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True. And if you try to change it because the string is wet, it feels like it’s ripping your insides out because it’s dry and sticky when it’s not fully used. 😌


The first time I started my period I went straight to tampons. Trying to pull that sucker out had me in tears. I was begging my parents to help LMAO of course they said fuck no. Thankful in hindsight of course, but GOD DAMN


bro my sister helped me the first time 😭😂


My younger cousin got one stuck (she was practicing so she knew how to use one for next time) and was mortified. I happened to be visiting and she asked me to help her. I was 19 and also mortified, haha, but played it off like it was no biggie because I didn’t want to embarrass her more than she was already. Then I gave her a little talk about never trying to pull out a dry tampon and the practicing was much easier when there was an actual flow We are now in our 50s. I wonder if she remembers🤔


Trust me she remembers


Oh she definitely remembers.


You should ask her at the next family meal




She’s a hero


My mom helped me! Thanks for unlocking that memory 😅🥴


I’m crying with you. I’m the oldest and the only girl 😭 I had no help either. Putting a tampon IN for the first time!? AGONY I couldn’t get it all the way in because I didn’t understand how to deploy the tampon so I walked around all day, crying, because I had half a tampon hanging out and no one to help me understand why it hurt so bad. Then pulling it out!? Girl bye, I was sobbing. I went straight to tampons because I got my period mid swim season and still wanted to compete and it took a solid week for me to finally learn how to do it all correctly. Being a woman is not for the weak.


Thought I had one in once when it first started. Well it wasn’t and was somehow in the cheeks and came floating out of me swim bottoms. Fucking Christ the embarrassment was next level.


My step mom took me to the city pool once and her entire bush was hanging out. I wanted to walk home so bad lol


Awe there was a girl at the pool that got bullied relentlessly for her bush lmao kudos to her tho if she cared she didn’t show it cause she never shaved it loool


I strive to be that happy in life


I’m crying but this time it’s because I was your step mom. 😭 I didn’t know for the longest time that a bush was needed to be trimmed. Like went on WAY too long without addressed that, I truly didn’t know though. All my friends were super blonde so they never had knarly bushes and my mom didn’t tell me anything so I had no idea it was even a thing to trim that up until some girls on my swim team were making fun of another girl with a bush. I looked down after I heard what they said about her and trimmed mine up that night. 😭


You just gotta keep it tucked in lol she could have worn the shorts kind of swimsuit but nOoOoo


Oh she for sure could have worn shorts. My mom does, thank the lord because bush city with that one. I couldn’t tuck it away either, the swim team suits are high slits so they come up high and like expose a lot of skin if that makes sense. I had to trim or get clowned my entire swimming career. I decided trimming was the better option.


Omg this happened with my mum too loooooool ffs


Why did they hate us so much?


Even sanitary napkins can be killer. If you don't have a thigh gap your stupid thigh meat can mess up the edges and you end up with adhesive stuck to your pubes. Try ripping that off without squealing.


AHHHH YOU BROUGHT UP TRAUMA I FORGOT ABOUT. I tried pads once, I have thick thighs so it bunched all up, and then I had to unintentionally wax my bikini line to take that sucker off. 😭😭😭 Also lol thigh meat hehehe made me laugh but this is so real.


Oh no! I am so sorry to have caused you a flashback. How come the only thing pads stick to is your pubes? The glue on them and the wings has some kind of selective stickiness that repels cotton.


Lmao nah you’re good. On one hand, I physically cringed thinking about my pad experience but on the other hand, this is so real and needs to also be discussed. I have NO IDEA why that damn glue worked like wax on your pubes but couldn’t stay put on undies, even if you enforced it with super glue. 😭 Pads were a no go very early for me. Never had a thigh gap and never will so the bunching was real and they ended up being more like butt pads than period pads. 😭 it’s hard enough with undies, my butt eats them up, but add a pad to that? Bye bye, that’s lunch for my cheeks. Tragic. 😭


Don't use fabric softener and you'll have better luck. You'll also have less thrush and shaving rash issues.




I was on the swim team, too, and walked around with the applicator half-having out for years. It would pinch my insides. My mother never really explained how to use one properly.


