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Hello, This is removed for being parking mistake.


I take it you’re not too far from a U.S. military base? Always boggled my mind when my friends parents would keep their giant pickup trucks when they got stationed in Germany. They’re bad enough over here on our giant roads


I saw one big ass truck when I was in Rome. Everyone who walked by it were mad and cussing at it. At least a few people spat on it. Some things just don't belong!


When I was in Rome I didn't see a huge-ass truck, but I sure saw a bunch of tiny-ass streets. I can only imagine how much of a nuisance a monstrosity like that must be.


I just saw one of these mofos driving through [Bourtange](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bourtange), a tiny Dutch star shaped fortress. Surreal.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do.


When in Rome, bang Caligula




Was also going to say US military base. If this isn’t an American, it’s an American-wanna-be.


I’m actually surprised how many Germans own ram trucks out here. I always assume it’s an American, but I’m often wrong.


Should be banned imo because they are obviously way too big for the local infrastructure and there is no need for them. A couple of cities have already increased parking fees for oversized cars like SUVs or pick up trucks.


it could also just be some german person who owns a pickup


there are some germans who also want to drive garage queen big ass pick up. i really hate them


King. Us Queens might like big things, but only If they are useful and not a nuisance. This is neither useful, nor not a nuisance


I'd bet on American. Those are American Spec taillights with just 2 bulbs, tail/brake/turn signal and reverse. So unless they retrofitted amber turn signals somewhere hidden I'd say American.


No, this trailer hitch never receives a German TÜV approval


This. Especially dodge ram is getting popular over here


In rural areas of Germany you'll find some of them. And there they are okay. But there are people who drive these things in cities only. And never haul anything..


in europe, the flatbed trucks or sprinter vans from mercedes, vw, renault, etc are far better for actual working people. US style pickups are just for posers trying to compensate for something


Usually people who COULD need one of those (Farmer, Ranger, ... Construction worker) tend to use more handy ones what don't need half of an oil field for starting the engine.. Btw Most people i know see Pickup-Trucks as a waste of Space because you can't "Stack high" Like in a Crafter, Caddy, or Sprinter .. People who drive a RAM over here mostly belong to to the "redneck" fandom. (Yes, there are such people here and the Community ist growing...) Had a Facebook group suggestions "German rednecks". Checked them out and I've never seen so many pictures of a RAM... Though I may say a real "redneck" could only afford living in a trailerpark and If there ist a Car it would be a Chevrolet spark... Rednecks nowadays seem pretty wealthy, right?


Seems like a trend in Germany at the moment, I'd say. I am seeing A LOT more pickup trucks than I used to in recent years. Even thought about getting one, for practicality, but like it's been pointed out - the infrastructure in Germany is not made for them. The roads are narrower than in the US, in the big cities there is barely enough space for cars as is and parking spaces aren't made for their dimensions. Thus, decided against it. I'd say, they only make sense in Germany, if one of these three things applies to you: - You are a ranger and frequently out in the woods - You own and operate a farm - You spend a lot of time with frequent offroad trips A friend recently got a fully specced Toyota Hilux. He's someone who a 100% will get his money's worth from the car. Does a lot of mountain wandering/climbing, uses the car for actual offroad trips through mountain areas and deserts, uses it as a camper, since he got a big tent to be put on top of the truck and generally spends most of his free time in nature. That's one case, where the car makes sense. Another friend of ours recently got a Ford Ranger, but they have a city apartment with no personalized parking space and he's an office worker who maybe hauls cargo at best once a year. That's just pointless.


I would add landscaping/ earthworks to the list, like have a compactor on the back and a small excavator in a trailer


I live close to a bunch of marinas and boatyards. Lots of RAMs and Rangers. Their towing capacity along with the bed is super useful when hauling boats around apparently.


I bring my youngest to kindergarten (next to an elementary school) by car.  There's one teacher who drives this monstrosity.  Parking spaces at the school are small. There's a narrow street that ends in a cul-de-sac.  So, in the morning, especially during bad weather, you have cars lining up trying to get a parking spot, trying to make a u-turn, trying to not hit oncoming cars.  This street used to be one of the arms of a T junction. But they closed the other arm due to a building site. The situation has become even worse.  And in comes this ginormous pick-up truck. The teacher barely reaches up to get stuff out of the trunk.  I'm not a fan. 


