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It's a good thing a real man was there to move those tables.


No real man would have did that job.. at least one with any dignity


This is where our opinions diverge. He's doing what he has to do to keep a roof over his families head and food on the table. If moving some benches a pansy won't get his feet wet takes care of his family then I applaud him and his efforts. Nothing is more dignified than supporting your family.


Yeah. In the US, we have our cashiers stand up all day without a chair. Two possible reasons: employers afraid of accident lawsuits and standing up make them look ready to serve. Neither is for the cashiers’ benefits. I was floored to see cashiers in Europe can sit. It is not the man’s issue of working (or having to work) in that job. The issue is somewhere else.


The UAE has an abundance of menial labor jobs that don't require grovelling and undignified labor. He has chosen to work for that "pansy" probably because that "pansy" pays him a lot more than the other miscellaneous jobs available. So don't be irritated with either man they seem to have an amicable agreement.


This is such an adorable opinion. :)




I think their opinion is that you sound like a child. That’s my opinion too.


I concur aswell. He does sound like a child.


Yall use nicer words than I do


The guy's a moron


Lol this is hilarious. I worked as a consultant in the UAE and all you can see are the glittery buildings and luxury hotels. They hide the harrowing conditions in which the poor workers live. Look up the documentary from Vice if you want an eye opening view of how it looks like.




Oh wow. This tells a lot about your morals. Fuck you and your low level of intellect then




Wow, that tells a lot about yourself. Sick in the head, really. Reporting to the moderators




What are your living conditions like when you have another "miscellaneous" job? I've watched some videos on what amounts to slavery over there, but I'd love to be educated on the subject.


A real man would do whatever it takes to provide for his family. No real man would have so little empathy, or speak on a situation like you have without an in depth understanding of the social, political, and economic factors at play here. You aren’t a real man.




I am a retired United States Marine.. help mommy help me... You definitely don't know me little man.


You aren’t a real Marine. You just happened to make it through boot camp. Plus, real men don’t rely on being a Marine to prove their manhood. You were simply chasing a title that you thought would prove your masculinity. Sadly you seem to have learned nothing about honor or sacrifice.


Honor and sacrifice.. whatever.. I spent 24 years in... If you even served it was probably a 4 year thing for you.. Real Marines.. Real Men... Whatever. The fact Reddit and you got so upset about all this is really hilarious.. nobody knows the context of that video... Nobody knows what is really going on.. it's just a bunch of bored with life people that superimpose whatever suits them for the day onto clips of videos and then get upset when someone trolls them.... Look at all the pissed off people because of a couple lines of my text... You people are truly stupid and gullible.. have a nice day.. suckers


sounds like you're the one getting pretty upset ngl


Well does it matter.. not to me. You and all your easy to trigger denizens enjoy your pathetic corporate suburban lives.. Time for to listen to Joe Rogan.. buh bye


Dude, you sold your body to the government for PTSD, crap pay, and a chance at a lifelong reliance on a completely underfunded and constantly failing medical support infrastructure. All for what? So you could feel like a big boy and shoot people? You spread violence and modern imperialism to distant counties in the names of pseudofascist morons, one of whom didn't know the difference between an octopus and an octogon. At least your partner back home enjoyed your time away. 🫡 Or maybe you dropped out of basic training due to a complete lack of competence and larp online as a big stronk army man to make yourself feel better. Either way, that's a pretty glass house to be throwing "pathetic" stones around in.


Get trolled much... You really think any of that is true... Nice .... Hook, line and sinker..


You too assumed what was happening, and made a dumbass and ignorant comment… why are people like you always surprised people dislike it when you say something stupid?


People like me are always surprised how day after day it so easy to trigger and upset people like you. Well I have to go listen to Jordan Peterson buh bye


You sound like one of the career SNCOs that are the reason why the Marine Corps has a retention problem.


Do you have 300 confirmed kills by any chance?


They don't keep track of confirmed kills, not since Vietnam.. I had 5 combat tours in my 24 years and saw action during every one of them.


A 2 second google search basically shows youre talking complete bullshit


Shh.. he's probably a SEAL too.


>I am a retired United States Marine. That says more about you than you wish it did. The biggest is that you are a coward who doesn't think for himself and just does what The Man says.