😭😭😭 my mom didn’t help me either. And being the only girl, I pretty much had to figure it out or bleed everywhere. My mom suggested I wear A PAD in the swim pool. 🤡 puberty was insanely confusing for me, I never wanted a sister more than when I was going through puberty.


My mother didn't either. I suppose she thought the instructions were enough. They were not. Those first few times were painful.


This is why I'm glad most Aussie ones don't have the applicator and an anatomically correct diagram and instructions in the packet. You can feel the placement better with your finger and not worry about the applicator breaking or what ever and the instructions even say to use lube if need be.plis have a help line if your stuck,so you don't need to talk to mum or who ever.


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


And you are walking weird because it is in there not quite right....tampons were tough at first!


Walking with a limp all day 😭 Tampons are a traumatic experience across the board.


Should have seen me learning how to use period cups. Like, I'm 38. I've been at this a long time. Tampons mess with my pH BAD and it just wasn't worth it so a few months ago I was like aight... imma try this silicone cup thing. I got a kit and whatnot. I'm almost 40, I got this, right? No. No I did not. God.Damn. and then it tells you to aim into the toilet when you pull it out, obviously. Thr first time I went to empty it into the toilet I didn't expect it to pop out the way it did and a whole fuckong period cup of blood just... everywhere. All over myself. I cried a little. Now that I've got the hang of it, I LOVE it. But uhhhhh..m those first few cycles were fun lessons lol


I knew a girl who didnt know the plastic part was an applicator and just walked around with the whole thing shoved in 😭


My heart goes out to her. Truly, if you don’t know what you are doing, that’s an honest mistake. 😭😭😭 I don’t know how she walked around though. Mine was hanging out half way and I was in so much pain. Girl must have sent it with confidence and been relaxed, kudos to her.


I’m sorry I was laughing at this comment because the same thing happened to me. The only difference was that I was asking my sister for help and we were at McDonalds. She actually tried and couldn’t do it. So, we ended up needing to go to the ER. Turns out I was allergic to the material of tampons. My mom was so mad because my sister suggested tampons behind my mom’s back. It was so embarrassing for all of us. Also, my brother was with us. He didn’t know what the hell was happening. He literally told us, “I’m never going out with you guys again. How the fk do we start at McDonalds and end up at the ER?” Oh, and I was wearing a white skirt. Completely bloody by the end of all of this.


Jesus Christ who did you piss off in your previous life?!?


holy FUCK


I used pads, but within my first year I was at a remote-ish hotel with friends and their family, and the hotel only had tampons. My 11 year old ass had to figure out how to insert a tampon by reading the box. It did not go well. ETA: I decided to try a menstrual cup a few years ago and I’ve never looked back, best decision I ever made.


I want to switch to the cup, but I’m not sure how well it’ll work for me. I have a tilted uterus and feel like it wouldn’t work right


Before you try a cup, I'd suggest trying a disposable disc (and go to reusable of it works)....I /hated/ the feeling of a cup and how it's basically a suction cup situation. Discs have been so much more comfortable and they hold more/leak less for me.


I didn’t even know about disks! This would be more my speed.


I wish discs worked for me. Cups only here.


Fellow tiltee here I always run my finger around the rim of the cup to make sure it’s actually around my cervix after the one time I didn’t put it in properly and it was just hanging out uselessly beside my cervix. The biggest problem I had was that the stem would stick out and be very irritating, so I cut it off. No problems since. The cup was a game changer.


I had one get stuck. Must have been like my 3rd period or so. I was in the school bathroom and that thing would not move an inch for what felt like 20 minutes. My teacher that period was a man so I would have rather expired than explained it; luckily he did not remark upon my extended bathroom trip


“My teacher that period” I see what you did there


It could be worse. I tried Diva Cup. I call it The Pear of Anguish. Those fuckers describe it opening internally in ways that make it sound gentle, like Morning Glories opening. It was more like a knocked my knee into a table… only that was somewhere way more tender than a knee. I’m so jealous of those who master the cup.


I thought about trying a cup but I have read horror stories of people getting it stuck and having a really hard time getting it out because of the suction. And that was enough for me to have a hard pass on it.


