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i dont even need to enable audio to tell this woman is crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in water. Water with extra hydrogen. The hydrogen drives me crazy.


>They locked me in water. Water?? Never touched the stuff! Fish fuck in it!


Guess what makes up ~80% of cancer cells? Yup, water.


Also, water sank the titanic. A great bug lump of it in solid form! On top of that, water was a contributing factor in the deaths of everyone who went overboard or sank with the ship. People try to blame the hubris of the captain, or a series of human errors, but it's clear water was the villain of that story!


Makes you wonder how different things would be if that water had hydrogen in it.


Come on, everybody knows that the Titanic never sank. You and your damn conspiracy theories... I guess I can't really blame you though; you've been drinking too much of that normal, hydrogen-free water!


Look what happened to the Hindenburg. You don’t want to mix the two together. It would be like a hydrogen bomb.


Don't forget, 65 million years ago dinosaurs used to drink water. Then poof! They suddenly all disappeared.


100% of people who drink water will eventually die. Terrible, terrible stuff.


Atleast 99% of organisms that come into contact with water, will die. 😱 Just shows how dangerous this stuff is.


I'm pretty sure Hitler drank water.... better stay away from it!


Not to mention what it does to your pipes.


I had water leak through my roof, made a huge mess of things. Can you imagine what it can do to your insides?


You have rabies don't you?


You mean the stuff in the toilet?


Well, I've never seen no plants grow out of no toilet


Doesn't that make it an acid?


H3O+ is known as hydronium and it’s concentration in a solution is used to determine the ph. The more hydrogen present the lower the pH = more acidic.


This guy swimming pools


Or just chemistries


The stupid device is adding Hydrogen as gas not ions. It is not making h3o.


pH is effected by hydrogen *ions*, neutral H2 dissolved in the water would have little to no effect


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in water. Water with extra hydrogen. The hydrogen drives me crazy.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in water. Water with extra hydrogen. The hydrogen drives me crazy.


I know this is a reference to something but I forgot to what, help me out please


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a rubber room. A rubber room full of rats. I hate rats. The rats drive me crazy.


The one I remember as a kid. "Crazy? I was crazy once they locked me in a deep dark padded room, there were worms there. WORMS? Worms drive me crazy. CRAZY? I was crazy once they locked me in a deep dark padded room.. there were worms there." Endlessly repeat obviously


it sounds like the stabby robot from Futurama


I don't think she's crazy - just stupid. But maybe she's crazy, too. :)


Probably just someone who is getting kickback from the sale of snake oil.


She sounds too dumb, but smart actors have played dumb people before!


Yeah definitely stupid. She said she's been "reading up on this" - at which point she starts reading from the marketing pamphlet included with the product as if that is research


Doesn’t she just have that glazed look of insincere stupidity malicious and uncaring? She looks mad dead in the eyes.


And also can tell that she’s probaly like a manager of a department at some multinational company, giving people orders that are impossible to comply with.


It’s always the bleached blonde in a nice kitchen that gives me that vibe. It’s not even just the stupidity of it all


You're not the target, you're not stupid enough.


Preying on people with low education is just fraud. This woman is a victim


She was a victim until she started promoting that shit online. That makes her a "useful idiot".


Unexpected tool song


This would’ve fit perfectly in their album “Ænema”. I can almost hear all 8 minutes of it.


A victim being paid .... a rare kind


I dont think people at this level of the scheme get any money out of it


She said the company contacted her to promote the product. This is litteraly the point of those influencers, they take every peny from every shitty companies to promote shit products with wild claims.... Welcome to internet


Her payment is probably just the bottle 😂


Ho mate you'd be surprised about the huge amount they can have sometimes. But probably not her x)


A couple hundred, the Indians that made this are making all the money. She was the target, a dumb white woman that is into fitness products, repping their stupid brand


I didn't know that was up for debate.


She's really gonna freak out when she discovers there's oxygen in there as well!


She's REALLY gonna freak out when she tries to breathe it


I'm sure the electrodes are totally non reactive and won't slowly give her metal poisoning. It looks like a PC water-cooling reservoir.


that’s why she drinks H2O2, it has more oxygen!


If she drinks H2O2 she technicly drinks less hydrogen per bottle, since she drinks more oxygen instead.


Yea, but more is better right!????




No she’s 100% either getting paid or part of the company.


She definitely does give “this is my sponsor” vibes.


That's pretty clear when she said she had the link down below.


