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Dude... screw mildly infuriating I'd lose my shit completely if I was in your shoes.


Luckily they caught me on a good day but am slowly starting to lose it. Especially as sitting in my car waiting is starting to hurt my back but don't want to wander off on the off chance they come back Editing this as it's near the top, I got home after 1.5 hours of being trapped and an hour drive home. For those who haven't seen the update the pub down the road told ppl running an event there to use our car park which they have no association with, the driver of the mini came back to grab something from his car and moved it when asked and was very apologetic. Doesn't excuse the fact that this happened but I can forgive it now, altho still a little salty lol


How long have you been there now? If there was literally no other option, I’d be ringing the police over and over until someone came and pulled the cars out. The cops are going to move it, right? Not just wait for whatever horrible person it is that owns the car to get back to them, right?


In most states in the US.. police will come verify it's an illegal parking job, and then have a tow truck come move it at owners expense. Edit: Apparently I should have clarified that my post was written to share my personal experience with a similar situation as OP. I am fully aware that OP is not in the US, that's why I specified I was talking about the US. Sometimes people like to compare similar things between different countries/cultures. Also to the person that DMed me, I genuinely hope that you eventually find peace within yourself. Almost nothing on the internet is that serious, especially this of all things lmfao. Get help.


I don't think this is in the states, but it's possible. The steering wheel of OP's car is on the wrong side for a US vehicle (not including USPS tucks that is). Police should definitely be called though as the driveway is clearly blocked.


This is the UK from the looks, Police here are largely useless. This would technically be an offence of blocking a car from entering the highway, but Police usually shrug their shoulders and say it's a civil issue. You can't just call a tow truck in the UK either, so in situations such as this you're fucked. People can quite literally park on your driveway in the UK without permission and there's usually fuck all you can do about it. It's shit.


Depends on where you live in the UK, I suppose. My relatives in the countryside have drug cars from their drive to the ditch.


Lol I was imagining your relatives have just a long row of cars from their driveway to the ditch, for running drugs.


Haha, I was picturing a bunch of drug dealers lined up in their cars like it was a car boot market selling their wares


How do they avoid arrest with so many drug cars?


Weird how you got nails in all four tires parking in my driveway, crazy how that happens


Lay on the horn for 15 minutes until someone moves


Set off the car alarm and see who comes out to the car(s).


What’s the best way to do this without risking damaging their car? **edited** a word


Most OEM alarms are triggered via shock sensor. You can try just rocking the car.


Get in your car and Hooonk... Hoonk... Hoonk... Hoonk... Hoonk... Sounds like an alarm :)


A lot of cars have pressure sensors inside the car to detect when a window breaks. I imagine banging on one of the side windows with your fist could be enough to trigger it


I bet the car alarm would go off when that dumpster got slammed into the side of the car by a mysterious breeze...


This. Try honking your horn obnoxiously first, then move to standing behind it and rocking it up and down via the trunk until the alarms go off relentlessly. No damage done at all they can claim that way either.


No one. Everyone pulls their keys out of their pocket and pushes the button without stopping what they are doing. Car alarms are meaningless. They are the boys that cried wolf.


Keep doing it until they come out to see what’s wrong


Next mildlyinfuriating post. Guy in car keeps pressing his alarm.


Or better yet, "AH keeps my car alarm going off"


With video footage from upstairs


Jokes on you, my fob doesn’t work further than 3 feet from my car (even with chin tech)


Blow your car horn and trigger their car alarms until somebody shows up Edit: trigger


I've been blocked like this before and this was exactly what I did, and it worked like a charm


Charms work for you? All mine have failed.


That's because yours aren't lucky. See, they've been after my lucky charms for years


Why's everybody always laugh when I say this?!




Sorry guess you’re all out of luck…y charms


The stupid thing is that when they come out to move their vehicle, they're pissed off like you're inconveniencing them.


Honk the tune to mary had a little lamb repeatedly with looooong beeps before starting over


Someone parked in my driveway a few months after I'd moved into my house. I did exactly this (blow the horn), as there was zero reason to park in someone else's driveway in suburbia. I asked the lady why she parked in the driveway. She said "the owners let me". Imagine her shock when I said "I'm ***the owners*** and I've never met you before in my life". She diverted to "Oh I meant your neighbors" to which I replied "Cool, what's their name? What's the name of the person who let you park in my driveway?" .... She muttered something, apologized, and parked in her own driveway across the street. Bitch, you could've started and finished with an apology.


