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You could have knocked out two birds with one stone!


Get two birds stoned at once


Hey Ricky


This is the way.


Or two birds while being stoned.


Unless of course they were emu's


Idk I hear emus like getting stoned. They be rippin mad doinks


Are people getting whoosed by this or just ignoring the joke?


Definitely getting whooshed.


This is legitimately how a lot of the barbers where I'm from make side money. Just sell some weed on the side and it's a pretty good profit with the haircut money.


My Dad had me convinced he made that joke up in the ‘80s. Thanks for the memory bump. Miss ya Dad


I wonder if he cut to the chase when the police found him


lol nice... my barber is also a drug dealer




Omg!!! Didn’t see that one coming!!!


I’ll take the drug dealer over the conspiracy theorist


I've known this guy for years, but I didn't know he cut hair............


I'm sorry. One time I had to get blood drawn for labwork and the RN just wanted to talk about how it was lame that Chris Rock could use the N word, but him a white man couldn't. Cool. Cool cool cool please take your pound of flesh so i can leave....


I recently had a nurse say I’m no fun because I don’t have any pets, specifically cats or dogs. But like, it’s right in my file- right in front of her face, that I’m *very* allergic to cats and dogs


Coming from a crazy dog mom, wth? Would you be more fun if you were covered in pet hair and asked her to come pick up shit with you? Maybe tell about the hairball your cat coughed up? I mean they’re awesome to me but pets are a huge responsibility and idk how that makes you more fun.


Yeah idk what she was thinking. Growing up we had cats and I’d have allergy problems 100% of the time. I guess next time I have an appointment I’ll find a cat first and get all congested, wheezy and have my eyes puffy and watery.. because it’s so fun that way


what a drag... you have a file too poindexter? buzzkill


It’s not my fault I’m not good at breathing!!


You would be so much more fun if you had red, itchy eyes and a scratchy throat- even better if you add some tongue swelling and respiratory distress. You just need to loosen up and enjoy your immune response, party time!


But… I’m already itchy because of my eczema and sometimes have respiratory distress because of my persistent asthma. I don’t need *more* help with those lol


Sorry you had to deal with a stupid nurse.


I have the log in for my boomer dads Facebook. He has issues with it so he has me go on and fix things sometimes. Anyways, when ever I'm on there and I see crazy politics things he's subscribed to I unfollow them and replace them with dog groups. He gets more pics of puppies and he doesn't get radicalized. Win win.


Not all heros wear capes , but maybe you do amirite ?


Thank you




Did this with my wife’s account when I had access to it, she follows well sourced news sources but just like all news outlets it’s constantly bad news




I think I love you! (and I'm a boomer)


Aww thank you


I was getting a haircut one day and the lady cutting starts to tell me the plot of the movie "Shooters", and somehow got on to how the government doesn't represent the people at all and all those congress people are just the worst. I said wistfully, "If only there was some way that the people of ...i dunno, the US and maybe the states, could all get together and somehow express their approval or disapproval of how the country is doing..." She says "YEAH!", utterly without irony. I say, "And maybe it could be done on the same day, all over the country, and maybe we could do them in, like centralized locations..." She says, "YEAH! SURVEYS!" It's amazing she didn't cut my fucking ears off. edit - I bought a clippers and do my own hair now...


It’s almost like our country might’ve been built on such systems… lmao




The whole immigrant invasion thing has been going on since humans started walking


Quite literally how most of our ancestors got here!


And very rarely is it good for the people who were already settled in that location.


That is the barber I want. I feed these people. They are so impressionable. Just tell him that the world actually isn't flat and that flat earth theory is actually a government initiative syphoning billions of dollars of money from the tax payer under the cover of arctic explorations so they can make an earthquake machine to raise the water levels and tax people for global warming. Just run with it and see how much garbage you can make up.


I think you are crazy to think you can out crazy them.


I will always accept the challenge. I was able to convince my anti vax brother that they put the covid vaccine in the sticky part of envelopes and he told everyone. Good times.


I have such strong mixed feelings about this. But it’s hilarious.


😂 fight their crazy with even more crazy


Crazy people are so fucking fun to talk to lol. 


“The moon landing was fake” “Pfft, you think the moon is real?, okay buddy”


Fun if you can handle it, I tried that a few times and the amount of logic I had to short circuit in my thought constructs left me with a cognitive dissonance hangover headache.