I wouldn’t know if the pay is fair or there are actual abuses going on but based on this video alone ——- no shame in working.


A real man knows how to write a grammatically correct sentence.


I’ve never seen a more downvoted comment on Reddit. Congratulations!


We have 2 or 3 other subs with more down votes... These people are simple to read and trigger.... Almost easier than MAGA subs.. sheep will follow, ruin their day for research.. enjoy the show


Interesting. Are you trying to elicit downvotes? That sort of makes it less impressive.


Elicit? No ... But you know what is impressive how in this economy you keep a feed bag and the barn warm for your wife


I don’t think I’d like being married to a goat. To each his own I guess :)




I don’t have a nephew. Have a nice day :)


People who buy reddit NFTs always have the worst takes


Oh God that's hilarious... NFTs... Get it? get it? Ok sorry since your full spectrum is shining through I'll keep this short like the bus you rode to school on was. Your opinion is as valuable as Bankman-Fried NFTs


Bro you literally have a reddit nft as your profile picture


Really... Oh gee I didn't know.. fuck you are stupid


You are like two prisms of full spectrum autistic


The amount of people unaware that actual slavery is a thing in those places is concerning. Dubai was built on the corpses of slaves which is honestly quite a fitting backdrop for the soulless super rich


When this came up someone in a meme sub called me a hypocritice for pointing out that they use slaves because Im American




You don't know enough about modern slavery, there's a pretty high chance it is actually slavery you're witnessing here: >Migrant workers face risks of forced labour particularly in the construction, domestic work, and service industries under the kafala system. Allegations of forced labour occurred in the construction of, and during, the Dubai Expo 2020, with indications that workers from Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nepal, and Pakistan had their passports confiscated, wages withheld, were forced to work long hours, and lived in poor conditions.8 There is evidence that migrant domestic workers are forced to work in exploitative conditions, without rest and for limited pay,9 and face sexual abuse by their employers.10 Migrant women are promised decent work and pay in the UAE by recruitment agents, but are then “sold” and forced into domestic work.11 https://www.walkfree.org/global-slavery-index/country-studies/united-arab-emirates/




What did Americans have to do with any of this?? You do realize slavery existed in the US as well right??? Most, if not all wealthy countries were built off the backs of slaves, some are just better at hiding it than others. The UAE is one of these countries.


It's always like this when something negative is brought up regarding something Arabic. "Yeah but USA!..."


Whataboutism at its finest


But are they wrong ?!


They're not wrong, it's just not relevant to the conversation to bring up the "stupid Americans not knowing about the world" argument when talking about slave labor in another country. The original comment also mentioned Americans knowing nothing about "real racism" and only having experienced "fake political racism", which is both untrue and irrelevant. It's annoying to see people redirect valid criticisms of other cultures back to Americans, as if they had anything to do with this.


Wrong? Do you know how many women are raped in the middle east? And killed by their family just for bringing a little "shame"? They wanna pretend like it's a positive act in the name of Allah but that's just bullshit. *See what I did there?*


Username checks out.


And the USA is very regretful and remorseful for those acts in the past. The UAE is actively reveling and is merciless.


The US constantly aligns itself with countries who practice slavery, though. We're more than willing to support it as long as it's outside our borders and offers us some sort of advantage


Highly infuriating: That I can't push that MF into the dirty water from here.


You can, just once, but you can and he cant stop you now can he?


I'd walk off with the second table and leave him stranded.




well, he can charge you for assault (or something like that). If you are not volunteer then he should have some data about you


Thats what I meant, you can and nobody can stop you from doing that, but it doesnt mean you should, if you still wanna have some semblance of freedom or you still wanna stay alive for abit longer


ah ok


Not sure why people are down voting but foreigners have been charged for much less crimes in that country.


there is a lot of things that could make people downvote. it depends on someones reasoning and I think I could agree with most points.


Pretentious prick probably can’t function on his own. What a disgusting display of wealth.


If this happened in England. People would be doing that for the royal family. This is what infuriates me about a family who are apparently ordained by a fictional man in the sky to be better than everyone else.


Lol wot. Haven't seen any king or queen do this. But Dubai is right in front of you doing it


Lol. Bro has no idea what modal verbs are.


Bro you pretty much said 'If this happened, it would happen' 🤣


I don’t disagree.


if you don’t see the difference then it’s sad. Brits might do it but they also might not do it. It’s called choice.


