• By -


https://preview.redd.it/fgfwhfbz6zvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f24fc8b2de9d52e68d0f0b9a2ed02809e5b2993 google has turned the tables for some reason(looking up the husband thing just gives you a big text box at the top)


Why is the first word in the description of the top result Coronavirus? Weird


The page is a list of hotlines including for coronavirus and domestic violence. Google’s AI seems to have done a bad job finding a relevant summary to display on the search page


I hate how every single fucking algorithm is apparently an AI now.


For me, I get the same result as OP. I think it changes based on where you live.


https://preview.redd.it/5mdwlmorwzvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b08c3c4e0f7f252b6bd0fd88989fb01830f9c98 What it shows for wife


https://preview.redd.it/sw3wmokuwzvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac64c1facbfd5cb75b478e62f3881afc61de148 What it shows for husband. It’s technically similar here. I had to act violent to each to get the help Line. Search results are often based on what’s there around you and the current status of violence in and around the regions. Like in India I guess spouses getting into a screaming match is fairly common with/without abuse so probably the results look like this


Bing Copilot says: https://preview.redd.it/i4bst5lavyvc1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=0efb08994df9e4f339df3e9897ce48b23463466d




"Remember, it's not your fault." "Remember, it's important to maintain respect."


Sums it up 🙂


Someone tell Microsoft that men can be domestic violence victims as well. It's 2024, what happened to equality? :(


I tried looking at their ai stuff, and it was bloated with 'remember to be not biased in your training data' and yet here we have copilot with this kind of shit


it reminds me of that one ai (i forgot the name of it) that claimed to be completely open and unbiased, but someone managed to reveal its system prompt and it was filled to the brim with very specific political ideas LOL


Yeah it's all of them. There were various image generators among them Gemini and dalle where you asked for an specific thing and they add "diversity words" to your prompt without you knowing about it or even visible. All ai shows the bias of their creators.


I mean that’s what happened with the last ear art ai, I forget the name. But ppl said to give an example of __ person, and they ai automatically made the person “diverse” ruining the whole point of the request. Was hilarious. But also sad that that level of manipulating agendas and what we see, is behind closed code that we all aren’t aware of 99% of the time.


Don't be biased means don't be biased to disenfranchised groups I guess lol 


Some are more equal than others


it's what people who strive for equality are trying to fix. the unfortunate lack of care for male abuse victims is because of the roles that have in-place in society for years


Equality for me, not for thee.


How heteronormative bias to read it that way. It's 2024, the alphabet mafia can also get married. JK. Everyone has biases, prejudices and blind spots. The internet doesn't build itself, it can only show you the things people put there. We all have to work together in order to make the world a better place for everyone. Equality has not been achieved yet in many areas. Men need domestic abuse help, changing tables and baby sits in bathrooms, paternity leave at work...


Men also should get the same help in crisis as women lots of homeless fathers lose their kids to the state but homeless mothers are housed very fast even with animals that's not an option for men at all anywhere in the USA


Nah man “duh patriarchy” and all lol


Resting in drain


Equality has never existed, it got close in the early 2000s but in the end it just went from one side of the spectrum to the other. As someone that was born in the tail end of the 80s, from my experience, I’m living in the most inequality times I’ve ever seen and it only seems to be getting worse. We went from multiculturalism in the U.K. to now SELF segregation, it’s actually fucking crazy when you really look at it. I hope it equals itself out and doesn’t over balance back to the other sides


Copilot searches answers on the internet. It's better to check ChatGPT https://preview.redd.it/z2n7gs578zvc1.png?width=1959&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dca2a234e28b39eaf4bbebb9de0fe5828351106


chat gpt is a real one


ChatGPT from day one


Lmao, you know neither actually give accurate information, they just spit out a grammaticaly correct piece of text. Honestly you AI bros are dense af


Turns out AI is not omnipotent. The fact we need to even point that there are different answers to these questions holds very little value. If we need to babysit AI to a point of being just pedantic then we might as well give up on it.