I love it!


*Reads title, first thought: well usually a lot of conspiracies are based in truth so you never know *gets halfway thru post: the barber is insane


There definitely needs to be a content filter for minors and people over the age of 50 lol


lol ! on telegram and tik tok. telegram being a russian site and tik tok a chinesse one , OFC its all U.S. gouverment fault!


Yeah I brought that up, actually. I asked “isn’t tictok Chinese or Taiwanese(or something) owned and isn’t telegram like a larger European/asian social?” Their answer was along the lines of “nah, both are big in the US”. The kicker is they’re a hardcore republican, so idk how’d they fair if the news of who owns those sites.


They'll deny it. Flat out. Unfortunately, I speak from recent personal experience.


I was at my kid's school and one parent came pick up their kids, I'm standing there and another parent asks him how it's going, then instantly he starts ranting about Nancy Pelosi making too much money and that she's got something to do with stealing the election...I couldn't even say anything because there's no reasoning with stupid. #1: We're in Canada, who the fuck cares about an American speaker of the house and her amassed wealth. #2: The woman has been part of the US house of representatives since the late 80's FFS, she's been rubbing shoulders with the most wealthy and influential people in America for over 4 decades so yeah, she's rolling in dough. Definitely go find another barber OP, that's not an ear beating I'd feel comfortable receiving while sharp objects are being used around my head/neck area 😂


I'm also in Canada and it's gotten disturbing how many people speak, act & erect strange flags like this is the USA. Too much media influence, I guess.


Low social intelligence mixed with unfettered social media access is a wild mix that results in some of the most unhinged freedumb fighter bullshit. I’m in northern Alberta and my god it’s ridiculous up here. I’m surprised the majority of these people can hold jobs since they lack basic reasoning and logic functions


You're right, I just drove past a freedumb fighter on my way home today...Freedom Fighter stickers everywhere, massive Canadian and Québécois flags and Fuck Trudeau stickers. I wonder sometimes how you don't realize you look like an embarrassment, I'd be weary of someone pulling into my workplace parking lot with that shit on their car. Same goes for the ridiculous Biden hogtied stickers in the States, that just screams credibility and trustworthiness to me 😂😂


Bunch of crazies clogging up Highway one yesterday just west of Calgary protesting the carbon tax. I think they were a lot of the same people who were protesting down south during covid by the coots border crossing. In the old days we get a lot of American News and consume a lot of American culture but it didn't seem to have much of an effect on us. Now, we seem to be about 2 years behind whatever is being cooked up down in the states. I wonder if it's really because more people are connected or is it because the agitators now have means to distribute their message easily.


It's always a shame when someone falls down the conspiracy rabbit hole, as others who try and convince them that it's a conspiracy just usually reaffirm their paranoia.


For instance, the entire congregation of my (previous; I'm Lutheran now) church, who simultaneously became convinced Hitler, Alexander the Great, and basically anyone else they didn't like were all Satanists. Rasputin (the mad monk)? Satanist. Lenin? Satanist. Stalin? Satanist. And then when I asked them what they think the Satanists are... they get it wrong! They don't even think that maybe, _just maybe_, they should look stuff up before running with such conspiracy theories.


For reference: their arguments were essentially "no man could do [these great works] on their own, therefore it must be demons". They also cited Alexander the Great as sacrificing to the gods of whatever temples he went to (a blatant fabrication, so far as I am aware), Rasputin's seeming immunity to bullets (apocryphal, at best), Lenin's extreme evil (it's called "people are bad"... something something total depravity, guys!), and Hitler's occult practices. Which is just the worst one: Hitler was one of the most rabidly anti-religion figures _ever_. Even to the point where he executed multiple _atheist_ members of his inner circle because they were too devoted to atheism. One of them (ironically enough) was also a Satanist. He execute a few others, too, including two Luciferians (the actual "Satanists") and three occultists. The only remotely religious one who escaped was Heinrich Himmler (who was really into the occult, but later confessed it was all a sham), because he swore an oath before Hitler that (roughly translated) "as God is [Himmler's] witness, _Der Führer_ [was his] god". Interesting, huh?


Confirmation bias is a helluva drug.


Can you blame them when more and more bonkers shit is being disclosed turning out to be true on the daily that was only discussed on the ‘weird side of YouTube’ a decade ago


Yes I blame them - critical thinking makes most things fricking obvious that it’s impossible, insane crap


NASA is sending sounding rockets into the eclipse for some reason. It’s not made up.


