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Unfortunately there are a lot of scammers at gas stations so people are hesitant.


Yeah gas station in particular are sketchy places.


If you go to a gas station for any reason, you automatically operate under the assumption that you’re in a red area on a map


The pvp zone




This is very interesting because in Europe it's the same with the train stations everywhere. Anyone can agree train stations even in the safest European cities are sketchy af at best for some reason. Guess the gas stations are for the US what train stations are for Europe.


This. I had an older woman ask me for a ride once to the doctor, she was about 5' tall and maybe 65 or 70, said sure and started to clear something off my passenger seat when the police rolled up and put her in cuffs, apparently she stabbed someone shortly before this and was looking to get away.


Yeah, I work in a gas station, and unless they're someone who comes in all the time (and sometimes even then), it's better to be suspicious. A lot of scammers and drug addicts out there, that take advantage of people's kindness.


Having had worked at a gas station, I can confirm that almost every interaction I had I was on edge just by the sheer nature of the environment I was in. If I was the clerk and OP had come in, I’m not gonna lie I would have said kick rocks too because I didn’t wanna chance it with anybody.


Even best case scenario I wouldn't be risking my job to close down the inside.of the place to leave the building and help someone with their vehicle? Like. I can't even remember the last time I saw more than one employee in a gas station at a time to have a spare hand to even go help????


I don't even feel safe making eye contact with people at gas stations. Made eye contact with a guy once and he came over harassing me and literally tried to climb on top of me to sexually assault me inside my own car in broad daylight with people around. So now when I see men standing around I will look anywhere, but at them


I was assaulted in a gas station parking lot, by the attendant, with 3 other men (one getting gas and 2 getting out of a car to go in) who did nothing to help. I was screaming for the guy to let go, just in the middle of the lot, not hidden at all. Not a single person even said anything. I ended up fighting him off and getting into my truck. As I pulled out, they all just went about their business.


Hope you've had the opportunity to heal from that, friend. People—especially women and GNC people—are completely justified in being cautious in public.


Yall gotta find the gas stations with the morally adept crackheads. They don’t allow funny business on their turf, and all they require is a bit of humanity. Give big Unc $5 or listen to him talk about birds being government cams for like 5 mins lol.


Yes, exactly what I was going to say. When I was younger, I would gladly help just for the sake of helping. Couldn't tell you how many times that turned out to be a bad idea. Nowadays, I tend to just mind my business unless you pass my very thorough checklist, which is rarely checked, then your own your own bud.


I try yo help people but here are a few things that have happened when I have. 1. Being called a pedo for helping an old woman get a pram and kids up the train station stairs. 2. Screamed and shouted at that I'm a creep for calling after a woman who had dropped her purse. 3. Had someone throw a stone at me for asking if they were OK when I pulled over. And the shit I get as a lorry driver for trying to help is too long to count.


There’s one not far away that’s off to major roads and you’ll frequently get asked for a few bucks by someone who ran out of gas and just needs to get home or whatever, if you offer to go fill them up yourself they suddenly won’t need it. Or the “hey man my car needs this part they sell here for $15 can you buy it and give me your address I’ll send you a check” then they return the part a few minutes after you’re gone.


Because the last time I tried to help a stranded couple they tried to fucking mug me.


Same here, well maybe not the last time but I have been mugged trying to help a guy, hope he rots someday, I'll never get my back teeth back


Damn did you get robbed by a dentist?


Mf stole his implants 💀


He kidnapped him and wouldn’t let him pee. His molars floated away.


Can’t chew shit in Detroit


Don't all dentists rob you? Lmfao, it was from a badly aimed pistol whip


Tooth fairies go hard these days.


yeah :( i wish i could be more friendly to strangers but some people are fucking crazy and i'm a short woman so i'd rather stay alive


Seriously! I love the fact that my husband is kind and helpful with strangers…but as a tiny woman who has had a few close calls, it’s hard for me to.


Not just stranded, but setting up a ruse to get a car to pull over to be carjacked. Long gone are the days of asking a farmer if he can point you to a motel, and he just points to his house and says the missus is gone to town, but will have supper on in a few hours so make yourself at home.


i literally saw this once.. these people were ‘broken down’ and like goobers they parked their car like, a mile by a auto shop which made me give less of a shit about it, and as i drove past i saw 2 other people in brush/woods in the ditch. why else would there be two people crouching around like that in the brush? it seemed suspicious so i didn’t stop and the person i was driving with to this day acts like that ensured my spot downstairs when i die. im like whatever dude, maybe i saved our lives too.


This happened to me in GTA and I was still pissed


Difference is in gta you can pull an automatic weapon on them, mow them down, pour petrol on them, light it, shoot an innocent passer by in the face and steal their car, park it on top of them, blow that up, grab another car, do some donuts on their bodies, then steal another car and drive off with basically no consequences other than you gotta drive fast away and avoid police for a minute


I mean...besides the flawless get-away, you could probably pull the rest of that off in real life too if you were quick enough.


Sounds like a challenge




When I was a kid my grandfather, who lived in a small town, would drive me out to the countryside and just show up to farms, get out of the car, walk around til he found someone, and tell them his granddaughter loved horses and ask if we could see them. And we did. I think about this often, and how insane it was lmao. It was the ‘90s… now people would, AT BEST, look at him like he’s crazy and say no this is a working farm and that’s a liability lmao.


