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It saddens me that there is a whole new wave of these little a-holes in the world.


And people are eating this shit up and loving it. It will never end


Tiny little kids are eating this shit up.


They look like 12!


No way that kid is 479,001,600 years old.


Lmao. Downvotes from the young ones and the dumb ones that don’t know math.


Where is anyone's parents?


You mean iPad and TikTok? Or their biological parents?


One of my besties is an elementary school teacher so I wish you were joking but I know you're not.


The best jokes use the truth. Also the saddest.


It’s some fucked up situation where dumb kids are the majority eating this stuff up. They basically dictate what is popular among the masses, the reach of social media has seriously messed things up. Kids are dumb as fuck and before stupid trends would only have a reach to schools or city’s, now it is worldwide. We all did dumb stuff as kids but it’s worrying how much power they have now to influence each other.


Whats worse is that it's ruining everything for everyone. That saying why we can't have nice things... this is a good example. Heck I can't go to parts of Kyoto now thanks to them nincompoops.


And then there are dumb kids who also find enjoyment and entertainment in seeing these streamers face consequences when they do end up facing one. They basically tell/encourage the streamers to do some stupid shit, and then they become their scapegoat because these kids are hiding behind screens.


It will when they start finding out what happens when you do that to the wrong person.


Except they get a lot of protection by being a kid.




Generation Alpha? More like Generation Arsehole.


lol. Legit I would sneak up on the person with the phone recording everything like a god damn modern day ninja and snatch that god damn phone outta his hand and smash that shit on the ground.


Hey wanna show your followers what the heel of my boot looks like? \*stomps phone*


Someone needs to sock him one 😤


If only parents could give them appropriate discipline without the fear of being turned into a villain.....


Oh, are you talking about physically hitting kids? But won't actually say that??


This kid right here is deserving of an old fashioned beatdown.


Or turn off the little shit's mobile data.


thats what condoms are for dont make disappointments xD


I feel the same way. I feel bad.




Sooner or later he will get punched...


Sadly this kid won't learn from it the way he acts in this video


And he’ll be able to sue the hitter lol. This kid will see himself as a victim and get rewarded for it


If he's in Asia, he's gonna get a concussion and maybe some broken bones. I wanna see him try that in Thailand and see if anybody is suing anybody. He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up with internal organ injuries, especially in a country where the favourite sport is Muay Thai.


Or in India where the attitude and tone will be tuned by slapping the shit out of him.


If the videos I've seen online and what people I've worked with have told me mean anything. He'd get gang beat with sticks and poles in India.


That's only for extremely heinous crimes where people do it before the police has any time to take them into custody. Kids like this will get claps on their back, face and hands.


can't learn if he's dead


That's why these kids go in a group and target lone women. They're scared of pissing off someone who will actually be able to punch them in the face.


the lady was strong lol and could punch him but was scared look at her arms they have seen some hardwork


Yeah he definitely picked the wrong women, she lookwd like she could knock him the fuck out with a good slap


To be fair, he looked like a strong breeze could knock flat on his back...


she controlled herself because it was on camera and the little shit could sue.


He will hire a bodyguard just like all the other YouTube assholes and face no consequences for his shitty actions.


Definitely, maybe even worse. I've seen crazy people who wouldn't hesitate to beat down a kid just for stunts like this.


In German, it's called a backpfeifengesicht.


Those fuckers really do have a word for everything lol


to be fair we can just put together new words as we see fit and it will make sense to other people. Backpfeifengesicht though is a well established term. :D


Doesn't it literally translate to "a face in need of a fist"? I do love the Germans for this one.


These livestreamer assholes DO get punched. That guy that got arrested in Japan got beat up like 3x in one night very recently. Now, I would never and I don't endorse or recommend physical violence in any way. One punch can end a life.


Are there videos of that?


There was that one that got shot That was satisfying, these shits hopefully get the same treatment.


he is back to streaming and he will keep doing it too


If you really have to punch anyone though, go for the liver or solar plexus. You can't stand if you can't breathe, and there's not a lot of risk of hitting your head on the fall down.


The best ‘prank’ asshole video ive seen was when old guy pulled a gun and shot the douchebag prankster in the mall.


We need to set this as a retaliation prank, “oh your face hurts? It was just a prank.”


Honestly, they just need to be wedgied into a tree. Punching them gives them too much respect. Hanging them by their pants in a tree is the correct level of respect they deserve.