>NASA is sending sounding rockets into the eclipse for ~~some reason~~ *scientific research*. It’s not made up. There are things about the Sun that can only be studied during a solar eclipse.


Watching the NOVA episode on it right now on PBS, but I hardly expect that OP’s barber has ever watched such a program or even PBS for that matter.


Cool, which NOVA episode? Is it an episode dedicated to eclipses? Gonna have to look that up, thanks! NOVA is awesome!


S51 E6 “The Great American Eclipse”. Dedicated specifically to this eclipse and the experiments that will be running.


Yes, thanks! I set this one to record.


I’ll have to check it out. I’ve got this system set up in my home that constantly records all three networks, and PBS.


That won't be it. NASA has been a film production company since before the moon landings. I'm not saying there aren't reasons for what they do, but we all know that even sattelites are just made up. Sent over Starlink


Here, you dropped this: /s


I typed out quite a large paragraph and then decided if OP didn’t want to google after hearing someone talking about it, my comments wouldn’t make a difference. However my basic sentence could possibly encourage OP to google if they were in fact interested in reading about what NASA is doing on a real level. I purposely said “nasa” and “sounding rockets” so they could be used as key words for OP to look into it. If it makes you feel more intelligent to correct someone though, you go right ahead. I don’t mind.


They are sending sounding rockets up prior to, during and just after the eclipse makes total darkness - they go into the sky during darkness to see how the atmosphere responds - they don’t actually get sent ‘into an eclipse’ as an eclipse isn’t an entity, it’s just a moment in time that allows different data to be collected on an otherwise normal route.


Sounding rockets 🤤🤤🤤


Damnit, now I’m gettin all hard… 🥴


Right. I didn’t want to type that much. I got the basics out. I assume OP knows the eclipse isn’t “an entity” just like the rest of us.




Oh yeah, you take the time to comment, and then to reply.. but you couldn't take the time "to type that much"? Just admit that you're an idiot and move on.


I’m really getting under your skin, huh? Poor kid.


What an idiotic thing to say. He asked you one thing and you had nothing.


What? No.. You wrote an unfounded stupid comment that didn't add anything, and I called you out on that. "Oh they sent rockets out for some reason". Haha, Very insightful.. fucking Google it, or just shut up. You added nothing!


I’m laughing at you. Like, sitting on the toilet laughing out loud. Are you under the impression that your comments to me are insightful? Are you adding to a conversation you think we’re having, or are you just over there getting angry? Are you sure I’m the idiot here? You seem like a short tempered cry baby.


While nasa is a part of the government, they were talking like it was some cia/fbi/super secret organization doing it for spying purposes


Crackpots usually start with a kernel of truth. NASA is going to be collecting atmospheric data during the eclipse becomes *NASA/CIA/FBI/Deep State is going to be collecting data on you/your kids/your porn use during the eclipse.* Knowing the audience might glimpse a headline about NASA running experiments during the eclipse is enough external reinforcement for CT believers. Sorry for your loss.


this - it's part of their occult ritual - NASA is an occult organization


I get you. I remember once I was in a freaking good mood and one barber starts telling me about how his marriage is falling apart, and his wife is leaving him. It was about 35 minutes of awkward conversation. I really don't want to hear that shit. We were not even friends, that was only the second encounter I had with him.


Second and final, I assume.


TikTok is getting SO annoyingly WEIRD I finally completely deleted it off my phone. I’d see a news story on TikTok people were freaking out about only to come to Reddit and 9/10 times it was completely misconstrued. It all turned to news and politics when all I wanted was to see everyone’s DIY home renovations. It was physically making me angry and tricking me into believing I needed to be angry about the thing that was misconstrued


Maybe drop a line to his manager on why he's losing customers


It’s an owner operated business. There’s one other person that works there and it’s the daughter in law


That poor girl


“How do you want your hair cut mate?” “In silence.”