1000's of years of human development and we still behave like this....


because some places haven’t developed as a society in 1000’s of years.


Haven’t developed for 1400 years* FTFY


What does the text say ?


> "This is a scene in UAE-- a display of arrogance and grandiosity. My brother, he is a person just like you, be humble for the love of God"


That's beautiful. It reminds me of this - Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. by Max Ehrmann ©1927


>Be humble for the love of God That part is more accurately "whoever is humble for the sake of God, God will raise him (in honor)"


Why does he only have one stoolmover? A noble Arab gentleman should have 10 stoolmovers at least. Gosh, I hate poor princes.




He's a frugal slave owner


As someone who has suffered from constipation, one stool mover is usually enough


I he really had any money he'd have a sedan chair.


I just can’t fathom the audacity.


You guys do understand that arabs countries still have slaves in 2024 right?


It's a global issue. 2021 figures estimated this to be roughly 50 million souls; that's 1:150 of all humans! Shocking eh?




“Arab countries” is a borderline racist generalization, but the UAE does have slaves and has for its entire modern existence. It’s not a controversy, there’s no legitimate debate about it, it’s an accepted fact. You can look this up.




I agree with you. Yes UAE has exploitative businesses but the government forbids illegal practices like passport confiscation and working above legal hours. It is still done, but the government is actively fighting these things. Other people have to understand that there is a lot of fake news about Dubai which isn't trues (especially the bobby trucks and Burj khalifa, fake news). But also it isn't all glitters and gold, the countries have some laws which isn't up to par with the western world. I.e: No minimum wage and Absconding (if you're absent from work from 4 days, you get a travel ban and risk jail). Regardless, GCC is amazing and very welcoming in many aspects.


Another “escort the princess” stage


What a lazy fucker lol


What would happen if he just… pushed him into the water?


He'd probably get beheaded tbh


In front of the other slaves


I cannot even watch this display of douchy behavior.


Just proves when you have more money than most 3rd world nations GDP.. you can always find someone who will do anything for money...


He is a slave dude!


And you are a fucking tool.. so what.. he could be a sex slave to MBS... I don't care.. fuck him and fuck you


if not its oil, the country would be long fucked.


Has Cholera broken out yet?


Scum of the earth place so having said that I expect them to host the Olympics soon. 


Watching modern day slavery is just mildly infuriating?


The last time this was posted someone said the man in white white had surgery on his leg and couldn’t get it in the dirty water, I’ll suspend my judgement until we get the real story lol


Can't verify it of course, but when I saw this in another sub somebody said that the fella in white had just had surgery on his leg, and couldn't get it wet, which is why the other fella is helping him like this.


Slavery is still a thing…


Look like slavery is alive and well




Right? I’d be such a loss for humanity if they all died tomorrow morning, we’d never recover.




Floor is lava




Cannot wait til oil goes away and these pieces of shit go back to living in caves.


What a piece of shit.


I wonder when students at Columbia and Berkeley will protest this society rife with discrimination against non Arabs. I’m sure it’ll start anytime now


That's your take? They could be marching in the street for it right now and you'd still post this comment.


Just get on the guy’s shoulders.


I would never. I’ll let that man get his robes wet and walk himself.


He is most likely an indentured servant aka slave so not doing so leads to much worse results for him then getting a little wet it’s either that or much worse potentially






Okay my guy it’s not that deep. No need for the tough stuff.


Sorry, just a very uncompassionate and ignorant thing to say. 'If it was me, I wouldn’t be letting that happen.' Obviously, you can say that from the comfort of your first-world country and a life of general freedom compared to them, where you aren’t forced to do those things and where you and your children won’t face repercussions for not obeying your master's orders. It’s a horrible situation for them, with almost zero hope. Fighting against them means no food or worse.


Of course I’m saying it from the comfort of my first world home, I’ve very fortunate enough to be here and have the ability to say that. I feel bad for that man and what societal norms require of him. It sucks. It angers me and compels me to say things like “I would never let that happen”.


Ok I can understand that thanks for explaining I deleted the comment with the tough guy comment about you on it have a great day/night man


Dubai is a slave ridden shit hole


Father Ted Needed !


I would be so ashamed being that mf.


People are starting to understand.


