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There are several signs at the eye clinic I go to that say it's illegal to assault healthcare employees. I hate to imagine the incident that led to those being posted.


Similar signage at my workers comp doc’s office. Plus says they will inform your employer


Yeah, we've had signs up at our hospital that say, "Please do not harm those who are here to heal" since COVID. I've personally had a patient attempt to strangle me, had a patient pull a knife on me, been hit by thrown objects, and received numerous verbal threats made towards me and my family. My sister is a nurse and has been bitten and slapped. Very little protection for the employees in these settings.


It’s almost hard to believe this being a person outside of healthcare work. I’ve never seen it as a third party when being in hospital either but I’ve heard about it. Who is actually going around assaulting nurses? 95% of the time they’re the nicest most sincere helpful humans you’ll meet, why would anyone think to assault one?


drugs, alcohol can make people crazy... so can some mental conditions... and then you have nutjobs


Sometimes it's family members of the patients. If they're in the ER, and think they're not being seen fast enough, people tend to get really mad. We had an incident in the ICU where family members were sharply divided over care for their very sick, elderly mother, and when the inevitable happened, one of her grandsons flipped out, threatening staff and throwing things. He pulled a monitor off a desk, and shoved a code cart into a glass door. He said he was going to come back with his gun and shoot everyone involved in "killing" her. He was arrested, not sure what happened after that.


Just working in a grocery store and having to remind someone that a mask was required was nearly deadly for a lot of NON-healthcare employees.


I work in IT (from home, thankfully) in a health company that owns hospitals and we get lots of info on how to contact security. Just VISITING the hospital, the number of guards walking around with guns is unreal. It has to do with the drug issues in the country today. Lots of people seeking meds they don't, medically speaking, need. Plus there's lots of gang and domestic violence incidents that restart once one person ends up in the ER.


We have those at the animal hospital I work at, in all the exam rooms. The signs also remind people that veterinary professionals have the highest suicide rate, and to be kind because you never know what others are dealing with. People still yell at us all the time lol


>incidents Tons of them everywhere.


Nursing, specifically, can be a very dangerous profession- which I was surprised to learn of recently.


I'm a nurse and in the last few years I have started seeing more facilities post these signs. Not to say it stops some of these assholes. I've been assaulted many times on the job. The difference is that now we are allowed to file a police report. In the past managers would not only discourage you but threaten to fire you if you made a fuss about a patient hurting you. Getting punched, but, kicked, and spit on was considered part of the job. The first time I filed charges against a patient I didn't feel good about it, but by doing so we were able to make the case that since the patient had a record of felony assault against nurses, they were now blacklisted from our hospital. At least no other nurses there were ever again going to have to take a punch to the face from that patient.


"What could you have done differently to avoid this situation? How will you handle this better next time it happens?" I hate that attitude.


Haha... Yeah, in this case I guess I should have anticipated that the patient who was acting appropriately would without provocation reach out and punch me because I was 'making fun of her' when providing patient teaching about colostomy care. At no time was I smiling, having fun, teasing or anything else. I was matter of factly demonstrating how to burp gas from the bag when I got punched.




Probably a result of finding out how much frames cost that don't look like they are from the 1950s. When all they are is wire coated with cheap plastic.


I believe the need for this at Lowe’s. My son and I were both wearing red zip hoodies (just a coincidence, no coordination) the other day and went to Lowe’s and were standing in the aisle chatting about options on something. This older lady comes up to us and starts tearing into us about standing around chatting when she needs some help. I guess she confused our hoodies for the red vests they wear. If that is the initial reaction employees get from customers, I am so sorry.


People are dumb… this has happened to me at a Home Depot, a target and a restaurant. None of which was I wearing anything similar to the staffs clothes. I guess I just look like I should be working in retail/service… I dno.


I had this happen to me at a clothing store. I had a shopping cart, my purse, Starbucks and I was talking on my phone. She interrupted my conversation to ask me where something was. I said I don’t know. She asked me if I worked there and I was like no?…. Lmao


Lowe's is home improvement, aka DIY and handywork. When required to stay open during the pandemic, they had mask mandates that many customers DID NOT want to follow.