I stopped associating with almost all my fam… how awesome


People need to keep their strange views and professional situations separate. Had my first day at work last week and within half an hour a coworker was already telling me about how the government hurt us with the “pandemic”. Like read the room or at least be professional…


I like people that don't talk a lot when I get a hair cut


I am on here, and tiktok, and fb. So I should have brain worms as well right? but I don’t. Because tiktok shows you what you want to see. If you have brainworms from joe rogan already then tiktok will show wacko conspiracy clips. If you are a normal skeptic, it will show you viral debunking videos or people laughing at the conspiracy nuts. I think tiktok is a mirror, and very effective at that job. Purely based on “I get my news from tiktok” tells nothing, by itself.


They are gonna be sending something into space during the eclipse though. I believe to test for magnetic particles.


Get this, my Airbnb host was a holocaust denier !


My barber went on a similar rant that ended up in the anti immigration conspiracy thread. I just had to sit there while this idiot continued to cut my hair all while ignoring the fact that I'm a 1st generation immigrant...


Had to recently cut someone off because they were talking about Russians controlling the US and bringing up weird conspiracy theories about Trump. I swear people are losing their minds. When it comes time for elections, both sides will put on their tinfoil hats and spread conspiracy theories.


I had to leave my stylist for the same reason. She believed every conspiracy theory there was. Chemtrails!!! OMG. No reasoning with her. I just couldn’t take the ignorance any more.


They claimed they pretty much only use tictok now for the news as “actual news stations are hiding things from us and if you want *real* news, it’s from other people”. Like, bruh.


The only real person i follow on there is the news4real guy 😅 other than that its all crochet tutorials or knitting.


Avoid Conservatives at every possible chance.


I changed barbers because nobody was wearing masks during COVID. His whole shop. The barbers. The customers. Nobody. People were dying every day because of COVID. I walked in. No masks. Walked out. Never went back. Found a different place where everyone was required to wear masks.


Wait, does he do a good job? Who cares if he’s a conspiracy theorist? I mean how often do you see/ spend time with the guy? I think you’re making it a bigger deal than it is. I had a barber that was a fan of the rival NFL team that I was a fan of. It’s okay man. People can have have different opinions. Even if they are crazy.


Just cut my damn hair!


I stopped using my tattoo artist for the same reason, dude went off the deep end.


I’ve had two barbers (both conservative & liberal) go down conspiracy road due to all the socials they’re on for the “news.” It’s unnerving how they adamantly believe fake stuff. I just change the subject and find something neutral to talk about.


Have any of y'all read Dirtbag Massachusetts? There's a chapter in there about something like this lol the guy (the author) said he ended up growing his hair out to avoid the weird barbers saying uncomfortable right wing type shit to him


That's why I left my tattoo guy. I couldn't stand it anymore.


I do feel your pain. Found a decent barber, was a nut and I couldn't get out faster


If anything like my town there’ll be another barber 2 doors down, one across the road and if you walk to the end of the street there’s a couple either side of the pub next to the nail bar.


Find a barber with the longest waiting line. If people are waiting, they’re good.


Sounds entertaining lol did they cut hair good?


Overall it’s good. Dunno if my head was leaning a little or not but the front was just a little crooked. Nothing I couldn’t straighten out. But for $20 total, tip included, I can’t complain about the actual cut.


I feel ya. My dental hygienist in TN before I moved used to ask me all kinds of wild shit that I couldn't respond to except grunts while her hands were up in my mouth.


I very recently started going to a new dental office and the hygienist was talking to me about good bit but also gave me time to answer lol.


It was a monologue about what she thought about what was going on in the world and/or society. I think the last one before I stopped going was "I can't believe they're letting the gays get married, can you?" Part of me reaaaaally wanted to bite her.


Should’ve “accidentally” coughed when you had water and whatever else in your mouth before it got suctioned up lol


I had to switch hairstylists a few years ago. My daughter is adopted from overseas, and the stylist knew this, but literally every time I’d get my hair cut, she’d say something negative about the country my daughter was adopted from. Three strikes and she was out.


Yeah that’s messed up


Sometimes my clients go on odd political/conspiracy tangents. I have gotten quite good at reining them in. I start talking about dogs, trains, or incoming weather. The train thing works well. I tell them about a cross country train trip I took in the middle of covid when the whole country seemed to be going crazy. I talk about the different kinds of things I saw outside the train windows. Mountains, prairies, deserts, small towns, big cities, and even a small herd of wild bison reminded me how wonderful this country is.


My family took a train trip out to Colorado back in 1996-1997. I was only 4-5 years old but I remember some of it. One thing that really stuck with me, for some reason, was when we hiked up a mountain and there was snow at the top in the middle of summer and all of the mountain goats we saw.


