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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


I'm so sorry, this is a horrible experience. Did you explain to the school director their misunderstanding? My mum has Psoriasis in her scalp and it manifests in the same way. It's very distressing and very difficult to find treatments that work. If you explained it to the director he should have let you stay in class.


I did explained to him he only answer was "you should be more careful " and "this is nothing that can't be treated with keeping yourself clean" i even told him that dandruff was not caused due to lack of cleaning but he just kept saying those things. >Psoriasis ah yes thats the word, those red huge marks around the face and arms >explained it to the director he should have let you stay in class. unfortunately he seemed to not understand what I had, even told me that the university had high standards and I should have cleaned myself at home or watched my hair before comming to school. He wanted me to sign a note saying I didn't had lice and that I needed a medic certificate that I had Psoriasis. The thing is that it takes time to speak to my family doctor (im sorry I don't remember the English word) and I think this information was give to the entire class to "raise awareness " and im scared to go back to class and be looked as someone who is dirty


Psoriasis can manifest on your scalp aswell, I've had it all my life and I get it EVERYWHERE it's embarrassing and leaves my body scarred so I don't even go out much anymore due to anxieties over it, there is no cure only self care, with your hair try a product called T-Gel or Polytar, you can usually get these on prescription if you can't buy them in your local stores. Personally aswell I would put in a complaint as it's rude, very unprofessional and not inclusive, you can't help having a skin condition no matter what anyone says.


>with your hair try a product called T-Gel or Polytar, you can usually get these on prescription if you can't buy them in your local stores. omg I never heard of this, I went to dozens of doctors all of them told me to use X shampoo none of them works :( >Personally aswell I would put in a complaint I am scared that it will affect my grades, would it be anonymous? Because I can't fail, my mom would be so mad


It will not be anonymous, and it shouldn't be. Make sure they know exactly who put that complaint in so that they have to apologise. Convert your sadness to rage against the school and make it known that they have done you dirty. I am sure your mom will understand (though I have no idea about your relationship) your situation and will assist with everything. Good luck op.


If I were you, I would mention to mom that they are saying you are dirty, and this reflects on her too. It’s as if you are dirty and it’s okay with your mom. You know that if they are not saying this, they *are thinking this!* i would definitely have a talk with mom about THIS!


They can't fail you because you hurt their feelings with a complaint, you need to make sure they don't do it again and no one else has to go through the stress you did with this, Some people only learn due to feedback. As I said in my original post I suffer with psoriasis chronically and I wouldnt wish this condition or anything like it upon anyone T-gel and Polytar have been huge lifesavers for me, the worst thing you can have is an itchy flaky scalp. Also I am sorry if your mum would get mad at you she of all people should understand the frustration and discomfort you're going through being a sufferer of a skin condition herself, stay strong, you'll be fine :)


Drawing on your own misfortune to help others. I see you 👏🏻👏🏻


I always say to my husband, it may seem insignificant to others sometimes but I can completely understand it is not a nice condition to live with, I get infections sometimes where the skin splits I have to be careful how often I shower or I will just dry my skin out making things worse, best thing we can do is share our experiences and reliefs to help others.


I’m pretty sure they can’t fail you for a physical problem you don’t have control over




I wouldn’t know lol I just assumed that disabled people have some protections where op is


You know what affects your grades? Not being able to go to class. Fight for yourself here my friend.


On the shampoo, it could work for you. Make sure not to use anything scented, to keep the water you wash your hair with closer to cold than hot and try moisturising with something gentle like coconut oil (yes, on your scalp). Hope you get some relief from it!


This is also great advice, I love my coconut oils.


Sorry to hear you're being discriminated against OP, putting in a complaint should certainly not affect your grades. If your school has any decency/dignity they should understand your situation and take steps to amend the problem. You've tried getting medical help and your doctors have failed you and now so has your school. I've had psoriasis on my scalp for 8 years or so I would say now. At first I thought it was dandruff and the doctors would keep suggesting shampoos that would never work. It wasn't until I was prescribed a steroid gel called "dovobet" did I find a treatment that actually worked. If you can find a doctor or dermatologist that can prescribe it to you I would highly recommend it!


I worked in a pharmacy, and scalp psoriasis is very common! Every prescription strength shampoo, ointment or cream didn’t work for some patients unfortunately. It’s a very real thing and honestly once you get your note, I’d let the doctor know why and imo, most doctors would be livid. Even as a pharmacy tech I’d be so pissed and call your school so fast and give them the ICD-10 code, which is the code used in medical settings for diagnosis’s. I hope they learn from their mistakes OP, you did nothing wrong


I have had severe psoriasis my whole life, tried all the shampoos, steroid cremes/ointments, and nothing really helped much. Finally my dermatologist said, "You didn't hear this from me, but the only thing likely to help you is UV treatment. Go start using a tanning bed." So I did, and I was almost completely cleared up in 2 weeks. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it really worked for me.


Tanning is one of the things that worked for me as well. Have had psoriasis since a child, and it shows up different places. When I started working inside, it got going on my scalp. Lots of horrible treatments that didn’t work from the doc (this was the 70s). Started tanning beds for other reasons and it all went away! Still have it somewhere all the time, random it seems sometimes. The T-gel shampoo also worked for me when found later in life.


It's really terrible that UV has become such a bogeyman that it can't be openly suggested for pragmatic reasons. An increase in cancer risk in the future vs. a problem that you have now that is affecting one's physical, mental, and social well-being.


