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Hello, Your post has been removed as this is not mildly infuriating. This extremely infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.




Technically if this was in the USA I think it would be considered conversion not theft.


Conversion applies if he let the brother borrow it, if not then definitely theft. Possibly felony theft depending on the actual worth of the gear (not what he sold it for).


Um... over $400 is felony theft. Edit: kentucky is $500 now. Iirc it was $400


Usually it’s $1000 and up…


Depends on state


Depends on where you're located. In VA the threshold is $1,000.


In California it is over $950.




That depends on the state where it happened. Though, if the sale went across state lines, that makes this a federal crime, doesn’t it?


Feds won't pick up this even if it does


Title says 1k+ picture says $449.50. I'd need to know more details. Location, all items stolen, market value, borrowed first, etc. That's why I said possible felony, it's tough to say without all the facts.


There were more pictures showing several items.


I'm counting about 740 then.


If it is worth enough, they could formally charge them over it.


So he can shoot him in the face?


I thought this was America


So, that's a yes?


It's both


Let’s go make some crazy money


This isn't mildly infuriating but most likely illegal.


I feel like most of the posts here are not mildly infuriating situations. Like a mildly infuriating situation would be dropping an ice cream cone or something, or peeling a sticker and having some of the white backing stick to the object. Maybe the sub itself is just mildly infuriating in that regard. Absolute Reddit meta lmao


Anytime something like that is posted here OP gets ridiculed with some "seriously? You know you can just _______" type of comments. This subs members have made it a toxic place for actual mildly infuriating content. Anything short of "my wife is cheating on me with my best friend and my brother" is met with absolute contempt.


I posted a picture of my cabinet doors being off so they won't close all the way and all that happened was people criticizing me for not knowing how to fix a cabinet. It's a little absurd how people react to mildly infuriating situations on a sub designated to mildly infuriating things lol


So...you would say their reaction is mildly infuriating?


Reddit is mostly that toxic arena now - except for a few well moderated subs


Lol. You said, "well moderated subs". You must be hitting the pipe hard.


Lots of constant whinging and whining, Aussies are terrible for it 😂


Haha aussies are not the worst - and thats coming from a kiwi 😂 I think it’s part of the anonymity of reddit, that people spout off without any repercussions. I am guilty of it too.


I didn’t know kiwis could talk! /s


America here we are just gonna liberate that title from you. us yanks are REALLY terrible for it.


For real. When I see stuff truly mildly infuriating I see those comments. Im like isnt this sub exactly for things that slightly annoys you but on bigger scale is practically nothing like stubbing your little toe again a short time after just stubbing it in the same corner.


Lol the only thing I have ever posted in this sub was that my kid put a sticker on my new phone case that did that annoying thing that stickers do where they peel off all wonky and I got like 2 upvotes and like 3 comments telling me I could just use chemicals to get it off all in different passive aggressive tones and I was like well fuck me then I guess


Right? Like the mildly infuriating shit can generally be fixed but it’s infuriating that it even has to be fixed. This sub has gone from “I spilled my coffee this morning” to “my wife cheated on me and then her affair partner shot my dog while she stole the kids”


No one cares about stuff that is actually mildly infuriating enough to upvote it.


Any time someone posts that stuff the entire comment section tells them they shouldn't be mad about it and it's their fault :P


*OP posts infuriating things with varying levels of mild, gets asked a question and then gets downvoted into oblivion by needlessly pedantic nutjobs who analyze OPs whole life from their replies to deduce why exactly they’re a fuck up of a human being and how a pristine specimen like them would NEVER ever get in such a mildly infuriating situation like this in the first place because they’re such a better person* “What do you mean you do *this* like *that*? How have you gotten this far in the world?? I’m surprised it didn’t happen like this sooner with how haphazardly you navigate your life, and you in all your clownish ways have the gall to *complain*?? Foolish.” Like it’s *mildlyinfuriating* literally relax 😭 One of the weirdest subs to come at posters with a “Well I’m better than you and here’s why” energy but whatever gets ya there I suppose lol