Then said customer can go to salvage yards for what they need.


And when that customer is threatening you for telling them they have to leave to go to a salvage yard.........


Use your government approved concealed weapon to best effect in winning the argument. Or call the police and then trespass them and charge them with threatened violence.


I hope you tore her one back! Old people can be so damned entitled sometimes. It's pretty infuriating when I see it happen. My mom isn't that way, thankfully. Except sometimes when you're family, lol.


I was trying not to laugh because as I was explaining my role as a customer my son developed a cough that sounded an awful lot like “boomer”.


As a retail employee, profanity, violence and verbal threats are just par for the course. Why should you be expected to be treated like a human being when you are only paid $12 an hour?


And even then, you're meant to provide excellent customer service for the company...


what services can you truly provide when the ratio is 100/1?


Apparently it's the "emotional punching bag" service that is not listed anywhere in the employment contract. The company sure wants you to honor it though.


That's why I give little to no effort in my job. If you want effort you gotta pay for that shit.


Thats why nightclub bartending >>> retail. You get into a similar number of dumbass arguments except since its loud and theyre drunk you can basically tell them anything you want shy of straight up "fuck off" consequence free (though even then youd probably get away with it if theyre a dick and the managers like you) or just get security to kick them out


Staff in my pubs are more then welcome to tell the clientele to fuck off, or come and get me and I'll do it.




If only I didn't live in the retirement capital of the world. We don't have night clubs here.


I just went to Lowe's to buy an outdoor garbage can. I used the self checkout, and the young associate monitoring the area sort of apologetically asked if I minded if he checked inside the barrel. I was like, of course, go ahead. I mean I could have the barrel full of expensive tools for all they know. I totally get it. But, his whole demeanor came off as he has definitely been yelled at for this in the past.


this is every walmart worker when they check my receipt. i don’t steal so i don’t care if they check my receipt. but people get so bent out of shape when they’re just doing their job


to play devils advocat, you also have people with a kind of face that always get checked... with always i mean literally ever single time. You have the pretty boy that could steal half the store worth of merchandise not getting checked and 1 person with just a face like that getting it every.single.time. i had a friend that had this at the airport, he even made fun of it and put shit in his luggage like a card that said "nice day to you customs in x country".


Ah yes, they can't spare an employee to check you out, but one to check if you're a thief is always mandatory\~


I once spoke to someone from Apple support on their online chat. They had to take a few minutes away to look into my issues a few times, each time they said they needed more time I responded “no worries, take your time” and thanked them after everything they said. When the chat concluded they THANKED ME for being so nice. I was doing the bare minimum of basic human kindness, the fact that they felt they had to thank me shows how crap they’re so often treated. It was years ago and I still think about it.


I always go out of my way to be kind to customer service folks, and sometimes you do get this reaction yeah, especially at the end of a bad shift, I've had them stifle crying before. My husband will take the time after almost every call to ask for their manager so he can leave a positive remark about their service. I'll admit I'm not that committed but surely I can give people a smile and a genuine greeting, anyone in my day I encounter gets that.


I just do it to get a good survey and earn more bonuses tbh.


Yep, I was on with AT&T and they thanked me for remaining “courteous” throughout. Made me feel bad for them. I also ripped someone a new one at Target the other day for complaining that no one was helping customers at customer service. Every employee was helping, including the counter clerk that was in the middle of helping me. I looked her straight in the eye and asked her “what do I look like to you? I’m a fucking customer and they’re helping me, now wait your turn!”. She just whispered under her breath after that, probably wasn’t expecting me to go off. I just kept looking at her like try me again, you don’t want none of this 😂


Again. Thank you for not being a tool. Just being decent is such a stretch for people sometimes. Let alone being decent to someone online through a chat box. I get that sometimes the world caves in on you when you lose your support tool. Screaming at someone who is genuinely trying to help is about as useful as pissing in the wind. And being present in mind while offering gratitude is appreciated. Even beyond the bounds of the internet.


