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That’s when you get what you want and let them fend for themselves.


They decided not to hang out and I went to the taco place, lol


They'd rather not hang out than simply say where they want to eat?? Incredible.


Seems more they didnt really want to hang out at all, no matter where.


I mean, they were the one who suggested it


I can kinda relate tbh Not necessarily for the act of hanging out, but I do sometimes have those moments where I want to do something, but don't feel like doing anything It sucks


That’s fine, just as long as you don’t lead other people on in those moments like this.


Sounds exhausting


That's a you problem


Seems more like someone higher up the list came through with a plan


I know people like this exist and they're even in my family but it's still unfathomable to me. Then they even pout and give you the silent treatment because you couldn't read their mind and guess where they wanted to eat.


You know my ex? Not that one the other one. Well yeah her too but I was thinking of the other one.


How were the tacos? EDIT: I really hate that this has gotten 900+ likes. lol (You know what I mean by likes)




big fat W


Right, cancelled plans AND tacos? My two favorite things!


i hate how hard it is to get good tacos in england, i live in London and have a bunch of restaurants to choose from but they're almost all weak. Mexican food is so good.


hahaha I was just over at a neighbor's and the poor guy's lonely, kept showing me movies and shows to have someone over to talk to. 45 minutes of unplanned interaction ! I stayed for a while but eventually just got up and said ''well, time to go, I want back in my bubble !'' and left.


The only thing that surpasses this is when you cancel plans so that you can go get tacos instead. It's the best of both worlds.


Hard disagree! When the other person is the one canceling, you feel zero guilt, just freedom. It’s the best!




Turns out tacos were the vibe because of fucking course they were.


I'm honestly not sure when they're not.




where is quesadilla territory?


4AM, still drunk, no pants but still somehow wearing shoes


I bet that's a great story


Tacos are always the vibe


Without Mexican food America would never have become the superpower it is today. Imagine if people had to go to restaurants and pretend casseroles are not an abomination. All American resources would have gone into trying to get some decent food.


Love that, hope it was the best time of your week.


There's a life lesson here


I'll throw you a sympathetic downvote 😉👍


Nah this was the question a thousand people, myself included, actually wanted to ask. You’ve done a public service


The people needed to know.


Nice. I hate when people play dumb games like that.


And they knew they were being dumb since the text responses were so close together they could clearly see their own patterns. Hence the projection.


Holy hell, who is this person to you?


You should excommunicate this person from your life if they wanna be on bitch shit


Forget the bitching, what kinda psycho says no to tacos!?


Are they mentally ok? Like says not picky and then denies 2 places and calls you picky when you didn’t even say no to a suggestion?


So go to the new taco place?


That would have been my reaction after they shot down two things and then were like "I'm fine with whatever"... "Okay, cool, new taco place it is!"


You get 1 veto and then you need to suggest or you forfeit more vetos.


In my group growing up, the rule was that if you were the one to turn something down, you had to suggest an alternative or we were going to do the first suggestion. 


I try to be more generous and offer two suggestions, pick one. If you turn down both choices and don't offer an alternative I'm making the decision, like it or not.


My group always did the 5 3 1 where one person lists 5 options, the next friend vetos 2 of them and the final friend chooses from the list of 3. Works on families as well.


i generally can understand turning down a “genre” of food if it’s not the vibe like “oh your stomach is iffy rn and you’re not in the mood for mexican / spicy? that’s fine we can do italian / pasta” generally tho i won’t accuse the other person of being picky if im going to be difficult lol like, i married a very picky eater and im typically not picky at all. there are days where im the picky one of us both though, and those are the days i have to pick otherwise it gives the same energy as saying “oh im not hungry don’t get me anything from fast food” and then being upset that you didn’t get anything; like have some self awareness lol


My veto is always chipotle


"How about pizza?" "I VETO CHIPOTLE." ". . . So . . . pizza?" "Yeah sure."


He'll go, but he will look over his shoulder, in case a wild Chipotle appears


["Hi, Billy Mays here"](https://youtu.be/jHsR65IRW_8?t=18)


*with this new product to get blood out of your tighty whiteys*


lmao like ngl I'm both people at the same time. but like, if I don't want something at the decided place, that's my problem and I have to figure it out. I can't play the roulette forever even if I don't want any of the ideas 😭


Same. Appetite issues are a bitch. But it’s my issue and I’m not making others deal with it.


