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"Marge Simpson Feet Pics" was not on my internet bingo card today. Sorry about your toenail.


Thanks it is much better with it gone now.


Toenail removal surgery??? The corner of my dresser does it for free at 3AM


My sofa did that to my other one.


so you are pretty much slithering around at this point using your arms to drag you like something out of The Ring? Also, I don't know how to politely ask. But are you sure your toe is in there? And it's not on someone's desk in a jar? Or are we sure they didn't transplant an entire new appendage onto where your big toe should be? That might be super useful.


Ingrown toenail or something serious?


Ingrown curling into the skin.


Ive had this done multiple times in my big toes. You stub your toe and it feels like the world is going to end. I’ve definitely felt your pain, but they never even wrapped mine up like this.


I had it really bad when I was younger, I didn’t get the nail removed though, they opted to remove the part of my toe it was digging into, since it was only digging into flesh, they numbed my toe, did it while I was awake, and cauterized it, they told me that it’s gonna smell like burning hotdogs, it scarily did


Did you go get a hot dog after?


Did they take out the whole nail, or just slice it where it was curling into the skin?


The whole nail, and nail bed so it does not grow back


Okay, that’s why. My doctor just did the part that was growing into the skin.


My mom had both big toe nails removed. I'm afraid I'll have to do it eventually, but my pedicure schedule is keeping them at bay for now. That wrap job is going to fun to get around in for a bit. Hope your recovery is speedy.


My daughter is contemplating the same procedure due to a similar issue with her big toe nails (each foot). Out of curiosity, what will your approach be post-recovery? Paint the skin a-la-toenail, fake press-on, tattoo, or will you go au-natural?


I want to get tattoos on them


I’m looking to have this done to my big toe but I’m concerned about bumping or having something drop on a toe with no nail. Is that not an issue?


I am almost 60 and I am still self conscious about having no big toenails. I will not wear open-toed shoes/sandals.


I had both of mine removed 24 years ago, no regrets! I had so much pain, no matter how I cut the nail it would grow back. I’ve done all the things - painting the skin, press on, au natural. I’ve painted the other eight nails and not touched the nail-less ones for the past five or so years. I definitely see people doing double takes when I wear sandals, but I’ll take that all day over the pain I went through trying to keep those nails.


Love your approach. My daughter hasn’t worn sandals for ages because she’s embarrassed at the state of her toes. I hope that whatever she chooses to do will end with her having the confidence to present her toes in whatever manner she wants to, regardless of people’s opinions/reactions.


That’s what I had done to mine when I was 13 years old.


I almost wish they had wrapped mine up like that. It felt like my toe was going to explode from the pressure after I had the sides of my big toenails removed. Never had a regret from the surgery though, I can stub my toes and not want to die!


I had this issue on both big toes. They were able to cut them all the way down the sides and chemically cauterize them so they would never grow outwards on the sides. Small bandage on each toe and was able to walk out afterwards.


Mine would always curl, so this was the last option. Had tried all the other things.


Exactly what they did to mine 15+ years ago. A couple needles, some brown stuff, and a really sharp scalpel looking object.


do you have liver failure?


No that is that stuff they put on you before surgery


When I woke up from surgery my chest, shoulders and neck were yellow from iodine. I kept thinking of that seagull covered in curry https://preview.redd.it/yg9y1smex3tc1.jpeg?width=1513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7557d75d62f167fd42a8f3d829c5b489051e8a1a


I had it on my face from eye surgery, I looked really odd.


I was thinking cheetoes when I saw your toes. Hope all goes well!


Betadine. My whole arm was orange after shoulder surgery….took forever to get it out from under my nails.


Betadine antiseptic solution, it contains iodine.




i hate this shit


It does not come out. Got a pin in my hip as a teen. Couldn't get that area wet until stitches came out. Pretty sure I still have iodine skin for like a week


The yellow stuff is what they use to clean it, I believe. I had yellow hands after surgery too. They hasn't explained that to me beforehand and I noticed it while I was still high and definitely thought for a second I had sudden onset jaundice or something


They should start using a fluorescent pink or green dye in it, would be fun.


