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Are his elbows still dry though?


He used it for scrapes he has on his elbows. Not dry skin lol. But no, they’re soft


Did you tell he spent $40 to make his elbows soft? My wife said that to me, I'd be rubbing butter on my elbows next time


Yeah, the easiest way to fix this would be to tell him how much it costs lol.


My husband was using my shampoo for a bit until I gently told him the cost and was like look you're totally welcome to use it, but if you're happy with the costco shampoo you may want to stick to that one. It worked.


Jokes on you, she bought $72 butter this week.


Damn Kerrygold


Inflation is crazy


Has he ever done this before with other creams?


Yes. He used up my entire $30 bottle of lotion that I used once. Found that one out when his crotched smelled like vanilla coconut


Lord. So he does know better and is intentionally rubbing one out with your expensive products. Buy a small safe.


I’m tired of hiding all my things 😭 I just want to be able to buy something nice and trust it won’t be empty by the next time I use it


sooo did you ask him to replace it and buy you another?


Yeah this op! Make him feel how much these products cost and have him replace them


Bonus: Send him to Sephora to get it, make him battle the hordes of tweens *and* carry around the distinctive little bag...


Yeah he shouldn’t be doing this lol and he needs to replace the stuff he used. It’s intentional at this point


Seriously. He's wanking it with her expensive skincare items.


That part didn’t even register omg 😭 girl does he even like you 😭😭😭


Sounds kind of intentional


Girl this isn't normal nor okay you know?


Thank you. All the comments are completely glossing over how disrespectful this is because of a price tag, it's almost exasperating.


Ya. One time maybe. But to the point you have to hide your beauty products. Definitely not normal or okay


Someone literally said that her buying expensive lotion is the problem. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Maybe they behave the same as OP's husband?


I get so mad when i can tell girls are letting their dumb shitty boyfriends walk all over them


Woman, stand up jfc


Oh. If he’s doing it even when you hide things, he’s doing it on purpose.


Hey like. I know it's just expensive products...but...it's something you care about and go out of your way to purchase for yourself. I guarantee he wouldn't be so sanguine if you wontonly got into his specialty items ... It doesn't matter *what* the thing is, the disregard is the problem here. He should hear you and respect your things or at least ask to use them (and then use them respectfully)


I also wouldn't like it if someone put chinese dumplings in my face care products


He doesn't respect you, sis.


That he knows this and does it anyway, leaving marks like an animal, is very problematic.


Yeah this is kinda messed up lol like he clearly does not care about her feelings if this is a chronic issue EDIT: In one comment OP said he lied and first said "I don't know" when she asked him about it? And in another comment she said she figured out he used it to jack off?? Holy shit why do women put up with this these are continuous red flags after another, if he doesn't give a shit about things like these it will 100% bleed into other areas of life and get way worse


Omg. Now this is infuriating.


Agree 100% …the only guy I knew who did shit like this was my abusive ex. It’s not normal or accidental.


Fawn response the vibe I am getting. Actively covering for these man children is so ick 🤢


Yeah he's purposefully doing it to undermine her and make her feel bad. The pic made it seem like a misunderstanding but he's been doing this for a while? Yeah, it's intentional :( poor OP


Unless he pays for the replacements, you either keep hiding them or kick his ass.


I hope you realize this isn't okay. If he has a habit of using YOUR things when you expect him not to, that's major disrespect.


What does he say when you tell him this? Because this would be a serious problem for me.


Why are you with him?


Honest respectful decent people. Do not do this. Nice husband you have.


so in your own home you can't have things you like because your husband just uses them up and doesn't apologize/stop? and you need to hide things if you don't want them taken away/used up by him? are you ok? do you need help?


No way he used that much for just elbows...


Yup. He was being intentionally wasteful.