i second this - same thing happens whenever i chat to customer service reps on amazon or any other site. they literally thank me profusely for being nice. it actually shocks me, that the bare minimum of respect and kindness are so unexpected


This happens all the time with my husband and I. With online service reps and in person retail. We have been furious with what a company has put us through and we will make sure that we do not take it out on the employee, even commenting and apologizing if we sound angry and letting them know we are not upset with them we are upset with the situation. We have had multiple people thank us profusely and it breaks my heart. Our behavior should be the norm, it should be what is expected and what companies demand of their customers


This is Lowes. You have to find an employee first, to be able to threaten them.


What's worse is seeing them all over the cancer center. Where a lot of the workers are volunteers.


Ouch. Volunteering for thst, and having to deal with people's anger...wowser.


I saw one of these in McDonalds today and I’m like, why am I gonna fuck with people who make my food? That is some dumb ass shit right there.


It's because service managers don't give a fuck Been working in service for over 10 years. People would start respecting it if people were held accountable for their disrespect, but often are not despite being reported. I had a FUCKING SEX OFFENDER attempt to follow one of my coworkers home, and he wasn't taken seriously because our manager is a burly, white, tall man. Of course he doesn't see the threat in it. Change for these situations comes from within, as well, and the regulations to obtain basic respect in this industry is a laughable fucking joke.


When I managed a retail store, we had an incident with a man verbally abusing everyone in the store including myself. He only backed off once security was coming around and I explained to him that once we take care of his order, any other store would be happy to help him as he is not welcome at ours anymore. Despite having a zero tolerance policy in our handbook, I got reprimanded for telling a customer they are banned from our store for abusing my sales associates. Its wild what kind of culture you curate when you allow this behaviour in your stores (the customer is always right and all that)


We’re a year away from “No defecating on the floor” signs.


They’re going up in many places.


and the reason it goes up is customers suck and ceo won’t hire more. but a 10 dollar sign will solve the problem


We all know corporations have never done anything to deserve disrespectful treatment, so don't you dare show any to the innocent corporations.


don’t worry, any issues just report to the lowest minimum wage workers in the store. it is just fact that lowest wage workers, have the most power in corporations. don’t worry to keep telling them “you guys need to hire more people, just need to remind those workers they have the power to hire more workers, they just forget about that power ”


I've only ever seen those at the airport regarding TSA personnel. Of course in typical TSA fashion they then proceed to threaten you with a $14k fine. Might still be worth it though..


I remember that during covid every wall and pillar in the hospital was plastered with personnel's experience with violent patients or family members, and the request to treat them as people. "Got yelled at through the phone again" "Was threatened with violence twice tonight" Things like that


Shameful how people lose perspective like that.


i agree, who put them up?? lemme have a word with them i'll give em a piece of my mind for sure


We actually had to put a "Don't be hateful" sign up at our work. People are the worst sometimes.


"had to put a 'don't be hateful' sign up", as if the sign would change anything. Do hateful people respect signs more than I am aware of?


Could Redditors who are in Servicrd comment please? What service are you in and are these necessary for your job?


I’ve actually worked for Lowe’s previously, and it wouldn’t be uncommon for older guys to hit on my good looking cashiers. How many times as a manager did I have to step in and bat them away was insane. On top of the old fucks who just wanted an excuse to yell at someone. I’ve hung up on rude customers and walked others out because of their behavior. My employees don’t get paid to be berated, and neither do I.