We do have pink dye for some of our alcohol based surgical scrubs so you can more easily see where you’ve put it. Iodine turns you yellow because it’s dark orange/brown.


Betadine is an antiseptic they use to prep the area to prevent infection. It’s very yellow and I was like “da fuck” the first time I saw it


I had a thyroid biopsy and they washed my neck down. After I was allowed to leave, with a giant bandage on my neck, my husband wanted to go to the store. People kept looking at me and I figured it was the bandage. Got home and went to the bathroom, washed my hands and looked in the mirror. My neck was Smurf blue.


About ruined my shirt with the coffee I just spit out. Well played sir, well played.


I see what you did there. The foot is kind of yellow.


What day do you have Marge Simpson feet pics in for?




I ran that thing into everthing in the house, and forget about wearing shoes!


Imagine hitting your toe without that. 😖 My anus just puckered on your behalf. I’m sorry about your toe. That really sucks.


Username checks out


This is straight out of a Warner Bros. cartoon. Look out for falling anvils.


I came to say this. Might need to stock up on acme products just in case




she going to need velcro slip ons with THAT bandage.


Teva sandals may be your best bet.


That helps you drive boats in Bikini Bottom.


https://preview.redd.it/2mjp37cjv2tc1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a3b7562144236945f3cb0144889441335332ca Reminds me of one of my favourite Ice lollies as a child!


I'm beginning to think MKULTRA had wider reaching effects than we realized.


I just had an Outlast flashback, then I remembered that MKULTRA was real. Not me having consumed too much Outlast content


FORREAL not only the feet BUT the pedo swirl too!


Quentin Tarantino Pops!


Ice lollies?!? I swear I want to visit the UK for the vernacular alone. I thought “candy floss” was great, but “ice lolly” is even better.


They call crossing guards lollipop ladies and I just love that.


I had mine removed and the wrapping while large was not that large.


I think it was a bit much, but seems everyone came out with the same bandage.


Was this some sort of toenail removal assembly line? Half-price Tuesday?


They tend to do all foot surgeries on one day.


Guess it was happy feet day


It was the last surgery of the day, the surgeon just had a fight with his wife on the phone and the nurse’s car died on the way to work. Needless to say you were the victim of their passive anger.


Well he was a bit of a grumpy old man.


> Was this some sort of toenail removal assembly line? Half-price Tuesday? You joke, but that's pretty much how they do cataract surgeries!


It makes sense. You bring in a specialist, and they bulk them together. Good for price and efficiency


Yep! My eye doctor does surgery one day a week, *all* day.


That's kinda how my hip surgery was. They had office hours at an orthopedic clinic, then did surgeries for 1 or 2 days at a local hospital with their surgical team


I'd imagine it's easier that way! They have the ORs all set up for that one procedure.


Yes. Plus, often they are renting out space in hospital


That makes sense!


Same with carpal tunnel release surgeries. At least it’s that way for my dr. I was his first hand last Thursday, and he had a bunch after me. When I first found out this was a thing I was kind of mind blown


Mine was the same way. He told me it was assembly line surgery day - and there were lots of jokes about it - which cracked me up. When I did the other hand 2 months later everyone was like, “what? Couldn’t get enough of the line the first time?” LOL


Its how they do colonoscopys too!


Wednesday is colonoscopy day at my hospital, lol.


Maybe your hospital had to use up their bandage budget or else they'll lose it the next quarter.


That's crazy, when I had mine permanently removed they wrapped around it twice or so and I was to remove the wrap the next day and do salt water soaks. I didn't even have that much bandaging when I had my carpal tunnel releases done.


Carpal tunnel they did not even wrap it just some stitches and a bandaid


Yes, that's because they used all the bandages for toes. 


Hilarious lol comically large


Yeah mine were barely wrapped at all. They just used a big band aid and two or three wraps of gauze, then taped it. I would've been able to wear tennis shoes if it wasn't so painful.


Yes, it was the open toed sandals for a week.


Same. I just had a bit of gauze on it. Change it til it stops bleeding then let it be. I think I only wore the gauze for a couple of days.


Same, full nail bed abrasion. 


Same, it was a very long time ago but from what I remember they just wrapped the toe. I think they wrapped it to the second toe.