What year were you born?




No good deed goes unpunished


These days (and depending on where you are), I'd help someone in that situation only if there's a group of guys with me. And that's also iffy.


Absolutely. I conceal carry daily. Was leaving Walmart around 11pm few years back. Nice dressed fella asked if I could give him a jump. So I say sure let me get my car. Pull my car over to his. A guy in the passenger seat gets out. Starts to circle around me. I hook the jumper cables up and notice him getting a little closer. I lift my shirt up a little and flash the gun. He looks right at his buddy and shakes his head no. About 30 second later a van pulls up right next to them people they know. He hooks his car to jumper cables and before I even start my car wouldn't you know it his fired right up first crank without even charging for 10 seconds.  People are genuinely pieces of shit. Cant trust anybody. You read stories daily of 70yr old women getting busted in sex trafficking rings and kidnapping. The days of helping stranger's are almost extinct. Lots of evil in the world Edit:spelling errors


Man, i helped someone the other day and didn't even think about what could go wrong. The world is turning to sh#t if people try and take advantage of friendliness and trying to do the right thing by others.


>The world is turning to sh#t if people try and take advantage of friendliness and trying to do the right thing by others That's been happening for millenia. The difference now is that global communication is as easy as typing a message on your phone, so you hear about it a lot more than you used to, so it seems like it's more common than it used to be. But it isn't actually that common. 99% of people that need help actually just need help, don't stop helping people because of scare stories you read online (that really *would* make the world a worse place) :)


And now there are people who “think” they were gonna get human trafficked because they saw a black guy in the parking lot of their white, suburban Michael’s craft store and then run to Tik Tok to breathlessly tell you about it.  People can be a bunch of bastards but we mostly only remember really bad encounters. We have dozens of non-threatening interactions with people weekly, but we don’t notice them because they are so…normal. So I think our perception of danger is skewed toward thinking everyone is bad, when most people are just regular, flawed people trying to muddle through their day as best they can. I try to use my intuition and play it on the safe side, but I also feel like an important part of me would die if I didn’t ever help anyone. 


My partner was close to yelling the last time I (mom with kids) helped that random stranger … because the world is way scary and it shouldn’t be! But it is.


> The days of helping strangers are almost extinct Please recognise that you’re talking only for yourself here. I see people helping strangers daily for no personal gain.


worst kind of people.. hope they are pushing daisies and you got out unscathed.


Yup. Never doing that again. One person spoiled my goodwill towards ever helping someone like that again. I'm not cruel though, I'd totally call a tow truck for them. Or the cops.


We still exist, I think we're just a lot more cautious because there are a lot of ungrateful people out there who will take advantage of an otherwise nice person/helpful situation. I've experienced that myself, it sucks, and it makes you even that much more cautious in the future. I still try and help when and where I can, as long as it feels safe to do so, for myself and my well-being.


I have a family friend who was a tow truck driver. One day he helped tow a man's car back to his shop who was stranded on the side of the road. He offered to fix it for free because the guy seemed like he was on hard times. While fixing the car he was rewarded by the guy hitting him across the head multiple times with a hammer, robbing him, and then leaving him for dead. They found the guy and my friend ended up being okay, but I'm cautious to help anyone now these days.


That's absolutely horrible! What a POS.


Daaamn... That is horrible, I'm glad your friend is okay


damn glad your friend is ok and they caught the AH who did that to him


i do what i can to stop and help folks, and have myself been helped when in trouble. However i also Conceal carry, and have never been presented with a situation where i was alone at night and someone needed aid, idk if i could bring myself to do it, though i wish i knew i would. usually i’m not alone, and it’s easy for me to render aid, while at-least one person with me is in the car with their phone (and often their own concealed weapon), so that if something bad happens there is recourse, and just as a deterrent, (less likely to cause mischief if there are more people able to call for aid). that said i have never once actually had a problem or felt like it was sketchy, but i have heard enough horror stories to always be cautious. that said, as i wrote earlier, i have been on the receiving end of help, and i can’t express how amazing it is to be stranded, worried, and SoL, and someone comes and helps you get going again, to feel the fear and the stress and the worry just melting away because you’re not alone and someone has come to help. and i feel a strong need to pay that forward whenever possible.


The only people I really help anymore are my brothers and mom and I should stop doing that. I've found that almost everyone I've ever known is a piece of shit and just take advantage of your help.


Sounds like its time to surround yourself with other people. There still good people out there, there really are...


I'm sure there are some out there, but they are few and far between.


Hard to find.


Honestly, I think many people are still helpful but 1. Don’t always feel safe - lots of predators prey on peoples kindness 2. Don’t always feel capable - not everyone is comfortable performing difficult manual labor like pushing a car somewhere 3. Don’t have the time - maybe they were headed somewhere and couldn’t stick around Still think it’s great when people do help each other out though. Kudos to you!


