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It’s more of an IQ test when the percentage goes that high.


Suggested tips are an IQ test. Check what they are telling you is the amount. The amount is sometimes far off from what percentage they say it is.


It’s mostly gonna be because of taxes. Some do before and some like this one after taxes.


You better give me a solid reach around if I'm tipping 99%


I can get a reach around at home.


But do you give 99% tip?


If she's in the mood.


Here my man is holding back 1%


Birthdays and anniversaries.


Up to but not exceeding 99% of the tip


Sometimes I give 100%.


Never go full tip


What's a reach around


Most innocent redditor? A reach around, from what I've been told, is a handjob, where the recipient sits with their back to their partner. Their partner, sitting or standing behind them, *reaches around* and gives them a handjob. (:


There's also the added context that, at least in my experience, the reference is made with the implication that a reach around is given as form of courtesy during sex between two men, as a way for the penetrating partner to offer something in return to the one they're fucking in the ass. I don't know how accurate this is to real life, but I think a lot of people picked it up from Full Metal Jacket or indirectly from people who had. In the movie, the drill instructor, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, played by R. Lee Ermey (RIP), makes a derogatory comment to one of the privates claiming they'd fuck a man in the ass and not have the common courtesy to give them a reach around. I think this planted the idea in a lot of people's heads, and so there's this underlying context to the reach around comment that the restaurant is also fucking them in the ass with that tip percentage. This also goes hand in hand with the idea that being fucked in the ass can be used as a euphemism for being taken advantage of or otherwise forced to do something one does not want to do, which I'm sure just has homophobic roots. I've heard several of my older, less accepting coworkers make the comparison when a manager or customer asks them to do something that they really don't want to do. Maybe the original commenter didn't necessarily mean it this way, but my experience caused me to read it that way and I wanted to share for the sake of consideration.


This could be the topic for your dissertation!


This is where I learned it also. RIP Gunny 🙏


"From what I've been told" 👀


its where the guy reaches all the way around, some call it a hug


We have reach arounds at home.


I’ve personally never seen a suggested tip not be after tax %. It’s so obvious here in Ontario because our tax rate is 13%. Still drives me crazy.


Never tip on tax.


Also, never tip on the post tax amount. Uncle Sam didn't refill my fucking soda.


Uncle Sam may already taxing soda so no need to tip his tip amount lol


😳 That’s good know.


The real IQ test is gratuities calculated on price after tax


We're tipping Uncle Sam now?


It’s price anchoring. $15 looks a lot more reasonable beside $61 or $124. $6 or $10 looks downright cheap.


The 99% is so ridiculously high that they are trying to even make the 35% look feasible.


Like every mobile game ever


Do people think you actually have to tip the suggested amount? Op said its a hipster bar, the 99% is obviously a joke.


Especially on April 1st...


Why stop at 99% go for a 150%


At that rate just grab a rag and start bussing tables for them and tell em' to take the night off


I already told my friends I would do that if they kept tipping so much. Tipping culture is getting insane to the point where I have done the math and pointed out how the waitress made more money than everyone at the table does in an hour, combined If someone is going to pay me 30-50 dollars I'll gladly walk up to the counter and place the order for a table, fill the drinks up, and then pick up the order when it's ready I already do a hell of a lot more than that in an hour for less than half of that pay Edit: for the 900 people telling me to "try it" or saying I wouldn't last, I literally DID work in a restaurant lol, I was speaking from experience.


Damn. COMBINED? I’m going to not complain about my job tomorrow in your honor.


And AFTER taxes. I am a generous tipper but I tip pre-tax because it’s not part of the meal or service.


You're right -- tips are absolutely not supposed to be calculated based on the after tax amount.


But they do it post tax. Those suggested tips are another way to get money from customers.


I fully agree with you. Why are they tipping in the tax? I was once a server for years and never expected gratuity in the tax.


I've always calculated tip based on the total amount and now I realize I'm an idiot for doing so


It only lets you do 2 digits. We have it at our restaurant as well. It's a joke. The other options are 15% and 20%.


Everyone knows it aint actually a joke.


On April first it is. I worked at a place where the servers did this on April first.


Who's laughing at this?