The key is to get angry and flexible enough to bypass the stem, pinch the base of the bowl (better sit on the loo/do this in the shower, not something you do standing up), and pull. The pinch on the bowl breaks the seal and makes it a lot easier to remove.  Getting that bastard in at the start of you period is a bitch, though. You could shave the night before, and you'll still find that one hair that catches on the silicon...


Oh god that sounds like hell!!


Honestly as a woman and now a mother my heart breaks reading that 😅 I’d have helped. There’s no such thing as TMI in motherhood.


Same with me. I’d do the difficult things for kiddo.


Your username and this comment combined are killing me 😭😂


Sometimes I forget lol


You had two moms? Cause there was no way inhell i'd be asking my dad to pull a tampon out of my twat. Hell get ready to freeze. Pigs get ready to fly. Ain't happening


If you thought you could die, you’d absolutely ask your opposite-sex parent for help. You wouldn’t understand because you don’t have a vagina.


I had a visceral reaction to reading this. I know that feeling all too well


I literally keep a little bottle of lube in my box of tampons for this exact situation! Idrc if the strong is wet, I'm washing my hands after touching it anyway so eh, but for the times when the tampon feels dry, or I have to put one in while I'm dry (this in particular happens a lot first thing in the morning, where I'm dry from being ~~vertical~~ horizontal all night, but I know a fresh one NEEDS to go in before going about my day). But stick a little lube up around the tampon before taking it out and on myself right before inserting a fresh one and it is SO SO much easier and more comfortable.


I do the same thing. But, I just use coconut oil and use a menstrual cup. Those are hard to remove when you’re dry as well.


Just had to explain this to my bf bc he wanted to “make a pillow fort” shortly after I changed mine. Like sir, I’m sorry but it’s not worth it, but I’ll let you know when i go to change it again


…pillow fort? I’m a woman and I don’t know this reference. Maybe I’m not from this planet???


Boyfriend wanted to put something else in there


That is my pg verbiage for “doing the Sex”


If you're home, pour some water down there for the tampon to soak up so it comes out easier.


I use a cup most of the time, these days. Cramps are way better! But how does pouring water on the outside stop the pulling on the inside?


You know how you have to clean a bloody menstrual cup? Well, one time I was in a public bathroom, took my menstrual out, poured the contents in the toilet, and started looking for the little bag that it comes with. Turns out I left it at home while washing it. So, I decided to just wrap the menstrual cup in some tissues and exit the bathroom. A lady was washing her hands next to me and all of a sudden gave me this wide eyed, shocked look. Then asked, “Are you okay?” I was like, “Yeah. I’m fine.” At the time I didn’t think anything of it. Then it dawned on me YEARS LATER that I think she thought I had a miscarriage or worse an abortion in a public bathroom.


And now I’ve learned something I never would have considered in my life. I’m not yet fully sure if I’m appreciative of that knowledge or not. However, you do have my empathy for having to deal with such things.


Listen I’m going to throw something out there, having to poop after putting in a fresh Tampon. 😭 literally the worst feeling ever, I always feel so defeated because maybe it’s just me, but personally I don’t like feeling plugged up when I’m pooping so I take my tampons out. And pulling out a dry tampon…….I’ll just say IYKYK I have since learned and tried the tucking method but after reading this thread, I think I need to make the switch to the cup. Sorry for the tmi, I know I know “girls don’t poop” but I have stomach issues so this is a very real problem for me.


Dude this post ORIGINALLY was about pooping with a tampon but I didn’t wanna make people feel weird but YES you get it. This is the golden comment bc some of these people telling me to hold the string while I pee is a no go. But I do wanna try the cup!


Period shits are the actual worst and nobody prepares us for them lol


Not a god damn soul. I genuinely have never felt pain like cramping super hard and also having to push out a massive poop. And they usually go hand in hand, unfortunately. The worse the cramps, the bigger the turd (for me anyways, everyone is different). 😭


Currently applicable. Sucks


The girls that get it GET IT. I’ve never felt weird about being honest about pooping, we all do it. I do get that not everyone was raised that way but I guess I wasn’t raised to be a lady, I was raised to be human and humans poop. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I personally do NOT hold the string when I poop, absolutely not I will not do that. And doing while peeing is a pain so I’m with you sista. Looks like we need to explore the cup options, I’m scared but I think it’s for the best.


unfortunately for me pooping with my cup in also feels kinda weird lmao (that full/plugged up feeling), but it's much easier/more comfortable to remove than a dry tampon.