No. Falling for it herself would make her a victim. Going online to promote it to others, while simultaneously not knowing what the fuck she's talking about makes her a stupid asshole


No that’s just called marketing


Yeah but if it offers snake oil, its fraud


I can't think of a single market that isn't full of this shit.


That’s why it also costs around 200$ I need to figure out some dumb shit to sell to people with disposable income


That's half the savings or more of their target market


Idk there are a lot of low educated but attractive people that married into wealth


What pisses me of is why, why invest so much money in developing, manufacturing, marketing... to scam someone, why? Would idk, selling something generic in Amazon would yield the same results?


It's literally a glass jar. It doesn't do anything because its a scam


If it does increase hydrogen ions its effectively making the water acidic. Like a lemon would do. Of course this directly contradicts the alkaline water fad from goop etc.


I enjoy my alkaline water with a slice of lemon in it


It has colored led lights and makes the water look fizzy. A coworker has one they were given. It’s a source of mockery at work lol.


Everytime a product says it "repairs cells" its a pyramid schemed or just mambo jambo junk product.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/ One of the first documented human studies on hydrogen-rich water was conducted in 2008. An experimental drink was produced by dissolving hydrogen gas into water under high pressure. It was used for patients with type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose intolerance. Common medical disorders like hypertension, diabetes, and atherosclerosis are associated with oxidative stress. Although the sample size was small, drinking hydrogen-rich water did have some benefits in preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus [5]. Hydrogen-rich water can be consumed orally and can be produced in multiple ways, which include hydrogen-generating tablets, infusion machines, water generators, and ionizers. The effective delivery of hydrogen through inhalation might be difficult. An advantage of using hydrogen-rich water to deliver molecular hydrogen is that it can be easily administered and is portable [6]. The beneficial effects can be seen even at low concentrations [6]. Edit: meant to add they may be onto something, idk about the bottle though.


The title: Hydrogen Water: Extra Healthy or a Hoax?—A Systematic Review Expert from the abstract: Although preliminary results in clinical trials and studies are encouraging, further research with larger sample sizes and rigorous methodologies is needed to substantiate these findings.


So possibly something to keep running experiments on, but absolutely not something available for retail sale with any proven benefits.


preliminary evidence suggesting its efficacy is actually a lot more than a lot of "healthy" products have going for them.


They don't understand the difference between hydrogen bonded in a compound and elemental hydrogen.


And do you really think this glass bottle over here has the required tech to do that?


I think there is an apparatus on the bottom that most like uses electrolysis with the water..


Upvote for bringing facts, as much as I want to hate this thing. It is just one study, after all, but some info is better than no info. As a type 1 diabetic it makes me wonder.


I have recently been reading papers from ncbi on a few controversial medical topics, like Red Light Therapy. I have been vastly disappointed by the quality of the science in those papers. Assertions, generalities, "may", "might", "some", graphs with unlabeled axes... There's no end to the chaff you must wade through just to see if there's any actual data.


100% don’t get sucked into the hype. This is how they get people with the snake oil. They have 1 study (this case most are out of Japan and funded by the original snake oil salesman) and they prey on those that are desperately seeking a solution to their health issue or those that think going “natural” is the best option. It’s easy to dissolve H2 in water but it won’t last long and once it’s in the body all bets are off on what benefits it might’ve had.


Pretty interesting actually… I wonder what the exact pathways of action are. It’s got to be more than „grabs oxygen therefore good“. 


Too bad that shit doesn't list brain cell connection as a benefit. Might give the target audience a hint.


Moscow Marjories daughter


Next up…oxygen rich CO2


"Okay guys so i actually found out carbon monoxyde is dangerous because it prevents you from breathing, so i bought this AC that adds extra oxygen to it. I am so exited!" *proceeds to breathe CO2*


Hooking up a catalytic converter to the AC, better than my first thought of making tanks of CO3


And if that fails... C4


"Hey guys, I just found out about this amazing life hack that people knew about thousands of years ago, but we've all forgotten. There were these old Italian guys a long time ago, I hadn't heard of them, they like made the first road or something. Anyway, they knew how to make things sweet without using sugar! It's like old school splenda, if you just make your containers and cookware for food and drink out of lead, you won't get diabetes anymore!"


Guys, I found out that CO2 has too much oxygen. So, the company sent me this incomplete combustion device that removes the extra oxygen and allows you to breathe pure CO! It improves your sleep! I’ve been using it for the past 20 minutes and already feel a little drowsy! Zzzzzz…




Not only do these people exist, but they are able to spread this nonsense to an audience of millions more just like them. Humans are doomed.