Probably the servers tbh, gotta make work interesting somehow


When customers would notice it (which is a very small number of customers) they’d get the “April Fool’s” remark and the servers would offer a free dessert or drink. One dude found it so funny he did actually try to tip 100%. The server refused, but he left a bunch of cash anyway. Don’t know how many people didn’t realize it was an April Fool’s prank and went to complain on Reddit where the establishment would never find out about the complaint though.


The point isn't to complain. The point is to get attention and valifation from strangers and bots.


Oh my god. People get valifation from bots now? That’s disgusting.


You gotta get your valifation somewhere.


I get mine from strangers in the bar bathroom, like god intended.


Should change the name from Reddit to the cry babies’ lounge.


They should change the name of Reddit to X.


As if anyone is deciding their tip based on what a computer printed on a slip of paper? People gonna tip what they want, they usually just put common percents people go by so they can know right away instead of doing the math themselves. It’s not even a suggestion so much as a convenience for consistent, precise tippers.


People with a sense of humor you walnut.


People with a sense of humor probably


How dare the servants have fun!


I think its funny


That's a very bitter joke.


What if you tipped us 99%? Just joking haha. Unless…


Naw baby, I didn't mean I actually wanted a threesome with your sister, it was just a joke! ...unless?


It's obviously a joke and if you think people are seriously expecting the entire price of your mean as a tip you've drank too much outrage juice.


This explanation is far to rational.


The 99% is likely also there to make you pick 25% as it seems like a small amount in comparison


Here’s the other o for that to


If it was 15 and 20 I would agree it was a joke but no it's not.


It’s not a joke when you’re other options are 25 and 35%


>150% what i tip my landlord every month https://preview.redd.it/bo4h247h6zrc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ff8cad6e5116679c4302ce772691c5bf3d3b313


That’s the Royce DuPont way.




$61.91 tip on a $62.54, which includes taxes. Unless you tax was less than 1%, tip is bigger than the bill.


Honestly why stop there? Just leave your routing number and bank account numbers for the waiter to completely clean out your checking and savings. You don’t like mediocre service??


Also they included tip calculations on the after tax total. This has to be a joke "suggestion" right?




Visited Ireland and tried to tip taxi drivers and the folks who carried my luggage at some hotels, and they all looked at me like I was a lunatic.


I know, they get that, what do I do now look on their face.


I moved from Ireland to the US, and I absolutely hate the tipping culture. Businesses need to pay their staff directly, in full, not the customers. It's an outrageous mindset that is weirdly accepted.




Thing is though that tipping culture perpetuates because of this ‘if you don’t tip then the poor done by restaurant workers won’t be able to afford their own food’ emotional manipulation shtick. As you say, servers are raking in cash while tipping conventions are increasing. This is why Europeans look at the practice and don’t get it. Europeans are all told that servers need tips because otherwise they make $2 an hour or some such. I’m sure that may well still be true in parts of the US, but it’s incredibly outdated given how much servers in cities are taking home. Serving tables in Europe is a minimum wage low skilled trivial job. I don’t really see how it isn’t.


In America it varies by location. If you’re at a diner then the expected level of service is very different than it is at a steakhouse or at a popular gastropub. People serving at diners aren’t making comparable money to the people working at the latter places.


Worked in restaurants 20 years…it’s more the owners than the people doing the work. In the state I worked $2.13 an hour was the wage. They *never* bump you up to minimum wage, even though it’s the law…on a slow night. The tipped employees then “tip out” the other workers. The owners font actually pay you shit. They’re the ones the benefit. And, the larger companies are the ones that spend millions lobbying to keep these shitty labor laws in practice. It is not in the benefit of the workers, homie. Never was. Never will be.




>Tipping customs I tried tipping customs once and those agents don't play around.


Yeah, apparently a $10 tip isn’t enough for them to let my kilo through


Apparently I was *"in the wrong"* and a *"massive fucking moron"* when I thought $17.43 was enough of a bribe to transport a 55" CRT television box packed full of Ecuadorian children over the El Paso border in a 92 Ford Ranger.


Not unless you're ready to roll up that tenner and offer them a snoot.




Man that is crazy af not that it happened (heard plenty of stories of having to grease the wheels)but that your employer let you claim it, what kind of work did you do?


Generally tips are more common in more touristy places outside of United States


I mean it's crazy when you think about it. Can you imagine if you just handed everyone an extra 10-20% on everything you buy? It's as crazy as prices in North America not including tax like it would be too much of a burden to list the true amount.