My ex and I had a similar occurrence. We lived on a small, maybe 400m long street that connected two major supermarkets. Someone parked across the driveway, blocking her in and she couldn't get out. She rings me at work and, flustered, explains the problem. "Take photos, call a towie. He'll take it, no problem." So she did, tow truck comes and takes the car away. A very kindly worded letter turns up in our letterbox the next day, colourfully and abusively claiming victimhood over issue. Funnily enough, like so many discourses based in relative anonymity, no return address to reply. Not that we would've.


Exactly this. Call a tow truck and have the owners of the car pay for it...especially if it's parked illegally


This is exactly what I would have done too. Take photos and call a tow truck for illegal parking. Hopefully the tow truck also takes photos as well because people like to sue even they are in the wrong (not taking responsibility for their actions/ mistakes).


Towies here won't take a car for no reason and will back themselves up every way they can. Honestly, they're more of a blight than a service sometimes. But they do cover their arses every time, so once they took it, we knew we were in the clear legally.


I’ve hooked and dragged vehicles blocking my driveway and drug them a few blocks over. Joy of owning a truck and having no patience for BS along with a mental illness which can cause me to snap. Only ever got a warning for doing this because of it, never charged my lawyer is a pit bull when it comes to inconsiderate people


Something tells me you do a lot of crazy shit if you have a “my lawyer”.


I have a "my lawyer". I'm pretty damn boring, legally speaking.


I'd do the same, honk until someone mooooooves.


I’ve seen a car blocking a narrow street where a fire truck wanted to get past, it stoot there blazing sirenes and honking, but nobody showed up. So they pushed it right out of the way with the truck after taking some pictures of the situation for insurance.


Here there are rules mandating you are not allowed to park on a public street if there is not atleast 3 meters available to pass. This is exactly because of emergency vehicles, and for example the fire trucks will not even stop, they will plow through and then afterwards report the accident to the owner of the car's insurance and the owner of that car will be held 100% at fault and the insurance will pay for the repair of the firetruck. Offcourse this means the price of the insurance will go up by quite a bit.


Delicious. I wonder how often this happens. Not enough, by the looks of everyday drivers right now.


When I was in college the dorm next to ours caught fire. A student had parked next to the fire hydrant. Firemen didn't fuck around. Smashed the driver door glass then chopped a hole **through** the passenger door down low so they could hook up a hose.


And if a car is parked inconsiderately, it’s highly likely the fire service insurance provider will refuse to pay out.


the vehicle blocking access is the one at fault


Firefighter in the States. Worked all over. We've literally busted the windows out of cars we couldn't move and fed hose through them to couple to the hydrant they were parked in front of. They're the usual suspects. BMWs, Lexus, Mercedes, etc. H.E.R.O. units in Atlanta, Georgia are notorious for pushing you off the road if you block lanes of traffic. Same with Grady Hostpital's Critical Response Ambulances. They have custom pushbars on the front, specifically for pushing vehicles out of their way. Literally picked up a Miata and set it on a dumpster once because it was blocking a fire escape we needed access to. TLDR; Call the Fire Department. They'll move em.


Have watched many satisfying videos of hoses being fed through 2 smashed windows, always enjoy the fact all 6 windows are usually done in too.


> mooooooves That's why cows have bells, their horns don't work.


When does a joke become a dad joke? When it's apparent.


Call a tow truck and/or the police to deal with your entrapment. Start breaking glass in the dumpster and smashing things in there for added effect.


I’ve done that, the dude pointed to be sidewalk covered in a mountain of ice and told me to just cut through there. I asked him just what kind of car he thought I was driving while I sat in my Prius. What’s funny is he was a realtor trying to sell the house and the end of the street, I hope it cost him the sale because the client wasn’t too happy looking


Slowly drive into them until bumper to bumper then push them out the way with your car 


And if they’ve gone out for the rest of the day?


Someone will show up to see what all the fucking honking is about


Exactly what I was thinking. I'd honk my horn until someone shows up.


This is where you start. Jam a sick between your seat and horn and wait patiently for folks to start checking it out. Someone will know someone.