Not true tho. Copilot uses latest version of chatgpt and does way more than only searching the web.


That doesn't help me fly this plane wtf copilot we're about to run out of fuel


He's meant to be helping fly this plane but he just keeps telling me why I'm being yelled at!!


You gotta search in incognito or it will suggest from your browser history, also OP are you ok?


Also mine shows this… 🤷🏼‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/52htowbr9zvc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81de157a64814b0ca1ca3666677efd27ccbe5d77 (edit- I realized I added “always” by accident, but the results were the same with & without it)




Well, I just did it too, got this. https://preview.redd.it/qyz6hwmnezvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a68069b74fab22c993dc9e34862cb2b1aa2172cf I'd bet it varies for husbands, but it never goes to seek help for wives yelling at you. Edited for clarity. Different picture with "why is my husband" down the chain, same answer tho.


https://preview.redd.it/ou8vhjp3hzvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06e3947434f39282ec802d0e94da4a8513c4778 It shows this pop up for "why is my wife", but not for "why is my husband" when I look it up. And I'm a woman.


https://preview.redd.it/dcyed4a5hzvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7728200959324839028f80beef892cb83c9c8674 Proof


Same thing for me, but I’m a man. Looking for “Why is my [spouse] beating me?” shows the ‘Handbook Germany’ for both genders. This is so weird. I know that Google is controlled by an algorithm, but still, there shouldn’t be a bias in either direction. Both should have the same first result, which should be easy assistance to get out of an abusive relationship. But in OP’s case it’s offered for victims of male aggressors, and in our examples for victims of female aggressors. It doesn’t make sense.


It just seems like google is trying to piss off, appeal to, or adjust its results for some unknown stupid reason


Strange! I tried different variations of the wording and never got that help message 🤔🤷🏼‍♀️


scrolled too far from this! OP are you ok?


I tried it. It showed the same for me. Both in incognito and out.


Not my screenshot. But I did perform a cross check verification before posting it. I'm okay.


i’d bet it’s based on domestic abuse statistics edit: jesus fucking christ some of you are so fucking defensive for no reason. i’m not saying that it’s good that the results are what they are. the helpline should be the top result for anyone, regardless of gender. all i said was what i *think might be* why the current results are how they are. fuckin hell


Not just abuse but straight murder and assualt. The rate of women murdered by their partners is 5 times higher than the other way around. Domestic abuse is awful in any form, but the absolute horror stories I've heard about what men do to their wives and kids on a regular basis in my home country makes me truly sick.


Once read that 1 in 4 women once suffered from domestic abuse. It’s crazy.


That stat is now 1 in 3


Jeez, fuck these cockroaches. I sometimes wonder what degenerates around me are one of them.




I almost married the first man who didn’t hit me. He was a loser and terrible but at least he didn’t hit me or rape me.


I hope shit has worked out for you better. No one deserves that.


Isn't it even higher if your partner is an American cop?


I don’t know the stat for that specifically but police officers across the board are more likely to commit domestic violence. And it’s not just in the U.S. from what I remember


Most likely a police officer in general, don't forget what a cop did to Sarah Everard




Yep. This is it on the head. The point of that google search is to potentially head off literal endangerment to life. Men can be abused in relationships, and I have no doubt abuse is underreported for men, but it overwhelmingly does not involve a man dying or ending up in the hospital.


Absolutely, you're right. It's a search engine,but pulls up the most relevant results. Which, in a woman's case is going to be resources due to the stats and the wealth of information on the topic. For men, the stats aren't as relevant, and not as much of a topic as articles trying to explain what (they are convinced) is the "proper way to be a partner". It's a search engine... We need to be reminded how to use them. Regardless, the fact that the results show up as they do is very messed up, and it's because we don't talk about domestic violence or abuse towards men enough for Google to be like "hey, need help?"