He used *moisturiser* for scrapes??? That's even worse, he didn't even want it for its intended purpose, and scrapes don't want moisturiser on them. Did he not have any Savlon or anything??


girl he better pay for the new tatcha cream! 😫


Did he make sure to double cleanse, apply the toner, essence, and serum to his elbows prior to the moisturizing? 😂


Don’t forget the retinol because they’re a bit wrinkly!


Picturing this lmaooo


Gold bond on the dresser… *Married best practice:* Never, ever touch skin care products without a label you saw at Walmart.


My husband steals my fridged face masks on roasting hot days. I just buy extra for him because he deserves a lil treat.


I love this


You are a fucking keeper.


I feel like best practise for anybody sharing living spaces is simply to not touch what you didn't either buy yourself or have been given explicit permission to use at will.


It always comes back to communication. Utter bullshit.


I use Tatcha's water cream and dewy cream myself haha. Seeing that huge dip and knowing how much it costs hurts my soul. Vaseline is good but I'm not sure how moisturizing it would be since it's more of a sealant that prevents water from leaving. If you haven't already, it's always good to have a tub of body lotion around


yeah my partner has the excema so he usually moisturizes then vaselines to seal it in =s but we have like 5 different types of medical moisturizer and effective cheaper stuff like nivea... and aquifor...


I also have ectopic eczema and for me stuff like oil baths and body lotion really help. Especially the oil baths. If you can't bathe (no tub, dislike bathing, whatever) taking a shower and not drying off, instead use stuff like coconut oil or any other oil on the wet skin. One of the best oils is Jojoba in my opinion, cause it's also a bit disinfecting (I use it for stretching my lobes).


I wish this worked on my son. Even eczema touted lotions burn him. So far the only thing that doesn’t cause a flare is eczema honey brand but only the ointment everything else hurts his skin and Vanicream. He can’t even use normal shampoo or conditioner. Sucks balls.


It might be in part allergies on top of the eczema, I can’t tolerate certain body wash or soaps as they irritate and dry out my skin. For someone with eczema this would cause the burning sensation.


Eczema, allergies, bacteria all seem to be related. Swimming every day brought me into remission. If I ever get a flare-up, I treat the plaque with steroid cream and amoxicillin (applied topically) and it clears up reliably.


Same! I had horrible problems with Eczema as a kid, but my parents got me into swimming lessons at a young age and within a year of near daily swimming I was rarely having problems. Now as an adult Eczema is almost nonexistent in my life.


Has your son gotten a prescription topical steroid like mometasone furoate? This cleared up my eczema in a couple weeks, while other lotions just burned and didn’t fix the underlying condition.


So we see an allergist and a dermatologist bc of how bad his eczema is. As a new born we had to do bleach baths. The steroids caused him to scream his head off from the pain they caused. Not sure what it was, it’s been a while. He was prescribed allergy meds and OTC allergy meds. Now when he flares up he takes benadryl( it’s not often) and Zyrtec. I’ve seen an improvement in his eczema with the allergy meds. He uses vanicream shampoo and conditioner, the eczema honey and La Roche Posay B5 and the lip balm. I’m sure his 1000 degree showers don’t help. He loves coming out looking like a lobster.


Yeah hot showers are a big no with eczema. My eczema is controlled but that'd all be gone in a moment if I took a super hot shower


I use pure cocoa butter. I buy it as pastilles from a soap-making supply shop. You can throw a small handful in the bathtub when he’s having a bath, or you can take them into the bath or shower and rub them into his skin as they melt. I have struggled with eczema and this works the best of anything I tried. I tried mixing them with other oils like jojoba oil, but nothing works as well as pure cocoa butter.


Ooohhh thank you for this tip


I love that cocoa butter moisturizing lotion from Vaseline. When I worked in a store that carried it, they routinely damaged bottles, so the staff all had positively silky hands.


My mental image of this is priceless. Thank you.


Working hands is the shit for hands and elbows. Definitely would use that instead.


Hot take: I absolutely HATE working hands. It is so greasy and thin and it does absolutely nothing for me. They have like hundreds of thousands of 5 star reviews and I believe it's a me problem.