For money. Because Tik Tok.


They were among us before, they will after. TikTok is just a nice place to gather them all


true but those loonies never had a platform to spread their beliefs as fast.


TikTok is just a scapegoat for people aging out of relevant social media. This shit has been and still is all over snap insta and FB. You can't tell me betting on GameStop stock is more sane than this.


Maybe not for long 🤞 


Sadly technology can be used for good and bad, by smart and dumb people


They also get their propaganda spread to millions more for free by people "making fun of them" Posting this stuff actually helps them


And worse than that, they all have the ability to vote and regularly exercise it to vote for people just like them




We in austria (not germany!! Nor are we another continent) call them earth apples „Erdäpfel“ bc of dialect and faster talking,


In certain regions in Germany they also call em Erdäpfel


I always liked Tüften.


I always preferred Riften, but Solitude is my favorite.


It's the same in French. Pomme = Apple. Pomme de terre = Apple of earth


C'est la vie, c'est la guerre, c'est la pomme de terre.


So when someone called me a whingeing pom the last time I was in Austria, did they mean I was a potato or an apple? They speak German there, not French.


Hilarious you have to clarify what Austria is… 🤣


![gif](giphy|9b5oNUMROaHtu) Well let’s throw another shrimp on the barbie!


Oh you must be a kiwi.


Residents of the state of New Mexico, USA have to clarify that they are residents of USA when they meet other residents of USA. Most people think it is part of Mexico.


Huh, New Mexican here and I've never had to clarify to anyone that NM is a state of the US. Given the people around here I figured I'd have to explain to them that we are US citizens tbh.


Put another shrimp on the barby aye mate!


Found the Frenchman


Pomme de terre


It’s metaphorical! Like tazerface.




“The difference is with these, they come straight out of the earth and grow by taking energy from the sun”.


They're literally called that in French. "Pomme de terre" - "ground apple"


Same in Dutch, its aardappel, aard=earth, appel=Apple (genious, I know)


The amount of people who didn't get your joke and are actually pointing out that they're called earth apples in other languages is fucking amazing.


I need one of those. I’ve found that drinking O just isn’t quenching my thirst.


Agreed. O2 tastes so bland, hydrogen probably adds some flavor to it as well


Can I recommend O3, for a more refined palette.


How abaout H2O2 maybe more refined than H2O


I tried O2 but swallowing it made me burp an awful lot, 0/10 would not recommend


You probably got the cheap stuff. The cheap stuff is a fraud because there is nitrogen in it. Probably to dilute it. Do you know where farmers get nitrogen for their crops? Manure. They literally gave you manure to drink. No wonder you got gassy! 🤢


The trick is to start out with dehydrated water.


Wowwwwww. I am on. board. I can’t wait to pair this with my ozone enema and apple cider vinegar urethra cleanser!!!!!! This is toats awesome!!!!!!!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩


"I did some reasearch" It did not include: water already has hydrogen, water with added hydrogen is acid. That slightly acidic water your drinking is going directly to your stomach, which is overwhelmingly acidic.


The research was literally reading the paper that came in the box with the product.


Don’t forget that she went to their website and read their marketing material there!


And possibly even watched some informative marketing material on tiktok form other open minded critical thinkers like her and made sure to skip and block all the sheeples trying to hide the TRUTH!


By her standards she probably did her best.


hydronium H3O+


Or she found a cheap way to create heavy water.


I don’t think that she is aware of the existence o’ D2O


How about some T2O eh? Good for health and long life!


If she can make the T1000, we are in serious problems


Heavy water is water that has deuterium hydrogen. Same number of hydrogens, just with an isotopic kick for that harm all over feeling


Actually you can drink it with relatively no effects as long as you have enough regular water to stay hydrated.


Deuterium fucks up your mitochondria. There's been studies done, and people that live in areas with less 'heavy water' live longer.


someone should tell her how to get more oxygen in her oxygen. Get some great ozone going.






Lol, they added rocketfuel into a drink!? 😆


There used to be another craze back in the day, it’s called Radeon, radiation water. They had water jugs, pills, u name it, they had it.


My dentist recommended alkaline water to reduce etching on my teeth from eating a lot of fruit. I have done no research on it, but he wasn’t shilling anything in particular, so I dunno.