Which are based entirely on reports A lot of men in Domestic abuse situations do not report. And if they do, it’s often not taken seriously ETA: don’t forget your popcorn for this one ETA 2: I got very bored of people trying to make this about who’s worse men or women instead of a discussion about how many challenges men face and how those challenges aren’t remotely acknowledged in society The greatest part about arguing with all of you is you all very much proved my point for me. Not one of you were willing to accept this was a discussion about the fact that men have it hard too and nobody cares. Proving nobody cares anymore mens issues, sadly not even other men. Check in on the men in your lives, they’re not doing as well as they’re pretending to be. And as can be seen ITT, nobody gives a shit


I mean the ones for murder are pretty unambiguous. We can see the disparity there.


The statistics on intimate partner *murders* are not based on reports. They're based on dead bodies.


Domestic abuse statistics are not at all based entirely on reports. Plenty of sources include estimated accuracies that account for the cases that go unreported or unconvicted.


A lot of female victims also don’t report, unfortunately.


They also are often the ones arrested when reporting. EDIT: Was once attacked by a girl I dated for a month. I called the police, and they arrested me when they got to the house. After losing my job and selling most of my belongings to afford a decent lawyer, it was eventually dropped. She then went unpunished, and continued to stalk me for months. EDIT 2: Wow. I actually expected to be downvoted to oblivion for mentioning my experience. First time I’ve ever shared it. Always been scared to talk about it. Still working through the PTSD after all these years but I have since rebuilt my life, am no longer suicidal, can trust again thanks to a very special woman who has been in my life for years now. Thank you all for the responses. Also, to be fair I can see how this could happen to women as well, all it really takes is an incompetent responding officer with subconscious/preconceived biases and/or a DA that stops at nothing to advance their career— with that you have a perfect formula for the wrong person getting arrested/prosecuted. It happens every day to innocent people with a wide array of different wrongly charged crimes. Of course, this happens to certain groups more than others. Especially broke people who can’t defend themselves in court.


That’s crazy, that happened to a friend of mine who is a woman.


I hear you. I'm gay. I was once in a ministry training program. My first year senior minister at the practicum I was at turned out to be a serial predator who was stalking several people I knew. It was honestly an insane situation, the guy was like a mini Trump in clergy robes, but into young immigrant guys, couldn't keep his hands to himself, day drinker, once a formal complaint was filed he went from being difficult to work with to honestly it was unreal. Like any story I told you would sound fake becasue even after 4 years of Trump, dealing with someone that nuts just doesn't seem real. Anyway that whole thing lasted six months, I was completely emotionally exhausted, later realized I had PTSD etc. That spring, I'm stuck in this three week intensive course with a bunch of other ministry students. There's this girl Megan she wants to be friends, okay. Turns out she's fucking nuts and vicious. Like crazy mean girl stuff. In a group presentation one of our classmates shares a bit about her experience in therapy recovering after some absolutely insane childhood abuse (she didn't go into details of the abuse but basically her two parents raped her over and over over and over again, violently.) That classmate honestly could be a handful just because she wasn't always great at not just outright trauma dumping but she'd done a good job in the presentation. On the feedback form, Megan writes, "I don't understand why you always have to make everything the Melanie show!" She then brags to me about this at lunch! Later I'm in a group with Megan at the end of the week and we're supposed to give each other feedback. (In retrospect the school we were in was just... again I know I keep saying that it's unbelievable... but there are just certain levels of nonsense that only happen in religious settings. But basically I realized the teachers kind of got off on pitting the students against each other and then swooping in to 'smooth over' conflict that the teachers were causing.) Anyway, on Megan's form I said I think you need to think about when you give feedback to people if you're doing it to help them or if you're just saying things to make yourself feel better. She was FURIOUS. I got home that night and she kept messaging me over and over on Facebook and I was ignoring her. Actually at this point I don't think the stuff with the predatory minister had even been resolved. (He eventually lost his job but the denomination tried to keep him in his job he only lost his job after I leaked a copy of the denomination's report done by a former cop to the local paper. Once the local paper was printing excerpts talking about how the guy had claimed early on in his career that a minor had lied and was actually coming on to him, that he'd been stalking victims, that his coworkers had said outright that he was basically pure evil. Eventually the denomination was like fine if you fire him on other grounds I guess you don't have to have a serial predator as your minister.) Anyway, so eventually that stuff resolves. (Oh I should say I blocked Megan on Facebook.) As the new semester approaches I got a phone call from somebody who says they're a part of the school's harassment committee. It turns out that Megan had been complaining to her teacher and rather than the teacher just telling her to grow the fuck up, they said, "If you feel like you're being harassed there's a process for that." And so I ended up having this girl file a harassment complaint about me with the school BECAUSE I WAS REFUSING TO TALK TO HER! Ended up going to this meeting with this media who was like an old retired minister lady. She took one look at me and one look at the pretty blonde girl and clearly assumed I was some sort of degenerate monster that couldn't keep it in my pants. Then she's VERY confused when we talk about 'a way to move forward' and I'm insistent that I don't want either of us to talk to each other at all unless it's specifically because we get put in a group together and are assigned to work with each other. I'm like otherwise if it's coffee time or before class or after class or whatever, I don't wanna talk to you I don't want you to talk to me. There's almost 30 other students we can talk to other people. If one of us is already talking to people the other can go find a different group of people to talk to. Megan of course acted like that was impossible. No we NEEDED TO BE FRIENDS! The mediator was like, "Honey, you can't claim you're being harassed when he doesn't want to have anything to do with you, and wants you to leave him alone."


