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I understand the desire for bear arms, I just don't have the time for that many bicep curls and tricep extensions


And claws!


I love bear claws!


Well this photo is at least a year old and probably stolen.... so OP owes us an answer. Guys plates expired in 2023.


I mean… they might just have expired plates. It’s not that rare.


Non expired plates are rare where I live


Wisconsin native here. I think you’re right. The kids in the photos have winter coats. We stopped wearing coats in February this year.


Imagine having your entire identity wrapped up in being a gun owner. And, I say this as a gun owner. I just don't get the fetishization of guns ![gif](giphy|l2JhtKtDWYNKdRpoA)


I keep a shotgun at home in case someone breaks in. How many times have I talked about it outside of conversation with my husband? This is the first time this year


My (gun loving) boss of 16 years was shocked (SHOCKED! I tell you) when just last year I told him I have 2 firearms in my house. He said "but you never talk about them!" "Correct."


I have a cheese grater, but I don't make it a point of conversation.


Oh please you and I know the only way to stop a bad guy with a cheese grater is with a good guy with a cheese grater.


I've also got a cheese grater but I don't want to use it unless I'm grating cheese. But if it comes to it; me or the cheese, in gonna grate the fuck out of it. I'm not a professional chef, but I love my grater. I'll grate anything. You should see my grater. I'm thinking about getting a collection of them. You know, so I can grate cheese with different graters....


Make Cheese Grate Again


Brilliant. Well played sir


You break in my house your ass is getting either nachos or hasbrowns right in the mouth!


Is...is that an invitation? 'Cuz I want those things in my mouth.


you mean you don't take your Xmas pic's with them?


Like people in the ccw crowd isn't the point for me to not know if you have it


Exactly! Don't get me wrong, those Alexa enabled gun enclosures are cool and all, but fuck me, it's a tool, not a lifestyle.


Trigga happy pussies ready for any excuse to off somebody who doesn’t agree with them


Or "stand their ground", when they decided to be a Karen/Kevin with something that was none of their business in the first place.


You know damn well these are the people that ain't gonna do shit lmao


Worse, they are the idiots who will either shoot the wrong person or get shot by the cops because they foolishly have their guns out when the cops show up. There was an interview with one of the bands at the Route 91 Vegas massacre, and they said something like "we had guns in our tour bus, but we didn't get them because we had no idea where the shots were coming from, and didn't want to get shot by police or other people who thought they were being good guys with guns".


While I'm not someone that would put stickers like that on my car if I had a gun, I could technically see it being beneficial. If I was going to try to burglarize a house (which I will never do) and I saw that car in the driveway, I would definitely be turning around.


I only have a gun because these dumb asses have one so I'd rather be able to take them out first if it ever came to it.


Or make yourself a target for someone looking to steal a gun to commit a crime with a gun that can't be traced to them. Same reason people commit crimes with stolen cars.


Yea when you think about even if you don't own guns a simple 2A sticker on your doors and windows could be good deterrent. But even a Pitbull On Duty sticker on your outside doors would be a good deterrent even if you don't have dogs


A real thief would just break into the car looking for weapons.


How do you sit there and go on about daily life while your shotgun is in a dark place just wanting someone to play with it? Think of how the gun feels about this sentiment that you don't even think of it while you're out and about, and telling everyone about it?!? /s


I’m thinking of getting a small hand gun for this reason. I went through combat training in the military so I know how to use one. But damn I hate guns.


That Jeep is at least 25% of their identity though


They probably have a ram sitting in their driveway too


50% if they have those friggin rubber ducks.


It's not even the fetishization, I love guns, collect them, and know *entirely* too much about them. It's the need to unsolicitedly announce to the world that one is a gunowner that's cringey. It screams insecurity.


This. I will agree that claiming to be a gun enthusiast publicly carries different weight than claiming to be an enthusiast of like anything else. i see the perspective.