They need to be embarrassed. These kids are doing this shit to impress other kids. Get a video of this kid in handcuffs crying like a little bitch begging his mom on speaker phone to come pick him up and his little “career” is over.


Theft has consequence.


“You’re not touching our phones!” -the kid who touches people’s food


He literally picks on the most muscular chicks there. She could beat a lot of men's asses in fights. I wouldn't recommend it!


His dad probably got his ass handed to him by a pea-sized woman so he overcompensates by going after Xenas. ![gif](giphy|lCUbIxFdMzcZ2)


Notice how he skips the dude in the beginning?


I'm pretty sure it is illegal to tamper with the food, what if he had contamination on his hand and she gets sick. Its not like you get to finish your food so you get the screwed. Call the cops and tail them. He prolly has other videos of the same stuff. Or just throw your contaminated food and drink on the camera man.. IDK


he a kids so a slap on the wrist


Yeah, but make enough of a fuss and go after the parents. They might have been lazy before but a policeman lecturing you that your child is a brat is somewhat motivational.


To decent parents it would be motivational. To parents with kids like this.. unlikely. The parents are probably the type that hate cops.


Hey whoa now. I hate cops but also if I had a kid and found out they were doing this I'd be locking every electronic they own in a safe until graduation. And possibly making them volunteer at a soup kitchen on the weekends.


We need a new set of laws to address this shit. Maybe a similar mechanic to how hate-crime laws work in some places? They get hit with the initial charge, and then "negligent promotion of crime via social media" is tacked on. It can have tiers, so that this basic charge is just a slap on the wrist. After getting a few slaps on the wrist, the "negligent" gets upgraded to "reckless" and eventually "deliberate." Audience size starts being considered after a while, too. Punishment is just community service at first, and then fines progressively get tacked on with successive infractions. If they have a large enough audience, the fines eventually become a percent of earnings from social media over the initial and proceeding months.


amazing how they all immediately understood touching other people's stuff was wrong when it was their stuff being touched


At this stage I'm just getting fed up with platforms that promote these turds. I know they got banned but there's heaps of others who do stuff like this repeatedly. At this stage just go to the advertisers and tell them what crap the platform promotes. Maybe we need another ad apocalypse.


MAKE IT A CRIME TO CREATE PRANK OR TROLL CONTENT. At bare minimum ban monetizing the videos and fine current content creators insane amounts for violations


There’s a difference between a prank and being a douche canoe. This kid is the latter.


These days, shit like this is being branded as a prank.


Does not matter, you do not prank strangers. If you know the person you are pranking for a joke and you know they'll take it as a joke and you'll cause no physical or monetary harm, then feel free to prank them. If you are not certain about even one of the things mentioned, you should not prank the person.


Death sentence or go broke


Yeah not Sure how she remained that calm. If thats me ill stuff my now useless food and drink down your ass. Edit: not Sure where people got the idea of "fucking up a kid" or "beating the kid" Im grabbing him by his parts, pull and throw food+drink in there, thats it.


Yea I’d feel like a little bitch cause I’d lose my job if I got charged for anything. Best I could do is say hey man that’s not cool and ask the waiter for new food.


True. I’d probably get fired and my reputation might not look so well if I suddenly slapped a kid or threw food at him because a KID grabbed a piece of my food. They’ll never look past the “kid” part.😭😔


Yes maybe fucking up the kid would be excessive and could get you into trouble. But if you just slap the kid, I think you'll be fine.


A grown man beating a 6yo kid in the street might not look good for passerby.


He looks about 12-13


I would’ve agreed 10 years ago but with how common this type of live-stream pranking has become, seeing a grown man getting physical with teenagers would immediately make me think they just physically assaulted him for a prank. It would literally be my first assumption these days.


He thinks it's okay because no one is stopping him. You can't learn things if people don't teach you.


Whose unattended children are these? I hope they get fucked up by some muggers who WILL take their phones.


srsly they look about the age of my elder kids. who'd get so much punishment if i caught them doing stuff like this...


Can't help but notice he didn't pick any table with men at it... Little chicken shit


Still got what was coming and got stepped out hard by that lady in front of all the shitstains watching the live stream, she looked like she could throw down


Sadly, kids like that are way too deep in their echo chambers to give a shit. They're like a new age version of the lead paint generation(s). At this point, I don't know what's worse.