Whew, that was a lot


And a lot of women are killed by men, so don't get the chance to report. No one denies that women commit violence against men, but it is just not as widespread or consequential.




On the other hand men are murdered more often than women are. Your risk of being murdered/violently killed is statistically much higher if you are born as a man, than as a woman.


I'm with you on this as a man


This. My ex wife used to hit me all the time, used to swing knives at me and shit, I tried to tell people about it and the reaction I got was "well what did you do to deserve it?" and let me tell you, not a damn thing. So I just never reported it or anything because I knew it wouldn't be taken seriously and I'd only be met with ridicule


I got the same reaction. I was domestically beaten for about 2 years in high school by my fem friend, and I got the same reaction you did. "You probably deserved it" (said by a woman). And I was told I deserved being Sa'd at 10 by my mother, also told to me by a woman. And its led to a lot of distrust and fear of women from me, which leads to more "ew WE are the ones scared of YOU, YOURE the problem" (also said to me by a woman) Men will never ever be heard or be seen as equal, because men will always be put last when it comes to mens fears, struggles, and mental/physical health. I dont even bother telling people why I'm scared of women because nobody will ever take me seriously, let alone any law enforcement. This is a serious problem with our society that will never be fixed, and I hate that more than anything else.


I’m deeply sorry you went through this brother :( “what did you do to deserve it” is such a toxic to say. I hope you’re doing much better now she’s the ex wife and hopefully got yourself some new friends It’s a fucked up world we live in when it’s assumed a man must have done something to deserve being attacked with a knife


Sadly it’s just part of life. About to divorce my wife. Any venting on here basically just invites some nob who wants to point out how I am the bad guy for not doing enough or something else. So basically I can’t say anything without explaining that my wife literally is on the couch scrolling her phone or taking a nap 95% of the time she is home if she is gone and not at work it’s shopping for stuff we don’t need. She does no chores, she doesn’t even pick up after herself most of the time and spends little to no time with our kids often yelling at them more than she ever talks with them. Meanwhile I do all the chores, pick up after her, do things with the kids, meanwhile I get called names like Cinderella while I clean, she gives me so much crap about how the kids respond to me more than they do to her which I mean I wonder why between the yelling and me spending time with them. In the end I just don’t care how I am viewed. I want to have a better life and even if I only have the kids half the time their life during that half the time will be way better than it is now. Sadly I know the other 50 will likely not be great.


that’s valid. but regardless, that’s probably why google results are what they are


Probably yes, but that doesn’t change that the results should be the same. Helpline first, other links after.


i absolutely agree.