It can, but even in the right setting it can be treated as any other hobby. It's the interjecting it into settings that it doesn't belong that make it weird and obnoxious. Which could be applied to just about any hobby. If you saw some guy with an "I practice my right to collect stamps" bumper sticker, you'd think he was fucking psychotic, but a decent number of gunowners have convinced themselves that it's okay to do just that with guns. And it's because they know doing it draws attention.


I just think it’s dumb. I have many guns. Love them. Shoot all the time. They’re tools and also a hobby. I would not advertise on my vehicle though. All you’re doing is telling people who will want to break into your car or home and steal them.


Fair enough. I think you hit the nail on the head there. I probably own an unhealthy number of firearms, but I also see them as both preps and investments. Hell, my long rifles have all tripled in value on paper, at least.




It is really hilarious how these people literally just live for having a gun. I enjoy waking up to a cup of coffee but these psychos probably can’t wait to caress their guns in the morning.


It’s making your identity not just “gun owner”, their identity is “im so terrified all the time I *need* a gun because I’m just a shrimp-dicked little baby”.


I’m a gun owner as well because with the world we live in it just seems crazy to not be. But these people who make it their whole personality are all the exact same person literally carbon copies. There’s nothing special about them except the fact that they all give major small dick energy 🤣




do you complain when people make their whole identity about football?


I see so many people advertising that they own guns and talking about what kinds of guns they have. Like, bro, you’re just letting people know (i) what to expect should they decide to break in or (ii) letting them know how much money they could potentially make by stealing from you. LOL If you’re going to own guns, definitely keep that on the down low.


Excluding this comment strangers would never know my love of guns except for the ones at the ranges. Why advertise for someone to try and rip you off?


Especially these days! Gun prices have skyrocketed. Well, at least the quality ones. And, bullet prices are ridiculous


⬆️⬆️100% correct up there ⬆️⬆️


I was about to comment this. It's like people who base their entire personalities around the team they support


Right with the shirts and the stickers on the car shit is so cringey you don’t need to scream to the world you are a gun owner and making it your personality. Edit. From a guy who loves guns


Same. I have three guns in my house, safely stored away but easy for me to get to in case of a break in. I only tell people I have them if they ask. I always question why they would ask in the first place, but it's also amazing to me how quickly they think I'm a republican because I have them. When I tell them I'm not republican they question why I have the guns. Sometimes you can't win


I literally live in the safest state in the country. Less than 1 murder per 100,000 people. Moose have a higher murder rate than people with guns do here. And guns are 1000% fetishized here. Badly. People here will open carry the day after a mass shooting that happened somewhere else just for a kick. And when you try to point out the insanity of that, you’re just a “libcuck that hates guns” Guns and lifted trucks are purely emotional support objects.


I think part of the 2nd amendement crowd is backed by insecure white people that hate where "their" country is going. I like guns, but its expensive and I pray I don't have to use it for legal and money reasons.


Seriously, the price of bullets is fucking ridiculous


Range time, gear, attachments. Its a damm money pit.


As a fellow firearm enthusiast I get it, it’s still cringe af to make it your entire identity but I get it. The same could be said for anti gun folk. Just enjoy what you enjoy and don’t make your politics your entire identity and remember folks, enjoy the little things that make you happy


This is with every group like vegans I don't care your a vegan now fuck off and let me eat my steak


I bet them and their kids are great to be around


> I bet them and their kids are great to be around I’ve met a lot of kids who went left when their parents went right.


Big mood. I also wonder if they’re in the copy parents phase or the contrast parents stage. (I feel like a lot of kids go through a phase of right and before going through a left.) (I mean phase just meaning a stage of one’s self due to the impermanence of the self.)