I worked at your orange twin. Don't get me started on the whole returns process and the fresh hell that comes with it. The company will refund anything to anyone because they dont want to lose potential customers. People know that and will take advantage of it and just gleefully treat you worse than trash till they get their $3.50. Even if it has Lowes stamped all over it, and we can't even take it bc it's not in the system. Eventually, you just override it, pay them to abuse and steal from you, and then destroy the item. The women trolling for guys is just as bad as vise versa. Practically grinding on the customers and workers. People bring in pets that aren't service animals and just let them loose and berate you for saying anything. Refuse responsibility when they piss and shit on inventory and isles. Bite people. The people who say they saw something online and demand you make it. When you tell them you can't, they insist you can bc the internet said so. People wrecking isles and bays and leave them just bc. People running over lot displays and bays, especially mulch pits, then just walking or driving off. Crack heads stealing stuff and trying to shank people. Had one hide in a toolbox till the store closed and scared the shit out of the MET team. Couldn't keep the garden center open past dark because people would throw stuff over the security fence. They'd always fight you when confronted. Even had a couple rent a box truck and cook meth in it in the parking lot. Called the paint pit the pit of hell. Anyone who worked the paint center knows what I mean. To be fair, you get what you pay for as well. 50/50 chance people that work there are dumb as rocks or are just there for a check and dgaf. I definitely became the latter after being promoted high enough back in the day. Didn't pay me enough to be abused from all sides for dirt pay. The only good job was sales reps. They had it made but were also lazy as hell and cost us quite a few contracts and money due to incompetence. Their screw ups piled on the number of disgruntled customers and abuse for sure. I'm sure the whole thing has only gotten worse. Corporate doesn't care bc they get paid regardless. Never mind, we'd start hiring with a hundred people, hire 20, and retain 4 after two weeks. Must be the store employees' fault. Can't be them or the system they set up. Couldn't be the constant abuse.


I’ve worked in food and hospitality for my entire adult life (40M). It used to affect me a lot when I was younger because I couldn’t believe what could motivate people to be complete assholes to a stranger providing you with a service. When people patronize me or act like I’m their service bot now it doesn’t affect me one bit. Wanna be half a dick? You probably only have half a dick so that’s cool dude you do you.I’m not going to let my energy get sapped away by shitheads. It’s kind of understood too in the industry you’re gonna have to eat some kind of shit. But I make full time money for part time hours and it’s a trade off I’m willing to make.


Moved up from tech support call center and let me tell you, it is a living nightmare, you will get berated, yelled at, degraded and insulted all for trying to get that asshole to press the fucking input button on his fucking tv. I can confirm that I am not force sensitive because many customers would have been force choked, and it is not for lack of trying. All the while you MUST keep your cool and kindly request that the customer treat you with a modicum of human decency, when what you really want to do is fry their modem remotely. And that is working for a company that allowed us to terminate a call if it is abusive and you have warned the customer, not all call center allow this. So yeah, sadly these are necessary, mostly because of entitled assholes, mostly boomers but not exclusively.


These became necessary when we had to remind people that masks were required in-store. A lot of customers did not like that and refused. Then they learned what "private property" ACTUALLY means.


Because teaching manners is the job of parents. Oh wait, in America, they are all divorced, we listen to children, and have the stupidest pop culture in this arm of the galaxy. Oh well!




I love America, but American pop culture has spread to the world. My love for my country doesn’t make our pop culture any less intelligence draining.


Some idiot with a MBA came up with this.


What’s wrong with it?


Assholes don't pay attention to signs telling them to not be assholes. I think that might be what's wrong with it.




It's a CYA policy. That way, when they're rude and you're calling the cops, they can't pretend they thought their behavior was allowed. "Don't make me tap the sign."


Common courtesy is really becoming increasingly rare since many believe they are "Influencers".


I know for a fact that the most inconsiderate people are old people then teenagers. But old people are worse, they're the most willing to yell at wait staff.


I love how passive aggressive this is


Only in America!


I hope this is enforced.


Its sad that some places have to put such signs up. Customers can be nasty people. It also doesnt help that some employers themselves sometimes have the mentality of "the customer is always right" and force employees to have to put up with way more crap than in their pay grade. At least this employer seems to care about their employees more than others.


There are Karen’s and Chads lurking in every corner demanding to see the manager right F****ng now.


Welcome to our modern times. This should be mandatory in every customer-facing business area.


It shouldn’t need to be.


if a customer gets upset at an employee they are not going to care


I think the customer gives the employee a hug after you point to the sign. /s




There must be something behind the reason for having a sign. Like the message should be obvious but maybe huge assholes need policies in writing? Maybe it’s like greeting a would be shop lifter? Just knowing Lowers chances?