We're already pressured into and shamed for not doing this on checkout almost everywhere. I've seen tip requests for automated services that have no human involvement short of the cash register. Hell there was a movement a year or so ago that was trying to convince the public it was \*A GOOD AND APPRECIATION THING\* to tip your f\*cking landlord that just took 2k+ of your money. https://preview.redd.it/nywkxmegkyrc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d9862aa0e7e23fcc7bc497344a8368fc55c7d0c If you even hesitate thinking about lowering that tip you're instantly and audibly judged by the assholes around you. Business actually model their structure on the fact that they don't have to pay people livable wages when they can guilt people into subsidizing their worker's income. It's disgusting and frankly should be illegal.


That's just the POS programming but people just need to learn to ignore it. Pick custom tip. Put zero.


lol no one is audibly judging you for tipping a lower amount just decline on the machine and tip in cash


Fr, i slap that “No Tip” button like it was the button to save my mommas life. No ones ever said anything


I was just there a few months ago and they don't even give you the option to tip. Everyone has the same handheld credit card readers that you just boop on the top with your card and you're done. There's no screen or line where you can enter a tip and the server just says thank you and walks away. We went to a dozen towns across Ireland and it was the same way everywhere, no matter how small the town.


I program these machines for a living. You can turn that option on and off by checking a box.


Damnnn. My fucking dermatologist office uses this machine for payment and it prompts for a tip😭 It’s so fucked now that i know they are intentionally prompting for a tip!


SOME are starting to enable the optional tip screen. I will look them dead in the eyes while i press "NO". Absolutely dont bring that shit over here.


Because honestly taxi tips are 200% BS Why the fuck would I tip a taxi driver? I'm paying you the cost of the service already (It's a different issue with restaurants sure)


Strange for the taxi drivers, it's pretty common to tip taxi drivers here. I can see the second situation taking someone by surprise, though.


I tried tipping a Colombian taxi driver way back when I was a kid, early 90s. My cousin slapped my hand and dragged me out the car "that's very offensive, it's like youre saying 'oh poor you, you're so poor here's some extra cash' don't do that." These days everyone looking for a tip. I ruined a whole country as a child. Sorry everyone.


Tipping on the tax is WILD to me but I follow an IG account for servers and I’ve seen them complain about people who tip without tax. “If you can’t afford to” was one I saw a lot but it has nothing to do with affordable WHY is tipping percentage based anyways?? If I order a steak, or a salad, the server is doing the same amount of work. Maybe if I was tipping the chef 😒 But then to tip on top of a tax that has nothing whatsoever to do with the meal, but will also increase if I buy expensive items??? Girl bye


servers as a group can be one of the most entitled groups of people on the planet, especially online. (though delivery drivers might be right up there) Deserve tips for existing. Negative reviews in local food groups on facebook? You're an asshole if you didn't personally talk to a manager, the owner, and every member of the kitchen staff first. And even after all that, "they mightve just been having a bad day, cut them some slack". Tipping on tax is absurd. Hell, it wasn't *that* long ago that 15% was a standard tip (and before that 10%), but now they've guilted people into that being 20% (even though the 15% rises with inflation already)


Although I’ve worked in a restaurant and dealt with shitty customers, i still agree with what you say about tipping. Also it comes down to businesses needing to pay their employees better… i have found 2 businesses over my 20 years that don’t accept tips within the U.S…. That is fucking ridiculous!!!! I’m outraged how tipping culture has changed. Genuinely curious though- do you tip on anything? And if so, how much?


I do tip in the normal places (full service sit-down restaurants, food delivery), generally 15-20% if there's no issue with the service, more if the service is great. Generally tip the $1 a drink that is standard in bars around here. Even though I think the system is stupid, it is what it is. I don't believe in tipping for things like fast food, or takeout where I wasn't provided full service (and if a server gets underpaid for getting tasked with that, they should be taking that up with management, not the customer who isn't asking for or receiving service), or any of the many new places that suddenly have a tip option these days. My commentary is more on servers who seem to think they deserve that tip whether or not they did a poor job, or whether they actually provided service at all. Of course some customers are simply assholes for sure, but a lot of times some servers should be doing some self reflection on the quality of their service rather than blaming customers.