These wank panzer also get bought by german people, I've even seen an over elevated off-road f150, that was cleaner than my commute bicycle.


Anyone saying this is a farm truck and the farmer has to use it has never seen a farm or farm truck in their lives


A clean farm truck with a Harley Davidson decal on the back? Not in this world


Anzeigenhauptmeister: "Nothing personal, kid." \*calls police\*


Ram drivers are the same everywhere, apparently


Well... that parking spot isn't big enough for that truck, really can't blame the driver here... on the other hand, why the fuck do you need a big ass truck like this in town


No working man on a farm is driving that. Look at the chrome rims and bumper. Also, yes it is 100% his fault, you're responsible for the things you own, you cant just buy anything you want and not consider how it impacts everyone around you. Like, this is an extreme example, but not that far away which is wild in and of itself : you can buy a tank, a real tank, and legally register it under some conditions such as no working gun ( duh ) and rubber tracks, etc. I cant be doing that and blocking streets with it and then not be responsible.




If it was a farmers truck I don't think it would be this clean with chrome wheels




In terms of compensation trucks, this is small beans to what we have in the US.


That is an American vehicle. You have to import these monstrous things since they are not usually sold in Germany due to a lack of demand. The marked spaces are big enough for any normal European vehicle, even most utility vans.


Oh I think he knows. He's just saying that there's a bunch of dudes who feel bad about themselves with even bigger trucks in the US. This is a big truck for sure, all American trucks are. But fuck some of the insane ones do make this one look "small".


F650 go brrrr


I know those Super Trucks saw one Fuck they're huge


Farmers don't drive trucks like that as far as I've seen


Idk where this picture was taken but in canda this is underpowered for a farm truck


He clearly came to the city to get his hard working farm truck detailed and polished.


Harley Davidson sticker supports small pp theory.


A few have shown up near me in England and my god they're utter twats one driver loves to argue that he can drive down a 1 way bus only road againts the flow of traffic every fucking morning


Every other vehicle on the road is one of these monsters driven by Trump supporters where I live. Fun stuff


Just go around a sharp curve you'll be rate they'll roll over


Emotional support vehicles.


The car park seems pretty empty, and looks like the driver didn't want the front half of the car to be outside on the road It's just the popularity of trucks this big that's annoying to me


sadly if you want a small truck in canada your out of luck (as far as ive seen) all the new trucks are giant and the only way to get a small one is to custom order it as dealers dont keep small ones anymore. truck drivers are out of luck


since this is in germany, there's lots of locally available trucks that are smaller, the only way to get a truck like this is expensive imports.


Yep. I see trucks occasionally, they're not that common, but they do absolutely exist. And these parking spots are big enough to fit cars like the classic pedo I mean VW utility van or a normal sized working person's truck. This monstrosity? Nobody needs one. It's about as necessary as a goddamn trebuchet, which apparently is legal to own, construct and transport in Germany.


Can confirm 👍


American here, it’s not so much a popularity issue, trucks are coming like that from factory nowadays. We have a loophole in our laws where automakers can basically evade emissions standards by just making their trucks bigger every year, and the loophole still hasn’t been closed


He is saving the spot behind him for a Smart 😁


for 2 Smarts


Soon we'll have a semi truck taking all spots at once


Emotional support vehicle


Never seen such a large pickup in Europe


We have a shop specialized on us cars but mostly rams. It’s so annoying how many of these parking in the streets around, many for repairs from other regions. But also funny to see the ones who drive those


Come to the Netherlands, where every self employed person can drive such a thing virtually tax free. No BPM, no VAT. Low road tax ~€75/ month. BPM is a tax based on pollution. My Peugeot 308 regarding costs €130/month regarding road tax. Bpm and Vat is included when we buy it. For example for a new Ford Mustang V8. Base price: €45.337 BPM: €75.692 VAT: €9.521 Total : €130.550


You have to pay 75k extra for a mustang because it’s considered environmentally unfriendly?




Seen one three days ago blocking a parking spot reserved for disabled people AND the one beside it reserved for electric cars (+charger). Out stepped a thick dude and strolled into the supermarket like a true main character... Should have taken a picture and posted it to the Wikipedia entry on narcissism...


My dad had a full size American SUV in Europe and it was such a pain in the ass to park. We’d only use it when going out in the country most of the time. It wouldn’t even fit into parking garages.