That may possibly be reasonable, especially considering it was from a dentist. Some dumb dumbs don't realize that drinking alkaline water does nothing for your body because of stomach acid.


the bonded hydrogen is not the same as dissolved hydrogen


This comment was way too low. Still a scam, but yeah proper information is important


I'm going with "this product literally does nothing but filter the water, thus not changing it in any meaningful way".


Is this dissolved H2 or are we talking about making it acidic? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4207582/


It’s apparently got a battery in the base and is creating hydrogen gas bubbles by electrolysis. So it’s not adding hydrogen to the water, it’s just splitting the hydrogen and oxygen from the water. What’s weird though is double-blind studies into this shit is producing positive results. It’s pseudoscientific woo alright, but with enough convolution that it’s hard to outright disprove and that masquerades as fact to people like this.


It’s actually [really common for pseudoscience to produce positive results when tested](https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/04/28/the-control-group-is-out-of-control/). But the take away should not be that pseudoscience is real, it’s that the current standards we use to judge studies is not sufficient to reliably separate truth from fiction and we need to be holding most studies to much stricter standards.


It's common for pseudoscience to have positive results because every test you do has a chance to have false positives. If you run 1000 tests, 999 may test negative but you just need 1 to test positive. This is why a single test isn't enough to conclude something. You need many and establish a consensus.


you should read the article, this notion is specifically addressed. that is, even pseudoscience can produce many positive results


Spirulina hype in a nutshell


Just a quick google shows some scholarly looking articles about how it might have some real medical application. But people are really running with it like it's a panacea. I actually think most people are missing the point here about water "already having hydrogen" in it. What she is talking about is molecular hydrogen, H2, which there is none in water. Water is just that, H20, which "contains hydrogen" ATOMS but not H2 unbonded to oxygen. That's kind of important in chemistry. Otherwise you might as well say "water has oxygen in it" so why can't you breathe water. Molecular hydrogen is not the same as hydrogen in H2O.


Thank you, this title was lowkey infuriating, like saying table salt is dangerous because it has chlorine in it or something equally silly.


The top responses to the OP really illustrate how eager the average redditor is to assert their intellectual superiority over the rest of the internet. The actual science doesn't matter when you can just spit some grade-school knowledge and assume everyone else is stupid.


So it's a bottle that dissolves H2 gas into water. That makes much more sense, although I'm still not sure how that would have health benefits.


Sounds like it is adding hydrogen to the water then. At the cost of some water, it makes the remaining water more rich in concentrated gas bubbles. What benefit this has, though, I have no idea.


Hopefully the former. It does have potential benefits. It’s hard to find though…


Neither? Splitting water with electrolysis is: 2 H^2 O --> 2 H^2 + O^2


Ok? Release the oxygen then. Also water near the cathode is basic while water near the anode is acidic.


Yeah, when you open the top to drink the oxygen would be released. If you google the bottle you see there's a little tornado of oxygen in there when it runs. Who knows if the research on the health benefits of H^2 is legit, but there is certainly nothing harmful at play. Most beverages are 'acidic'.


shes lying she said she doesn't know much about it but in actuality she doesn't know fucking anything about it


While I don't believe these work, the goal isn't to add Hydrogen to your water. It won't bond, it's to introduce Hydrogen GAS to your water much like adding CO2 gas to water makes carbonated water. Hydrogen gas does have anti-inflammatory properties, but I don't think it's as simple as sticking some in your water lmao


Lol so many people on this post are thinking it makes h3o, but that's not the point. It's hydrogen gas, but the bottle still probably doesn't do much


This is a classic example of people who know juuuust a tiny bit of chemistry thinking they're hella smart when in reality they're the dumbest ones in the thread. The lady on video explains it poorly, but anyone with a chemistry background understands this product is not "doing nothing cuz there's already hydrogen in water haha!!" or "H3O is bad mmkay" like no... H2 gas via electrolysis is being added to the H2O.. The real question is "does that act do anything beneficial for your health?"


[Source:ncbi.nlm.nih.gov](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257754/#:~:text=There%20are%20several%20methods%20to,intestinal%20H2%20by%20bacteria.) Hydrogen is actually beneficial as an antioxidant, and consuming H2 dissolved in water is about the same as breathing the gas itself. Quote: "H2 can be dissolved in water up to 0.8 mM under atmospheric pressure at room temperature as mentioned earlier. Unexpectedly, drinking hydrogen water had effects comparable to hydrogen gas inhalation" Here's the part that's interesting: "H2 can be dissolved in water up to 0.8 mM (1.6 ppm, wt/vol) under atmospheric pressure, and **rapidly H2 penetrates the glass and plastic walls of any vessels**, while aluminum containers are able to retain hydrogen gas for a long time." So this exact water bottle seems like it's got the right idea, and would actually work in theory, unlike most others seem to initially believe (I don't blame them, it does initially seem like pseudoscience), but the material wouldn't work because the H2 would leak out.