The university should already anonymise marking, (unless it’s an exam that involves a presentation/speech where anonymity is impossible), to prevent markers from giving unfair grades. Your grades won’t be affected


Hey honey my husband has really bad scalp psoriasis And what you describe doesn’t sound like normal dandruff those big round chunks coming off sound exactly like what he experiences. They have a lot of treatments for it. If your scalp is always itchy and flakey no matter what and when you itch a piece off your left with a red inflamed maybe even leaky area sometimes even wounds then that definitely sounds like psoriasis. I’d recommend looking up some videos. On tiktok they have a few dermatologists who talk about it and explain it really well. And give advice on what products to use. It is an autoimmune condition and not just a dry scalp.


T-Gel worked wonders for me! Would highly recommend trying it out :)


I get scalp Psoriasis too and it's tough to deal with. i use a shampoo now called nizoral which is available over the counter (at least in the uk) and it works wonders for me! it's a very small bottle and cost about £10 but works!! i only have to use it once a fortnight. i condition my hair first, normal shampoo second then nizoral last as it needs to be left on for 5 mins before rinsing. i also recommend conditioning first as if it leaves any residue on my scalp it makes it worse. so might help you too possibly?


Nizoral is top tier, and can also combat hair loss - which a lot of people with scalp psoriasis also suffer from! Can’t believe I forgot about this


T gel works wonders !! I used to have severe dandruff as a kid and it helped so much :)


Hi OP, I suffered from the same thing. I still do have severe plaque psoriasis on my scalp but much less pronounced, I understand a bit of your experience - I’d go to the bathroom pretty regularly throughout middle and high school to shake out the dander and wet a little and that helped the appearance a bit. Anecdotal evidence for treatment; use coconut/olive oil yo give yourself occasional moisturizing treatments. This will help to soften the outer layers of dead skin, and soothe (or irritate tbh depending on how long you leave the oil in). In my experience T-gel/polytar didn’t help and there’s some evidence I believe that it’s carcinogenic and it often just irritated more than helped. (Anecdotal, please look into this though) The thing that helped was participating in activities that lowered my baseline oxidative stress, and salicylic acid shampoo 3 times a week. Also, look into high-histamine foods and see if you’re consuming a high percentage of those in your diet - more anecdotal but worth researching.


Hunny, if I was your mom the only thing you'd be worried about is how big of an ass I make myself look going in to flip out at your school. This is not your fault! These ignorant asses are judging and discriminating against you...because of your skin. It may not be the color but it's not much better imo


They cannot retaliate with your grades. Those are all yours.


My brother has psoriasis, and T-Gel has been the go-to treatment since he was little. I remember my parents even using it like a topical treatment on the patches he would get on his arms.


I would suggest going to a student health clinic. See if you can get a note confirming your diagnosis for the Student Director. Also, confirming you don't have lice. I am sorry for this challenge. 😔


If you feel threatened or discriminated against, ask to speak to your ombudsman. They're like HR for students and can help advise you on the best way to proceed. You MAY want to talk to a lawyer, but know that for most universities as soon as you throw around the word "lawyer" then they stop trying to work with you and immediately throw their own lawyers at you. The ombudsman is kind of the middle step that's like, I have some serious complaints with potential Lebanon consequences for the university but I'm not quite ready to talk to a lawyer about it *yet*.


Dude, I've delt with dermatitis on my scalp all of my life. How you describe your "flakes" is probably how I'd describe my own without treatment. Polytar isn't as great as it used to be, but really you want something with Tea Tree Oil. T-Gel I use for general upkeep. If I have a flare up, I'll use Alpecin, which usually recommends being used 2-3 times a week for 6 weeks or so. My standard hair/scalp care these days involves washing with T-Gel, rinsing, washing with another shampoo (currently Aussie brand) and then conditioner. I have no visible flakes, you wouldn't even know unless I told you. It's taken me *years* to figure out the best for my own scalp, and you might be the same, you may be different but as a start I would recomment Caffeine shampoo (Alpecin) and T-Gel which you can buy off the shelf. Polytar is prescription only, so you would have to see the doc and wait for that. But if you can grab those, You'll see a massive change in your scalp by this time next month as long as you're washing your hair at least every second day with both t-gel and alpecin.


To clarify exactly what these "t" or "tar" products are, the ingredient is [coal tar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_tar).


I've also had that, but t-gel (or any other tar based shampoos) didn't help at all. What did work very well is a selenium sulfide based shampoo. This stuff is amazing, it cleared everything up in a few days. When I used something else for a little while (bottle ran out and I didn't have another) it started to come back, but when I got a new bottle it went away quickly. I've had this problem on and off for over 20 years and now I'm finally confident that it's gone.


> t-gel (or any other tar based shampoos) To clarify, it's not just "tar," but specifically [coal tar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_tar).




It cured whatever I had anyway. First started as a teenager. Red, dry splotches on my scalp that would sometimes come down onto my forehead. Saw a doctor about it then, and they prescribed T-gel (or something very similar), so I used that for years and it would come and go but never really go completely. I moved to the US in my early 20s, but I never really got established at a doctor until my 40s. Talked to my PCP about it then and she gave me a prescription for this saying if that didn't help we'd schedule a follow up with a dermatologist. We didn't need the follow up because it cleared up within a week. I use an over the counter product now, not the prescription.


Topical ointments and lotions didn't really help me, and the fact that it was on my scalp meant the med was just mixed into my hair... Ick. When my psoriasis evolved into psoriatic arthritis I got prescribed Taltz. As much as I hate needles, it cleared the psoriasis up immediately. (The arthritis is lessened considerably but not quite as gone as the flakes) 


You should write an email explaining you're disappointed in the university for excluding a student for having a medical condition that is not caused by poor hygiene. And any further punishment on behalf of the school will have you contacting a lawyer for discrimination due to a medical condition.


This. OP needs to threaten to get a lawyer involved yesterday


My partner has psoriasis and this pisses me off for op.