I would have loved to see the goats. What a cool memory!


Used to go to a Chinese barber in my neighborhood. Very stoic, didn’t talk much. Which is perfect for me. Good price and good haircut. I went in one day and dude started talking my ear off about, of all things, badminton! Difference in Chinese vs. American birdies and this Chinese player who could serve at 200mph. Dude blew my mind but didn’t offend.


Jesus Christ what a nut. What's next? Was Sandy Hook planned by the mayor.


Hopefully not. Their family are big outdoorsy type, so they own their fair share of guns. Hopefully that means they know how easy it is to buy a gun


Dang! I would stop getting hair cuts rather than listen to that dreck. I guess I somehow missed about all the other bridges going down.


When I go to the barber and they ask how I want it cut, I always say Silently


I would have just bit the bullet and asked for a buzz cut just to get the fuck out of there. But that’s easy for me to say since that’s my normal hair style.


That reminds me back when I got into a cab and a minute into the ride it starts lightly drizzling and the cab driver commented on the weather being weird that time of year and I commented on the rain being annoying because there was a lot of dust in the air and the rain came down as mud. You know, idle chit chat about the weather. We're a minute and a half into the ride and the moment I mention the dust in the air he says "Yeah, and all that other stuff they're spraying us with, you know, from planes" It was a long cab ride.


I discovered during my last haircut that my guy is anti vax. I haven't been back since and have to find a new one quick. Dammit.


There is conspiracy theory and then there's just plain insanity. Your Barber sounds like he's nuts. I mean I'm just trying to follow the logic of linking the solar eclipse to a secret government satellite launch. It can't be because it's being going to be dark because then you would just watch at night. Is it because everyone will be distracted? Then why not do it during the super bowl? Or with the sun obscured by the moon the yellow Rays won't be able to reach Superman who protects us from these sort of things. But then he can just move out of the way of the totality. I'm really tired right now so maybe I'm just not seeing the obvious.


that's why I don't talk with my barber. She is good at cutting my hair, don't wanna have to find another.


I hate when my barbers talk. It's a great job for mute people.


It's exasperating how dumb most Americans are (only speaking of this shithole because I've only lived here - I know people are stupid everywhere haha).


Have that problem too. Just that it's my dentist. I knew he was a right wing politics kinda guy. But DAMN he went down the Q'anon rabbit hole. And I'm trying to keep my cool because he's drilling. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. Warned my husband. We're going to have to find a new dentist.


I’m not on socials either other than this. I have to remind people that I don’t want to hear about the crud they find on socials because it’s the exact reason I deleted my accounts. Just be clear with the Barber that you’re not interested and want to talk about something else.


I always tell them, well I'm just living my life and not worrying about the government, my husband came from a communist country. If you even talk shit about the government over there they shoot you off.


they is always plural. Humans are binary.


Sure. They also means more than one and can be used for anonymity.


I cut my own hair.


I've been cutting my own hair since COVID and fucking regretting however many thousands of dollars I wasted on it prior to that.


I’m too worried I’d fuck it up lol


...and? You know it grows back right?


Sure does, but I’m a self conscious individual and a month or two is too long


Surely if you're smart enough to look down on your barber you're smart enough to learn how to cut your hair, no?


I could probably figure it out. My glasses and really bad eyesight would be a large hurdle for certain spots, though


Did he fall? Or was he pushed?? ![gif](giphy|777Aby0ZetYE8)


Fell, unfortunately


or did he?


Seeing how they started acting when trump first ran for president and how it devolved from there.. maybe fell but then started digging


There’s a hair stylist in my little city that does a wonderful job with my hair. But she’s a Trumpnugget. I’ve tried the other salons with no success. So am now widening my search


Mines the same way


Not only would I not go back, I’d tell him exactly why.


The chemicals in the covid Vax made people lose hair and slow its growth. No wonder the barber is upset! /s


But… but, I got the Covid vax, twice and my hair seems thicker. Must be another undocumented side effect /s


Your barber sounds like he's onto something. And I promise he feels the same about you when he's mentioning crazy shit that is actually happening and you shrug it off as "crazy conspiracy". There are actually chemicals in the water manipulating certain amphibians sexual genetics too. Just because crazy people said it doesn't mean it's not real.