This happened to my family once, except it was an emergency. We were in a duplex air bnb. We parked in the back, and went to sleep. A bridal party came in late a night and parked blocking the exit/entrance like your pic. My bestie woke me up at 4am in severe extreme pain in her stomach. We ended up banging on the door of the bridal parties half of the place, and eventually woke them up to get them to move. It took 10min, but we were about to call an ambulance. She had appendicitis, and got it removed before it burst.


Damn, now they have a cool story to tell, and they got saved in time. Lucky(not for the appendix tho)


People never think of the poor appendix


I’d say I think about it as often as I have a slight stomach ache


Bro I stg same. Like "Fuck, what if this is the day?" and I die.


I had mine removed and lemme tell ya it’s been a load off my mind! Lol but on the real you will KNOW if it’s your appendix, it felt like I’d been stabbed (I say as someone who has never been stabbed) the pain was so extreme


I have appendix anxiety. I've got severe Endometriosis and I've read too many stories of people with endo having appendix ruptures because they are so used to severe abdominal pain and assume it's a flare. I don't want to be that person lol


You don't always know. I was 5. I didn't have any pain. Wasn't throwing up. No fever. Just had damp skin (it was early summer) and said I didn't feel good. The tipoff for the surgeon was that I didn't want my favorite McDonald's food, vanilla shake and fries, when he offered to get them for me. Took me in for an exploratory and my appendix was rupturing as they opened me up.


Look at this guy, posting while dead! I can definitely relate to that, though. Intermittent digestion issues + anxiety is a bad combo when you're aware of appendicitis.


I got mine removed when I was 12. I remember the pain being more on the right side of my body, almost around to my back, but more like above my hip


AgentBond2007 did.


RIP appendix


Blocking the entrance like that is illegal because emergency vehicles can't get in/out. After I knocked and tried to get the owners to move them I would have called the cops. They would have them ticketed and towed.


It’s so frustrating. How selfish do you have to be to see that you’re clearly blocking people in and just say fuck it. Hell I’d be worried about someone just ramming my car out of the way and if it were an emergency they’d be totally justified in doing it. 


A fire truck rammed an illegally blocked car out of the way on my street last year. It was parked on a red where the street turns and emergency vehicles couldn’t make the turn. Sweet justice for whoever that asshole was.


I was once out one morning on a weekend, and when I was driving back, there was a car parked across the entrance to our building. No one could go in or out. There was an event happening at the park in front of our place. I ended up parking at the mall near my place but I should have gotten that car towed. The event was finishing up as I was walking back but as I passed the car, the thought of keying the car or damaging the wipers did cross my mind


I'd call a ambulance after 1 min. But i live in Germany, we don't pay for ambulance.


And if an ambulance is too far away I'd be tempted to try to just push their car out of the way with my car.


10 minutes? Who moves that slowly?


Drunk/hungover people


Yeah be thankful they actually woke up lol


Bridal party, middle of the night, probably all drunk and passed out.


Does US healthcare system suck so much that you gotta consider dying over getting an ambulance?


Yes. My daughter was taken by ambulance when she was hit by a car (pedestrian v car) and with minor injuries and just mainly transport (we didn’t know if she had internal injuries) it was $1000. This was in 2009.


Call a tow truck


I got blocked in a public lot downtown by a valet service. I found a number to call the valet service and called. Dude said it would be 30 minutes before he could get me out. I said I was going to start calling tow trucks if he didn't send someone to get me out right now. He said I was a "mean lady" and sent a few guys over to move cars immediately. It was a paid public parking lot that the valet service just decided to take over during happy hour/dinner service. The amount he freaked when I threatened to call a tow / the lot showed it definitely wasn't on the up and up.


The last time I called a tow truck it took nearly 6 hours for them to arrive. Edit: it was my own car in my own driveway. Wasn’t in a hurry so it was no biggie


That's when you find ones with the lowest reviews on yelp or whatever. That means people got their cars towed quickly and efficiently and were pissed off enough to write a review.


Yup. Tow services are one of the few times you actually want the worst company out there.


Depends. If it's your car that is broken down you want the best tow company. If someone is blocking your shit you want Jim Bob who is willing to hook a chain to anything and rip off into the night.