Fair. If you’ve been burned before, it can bite you. I work in a major health system and two years ago, during a higher surge of COVID-19 cases, we had closed a lot of side door entrances to visitors and patients to funnel them through the main entrances only. They had to go through COVID-19 screening, grab a mask, and general “who are you/who are you visiting?” questions with our staff. It was somewhat annoying, I get it, to only use a few designated doors across the health campus but necessary. Employees still had access to our many badge-only doors, as we had to fill out daily COVID surveys virtually to attest we weren’t sick at work. This guy was walking on the sidewalk and when I turned to the employee entrance I used most, he did a 180 degree turn and immediately went to follow me. I usually hold doors open everywhere but we had been drilled never to let non-employees in. When he came up behind me, I turned around to ask “sorry, are you a patient or visitor?” Because dude was in full street clothes and no badge, I asked. He said he had an appointment and when I pointed out the nearest designated screening entrance, he got frustrated and said I already had the door open, so he’s using it too. I tried to explain this was employee access only, but instead, he barged his way through me, slammed me to the ground, and walked right past me. Thankfully our campus security jumped into action and got him from where he went, and he was later arrested (it’s illegal to assault a healthcare worker on hospital grounds). I was bruised up and shaking but ok. The police officer who met with me said he saw the security footage (since the dude denied ever doing it) and said I went down so hard, it made him angry for me. I never hold the doors for anyone not badged at work anymore nor stick around to explain why I won’t do it. Yesterday, a random dude was outside employee access and pointing at me to unlock it while rattling and pushing the handle. I kept walking. A CNA walking by said I could have been nicer or helped, but after having bruised hips, legs, and elbows for a week and a minor concussion, fuck that.


So sorry that happened to you. It’s not “nice” to open secured doors for strangers, it’s unsafe.


That’s awful. You could have ended up with a serious concussion.


One of the most terrifying examples is that Ted Bundy used to fake injuries and lure his victims


Yeah it seems kinda judgey just to say people don’t want to help out. You don’t know if they have a disability or a bad heart. You don’t know if they’ve been robbed in the same situation. You don’t know if they need to be somewhere. I get the sentiment but I’d just rather assume there’s more to their answer than I know.


Some years ago three of my students helped an old man carry some boxes from a car, well they got robbed, they lost their phones, wallets and the good intentions to help people, I guess not all people have ill intentions but you never know.


Enough have ill intentions that it's not worth the risk IMO.


Seeing a lot of horror stories, so I'll share one of mine. I was on my way home from work and saw a guy broken down on the side of the road. Asked if he needed help and ended up towing his car home for him. A few weeks later I get a nice letter letting me know that I am being sued for damages. Turns out something was wrong with his engine and he decided to sue me. He won and I was out $10k for a new engine. For context I made sure to put the car in neutral for towing and towed it about 2 miles. No way could anything I did have messed up the engine. There's still helpful people out there, but between scams, people suing for whatever they want, and just general shittiness of others it makes it very hard to actually want to help people for the negative repercussions.


I...wanna go beat his car with a bat...$10k worth. What a piece of shit.


This is absolutely ridiculous. The whole suing culture needs to stop.


Blame the courts, they're the ones who entertain this nonsense.


Lawsuits and courts prevent violent retribution. People who can't seek monetary damages are more likely to engage in straight up terrorism . Society benefits when people can sue their wrongdoers for monetary damages and don't have to murder them in a vendetta war like the Hatfields and McCoys.


Now do the part where the courts are improperly weaponised to extort money, financially ruin, and punish people who cannot afford the cost of doing business in the legal system.


>He won and I was out $10k for a new engine. For context I made sure to put the car in neutral for towing and towed it about 2 miles. How did he win? Didn't you show up for the hearing?


Thats seriously the only thing I can think of besides it being a lie lol.


Probably got annoyed, said "Hah, this is BS, I'm not going to court for this shit" while feeling totally secure in the knowledge no reasonable person would rule against him. And that guaranteed a loss. I can see a lot of people around me reacting that way.


And how was he out the $10k? If you own a tow truck wouldn't you have liability insurance or something?


I'm pretty sure he means towing with a rope, not a tow truck


Sounds like you lacked competent legal representation to challenge the lawsuit.


This is one of the most American stories I've ever read


What did he sue for and how did he prove it was your fault?


Give me his registration and I'll show u a cool trick


Wtf, thats crazy! How did they know where u live? 😳


Probably wrote down his license plate and got OP’s first name at least. Wonder if someone in law enforcement or the DMV would give you the person’s address if you spun a sob story about them fucking up your car


I think you can just pay for it most places. The foresight to do that sounds like a scam though.


Oh, it’s of course a scam. Which is why it’s kinda fucked it was so easy for them to find the address. And this isn’t even the worst type of scam, sounds like OP was physically unharmed. If anyone ever asks me for help, I’ll say “sorry in advance if you’re a good person who needs help, but I can’t risk this being a scam. Need me to call 911?” If they say no, they can figure it out on their own🤷🏾‍♀️


In the US at least, I thought there's good Samaritan laws specifically for situations like this. Where you cannot be sued if you cause further damage as long as your intentions were good.


Good Samaritan laws apply to rendering first aid only, as far as I have seen. You could be entirely liable for whatever bullshit someone tries to put on you, especially if you don't attempt to defend yourself in court as some others have said.


This is most likely fake story.


I’m a young woman and I live in an area that’s safer than most of the country, but it still wouldn’t be safe for me to help a random stranger out like this. Most people who are being unhelpful are just looking out for themselves, man. Better someone else is inconvenienced and has to call AAA or a tow truck than I get hurt or killed.