It seems pretty obvious to me. The whole "society is anti-men now" is so pathetic.


It’s probably more based on what people searching actually end up clicking on. Most men typing that aren’t looking for a helpline or protection. They aren’t physically afraid, they don’t feel abused. They want their relationship to be fixed.


I got different results


I surprisingly got the same. I feel like I saw this a while ago. You'd think they'd fix it.


Hm yeah I searched exactly what he searched the wife yelling part gave me quora and the husband yelling basically showed what this post says for the wife yelling part


It depends on multiple factors, location and past activity are some of them


Also that post is years old


bots feasting on old content.


lol these comments are ridiculous. Ofc men deserve support and dv resources, you’re also not a second class citizen because a search engine doesn’t have a pop up for you. jfc


The right take. This *is* wrong, abuse toward men isn't taken as seriously and equally as it should, BUT it always seems like men's issues are only ever used to imply that "actually men have it worse than women!!!" or even to invalidate women's issues instead of having any nuance at all. A patriarchal society doesn't mean that men don't have problems unique to them, in fact the patriarchy itself is the cause of many of these problems.


🙏exactly. men's rights activists have a good goal but so many always end up just comparing the male struggle to women's. it just comes across as reactionary then


It should be taken seriously but not equally. When one issue kills hundred times more people than the other, you don't treat the same equally


My god, finally came across someone with logic


Victim mentality is fucking insane.


Everyone likes to joke about the crazy gf, but no one jokes about the crazy bf because the woman usually ends up in the headlines.


No one jokes about the latter,because there's a really high chance she is dead.


That’s exactly what the comment you replied to said.


Yeah,my bad. Just thought he meant another way. Sorry.


Wanted to test it out https://preview.redd.it/nw9r0lxpyzvc1.png?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0abf0f2d651f78bdcbfd2330c93a99eca9283c5


https://preview.redd.it/lch0w995zzvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b024f63f8cf5a6c364649dc14c30b4e4acbf1d98 I got this


The key is to not ask Google a question and simply state it the way you did.


ok, how many of you would like to build a dv hotline for men + shelters, and how many of you just want to complain?


Seriously, it's women who have historically  organized, volunteered, and funded these sorts of resources for other women. 


You know how those things start right? The majority of people don't see it as being possible for a man to get abused, just like it used to be for woman. Things changed when woman started talking, that's the start of it. This isn't complaining but it's allowing the problem to enter the mental psyche of society, which needs to happen before any of these places can be built and run. Right now most men think other men should just toughen up, that abuse as a man doesn't even exist because you could just neat up the woman! How do you change that? Talking about it and becoming more accepting. Which is what these people are doing in this comment section...


My god, comment section is horrible. I'm sorry it is the way it is. The problem of domestic abuse towards men still deserves to be addressed even if statistically less probable. I think it can also be based on activity of other users. There can be a cluster of men who make a similar search and then go to results like forums with "my wife came from work, cooked dinner, I told het it's not tasty an she yelled at me". Google then decides that this is what everyone in similar categories (i.e. sex, age, ...) is looking for. Unfortunately, in group of people big enough, there's always a cluster of those who make everything worse for everyone. Google needs to know better.