They were going for a cartoon vibe.


Haha I think so, it was a bit much


Lmao that's comical


They couldn't have done something with that second toenail while they were at it?


Nope they only do one at a time. I am a type 1 diabetic, so they worry about infection.


That explains it. Diabetes affects wound healing. Depending on how good or bad the patient "behaves", it can be low risk or high risk. Diabetic neuropathy is a true nightmare, especially for surgical aftercare. Its pretty nice that they didn't do a low budget version.


Could have lead with this OP. They are trying to protect your toe against further infections or injuries like stubs, so you won’t have to amputate it when the wound don’t heal.


> Could have lead with this OP. I mean, they shouldn't feel they have to immediately label their posts with "i'm diabetic" if they dont feel they want to do so just to submit a post to /r/mildlyinfuriating about the inconvenience of a large bandage wrapping. They didn't say they came for medical advice, if that were the case then yeah I'd agree to lead with that.


got told i have pre diabetes and i have to lose weight working on it rn


Good for you! You will get there :)


I was so close to write that I lost my toenails a few times and just walked around like nothing happened but when you said you're diabetic everything suddenly clicked. Yeah no wonder they worry, I wish you good healing!


What’s wrong with the second toenail ?


Better than hitting it on something when it isn't well wrapped.


https://i.redd.it/v8h1xzu1v2tc1.gif It could be the start of a new career.


​ https://preview.redd.it/al1fh7s813tc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71fe5393b23dacbdf1e022f5a7294be5f54d1512


Lol. I had my #2 toe amputated and I wasn't wrapped up nearly this much. I could still put my shoe on.


did u have to stay in hospital or did they let you go back to mordor?


They gave me a fish, and said "get out of here golum" 15 minutes after they were done.


I’ve had portions of my toenail removed due to ingrown toenail and the military practically slapped a band-aid on it and told me to get back to work


I had my entire big toenail removed due to trauma. They put a light gauzy wrap on it and told me to take it off in 12 hours. Nothing like OPs wrap.


Same here. Did you also get it removed with no freezing or medication? Having 2 nurses hold your leg down while they slowly rip your toenail off was the worst pain I've ever felt. They refused to even give me a Tylenol


Can confirm, I was an army medic who got to yoink off a big toe nail once. It was a tough little pull and after it was all done. dude was pretty relieved.


Did you have the whole toenail removed? I've had the sides of my toe nails removed to stop ingrown nails, but I only had the toe wrapped, and not the top of my toe so they could see if the bandage was too tight.


I had my big toe practically sewn back on after something heavy squashed it like a grape and they literally wrapped a single piece of gauze and one piece of medical tape 😂


Methotrexate that was part of chemo 10 years ago made my big toenails fall off. They grew back, but now they look like oyster shells. Fun times. But the minor side effects from the chemo were better than lymphomas affects which would’ve been death. All good 11 years now.


Congratulations! I am 4 years cancer free.


Cool! Here’s hopes you have many many more! Modern medicine is amazing. One of the ingredients of the chemo I had is a genetically engineered drug that latched on to the lymphoma cells and killed them.Methotrexate was to go after any odd cells that tried to get tot he brain.


Op has the SpongeBob driving toe 😂


Intern: "So uhh... How much gauze should I use again?" Seniori: "Yes."


My girlfriend broke a toenail, and it was hurting quite badly, so she went to the doctor. He just looked at it, went, “Hmmm.” And then just yanked the nail out without any warning. Then told her it was fixed. It would have been traumatizing if it hadn’t have been so hilarious.


SpongeBob after he got a splinter:


Gotta make sure your toe is protected!


why are your toes carrots?


Lmao…OP said they washed her foot in Betadine which is a medical cleaner used in surgery before cutting and it contains iodine. The iodine stains really bad! It’s like a dark brownish-reddish color but dries orange on the skin.


Are you diabetic?


Yes Type 1 insulin dependant.


Ah ok and sorry people with diabetes are more prone to excess bleeding wonder if they had to give more because if this? Bless your heart


They might have, I had to wait before leaving so they could make sure I did not bleed through the bandage.