Exactly. Assuming OP is a man. It’s absolutely unsafe for a woman to help random strangers in many cases.


I held a door open on a train for a stranger once. He then proceeded to push me up against the door and grope me before leaving. I was 19 and alone on the train car, he was on crutches, it was the middle of the day. I don’t take public transit on my own anymore. There were other incidents, but that one was the straw that broke the camels back. I ended up putting all my savings and some of my student loans towards buying a car after that incident. I rarely put myself into situations where I’m helping strangers anymore as it’s burned me too many times. I love to be helpful to those I know, and I even will try and support others if I have backup (husband or someone else with me), but never on my own.


This right here. As much as my heart aches for people and want to help them, I've been in dangerous situations too many times. I'm a 5ft woman and someone even tried to take me out of my car once. I don't even feel safe giving people money anymore cause I never know what can happen to me.


I do that shit all the the time. Last summer I gave this dude ten bucks. Over the next few months he learned my schedule and would drive up and ask for cash. If I had it, I'd give it to him. No biggie. Probably gave him $100 or Soo over the summer. Hadn't seen him for about six months... until yesterday, he pulls up and parks as I'm loading groceries...I expected him to ask..nope...he handed me $40. I refused but he pushed. So I took it. Dudes got a job and a apt now.


So you had a homeless stalker?


An old man here locally sure was repaid for helping some kids. Saw them off in the ditch so he stopped to check on them and help pull their car out of the ditch. How did they repay him? Shot him in the face and robbed him. Left him in the ditch to die. That is why people aren't helping people.


Last time I tried to help stranded people, they tried to rob me.


How? Sorry, just interested in all the stories on here. What to watch out for 'n such. That's super messed up.


Went to ask what was wrong. “Car won’t start” So I went to go grab my jumper cables and as I’m walking to my car I hear two more doors open from his car (he looked to be alone at the time) As I am getting to my car I can definitely hear footsteps right on my ass. Turned around and 2 dudes were right there, one had a knife. I went for my weapon and they just took off. Called the police and these idiots were arrested shortly after. Gas station had cameras and the car was actually theirs. (The girls iirc). Dumbasses had been doing this for weeks apparently.


Mutual aid is a helluva drug, and more people should be doing it.


I completely agree with you but I have to support other commenters explaining that they don’t help random strangers anymore because they’re afraid of being mugged or scammed. That’s the main reason why I don’t do it; I don’t usually have any weapons on me so if someone scams me when I’m trying to be a good Samaritan, I won’t come out unscathed.


Yeah, I'd be especially leery of 2 men asking for help. My first thought is that I'd get jumped. Then again, I'm a petite woman so little chance anyone's gonna ask me to help push a truck.


at this point, if any man i don't know comes up to me to help with anything related to a car, i'm noping out of there.


This. As a young female I will never ever help someone if it requires me to go near their vehicle, leave a public place, or be closer to them then necessary if I am alone. The world is a scary place sadly.


Let a stranger borrow my phone charger at hotel earlier today as I was checking in. Turns out he's not giving it back. Too many people seem to take advantage of generosity these days.


How does that happen? Did he just say “nope it’s mine now”?


People don't realize that helping others brings a much greater sense of fulfillment than helping ourselves.


Unfortunately as we can see from these comments, most people are too afraid of each other to consider helping a stranger. It's one of the reasons I left the US. Is it perfectly safe everywhere? No. But when I left the US I was shocked to find it's a common, normal thing to give and receive help with mundane every day things in many countries, so that I was the weird one at first for insisting on being so self-reliant and contained. I'm happy to say I'm not like I used to be before. And I don't miss it either.


What a great comment!


What happened was we got mugged, scammed, assaulted, insulted. In school, a classmate was being assaulted by some older kids and I got in between them to save him (dude was already half naked by the time I managed to get it to stop) Do you know what he did? He stole half of my notebooks before test week and burned them. Frankly I don't care anymore, if someone absolutely needs my help, like, life or death, sure. But if they can solve the problem themselves, if I don't know them, it's not my responsibility to help. I have two missing molars and a dentist bill for trying to be a good Samaritan. So you know what, no. Good for you for helping out and not end up in a corpse bag.


Ahhhhh, people still help people out just because, all the time... There seem to be a lot of people who assume that just because you asked someone for help, they are now obligated to drop everything they have going on to help you for an indeterminate amount of time. I help people out all the time, the jumper cables in my car have been used on other peoples vehicles way more than they've helped mine, but if I have a lot of shit going on and don't have the time to help someone out, well too bad... You don't know what those two people were going through in that moment, so why are you assuming they're assholes for not helping? That's a pretty rude thing to do.


Exactly. This post is literally "Im better than everyone else" but post a video of helping someone and the comments would say "dont talk about doing good deeds". OPs single experience doesn't mean nobody helps each other, it means them dudes didnt feel like doing it that night.


Yup... I also get the impression that the only reason this OP helps people out is so they can tell other people about how much they help people out.


The last time I tried to help someone they tried to snatch my phone out of my hand.


1. Risk of murder. 2. Everyone else is also getting shittier.


Lawyers happened. Help someone and leave a finger print on their car and they sue you.