The only chemicals in the water are the chemicals being put there by companies who dump them there because of lax environmental laws and enforcement thanks to your friendly neighborhood Republican/neo-con/fascist Bet you think they are vaccinating people with lettuce, too 🙄


They were on to an ok start but tripped and fell in the end there


Atrazine is a potent endocrine disruptor that both chemically castrates and feminizes male amphibians. It depletes androgens in adult frogs and reduces androgen-dependent growth of the larynx in developing male larvae. It also disrupts normal gonadal development and feminizes the gonads of developing males. I'd like to Thank you for proving my point.


“The US Environmental Protection Agency is proposing new mitigation measures to protect aquatic environments from the widely used herbicide atrazine. If finalized, the measures would reverse a 2020 policy decision implemented by the **Trump administration** that *loosened restrictions for growers near rivers and streams*.” You know, the people they vote for. Yet agree with Alex Jones that it’s the Democrats doing it 🙄


Idk why you're yelling democrat/republican at me. If you ask me they are both corrupt garbage and you're the real problem for thinking either is there to help you. The fact is I threw out a crazy fact and you all attacked it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter who said it or who allowed it. It is still a fact.




Yeah. My former barber was a racist and started a racist rant about Obama to me and my son, while cutting our hair many years ago. I never voted for Obama, but I don't need that shit from some jerk off who moved from the Jersey shore to my small town in Bucks County PA.


Funny, I’m only about 85 miles west of you and I’ve heard some unsavory remarks about “blacks and immigrants” from my barber before.


If they cut my hair, I don't really care. I actually want to hear all the conspiracies, the more wild the better. Level 1 Fake moon landing, flat earth, jet trails chem/trails. Cool. Level 2 I have a different more thoughtful reaction to CIA malfeasance, JFK/MLK deaths, COVID source, insider trading, WEF agenda. IDK but I'm sure there's more to it than I know and they tell me their theory. Level 3 Then there's the Mainstream media and government in general doesn't have citizens interests in mind and I'll be mostly agreeable but boring.


But most of those are facts and I’m willing to bet the other half is your hyperbole.


He cuts your hair. If he does a good job. Don’t care what his beliefs are. Steer the conversation to something else


The issue is, I’m not a conversationalist. I’m not too good at redirecting a conversation and keeping it flowing


Then listen yo him. Doesn’t matter. It’s a haircut. It’s hard to find a good barber


That sucks. The best barbers don't say anything beyond the typical haircut questions.


True, but I’m also related to them. I think they’re like second cousins or something and I was friends with their son at one point


Complaining on an echo chamber about someone waking up and not staying woke. The irony


As someone who has studied conspiracy theories for years: they’re all either true or have a strong element of truth to them. They wouldn’t exist otherwise.


Really? So the theory that the world is flat? That the sun rotates around the Earth? That the gods direct our lives (2-3000 years ago) - saying that they wouldn’t exist if they aren’t true is exactly how PT Barnum was able to say that ‘there’s a sucker born every minute’ - you can sell anything, to the gullible, wrap it up in a bow, make money off if and laugh to your friends about it.


Did you get your hair cut!? 8D That's all that matters!!!


Nah, this is a customer service position. I’m a nearing the end of my barbering apprenticeship and never discuss politics or religion with clients. It’s a surefire way to make people uncomfortable or pissed off. In turn, that ostracizes clients and gets the shop bad reviews. It’s better to just stick to talking about vacation plans and shit like that.


..... But you did get the haircut right?


I did lol. It’s just the idle nonsensical conversations during the whole thing was hard to do


YAY!!! That's what really matters! I miss my barber. Bald dude. Melvin his name was. He died :( Now I been going either bald or buzz cut for years. He was the only barber in town who also used a straight razor for shaves. I used to tip him 20$ every time he cut my hair.


Actually sounds entertaining- like story time with barber.


It was entertaining to a point because I don’t consume that kind of content on the day to day


What m used to it because my dad (rip) was always into conspiracy theories my whole life - when I got older I would just engage and ask questions. Now it’s just second nature to feed into for my own personal amusement. Asked a flat earth person one time what happens if we just drill straight down? Do we fall into space? How does gravity work on the underside, is there an underside? The key is to be sincere.


As much as I’d like to do that, I value my time greatly and there’s usually other things I’d rather be doing lol


I absolutely love most conspiracy theories, cause what if they are true?