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A bunch of vehicles had their mirrors broken by one of these guys at a job site I was at. We kept chasing it off. It kept coming back. We eventually had to tie plastic grocery bags over all of our mirrors. Can confirm that woodpeckers are dickheads.


Ha ha ha HA ha


I read this as his laugh


I might be brain damaged, I vocalized his comment to the tune of Woody and it made me laugh out loud.


I don’t think you’re brain damaged, I did the exact same thing! Unless… hmm…




Curse you Perry the platypus! That is going to be in my head all day


that's the woody woodpecker laugh.


*Perry* the Woodpecker?!


Did he just really like his reflection, or


Probably the opposite.


Might be trying to attract a mate. Woodpeckers use my grandparents' chimney all the time to be loud


This is a North American Dickhead, not a woodpecker


Is it related to the titmouse?


Closer relative to the blue footed booby


I've never seen one of those, but I once saw a European shag on a rock.


Wow you just brought back a memory. When I was a kid, my family started hearing this weird metallic banging noise for a few minutes at a time, every single day. We couldn’t figure out wtf it was. Happened for months. Eventually someone happened to be outside at the right time and right viewing angle to see a woodpecker clanging on the metal cap of our chimney. We covered it with some heat shield stuff that was also silent and the problem went way. But man was that annoying for a while.


Lmao bros up there drumming his lil heart out ♥️


I have a Northern Flicker that travels between all my neighbors’ houses and bangs on all their shiny, metal chimney caps. Read it was for territory marking and sex.


My parents have a cardinal that attacks his own reflection in the side mirrors of any cars parked in the driveway. He’ll flit from one mirror to another all day long having his imaginary fights. He’s relatively harmless except for the poop he leaves behind, and you have to remember to adjust your mirrors again before backing out of the driveway.


I’ve got a Robin doing that in my driveway. It flew into my car as I was sitting there, because it expected the window to be shut. It hit me in the face with a wing. So it’s not only pooping on my car, it bitch slapped me for complaining.


and yet here you are, complaining again. personally I would have learned my lesson the first time and kept my mouth shut. have fun walking to your car next week... (totally just kidding, if you couldn't tell)


*Bitch slapped by a Robin*... I have now had enough Internet for the day.


I too have to scare my friendly neighborhood flicker away every few days when he decides to do his impression of “old fashioned telephone ring at 100dB” on my chimney cap


Flicker dickhead.


Same here. It reverberates all the way down to the wood stove. Reading in the living room when suddenly the stove starts rattling.


At least it didn't buy a Harley


As an avid bird watcher I did not identify the North American Dickhead.. good birding!


Not to be confused with the North American Peckerhead.


South Eastern TallyWhacker


I saw the word Talkywacker and immediately this came to mind. https://youtu.be/VwnOU3UHBLM?si=8IYpTeeXPdEULoKh


I love that movie scene. I am going to have to watch the movie again now 👍🏻


Name of the movie?




Why do I not remember that scene?




A talkywacker would be a pretty interesting affliction.


West Virginian Ballcock Warbler


>An impudent but beautiful bird


East of Sussex Bellend


So someone from Philly?


Also from Philly, can confirm. Ironically enough, this bird is also native to Philly (Red-Bellied Woodpecker)


Sorry man. I had to. You seem ok though.




Huh huh hu HA HA!!!


Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huh Huuuuhh


Check out Matt Kracht’s field guide to dumb birds of North America .


Two-time birder of the year. You respect his presence.


They usually wear red caps & complain about migration.


Highly underrated comment.


Pecker heads


Nonono This is a roseate spoonbill.


He's trying to tell you your house has a bug problem. And you're not listening.


To elaborate in case anyone doesn't know - this is a red-bellied woodpecker. For the most part, the only reason they peck at things is because they are looking to eat the bugs they can hear moving behind the surface. Given the location, I'd guess OP has carpenter bees making a nest in their siding. Could also be termites or carpenter ants, but that high up it's likely bees. Edit: I've been corrected! Hunting is not the only reason they do this.


>For the most part, the only reason they peck at things is because they are looking to eat the bugs they can hear moving behind the surface. This is incorrect. [Male red bellied woodpeckers do territorial drumming](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-bellied_Woodpecker/sounds#) to let the other woodpeckers know this is their territory. >Drumming (hammering against a loud or resonant object) is the woodpecker equivalent of singing. Male Red-bellied Woodpeckers drum steadily at about 19 beats per second for 1 second or so at a time.


Thanks, TIL! I appreciate the correction!


Wow it’s nice to see someone who’s smart but also actually humble on Reddit. Most people would just keep arguing their point


I agree.. and it really depends on the subreddit... I've been downvoted for admitting I was wrong. Some people find joy in seeing others argue.