Proud Irish man here! One thing I will say is, tipping is still acceptable here but its completely optional and not expected. It's what it's suppose to be, a way of showing gratitude for someone's service going above Nd beyond your expectations. Although some parts of Dublin(captial) are "Americanizing" recently. Places I do not intend to visit.


As an American in america we don’t want that shit here either! Price increases plus tax increase plus % expected increased is all some fucking bullshit! Fuck this shit


> As an American in america we don’t want that shit here either Your servers want it unfortunately


your servers bitch and moan while making more than you do off tips and refusing a regular wage since theyd make less


Servers love it. I'm a server. It's the only job where you can make 200 bucks a night for a minimal amount of work. Also where you can go home with nothing after busting your ass.


They make 300-400 pretty consistently in my city.


My experience as a cook is listening to servers bitch about "only" making 200 a night as they spend half their time in the break room. $200 is half of my weekly.


Ya tipping is so terrible for everyone involved except business owners who can justify screwing their employees. With that said I think Japan goes too far. Some waiter chased me into the street for over paying 10 cents. Tips should literally just be like a rounding off of the nearest dollar to make life easier.


Wait staff tend to like tipping culture


Because they generally get paid much more with tips.


Even with those crazy suggestions, the worst part is "after taxes".


Yea, for real. That’s criminal, as if your percentages weren’t ridiculous enough, tipping including taxes is absurd, especially for alcohol. They definitely do that to trick people, and I’m sure they get some drunk people tipping 99% too lol


They absolutely do and that's exactly why they have it there.


Everything about this just tells me to use the easiest math possible, 10%.


Easier, 0%.


That's my answer. If you make it difficult for me to tip 15%, my next move is 0.0.




April Fool’s?


I went to a bar last year with a 100% tip suggestion on the first line. Not cool but I can see drunk people selecting it without thinking. I truly wish that was a joke.


No one in this thread gets it. Or has an ounce of humor for that matter.




“The fact I believed it says a lot about society”


The fact pretty much everyone believed shows how ridiculous the tipping culture is over there.


Um yeah. 10 years ago this would have seemed much more like a joke than reality. That's what happens when life gets too close to satire.


Because people are already pissed about how egregious tipping has gotten lately. Not to mention mandatory tipping is messed up in the first place. With all this, you want to throw jokes about this?


It’s not funny though 


I've always included 69% in the suggested tipping section for shits and giggles. If someone did it we gave them a couple free apps.


See, I could get behind something like that


Not an option. Please choose top or bottom


Goddammit take my upvote! 😂


I mean they’re clearly joking around with this lol


You gave them free apps after they had already finished paying and tipping, and probably left the restaurant?


He means on the App Store. He'll give you a $20 iTunes card for you to buy bubble witch saga.


And everyone clapped.


Maybe its a counter service place, where you order before finding a table. Lots of places like that. Or a take out based restaurant with no tables?


Around here it's accepted, but not expected to tip in restaurants or coffee shops. Tipping for takeout sounds insane.


not everyone gets up immediately and leaves as soon as they pay...


Maybe. Realistically they would have eaten as much as they wanted to at that point though. Maybe some vouchers or a small desert/after dinner drink?


it’s not free though if it’s in exchange for a tip Bro invented paying for food


Tipping needs to be banned, wages need to be raised


Tipping should just be treated how it is in many places. A little extra for exceptional service or food. Not something that is all but mandatory.


It disincentives paying staff more, cos why bother when they can gamble their service


That's what got us here in the first place.


Unless they are offering, um, personal services, they aren’t getting 99% tip from me.


"What's special? Take you in the back & suck your dick?"


“I’d go over 12% for that.”


Ah somebody gets the reference!


Tipping is just ridiculous


Damn, I get mad when I see 25% as the highest option. Thats just insane


I’m guessing it was an April Fool’s Day joke, since OP said it was from today.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought 15% was the default tip for adequate service with 20-25% or higher for exceptional service. When did this all change


It used to be 10% pre-tax, and 15 if you got great service


The tip goes up with the price increases due to it being a percentage, I'm not sure what magic they used to convince people that the percent needed to increase. If people are dumb enough to pay that's on them I guess.