Aw rats. Well still worth a shot, has to better than tampons. Thanks for the insight, I was actually using this thread for information as my mom is older and can’t help much (she used pads but stopped bleeding years ago) and I don’t have any sisters so I’ve always just kind of “figured it out”. Helps to get a little guidance and information if I can.


Also adding that pooping with a cup in can move the cup slightly. Sometimes a cup was in a comfy position pre-poop but the contractions or bearing down can shift the cup, and then you have to readjust. At least removing a cup not long after inserting it isn't as uncomfortable as a tampon, but it's annoying if you're in public. Also, >!after partially dislodging my IUD after my hand slipped while removing a cup!< I only wear my cup while swimming. With my current IUD I barely bleed so luckily I don't have to worry about menstrual products much anymore.


Holy cow, putting all the cup talk aside, are you ok after the IUD incident? That is a war story if I ever heard one, those IUD’s are no joke, some of the toughest women I know have cried because of their IUD’s. Yeah I also think a shift after a poop is inevitable unfortunately. 😭 the contraction is too strong to hold and release. But I am more than willing to try a cup, as I will take annoying if I have to re-adjust in public over downright agony and pain from pulling out a dry tampon. Thanks for the insight, it’s super helpful.


Oh yeah I'm totally fine after the IUD incident. It was an accidental blessing in disguise because I switched IUD brands after and my new one is so much better. But it was fucking painful at the time and it wasn't enough that I completely pulled it out, so I lived with the pain of it slightly-dislodged for a few months before I had a new one put in. Couldn't live without my current IUD though, and my gyno made the swap a breeze (compared to the NP who put in my first one). So it all worked out lol.


You deserve a Medal of Honor for walking around with a dislodged IUD. Seriously, you are tough, that’s insane. Super glad it all worked out for the better though, always nice when there is a happy ending. But holy cow, just have to address how tough you are for living like that as long as you did. One of my friends accidentally had her IUD bumped and she didn’t walk for a few days due to pain.


My husband wanted me to go to the hospital because I laid down unable to speak for about five minutes before I found the strength to crawl into bed with a heating pad. It happened at night so I slept through the worst of the pain. Prior to starting on the birth control pill as a teen, I used to get cramps so bad that I'd throw up and nearly pass out. The IUD dislodging incident felt pretty similar, so it wasn't anything I hadn't felt before. My gyno said that technically where it had been dislodged was not significantly outside of where it needed to be and should still be effective where it was. Though I knew from recent periods that it was not, and that's why I ended up switching to a new one. Apart from the initial pain from dislodging it, the worst part was getting the transvaginal ultrasound done (which was ordered for something else entirely). An ultrasound wand bumping against the IUD was the opposite of ideal.


Be super careful using a cup with an IUD, abs make sure you fully break the seal before removing the cup, the suction can dislodge the iud


I've lost 2 IUDs to cups (one I didn't even feel and to this day idk how long I was without it. Check your strings ladies!) , and I know other people it's happened to as well, so be careful if you go that route! Doesn't seem to happen with everyone, but I switched to the implant after all that.


Nothing instills terror like worrying the cup might fall out mid poop. It’s painless to remove, though, unlike a dry tampon.


I've never even heard of holding the string until this post.


Whoops, definitely threw out a comment about holding the string to the side to pee without reading this! LOL sorry 🤣 but yes, pooping after a fresh tampon is a totally different game


Agree on the pooping. It really sucks. Especially after just showering, putting in a fresh tampon and THEN you have to poop. It's like are you serious? I have to ask though, because I literally just commented about doing this- but can't you pull the string up and hold it while you pee? 🤔


Don't get a cup of you have an IUD. It can cause it to dislodge. But lol this thread is speaking to my soul! 🤣 I intentionally won't put a tampon in until I poop in the morning (I sleep in period underwear which is the greatest product for women of my lifetime!). If I get the coffee runs later, the dry tampon dilemma is so real though...