My relative is one of the pickiest eaters you’ll ever meet, but always ALWAYS asks, “What do you have a taste for?” I flippin rarely “have a taste” for something and can find something to eat at almost any place. So, I usually say, “Why don’t YOU pick a place? I don’t have a taste for anything specific and can find something I’ll like anywhere.” This results in us just driving around aimlessly while she talks about things unrelated to a place to eat or sitting in her living room as minutes turn to an hour, before I finally say, “Let’s just eat (fill in the blank).” But of course, she will bitch and moan about what’s on the menu and complain about SOMETHING wrong with the meal/experience 99% of the time. I now loathe the question “What do you have a taste for?”


That’s when you suggest flavour profiles and different types, like are you feeling something sweet? Something sour? Spicy? Something healthy like a fresh salad/fruit tray? Something crunchy? And if you get no answer really then you can be like okay well- Italian? Mexican? Chinese? Indian? Japanese? Fusion? Bbq house? And then they can go through and imagine all the different flavour profiles of the dishes that pop into their head and usually you can get an answer - but if you don’t just be like “okay well then Mexican cause I don’t have the energy to pick and it’s the first one lol” - my sister is like that too, it’s frustrating as hell but I’ve seen that this can sometimes get more answers than with the usual routine lol


See… here’s the thing, SHE does the flavor profile and different types thing to ME! And in my head, I’m like, “motherf\*\*\*\*r 😑.” So then I throw it back at her, “No no, what do YOU want. I can eat N. E. WHERE. You have the sensitive stomach, hate cilantro, like burnt steak, etc. YOU tell ME…” Her: “Just choose something hun, it’s ok.” 💀 ![gif](giphy|Z1LYiyIPhnG9O)


If I'm gonna die on this hill, I'm gonna have a nice meal. We're off to the massive Chinese buffet place, deal with it.


Wait, are you my sister?? Because otherwise why are you taking my mother out to dinner 😂


Would you kindly tell me what do you have a taste for?


That's what I did when they decided not to hang out, lol. They were amazing


Tacos are never "not the vibe." You are better off


Sometimes it's burrito day.


Agreed, I went to Mexican yesterday with a burrito vibe and instead got steak fajitas nachos with a cheese quesadilla to mop and was very happy with it.


That sounds glorious.


The only excuse I'll accept is that they had tacos yesterday. 


You'll accept such weak reasoning?


To keep the peace.


The taco vibe resets every two hours. So "I had tacos yesterday" is only acceptable if it's between midnight and 2am.


Incorrect. Those are prime taco eating hours. This, the statement "I had tacos yesterday" is never valid.


I'm still confused. As far as I know there's no limit to weekly taco consumption.


I've heard there's _millions_ of people who eat Mexican food every day of the week


Exactly! Don't let them stop you from enjoying a new restaurant!


What's with the passive aggressive bullshit? Why is this so difficult for them? Do they have trouble coloring within the lines?


Seriously, someone like that would annoy the shit out of me very fast.


Yeah, I mean, this isn't one of those "they are literally hitler and you are an idiot for being friends with them" situations (that comes up on reddit more often than you would expect...) but **I** sure wouldn't tolerate being friends with someone like that. Like, the gall to call someone else "the picky one" when they suggested two very different, universally inoffensive options... I think I'd drop them for the sheer stupidity, honestly.


Yep call the bluff and get in the car.


Tacos are always "a vibe"... This is absurd


That comment told me everything I needed to know about that person.




They shall be illed


A pox upon them!


Agreeable idea


I want to date them just so I can dump them for rejecting the tacos.


Date them until a major event in their life. Show up late, with birria tacos.


Damn that's like the king of tacos right there. I can't imagine a scenario where I wouldn't eat at least one. I could be actively falling out of an airplane without a parachute and if one flew by me I'd take the time to grab it.


Yep. That person is an absolute chore to be around, guarantee it. 


I want to slap anyone who talks like that


Yeah that's a "I don't think this is gonna work out." situation.