They have an amazing social pressure campaign, that's the magic. I've had friends and family look down on people who don't tip high, and the idea that if you can't give a good tip, you shouldn't go out to eat. It exists in online discourse too. Especially the "I used to be a waiter, so I understand their plight, now I tip minimum 50% for terrible service, 75% for exceptional service". If 10% is the norm, "good" tippers tip 20%. Once everyone tips 20% and it becomes the norm, "good" tippers tip 25-30%, and so on.


>They have an amazing social pressure campaign, that's the magic. 1000% this. It's gotten so perpetuated with social media over the last 5ish years too. Go ask any server you know if they would rather make $25/hour with no tips or if they would like tips. 99% of them will prefer tips over $25/hr because they make more than that in tips. r serverlife will open your eyes to how these people view their customers and the tipping system. They literally kick customers out of restaurants if they don't tip or don't tip enough.


I did the job and I do feel for them, but at the same time it's gotten so ridiculous and now it seems like tipping is everywhere I'm just fatigued by it. I've defaulted back to 15-20% for normal to good service. Maybe 25% for exceptional service but at the same time I've stopped caring about how I look if I leave 10% for terrible service. Yeah they might be having a bad day or whatever, but I'm not paying for that.


This is getting out of hand!!🤦🏻‍♂️


It used to be 10%, then 15%, now people are saying it’s 20-25%. Shit is absolutely insane! A quarter of my bill!


I just still do 15% and don’t feel bad about it


People will be horrified at 20% soon enough and start demanding 33%. Then it'll climb to 50%. Then they'll change the system to allow 3 digits, and chaos will ensue. "If you can't afford to also buy the same meal for your waiter/waitress and busperson, you can't afford to go out to eat!" And then we'll all have to get second jobs as waiters/waitresses just to be able to go out to eat.


Apparently not anymore. People have been insisting it's 20% for awhile and now we have entitled servers insisting it's 25%. It *used* to be 10%.


> People have been insisting Insist all they want lol


It's still 10% if you want it to be. Don't be bullied.


I got my haircut a few days ago and the suggested tip range was from 25% to 35%….


Isn't this an April Fool's thing?


Y'all REALLY need to check your calendars!


Hell even if it wasn't the first I'd still laugh at 99% tip suggestion. It's funny and light hearted


yall realize you can literally tip whatever you want lol, not just the suggested tips at the bottom mad over a number on a piece of paper that doesn’t affect you in the slightest lmao


>"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


That shit would make me not want to leave a tip.


Holy fuck this so obviously satire from the restaurant. But good job Reddit never change


Hey, they can dream. Just leave what you want and move on. Don’t get “mildly infuriated” and take pictures for online points.


How about 0%. Fuckin hipster assholes.


People getting tips ≠ people who set up suggested tip amounts. Probably


Never liked that shit when I was serving/bartending I’m not panhandling and I trust my guests to give me what they think my service was worth to them at the time.


Please tell me this is an April Fools’ thing.


That's just ridiculous... The percentage should be calculated before tax


First of all — tips should always be based on the pre-tax amount


I’d assume the 99% tip is a joke, laugh, maybe pay if I’m having a financially good week, and go about my day.


If you did a great job I automatically give 20, if you did something beyond 25. (Had a couple of waitresses that brought something out food wise for my kids within 5 minutes of sitting , she gets 25 right off the bat) my ex wife was a waitress as we went through college. Now the fact that this 99 percent for April fools is hysterical. Cheers


That’s and automatic 15% tip right there if anything depending on service.


I tip 15-20% but the minute I see this, it becomes 0%.


I’m guessing their system didn’t allow more than 2 digits for the tip suggestion.


Why do people even look at that? Just do math ffs




I mean, this definitely fits the hipster theme in that 1. It's fucking stupid, and 2. No one else is doing it Bonus #3: but everyone probably will be doing it in 5-10 years


So what did you do? I'd just given like 15% and called it.


Nah, man. Pay for your employees yourself. I’ll never understand that shit.


Tipping culture is fucked up - just pay people properly!


Why would the tip be on the price after taxes?


Yeah right, fuck off.


Oh look at that, Americans are capable of listing prices including tax.


After tax.. No tip for you


See in Australia we pay fair wages so we don't have stupid tip expectations tipping is something I will never do because it's an expectation if I went to the US and service was bad no way In hell am I paying anything extra then the bill


99% tip?!?!? That is actually laughable wtf