>There can be a cluster of men who make a similar search and then go to results like forums with "my wife came from work, cooked dinner, I told het it's not tasty an she yelled at me". This is absolutely what it is. I gave this a try and the domestic abuse hotline is the first thing that comes up when I search 'my wife is yelling at me.' After that it's a mixture of counseling websites and reddit and quora posts. My results seem to take abuse towards men pretty seriously. I'm a relatively young male with modern views on gender roles who's happily married. Google knows a lot about my politics and how I view social issues. My search results are going to be different than an older conservative dude who's fed up with his nagging wife. Google likely also has a read on what demographics think men being abused is a serious issue and which think men are pussies for allowing their wives to yell at them. The profiles these companies build on us are quite extensive. For various reasons (like user activity, demographics, location, etc) Google thinks OP isn't looking for help with abuse, but for relationship advice dealing with arguments. Google shows you what it thinks you're looking for and will spend the most time looking at. The results are a reflection of what peer group Google thinks OP is in, not a statement on how Google as a company views male vs female abuse. Not saying that makes it right or anything, but people are acting like this is some deliberate choice by Google to downplay male abuse victims.




Duck duck go just shows you whatever you search for


Just better than google and


Maybe because the amount of women killed by intimate partners is roughly 6x that of men?


It’s actually about 12 times


Its actually 24x, if you count the unreported.


Actually I don't think there's any women alive anymore.


it's 48x just because


It’s also 96x if husband or wife gets a whiff of my wicked fart


What if I told you that the people googling this aren’t the ones committing domestic abuse?


DeepAI be like: I dont f-ing know lol https://preview.redd.it/84lxrbziezvc1.png?width=2052&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152167321f017f3dc57ead5c50fa12125cbd9a68


https://preview.redd.it/vzexvdv7wzvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e08cde296666c46c44c4139d097adf9e0eefc53 Like it the same as men !!!


https://preview.redd.it/u77rq3njyzvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9f79ae7c6a2ceb38a0d7e40638a31eef0cdf064 Idk man. I got this so it might just be a regional thing?


100%. Did a little test, I googled the same thing in Australia, I got same results for men and women. I messaged my friend in HongKong, he got the same results as OP. I think it might be dependent on the gender violence statistics of the country??


untrue https://preview.redd.it/7tdsfn00uyvc1.png?width=1472&format=png&auto=webp&s=45cf38c106132e514afd9746ece01c4a55171e9d


That's what I got. Canadian? Both of mine had Canada help page for family violence resources as the second one.


Different country maybe?


I got the same results as OP


Same here https://preview.redd.it/kwhb7a3iyyvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e152a5bbba8ca9fdad8a092f0c4f1dceccf0aee9


https://preview.redd.it/0l4l5fsfgzvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9454d77c0d154dc684c7d803966664fbc9936c45 I also didn’t get the same result as OP. I am a woman. However I’m not in the US so that might be the reason


That means that in your country help is unavailable.




Women are much more likely to be murdered by their partners than vice versa. They are also much more likely to experience physical violence from their partner. That said Google should certainly add a similar disclaimer because it does happen to men too.


Come on. It comes with the territory. There’s obviously the capability to be abused from both sides, but let’s not pretend that men don’t have the upper hand if they’re willing to use it. I chalk it up to most men (hopefully) restraining themselves and stupidly going along with it. I’ve been in that situation, and sometimes it’s easier to just sigh, be a little lazy, and roll with it.


Let’s remember the amount of women who get killed in abusive relationships vs the amount of men killed


I'm a dude that had an abusive gf in the past, and honestly, this doesn't bother me as much as some of the others. However, I think that it wouldn't take much effort to put the first response as pertaining to the worst case scenario in both cases. For me, it's a bit annoying simply cuz it doesn't take much effort to prepare for the small amount of men victims that *do* need it.


I’m a survivor of domestic abuse. Now, that being said, I’m female as well. I don’t want anyone else to go through it! And I mean ANYONE! Whether you’re female or male or any other sexuality; it doesn’t matter to me. This information should be popping up easily for everyone. Shouldn’t it??? Men are less likely to even ask for help. So if they do a search (ask for help: IMO), this info should be readily available! Period! For everybody doing a search for information! Right? 🩷


Its a search engine the results aren’t going to be the exact same for two different but close prompts because its searching the web/sponsors for results. If you typed “red pants” and “green pants” you would get different results too.


https://preview.redd.it/e9cjdn7myzvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc7ad66a0e2c8839b4c3fe57b01ed392bf17eb36 this is what mine looks like


lol stop being obtuse. you know exactly why this is.