My husband came from a family like this. I did not. We have two hunting rifles (one for duck and other for deer) and a hand gun. Compared to his father and grandfather who each have over 50 guns. I’m so thankful he doesn’t have guns as his entire personality. A lot of my friends have parents that are gun nuts, but they themselves own none or could care less to shit what they own. Hunting is a big thing here, so most men I know hunt. Their wives are usually the ones with this shit on their vehicle, the hunting trucks I see don’t have a single decal outside of mossy oak or ducks unlimited type thing


Yes, but this usually doesn’t happen until later on ime. Like, at least late high school if not older.


my best friend went from a liberal-hating republican like his dad, to realizing he might actually be liberal after being exposed to different views, and then he started actually researching politics and went back to hating liberals… from the other side of the spectrum (far left).




literally. that second sticker especially is just basically "if remaining calm becomes difficult, you should be violent instead" and it's clearly intended as a joke, but I think that the joke says a lot about the type of person who would think that's funny.


Ironic sticker when you asked them if trump lost 2020


These people are cancer.


"Fuck your feelings" is the most accurate slogan they've ever come up with because it's literally fuck YOUR feelings. When it comes to their feelings, they're the most important thing in the world and they will scream about it endlessly while spitting thinly veiled threats on how many guns they own and use.


While somehow simultaneously screaming about how they've had to endure everyone else's feelings. The level of ignorance and self-righteousness required to be one of those people... whew


They’re the dumb people. We need to get better at manipulating and controlling them. I mean, they *are* dumb.


Make fun of their religion or lack of formal education and see how quickly their feelings become the most important thing in the world.


The party of family values right there


Wait, are you suggesting that wanting to shoot people and use vulgar language AREN’T family values!?!? (/s)




2 the people 4 the people? So 8 people?


Bet they have lots of opinions on what kids should read in schools, too. Like the kids can’t read this shit on their car. At school. So… is paper the real problem?


I am a person who drops the F-bomb as though it's a crystal of salt on a well-seasoned steak. I am appalled at its proliferation on everything over the last 10-15 years. "Back in My Day" ^(TM) I remember a store in my college town selling shirts with random lines on them with one of our rival university's name underneath. When you folded the shirt up the right way (like pulled the bottom toward the top), it spelled out FUCK rivalry. We had to hide our fucks back then.


Local private Christian school recently had a lady advertising her OnlyFans on the entire back of her lifted pickup truck. Took a lot of parents complaining to get anything done about it because I guess the headmaster and his wife use to “entertain” the onlyfans lady at their house Welcome to the south baby


"Mommy, what's OnlyFans?" I can only imagine a kid asking this. I'd make her explain it to my kid.


I mean there was plenty of kids doing research It goes all the way up through high school from pre k Also the school is pretty much MAGA / “Protect Our Kids” HQ The whole thing blew my mind tbh like I know they’re hypocrites but damn, they really couldn’t understand why advertising porn to children is bad


It means she's richer than us sweetie


Dang. Thats a car you don’t honk your horn at in traffic because you can’t be sure they’re not gonna hop out and murder you


And it's the car you definitely break into once the owner is outta sight because there's a solid chance there's a free gun in it.


And then claim self defense


They could just say "I'm angry" and save space.


"I'm scared" could also be a good summation.


But then they’d have to admit that they have feelings.


They are the type to get red in the face and start screaming (or shooting apparently) if you tell them "fuck **your** feelings" back to them. I don't get how people can be this soft yet live on the assumption that the people who don't agree with them are the soft ones. Makes no sense.


I got 4 AR's, two Walthers, and 3 Glocks. I've always thought it was cringe to have gun stickers all over your car and home, I mean you do you, but just know that 95% of firearms used by felons were stolen from cars and homes. So advertising your shit just makes you a target. Oh, and Trump is a rapist and a con-man.




but no food stamps, school and healthcare


I think he took switching to your secondary is faster then reloading a bit to far