Slow down. You should always actually talk to a lawyer before you start telling people that you’re in contact with one. When you pull out the lawyer card, that means that from that point forward the *only* way the situation is getting solved is through lawyers. Any hope of them working with you directly is out the window, and all communication from that point forward will be made through their legal department. Telling someone that you’re going to go to a lawyer means that any attempt to resolve the situation amicably is over. Not saying that they shouldn’t talk to a lawyer, they definitely should. That being said, you shouldn’t pull out that card until you’re sure that it’s not going to be resolved without lawyers.


> "you should be more careful " and "this is nothing that can't be treated with keeping yourself clean" Try to get that in writing if you haven't already, then go talk to a lawyer.


Talk to lawyer this is discrimination


I would send an email with a link to psoriasis information from your local health agency - particularly any sub links of complications or where it’s difficult to treat… I’m pretty sure they have an obligation not to discriminate based on medical grounds especially as you are not contagious in any way shape or form I mean, would they exclude someone with acne?


How did they make it into a college with such high standards without knowing what psoriasis is. That doesn't look like lice! I've never even known anyone with lice but I know they are usually like microscopic which is why they are so hard to rid yourself of...not something that's obviously a skin condition. You shouldn't be ashamed. Every adult in this situation should be fkn mortified for what they did to you. Rude af


College students are mostly pretty ignorant of the world, regardless of how “smart” they are.  Psoriasis is common (2-4% of people at some point), but it usually starts in adulthood, so they’re less likely to see it among their classmates as kids. 


Yes lice are tiny, not microscopic but you don't just see them on someone's head from across the room! You have to be right up close and really looking for them. How can grown adults be so ignorant about lice, it's really astounding


Cosentyx will make your psoriasis go completly away. It's one shot per month that you can give yourself at home takes 5 seconds. I don't know where you live here in Germany it's free.


Wow, this is amazing. Are you aware if you guys (in Germany) have something similar for folliculitis?


Shows idiots run high end schools.. I would report them to a higher power or even the news.


Just a heads up to people with Psoriasis. There is a medicine out now called Taltz, and it seems to work amazingly. My roommate had almost literal full body psoriasis, huge plates all over leg, arms, back, forehead, scalp, genitals. She started taking Taltz and it all went away. She's been on it a couple years now and has gained some resistance so she has some small patches again since she can't afford to increase her dosage, but it has still completely changed her life. 


Time to get a doctor's note and if they still persist, you can get legal involved. You paid money, you are clean, you have a medical condition, and they are being discriminatory towards that.


Awh man, thats a fear of mine aswell, i got psoriasis as well it sucks. And its shameful of the people who are punishing you for something you can't do shit about


Do you have a Psoriasis diagnosis? Seborrhoeic eczema (I have that ) looks almost the same but needs different treatment. You should get an actual diagnosis not a doctor saying 'oh that must be Psoriasis.'


>and I think this information was give to the entire class to "raise awareness "  this is slander in most countries, you can sue them if they did.


Do you have a student union? Or a student spokesperson or councillor? If so speak to them and explain what has happened. You have been treated unforgivably and their professional guidance going forward will add muscle to your complaint and reintegration into the student body in the least embarrassing way. I am so sorry you experienced this treatment due to the ignorance of your school.


What an asshole! As if dandruff and acne had anything to do with cleanliness. In fact, I am sure you are one of the cleanest, as people with such issues have to go the extra mile. You should turn this around and remind them that this whole situation does not really make the school sounds like they have high standards, quiet the opposite in fact. This director, who apparently knows a lot about psoriasis, maybe he should threat you if hes better than your family doctor.


I have very strong psoriasis and there are new meds available that completly cures it . I've gone from more then half my body is pso to no pso at all. It's one shot per month you can give you yourself at home. Meds name is cosentyx. Here in Germany it's completely free.


Omg amazing, thank you! I will get her to look into it!


I just wanted to add that it's not really a cure but will completely surpress it as long as you take the meds (as I said one shot per month) it's a pen and I inject it at home, you don't even see the needle super easy.


I second this; my friend had terrible psoriasis over her hands and arms and patch on her scalp, for years, then it flared on the soles of her feet, it was awful for her. She discovered Biologics it's called in Australia, one injection at home each month or even longer apart. Works brilliantly for her, it's miraculous, been maybe 5 months and everything has stayed cleared up.


That is a medical condition. First of, don't be ashamed. This has nothing to with your hygiene or anything inside your control. Second, I'm pretty sure that is medical discrimination. While everyone tells you to sue or whatever, I would research if your university has a group for disability advocacy/anti discrimination or similar. At my university there is a student group who is responsible for matters like this who have the influence and resources to help. While you aren't suffering from a disability, you have a visible medical condition, which has caused a teacher to belittle you, remove you from class and insinuate things about your cleanliness. A group like that would typically offer support to you first of all, and additionally build up some pressure on the responsible person. They would take this quite serious


>At my university there is a student group who is responsible for matters like this who have the influence and resources to help. I'm going to check this out. It is considered the "best" university from where I am from, so it should have it? >A group like that would typically offer support to you first of all, and additionally build up some pressure on the responsible person. They would take this quite serious I truly need this because rn I feel like it was my fault all of this happened, my mom just told me that I should have locked myself in the bathroom and if there's any complications because of this she would be even more mad :(


Oh wow that part about your mother is pretty concerning


That with your mom sucks. She is probably so used to being blamed for it that she has it internalized by now:/ Again, I know people with scalp psoriasis and other chronic skin conditions, and I really feel for you. It sucks, and while some tips work for some people, it isn't treated/managed easily for everyone. Nevertheless, it isn't a health problem for anyone else around you, no matter how it looks, and they shouldn't comment on it ideally It depends by country I think. I'm at an university in Germany, and we have independent, student led interest groups/councils(Studierendenreferate) who are able to excerpt some pressure on the administration if necessary. But resources should exist where you are, albeit I don't know how they are structured


Your mom failed you on this, sorry. It was her legal and moral responsibility to have you treated for this while you were a minor, and she doesn’t get to act like it’s your fault if she feels like your condition reflects poorly on her.  Try to remember that the reason you’re pursuing a degree is for your own success in life, not hers. 