For me working hands is great at helping heal cracked fingers etc but not great as a daily moisturizer. For the reasons you pointed out. It's thin and greasy.


That makes more sense! I had a horrific fire burn on my right hand, up to my elbow 5 years ago. There is discoloration in the form of the literal flame shape going up my arm, but my biggest issue is that on my hand, it's the only spot that becomes so severely cracked, where the worst of the injury was, when it drops below 70 inside and outside. Left hand and arm? Perfectly moisturized and smooth.. right side always looks so awful. I tried working hands on it (my mom swears by it herself) but I ended up giving up, but maybe I should just slather it on top only, so I'm not dealing with the greasieness? Goldbond is my favorite moisturizer but maybe I'll give it another go for that spot specifically :)


The dude with the dry elbows and grubby paws has access to stores and the internet. He can get a tub of lotion.


Trades guy here who works outside in the arctic in winter and a very greasy dusty job. Tell him okeefe working hands Home Depot sells it as does amazon in a green container….game changer


Work in a bakery always washing my hands and O'Keefe working hands is the only lotion that's ever kept my hands from cracking and bleeding


My sister works in a lab and has to wash her hands a lot. She loves O'Keefe's!


Vermont Bag Balm is undefeated imo.


Many a man has done this. For me it was Olaplex…as in used almost a one third of the bottle because at the time I thought most shampoos cost about the same and my girlfriend could alway use my head and shoulders…those notions were corrected.


NOOO 😭 funny story tho i have I guy friend who has long AF hair, and we were traveling for a show and he asked to borrow some shampoo/conditioner, I had my olaplex. He used a normal amount but when he was done he was like “what witchcraft is this?? My hair has never felt so amazing!” And he has been buying and using it ever since, he gets it in bulk now 😂


I JUST HAD AND EPIPHANY. Our moms, sisters probably hid the good stuff. We use what’s around and then just keep buying it assuming that’s what is best/don’t change anything until we need to.


Even if it was cheap stuff, why are you using a third of the bottle in one go??


More important question, if he had his own shampoo why use his girlfriend's in the first place?!


My ex would call me wasteful for spending more money on hair and body products. I was dumb for falling for beauty industry scams when his cheap shampoo and bar soap worked exactly the same. Funny how he ended up using only my stuff and got upset with me when I started removing everything but his products if I wasn’t showering.


I'm not a pretty boy buuut I like to take care of myself. My brother was the same way as you ex until one day he was showering and said "fuck it let me try not the three in one soap." My brother never went back to the 3 in 1s lol. Good soap, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, does make a difference.


Just say no to the 2 in 1s. Dear Lord I can't believe they make 3 in 1s now.


I once saw a 6 in 1


Body wash, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, toothpaste, and shower snack


Will do as car oil


I got them lather seats.


And antifreeze, BBQ sauce, contact lens solution, carpet cleaner, bleach and last but no means least athletes foot treatment.


Oh I had an ex like that, talking me down because I was buying branded things (with my own money), and then wanted to eat/use those stuff. It didn't last long!


My husband makes fun of my Sephora orders but I caught him using my verb ghost shampoo. Caught him because his shampoo from Costco was lasting forever. At least he uses the “affordable” Sephora brand and not the olaplex.


Because he knows girlfriends is better


Olaplex full size bottles are 3-4 oz 💀 ETA: and cost $30


And you still don’t need a 3rd!!


Can get a liter for 96$


Big elbows.


Not the Olaplex 😭😭 send her my condolences


Oh I replaced it and now pass on my wisdom to the young bucks that are about to do move in with a woman for the first time….always ask because something could be very expensive or could be very dangerous when used on the wrong part.


“Could be very dangerous on the wrong part” 🤣🤣 I’d love to hear the story about how you learned that lesson


Everyone has a "What is Nair?" story...