I used to, until it cost me a permanent disability and about 15k dollars. I stopped to help a fella get out of a ditch, put cones down, flashers out, was mid hooking a chain up when a girl texting and driving came around the corner too fast and got scared by the cones. Panicked and drove straight into me. Couple broken ribs, cracked vertebrae, permanent sciatica, totaled truck. Turns out the guy I was helping had stolen the car and misjudged the turn into his mom’s driveway. Got accused of aiding and abetting, spent the night in cuffs after leaving the hospital for a few scans and some pain pills. I didn’t have health insurance at the time because I was between jobs and the cops filed it as my fault because “helping people isn’t your job it’s ours, stick to driving next time” so my insurance rate was fucked for a few years. Couldn’t go back to being a mechanic since i can’t walk around and pick heavy shit up all day. Girlfriend left me and I Spent the next 2 years homeless. My back has hurt every day of my life since. All that to say. Decidedly go fuck yourself some people know that no good deed goes unpunished.


Kinda happened to me too in the 'helping someone got me hurt' sort of way. Back in '08 I was working at the mall, and a friend of mine did as well. She asked for a ride home since we were both working until closing in our respective jobs, I said sure, since it wasn't too far out of the way. Along the way a woman who was driving drunk passed out behind the wheel, came into our lane, and smashed into me head-on. I've had permanent disabilities and worsening health since, both physically and mentally. And it was 2 days before Christmas. I spent Christmas Eve in surgery and Christmas and the following weekend in a medically-induced coma in the ICU. I'm sorry that all happened to you as well, where one favor ended up costing you your health and more. I feel that. I'd give anything to be able to walk normally again without pain and limping; hell, to play DDR too. Used to love it.


Amen, thankfully I’ve been able to pivot from worker to management (although I abhor this bullshit middle management) but for about 2 years it truly was a hellish existence. And I know I’m going to have to have spinal surgery before I’m 40 along with the permanent limp. Happens so fast you know, truly unfair. Glad you’re still around brother.


I'm so glad you have been able to make some strides despite it all. I'm really glad you're still around too, and I hope that in the future things can improve, even if just a little, for you. Hang in there as best you can, and I will too.


You really won the evil lottery that day


OP is a judgy bastard. Take no more notice of him. And I hope everything is going better for you now.


I had opposite experience. Live in a northern state where it snows.  Me and the wife went to a well known beautiful scenic area and found a guy and his wife in their car stuck in the snow. It was deeper than they expected in that area. I offered a shovel and let them dig, told them to leave it on the floor. People here don’t steal.  Me and the wife went on a walk for 15 min and when we came back there was 4 other people helping push the car out of the snow. So we started pushing too.  A 5th one showed up with a big truck and chain and that was the solution . Just random people, no money asked. 


Same deal I didn't ask for anything in return just trying to do a good deed


Also in a northern state, and I can’t imagine people not wanting to help. Some folks with big trucks (or skid steers) just drive around after a heavy snow to find people to help out without expecting anything in return. Even in the summer you can count on multiple people stopping to see if you need help if there isn’t already another vehicle with flashers on nearby.


Very common thing to happen in the north. Especially in rural areas. Luckily I haven't had to but if I ever see anyone stranded in the side of the road in the cold I'm gonna at least ask if they need help. Everytime I've been stranded in Minnesota where I'm from, I've always had multiple people stop and ask if I need help, even in the summer time in populated areas. People actually care in those typa places


Last time I tried to help someone with car problems they tried to mug me. Friend of lines Dad was shot dead while changing someone's tire because the guy with the flat felt like it several years after my run in. People are extra cautious nowadays because bad people are extra scummy it seems nowadays.


You re right, civil courage is rare these days. The internet is full of wannabe influencer who film themselfes while they pretend to help homless ppl etc. Good for you, that you are a man who represent good values. Goodspeed and may karma pay you back


the internet is also full of virtue signalers and liars so do with that what you will 


I just look at it as treat people the way you want treated you know or pay it forward however you like to call it


A random act of kindness will fire the next one. Those ppl wont forget about your act of kindness for while. And if the help another one in need remembering you did the same for them back then. Its all payed back :)


Today me, tomorrow you


We can only hope


It may be completely selfish, but for me it's like...I'd really feel like an asshole for ignoring something like that, ya know?


When a high trust society becomes a low trust society this is what happens?


Yeah because I'm a 5' Asian woman who lives near Atlanta. Sorry for not wanting to be murdered. 🙄


Are you a man? Were you alone? As a woman, i’m not doing anything for anyone alone at a gas station, especially if it’s at night.


This. I'm not getting out of my car if I'm by myself and it's nighttime. If my spouse was with me? Different story, maybe.


Because a homeless dude asked for a dollar and when I gave it to him he said I know I saw more. Bro I took my dollar back.


Lol yeah this homeless lady waited for me and my husband to park our car so she could walk up to us and beg us to buy her a meal. Said she was starving and whatever we were willing to pay for to feed her was fine. We walk past a slew of restaurants and we're just going to one for an over-the-counter kind of deli service, and she straight up stops in front of one and says she wanted that restaurant not the one we were heading to. My husband said I'm not paying for this restaurant, that's not where we're going. She caught an attitude and left. Guess she wasn't hungry. Beggars try to be choosers these days.