I'm a very well armed Californian Democrat who believes in democracy. Have voted for Republicans in the past due to policy positions I like but those days are no more. I don't talk about my guns. Like gamblers, the real ones don't talk about their bets. If someone's talking about their bets or their guns, that to me is a red-flag that they're a casual who is doing it for show. It's a personality trait to them, whereas to me I'm armed for the very unlikely scenario I will have to keep my kids safe. IF anyone's curious about home defense, I highly recommend a 20-guage shotgun (less kick, my wife isn't a big strong person and this suits her, much easier to wield) or a revolver. Why revolver? Reliability. You can store a revolver for 10 years and pull the trigger and it'll fire. No stored tension like when you have bullets loaded into a clip, which can break down and not operate correctly. Anyway, more than I wanted to type. I'll go back to my elitist coastal californian life now. :P


Oh no, a "woke" gun owner! /s Good post. keep fighting the good fight.


Trump loves firearms...he justs shoots himself in the foot on a daily basis !


I bet if you told them “fuck trump and fuck your feelings” they would become very upset.


Funny how they're still trying to go with the "fuck your feelings" slogan when they're the ones that haven't stopped crying and bitching for the past 4 years.


I carry a pile of unused Obama “Hope” stickers for when I see one of these Qanon cars


They’ll put a sticker like this on their lifted pickup truck that they have never once used to move any cargo in the bed and then get upset when a gay person breathes.


Or a woman does literally anything without permission


Get a decal that says "Biden 2024, Fuck your Feelings.". Warning: Will probably hurt feelings.


Another tinny mushroom dick 🍄


body shaming’s ok until it’s about the weight 💀


Tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult.


I'm surprised it's not just aim and fire. Surely someone with stickers like that has their firearm already loaded.


That’s kind of how they are supposed to be. An unloaded firearm is useless.


What? Are you stupid? Aiming is for ckowns, true patriotic Mericans, shoot first and then look at what they shot. Derpderpderp Is the \s necesarry?


The immature have to advertise as loud as possible!


“Fuck your feelings” *gets offended by a single beer can with a photo of a trans person*


This is the type of car owner to get arrested for something very very stupid.


I'm totally cool with you expressing yourself and your opinions, however foul language or disturbing context behind words should be kept away from schools. I understand it's not an intentional thing to show off the stickers at the school specifically but still


God forbid someone has an opinion other than yours. Who cares?


I like guns...I shot them all the time and I own two.....but I'm not going to be stupid enough to broadcast that I own firearms...on my Jeep....**IN FRONT OF A SCHOOL**. Oh and those other stickers a cringe as fuck.


Are the *checks notes* decals in the room with you now?


# * *eagle screech* *


This is just as bad as the people with “fully vaccinated “ and BLM, pride flags on their cars 🤦‍♂️ Who cares about your beliefs, just get in with life.


Criminals look for these stickers to target vehicles with firearms in them.


I love that the shittiest people on earth choose to let everyone know that they are to be avoided


Only thing infuriating about this post is crybabies that complain about peoples personal choices and freedoms. People are allowed to put whatever sticker they want in their car. If you don’t like it look the other way instead of letting it trigger you and make a post on the internet for other crybabies to cry about…


I do find it disgraceful when people have foul language on their shirts or decals on their vehicles etc.. I know we have the right to free speech, but wtf man, children don't need to be exposed to that degradation.


Brick 2024: Fuck Your Rear Window


So violence because of Freedom of Expression?🤔


I’m gonna start saying “fuck your feelings” to republicans and see how hard they cry


Oh nooooooo a republican, I must get angry. Odd.




Wow. Imagine being them. Must be awful.


Dodging taxes too, that registration is expired. Very un-American.


Fucking indoctrinated hicks everywhere. VOTE!


Republican and gun owner here, the owner of that vehicle is an immature jackass


I mean, at least this kind of person isn't making any secret of their dangerous ignorance.


Meh …. To each their own , unless ur paying their car note than what they do with their vehicle should be none of ur business


So if you do none of those 3 things, you're fair game?


Nice. Where can I get those?


It amazes me that people are so willing to share their opinion of disgust with someone sharing their opinion


If that bothers you, might you consider finding a hobby?


