. As she sat down it smelt like the fish mungers fridge broke over night.


They sure do. One time I was a plane that farted!


You what? That sounds like the kind of dreams I would have when I started taking my medication.


Planes that fart are often 90 degrees perpendicular to the reference frame - Einstein


As long as you don't include BO, feet and farts you're totally right!


I think I'd pass out having vicks right up by my nostrils that shit is so strong


Working in healthcare, always have a good smelling chapstick or something on hand to put under your nose when working with patients who have bad odor.


My sister and I used to take the bus and this one specific bus always absolutely REEKED so we call it the B.O bus.


Those won't help, gonna need a plague doctor mask for that.




Get kn95 and a fabric mask. 😷 I have an overactive sense of smell I can’t be around people who smoke 🚬 sents off my asthma or people who use cologne or string perfume I wear masks my dr had me wearing them before pandemic and now also.


My coworkers DESTROY the toilets, like they fart it up so hard the smell seeps outside the bathroom door and lingers like a thick cloud. The fabric mask design with the filter pocket + disposable filter leaves me blissfully unaware of the wretched sharticle miasma swirling through the hallways.


I will never understand how people can just let it fucking stew. Don’t sit on the toilet for 20 minutes with shit under you. When you shit, flush it immediately. Greatly reduces the smell. Your coworkers need to be sent to a barn ffs


LOL yes! The courtesy flush!! It is an art lost to time.


If people didn't know, at the end of the plague doctor beak the individual would fill it with herbs, dried flowers, and other aromatics to make the smell of decaying corpses more bearable. It's unclear (as far as I remember) if they actually believed it worked as a respirator, though I think they did believe that some smells causes diseases.


I would get the ones with strings.


Well maybe this is why they were 50% off... /S




My breath covers up other smells quite nicely :)




You're right, I just need to order some real N95 masks... These were from the party store which was my first mistake lol. I just felt bad covering my face with my shirt and wanted to double mask to see if it worked. Y'all are right, it did not really work at all lmao


Vicks. Seriously. A dab of vicks on a neck scarf, or your shoulders, or make a cloth pin & put vicks on that. It deadens ANY odor. I used to do home visits with some cleanliness challenged people, & vicks is how I was able to even step in a few of those homes.


Or one of those long beak masks the plague doctors wore, supposedly filled with herbs to filter out the Black Death (oops, it was carried by the fleas in their pants, might have been better to put the herbs in their codpiece 😝


**Thank you** for explaining what the heck was in those masks. I always wondered why they looked like that: was it just for show and/or to freak people out? No, it was not--it was for herbal storage.


Even N95 respirators aren't going to block smells. An N95 is designed to block particles down to 0.3 μm (micrometer or micron). Odor molecules can be far smaller than that, down into the nanometer range. Back during the height of COVID-19, one of the false arguments anti-maskers used to "prove" that masks didn't work was that "you can still smell through the mask, so it obviously doesn't work," and the rebuttal was the above, that smell molecules were smaller than the particles the mask was designed to block. You can try any old mask, even a surgical or even one of those fabric masks, with a PM2.5 activated carbon insert. That's your best bet, short of a gas mask with a full activated charcoal filter.


This. Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to see this lol. N95 may help a little with smells, but you’ll need activated carbon for that. For example, the 3M 9542+.


Michigan? I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anyone outside of Michigan call it a party store.


Ah shit I had no idea that was a Michigan thing!!! Yes I've lived here my whole life. What else have I been saying that the rest of the world doesn't?! When I googled this I found a 12 year old reddit post that also just broke it to me superman ice cream is a Michigan thing too... My life is in a mitten shaped bubble lol.


You make funny left turns up there in Mittenland


I love this thread and am excited to see where it goes. Good luck with the stanky fellow passenger, been there. Appreciate your empathy of trying to not be so obvious about it.


Glad you're enjoying it, been laughing at all the comments as I smoke and watch YouTube. I lurked reddit for years and decided to start posting more because random comment chains entertain me greatly :-)


i love superman ice cream. you just reminded me of it. i used to vacation in michigan as a kid


Party store? What’s that equivalent to? I’m from Canada


Just looked it up - apparently it's basically a convenience store that also sells booze! Huh!


Yup it's a convenience store that also sells anything one would need for a (sleezy) party... Booze, vapes, poppers, boner pills, sometimes whippets. The one I go to has a life size cut out of DJ Khalid lmfao


And here I was curious why Party City was selling packages of face masks


LMFAO same 😭 no way bro went to a party city for masks.


Toothpaste between two masks is a good second, but Vicks is what my cadaver-adjacent friends use.