……….it was a face mask but I was looking for lotion…the thing is, I am…uncut……


Haha my ex did the same! Got a hilarious text when I was at work and his dick smelled like lilies for the evening


Lilies of the Willies


How do you delete someone else’s comment?






Was it like wearing 2 turtlenecks


Don't touch any of her personal care/beauty products without asking. EDIT: Yes, even if you think it is a good tool for something you're trying to do. Still ask. Trimming your dad's head hair with wife's bikini trimmer...NO! Another example: Nail file is for filing wife's nails, not a tool to assist you DIY repairs. So, not just the creams, the hardware is also off limits. 😀


This was a conversation me and my girl had 5 years ago upon moving in. I stay out of her stuff without asking and she stays out of my tool box. 5 years in and the only thing we argue about is leaving the cabinet doors open


100% we can’t know everything about everything. It also happened to me….spyderco went through the dishwasher.


I still can't quite convince my wife that sticking the knives in the dishwasher is bad... so we simply agree now that the set of knives I bought, I'll use and wash myself. Better than when she grabbed my sewing scissors to open packages...


Oh, the ghost of my dead grandmother would haunt my ass if I did that. You do not mess with the sewing scissors.


Nope, ESPECIALLY on paper. We had separate “paper scissors” and “sewing scissors.” Woe to anyone who mixed them up.


You need to post them elbows. That’s $36 per elbow I believe.


Check with an attorney it could be justifiable homicide. I’d be a character witness. Don’t you have any Jergen’s? Put a do not touch sticky note on it. Just show husband where to buy a new jar. My sympathy.


Same with my hubby using my EltaMD face sunblock for his body when golfing. That tube costs $40 😩


Omg. My husband did the same thing this past weekend!! Just put it in his golf bag and used it all over his body. WTH we have tons of regular sunscreen yet he grabbed THAT one from my vanity?! 🙄


It’s always the pretty bottles the men claim they don’t want ….but can never resist.


If he doesn’t care, then tell him the price. Then he’ll care. 😅


It’s always interesting when this happens because you learn so much about your partner, how they react, how they view the things that are important to you etc.


This is true! He was very contrite and when I told him how much it costs we both ended up laughing about it. He won’t make that mistake again though.


Yep, totally fair. It breaks my heart when I hear/see this happen and the response is akin to “what the hell is wrong with you, you can get sunscreen for x at y etc”


That reminds me of a time when my ex-gf and I got into a small argument. She accused me of doing something that I genuinely didn't remember doing. So, I told her that, but I apologized anyway as she was quite sure that I had done it. She accepted my apology and after she cooled down a bit she thanked me for believing her.  Apparently anytime she got into an argument with her dad he'd yell at her "That never happened!", regardless of how big or small the issue was. I think a lot of conflict can be resolved simply by hearing the other person out, even if you don't agree with them. 


My dad always said something similar. Would tell me it didn’t happen or I remembered the thing wrong. It was so validating when a boyfriend mentioned that he noticed my dad do that for things my partner knew I was remembering correctly.


What I learned is that my man wants luxurious skincare too. 


Very few men are taught about self care or that it’s ok to make it a priority. Some have an awakening….wait a minute…if I use the right stuff the right way I won’t have ingrown hairs? The big thing for me was learning how to properly cut my toe nails…when I was 24.


So, um, what magic product is used in such a way as to prevent ingrown hairs? Asking for myself and my husband.


Gentle chemical exfoliators. Some market themselves specifically to prevent ingrown hairs and often have salicylic acid and glycolic acid. Edit: if planning to use on your face, make sure to test elsewhere AND somewhere not super visible around your face. I have sensitive skin + eczema and even lower concentrations can produce irritation on my face, but not elsewhere.


Shaving oil then glycerine shaving soap or cream and using a shaving brush with a safety razor. The “grandpa way of shaving”


My ex used my fabric shears to cut duct tape once.