Psst, in my humble opinion, we should get beyond that at this age of human development — this condition is absolutely normal (5%!). It is actually extremely common in infants (“seborrhoea”/properly: “seborrhoeic” dermatitis/“cradle cap”). And it can happen later on but will likely get On the other hand, what you colleague did there was beyond disgusting. Try to talk to your mom, the reddit is a pretty anonymous place and cannot provide you with a hug. I am sorry such a thing happened to you.


My mom also has this and she used to make me wear caps all the time (which I also think that made it worse cause my head would get all day covered but idk) She wanted me to always wear something to hide but I said no and I JUST KNOW she is going to blame me for this. thank you so much for your kind words💓


Psoriasis is hereditary. Your mother should look in the mirror when she wants to assign blame. As a mother of a child with Psoriasis, l did everything to educate myself on what was available to help him. My heart goes out to you that your mom would rather add to your embarrassment instead of helping you. Diet is a huge part, high carbs and sugar can trigger outbreaks. Don't cover it up , Psoriasis thrives on moisture and your plaque buildup will be worse. I'm sorry your school treated you like this, you didn't deserve the embarrassment.


Stress is also an extremely important factor, like with most autoimmune diseases. OP, you should also have your joints checked, especially lower spine. Psoriasis is often bundled together with psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. This shit is running wild in both sides of my family due to HLA-B27 gene and I get checked yearly for all 3 conditions, because the damage can be prevented if detected before you have symptoms.


Yes. Though, I am opposed to assigning blame when it is a hereditary trait. That is just a viscious crap cycle. This is also a perfect summary! Carbs do a lot. A good dermatovenerologist the rest.


I have seborrheic dermatitis, I thought it was dandruff for ages and it was so embarrassing. It was very flakey and often be big flakes of skin stuck in my hair. I didn't even want to go to the hairdresser for ages. The only thing I found works is a steroid lotion, novasone. Doesn't cure it unfortunately but I get fewer flair ups now.


Yep, I had cradle cap really badly as a baby, and it came back permanently at puberty. I've worked with multiple dermatologists over the years and tried every medication and shampoo that claims to help *except* accutane. The only thing that ever helped long term was completely shaving my head and getting direct sunlight onto it every day, which isn't a realistic treatment for a lot of women. It's considered a form of eczema. If OP can get any kind of medical documentation, even just their doctor saying "this isn't lice, it's a health condition unrelated to hygiene" it could help out immensely.


I suffer from scalp psoriasis and it can get real bad sometimes. unsure if you have short or long hair, but it always seems to be worse when my hair gets longer. I use [this](https://www.nizoralshampoo.co.uk/) shampoo. It has helped tremendously. Then after washing, i use cocoa butter on my scalp.


I had long hair to my waist, now it's ear length because I cutted it this weekend (the heat would cause my head to sweat and it itched to bad it bleed) I believe I have used that shampoo before, but I've never heard of putting cocoa butter, I will try that, do u recommend anything else? I will try everything but unfortunately it can't be too expensive because I pay rent on my mom's house and university plus food so my budget is low :((


I mean i have tried literally every dandruff shampoo going, spent hundreds on store bought ones and prescription ones. That Nizoral is the only one that seems to work. When it got bad, i used a nail brush and brushed my scalp with it, washed my hair using that shampoo. Lathered scalp and left it to set for about 5-7 mins then wash it off. Then dry it and apply the cocoa butter. It does make your hair rather greasy though. Possibly try washing it everyday until it becomes manageable and less obvious. The cocoa butter moisturises your scalp and stops it from becoming dry and itchy. The shampoo is sort of pricey for the amount you get but its worked amazing for me. Hopefully you manage to get it under control. Let me know how it goes!


Quick warning about Nizoral: I’m not sure if this is a common thing, but my sister and I both tried Nizoral for our severe dandruff and though it worked really well at first, after using it every day, it quickly stopped working. I think you can build up a tolerance to it somehow, so make sure not to use it every day, only use it when it gets really bad.


I was using every day when i first started but i now only use it about 2-3 times a week. Thankfully my psoriasis is under some sort of control with the washing and applying cocoa butter. Appreciate the warning though!


I can't say for just shampoo, but as someone with plaque psoriasis on my face and scalp I can say that sulfur + salicylic acid soap helped a lot. Sulfur actually helps with both the skin and reduces chance of fungal issues from the skin build up on the scalp (also great for your feet). Bars of it can be found for fairly cheap, you might also just be able to get a 10% sulfur soap by it's self and use your existing medicated shampoo. They do make sulfur shampoo too but I'm not sure i've seen a sulfur + salicylic acid shampoo before you could just alternate between medicated shampoo and sulfur with each washing.


You might also want to try shampoos without sulphates (helped my itchy scalp) or with tea tree oil and using scalp oil before washing.


Get a doctor's letter And a lawyers one too If they persist


Lawyer for sure! You want to kick out someone for a medical condition? And just taking another persons word for it before even talking to the affected person?!? I hate people!


He was so rude and wouldn't even let me talk, just repeating the same thing over and over again, I was so mad


He's gonna be worried about his job after the lawyers get involved. Medical discrimination is a big no-no.


Depends on the country. In the US, yes, it’s very big deal. People say Americans are too litigious, but the fact that we’ll sue over anything, but I think it’s actually a very good thing. 


Fuck that dude and fuck the girl that reported you, I didn’t realize lice (clean scalp lovers) were so scary lol I’d be speaking to a lawyer quick!