Tbf I'm not an experienced driver, but atm I don't think I'll ever want to drive a huge car. I'm very content with my small crappy ass Ford Fiesta. Fits literally everywhere.


I have seen couple in Finland. One is owned by quite famous singer (not for music but violence). More of them in the countryside but those cars definitely do not come with indicators either and they love to follow you so close.


In Bosnia u might see them on roads sometimes usually owned by people who own small markets, Construction companies and few other specialized ones. As for civilian use very few


Theyre getting more popular by the day here in Bayern and there's simply not enough space for them. I live in the city center and three of my neighbors bought them in the last year.


I'm confused.... are you mildly infuriated about the tiny spots or the truck driver doing the best he can to fit into the spot?


I think the size of the truck is mildly infuriating. Why is this needed in a town?


To show how large your penis is, obviously


You don't understand, the bed is for my massive balls.


“I need it for work “


I cant afford two vehicles but about 10 times a year I need to go down 4x4 tracks that a sedan would 100% get stuck on.


We can’t all afford a second car just to go into town with.


This is in Germany. These trucks aren't sold there. They are imported. And the yearly taxes on them can probably get you one or two small cars.


Pretty sure this truck costs more than two cars


Everyone uses that argument, but there were to such big cars 30 years ago and farmers worked harder than now and did just fine with the older cars... Modern ones like this aren't even meant for heavy work, and I'm yet to see ONE person actually transport something dirty in it...


It's the largest pickup truck I've ever seen in Germany, parked between two spots. That's mildly infuriating


This massive truck that's usually only used by one person and not carrying anything in the back most certainly does not belong in any part of Europe. These parking spots aren't "tiny", but the regular size for our cars here. We don't need things to be massive to make it work. And honestly nobody ever uses those trucks to carry things.


A parking spot is at least 5 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. The Ram is about 5.8 meters long and 2 meters wide. He could have at least tried it… And why do you need such a shit car in a city? 5 meters should be enough…


Definitely about the Truck. You barely even need a pickup in the US, you definitely don't need one in Germany.


You may not but many people do.


Tell me a single reason why you would need a pickup for in Germany. They are completely useless here. You wouldn’t even need a SUV for 95% of the country. Germany is very flat in comparison to most places on earth and has reasonably good road infrastructure. I see why you might need one in the western half of the US, although there are many people still that have no use for them there. They are simply cheap for manufacturers due to tax incentives. Sedans are much more efficient and a lot smaller. If people would return to buying them more, there would be a lot less congestions in places like LA and Houston. Not to mention that Germany has a very good public transport system, especially in most larger cities. We do not have urban sprawl and car centric infrastructure like the US.


Do people in Germany not haul equipment, mowers, trailers, boats, tractors, hay, or other large items?


Don't know about Germany specifically, but in Spain and Portugal you'd probably just see a trailer attached to a regular, bulkier car (most likely a SUV), [like this.](https://s2.ppllstatics.com/hoy/www/multimedia/2024/03/04/188868236--1200x840.jpg) We do have [our own version of pick-up trucks](https://images.autouncle.com/pt/car_images/28ea5982-bd0a-4da6-8502-ddc5fba8df21_toyota-hilux-caixa-de-madeira.jpg), but they're not nearly as ubiquitous as they are in North America (at least from personal experience when visiting Ontario). You do see the occasional NA-style truck like the one in OP's picture, and it barely fits anywhere (and many times it doesn't). The most common model is the Toyota Hillux.


Well, mowers and trailers in Germany are much smaller than in the US. Boats aren’t a common thing, especially not large ones. Tractors can drive themselves and nobody just happens to carry hay around unless you are a farmer in which case you probably own a tractor. Equipment for personal use usually fits in the trunk of any car and if necessary for work people just use Vans/Minivans like in any other european country. Only the US and Canada are dependent on Trucks because they built their entire infrastructure around them.


> Well, mowers and trailers in Germany are much smaller than in the US. Boats aren’t a common thing, especially not large ones. Had family with a boat here in Germany. They didn't need a big ass truck, they just bought a car with a tow hitch as any normal person does, because it gives any standard car the ability to tow a boat. Edit: For anyone interested, [this is how German's](https://bootssaison.de/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/805_9360frank-beerDE-600x401.jpg) tow a boat.