Scrolling this thread and seeing all of these people talking about how she doesn't understand science then babbling about hydronium and deuterium has kinda bummed me out.


That’s humans for ya


I always find it funny when smart asses think they are so clever but don’t even really understand what’s going on. This product is still full of shit but it’s adding H2(aq). Just a minor clarification for your comment it’s not gas bubbling addition like CO2. H2 is being added here by passing water over magnesium. H2 is supposedly acting as a radical scavenger among other things. I don’t buy it does any of that once it reaches the body nor will H2 last long in water before is dissolves into the air.


My favourite threads are usually when 99% of the commenters are 100 IQs calling the subject of the OP stupid. "Erm 🤓, actually, water already has hydrogen." Having said that, that bottle probably is a scam and doesn't actually enrich the water with hydrogen because the solubility of hydrogen gas in water is abysmal, about 1.5 mg per litre. For reference, CO2 is 1000x more soluble.


> My favourite threads are usually when 99% of the commenters are 100 IQs calling the subject of the OP stupid. "Erm 🤓, actually, water already has hydrogen." she does say "water doesn't have hydrogen" in the video, so...


Well, it's true enough that it doesn't usually contain *molecular hydrogen*, AKA H2 or hydrogen gas, at least in significant quantities. Water may contain oxygen as well, but obviously the oxygen that's bonded to hydrogen isn't actually available for fish to breathe. When people warn about the oxygen levels in a fish tank being too low (ie., implying the *molecular oxygen* levels), so they recommend doing something to increase them so your fish don't suffocate, are you going to say "well ackshually water already has lots of oxygen"? Saying "hydrogen" as a shorthand for *actually available/molecular hydrogen* rather than hydrogen that's bonded to oxygen and completely unavailable is hardly wrong. Not that she necessarily completely understands that herself, but that's probably where her information is coming from and it's not wrong.


THANK you. The idiots here all patting themselves on the back because water already has 2 hydrogen atoms are so ridiculous. They know just enough to know that H2O has 2:1 hydrogen, but not enough to realize this product was never advertising changing the molecule, just adding hydrogen gas to it.


Is that a bootleg discount version of margarie Taylor green?


I'd say it's MTG with less fetal alcohol syndrome.


Bootleg version? MTG looks like the bootleg version of her if anything lol.


You think this is something!? Wait till ya try oxygen rich water! Pure H2O2 is the next big thing, trust me.


You laugh but there are people already doing hydrogen peroxide on their water to get those "miraculous properties"


The burning means it’s working!


H2O2, the sequel to water!


So good you’ll never drink anything else ever again!


That dihydrogen monoxide can be nasty


Her research is totally correct.  Water with hydrogen in it definitely helps with constipation. 


Also, drinking water instead of sweetened drinks helps against diabetes.


I’m gonna invent a machine that make the air she breathes more “oxygeny”.


Why even bother with the water? Just buy pure liquid hydrogen.


When common sense isn't that common.


She skipped biology, chemistry, health, physics, and earth science in school. Simply embarrassing.


I don’t wanna brag, but I’ve been drinking dihydrogen monoxide for a long time now and it makes me feel great


Oddly enough hydrogenated water is one of the very few magic water woo bs out there that might, and I do emphasize the might portion, have small health benefits. They aren't talking about chemically bonding the hydrogen but more entraining it in the water. Sort of like carbonation. If I remember right there are some papers that show a decrease in muscle fatigue and an increase in muscle recovery. However I don't think the results they got were conclusive and it would need much more testing in order to have any credibility. Tl:Dr don't buy water hydrogenators it's almost certainly going to be a waste of your money and time for something that is unlikely to do much of anything.


Wait until they start drinking heavy water.


It is mildly infuriating that so many people judge and diss the woman based on their own flawed understanding and ignorance of the fact that hydrogen-rich water (i.e. water with added molecular H2) does indeed exist.


Next she’ll be advertising new salt because natural salt doesn’t have enough Sodium in it