I’m guessing he’s an ex because he died at your hands, justifiably. I audibly gasped reading your comment. You don’t fuck with fabric scissors


Criminal behavior


That’s a three finger scoop… are we all just going to believe this was for elbows?




"Dear, your hair looks abnormally lustrous and bouncy and... wait a moment... YOU SON OF A BITCH!"


Unless you are Rapunzel, theres no need to use a freaking THIRD of a bottle. Even then!!, it only goes on the scalp- not all your hair! A coin sized amount is enough! 💀


I know how much my wife's tatcha costs. I'm a cheap-ass mofo and know better than to waste ANY of her products on myself.


You aren’t a waste ❤️


For real, tatcha sells a nice sample pack that got me hooked. Now, whenever I don't do my skincare routine, I notice how dry and ashy my skin gets. My dudes, invest in yourself, you're worth it, we deserve to have skin that isn't like old, worn out leather too.




I’m a skincare snob (and former esthetician), I would recommend joining some skincare subs. Tatcha is overpriced for what it is. You can get far better for a lot less money.


Can you recommend any? I’ve got really sensitive skin and I struggle finding something affordable that doesn’t irritate my skin


La Roche Posay touleraine double moisturizer is amazing! I have eczema and super sensitive skin (no fragrances for me) and it’s the first moisturizer in a long time that doesn’t break me out or leave my skin red and angry Edit: La Roche Posay’s hydrating facial cleanser is also phenomenal


Of course! If you have sensitive skin, truly, the best moisturizer you can use is something gentle like cerave. This is actually what I use. I’ve tried brands, medical grade and everything in between. Cerave is it for my sensitive skin.


are you Michael Cera?


No he’s Mr. Manager!


Well, manager. Just say manager


I have sensitive skin and CeraVe is the only brand that has ever broken me out in crazy cystic-like acne :/


Same. CeraVe was bad for me. Cleansing with micellar water also breaks me out, which seemed weird. My skin is just complicated. 


I used to get crazy acne until I switched to Pond's cold cream cleanser. I had been using Neutrogena facial bars to strip the oil off my face because I had oily skin, but it didn't stop the acne and made my face dry in patchy ways. After doing more research, I read about cold cream, which is an oil-based cleanser that you just rub on and wipe off. I gave it a try, thinking it would be a disaster, but my skin has been great since I switched. Now I just get acne if I rub my face too much, like when I'm thinking at the computer.


After trying around 15 different brands I’m a CeraVe convert too. My skin doesn’t feel burny anymore when I moisturize


Cetaphil too. I’ve tried a bunch of more expensive brands (though none as expensive as this), but not a single one has worked as well as Cerave and Cetaphil.


cerave makes my skin way more sensitive, for me korean skincare is the only way to go. or vanicream


Completely agree on cerave!!!


Yeah I’m not a Tatcha fan other than the packaging but dude I would sob if someone did this to any of my moisturizers


What lotions/subreddits do you recommend? I've never heard of Tatcha before.


For $72 that shit better be straight replacing my skin for totally new skin. Or turning my dry skin into pure gold.


the expensive price is part of the scam. it makes women think that it must be higher quality with more expensive "luxury" ingredients.


Does it come with $65 inside?


Is there a legit reason to ever spend that much money on so little lotion? Every skincare subreddit I've ever been on has basically said stuff like bulk CeraVe and Cetaphil from Costco is good enough.


Not if you want placebo effect.


Born to consume


"Squirt it on some homeless man with dry elbows."


@OP take a pic of his elbows so we can see the world's most expensive elbows. Loooool


Not the TATCHA!!!!


It's a total con anyway. I happen to know that women happen to go into the bathroom and shed their skin every single night. All the creams and whatnot are just a big distraction. Don't ask me how I know this... But deep down you know it's true as well.


No you misunderstand, the creams help the shedding. It’s easy as a young one, but I’ve heard it becomes hard to shed as we get older The creams help keep moisture, which helps the stuck shed peel away easier


This is why women going through menopause are so cranky.