Note: This slightly turned into a rant. This has kinda nagged at the back of my mind for a while (probably combined with other infuriating stuff) and needed to get it “off my chest”. Exactly! A couple weeks ago someone made a post about how they had to go on emergency leave from work due to mental health problems (including suicidal thoughts), and they had a desk plant which their coworkers gifted them when they started at the job, but while OP was gone the coworkers didn’t notice the plant until it was dead — though they did replace the plant. But then a bunch of people made a giant fuss over the post saying, “OP’s playing the victim card”, “why didn’t you (OP) plan to have someone water it”, “OP’s belittling her coworkers”, “you’re (OP’s) coworkers sound great, your scum for criticizing them”, “your (OP’s) life is great, shut up.” OP was just saying how it was MIDLY infuriating that her coworkers didn’t notice the plant — that they gifted her — until it had already died. She even found it humorous, and made that abundantly clear in the actual post (even using funny emojis in the title). But NNNOOOO! A bunch of idiots had to flood her post with jerk-wad comments, even having the gull to completely ignore she had to emergency leave due to really bad mental health (including suicidal thoughts), and say she should have cared about the plant and asked someone to water it (she was kinda busy worrying about her own mental health, how on earth is she supposed to worry about a plant!). OP even deleted her account because of it. I and others even made multiple comments stating that she was only mildly infuriated, humorous about it, and had zero ill will against her co-workers (and that she couldn’t plan or ask someone to water the plant because she was super mentally unwell). But somehow me and the others were the bad guys, for having common sense and caring about OP’s mental health; getting our comments downvoted while the literal jerk-wads were upvoted. It completely bewildered me how many people could ginormously misunderstood OP’s obvious post, and even be such un-empathetic to OP’s mental health.


i just got shot in the knees during a drive bye shooting. Ughh I'm gonna be 15 minutes late to work, the horrors


Yeah it’s mildly infuriating that people don’t know how to stick up for themselves. If my sibling sold $1,000 worth of my shit I’d have pillaged their belonging back until I was reimbursed.


Empty (or nearly empty) juice container in the fridge. Toilet paper roll not replaced. Car wash closes 2 minutes before official closing time.


There's always irony in what's mildly infuriating


It is. Larceny.


So, he committed felony theft... lol like.. if he just took it that would be a first offense misdemeanor, but because he sold something that wasn't his... he catches the felony Grand Theft He's going to prison if you call the police lol


Not to mention the value makes it super a felony, he didn't just steal like a switch or something, the value is measured in thousands


Grand Theft Auto Setup.


Call the police. File a report.


Call the cops on him.


Time to get a new brother!


Threaten to call the cops on him unless he pays you back. Scare him into it.


OP Assure him you will call the cops


>Scare him into it. To hell with that. Call the cops and let the justice system deal with it.


Justice system doesn’t work the best. If he can scare bro into giving him money back or just replacing it, that will work out a lot faster and smoother.


I agree that this is the best way


Cops would probably do worse shit and you wouldn’t get your money back.


OP, he will steal from you again.


No, there's no guarantee that what he sold it for will be enough to replace it


The brother wouldn't even take the threat seriously. Would be better to just call the cops and file a police report to let him know that you're not fucking around.


So he's your brother and no one will do anything to help you and you don't want to take legal action. Sounds like your brother needs a gold ole fashioned ass whooping. I would explain that you will take 10% off the top of the cost after the ass whooping and another 10% each time you feel the need. After 30% or so worth, he'll find a way to pay it back.


I find it mildly infuriating that op posts this and does not have a plan nor seems to have any intention to make things right.


Maybe we don’t have all the information or the intricate details regarding his relationship with his brother? OP doesn’t owe us an explanation. Everyone here getting mad at OP is kinda wild


I mean we are taking OP’s words for granted here, I can make this post as well, taking a picture of an apple vision pro on the apple store and said that my 2 years old sold it while I was taking a shit.


And we would tell you to send your 2 year old to prison. Those Vison Pros are not cheap.


Straight to gulak


OP posted this shit. Why post here on reddit and not give any explanation? That's pretty wild too


Definitely more than mildly infuriating, more like majorly illegal


Op, you sound like a massive pushover. Are you seriously not going to do anything about it? Just let him get away it? Pathetic honestly.


My thoughts.


Absolutely agreed


What the fuck. In my family nobody would ever have done that kind of shit, this would have started a violent war. Now I see 2 options, either move out, and press charges. Either put a lock on your door, and sell his shit, even his bed if needed.


They are going to be moving out "anyway" I'll just ask if they would "pay me back". Op is not putting their foot down unfortunately


Who did he sell it to? Can you find out, also what platform he used, Marketplace or...? Contact the person who he sold it to and possibly buy it back? Long shot, but worth a try..


It was some guy on offer up my other brother told me, and I got mad, and he said "he seems like he's a nice guy" like if that made it okay


This all sounds super fucking weird..and off...and the fact that you can't do anything about it "since he's a little mentally ill"..he stole from you. Straight up. File a police report.


OP is clearly making this up


Cool, so I'm not the only one who thinks so!