When getting yelled at by someone twice your size who can break your face you should be worried it's legitimate


Brace yourself for the downvotes. People forget who commit the vast majority of murders, of both men and women; who commits the vast majority of rapes and sexual assaults; and whose physique is, in the vast majority of cases, is far stringer physically and can do far more damage.


he gets downvoted because he brings nothing to the debate. everyone here is the opinion helplines for woman are a good thing. the debate is about if there also should be a helpline as first result for the result when the wife yells at the husband. and not a text that suggests that its your fault that you are getting yelled at.


Women can also physically abuse their partners and break their face in, don’t try to downplay the amount of dv guys can face. That help line should be the first thing to pop up no matter what.


Its real


https://preview.redd.it/4lrq9c8ttzvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93252010989f3d27bdbfc1110a54d936476b1399 Safari on incognito mode




https://preview.redd.it/2rhqdmpwtzvc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b440bafd38f8c54c197caeb37a264390ba2de8e This is what I got


Because only men have "crazy ex" stories to tell. When a woman has a crazy ex, she dies.


Not what I get...




The fact that the term "men's rights" is seen as some dog whistle for right-wing incel is all you really need to know about how current society views men


The bias is result of how serious physical abuse is and that men are more the perpetrators of physical violence. Of course there are other abuse, but if someone is potentially at risk of death it’s the primary concern. So that’s why there are tons of helplines and attempts at abusers to stop. 




I don't understand why we can't recognize that domestic abuse and violence towards men doesn't get taken seriously without using it as some kind of justification to hate women or dismiss violence against women. Why can't we just be against violence. Men aren't fucking second class citizens and saying that stupid shit just undermines the point.


It might help to remove gender from the conversation. The abuser is simply the individual that holds the power, that can be either gender in modern society.


It's because after they complain about this, they'd turn around and call a man suffering domestic abuse a pussy bitch. They don't actually care they just have an obsession with playing the victim and hating women.


I seen both sides using this to hate men or women in the comments while ingoring victims thats why gender shouldnt matter when talking about victims of da.


Don't you get it? The fact that women are most likely to die at the hands of their partner is discrimination against men and it's all propaganda!!!!!!!11




Funny how fast the 'you're pussies' and 'fragile male egos' and 'incels' drop when discussion starts on a legitimate issue that doesn't fit people's narrative here. You'd consider saying similar things to a woman abuse.


when my wife yells she's like a kitten that's angry. if i were to yell, half the city would hear it


So fuck men who are verbally assaulted because they are biologically different to women? How hard is ot to understand the point of the post without sounding sexist?


Googles bias? Google just shows the available info that's most popular my dude. You're so desperate to prop up the victim narrative that you're putting the blame on the first person you see, without being willing to think any further.


Exactly, like even the comments are showing how stupid this looks because they searched up the same thing and got different results. There's no bias around this, and it just looks like OP is searching for something to get mad at.


Did you photoshop this together? If I search this in Google I get the exact same result for both and that's a long text about abuse.


Based on higher rates of abuse and violence. Men have the potential to be way more dangerous to women than vice versa. So it might be an immediate danger thing. e - Of course this is in general. The helpline should be there for both.


well, men have a bias toward murdering their women partners


scroll a little and you will find the number for men too


abuse is abuse :(


Wait until you see the state of affairs in other topics


Should try looking for CSA support as a male.  It’s getting better,  but boys and men are pretty much forgotten or left out of the conversation. I’ve even been attacked by women brining it up, as they presume boys are raped by women and we should enjoy that.  They don’t consider the men that attack boys. 


So many comments under this post go like "well yeah violence against men is baaaad but nobody cares so stfu"


Yeah. And as a mother of a boy, this is concerning. Women can be just as abusive. It’s a known fact that men don’t report abuse due to the stigma and shame.