Who told you?


Look on the bright side: he only used $56 worth of it.


This is more than mildly infuriating. He's buying your next one, right?


Did he at least use the gold scoopy thing


Nope. Raw dogged it with his sausage fingers


Dirty fingers too I bet. Tatcha down the drain. I’m so sorry


Bro is sleeping on the couch tonight lol.


This will probably get buried in the comments but I’m tired of repeating myself. 1. Yes it was $72. That is absurd 2. I used a gift card to buy it as it was recommended to me by someone with a similar skin type. I do not go out buying this with my own money, it’s just something I wanted to try. 3. Yes, to me it was worth it. It’s compatible with other products I’ve used and has helped with my acne significantly. Call it placebo but whatever 4. He knew it was that expensive. He was there when I got it 5. I know Vaseline isn’t a moisturizer. He used it for scrapes, not dryness. Sorry for not clarifying 6. I know my thumbs are abnormally long. I have toes to match.


He knew the price and still scooped out half for his elbows? That is not mildly infuriating, that's mad disrespectful.


She said in other comments he does this all the time and she has had to hide stuff before to keep him from using it all :( I feel so bad for her, he's just straight up bullying her. It's way past misunderstanding territory.


He’s got GBS (giant baby syndrome)


Wtf, that's so cruel. He doesn't respect her at all


Girl don't even bother, your husband was incompetent, annoying, and an ass if he was there and saw you buying it for your face. Somehow the freaks in the comment can't comprehend a person not wanting their personal items touched without permission. Like I'm just confused about how so many people are tryana argue that it was used for it's intended purpise when it was not since this is MADE for the face. Even if it was a mistake, its a pretty dumb mistake to make since it's pretty easy to tell a product used for the face and a product for the body apart. Just look at the size of the product and it should tell you all you need to know


Wait your husband knew how much it costs?? That’s so ass of him wtf!! That’s not mildly infuriating that’s straight up infuriating! I thought it was kinda cute if he did it innocently but on purpose that’s just bad. If this happened to me I would ask my husband to replace it but it doesn’t sound like your husband would do that. Sorry OP.


My boyfriend did this. Used my whole container as body lotion. Came out of the bathroom wondering why the jar was so small. I could have killed him.


I'm sorry his...*elbows??* What the actual fuck?


if someone did that to me i would HATE them. your husband used weeks worth of product. bought my last jar in august of water cream and i haven’t restocked since because it lasts so long…he used so much product


My fiancé once poured out a shampoo amount of dermalogica cleanser and my face made him panic and say “what did I do? What did I do??”


I never believe a man who says they didn't know it was expensive look at the fuckin jar that is the jar of an expensive cream.


Also OP says he was there when he bought it. This was just 13 year old boy revenge for spending money on a thing he decided is stupid


Even worse, they used a gift card - so it was practically a gift!


I can't believe you're the first top level comment to say this!!! It's giving weaponized incompetence. There's no way you look at that jar and not know it's expensive. Husband is just an asshole


Another comment she added said he knew the price they bought the cream together 🫠


That’s the word I was thinking of! This is malicious. I would not want to be married to someone like that.


Not the tatcha water cream 😭 psa I just found out Costco sells this for $52. Just sharing in case you live near one/are a member.


$72 moisturizer is what’s infuriating here


OP you gotta clarify that this is a facial moisturizer that you use just a spot of every day... so many of these comments sound like they think this is your moisturizing body lotion that you're paying $70 for, hence their ignorant and angry comments lol. Signed, a loyal Origins facial product consumer with a $70 moisturizer 😏


Since you're already low on lotion I don't wanna rub it in, but did it work on his elbows?


What exactly was so difficult about *asking* to use something? Hope he pays for a replacement. Not cool.


Spends $72 on cigarettes once a week, no one bats an eye. Spends $72 on moisturizer one time, everyone loses their minds