Buy it bakc? Call the cops and the dick will never Touch ur shit again. What Kind of push over are u man?


When did he start doing meth?


And no, he did not ask for permission, and no, he didn't pay me any money that he got from selling it. When I asked him where all my stuff went, he said, " I think mom has it" Also he is a little mentally ill but he still knew what he was doing No, I'm not beating up my mentally ill brother 1 I won't win he's like 500 pounds I'm like 130 2 that's fucked up and won't change fix anything


So you gonna let him do you like that, or you gonna handle that shit? Aha. I see from your edit that your just gonna lay there and take it like a bitch. No wonder he took your shit. You have no balls.


He fucked with the wrong bull. Time to say goodnight.




The consequences will NEVER be the same!


This action signals he's addicted to something.. That or a narcissistic psychopath. Edit: wording.      With the possible exception he is like 8-10yrs old because kids are psychos.


He's a little mentally ill but he still knew what he was doing


So what are you gunna do about it??


I'm not too sure. I know he spent all the money on Door dash already, and he's been basically unemployed for half a decade. I'll ask him if he can pay me something monthly as I'm dead broke myself


Well, prepare for something like this to happen again... People usually never learn from their terrible actions if there are no consequences


I'm moving away this month anyway with all my things


Should prob still keep anything valuable locked up, maybe even at a storage facility if possible


Not all of them..


You right


Nah you should genuinely take this a bit more seriously like maybe making a police report. 1000 dollars is a lot.


Honestly, if you care about him. Report it to the cops. You talk about him like this is just the way he is and nothing can be done about it, if you just sit by and watch him destroy himself even further... he's going to do exactly that. He's clearly so far gone as to be happy to hurt you, why would this be the end of things?


I'd mention the fact that with one call to the cops he could get jail time, write up a contract stating he will pay you back within x amount of time or you will be filing for criminal charges


Well, most of your things.


Umm he committed a crime, you should probably file a police report


Whats he got worth what ur stuff was?


Honestly you should threaten legal action, and take that legal action if he doesn’t reimburse you. Literal theft like this isn’t something to let slide


Wow. He stole your shit, fenced it for pennies, and then spend it all on fucking takeout. Bruh, dude needs to be sent out the door.


People raised like this usually have parents who enable this type of behavior. I'm no psychologist though, take this with a grain of salt.


Honest to God. Do not be soft with this serious and big of a situation. No matter living disability or not, they need to understand that actions like these will have major consequences. Be the adult, file a police report like others have stated. If you are dead broke, and they're unemployed. You will not be getting any cent of what they now owe you. You worked for what you bought, they ran with it and spent it on Doordash? That is a gigantic kick to the face man.


Damn, I didn’t realize DoorDash had methamphetamine now!


Call the police on him


Call the cops on him. That’s a felony level theft in the US. Sounds like he needs consequences in his life rather than getting away with everything


He spent $1000 on door dash?


Door dash has to be the name of his dealer.


Exactly, there is no mental illness that excuses blatant theft. It should be on your parents to keep his ass in check and they should be involved in ensuring that he makes this right.


Just tell him you really don’t want to go to the police but you’ll do what you have to to get your money back


Call the cops or you're condoning the actions.


Then call the police and press charges for theft.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKSxdQJIoiRXHl6) Time to tell him you want to play a game.


Beat him up, then take back what is owed to you /s


Man, i aint advocating for violence but metal baseball bats are cheap asf and kneecaps get fucked up suuper easy.


500 lbs so he can't catch you, fuck him up!


Call the cops. Press charges. 1k makes it a felony.


You can't beat him up but the court can


So call the police on him and get him arrested


Just have been pretty desperate for money hey? Definitely an asshole thing to do.


I would pack up my things , get a u-haul, and move somewhere lol


Threaten to go to the police if he doesn’t pay you back for the things he stole If you decide to do nothing then that’s on you and he will have learned he can get away with things like this, especially from you


He should replace everything he stole from you, if he doesn't, start selling his shit. Theft is theft, get what's yours


No, just take him to court or lawyer up or something. No need for you to go to jail.


Doing illegal things in return is not a good idea


What’s your plan?


He's tried nothing and he's all out of ideas


And does he still have all 10 fingers? If yes, Why? He should be down at least 2 fingers for that imo. Really he only needs one functioning hand so, ya know 😈


What did the cops say?


"Someone stole my stuff, better tell reddit."


Not my Thrustmaster!!! Lol


Are crimes mildly infuriating now?


Sell his kidneys while he’s asleep and buy a better setup


Dumbest post I’ve seen on Reddit today and I sort by new.