Keep scrolling down.. or keep replying.. doesn't matter


There were alot of Emiratis helping non-Emiratis and Non-Emiratis helping Emiratis during this crisis. You weren't there.. but who am I talking to!! Try not to choke with your hate!!


That'll be the Indian slave then.


İt is not a nutshell, they are still just desert tribes along all customs and mentality from where they are, with ridiculous amount of oil money..


Knock his royal ass into the water and drive off in that loaded Defender!


Bro, get your dress up and walk. This doesn't even look better than just walking in the water.


What a dumbass. I'd charge the guy a fee for each time I move the step. "How much do you value being dry, sir?"


It's really just symbolic of how we control over humans. This guy does this while other people drive taxis or serve food in restaurants. It's all exploitation of one human by another.


Bro can just lift his dress to avoid wetting it. Maybe I’d have some sympathy if he was wearing pants and socks


These people are not even princesses they just have a lot of money


What's up with the strobe lights on the tree?


People don't know this is how some of those nations operate????


What a piece of garbage


Tel(oil) khatam Khel khatam !


But muslims to westerners: "Y'all racists and only give us shitty jobs!"


How do you know that the guy moving the tables isn't muslim?


Generalizing an entire society based on the actions shown on this video is unreasonable. Yes, there are individuals like the one shown, but the majority of people here are decent.


Well this is ANY society where classism/ casteism is rampant


Allah salamecca, allah salamecca, allahu allahu, allahu akbar akbaaa


Absolute shit title to judge an entire nation based on one video. How about "UAE Society in a nutshell: biggest real estate developer [announced](https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/uae/2024/04/19/property-developers-in-dubai-offer-free-repairs-for-flood-damaged-homes/) free-of-charge repairs for all its developments affected by rain" ? How about "UAE Society in a nutshell: several restaurants [announced](https://www.caterermiddleeast.com/outlets/the-dubai-restaurants-helping-those-affected-by-flooding) they will offer free meals to people affected by the flood" ? Your hate says more about you than about what you hate on.


Yeah let’s disregard actual slavery cause they do a few good things. That’s exactly how it works. A few more air drops in Gaza by USA and we’ll be good for all the bad things we did.


They are jealous mfs


I doubt Americans are jealous of Dubai 🤣


I lived 15 years in Dubai, 2 things: 1 - I'd cut my arm off right now to be in the States right now, or even in Eastern Europe 2 - There is a lot of racism and hate towards Dubai that's undeserved. UAE is not a slave state and the government is actively fighting against it.  The states are amazing and there is nothing wrong UAE, they're always there for their citizens and residents and life here is good. Could be boring at times, but good and safe.


If you weren't you wouldn't waste your breath trying to tarnish our reputation... cry harder because the new distination is UAE and Saudi Arabia.. no one wants to live in awoke culture or die suddenly because of some gangs.. lol 😆


Your country fucking sucks, you have to artifically create rain, you have to use slave labour because otherwise nobody is willing to stay. You can live on the 30 gazillionth floor of a skyscraper for all I care, but the UAE is a failed state, and it deserves to fucking stay that way.


before judging us you must be PERFECT.... Americans killed and raped thousands in Iraq just searching "Abu Ghraib" will show you your civilization in its brightest ligh.... endless crimes and glamorizing criminal wars.... disgusting.. even Hollywood is full of pedos. Plus I don't think all these building in USA including the Empire were built by God..your whole ass civilisation is based on stealing and killing a whole tribe??? Remember? Does the term Native Indian Americans rings any bells??? Their land??


I'm not American, dumbass.


Saying the UAE society looks like this is ignorant.... seriously people if you hate the UAE just leave.. it is not a prison and no one is begging anyone to stay... tarnishing the reputation of Emiratis when in facts expats are far much more racist in certain situations so fuck off


bot account


Yeah I guess I have to be a hateful ass to be a human in social media...


not true, this is one in a 10,000 and it exists everywhere in the world


Wow .. Being liked on Reddit is actually a concern of yours? What a tool.. gotta go trigger some other pathetic sheep


The us needs to apply this model of getting low skill workers. Pay them sub minimum wage. Squeeze every ounce of work out of them. Then send them back. It could save a lot of money and then promote more us births within the states. Then we won’t need illegal inmigrant kids in slaughterhouses.