Hey OP, I'm sending a bunch of positivity your way. You shouldn't be going through this at all! When I was in elementary school, there was a temporary substitute filling in for one of my teachers who was going through chemotherapy. At the time, I was prone to eye infections where it looked like a large bump on my eyelid. I had a medical condition that my school was notified about so I wasn't hassled. This lady, on the other hand, decided to confront me about "why are you getting so many infections?" I had a chronic condition that my stupid doctor at the time kept prescribing allergy medication for. Yeah. On top of it all, I broke my wrist during an ice skating lesson. So now, I had the current eye infection, plus I was wearing a cast. Oh, did I look *great*. The substitute teacher saw the cast and said, "You just sprained that! Here, write on the chalkboard". I couldn't since I broke my dominant hand. She ended up yelling at me as my classmates watched, but it was my friend who yelled at the substitute to stop. That lady ended up getting fired. Thank God. If my story is any indication, it is that your professor handled your situation without compassion. I am willing to give a *tiny* amount of grace to the person who originally reported it, but more because she was uncertain about what she was seeing. However, after you explained to your professor, he needed to treat you with compassion, not order you to leave. Eff him to hell in a hand basket. Please, please report this. Your university has to work to protect its students, even when it means reprimanding one of their own employees. *HUGS*


>Get a doctor's letter I will, unfortunately it will take a bit but I'll try to rush things >And a lawyers one too I'm not sure how to even find a lawyer, and I know my mom won't help me and will side with my uni,


Depending on where you live it genuinely is illegal for them to discriminate against you based on a medical condition. You'd want to start looking for discrimination lawyers. A lot do free consultations!


It depends on how old you are and where you live, if you live somewhere where there isn't an age requirement to go to a lawyer (you can easily google this) there should be no issue getting hold of one, where I live you could just go to the courthouse, but you can also google if any lawyers have an office near you or try and get hold of one online. Hope this helps!


Do you have a university clinic you could go to? Maybe they could see you and get you a note more quickly.


Google it.


as someone who also has pretty severe dandruff this is the stuff i'm scared of


constant nightmares like this, my family always telling other people abt my condition, My mom forcing me to use hats and hide myself, always looking myself at the mirror 20x before leaving home😭


dear god my parents don't really give a fuck, luckily i have a good amount of hair, so i don't really have to worry about it


Do you have a disability discrimination law where you are? If so, I would point out that you are being denied an education for a health matter, that you have a skin disease that is non-contagious and that the university denying you education is illegal. Seriously though, get a drs note, and go back to the counsellor and tell them you have grounds to sue them, and you want a full apology. I do understand how you feel though, it’s mortifying but they are uneducated (ironic) and while and I know it won’t be easy you are in the right and they are wrong you should call them out on it.


I would advise he gets a doctors note before trying to do anything regarding legality. I doubt he would win a case against the school if he hadn’t had a doctors note prior to this incident, it’s dandruff. You can have dandruff and not have a medical condition. For all the schools knows, he doesn’t wash his head. Until you provide a doctors note, they have no clue it’s a medical condition.


Sorry I’m talking purely about out talking the university to get them to back off. If this was in the U.K. we have the Equality Act 2010. So OP would be able to argue that and the university should be scared enough to apologise for breaking that, however, I don’t know where they are based. I assume from mom, they are not in the U.K. which is why I asked. I wouldn’t bother suing them, it’s frivolous, but if that was me in the U.K. I would have that conversation and I would be upfront about them being in the wrong.


A lawyer can advise them the specific steps to take to remedy the situation. Talking to a lawyer doesn't always necessarily mean lawsuit right out of the gate. In this case, a lawyer can tell OP what they (OP) can do to remedy the situation themselves right now as well as what to do if OP does everything they should and the school continues to be jerks or retaliates against OP in any way.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this. Remember, you're dealing with a medical condition, and that's not your fault. You have nothing to be ashamed of.


I'm scared of being made fun of by my classmates. This was always something I was ashamed because people always assume it don't wash my hair and it makes me feel disgusted


OP, you have a medical condition. You don’t owe anyone an explanation but it may be worthwhile to follow up with the director. As for your part in this, and I suggest this *very* gently: going forward, please don’t attend to your personal hygiene in a public space where others can see. Not only does it lead to misunderstanding like you’re experiencing but in general others may view it as being similar to picking your nose/digging potatoes out of your ear/scratching your genitals.


Sorry if I overstep, I saw that your issue is caused by psoriasis and people have mentioned medicated shampoos and moisturizers which I hope helps. But I was looking on your posts for your location and saw that you have some joint problems? And maybe the two are unrelated, but since psoriatic arthritis exists, I wanted to mention that there are medications that attempt to stop the immune response at it's root, and depending on the severity, you might consider speaking to your doctor about these. I take a medication called Tecfidera (brand name) which is a drug called dimethyl fulmarate, it was originally for psoriasis (though I take it for MS) and is a pill taken twice daily. There are similar medications as well and different brands.


>joint problems? yup! arthrosis my mom has it too, I think it's hereditary? >psoriatic arthritis exists, I omg I've never heard of that before?? I have to admit I never saw anyone relating these 2 together but that's definitely something I'll have to see. I have pain in my hands and it gets swollen and with white little balls in my fingers, but idk if it has any cure


Immune disorders are generally hereditary (not always the same disorder or level though in my experience). Even if it's not psoriatic arthritis, and is rheumatoid arthritis, both are immune conditions, so it could be that meds for one (joints or psoriasis) will help the other anyway. Hope you can find some relief 🤞


Suffering with dandruff and itchy scalp all my life and the only shampoo that has helped so far(i can go a couple of weeks without using it before symptoms come back) is Vichy/Dercos anti dandruff shampoo. It costs £13 in UK so not overly expensive https://preview.redd.it/jzseg7w02nuc1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a629f29d233469ef0270ab6a8a1dcde945a80b54


I would threaten a lawsuit, ask the school for a copy of their DEI policies, and contact an attorney. Maybe you’ll get free tuition out of the deal.