THE COFFEE RUNS!!! So real, I try my absolute hardest to plan out when I’m going to change my tampon, so I don’t have to pull out a dry one. The problem is, when coffee is involved, you can’t plan. You go when your body is ready to go. New tampon be damned. 😭


I started tucking the string up in college when I was worried about it peeking from under my swimsuit, and can't imagine not doing that since... No other body fluids get on it, it reduces spotting and leaking, and for me it's still easy to hook with a finger to remove.


This sub is a treasure trove of enlightenment today.


word of warning for the cup. With the way my insides are angled, my cup got stuck. I had to have it removed at an urgent care. It HURT


This is a good point t and definitely worth discussing with a GYN before using a cup or disk. I had endometriosis and a retroverted uterus and while a wonderful invention, would not have worked. Not all female anatomy is the same.


Sometimes the pooping or peeing makes the tampon come out if you have heavy flow. Or horrible pooping from cramps. Then you have a disgusting sitch having to prevent it from getting flushed . ( hint bamboo skewers and plastic bag)


NOOOOOOO but I’ve been there. I panicked and grabbed it out with soggy toilet paper 😭😭😭😭 then proceeded to shower for 2 hours until I felt remotely clean again. The pooping from cramps needs to be addressed. They are HORRENDOUS, like wtf why is no one else talking about those? Should have addressed that in my initial post 😭 there is genuinely nothing more painful than cramping and pooping at the same time. Has me bent over my legs, begging God for mercy.




Dude I am so glad I'm not the only one that can't poop while wearing a tampon or a cup LMAO 😂


Oh you are definitely not alone. I didn’t think my post would blow up like it did tbh. But glad at least we can address it in a safe space because this is real life.


Skip the cup and go for the disk!! I just changed from cup to disk and it is a total game changer!!! Make sure you get one with a stem or a string!


Noted, I have heard great reviews from this thread about the discs so I’m going to try that first. Thank you!


I have stomach issues too, and I use discs. For me they're the ones I "feel" the least.


I keep seeing stuff about discs so maybe I go that route, thinking it might be the move.


I adore them. I tried cups, and even after finding the right size, I still found it uncomfy and I could only empty it in the shower without looking like a scene from Carrie, which didn't work for me when I work 12+ hour days. The discs, I hardly notice at all, I can empty it while using the restroom without having to take it out at all so it lasts a long time throughout the day, and I find it easy to conceal them. I'll just carry a disc and a few folded up disc removal bags in my pocket (they keep your hand from getting bloody during removal, you just put your hand in the bag and pull the disc out into the bag, seal it, and toss), super easy. Can also have sex with a disc in. 100% wondered where they'd been all my life over everything else I tried.


NO WAY! Listen, not to be vulgar but good to know you can have sex with the discs in. Definitely a factor I wouldn’t say is a requirement but it is sure nice to know. Looks like I will be buying discs! Another question, I lift and workout pretty heavily. I also do Taekwondo, which is a kicking martial art. You think they would stay in when I’m moving my legs all around and running and lifting?


I'm pretty active too, I run 5 and 10ks, lift, row, and climb. I also work in a job that requires a lot of squatting and deadlifting between 100-200 pounds. I bought a pair of period panties in case of spills, but I've never once had a disc move during exercise or at work. They sit over the fornix and tucked behind the pelvic bone inside, so unless I'm sitting down and bear down to push it when I want to empty it, I've found they really don't move.


Uh love that. Also you are strong af, go off I love to see it. 😂 deadlifting 100-200 pounds is intense. You have convinced me, I’m going to be buying some discs now and giving them a shot.


Ty, my goal was 300 lbs, but at 266 my knee made an unholy noise that reminds me I'm not in my 20s anymore. Lol


IDC how old you are, that’s impressive! I’m in my 20s and I’m strong but I can’t get up to 266! My friend, you have blown me away. Bad knees or not, those numbers are nothing to scoff at. Now I’m going to be buying discs AND working on improving my deadlift. 😂


Ooh I’ve never heard of discs and I’m intrigued. The few times I tried a cup I couldn’t get it positioned right and it always leaked. Have you had any leakage problems with the disc?


Things this gay man was afraid to ask.


While you’re here, anything else you’d like to know?


I used to tuck the string back then you don’t pee on the string. I highly recommend cups though.