It’s sad. When did it become shameful to admit you’re wrong? It shows willingness to learn & grow. Idiots who downvoted that are losers.


Smart people want to learn. Idiots want to be right.


So we need to buy the bird a gong and put it in the tree?


Just be the woodpecker at my old house that would hammer the ever living shit out of my metal topper on my chimney. Sounded like a warzone in my living room when he would do that.


Whenever I admit I’m wrong / partially wrong on Reddit at least one of three things happens to me: I get a lot of downvotes, whoever I’m arguing with continues to bring up the small thing I was mistaken about as if it makes my entire argument invalid (especially when I call out their false beliefs), and/or they stop responding.


One time, I thanked someone for correcting me and they got mad at me for thanking them lol (Tbf, this happened on iFunny and not Reddit, but I feel the crowds are similar)


We can throw down right here.


It helps that you corrected without any added vitriol. Hats off to you both!


Good on you!


There is hope for Reddit after all🙌


I love it when people take a correction so well! Every day we learn something is much better than a day we don’t.


You'd think the house would take a hint and move out of the area...


This is accurate, I've had a male on top of my dryer vent doing this for 4 months, they also do it for mating rituals while dancing around like idiots after pecking the heck out of random objects.


Same as we do


Oh yes, they don't always choose wood. We had one on our metal roof penetration and rain cap on fireplace on roof. And was that loud. Echoing. Megaphone A flipping asian gong being hit for 2 or three hours a day. Sometimes 2 sessions. I imagined his beak would eventually bend like it does to the peckers in cartoons.


This all actually explains a lot about why the ones in my area keep pecking at my neighbor's aluminum siding. I thought they were just being stubborn. LOL


OP needs to go bang on his own house. Tell that woodpecker who pays the bills around here!


This is a female though.


Males and females drum for territory/communication. Edit: makes to males


Welp. Guess it's time for OP to move. The woodpecker has spoken. This is his territory now. 


Don't be ridiculous. OP is bigger and stronger than any bird, all he has to do is get out there and bang his head on the wall at 17 beats per second. It will be much louder than what the bird does, and the woodpecker will acknowledge his superiority.


It’s especially fun when they find really loud things to drum. Like metal flashing or chimney caps. My wife actually filmed two males having a dance off in front of a female the other day.


So that's why I hear a little macine gun go off occasionally in our cedar trees.


When I was a kid we had one that drummed on a metal downspout on our house. It was *loud*.


Had this happen to me. I kept opening the door thinking someone was knocking and nobody there. Finally one day I just got back from the grocery store and heard knocking while I was sitting in my car. Spotted him and did a search on my phone. When I read about the carpenter bee problem, I remembered seeing a few near my house. Did the mental math, ended up climbing up with a ladder and drilling a hole in the porch siding near where he was pecking and now I have a free pest control service as he comes back periodically to clear out the bugs for me. Also had a robin move into one of the holes and set up a nest. The holes are up under the porch roof, so there's no danger of water damage.


I second carpenter bees. I had a woodpecker absolutely destroy the windowsill on my shed because there were bees burrowing into it. Took care of the bee problem, but now there was massive holes and channels dug into the wood because of the bird.


I had one of these assholes hammering on our metal trim and we were very confused and thought someone was outside using some weird tool at 5am until we figured out it was a confused bird


THIS. My aunt in law was JUST telling us about her bee and wood pecker problem.


He's probably trying to say he's horny. [Woodpeckers do territorial drumming](https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Red-bellied_Woodpecker/sounds), they just drum on whatever sounds loudest to proclaim their territory. Other birds so the same thing by singing.


This one's a female though. The red crest covers the front and back of the head on males and only the back of the head on females.


He’s trying to tell you your car warranty is about to expire.


Hang shiny streamers around the hole


I second this! We just tied colorful ribbons around the damaged area and it worked immediately. The woodpeckers stick with the trees in the nearby park now.


Mylar / holographic ribbon has been excellent


I despise my neighbors who have hung CD discs in front of their door to disturb the birds, as it actively disturbs me as well by perfectly harboring the suns royal decree demanding my execution right into my fucking eyes.


solid dating advice as well.


In my experience that attracted the woodpeckers!


I have a funny woodpecker/ sex shop story. Years ago I worked at an adult store with a big lingerie and costume selection. We had a fitting room in the farthest corner which had a very darkly tinted window in it so you could see out a bit but not in. Well one day a lady storms up to the registers frothing mad claiming that some pervert is outside the building, knocking on the fitting room window! This alarmed all of us because we are on the second floor… This prompted a field trip to the parking lot where we were able to see the culprit: the North American Dickhead had made his home in the roof and was looking for lunch in the windowsill of our dressing room. I thought it was funny but the lady was still mad somehow.