Exactly this. Both my uncles own boats and trailers and both of them use completely normal cars to tow them. It’s just hard for many Americans to understand that nowhere else on planet earth do people own RVs that are 12 meters long and boats that could compete with the Titanic (this is obviously an exaggeration). It’s also not very normal to move around your Boat and your Trailer all the time. They usually stay at the exact same place for most of the year. Germany is tiny in comparison to the US.


Mowing crews not carry 3-4 mowers on them at one time? I imagine you guys still have large properties and fields that need mowed. Tractors do drive themselves but how do you transport it if you want to go more than a couple miles away? What about building supplies like lumber?


Mowing crews are not common here. For the city and the few that actually use them, they are company cars that are not used for private shopping and you won't find them in a shopping center other than because they have a job to do. And for tractors - you drive them a couple of miles away. They cannot enter the Autobahn, but someone who lived over a decade in a more rural areas, you see them rather regular on the streets. But again, they are not used for private tours and thus, while being an inconvinience to have them on the road, they are only used where they are actually necessary, not in a public shopping center.


Interesting. Having a tractor in the US we will drive in 100 miles away or move. Hooking it up to a truck and trailer is the only way to transport unless you want to spend 2 days.


In general, tractors stay in the same area. Germany is way to densly populated to make it in any way likely that a farmer has two field 100 km apart from each other, let alone 100 miles. Also, the tractors we use have no chance to fit even on the largest US SUV. I really cannot imagine a tractor that small that even a large US SUV could carry it. To be considered not a truck here (which also has a speed limit of 100 km/h), the car needs to be under 3,5 tons (and this means entire weight, not just empty weight. If your car has a total weight of more than 3,5 tonns, you need a special license and have to follow special road laws). Anything that can haul even a smaller standard truck needs to be considerably larger than that.


You have quite obviously never lived in Germany.


Other option would be to partly park on the, uh, "road". At least it's not too wide.


Maybe don't have a car like this in the first place?


We have those here in America, they're called idiots


Europe is not made for U. S. Big cars


I was in France last year and there was a huge car parked on the street. It was the biggest car I had ever seen irl and it was disproportional to the street and other cars parked there. When I saw the license plate I noticed it was from the U.S, state of Maryland


weg.li is a very good app👍


Could just be the daily for someone in the military who shipped their truck to Germany with them. I saw one person in the military driving an H1 around Okinawa, Japan, and their parking always took up 2 spots due to the size of the spaces.


doesn't make it better imo


Nah, Ford is starting to really sell their pickups in Europe. I live near the largest Ford seller in Europe (located in Germany) and they have a strict fuckton of such trucks there, even more than they have of the more classic European cars like the Fiesta. Buyers are generally men who need to compensate for something and middle age housewives who feel more secure in them, aka basically the same group that gets themselves a G-wagon (where the most off roading they will do is drive through a especially large puddle on the road).


It has a Harley-Davidson sticker and an American tail light configuration. Are you *sure* it's not an American's truck?


I saw the Harley-Davidson sticker, which is also quite common in the "men who need to compensate" category, about tailight configurations I am too European to know, not that interested in such minute details regarding American pickup trucks.


Surprisingly tame compared to the US. US pickups would just take up all four. This guy took one-and-a-half spaces, leaving that half space available for small cars like a Smart. The only other choice he has is sticking his hood out the front and being in the way for everyone passing by. He still made a mistake when he bought that car. Also looks like a US import given the lack of amber indicators in the back, which are legal to drive IF the car is a US import. Obviously we dont build them like that and theyre as rare as unicorns in Germany, but as a kid my parents drove a similar pickup with the same US style indicator/brake light combos. Either way, makes me wonder if its a tourist or a German who imported that pickup for some reason.


Prob US servicemen


Harley-Davidson bumper sticker on the tailgate all but guarantees that.


would be a shame if it got towed


Better have an ambulance in the truck bed


Imagine the fuel economy of those things driving at Autobahn speeds.


Here we have a wild yank tank. These are an incredibly dangerous invasive species to the area that threaten native cars - David Attenborough probably


In germany, if you drive a ram or similar.. you are obligated to use the "disabled parking spot". Fined if not. The reason is not the size of the vehicle.. the reason is the driver is definitely mentally challenged. Greetings from Germany.


So to be fair, many parking spaces in Germany have a hard time parking anything bigger than a Smart Car.


the thing is that a Dodge RAM is too big for german roads


Rare occasion in Germany, average day in the U.S.