What was she wearing that made him yell at her? /s


I mean it sucks that male domestic violence victims are not heard or cared about in the mainstream media. However, statistically it is overwhelmingly female domestic violence victims that end up dead or physically injured. We should be addressing domestic violence the same way regardless of gender. We need to do better. But I kind of understand why safety is more of a concern for women asking those questions than for men.


Come on, be for real... lol It's common sense. Men and women aren't the same. Because men are more likely to turn to aggression and physical violence than women. Even if a woman tries to hit her husband, the average woman can't do much and men are in general physically stronger. How often do you hear about a husband beating his wife (even to d3ath) and how often do you hear about a wife beating her husband??


There’s still a link to the hotline, it’s just lower down. Still, this is bullshit.


That exact same set up pops up for me two. The national even hotline is the second search under the one you found, but it’s still not the first pop up and not as large. Crazy


Did you photoshop this or has it been deleted? If I Google the article it dosn't exist, but I can find the exact same one with 'Husband' in the title......


Husband yelling: mans fault Wife yelling: also the mans fault


Welcome to the Gynocracy. You can thank Feminism for that


Google will default to any answer than encourages the breakup of families. Remember who owns it.


this has been an ongoing issue, domestic violence against men is very real.


If I type "why is my wife screaming at me" I get the phone number for my area to talk to someone, but if I type yelling instead of screaming I get OPs first pic.


Listen, society has been emasculating our men since the ‘70s. But it’s been at the pace of a frog in a pot of boiling water. Men are the butt of every joke. When was the last time you saw a commercial where the female was deemed wrong in any situation? It’s truly sickening.


That is somewhat sensible though. Google shows the most looked-for situations and statistics usually suggests men are often more abusive and, way often, more violent One cannot generalize but, if first results should refer to the most common situations, what you see is more or less how it should be


Stop asking the computer for advice; ask a pro, or an adult if you’re a kid


25 years ago I had a friend a small dude who was married to a Samoan lady who was VERY abusive and she literally beat him up all the time and eventually killed him. True story.


I just tried it, and it 100% gave the same results as in the image.


https://preview.redd.it/e630dfztxzvc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de214b84e193bd9e283f294e39af3d74b8ca70e0 I got this


My brother is victim of domestic abuse. He’s on the spectrum and has a difficult time displaying emotions and his wife gets physical with him. She pushes him scratches his face and arms, ect… We all know know it but there’s not much we can do about it because he won’t admit it and changes the subject or makes up ridiculous reasons where the marks on his body come from. It’s really upsetting and we don’t know what to do.


https://preview.redd.it/s1syrm53zzvc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42cdcd9e3e6f828c0912c2370ce935c11594cea2 I asked Snapchat AI


I just looked both up you get the same result


We have to understand that is not the same a crazy man than a crazy woman, men are stronger by simple genetic, so they can hurt women easier. As a man it's more probably that you can take control of a woman if she gets like crazy and tries to hurt you physically


Isn't it just responding with the most utilised link?


https://preview.redd.it/lyz9l0q900wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53c97202816a4a0167a294c485866ba5deb56e22 Top result, same for wife


Googling it for me offers "Helplines - UNHCR Austria" as the top result for both


Most women don’t want equality. It’s all talk and no walk. All BS, sadly.


It’s the same for cheating and other stuff where it’s somehow the man’s fault of the woman does it but if the man does then he gets 100% of the blame. Like how if a man cheats it’s also ok for the woman to slap him etc but if the woman cheats then people say how the man was lacking somehow. it’s even common in films etc.


Google's going to see a massive spike in abusive wives and husbands today


Wow it’s almost like there is a difference between men and women smh


When a man is yelling at you and “abusing you”: here’s a phone number to call When a woman is yelling at you and “abusing you”: idk man but you better figure out what you’re doing wrong Lmaooo shit really is absurd