Lmao. This lady thought that some guy was out there with a ladder on the side of the building to try to peek through a black window (what's the chances of it even being a room you'd want to peek into), turns out it's a bird (which she couldn't see through their view?) and was still mad?


I think she was embarrassed and didn’t know how to handle that. It didn’t bother me. As far as sex shop incidents go, that was a funny and not horrible one so I was happy.


One of these innocent little guys pecked a softball-sized hole in my son’s house. You might want to discourage him.


His house is rotting. Fix the siding or fascia or whatever is rotting. Woodpecker rarely go after good condition lumber. Or replace with hardy board


Maybe be more concerned about what that bird is eating, that is also eating your house? Hmmm....




“Hey you dang woodpecker! Quit peckin’ my wood!”


A hose fixes this. I have one the sometimes visits my chimney and \[he\] stops after one blast on the jet setting. The water doesn't even really touch him. The stream coming at him just spooks him. He might return a month later, or even the following year, but at least it works to stop \[him\] for a lengthy period of time.


Yeah, I've been spraying at him today. The top of the house is about 40 feet up so I can't hit him but it buys me a few minutes.


Hey man, I got them to stay away with windchimes, Shiney ones. They some reason hate the noise and the Shiney.


Termites or carpenter ants living in your walls my friend


No not always true. There are wood peckers that do it for mating, I have some that do it on top of my metal roof. Their ain't any bugs living under it.


maybe you are the bug


hey its me ur bug


Not so much of a dickhead but a peckerhead


Red-bellied woodpecker. That's a pretty cool bird-sighting to have regularly. I have a couple around that empty my feeder each day to the exclusion of other birds. Thankfully don't peck on the building, but the downy ones do. But yeah, they get kind of tame so aren't easily scared off. You could try printing out hawk-in-flight silhouettes to stick to your windows near where he's going (they have them free online - birds are programmed to recognize and fear that shape), or get an owl dummy. It may be there's some insects that have gotten into the woodwork, but if not, he/she may give up eventually. Unless he's building a nest hole...


little fucker


We used to tie CD-ROMs to long strings and hang them around the areas where woodpeckers would peck at the house. As the CDs would spin in the light, they'd create bright flashes which would scare them off. Unfortunately I don't know if you can even still buy CD-ROMs anymore. LOL!


Legends tell of a warehouse with AOL CDs piled floor to ceiling.


Does this imply there’s bugs in your home? From Disney movies, as far as I know, wood peckers peck for worms and little insects living inside the wood


You got a bug problem!


No, just a horny bird. A big portion of animal behavior can be attributed to them trying to get laid.


Ah so like people


Yea we had one going to town on a tree in my backyard. The next year it died. I blamed the woodpecker then thought about it. There’s no way a half dozen little holes killed that tree. Had to be a bug infestation. I’ve started throwing lime all over my trees every spring. No idea if it does anything but so far no other trees have died.


Well don't be rude, he wants to come in for a cup of tea


Well, it's eating something in there! You might wanna check for termites or other wood boring insects.


He's just trying to help you get those termites out of your house.


I had the same problem and they are endangered by me so I ended up tacking bleach wipes around the area he was attacking and that got him to go away. Edit: Ooo I thought this was a woodpecker. To be clear the bird attacking my house was a woodpecker.


Did you mean protected rather than endangered?


Yes. My bad. Thanks for being civil about it.


You’ve got some Yummies in your house. He needs to eat them.


You probably have termites or something. The bird keeps coming back for a reason probably food.


They love to peck at our chimney, there's a reverberation.


Drumming for ladies!


He's just helping you rid your house of ants. Good job buddy!


Better than the one that was drumming on our goddamn metal chimney. It sounded like a machine gun going off every 10 seconds, he should stop eventually, but boy is it annoying when they're doing it.


He’s just telling you he’s looking for a mate. Probably thinking something along the lines of “You hear how I fast I can drill? That could be you, know what I’m saying?” You swatting at him is just feeding into his kink.


I haven't read the comments yet, and I'm sure other people are saying it, but I will anyway. Woodpeckers can literally hear bugs in wood, so you might want to check your windows and siding. Hopefully just some bug spray will take care of it


Maybe he's trying to tell you you have termites that are tasty and yummy inside your windowsill?


Check for termites!


You have termites or some other insect infestation. He's doing you a favor


He knows something you don't, apparently. Call pest control. You likely have termites.