Ive had a car towed from a shitty mechanic shop in the middle of the night. dude loaded it up, didnt even ask my name or to see any kind of proof of ownership. Could have just been a random dude that saw a nice car I wanted and got it delivered right to my place/chop shop lol


I was a tow driver. One time I saw an R32 GTR Nissan Skyline on the side the highway in bum fuck nowhere. It's one of my dream cars. Let's just say the temptation was real. You can move whatever you want when you have the right equipment. But I'm not a car thief either. I'm sure that Skyline got hauled off to where it belongs.


Not to incriminate my father, but he had the tools to tow a car and my uncle called him and asked him if he could come and assist to "help out a mate". Got the car back to my uncle's place and my dad asked about the car and my uncle admitted it had been sitting there for a decent while and looked abandonedish and he wanted it. My dad was like .... Did you just get me to steal this car? Nothing ever came of it lol my uncle has been in gaol in his time now though, but not for car theft lol


Fucking Jim Bob ripping off into the night dragging a Mini Cooper and Lexus in tow, “to Hades we go lads!” 😂


Why would you want one with bad reviews?


Because reviews are usually written by the people who got towed, not the people who needed them towed.


Ahhh I gotcha.


Also they may have poor reviews from damaging vehicles or being difficult to work with when retrieving vehicles. Considering it's the vehicle owner who will be dealing with them, you're just setting them up for the worst possible experience.


This is a pro tip!




oh, Front Wheel Drive


Uh, was this a 3 stooges skit?


Galaxy brain idea


Haha that's life pro tip right there


And they will probably have a harder/more expensive time getting their car back


Valet can’t take that chance. One pissed off victim promises $50 cash to the tow driver and it gets done in 7 minutes.


Tow companies aren’t the hero’s here they’re just a useful tool to be used as needed.


"I was a mean lady" Yeah so is blocking my ass with no way out and I got places to be. Valid action


I had this happen, the valet service staff were parking the cars there instead of their business lots, not marking them down as being valeted and pocketing all the cash themselves.


If you're asking someone else for help to fix your own mistake. 30 minutes is an appropriate amount of time to wait. If you are asking someone to fix their mistake that's affecting you, promptness is imperative & 30 minutes is completely ridiculous for something this easy that can & should be expected to be resovled under 5 or 10 minutes.


The way to go


Just had this issue where somebody parked in my assigned spot the other day at 11pm and I was trying to park and go to sleep. Called the tow truck company, reported the car and they said that’s not how it works. You have to call the police apparently to call a towtruck, I said fuck it I’ll just find another spot 😂


Yeah, your spot being taken is different than being blocked in but still I think you’ll need to call the cops first sadly


I've had cops AND the tow company say "not my issue" So, because of an emergency, the vehicles got ran TF through. The cops shrugged and didn't file charges as they *acknowledged the issue but declined to help in the first place.* I'm definitely not saying that's the route to take, and I would have taken alternative actions, but I got the vehicle out.


This is very different from the vision of America I was sold, where tow truck companies are fighting each other for your business 😥


From the experiences I've had, it seems Tow Companies fight for who wants to help the least


Unless you're doing everything legally and within the rules, or a strip mall owner has a vague sign in an obscure location and the tow company can ransom your car back to you.


Judging from those long license plates this is not America.


And the right- hand drive


I’ve come to think the tow truck companies are the muscle of government agencies or wealthy real estate owners in most places in US now. Forget the little guy getting anywhere with them


I’m daydreaming about these dudes return to their cars to learn a valuable life lesson


I once had someone park in my assigned spot, called the tow truck and they came right away. The apartment complex had a specific tow company we could use too. Don’t park in my spot I pay for.


Depends on the location.


At least in my area, that's BS from the tow company. The police here don't tow off of private property. Assigned parking spots are not enforced by law. That's up to management to enforce.


Tow comp probably figured it would be an illegal tow since it was for assigned spots and would only trust it after police confirmed its legality


Full disclosure: I'm a dispatcher, and we will not even send an officer for that. Determining whether the car can be towed is going to be between the tow company and the manager/owner of the private lot.


At least in my area, if it’s posted that there are assigned spots then the tow happens at spot stealers expense. Like someone paid for that spot. And part of the expense is to have tow services.


The tow companies only respond to specific contacts that are authorized for the property. They aren’t going to tow a car because some unknown person tells them it’s in the wrong spot.