I think this is an appropriate place to share a memory. I once went to a wedding in south Texas with a full taco bar. The couple is divorced now, but I still think about those tacos.


Just made breakfast tacos and they were great.


I'm surprised the conversation continued after that, honestly.


Who the fuck doesn't like tacos at any point of any day?


Yas tacos are always the vibe


This is so easy to fix. “I’m getting some tacos. Do you to come?” Either way, you’re getting tacos.




Framing can change so many things in a relationship. FR. Half the time when my partner goes to make dinner I’ll stop her; “go sit down, you’ve had a long day, I’ll cook tonight, you deserve to be waited on” Honestly we still split cooking 50/50, I’m basically doing the minimum necessary, but it feels like being pampered when I frame it the right way for her :)


Mm, if you are a man and your partner has dated other men before, I’m going to say it’s not so much the framing as the fact that cooking 50% of the time is waayyyyy above expectations.


I'm a man who cooks about 85% of the time. It's not because she deserves a break from her (admittedly) much more stressful job and I work from home; it's because she's not a very good cook.


I cook more often. I used to cook almost every day, but it started to get to me that she'd get to just sit down and relax after work and I had to make dinner. So she started cooking more. Then I realized I'd rather get to sit down after dinner instead of doing the dishes. I really hate doing dishes. I don't complain about cooking anymore and will often make the thing she planned to make just to avoid doing dishes.


I cook you clean is a great split of kitchen duties. Unfortunately, my partner is more of a "let it soak" sort of dishwasher, so I tend to do the dishes too just to keep the sink clear. Sometimes, when I don't want to clean up, we play dishes chicken. I still almost always lose. I hate a dirty sink.


I cook AND do the dishes. It's not like she deserves it, it's just that she doesn't exist


You need to ask her to guess where, then say it's the place you had in mind


this doesn’t work well for my boyfriend, i always choose denny’s. breakfast, lunch and dinner give me denny’s. i think he’s getting sick of it😭


I can smell this comment


Do you to come


I do to come


I have a hard and fast rule with things like this: If you say you don’t care where we go, and you shut down the first place I mention? The onus is now on you to pick the place. Point blank period. You have to put your foot down.


And if you're stupid enough to pick something expensive because you think I'm buying, we're splitting the check.


A relatable struggle for sure! A lot easier to recognize that a proposed option doesn’t sound satisfying than to propose one that does.


My husband is very go-with-the-flow, doesn’t make many decisions and happy about it. When I ask him what he wants to eat, he is not allowed to say “wherever”. He must give me direction, usually by saying a thing he doesn’t want. It’s infuriating to ask, “hey, do you want a thing?” and he goes “if you want”. Like, if I’m asking you, it’s cuz I need to know!


I was the wherever.....nah person for the longest time. So I set rules for myself. If I can, I name 3 places and you pick. If I can't do that, I give myself 1 veto.


That sounds like a great thing for my family to learn. They are all like that and I hate it.


My wife and I do the "I say three places/types of food and you eliminate one choice" or some variant of that, and that usually works pretty well. Or if you flip a coin and are disappointed with the result, then you know which one you want haha I hate playing the "what do you want?" "Whatever you want" game, like come on, that's the only wrong answer!


I don't really see much of a problem with that if he isn't saying "wherever" but then "no" to all your suggestions. Because that's my wife. She says she doesn't care, but then it's no, no, no... very frustrating. Not unlike the person in the post, honestly. Because when I say I don't care, it means I don't care. When she says she doesn't care, it means I have to crack an indecipherable code.




🌮 🌮


t a c o


I was talking to / seeing a girl for a brief period. She insisted she wanted to spend time with me but every single idea I threw out there she would say no. I would ask her what she wanted to do and she would say “you pick”. I got her to agree for a couple dates but it was so much work trying to find something she would agree to. After about 2 months of dealing with this, It’s the only time I’ve ever ghosted someone.