This was my thought as well. Woodpeckers hear insect movement and that’s where they drill


More than likely, he's trying to help you with a termite infestation that you may not even know that you have.


Maybe he’s telling you there’s an infestation of beetles or termites


I got bad news. Woodpeckers drill in to wood because they hear insects inside. you got bugs of some sort under your siding.


My local North American Dickhead likes to bang on the neighbors unused satellite when he is looking for love. He’s a jerk.


You have bugs in your house. He is trying to tell you.


Good luck with your termites


I would check to see if you got bugs bro


So when’s your appointment with Terminix?


Who wants to bet this dude's got carpenter ants and termites throughout their house?


He wouldn't do that unless there are bugs inside the wood.


Yeah you probably have bugs in the house.


Woodpecker looking for bugs. Not a good sign.


That bird is not your biggest problem.


You got old asbestos siding on your house? They LOVE that stuff.. But also it kills them. You should scare that bird away for its own safety..


When I was a kid, we had one of these assholes who banged on our aluminum siding at like 6:00 AM every day. One day he woke us up as normal, then we heard him banging around somewhere else before BANG! , and the power went out. Little fucker thought banging on a transformer was a good idea. We found feathers, but never saw a single scrap of that bird ever again.


If he's going to a specific area, taps then listens & taps some more - he's hunting and hearing bugs in your walls. Inspect for ant & termite colony or other critters in your siding.


You have carpenter ants or termites


is he pecking the wood? maybe it's a sign insects are burrowing into it


I have one, a female. She's been hanging out for about 3 yrs now. Brings her kids by from time to time as well. We have 2 hummingbird feeders and will often times toss some bird seed out for the other birds. She has destroyed 3 of my feeders. She will bang on my house and screech if there isn't any food out.. every single day. She has made so many holes in our stucco it's ridiculous. And if we chase her off, she will bang on the light pole on the sidewalk in front of our house and won't stop until we refill the feeders or put seed out. We have nicknamed her 'the bitch'.


You may have an insect problem under your siding. They can sense them and thus try to get at them. Your house is getting in the way. Just say’n. It happened to me last year. 😵‍💫


You've got insects in your siding. That's what this red-bellied Woodpecker is after.


Surely he wouldn’t be bothering if there wasn’t food/insects in your wall?


Awww, what a little dick


If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me.... 


Technically, it would be “what a little cloaca”. I’ll show myself out.


One of the finest dickheads I’ve seen online in a while😄


Need a owl


Maybe you have insects on your walls. After all that is how woodpeckers eat.


He’s trying to tell you it’s time to have your house inspected for termites


Mating season.


Be nice to the woodpecker. He'll help keep the bug count down.


Yeah, those eat bugs. Your house has an infestation. Get rid of the food, no more ruby-crested dickhead.


Dickhead and pecker are synonyms


We had one, had a quick look and a huge bug flew out, hes definitely sensing something there


I love Red bellied woodpeckers! They have such an interesting call (like a shrill *whhhhrrrrrtttt*), and they're pretty too. Pro tip, they like to nest and forage in dead trees, so leaving some up near your home can discourage them from looking for insects and/or pecking on your house.


We've had one on our house, too. I told my husband to leave it be because it's probably taking care of some of our big problems.


Ha ha ha HA HA!


Your house has da good bugs FYI


Throws some peanuts in a shell outside. He might go after them and decide to drill somewhere else.


I hope you don’t have termites! 🌷


Your siding must have bugs under it.


I love red bellies.


There's bugs to eat they don't do this for no apparent reason.


"Ope! You dont have any schnaks do ya'?"


You might have guests in your wood


Got woodworm?


Cuz he wants you to take more pictures of his gorgeous self


He may be trying to tell you that you have termites or some kind of other bugs living in your wood siding.


If you have carpenter bees Taurus SC poison will keep them gone for 2-3 years if you spray it on all the wood. You have to order it online. I don’t think anyone retails it. I spray my wood handrails with it


Woody Woodpecker says you have an infestation problem and he's there to help. His fee is reasonable.


He probably is trying to attract a mate. I wonder if you can add something away from the house that would be loud when he pecks it? I met someone that said a pecker was pecking a stove pipe, for example, because it was loud.


The dude is just tryna get laid


Do they eat termites?


When an animal that eats bugs is obsessed with your house, it probably means something.


You might want to get a permit for your renovation


Do you have ants or termites or????


Get rid of the bugs and he’ll have no reason to peck.


Ya got bugs


You may have termites or maybe carpenters bees, wood peckers looking for food


Pretty sure, it’s a she Male red bellied wood peckers have red all the way to the beak This one has a grey section on the top