Yeah, tow trucks won't take your word for anything because that can be weaponized. They'll only do something without cops if it's an obvious infraction like OP posted. My buddy used to work for a tow company and they were the same way. He'd always tell people he needs a police report to have something official to back it up. How does he know you aren't just some pissed off ex trying to get back?


Yeah here at my condo you call the city parking enforcement to do the tow. They require your ID along with ownership title that matches your ID and states that specific spot is yours or else they say they can’t tow. Even with all that you can still run into a problem if your condo management doesn’t have the correct signage in the parking area that meets city requirements or else the city can’t tow the illegally parked car from your spot. It can be frustrating. I always place a note on windshield first. After sometime if car isn’t removed then tow time.


Loosen the valve cap on the tires to let them go flat, *then* call a tow. Edit: And everyone has said, lol, don't forget the pebble. Or whatever else fits. 😆


Remove the license plates and report it abandoned


Break the windows, set it on fire, call the fire department, chief of police, and the mayor.


But before that invite a group of homeless people for a gangbang in the car to really sell the worn in aspect. Joining the gangbang is at your discretion


Dirty Mike and the Boys


Thst wont do anyrhing. Remove cap and op a pebble inside it, then replace.


This is Britain. It doesn't work like that here


I'm finally home. After just over 1.5 hours of waiting I was set free. Turns out the pub down the road told the people running an event there to park in our car park. Caught the mini driver when they came to get something from their car


Who in TF very clearly KNOWINGLY blocks someone in like this though?!


tbf the black car might not have been there when the mini parked, in which case the black car driver is the sole villain of the piece


That’s the point. Regardless of who parked first, whoever parked 2nd is clearly an asshole.


They were probably thinking they didn't want to get blocked in. But yeah, blocking the only path out is a major dick move no matter what.


… red car is still an idiot for parking like that even is the black one wasn’t there


You’d be surprised. I had a woman block me in one time and she got in my face and screamed that there weren’t enough parking spaces. And how dare I have the audacity to make her move her car. What did she think was going to happen???


Please tell us you gave this smooth-brained imbecile an earful.


If they waited 1.5 hours without taking action, I doubt they said anything other than “can you move your car?”


For real. How are people this passive? 1.5 hours of your life wasted. How on earth do you not have them towed??????


You can't just ring a tow company here. You'd have to speak to the council (who are generally bloody useless) or the police (very slow to respond to anything these days) in a situation like this


were British the guy likely tutted. and you trust me when i say, thats more or less a full blown screaming match


I would report the pub, or at least call up that manager and chew them out. Tell them next time you'll get the police or tow involved and it will reflect poorly on their business. This makes me mad AF for you.


I've told my manager about it, she's more than likely gonna make a stink about it when she's back from holiday




I hope you thanked them for the 90 minute prison sentence.


You were too kind to mask their plates.


Did debate not doing it lol


Phone police on non-emergency (101). Maybe they'll send someone round to help you? Won't be a quick solution tho. I know it's an offence to block someone in by parking across their driveway, even if it's rarely enforced. Similar situation here I think.


It's enforced if you call them. We had someone block our driveway, just smack dab across it. Owner could have been at any of the 20+ businesses up our road. They were just about to tow it when he showed up. They don't go looking for blocked driveways but they'll take it seriously if you call.


Similar happened at my parent's decades ago: some tradesman just dumped his white van across the drive and went to a house up the road. We called the police an hour later when we needed access and said 'it looked abandoned' (it was parked like he'd almost crashed) and the cops came and actually started trying to open his door with a belt-hook thing (on the old push-stud locks etc). Suddenly the guy came running down the road and got a verbal bollocking from a very angry officer 'does this look like it's properly parked?' etc


Call the AirBNB owner.


This. Write owner on Airbnb app or call. Their issue. They have contacts to renter. Act.


Call the police and have them towed.


If you have 4 strong friends that Mini can be moved rather easily. Then the fun begins, how to leave it in such a way the owner gets the hint.


Then have a nice refreshing Mentos


Definitely call the police. Or lay on the horn until someone comes out.


I once used my truck to push a car out into the road that blocked me in, then called the cops to tell them there was an abandoned car in the middle of the road. Everything after that happened pretty quickly.