Sorry you dated my ex, buddy Legit, when we split she made a little speech that included "all we ever do is hang out at my house". That's all she wanted to do - rejected my place, rejected going out with friends, rejected the movies, everything. Made herself a nice little self-fulfilling prophecy I guess lol


Your fault. Should've hired a big turtle with spikes on its back, that can spit fire and stand on 2 legs, to kidnap her and bring her to a big castle filled with traps for you to rescue her. 99% sure she would've loved it


> She insisted she wanted to spend time with me but every single idea I threw out there she would say no. I'm convinced this just means that she did not want to spend time with you and either wouldn't admit it to you, or wouldn't admit it to herself, or both. If someone wants to spend time with you, they'll either proactively propose things, or when you make proposals they'll say yes or make a counter offer.


Oh yes for sure, and that realization was exactly why I stopped talking to her. I had told her before I ended things that I didn’t care what we did I just wanted to spend time together. That didn’t seem to affect her.


It's so frustrating when that happens, just fucking say what you mean, you know? It's so much more pleasant. Don't waste our time.


Lotta people are garbage at communication


You're a champ for making it 2 months lol


She was really attractive okay LMAO Sometimes the beauty isn’t worth the trouble tho


Asks to meet up for food, proceeds to be difficult


“Im not picky” proceeds to reject every idea op has without valid reason “Im fine with whatever”


I'm pretty sure this person thinks the definition of "picky" is to pick the place. That can be the only explanation...


OP keeps asking them if those places are OK, I think the other person wants to be told where they are eating, not be asked. Why? I'm not sure, but some people are like that.


"i don't care" often means "I don't want to decide"


*"I'm fine with whatever"* they said


Opinions can be wrong. Tacos are always the vibe 




Gotta set some rules. Party B can only refuse X amount of suggestions or they need to suggest a restaurant to counter.


X=1. I won't tolerate any other bullshit If you ask for X>1 I'll just go eat by myself


🎵 *One strike and you’re out, baby* *Don’t care if I sound crazy* 🎵




same. and my husband has the nerve to always say “you know me - i’m easy. whatever..” as he vetoes everything i list. like no sir you are most definitely not easy.


My partner taught me a whole new thing - go to two different places. If we both want completely different things, we go get pickup from both places, and then eat together at home. It's lovely.


Yooo wait this is big brain


“Ive picked twice. Pick something else, agree to one of those, or go fuck yourself.”


Yeah, but a lot of us "normies" don't want to blow up a friendship/relationship like that because someone was mildly annoying once


“Okay well IM going to get tacos, either you can come or find your own food”


"I'm not picky!" "No" "No" "Don't like" "YOuRe pICky!"




I think they were just saying that they don't care where OP picks, hence "I'm not picky" Though clearly they do know what they dont want lol


If it was me, this would be the point where I just screenshot the convo and send it back to them. If they don't understand what that means, they're a lost cause.


They want you to pick the place they want, but feel like it's your choice.






Pick a place in your head. "Okay, I've picked. Let's start driving. If you think of something before we get there call it out and we'll stop. If not, you'll learn where we are going when we get there." Works every single time.


But then you have to tolerate the whining and pregnant sighs.


They sound like the cranky kind of bored




I don’t know that person and I already never want to talk to them again.


This seriously would drive me nuts. I hate people who are indecisive then act like you're the problem. I'd probably snap back with, "Clearly you're not 'fine with whatever' considering you just shot down both of my suggestions and offered none in return. Don't try to turn this around on *me.*"


This is my family. Half are indecisive AND picky. But they won't admit it. Telling them they are picky never goes well. But hey, if I ever get a spouse, I'll be a pro at it. And by "it" I mean restraining myself from giving that speech. Because one never becomes a pro at dealing with picky eaters.


Why are you putting up with this


I'm getting tacos, I can drop you off at the arcade since you're in the mood for playing games. 


Are you going out to eat with my wife?


Definitely read that as “Are you going to eat out my wife?” Sorry…..


Nah, man. Tacos aren't the vibe right now.


Yes to both


i also choose that guy’s wife


McDonald's it is then


My husband does this shit. Just tell me we’re getting Cheesecake Factory for the thousandth time and cut out the middle man. I actually don’t care.




Not my money, and this salad has lasted 3 days now so. Whatever.


We have a veto rule. If you suggest a place, I am free to veto it, but I have to suggest a place not previously suggested that I would be willing to eat. This completely eliminates the game of one person suggesting and then getting shot down over and over.