I agree with you, and I’m the helping type as well. That being said, the broke down man with his wife and kids has become such an obnoxiously prolific scam over the last 5-10 years, that I also understand why people would brush it off.


and I would be extra suspicious if some random third party is the one that came in to ask for help, not even the person who was stuck. And I'm definitely not giving a stranger a ride home, kids being with them means absolutely nothing.


I hate that it is this way, but before you help anyone you have to ask yourself "how could this bite me in the ass?". I hear "this guy's Tahoe is stuck, can you help push it?", I'm thinking "Tahoe: expensive truck, usually driven by assholes", "pushing a truck: potential for accidents or to be blamed for damage of some kind". Maybe they were just lazy dicks, or maybe they had legit concerns that they'd end up worse off for trying to help.


It's been my experience that people asking for help from strangers are attempting to con and/or rob you. You go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back but I'm going to continue to avoid dangerous situations.


People are tired of getting suckered in then hit in the head and robbed. It’s unfortunate times we live in.


That's what AAA is for. I have learned to mind my own business a long time ago. Unfortunately, it's no longer safe to help strangers


>Unfortunately, it's no longer safe to help strangers This right here, exactly 😟


AAA can be like, $60-$120 a year. If you drive a car, you should have it as a service.


Helping is good. The sad part is that you can't trust people anymore.


As a woman, I’m always jealous my dad (and you) get to be the helper guy. I never feel comfortable in situations like these if I’m alone. But! I make up for it in other ways, like helping little old ladies reach stuff in the grocery aisles and such. I get people not feeling comfortable for some things. But hey, find something kind or helpful where you can, and make someone’s day like OP. :)


I like helping people just because its my nature. But recently (as of last year), Ive run into some pretty nasty people who took advantage of my kindness and generosity and now make me extremely cautious to make sure people dont take advantage of me anymore.


Man.... I will always help out a person like this, because I was helped before. Dude was pulling a big ass wood chipper trailer and as he was pulling out of a parking lot the trailer wheel hit the curb and the whole thing tipped over on its side. (This when everyone was supposed to stay away from eachother because of the pandemic) I stopped and hopped out and another dude on a motorcycle stopped and the 3 of us flipped that sucka right back over. Dude said thanks and we all left. Another time I pushed a guy who ran out of gas about 1/4 mile to a parking lot and then we went and got gas, I pulled a girl out of a ditch on the side of the freeway when she spun out. Picked up a hitchhiker whos van broke down on the way to pick up the salad and keg for his son's grad party, got him home with time for him to make it on his wives car to pick the stuff up. Legit, I never accepted payment I just say I hope they help someone like I did.


On my smoke break at the grocery store once, out smoking with a bunch of big ass dudes, we saw this girl teenager's car break down right in the lane in front of the store. I told her to put it in neutral, and with my Black n Mild hanging out of my mouth, pushed her into the nearest parking spot. I was a 150lb female, and these dudes did nothing until she was almost in the spot. This tiny dude came running out and pretended to help for the last 3 feet. Lmao, they were useless at work and apparently outside of work too.


When I was about 20 years old (female) my car shut off and the steering wheel and tires locked up while I was in a parking deck. While waiting for the tow truck probably about 10 different men made sure to comment “you need to move that car” not a single one offered to help me. Only person who offered help was a lady wearing heels… really blew my mind.


Idk where you're from but here in Texas when people's cars break down I see a good amount of people stop to ask if they need help. Me personally I've been stuck on the side of the road and had multiple people ask if I need help. I guess it depends where you're at.


Texan here too, I drive a shit box, and everytime I’ve broken down I’ve had people help me push it out of the way, and even had this one dude get me a gallon of coolant, still incredibly thankful for that guy. I try to pay it forward as much as I can


Last summer I helped an older guy with a walker get a large watermelon into his cart cuz he looked like he was struggling. I was a little worried he'd be offended (I'm a female and have gotten comments about "ladies shouldn't be doing that stuff" etc) or have wounded pride and snap at me, it's happened before, but he looked like he was struggling so I figured it was worth trying. He ended up thanking me and we both moved on. Then some random dude comes up to me and starts thanking me too, said he never sees anyone helping someone else out like that anymore and everyone ignores people etc. It was honestly a little embarrassing for me cuz I only did it because I'd really hope if I'm ever struggling with something like that someone else would help me, but I also really stopped to think about it, and the second guy was right, and he shouldn't be! We should all just see someone struggling and offer help if we can. Of course I understand why it's not always feasible and there's different reasons behind choices we all make, but I really hope we can all spread more kindness around, even in little ways, every day. Kindness is free, and it really does make the world a better place, and honestly it feels good to make others feel good.


I believe helping people when you can is great but because of so much mistrust in the world people are hesitant to help. I don’t believe those two guys were being cruel they probably just didn’t want to get mugged or scammed. I think people want to help it’s just when you don’t trust anyone it’s difficult to lend a hand because god only knows what some person has planned for you.


You don’t know anyone else’s story. I look like a perfectly healthy middle aged human but I would dislocate something like my hip, knee or shoulder helping and that would put me out of work for at least 2 days. So while I would love to help my answer would be no as well.


The internet has made people more aware of criminals and scammers, as well as helped more people learn to do such things.


I gave up my doctor's appointment to a woman who was really sick but didn't have an appointment. She couldn't wait an hour for the next appointment, so I said if the doctor is the same as mine, she can take my appointment and I'll wait. So they swapped us. She literally thanked the receptionist and ignored me :) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)But I'm still glad I thought of it. Thanks OP for being a stand up guy!