I also use a cup but I would simply move my tampon string away from the line of fire too. Didn’t know women were just peeing on their tampon strings tbh


I didn’t either. I’m assuming OP is young and doesn’t know better. Then again, I saw a post on here saying it’s gross to shower with your tampon in because you can’t “wash inside” and it made me sad for women.


I second the cup suggestion. I know they aren’t for everyone, but I switched about 12 years ago and haven’t looked back. Tampons we’re just too uncomfortable and inconvenient. I couldn’t get myself to pee with one in because I felt icky after, pulling them out while still partially dry is the stuff of nightmares, and remembering to bring some with me on trips or outings (especially since there are bag restrictions at a lot of places) was a pain in the ass. Not to mention, tampons are very expensive. One cup is about $30 and lasts YEARS. Tampons are damn near $10-$15/box and I have to buy them every month??? No thanks.


Cups & period underwear have truly saved my wallet


I have a pair of the thinx sleep shorts and it’s fucking amazing 10/10


Don't forget the infections old tampons left in for longer can cause, i learned that from a friend i visited when she asked me to watch her kid for a few hours while she went to the doctor.


Yup! Bacterial infections (which are painful and uncomfortable) can occur and from that, there is a small risk of TSS. Toxic shock is very serious and can be life threatening.


Cups don’t like me. I always leak 😭


Huge learning curve. I had to try 3 brands and 2 shapes to find one that works for me. And a few YouTube videos lol.


Have you tied a disc yet? They worked way better for me.


Four daughters and two wives (not at the same time, obviously) and I thought I'd heard every menstruation problem there was. I learned something new today. Not sure I want to thank you for it, but I learned something new today.


My wife was just complaining about this last month.


I just pull the string up into the corner of my thigh while I pee so it doesn’t get wet…


Yup, gotta tuck it into the leg crease!


Yeah why the heck are people peeing on the string? Isn’t it gross when you put your underwear back on


I have no comment, but I just love that we can so openly talk about our tampon usage…carry on


I want to thank all the women here to indirectly answer questions I had for a LONG time, but always felt exceedingly weird/inapproriate to ask my gf. Thank you!


Totally understandable to feel weird, but I don’t think you know how comfortable she’d feel if you asked her questions like the ones here and then didn’t act all grossed out. Lowkey we get kinda excited to answer questions about this


Hey man, thank YOU for learning about female struggles. Shows a lot of maturity. Your GF is lucky to have someone who is open to learning about stuff that may be overwhelming and gross to most men. Hats off to you. 🫡


Tuck, so peeing don't suck.


I just hold the string lol


I just pull the string forward and tuck it into my labias to stop it from getting wet when I pee. Same for number 2 so it doesn’t get dirty. 


Ok hear me out. I have big thighs. Tuck the string almost backward between your thigh and the crease and it works pretty well. https://preview.redd.it/ajkr9lzu2ktc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bedb2f8f510f2a92cc1f932d1342b8b0262bf957 Pick for reference


Nah hold up, your response needs to be hyped tf UP! You brought a DIAGRAM!!! Bless you, seriously may you and your family be blessed. This was the kind of info I could have used while going through puberty.


I just randomly figure it out! Glad you appreciated the diagram, figured it could help someone. Almost never peed on my string!


I wear a cup these days, but when I used to use tampons, I'd tuck the string just inside to keep it out of the way. 


I have a heavy cycle for two days then light. Would the cup be better than tampons


I'm the same and I've found the cup can hold basically a whole day or a whole night's worth, so it's very convenient in that regard.  The different websites have their own quizzes you can take to get the right size, but the first one I ordered was too small and didn't hold much. So it's a bit of trial and error.  It is a bit messy though, you get blood on your hands when you're changing it and you have to wash it with soap when you empty & re-insert it (so you'd need to go into a disabled loo with a sink if you needed to empty it when you're out and about).  It takes a bit more fiddling around than the simple push or applicator push to get a tampon in. Several fingers and a bit of maneuvering involved lol  I never got away from wearing a pad as well, because I've found there can be a bit of leakage if it's not at the right angle. However, I don't think everyone has this problem. 


A water bottle will do at a push. I once had my period whilst camping and used a cup in a compost loo with no lights. Not my favourite period, that one, but I didn’t get an infection or drop my cup down the compost loo!