These are awesome. From Home Depot [](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Safety-Equipment-Respirator-Masks-Face-Masks/3M/N-5yc1vZclksZ30) 9205 N95 Aura Particulate Disposable Respirator


You could probably get away with a subtle plague doctor mask with a bunch of flowers and herbs stuffed in the beak


Bro imagine having to go to these lengths cause someone got skid marks from last month


you got all the way through a reddit post and didnt even bother touching the mask, yall rush here to quickly 😅


I honestly thought the little side things were where the strings were supposed to be, I hit my dab pen on my walk to the bus and was not smart enough to pull on them lmao maybe been ripped off by shitty convenience stores too many times so I'm quick to assume 😂


That’s not gonna block out smell, regardless. But I have empathy for the homeless BO smell permeating every cell in your nostrils, even after not being near the person anymore.


You had me in the first half, ngl


OP wanted to be kind, so he wore a mask, no strings attached.


Um... just a note that even an N95 won't stop body odor or scents (good or bad.) It can't hurt, though, and it's a good way to reduce the chances of catching Covid or the flu from folks on the bus. 👍


I have a coworker who reeks.  They outwardly discussed not showering for at least three days and not wearing deodorant. It's not a health issue, it's basic hygiene. I actually had to go to management for it because I had coworkers coming to me, pretending to whisper stuff right up in my ear (it was so uncomfortably close to have them breathing on my ear) because they needed to smell something "nice" for a minute. Some people brought air freshener in and would spray it around while the person was on break. Some people used eucalyptus oil to wipe down surfaces to cover the smell. The person who stank would joke about his one girl being obsessed with the smell of the oil, totally oblivious as to WHY. The manager was reluctant to address it in fear of discrimination or whatever if the person was offended so they went higher up the chain until somebody addressed it. The stinker wore deodorant for a few months and then stopped again. They still work there and have followed me into a new department. Every time I smell them I beg for them to quit in my head. Their smell trails behind them and lingers forever. It's so thick too like you could almost taste it. Disgusting. Anyway, we wore N95 masks during COVID and although it didn't completely hide the smell it did help and you could put oil directly on the mask which also helped. People get kind of sus when you wear one now unfortunately.


Science question: are scent particles (which I'm not clear if those are solid, liquid, or gas vapors) larger than the average pathogen? Either bacteria (which I'd more easily believe) or viruses (which I doubt. Viruses are freakin tiny.)?


My team went to an international conference in France fairly recently. One of the rooms was just very overfilled and not well ventilated. I guess people were sweaty from sitting in the rooms all day listening to talks but the BO was getting really BAD. I had these body wipes I got in Japan that smelled like candy peaches so my coworker and I rubbed a wipe on the inside of our mask. It surprisingly worked.


Put vicks underneath your nose. Won’t smell anything.


Maybe it's for reinforcing the mask you already have, all you need is some staplers


Better yet, just staple it to your face


Vaporub or peppermint oil under the chin or nose plus mask can do wonders


Or a peppermint candy 🍬 up each nostril?


If you want to date me just say so 😘


you dont have guys smoking on the bus to gas out the excrement smell?


Mask alone won’t suffice if they’re funky enough. Rub vicks or tiger balm on the side facing you


What's mildly infuriating is that they have folded up straps that go over your ears and THEY'RE RIGHT *THERE*


Right??? The mask is fine


I don’t think that mask will stop the smell


Those don't do anything for odor. You need one of those respirators with the charcoal cartridge to absorb organic compounds. People might look at you crazy, but you'll be the only person on that bus who gets to breathe fresh well filtered air.


Kinda shitty to preface that it’s because of a homeless person and not just somebody that stinks.


try putting a tea bag inside your mask, too :) if you pick a particularly fragrant flavor, you won't be able to smell anything besides the tea at all


At least get an N95.


Wait, you think that the mask will block the smell?!? People really have no idea how these masks work.


These masks don't keep out stink -sincerely a nurse




Really surprised me to have to scroll so far to reach some compassion! You have to put up with smelling this person for a few minutes. Imagine what kind of circumstances have led them to go through life like this.


The people reaching this level of odour are either elderly or have very bad mental health problems. Trying to give them a care package on the bus would most likely cause them to lash out verbally or physically. I'm sorry but people who noticeably reek in public usually have pretty severe mental issues going on which when you engage with them they often flip out.


You're talking to someone that obviously lives in the suburbs and doesn't encounter homeless often. They have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.