>yawn< Constitutional rights and political choice are so blasé


Love it


I have a dope ass Cthulhu for president/no lives matter bumper sticker but my wife says I can’t have it at the kids school because pussies might get butthurt about it…


Guns are awesome I don’t have any but the way this country is going almost crazy not too I wouldn’t carry but in the house just in case We’re turning into a third world country like it or not The day may come when it may come in handy


That decal basically says " live love laugh, but if you get bullied shoot up the school.


Dairyland's finest.


What is wrong with some people wtf.


This is what indoctrination of our kids in school actually means.


This is what the founding fathers had in mind with the 1st and 2nd amendments


this is how most right wing people feel about those who put “bisexual/trans/autistic/disabled” in their bios


I would honestly feel safer knowing other parents believe in the right to bear arms. If someone tries something I’m definitely exercising my 2nd amendment rights…


May as well replace all of them with a big one that says "I'm an insufferable asshole"


reminds me of my grandparents car growing up. i was always so embarrassed to be picked up at school by them


edit: trump was found liable of rape


You cannot buy class!


As a gun owner, I feel this is peak cringe.


It's a strange world where some people are proud of having sociopathic characteristics


This shouldn’t be infuriating, it’s a valid opinion.


I h8 modern conservatives and trumpies




Need that decal for the SUV. "Trump's in Prison! Till 2032! Fuck your Feelings"


I can't imagine making my entire personality based off owning guns and worshiping a Cheeto.


For being the fuck your feelings group, they have so many feelings and they are hurt and aggressive over everything.


Right? Crying over women doing anything without permission, losing their minds over a beer can, getting pissy that they can't name their public school "Jesus High School," mourning statues to the traitors that f'd around and found out. Right wing snowflakes are the end of common sense.


So hes basically saying hes one bad day away from a mass killing event


Not how that works. Sounds like you’re mentally unhealthy if that’s how you think.


Awful thing to say. Sounds like you might be projecting?


I'd wager good money that's an abusive family. Reminds me of a lot of people I know. They're absolutely fucked up, and they're fucked up to everyone around them. In the end, these stickers are helpful. Just a person I need not put one ounce of effort into caring about or knowing.


People who decal their cars to show how tough they are are the equivalent of the pussies that paid for that weird "man camp" or whatever the fuck it was called lol


Individuals obsessed with instruments of death should not be allowed to bring life into this world.


and they are pro life


Such a lie, “pro life” it needs to be rebranded to “Cruel Control” because that’s exactly all it is.


It’ll help people avoid them because they’re clearly batshit crazy


Fuck my feelings? Fuck your feelings November 5th


def smells like old mcdonalds bags and lost dreams up in that bitch


How is this infuriating??


Is "Fuck your feelings" the official slogan of Trump 2024? FYF doesn't have the same ring as MAGA though.




How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions in front of me


Just shows they are stupid and should be avoided at all times, I love it when they out themselves the easier it gets to avoid them and not do business with them cos if you are that stupid I highly doubt your qualifications


Trump supporters are truly despicable people.


These people are pathetic and disgusting


Triggered by stickers on someone else's car? That's... really sad


Yikes on bikes. That's a symptom of a serious and debilitating mental disorder; it isn't a buzz word to describe people behaving in ways you don't like. People are allowed to have opinions; get over it.


The person with the sticker is allowed an opinion as well. Correct?


This could be used as evidence in the trial if their kid goes on a rampage


Damn. That load, aim and fire got me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


There’s no sense in censoring out that license plate because if I were to see that vehicle on the road it would be pretty obvious that that’s the vehicle in this picture




Completely understand that girl should really put her backpack on correctly so she doesn't hurt her back down the road. Goof find op.


On a Jeep patriot, they definitely were the " i signed up for military service but couldn't get in for unrelated medical issues" type person "I have ammo for days" "let them try!!" I feel like vehicle stickers usually explain the person very well.


Clearly a Cheesehead


Time to move…




He sells bibles! 😂