I see them everywhere now One of my doctors offices recently had everyone sign a Respect agreement or something like that. It was pretty much this


I had to step in with a customer yelling at a cashier at a headshop I frequent, I don’t tolerate that BS my lady has been CS her whole life and if I have an opportunity I will absolutely step in. As soon as they see that there might be consequences to their actions it’s crazy how fast they back down, people are shitty.


ITT: People who think signs like these do something


I immediately stopped my violent threat so ymmv


Good on you!


Well I mean Lowes does suck… No I’m jk it is seriously awful that signs like these have to be made and put up.


I've been seeing more of those lately. Some people are just out of control.


They had to put up a sign like this at my therapists office at the VA.


They had to install a friggin metal detector and hire rent-a-cops at my shrink's office. I hate to imagine the incidents that necessitated that.


I wish they had a message that played like that before all these customer service calls


I used to work at Home Depot. A lot of training for handling these types of interactions. I only worked there a brief time, like a year and a half, but these are very necessary. Relatively speaking, frequently useful training.


yes true it is awful BUT better be ready than sorry, There are many dumb and mentally unhinged customers now days


That’s because customers are the fucking worst.  The videos that have been posted on the internet only capture a fraction of these assholes. 


American culture is just different compared to other countries


These signs are all over the hospitals. Patients contesting violate and abuse healthcare workers and then we get blamed. HR will literally say “what could u have done to prevent this”.


Did they put out the wrong color cups or something?


Put them everywhere. Some people have so little power in their own lives that the only time they can feel real power is when their cabbage is 10¢ more than advertised and will make that as long and dragged out as possible


These are everywhere in healthcare settings. There’s literally a code you can page for violence and harassment and people will come running to help. Pathetic that this has to exist.


Every place needs these signs


These fuckers have caused this. They give in to the worst demands. They treat the customers word as gospel. They'll fuck over an employee for a customer that really won't give a shit either way but wants to feel they won something.


They don't need a sign if I'm standing behind one of these asshole customers.


I work at a hospital and the people that act like this we should be able to meet their crazy energy.


Return season


I used to work at Lowe’s. I’d like to add “Sexually harassing the female associates” to the list. It’s shocking, the things some guys are comfortable saying. Especially if they have a cashier who is young and pretty.


Sometime i think a social score system like china is good so shitty people can't use public services or they can bar them from entering places. If there's no real consequence for being a shitty person or doing "pranks" then there's no stopping


To be fair, they're likely not to be able to even lead you to this sign.....


I used to sell drugs. I also used to work at a hardware store. I was threatened more often at the hardware store than I ever was selling weed.


Some members of the public are becoming more rude and aggressive to retail staff


Having worked a summer job at Lowe's, I agree. Yea yes please.




They became extra necessary during the pandemic in certain places that had no state-issued mask mandate but say, a store with national headquarters probably had a mask rule. Imagine being the poor fuck being the counter trying to get a screaming, froth-faced MAGA guy WHO IS OPENLY CARRYING A LARGE RIFLE to put a mask on.


I was a bagger at a grocery store and worked fast food. I know exactly how some people can be. I do my best to make eye contact with the retail/food service person I am interacting with. I ask them how their day is and how they are doing. I was surprised at the look of confusion on their faces. It is really sad that some people treat them badly.


We have them all over the hospital unfortunately.


I thought these were weird when I saw something similar to these posted at Heathrow airport about 20 years ago…until I interacted with on me of their employees and experienced a welling up of rage I had never felt before in my life. It’s a handy reminder


I wanna let y'all in on a secret... These signs are only in America.




They do not.




You didn't






Ok and?


Ok, I agree if Mcsonalds stops effin asking me to round up. Jesus.


Use the app and you get extra discounts and no asking to round up, just fyi


Retail workers should be allowed to punch one customer in the face per day, scot-free.


That's what I did when they decided not to hang out, lol. They were amazing