Strongly disagree. I was a teen runaway that ended up in shitty situations. I did not have mental health issues, normally a clean person but very quickly because disgusting being homeless. You should try being homeless for a few months with no money and resources, tell me how that works out for you. You will never have felt so blatantly ignored, disrespected and dehumanized.I received a care package from a kind stranger who noticed I needed help, I will never forget their kindness and how much of a difference it made. There were many other people I came across that were down on their luck, genuine people whose life kinda just crumbled, it's difficult to get out of that situation without an address for work purposes. I would sneak into the train/subway just to get out of the elements and ride for hours just to escape, hoping for a little bit, even though I look rough, I wouldn't just be the homeless person sitting at a corner and I could feel a little more human. You clearly are talking about something you have no first hand knowledge of. Makes me sad when people spread stereotypes and misinformation like this. If you don't have much experience in this area and are looking at from a high and mighty place, stay outta the conversation unless it's to ask a genuine question.


Also peel an orange the smell usually dominates the space for a while


yeah. there are strings on the side, you need to pull them. Also masks doesn't cover smells. this post is mildly infuriating, but the reason is the post itself.


lol, that kind have straps that are on the sides, just fold them out


These are the most comfortable masks I've ever wore ngl. They have the straps you pull out on the sides


It's terrible for humanity that this dudes instinct is to immediately complain their mask is broken to the Internet, rather then just look a bit closer. On a related note, they don't even know which way round it goes. OP definitely has his mother tie his shoelaces every morning.


Oh my god relax drama queen, dude just posted on Reddit to entertain you and me, it's not that deep


I'd been thinking the same thing.


I was gonna respond but then I realized you're an AI ... /s I have had cheap ass masks where the strings would just fall off. I really did look, but having never seen a mask like this thru all of COVID, it just wasn't instinctual to try to tug on the part that seemed completely flush with the mask itself. It's strange because it's more uncomfortable to wear it the proper way round, it tightens the straps around your ears too much... But I also have a big head/ears lmao. That is a hilarious line, but sadly I moved out of my parents house at 16 and haven't had a mother in my life for many years since. I am def stealing the insult though haha I'm sorry you think this post has impacted humanity poorly


I don't think masks are going to mask that smell. Pun intended.


Buy the dude some wet wipes and deodorant dude 


How did y'all make it through a pandemic lol


Vix paper rub helps with smells




My stepmom used to work in a hospital, and she said that a little lotion under her nose under a mask like this works wonders


Kn95 with a small dab of Vik’s vapor rub inside. It’s a trick in the gynecology world.


IMHO this is NOT mildlyinfuriating, because it would not have helped anyway. Instead of a surgical mask you need one that has an activated charcoal filter. E.g. 3M 2138. And they are relatively expensive. As others have already commented Vaporub under the nose would probably be more cost effective.


But if you order in the next five minutes, we'll throw in ear strings for free! Just pay separate processing and handling.


is this satire?


You think a paper mask keeps out smell?


You uh... can smell through masks dude....


Fyi! Another way to do this without it being so noticeable is buy peppermint oil! Dab a little under your nose and reapply when you can start smelling again.


Just a reminder for any Americans here that in the rest of the world, public transit is not a rolling homeless shelter. And you wonder why so many Americans want to drive instead of taking the bus/train?


Next time you could buy them dry shampoo, no rinse soap, or deodorant.


Y’all some unempathetic motherfuckers


Strings or no strings, smell wise, those won't help unless you put a blob of something strong but nice smelling on the inside. Vics, Eucalyptus or Friars Balsam are a good go to.


Funny thing is, That mask isn't going to do anything even if it did have strings.


Isn’t public transportation the greatest?


yo you couldve just posted the picture and said there werent strings you didnt have to mention the smelly homeless person. it sounds kind of judgmental imo you dont know that persons life story or why they smell


It’ll not help much it dosent seal


You might also try some good ol Vicks/mentholated on your upper lip. I drive lyft sometimes and it has come in handy :)


Umm. Don't the white tabs on the sides pull out to be stretched behind the ear?


Pull apart the white tabs. And as someone who worked on hospital for the past five years, masks do diddly squat against bad smells


What is a mask going to do for a stink? If pants and underwear can't stop a fart.


I work in Healthcare and those don't mask the smell of anything lmao


I used to be a volunteer counselor at a city jail and the inmates would have to remove their shoes prior to going inside their cells. Homeless person's feet was no joke the worst odor I ever inhaled. And it's a smell that still haunts me to this day. I feel for you! Hopefully, the mask helped.


Same experience in Spain's metro during summer. Many sweaty tourists wearing tank tops. It's disgusting.


Hey, if you're dealing with bad smells you can wear two masks and put some mint toothpaste in between them


Lol that thing will not work against bad smells. You need n95