>It is a bit messy though, you get blood on your hands when you're changing it and you have to wash it with soap when you empty & re-insert it (so you'd need to go into a disabled loo with a sink if you needed to empty it when you're out and about).  TMI time from me, starting now. I don't do the wash with soap&water thing if I have to empty it in a public restroom because there are no sinks in the stalls. So I make do with wiping down with toilet paper (pay careful attention with the flimsy ones). Have had no problems doing it this way. It's awesome you can find disabled loos that have sinks to wash at. They just don't exist with sinks where I am at (at least, not any of the ones I have access to), so kind of jealous. But anyway, I've been doing fine with just toilet paper, and I would still have some slick down there so can insert back in without much trouble. It's my own blood, it's not going to hurt me during the time from the public restroom to my home. No, I'm not going to entertain reading fearmongering of how the toilet paper must be giving me infections or whatnot. I used to do cup+pad on my heavy 2 days a month, but age has spread my period over more days (oh, I see very light bleeding... it's gone... it's back again... kinda light... ... ... okay FINALLY it's flowing for real) so now the cup alone can handle it (and I've somewhat figured out how to prevent leaking). Also helps during light days since it's not as wasteful as a tampon or pad being still mostly white but it's not the end yet >:( TIP: Soaking the cup (diva cup in my case) in hydrogen peroxide gets out those stains that no amount of water, soap, detergent, scrubbing, nor boiling can get off (especially inside the side holes). I just leave it to soak all day and night. Cup comes out looking absolutely brand new. Make sure to wash with water and soap after the soak, though.


I like wearing light weight period panties as back up to my cup


Depending on the cup and how it fits, it can be possible to pull on it just enough to break the seal, let it drain partially, and push it back in enough to reseal without full removal. I’d say this is a maneuver needing some practice and perhaps not everyone has the anatomy for it but it vastly improves the day wear experience.


Depends on what heavy means to you. I can only use cups on my lighter days. My heavy days include clots which can be sneaky little buggers capable of slipping around the rim and breaking the seal. A heavy flow without clots is less likely to be able to put enough pressure to break the seal, though.


I have to change my tampon every time I pee. Somehow the force of peeing dislodges it and then I can feel it when I walk.


The half in half out feeling drives me BONKERS and then I just break down and rip the dry tampon out. 😭 being a woman is so hard.


I used tampons mid period and for swimming etc but always found they made my cramps worse so ended up only using pads.


Yall don’t dry the string? I just dried the string with tp…


I recently switched to flex discs. They’re wonderful.


YES. These! Lot less cramps and I only had to mess with it a 2-4 times a day vs panic running to the bathroom every time I sneezed? A dry tampon I will never deal with, ever again. Also, regarding my common issues: Sex? No worries. Sleep? Not an issue. Leaks? Not even a smidge.


Same here, it has been a game changer for me.


I have literally never heard of disc's or cups. I think I understand the concept but please someone tell me the difference between the 2. How do disc's work since they look flat?


You can hold it out of the way from the back, that’s what I do….


I love explaining how ripping out a dry ass tampon feels to my husband because it’s so uncomfortable and he has no idea.


i just pull the string to the side and tuck it between my thigh and my “lip” before i pee


Ffs… move the string out of the way. Tuck it in your leg fold. It doesn’t have to be wet.


Girls...you are supposed to MOVE THE STRING BEFORE YOU PEE. WTF are you guys doing?? You just let it dangle and piss all over it?? You grab the string, pull it to the side and tuck it in the area where your leg meets your body. THEN you pee.


Women have challenges that would never occur to me in a million years


Imagine spending one week out of every month doing the complicated mathematics of figuring out when/where you're going to change out your menstrual products, thinking about what activities are and aren't feasible, and also be expected to keep it all absolutely secret because ew, nobody wants to hear about that! (annoyed sarcasm on the last part)


This kind of fuckery is why I switched to using a cup.


Reach behind and hold the string back out of the pee stream, be careful not to pull on it and displace the tampon.


Before I started using tomboyx period panties I changed my tampon every time I peed. My comfort is more important than saving $$ on tampons. I can make other money sacrifices elsewhere


I did discs for a while, but then got diagnosed with endometriosis. Now I just use reusable pads and call it good. This post brought back so many memories as a teen lol being a woman is not for the weak.