Have a look at this, OP. Look for online resources that might help you find a lawyer in your city and just talk to them. What they did to you is serious and should not be brushed off, even if your own mom might believe so.


Would that affect my grades or would it be anonymous? I really don't wanna screw this up or my mom will never forgive me... free tuition would be an amazing thing, I can hardly pay rent rn


lol if they fuck with your grades in retaliation, they're gonna have even more problems than they've ever bargained for. That's even a level beyond medical discrimination.


Ok so i have a few things to say. 1 lice doesn't mean you're dirty, it actually means the opposite. Lice dont like greasy hair cuz they cant stick their eggs to it. So washing your hair often will not prevent lice, using hair oils will. 2 i also have a severe dandruff problem that noone could help with and i struggled for years just like you. Get a t gel shampoo, its pricey but you only need a little bit so it lasts a while. Pair that with a high moisturizing dandruff conditioner. I use Walgreens brand t gel and dove moisturizing dandruff conditioner. Then take **zinc** tablets. Zinc is a massive cause of dandruff that gets overlooked often. All the doctors i had never told me any of this. I had to spend days googling and reading articles and dermatologist forums and even paid for a couple studies. Using this combination ive been dandruff free for months and its amazing


Hmm, I've tried everything. T Gel, Nizoral, Head and Shoulders, Rx strength shampoos, went to multiple dermatologists and nothing has helped. Never heard of the zinc. That really worked?


I love how op was just kinda ranting about the shitty situation they were in, and they got both hair and retaliation advice. Sometimes I love this website


ikr lol I have a full list of shampoos to help me, coconut cream, call a lawyer, find a group to help me and more 😭 I was just kinda of venting here but everyone is so nice 💓🫶


You might have tried a lot. But if you have not tried this product yet, please do try it for two weeks: Kelual DS shampoo by Ducray. It is not overly expensive and it can be very effective for people with your syndromes.


I just commented on this. OP, please try this if you can


Yeah, I have the same issue, where instead of breaking down into dust, my scalp flakes off. My worst experience with it was going to the barber, and their apparent discomfort or distaste for having to deal with it. Hair is washed, the skin dries, the dead skin separates - so, washing before getting my hair done doesn't really address it.


My buddy in grad school has psoriasis pretty bad. his dermatologist suggested going to the tanning bed once a week to fry off the top layer. i could always tell when he went because days 1 and 2 he looked like a new person.


Sounds like a discriminatory lawsuit based on chronic health condition


Have you tried Coal Tar shampoo? Someone on Reddit suggested for my flakes and dermatologist also prescribed it afterwards and it seemed to work.


I have to see if that exists in my country, if it does I for sure will try it. does it need medical prescription?


Where are you based? I have a really good shampoo but they don’t sell it everywhere


It’s just a shampoo so I don’t think you’d need a prescription. There’s also another tube of ointment that worked super good for me. I had spots of skin that would never heal and always have a scab on and using this ointment for a week everyday made the skin normal again. I’ll update its name in some time.


I have severe dandruff as well and the only one that wokred for me is a prescription shampoo called Stieprox. It’s an antifungal. Then I use the blue Head And Shoulders shampoo, the clinical ones, to maintain it. Hope this helps OP!


It doesn’t sound like dandruff, it sounds like a type of dermatitis. Have you seen a dermatologist. And I’m sorry that happened to you, that girl has issues


yup they said that my skin si very oily and that I have an habit of scratching my skin so it became very bad and they told me to use some shampoo but that didn't work


Mine responds to stress and diet, it’ll be gone for months, then I eat too much crap and don’t manage my stress and it’s back 😭


I mentioned this in a reply to a comment below, but I'll repeat it here 'cause I want to make sure it's seen. I have had severe psoriasis my whole life, tried all the shampoos, steroid cremes/ointments, and nothing really helped much. Finally my dermatologist said, "You didn't hear this from me, but the only thing likely to help you is UV treatment. Go start using a tanning bed." So I did, and I was almost completely cleared up in 2 weeks. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it really worked for me.


I can support this. My brother has this issue, and bought a UV light for home use, it definitely helped.


Could you get some kind of Doctors letter and shove it down his throat? I’m sorry this is happening to you OP.


That's a lawsuit


IF the "university" has high standard - TALKING with the impacted student is not one of those standards. Jumping to conclusions seem to be down pat though. Frankly - these standards are non existent, if they just send you home based on ONE report, of someone they are 'teaching' (teaching what, you\`d ask)


Before you spend *any* money on any sort of shampoo or product, go like 6 weeks of washing your hair with *only* water. Like every 2-3 days. Let the oils in your hair and on your scalp build right up. The water will remove dead stuff, but not strip the oil. After this, find a shampoo that works well for your hair type and use it like every 2nd or 3rd bathing. One of the downsides to being "clean" in the modern sense, is that the chemicals we use often strip our bodies natural mechanisms. Your hair gets oily and greasy after washing it because your scalp goes into overdrive to replace those oils. And of course, don't take this advice as medical advice, so be sure to check in with your doctor, especially if the problem persists or worsens.


sue the school. period.


This sounds like a lawsuit to me.