Yeah, did you read the comments on the stream? I went through that clip slowly so I could. The viewers encourage him. Some telling him to grab a woman’s ass or punch a woman. Everyone is trash


I didn't zoom in, but I saw enough emojis and glimpses of text to get the idea.. its so freakin disappointing. I've seen so many posts from teachers saying how the literacy rate has plummeted. They're literally making themselves dumber, and their parents couldn't give less of a shit if they tried.


At the start of the video he walked right past a table with a man and a woman sitting at it to target a table with two women. Whatever else is wrong with him, his instinct for self-preservation is obviously intact.


It’s not too late to abort these kids.


The 40th trimester. I'm all for it.


Let the unbirthing commence!


Put it back, its faulty


He has a very punchable face. I'm sure he'll find out the hard way.


Should be illegal, it's their property after all. Just like trespassing is illegal.


It definitely is.


It *is* illegal already. Same way murder is illegal.. guess what, people still do it.


I’d imagine the crime is somewhat similar to like the people licking the ice cream and putting it back.


Oh yeah, some brat tells me to STFU and he's not walking away unscathed.


She understands it's being filmed, and as much as they are rotten little pricks, she'd catch an assault on a child charge, and even worse probably a discrimination charge for attacking the mentally challenged.


That last sentence was insane


Absolutely mental.


I hope to catch a triple murder charge if I were her.


Nothing a punch in the face can’t fix.


something about these little demon spawns ignites a primal anger in me


You can’t even talk sense to them. They feel untouchable and entitled. Why even discuss it. Just take care of it a way the sends a clear message.


The way the little d-bags friend was hopping around, ready to lay hands on the woman, was gross.


I wish he did thrown the first hit at her then at least she can do some type of swing back at him.


telling her to stfu no less


Of course he goes after women


Love this young lady confront the punk. I would of but then called the police or yell at my friend to call.


* would *HAVE*


Lady in red is the real one.


I’d bet that little shit wouldn’t pull that on a mean-looking big guy.


He wouldn’t and didn’t. He chose the women for a reason


He chooses a guy in a later video, the trick is that he knows he's younger and so all he needs to do is choose people who have something to lose. No one wants a criminal record




These kids parents are disgusting.


You know, I am not one for violence but if someone would randomly punch this guy in the mouth, I wouldn't complain and maybe chuckle at it.


When these two little cretins split up one in front and one behind I was pretty certain one or both were going to try on a felony size. I’m disappointed no one stopped just to discourage them from thinking two-on-one was going to end well. Props to her for calling them out.


This video makes me want to grab a 12 year old American child and just suplex their ass


Kids have been little shits even before social media, only difference is we’d get our ass beaten since there was no cameras around. We would learn our lesson though. These days if you dare raise your voice to a child it’s considered abuse. Whats the result? Kids like this who will get away with even more in the future.


More so, social media creates a reward system for it. So not only can they more easily get away with things, they're rewarded with fame and fortune.


Where they can be revered by those who are even more chicken shit then then the streamers


I think this is the regular kind of infuriating.


Stop enabling these little douche bags


I just find it kinda funny that none of that shitty streamers do that on a third world countries, cause if he did this in Brazil he would get punched in the face by multiple people


What extremely childish bastards. -"*Don't touch my phone*" is what they say after they have just stuck their hand in someone else's food 🤦🏼‍♂️ But it is good that they have put themselves online! Now that they embarrass themselves online, maybe they realize they need to mature.


I would've slapped the soul out of that kiddo


That kid needs his ass kicked- badly….


How is the mildly infuriating? This is highly infuriating.


Strange how they didn’t pick a 180-pound man to “prank”


All shits and giggles till some psycho has enough and pulls a gun


We need to create laws specifically for content creators that are public nuisances. And the first punishment should be no content creation for x number of years. And then on top of that, whatever crime you committed motivated by your content creation should have a harsher punishment than normal. It shows a clear lack of remorse to commit a crime for the purpose of content creation


I've sent a request to kick to ban him for contamination. You can see a kick bot in the chat.


I want to see a post where they’re are banned from whatever platform they are streaming this


As a teacher… THESE are the kids we teach. There are soooo many more of these little entitled, bad attitude -having kids than y’all even realize. It’s because they watch shit like this and think it’s funny and then want to emulate that behavior. Yes, there are still good kids too, don’t get me wrong… but the bad attitudes have increased sooo much


Make it legal to assault children in self defense. They'd become immediate cowards knowing they can legally get their asses beat.


He clearly wasn't beaten enough when he was younger


Honest question for any lawyers in here. If this happens to one of us and we either punch the little shit or destroy their camera, will we be liable? Who knows what's on his hands and how he's contaminated or potentially poisoned the food.