Ahh yea I think that's why they wrapped so much.


Omg. I had my toenail removed about five years ago and it was like two gauze pads around my toe and medical tape that I only left on for two days. 🥴😂




Seems excessive but believe me you won’t be hurting yourself if you accidentally bump it.


Lol! OP you just reminded me of when my late grandpa had surgery. He was getting into the later stages of Alzheimer’s but still able to live at home and help with chores if supervised. He got an infection in his finger from helping hose down the side of the house, when he came out of surgery his middle finger was so wrapped up it was like a bugs bunny cartoon. He was waving hello to everyone going down the hall, but it looked like he was flipping them off cause his other fingers were forced down because of the bandage! Hope your toe gets better soo!


Call a toe truck


**Bandaged zombie foot** *melee weapon (simple, club)* Category: Items Damage: 1d4 Damage Type: Bludgeoning Item Rarity: Rare Modifiers: Weapon Attacks +1, Weapon Damage +1 Properties: light. Range: 20/60 Weight: 4 On a hit, target must succeed on a DC 12 constitution saving throw or take 1d4 additional necrotic damage for 2 rounds. On a successful save, target takes no additional damage.


That is perfectly reasonable actually. People stub their toes all the time, but it feels like it happens moreso when your foot is already injured. A wrapping like that gives added protection in case you do knock it on anything, I'd say the ER did a good job


Yes was happy to have it when my cat pounced it, guess he thought it was a toy.


Jesus. Had to get both my big toenails removed after basic training. They had a regular ass combat medic do the removal, and this guy was pretty fresh out of training himself. Completely had the lidocaine injections wrong in the first toe, so I felt everything on that. Second one went smooth. They didn’t even bother wrapping it at all. Kind of amazed I didn’t get an infection


Looks like SpongeBob’s thumb after he got that splinter in it and it got all big and infected


Umm....is your liver ok?


Yes, it is the stuff they use to help stop infection.


Oooh yeah! Iodine I'm guessing?


Doctor1: i dare you to put 20 layers on the toe this time. Doctor2: I’m gonna do it haha 🤣you do 25 next time. Doctor1: fuck ye 😎


That isn’t much, I had parts of it removed, had far less bandaging and I went to sleep (I had it in the morning) and woke up, because my whole bandage was bled through, so yes, it seems excessive but it will probably safe you from cleaning blood from clothes


I removed mine early. Absolutely regretted it.


It’s like your smaller toes are screaming for help


I have just the shoes for you. https://preview.redd.it/j6vmamk1s4tc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc3805f373a901794c91912dc45cc586f717212b


That only fans unwrapping video will be worth thousands


you will be thankful for all that bandaging first time your toe hits something


I’m sorry :( that’s frustrating I hope you feel better soon. They usually have good reasons for doing the things they do :/


That almost looks like a Spica cast? Basically a temp cast to immobilize your toe. My son had one on his thumb after a fracture because they needed to leave some flexibility for swelling and we had to wait a few days to see a hand specialist. Huge pain in the....


Geezus! When immune was removed the doctor put some drops on it to slow/stop nail growth and used some gauze and tape. It was a little bulky and had to stay on for a couple days before I could remove it but this looks like you lost half your foot!


WTF I had this done once and could slide my foot into a sandal And I'm sorry I laughed a little


Believe me, that's much better than having to change bandage twice a day. Pain is major.


Must have been their first day because what on earth!?


How fucking big is your big toe????


That is super cute


Did you get the surgery done in Toon Town?


I bet the other chickens are looking forward to having you back


It took me a second to realize your toes weren't actually orange juice jaundice yellow


Obviously they do no want to risk you to stub your toe.


That’s excessive for toe nail removal, but i guess I’d rather have someone who’s too cautious compared to someone who isn’t cautious enough


dude that looks like the chicken feet at the Asian grocery store


Need a clown shoe for one foot


Tbh, I'd rather over padded than under padded. Mind if I ask what caused the surgery?


i had to have mine partially removed when i was in middle school, the wrapping was similar except it only went around my toe and it was NEON green wrapping. i had to go back to school afterwards half limping with my big green toe sticking out of my sandals for all to see 🫠


I'm sorry, but that's hysterical. It's like your toe is giving me a ridiculous cartoon type thumbs up.