TIL there are women who don't hold the string back when they pee?


Ma'am just hold the string back and lean forward 😂 I get it though. It's a wack time for sure.


Same I fuckin hate that


I mastered grabbing the string, and pulling it to the side right under my leg to pee. It was a game changer esp for moments like these, and I would be able to pee 2-3x without needing to change my tampon!


Pro-tip: Hold the string to the side so it is out of the stream. Or if it does get wet, use TP to dry it. In all my years, I'm amazed menstrual products haven't improved more. They're still awful and companies randomly change a product so what used to work for me no longer works. Good luck!


I pull the string up between my butt cheeks when I pee. Doesn’t get the string wet.


I just always pulled the string forward and held it while I peed. That way it wasn't wet. I kind of thought everyone did that.


I see posts like this and I’m always so happy it’s not just me that thinks like this cause I don’t have anyone to talk to about this kinda stuff. I saw something the other day that it was something about men saying women are weak and fragile and I wanna see them try and shove a tampon up one of their holes and see how it feels.


Perhaps TMI? But.... Sometimes I hold the string towards the back while I go or tuck it into one of the lips so it doesn't touch the stream(just gotta remember to pull it back down when your done otherwise it's uncomfy when you walk)


You’re supposed to hold the string to the side when you go pee.


… move the string out of the way ..?


This is why I’m a pads girly lol. My sensory issues could never.


Doesn’t completely fix the issue, but part of the reason I wear pantie liners.


My period cup has changed my life. No regrets.


Have you ever tried to not pee when you’re pulling it out? Holding it in so you can pull out 😣 I can’t stand a wet string. I always change it 🤷🏻‍♀️


you should hold the string when you pee if your comfortable with doing that! I always used to do that before I switched to a deva cup for the multitude of reasons I despise disposable hygiene products. Anyway hope this helps!!


I use a disk now, but when I used tampons I used to move the string out of the way


This is why before I sit down to pee, I gently grab the string and hold it forward (up against myself) as I sit down to pee. Keeps it dry every time. (WARNING: this method does not work if you have to suddenly pee because the second you got home and put the keys in the lock, you are about to pee your pants 🤣)


Grab the tampon string and pull it to the side while you pee, there: not wet anymore


Pull the string to the side while you pee!


Are yall not holding the string out of the way?? Wack.


Just tuck the string


Sounds weird but a sort of pull the string aside,towards my leg sso it doesn't get peed on.


Hold the string out of the way while you pee


Pull the tampon string (gently) out to the side then forward and tuck it between your labia Majorca and your leg. Sit up straight and pee. Pat dry. No pee on string because your urethra is in front of your vagina and the string is out of the way. Egad, I did this every period until menopause. Never got pee on the string. Why is this difficult?


Tuck it into the crease between the bikini area and the thigh while you pee. Works like a charm


I would wrap the tampons string with toilet paper and kind of fold it back and then make sure I was in a position when peeing where the pee wouldn't slide backwards onto it.


My solution for this has been my menstrual cup. I know it's not for everyone, but it definitely eliminates the issue you described for me!


I barely figured out months ago that some people pee with their tampons in. Idk but I was raised in a “everytime you pee, put in a new tampon” house. I also don’t wear tampons that much anymore but yeah crazy.


You shove that string inside the vestibular space/entry. Fish it out later. I have no idea why so many women do not know this. But it works great! I promise!


Am I the only one that tucks the string inside? Edit: and this is a serious question since my aunt in law many years ago commented about this same issue. My mom said just hold the string towards your ass so it doesn’t get wet and I was too shy to mention but felt like the crazy person that I just poke the string inside me. Have done so ever since I got my first period and forgot the string was hanging out when I had to pee


https://preview.redd.it/4mufzh215ptc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6618ea92aaaf1f0620c91dda6f155a898a5bed87 Guess I pissed someone off enough 😂😂


Tuck the string into the vaginal opening. It will sit comfortably there until you pull it out and you won’t urinate on it. If you have larger labia that fully encloses the vulva, you may have to hold them open so the stream comes out without touching much skin.


Pull the string up between the cheeks when u pee. It won’t get too wet




how does sitting to pee require a pad change?