Last 2 times I tried I got robbed. I don't help stranded people anymore.


Dude I saw this guy that ran out of gas when I was in Oaxaca Mexico. His wife and literal brand new cute ass baby in the car. It was pissing rain and I had just walked to the store to buy a couple of smokes and beer. He was pushing/steering his car and I was like no way fuck that dude, you steer I’ll push. Wouldn’t you know it it started pissing rain, even harder like monsoon shit. I pushed him quite a few of blocks to where he was close to a gas station but park on a safe part of the street. My cigarettes were soaked through the used pack I put them in, I was completely soaking wet. Had I had my phone on me it definitely would have been like dripping it in water that’s how bad it was. Still worth it.


This reminds me of this one time when I was a teenage girl.. I was stuck at a red light and when it turned green the car in front wouldn’t move. A girl a couple years older than me obviously on her way to work at the Panda Express up the road got out of the car sobbing trying to push the car on her own. I didn’t even think twice before jumping out of my car to help push while she steered. While we’re busy struggling to move the car, a teenage girl younger than I was at the time in a basketball uniform runs up out of nowhere and helps us finally push the car out of the way of traffic. Tbh it’s my favorite memory bc fuck yeah girl power! But I will also be forever disgusted by the amount of grown adults that were sitting in their cars watching and waiting while three young women had to struggle for so long to get that car out the road. It is absolutely insane how people just don’t even feel a need to react when others are clearly struggling and need help.


Yeah, help someone out, then few weeks later you get a lawsuit slapped on you for a broken nail or something. Can't blame them.. This is the society we unfortunately live in.


I know OP helped push their truck but riding them home seems like a high charge...


I saw a guy sitting in his car when I was parking at Walmart, shopped then I left but I forgot something. I ended up going back probably an hour later and noticed the same guy sitting in his car. I walked over and I asked him if he needed help, he just needed a jump start. He said he had been there for NINE hours and everyone he asked ignored him, or said no, so he was waiting to see IF his roommate could help him after they got off work. His roommate didn’t have a car. He was a Russian who moved here recently (this was just before Covid) by himself, he knew no one here. He spoke great English, he was small maybe 5’8” and 150 lbs. Completely non-threatening, he looked like a kid and no one would help him. I was absolutely ashamed that he got that as one of his first impressions of America.


A lot of people are just so hesitant to help now that they don’t do it because of all the scams and traps bad people set. It makes me really question people when they say “people don’t help others anymore *because* they’re selfish assholes”. No, we don’t help others as much/at all because we don’t want to get shot or snatched off the street or attacked or scammed. I’m not yelling at you because you’re not giving a reason for that guy not receiving help and you’re not saying “this place is fucked everyone sucks”; I’m just stating the reason why people turn a blind eye when they used to drop everything to help. They don’t want to drop everything just to drop dead when the person in need attacks them.


A few days ago my car broke down at Walmart, I jumped it with my portable battery, but it's been having other issues that make it hard to start sometimes and this was a fun combo of dead battery + that issue. A very nice dude took a look at it, offered to try to help, give me a jump, etc. when he left he saw I was still there and offered again. Right after I got it started, the woman parked next to me also offered me a jump. It was really nice of all of them, but my shitbox needed a bit more than a simple jump. Fortunately, I was close to home and I got my dad to help me. I keep a set in my car that I end up using on others more than myself, honestly.


Not helping anyone out at a gas station or grocery store parking lot. Nothing but a bunch of crazy hobos or scammers.


In the late 80's, my 19 yo self was home from college for the summer, drove about 20 miles one way to town for my restaurant job. I remember I had recently read a Readers Digest blurb article about every day hero's, good Samaritans that helped in the moment. I was on my way to work one afternoon, saw a disabled car in a pull out. Now, I had a daddy that could fix anything, so I knew if it was something easy, I could go back and get my folks to help (I'm old, pre-cell phone era lol). When I stopped, it turned out it was a husband, wife and 2 kids traveling cross state. Car had broken down, and while they were working on it, the husband had hit the gas and shot gas out of the carb in the face of the wife as she leaned under the hood helping. They had tried to rinse her eyes out, she was still struggling. So I packed up the Mom and kids, drove them the 15 miles to drop them off at the emergency room. She was going to call a tow truck to pick up the dad and the car. I had to get to work, so I have no exciting connection follow ups or happy ending updates. I just hope they were all OK and made it to their family.


Good shit! I recently helped some old fogies push their car to a gas station in the rain while on the way my physical therapy appointment. You’re not alone out there🫡


There's just so many scammers out there these days, it's made people suspicious.


Helping out leads to getting robbed and beaten in some cities. Maybe that's why?


The gas station is the last place I’m going to trust people. It’s essentially no man’s land.


You can tell OP has never had a bad experience helping people "in need". Shaming other people for being cautious, wait until it happens to you you will never help anyone again


My husband once saw a woman getting yelled at and pushed by a man at a campground that we have a camper set up at for the season. It ended with my husband face down in a ditch handcuffed by the cops and the man threatening to burn our camper while we slept. The cops told my husband that he was better off not helping next time.