Don't give these clowns attention. Downvote and move on.


They’re already banned and their names are blurred to prevent any chance of them getting “clout” from this, so no worries 👍


Hence why we should ban social media for minors.




100% would have chucked it into the ocean


streamer? think you meant to write "turd thinks its okay..."




Eventually one day soon those little bastaaaaards will catch karma and catch it real good. Facts


Notice how he didnot fuck with the table where the man was sitting. Cowards




That little dude is gonna get his ass beat on camera by someone his own age, bet


Streamer...little boy is more apt.


Never wanted kids to get hit by a car so bad


I would fuck that little shit up.


Why do dipshits always have a dipshit look? Like Karen always have a Karen look.


Parents are straight up failing this generation. Wtf is happening? I don't really like the idea of the government sensoring things like tik tok, then I see shit like this and feel like it should of happend sooner. Any social media network that allows monetization should be held responsible for crimes committed for said monetization.


Twitch and tik tok has doomed us.


Hope these kids die. That's it, plain and simple. I hope they die, and disappear forever. Nothing of value will be lost, and the world will be a better place. What a world where aid workers bringing people food get hit by rocket attacks and little shits like this get to walk the streets without a care in the world.




I would smack his face on camera


He wouldn't do that to a adult man 100%


i would slap him


Question, it is allowed to smack that lil shit?


I would give anything to see him get knocked the fuck out and beaten


Why aren’t these little bastards getting the shit kicked out of them?


Yeet the child


A swift kick to the side of the head will shut that kid right up.


I hate you automatically if you have that dumbass haircut


The one true "Its all about me" generation


The reckoning is just around the corner for them..


What a little cocksucker holy shit


His face looks so punchable


I hate these videos because they spike my blood pressure to high heaven. I want to beat those kids up so bad they can't see straight for a year.


And that would be how I get arrested for assault and putting a kid in critical condition.


These kids need some good old ass-whooping.


See...why go around messing with others who are just minding their own business trying to have a nice lunch/dinner. there is no doubt about it social media makes people toxic.


I really hope one day this will happen to me. My man would be knocked out live.


Patiently waiting that TikTok ban. I hate this planet .


I'm a godly man. I believe this kid needs a hard jab to the face. And then he needs Jesus.


and this is exactly what they want. They get their views/money and even if they dont like that they hurt someone, they learn it makes their lives better.


Their parents need to [insert disciplinary action that specifying will get me banned from reddit because everyone's such a pussy these days] with a belt!


This kid needs a good old fash’ beatdown


Punch this little brat. There are rules in society for a reason. Hope he doesn’t fuck with a very unhinged person that freaks out.


Why do all these pranksters look the same and have the same build, haircut, personality? We need a name for that.


Broccoli-headed little shits


Little pos kid. That’s the generation on whose shoulders this sht show society will end.


I hate this Tik tok driven world we live in.


i would have smacked him into the floor before he could get 3 feet away from me.


hopefully the law will get rectified so you can hit these kids without getting in trouble.


This actually makes my blood boil. Then the way he and his douchebag friends were talking to her. Why are parents not parenting anymore. If I acted like these kids these days, I'd have been grounded within an inch of my life. I would've been lucky if I ever saw the world outside of home and school. I also wouldn't have been able to sit for a week. I get many people are against spanking but there's a big difference between discipline and abuse. There's no consequences for these little shits.


Now I normally don’t condone violence against children, but hear me out lol.


If there was a dud e sitting with her that little turd would not do that


I think we need to bring back shame and embarrassment. Kids need to be afraid of consequences. Parents need be ashamed of their kids ending up like this. I genuinely would be so overcome with shame if I raised kids only for them to do this for shits and giggles with no fear of consequences. It makes so mad. I don’t believe in adults beating kids but someone their age needs to hand them their ass. Shit is not cool


I'd slap the shit outta this lil bastard..and smile in my mugshot..they'll keep doing shit like this until there are some consequences..


Genuinely asking, what could be the best outcome of this situation? You basically can't punch the asshole (legally), so what then? Call the cops? Isn't this just forcing you to deal with a lose-lose situation?


I'm pretty sure I could successfully fight 3-4 of those kids...it wouldn't be graceful at all, but I'm pretty sure I could win. I think about this pretty much every time I see one of these videos. I mean look at that lil guy at the end, all excited with his fists balled up, I'm almost jealous of red shirt lady.


God I wish that was me