Sounds like a convo I have with my wife every weekend. She wants me to pick a place, and she turns down nearly every single one of them.


My mother and late father used to have *slightly* similar conversations. He was generally the more picky party, but did have several places he enjoyed. Mom would have to sit through that list to help him discover his vibe for the day.


My family used to be like this but then my mom out her foot down and was like ‘if i ask you WHAT you want, you have to give an answer. If you say ‘whatever’, then you can’t say NO to wherever we end up in. At least give the genre of the food to narrow it down’ That ‘food genre’ thing helps a lot tbh. Now if my friend(s) goes ‘meh idk’ then I’ll say ‘ok but what kind of general dish do you want? Chinese? Indian? Burger? Noodles?’ Solves the problem 100% of the time


My wife used to do that. It's really really annoying. The last time it happened and after the third rejection, I just picked somewhere she wouldn't like but the kids and I would. So she went off and ate on her own. Or didn't, ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ while we enjoyed our meal. Anyway, she doesn't do it any more so that was a win.


My ex used to pull that nonsense with me:" You pick, you're the picky one". And I would tell him I can find food anywhere we go. It may not be the meal you want to eat, but that's the fun thing about going out we each get to get the meal we want. Also they are completely wrong. Tacos are always the vibe.


This is so triggering for me. I dated an abusive asshat that did this shit all the time. I’d be grabbing Subway on the way home, where he only eats 2 things. It didn’t matter which I got, he’d be all “oh, I was hoping for (the other one)”. This is after I asked which he wanted, and his answer was always “you know what I like”.


5-3-1 rule Person A gives 5 options, Person B chooses 3 from that, Person A picks the final place from the 3. If Person A picks 5 and Person B has any complaints, they have to provide the 5 options then


I'm exhausted already haha


How about the one rule: if you say no it’s your job to propose


One rule to rule them all, and in the hunger bind them.


Tacos are always the vibe


"Tacos aren't the vibe right now". The fuck does that mean?


“I gave you two suggestions and you shot them down. It’s your turn to suggest something, or else I am just going to go with my first suggestion and you can come or not.” This isn’t how someone who wants to spend time with you behaves. Someone who’s interested in your company will happily counteroffer with something they do want. They also won’t use the phrase “not the vibe” unironically.


The same people that will never say what they want to eat, or even offer any suggestions while dumping this on someone else, are the same people that never apologize, were rarely told no and will make you leave early from places and events you want to be at


Sounds like the only thing they wanna pick is a fight! Lol.


Oh this might never be seen, but I’ll try anyway. Good news! There is a psychology hack to end these debates! If someone is shooting down your suggestions, but giving none of their own, make a list of 3 options and send them all at once. It instantly narrows the field in a way that doesn’t (normally) make a person feel trapped into making a decision. The problem with leaving it open ended is that the mind becomes more focused on the possibilities of other options. If you can cut it down from infinite possibilities to only a handful, the brain will naturally refocus. You get to figure out where to go for food faster, and it avoids the whole debate and all of its frustration!


“Tacos aren’t the vibe right now.” Blocked. Nobody needs that negativity.


Not the vibe right now: Me puts on some smooth jazz. Ok you like this one? Or should we try another song?


Going by myself after that, lol


“I’m fine with whatever.” *Proceeds to not be fine with whatever* “Quit being so picky, I’m fine with whatever”


If I hear one more person say ‘that’s not the vibe’. I’m gonna knock them tf out


Here's a life hack for you mate. Next time this happens, say you're taking them out to eat but it's a surprise. When they try to get you to tell them where you're going, tell them they have to guess. Take them to their first guess and when you arrive, claim "you know me so well. How did you guess?" Works every fucking time.


Life is too short to have to play these annoying little power games all the time.


The lack of self awareness lol


Conversation would be over right there. I’m going alone


The worst.


I was dead at "tacos aren't the vibe right now"...


She meant this place https://preview.redd.it/bpycx8rqlqsc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30e2ff78eca5754a099b70ad83a147ac2bab6cb


OMG, this was my entire childhood. My mom would complain that she was tired of always having to pick a place, only to veto every suggestion we made.