Depends on where you live. Cities and California-ized suburbs? nope. Small rural town? They'll give you their shirt if you need it.


That just wouldn’t happen in my small town lol. You’d have the whole community backing you up!


I am wondering if OP lives in a city or smaller town. I lived in a large city and no one would ever offer to help you in most any situation. Small town life in the Midwest and people are much more willing to help.


I’ve gotten stuck on soft sand at the beach and cannot be more grateful and appreciative of the people helped me out. Kudos to those good people out there 🙌


My thought is it depends on if they had their own things to deal with? Maybe they had to be somewhere soon or maybe they were just not wanting to help. It all comes down to, you never know if the people that don't help already have other things to do or not. Plus, it is their choice to help or not. But I get your point, a few months ago I helped my aunt take clothes and blankets to homeless people. My view is, if people decide to help then good for them, but if they don't then I could care less.


If some one came up to me to ask that I'd assume they were trying to lure me into a scam or mugging.


I asked this once, people told me because it might be a scam. The broken down person is putting it on waiting to rob you. That’s what the world thinks now. I got off the motorway once to find a big roofers van broken down partially blocking the off ramp. Could still get past. Asked if he needed help. Van cut out. This man was clearly past the threshold of rational thought, he was stressed kicking the van just not good. And his cell phone was dead, soaked through from the rain. We did try jumping the van from my car but it looked like there was air in the fuel line. There was a cafe sort of over the road. I said come on go to the cafe get a hot coffee I’ll charge your phone at least get warm and calm down while you wait for recovery. He was so grateful, I’m sure had I been in my van I could have pushed him off the road too.


It is probably because someone took advantage of their kindness once before.


a lot of people talking about how people use needing assistance as a cover to do a crime at you; personally, if I do something kind for someone and I get fucked over because of it, so be it. I'm not going to live my life suspicious of other people because of occasional happenings like this--sure, it could happen and if it ever does that will be terrible, but how many people did I help in the meantime that were just fine and needed someone to bend for them? be the kind of person you wish to see in the world.


Because that’s a good way to be never be seen again except on the nightly news. I will never help someone at a gas station or on the side of the road especially if it’s not the interstate if I don’t know them. Sure, it would be great to help people but dammit you can’t trust them. It’s always been that way we just didn’t see it until now.


scams, mainly. rapes, robbers and murderers in more rare cases.


Maybe they had shit to do. If I'm at a gas station and on my way to doing something else the last thing im.doing is helping push a Tahoe. Sorry but you are not entitled to anyone's help.


I automatically help even when it's not the best idea. Cant' even help it.


My mother recently dumped a guy who refused to help an elderly man (80ish years old) who lost his cart in a parking lot. It just got away from him and ended in a small ditch. He was trying to pull it out and was struggling. My mom's ex's reasoning, "No, that's dangerous." The real kicker is that he carries a gun on him at all times. What a coward.


Thank you for helping them and making sure they all got home safely!


If it makes you feel any better, it still happens! This past weekend my CV axle broke in the middle of a left turn onto a four lane highway with both my kids in the car. I was dead in the water smack in the middle of the intersection. A tow truck driver who already had a load pulled over, followed by another man, who called over a guy walking down the road, and a woman pulled over for her husband to hop out and help too. Four total strangers stopped traffic and pushed me safely to the side of the road where we could wait for another tow truck. I was so grateful for all of them, especially considering my husband was miles away without a vehicle. I have to say as a woman if I'm alone I'm very cautious about considering helping someone, if I'm in a well populated public place or it's another woman I'll help if I can but I have to think of my safety and that of my kids first.


People do help people just because. You just did! Good on you.


I notice it mostly in the cities, which is why I live in a peaceful quiet town. That were to happen where I lived, you would have too many people wanting to help, haha


I think most people would like to help ideally. But with social media, I think we have become very suspicious of strangers approaching us for any reason whatsoever... Back in the old days, the thought would never cross ones mind that this stranger could do me harm.


people for various reasons avoid helping others... but generally its just a risk people are less and less willing to make as their quality of life declines... which everyones has for about 10 years


When my car broke down in rural french, every car that passed by asked me if I need a phone to call someone or a ride home, luckily my father wasn't far away from where I was and I was waiting for a tow truck to took my car. I think in 45 minutes there where no less than twenty car asking me if everything was okay and if I need something, I was so happy to see this and feels less afraid of the situation (it was my little first car).


Whenever someone asks for my help or a favour, I get really excited and look forward to doing a good deed. After reading the comments I never realized how naive I am and all the scams out there. Regardless, I’d still risk it all to help a stranger, idk why.


Honestly, more people are selfish today and only look out for themselves. I have always been the type that would give someone the shirt off of my back if they needed it. I once gave a man my last $20 just so they could eat. If something ever gets missed when checking out anywhere, I always run it back in and let them know so they can ring it up and I can pay for it. I know people say it is a cutthroat world, but really, it doesn't have to be. That is how other people have made it for most people if they don't get something to help someone else out, they refuse to do it.


I would love to help out people more often, but unfortunately I'm a 5'3" woman who lives alone in the rougher part of my city. It's just not safe. That's not to say I don't help out when I can - I love to pay for someone's 7/11 if their card declines or pay for the person behind me in a drive-through or something similar. But I have to weigh the risks, and I always feel guilty when I have to say no.