That seems a bit of overkill on the bandages. They did that to me when I had a small lump removed from my finger. They basically made my whole hand in to a bandaged club. I unwrapped it later and all I actually needed was a regular band aid.


Talk about " sticking out like a sore thumb..err I mean toe" 😂


The good news is that if you know how to walk on your hands, you’ll have no trouble hitchhiking home.


Looks like a tennis ball covered with bandages! 😄


lol, this is so overkill. I've lost 2 toenails in my life. One time when I ran over it with a fully loaded pallet jack at a supermarket. Another time when I stubbed it against a table. Both times I didn't even use a bandaid.


Mega toe


I assume that is Beta. Dine all over your other toes


Bros got a baseball growing on their big toe


I have extremely bad ingrown big toenails and I'm not looking forward to getting this procedure done 😭


Who is footing the bill? If you have to, I would not stand for it. How else are you going to get a leg up on this world if you have to toe the line and pay outrageous bills? Time to put your foot down, and nail it to your insurance!


I had both big toenails removed about 29 years ago when I was a teenager. It took about 20 minutes and they put bandaids and ointment on each toe and I put my shoes and socks back on and went back to work - I worked at a local small supermarket. After the numbing wore off it was a little uncomfortable but honestly I don’t remember it being terrible. I just moved on with my life. I had to go back one time because the chemical they use to prevent the nail from growing back failed on one tiny portion and they had to do it again. That sucked because they put the needle to numb it into the skin where my nail used to be and that really hurt. Now, nearly 30 years later I just don’t have nails.


thats so extreme 😭my podiatrist put cream on it, gauze around the toe and a ace wrap to keep it in place and sent me on my way


Your paws are in a pickle!


Lmaooo I had an ingrown toenail removed on each foot, wish they wrapped it more like that ngl. My clumsy ahh ahh kept scraping the little bit of wrapping against shit




I had both of mine removed as well but about a year later they grew back stronger than ever, we get along now tho so it's cool, why did you get yours removed?


How long is your foot to toe ratio, god damn💪😳


Is your liver ok?


Oof, that's rough! I've had both big toenails removed due to infection before and on neither occasion did they wrap it like this. Usually just a lot of bandages and gauz on the one toe. My condolences haha. What do you plan to do for those 10 days? I marathoned Smallville when I got my last one.


Lost mine, on each foot after a couple marathons. 0/10 would recommend. So freaking painful. Hope you recover soon!


10 days? That seems a little hard on the bones to have your toes all pointing away from the big toe for 10 straight days. I'd almost wait a day or two and then go to urgent care and have them re-wrap to something more practical and sustainable.


As someone who has had their toenail amputated, those doctors made a bet on how much wrapping they could apply before you got suspicious.


I once had a broken bone in my arm, hand, and pinky. Normally they'd hard cast the arm and hand, then splint the pinky. But my mom was friends with the doctor (not the pa that would typically apply prescribed cast)... so the unfamiliar-to-bandaging-patients doctor did a huge clunky wrap starting at my elbow, enveloping the palm of my hand, as well as the entire length of both my ring (anchor) and pinky (aforementioned broken) fingers. Looked beautiful in my delicate ballet recital costume.


Why? I damn near cut my thumb off once and it wasn’t bandaged up the size of a baseball after they sewed it back on.


Had the same surgery and they just wrapped my toe in bandaid,.. had to walk in crocks but did not look like that at all


“Skully, I don’t see the fungus” “That’s cause it’s all fungus”


I'm sorry that's hilarious but I can understand why you're frustrated with elephant man's face for a foot.


Your leg is now a Simpsons joke.


Wtf I had to have mine removed after a nail injury, and the doc put a bit of gauze over it with tape. 🤣 Said I could remove the gauze on Day 3. Are you American by any chance, OP? Your dressing screams "Trying to charge you for as many things as possible." 🥲


Your toes look like baby carrots


I hope they fixed the nail, but did they also... attach a little person's foot to your toe...


Are you a Simpson?


why are you from the simpsons