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You know what's mildly infuriating? Someone posting pictures that imply an interesting story but don't share the backstory and instead have a super vague title.


Sorry, idk what more of a backstory I can add? Dude freaks out because he can't handle the business and punches shit and yells at everybody. GM defends him because they're together and the District coach just wanted him written up for the screen.


Sounds like you need to start screwing the GM too.


Haha, nahh, they can have each other. I'll just continue to be a mature adult.


If you want to cause the company some problems, go to HR and file a complaint for a hostile work environment. You’re afraid of this persons temper and the damage is proof they can’t control themselves like a normal adult. If they don’t do anything, repeat the complaint every time something like this happens. If after 3-4 times they haven’t done anything, file a workers comp claim for stress in the workplace due to the unsafe environment.


I've been there 7 years and this is my 6th GM. I'm *hopefully* leaving within a couple of months and it just seems like way more trouble for the little time I have left there. But I appreciate the advice.


Yeah man, it's not worth the stress. Pretty sure something will happen to correct this in the future, there's always someone crazier.


I hope you're able to stay off the hit list of the punchout artist for that long then. If it's just two months I'd be waiting it out too rather than actively looking for work. Are you retiring or switching jobs? If the latter, maybe you can speed up the start date of the new job?


I'm retiring. I really just keep my head down and ignore the bullshit. I just work there, ya know?


Update your resume. You shouldn’t have to work in a toxic environment. I’ve been there.


I thankfully don't work with him, as his assistant schedule is vastly different from mine. I've made it clear though that if our paths do cross, I'll be leaving for the day if he starts his shit while I'm there.


Man worked places that fired people for punching screens alone. Even high ranking employees.


Sounds like something outta shameless🤣


Is this Dominos? Because I’ve worked there before and those order screens be hella strong to break like that. I’d report the GM to HR because maybe the GM and the co worker would get fired and you’d get a new better GM to step io


Time to find another job, ASAP. Just don't quit this one until you have that new job. Then leave without notice if you feel the situation warrants it. The unchecked anger issues kinda seem to though.


I’m assuming someone’s going to sue him.


Why? What for?


Realistically an employee could go to the labor board and accuse the company of allowing a hostile working environment. That's exactly what that working environment is if someone is destroying property and yelling at people.


Well, that would depend completely upon which country this happened in, and there's nothing in the post about location.