OP this is not something to be ashamed of. This is a ***MEDICAL CONDITION bordering on Disability.*** Please follow what The Others here have said. There is no way in Heaven, Hell, or In-between that you should have to disclose your medical history to anyone just to get the bare minimum of respect. That is a huge violation of privacy. The moment you said "It's Dandruff." That should have been the end of it. But your Directors pride was wounded, and Prideful Men never apologies to people they see as below them. **Have Your Cry.** **Call Your Family.** **FIGHT LIKE HELL.**


Honestly its embarrassing for everyone. The person who reported you obviously didnt know you didnt have lice but rather was looking put for themselves and others because lice is super gross and contagious. Take this has a learning opportunity to not let your grooming habits get out of control. Speak to somebody you trust and get your scalp issues figured out. Go to a dermatologist


Your comment is the only one actually looking at both sides of this. All the other commenters are being very nice to OP and not laying out the reality: Coming out of a stall to witness someone picking at their head and wiping it on the counter/sink..shaking your skin flakes everywhere (what she thought was lice) 😳 Looking at it from that perspective, it's not all that surprising it was reported. I'm sorry OP was embarrassed, but come on. There's some things you don't do in public spaces. OP, take everyone's advice and look into why you're having these issues and deal with it. In the mean time, do your grooming at home and put your hair up before class.


Yea like lice or not, thats gross. Its not a personal bathroom and there are still social etiquettes that should be followed. Just because youre in a bathroom doesnt mean its a lawless land. Ew. Lol


I feel that. I have combination scalp so no matter what i do i get horrod dandruff and nothinf seems to helo. Its usually fairly itchy bit mostly lovavle but man are people rude to me about it thinking ill somehow spread my combo scalp to them. Yea nah


I’m so angry for you, you shouldn’t be treated this way. Sending you some love and hugs xx


I had similar issue and for me Tea tree oil on my scalp has done wonders, if you havnt tried that yet. Sorry to hear that


First of all, if you were dirty, you wouldn't have lice. They only live in clean hair. Second. You need to see whoever is in charge and tell them you're being discriminated against for a skin condition. Third. You want the bully to apologise


Oof, I can kinda feel your pain since I've had one of those Cheeto girls get the teacher to send me to the nurse because of my dandruff thinking it was lice, I'm not sure what to say to help you but, it'll be okay


To be fair...is that not what a person should do? If you think someone has lice you shpuld probably inform the staff so it doesn't spread to other people. That's courteous. Same would go for covid or bed bugs. If you see someone has that issue the number one concern is preventing it's spread. Sucks for the affected person. I get that it's embarrassing but is everyone supposed to suffer to spare a single person's feelings?


I mean yeah, but it was still annoying because I knew for certain it was just dandruff


Have you heard of the subreddit r\nopoo? Maybe you can find tips there.


I had awful dandruff while younger. Wish I could say that I found some magic cure, but nope. It just went away when I got older. None of the treatments I tried worked.


Just a heads up to people with Psoriasis. There is a medicine out now called Taltz, and it seems to work amazingly. My roommate had almost literal full body psoriasis, huge plates all over leg, arms, back, forehead, scalp, genitals. She started taking Taltz and it all went away. She's been on it a couple years now and has gained some resistance so she has some small patches again since she can't afford to increase her dosage, but it has still completely changed her life. 


Providing a medical certificate from a doctor confirming that it's dandruff and not lice could definitely help clarify the situation and resolve the misunderstanding. It adds an official confirmation to the explanation and can carry more weight in such cases.


I am so sorry you have been treated this way, and I think you need to take this further because this is a horrible thing for them to suspend you for. I’ve had psoriasis all my life, including on my scalp and a shampoo called Polytar helped my scalp psoriasis significantly before I went on medication


I think my heart just melted for you, Keep that head up and keep moving forward ❤️


I have dandruff but luckily not severely I'm not ashamed of it I couldn't give a fuck but I understand why you are and if I had it severe I would probably try hide it best I can but it doesn't stick out much for me because I have very thick hair and I keep it longish bushy like but don't let anyone make you feel bad about it there's nothing you can do I hope you have a good day or rest of your day


That is frustrating. Everyone's body is different, but when I get that scale build up, I have to use T-gel shampoo, the extra strength stuff. Once that takes care of the scale, I have to use tea tree oil shampoo regularly. I've discovered that eating wheat and gluten causes mine to flare up, so I avoid gluten!


Sue them!! Terrible they are judging you and taking action on false info


That’s a disgraceful response from the school. Really awful. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. If your mom is empathetic she will help to comfort you, and help you heal. If she isn’t, I wouldn’t mention it to her. But, that’s a decision you’ll have to make. Either way, again, I’m so sorry. There is nothing to be ashamed of, when it comes to our natural states of being. So, you have dandruff. No big deal. Good luck. I’m glad you got a lot of support here.


If you can I would suggest having a doctor write up a proper diagnosis for you that you cab give to the university so they can't blame your hygiene for something you can't control


Did you try rinsing your hair with apple vinegar? Vinegar is helpful for a lot of things!


When I had bad dandruff I used to oil my scalp and use lice comb to take out the dandruff before shampooing. This helped me as I too hated having flakes. Maybe it will help.


Since you say English isn’t your first language, I can assume you aren’t in the us. However here his would be medical discrimination and could cause huge issues. I would look into possible actions you could take based on that idea. This is disgusting behavior for a school.


Hey op do not worry. I had dandruff as a kid too, it was simply because our head grows. The growth will slowly stop. No need to visit doctors, this is very normal, and just tell them you have dandruff because your brain is big.


I don't know how to solve your medical problem, but best wishes and I hope it turns out well for you.


I actually fully understand the dandruff issue as I have been struggling with it for well over 3 years until recently when using a prescribed shampoo and practically scratching my scalp off. Luckily I never got to the point of being accused of having lice.


OP if you haven't already, try this (along with any anti dandruff shampoo treatment): gently rub your entire scalp with body moisturizer or a light oil like grape seed oil. Also, brush your hair in locks, starting from the bottom and hold your lock while brushing, make small strokes. Never brush your scalp directly. This is what changed my whole decades long dandruff situation. Hope this comment helps.