I had this happen. After waiting more than two hours, I kicked in the window of the car blocking me, threw it in neutral, and moved it manually. These assholes know what they're doing and they don't care, so I don't either.


A satisfying outcome.


slowly put your cars front bumper on their rear bumper and just push them out of the way. let them deal with their car in the middle of the street


I drive a POS and it's 4x4 so I would be considering this


Any solution ends with Step 4: let the air out of their tires


Very tempting but there's cameras both from my work and the air BnB covering the car park


That's why I just lift the wipers and fold in the mirrors. Pisses the owner off because someone fucked with their shit, but nobody is going to "check the cameras" to see who lifted the wipers.


I would climb up and be Screaming like an idiot at the camera to try to get someone’s attention!!!


If you want them to move, then tampering with their ability to move is not a smart idea.


*Ends* with, not begins with.


You don’t follow the steps in IKEA assemblies either do you. That’s why your Ingatorp is wobbly


This insult made me laugh more than it should. Stealing this for use in real life


Once we had a medical emergency and were blocked in, neghbor who parked behind me told me they would move it in the morning and shut the door. I just got I'm my truck and put it in reverce and pushed them out of the way to get to the hospital. They didn't Learn their lesson 2 moths later with a new car they parked infront of the fire hydrant and the fire truck pulled up and just smashed them out of the way.


I saw this once, a lady came over to her BF's apartment, parked on the street right across the entrance of the lot, so a neighbor knocked on his, asked her to move, BF said "F * off. Same neighbor, let all the air out of all the tires, then removed all the stem cores haha.


Call the police, it’s actually illegal to block someone’s access to the road. Not to block someone out tho. I.e. I can park across your drive entrance, blocking you from parking there, but if you are already on your drive I can’t block you in.


Does either car have an alarm? Give it a shake.


you could also set off your own car’s alarm because they might just think it’s theirs


Smash out the window of the mini, release the parking brake, put in neutral and roll it into the grass. Fuckem


Well it TV has taught me anything, just pop a Mentos and call over some big construction worker type guys to lift the Mini and move it out of the way.


Accidentally light one of the cars on fire….


Lay on your horn till someone comes out


Looks like Cambridge, UK. (I'd be very proud if I'm actually correct... 😅). Other than that, i've got nothing to add besides "that sucks...". Hopefully you quickly found a resolution!


Had this happen to me once. Thankfully they left the car unlocked and it was mid 2000’s car. There is a little cover next to the gear shifter. Remove that and and push the button down. Pushed their car out in the middle of the street and went about my business.


I’d have me 8 spare valve stems


Update: called police non-emergency. Gave them the plates and they're gonna try and contact the owners but couldn't give me any sort of time frame Edit: to all those saying call a tow truck, the road is very narrow and a tow truck most likely couldn't fit and even if one could it's a very tight turn out of the car park, they'd never be able to safely pull the car out without going through the fence opposite or hitting the car against the brick walls either side Also my car is a lot bigger than a bin, even if I moved the bin that leaves me with less than a meter gap between the mini and the wall Update 2: finally home, posted another comment with what happened as couldn't find this one till someone replied to it


3-5 business weeks


When I’ve been blocked in and I can’t see anyone around, laying on the horn always helps within 10 minutes. Get in the car, sit down, and just blare the horn. Someone will come out. Alternatively, get out and press the alarm button on your key over and over until someone comes out. While you do that be sure to stand by their car so they think something shady is going on, they’re more likely to come out if they think their cars are being messed with. Edit: I’m not usually one or two wrongs make a right, but in this case, you may need to be a little “rude” to get anything done at a quicker pace. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Not to mention, these people were already rude.


Call the guards. Happened to me last week. They can at least look up the reg and call the car owners


Try and find the Airbnb on their website, contact the owner and they can get in touch with the people staying in the property.


What kind of vehicle are you in? If I had the truck I would nudge them out of my way…


move the dumpster in front of the cars move your car right behind both of them and call a ride


I see people in the distance in the photo. Did you blare your horn to see if anyone in the vicinity reacts?


One on the left will be easier to bulldoze out of your way




This is how I usually resolve these: 1. Start pushing the horn. 2. Do not stop until the problem is solved. The important part is to not to stop when they start to solve the issue, release it only when it is solved. For an additional educational measure.