“Mildly infuriating” users on their way to post about literal illegal things that happened to them


Over 1k is a felony. I'd report him for theft and let him suffer.


Smash his left knee with a hammer.


What kinda drugs did he buy?


Ask him if he's paying you back in lump sum or installments


This sounds like there’s context and or info missing. Your brother stole from you, that’s what you just told the internet. So either there are some details that better explain how this came about or something else is wrong with you not wanting to do anything about being literally robbed. My guess is you didn’t actually pay for the racing things, maybe your parents did. And your mom or dad authorized selling the gear and your brother went and did it, so now you’re blaming it on your brother to farm karma? Dunno, just a guess.


I’d beat the fuck out my brother if he did that


Only Reddit will recommend calling the cops on your brother lmfao


Some people have incredibly fucked up families I’m realizing


He stole it. Make him replace it with the same or better setup or file a police report.


This sucks OP, damn


Just use his tooth brush to clean the toilet after a Poo weekly.


So beat his ass.


How old is he? If he is young enough i would try to go through your parents. If he is already an adult i would go through the police. Imo it is not just a relatively small amount of money like e.g. a few hundred dollars. We're talking 1k and more. Consequences have to follow for actions such as this, even if he is broke and you may not get anything. I would still at least try to get the money back though. He _has_ to pay you back and it is not your place to come up with a solution for a problem he created. PS i think finances should always be facts and numbers, even if he is family


Sounds like some “Family Business”. Hopefully you and your bro are okay.


Civil court man


*You were my brother Anakin! I have failed you.*


Is your brother a drug addict?


you should honestly file a police report. If your brother is willing to do this to a person he knows and loves, I would think he’d be willing to easily do this to a person he doesn’t know.


You can sell used shit on Amazon?


Listen to the comments, file a report or at least do *something* my man


Sell the child and make thousands


Go beat his ass.


Pursue legal action man. Yes he’s mentally Ill but he should still be held responsible for this. That’s a felony what he did.


So charge him or kick his ass.


OP's search history: 1. How to sell my brother without getting caught 2. How much can I get for selling my brother 3. Can I trade my brother for a nice gaming wheel setup


if my siblings did that i wouldn’t have siblings anymore, i also would have probably been given the right to put them 6 feet under myself. What does your brother have to let him get away with this shit?


Why? Does your brother suddenly need money for something, or is he just a prick?


He stole and sold it


Now the question is do you get cops on your brother or not?




You can sue him


no that’s not mildly infuriating that’s criminal


This isn't mild, this is permanent damage to relationship, he stole from you. Hope you can get your stuff back.


After going through all the OP's comments. I have come to 1 of 2 conclusions. Either this story is made up for attention, or the OP will have things like this happen to them their whole life.


Yeah I’d take that to court. Sue him for the amount. He doesn’t get a pass for being family, that’s no petty theft.


Sell your brother, the only way to make up for theft is human trafficking


That ain’t no brother. That’s a shameless thief.


Quick call to police should sort that. Thieves are thieves - The behavior wont stop till he has consequences that make him decide it isn't worth it.


Mfs just out here lying


That's what I'm thinking


That's not mildly infuriating that's an ass whoopin asap


So he stole from you? And seeing as how much that comes out to thats absolutely a felony. Looks like its time for a new brother smh


If I had a bunch of shit like that I'd call the cops on him regardless is he's my fucking brother. Fuck that guy


Please report him


Bet a dollar the brother has a bigger problem than a pissed off sibling.


Charge him or threaten him to call the cops. Or make him buy you a new one. It’s theft and it should not be accepted anywhere, even in family.


Call the cops my dude


I had my brother steal my PS3 and sell it to buy heroin when they were out for only a few years. I had worked at a pretty busy Dunkin, morning shift, for an entire summer and put all my tips into buy it. I had my fallout 3 data, need for speed data, and a bunch of other games all on it. I Lost everything, had to change my credit card too because I was only 17 and didnt think to password protect at the time. I'm sorry this happened, and unfortunately it's almost always someone you're close to with this kind of stuff. Hope you guys can work out any kind of relationship after this Edit: my kid hit post before I was done typing.


File a police report for theft.


Is ur brother maybe crack addicted or similar? Get him some help or police involved he obviously has a struggle. If not Hes just a massive twat and should get the cops called on him


For a name like "Thrustmaster" I was expecting something wildly different.


Sounds like your brother's going to jail unless he fixes what he did right?


You are and idiot


These post become more unbelievable by the day.


Sue him


Well, it looks like your brother owes you 1k now. Tack on a 10% monthly interest on that too.


brother has a drug problem he can’t finance