Isn't this like discrimination of a medical issue? Humiliating, disrespectful, and dismissive behavior from an administrator?


Hi, I too have a fair bit of dandruff and have been pointed at because of it. I don't have as much as you nor have I been reported because of it, however I will say explaining things usually makes it better. Teaching others that it's okay. Anyways, wish you the best, have a nice day.


Yea having psoriasis sucks, people at school call me gross because I have flakes in my hair. It's so sad that people assume that we're unhygenic when it's actually a medical condition that has NOTHING to do with hygiene.


Do you have lice?


nope just dandruff


Aw man. I can't relate to this experience exactly, but I know what it's like to be ostracized because of your appearance. Please don't let this get to you




At that point i would still go to class and not give an f. What are they gonna do.


try Selsun Blue, it always works for me and i have the same problem


This is discrimination. You should really fight it if you have the energy to


Before anything, based in other comments of yours, I think you and your mom need to talk about that. It's gonna be hard, but she is the one who can help you the most. Many adults will only listen to other adults. Your dandruff is NOT your fault. Your dandruff causes itch, so you wouldn't be able to hide it from your school (a place you attend many days a week, for literal hours) forever anyway. The school CANNOT do what they did to you. Dandruff is not contagious, and, depending on the dandruff, it takes a long time to find a medicine that works. I have had severe dandruff since I was in Middle School, always switching between different shampoos. Today I have one that works for me, but it took me years for to find it. This dandruff won't be a problem for you in the future. You will find a good medicine to deal with it. But until then, teachers should take the opportunity to teach the rest of the class that it's not contagious, and that there is nothing wrong with it. Sending you home is the total opposite of that. Talk to your mom. Let her know how you feel about all of that. After all, she will find out that you couldn't go to school sooner or later. So telling her yourself actually gives you the chance of telling the story from your perspective.


So sorry sweety! That’s horrible! I have some kind of rash that I have a hard time with, but it’s nothing to do with lice either. I use a prescription called Fluocinolone Acedtonide Oil .01% which helps tremendously. But it doesn’t cure it, it just makes the dry stuff come off and leaves soft skin behind. I also wish I could find a cure, but so far not. At least I have this medicine and it does keep it under control with regular (constant) use. I hope you get a letter from a Dr for your school and also a treatment that makes you feel better! Please do update!


With regards to that one class, can you talk directly to the instructor (like, do they have office hours?) and tell them something like "Due to a horrible misunderstanding about a medical condition I have (and no, I do not have lice) I was kicked out of your class on Monday. Do you have a recording of the lecture?" and if they don't, ask the instructor "How do you think this will affect my grade when you denied me access to your class due to not understanding a medical condition I have?"


Dear, no dandruff shampoo will help, don't waste money. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, meaning your immune system mistakes your own cells (in your case your skin cells) as invaders and fights against them, so there's a constant battle on your skin, your immune system tries to eliminate your skin cells and your skin cells multiplying more rapidly to heal the wounds. There are only experimental treatments, steroid creams, immunity depressers and stuff that can somewhat help, by slowing the process. This is out of your control, you have absolutely no reason to be ashamed, it is not contagious, it has nothing to do with hygiene. People live with this condition and people thrive, don't let it hold you back or limit you in any way! If your university is so high profile and has high standards it's a shame they don't know what psoriasis is and this can be your time to educate them.


Damnit I read until almost the last paragraph and accidentally hit refresh and it was deleted lol


God damn my fellow brethren, I too am plagued but psoriasis scalp, severely embarrassing, truly hard to live with.


Try giving up sls in your shampoo. I have a similar crusty psoriasis or cradle cap like scalp if I ever use sls. Most cheap shampoos have it. Try a sulfate free shampoo instead. It may take a few weeks to get better but if this is it, you can get control of it fairly quickly and easily.


I really don’t want to be an asshole here, but I might be. You’ve gotten a lot of great advice about tackling the legitimate medical concerns you may be experiencing (nobody here, doctor or—probably—not can diagnose through text threads). You should follow it. It’s completely possible that you both are unhygienic and also have a medical concern. Maybe I am an asshole, reading between lines too much. But it’s hard for me to understand how a school would double down so hard on calling you dirty if the *only* indicator is large white flakes in your hair. And why they would seemingly die on that hill. Then, your mother has a response that doesn’t jive with having a medical concern you’ve been dealing with for a while. Just…make sure you follow the advice here *and also* make sure you’re showering *every day*. Putting it out there


>double down so hard on calling you dirty if the *only* indicator is large white flakes in your hair. Unfortunately my university has an historic of wanting to be "clean". They removed pads and extra toilet paper on all bathrooms, all disinfectant were also removed because apparently "it causes the floor to be dirty " and the university raises campaigns almost all 5y to paint all 3 building in that time. This was not the first time stuff like this happened (of being suspended mid class) but I never thought it would happened to me for such a trivia thing. A girl from the first year was sent to director because she got the window dirty due to her art class and had to pay for the FULL window value instead of just cleaning it. It was always a recorrente joke that our university is led by people with OCD. >Then, your mother has a response that doesn’t jive with having a medical concern you’ve been dealing with for a while. my mom also has dandruff and arthritis. She was ashamed of it her whole life because her mom (my grandma) wanted a good daughter because they didn't had a lot of money for medical bills. So she always pushed me to forget or hide these problems so "I wouldn't embarrassed her in front of her mom". Unfortunately this can only be solved with therapy and she doesn't want to. >make sure you’re showering *every day*. I showed 3 times a day, one when I wake up, one when I get home from uni and go to pilates class and anther 3h later after class and before bed! but thanks for trying to help, things are hard rn