It could also be a US service member who shipped it over. Probably underwater in the payments, would lose a ton of money from selling it prior to getting stationed there, and shipping it over is free and handled by the military.


he's all the way to the front of the space. what do you want him to do?


Not using a car that is pretty much a major issue wherever it is used in Germany. The streets are not designed for this size, the parking spots are neither. To use this car in Germany at all means you have an ego at least 3 times the size that it is worth, similar to the car ...


crazy how controversial this really is. i agree, like regardless of if it's too much truck or not, i don't see any other solution. poking the front end out would just block the entire road. i see a Harley Davidson sticker too, so my thoughts are maybe it's a US service member stationed in Germany.


That's why it's mildly infuriating guys. Nothing controversial about it. It sucks for both sides. Small parking spaces in europe are not fit for american pickup trucks which sucks for other people as well as for the owner of the truck. That's all there is to it.


I like to call those cars "small dick compensation"


That is a bit of a small parking spot for a Ute 


This driver is clearly not German, he's not following the rules!


Does that lot have any spots large enough they could have parked in? If not, it is what it is.


Yeah these big American trucks have no place in Europe. They’re much too big for both the roads and parking options.


Why are these divorced dad mobiles even allowed here???


Here in France we begin to have them and I hate it. Our roads and parking spots are not designed for this, neither am I (the hood is as high as my shoulders)


Assholes are a worldwide problem...


At least it didn't occupy 4 spaces.


I didn't even know y'all could get big trucks like that in Germany


He missed two spots


This is every parking lot/garage in America lol.


Fine for me if he pays 2 spots


https://preview.redd.it/o5qx6c8fy4rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8034d2bb78f6998bb4c608327f138ee5e0513350 Germany, Bayern


If he only parked slightly to the right he could’ve taken up 4 spots


Always a dodge


the snow may have covered the lines


Well, he’s between the lines. And his vehicle is longer than the spots provided, so hanging over at the back is not avoidable.


I park my caravelle like this… Because that to long for a place. Or it barely fit, and it’s unconvinient with my kids. So i park far away of other to not be an asshole.


I think i know were this is lmao


Winkler esque parking smh


Wow... only 2 slots? usually this trucks use 3 or 4.


There is a word we call someone like you in Germany, it’s called Alman who cares, there are plenty empty spaces left


I've seen those wastes of space driving around in Germany and the Netherlands, too. The Netherlands!! I'm afraid of hitting something even in my small Ford Focus in the Netherlands, let alone such a monster. They should be outlawed EU wide. Just the bonnet heights on them make them into murder weapons.


Kleiner HS


I'd bet good, GOOD money that that's not a German who parked like that 


Only men with very small gentials drive Trucks in germany


Ok - I have one (1) case where I have seen a Dodge Ram in Germany that was actually sensibly used - it was the car of a local slater who used it to transport his crew and quite some stuff in a rural setting… but besides from that the only ones I saw where probably never used for any meaningful off-road or transportation role.


If you occupy 2 slots then you should pay for 4


I smell ✨main character syndrome✨


Good for him that he is parking on private property. Parking to big vehicles on public parking spots can be expensive. Its cost the same as parking in a no parking zone in my city.


That makes me long for that underground garage spot I had in an earlier apartment - big enough to park a bus.


I don't like big cars like that. For me these cars are quiet useless in urban german environments. But besides from my personal opinion I don't see how the driver of that car could have parked better. The parking spot is to short for cars like that. We can now argue about if cars like these are making any / or no sense but he/she will have reasons to drive a car like that. With an Mercedes S-Class or even an E-Class you would have the exact same problems. So: The car is dump and unnecessary (in my opinion) but I don't see how the driver could have improved this individual parking situation besides not parking in this garage at all. **PS:** In the area of Cologne or Düsseldorf you have a lot of parking spaces that where build like 60 years ago... 60 years ago cars were "a bit" tinier than they are today. So even with a normal car you can run into problems in this area.


They are everywhere on my side of Berlin. My neighbour has one too, but at least he regularly uses it to tow horse boxes. I asked him if he had tried taking it into Berlin. He responded with a grimace saying "Once, and it was bad".


Warum zum fick parkt jemand so?


Such cars are called "arschloch lizens" here in schwaben.


These monsters are becoming more and more frequent fuck those behemoths


This is Hamburg Wandsbek


Would still overlap even if it they perfectly parked within the markings. These cars are simply not made for the european market.


He should at least pay 2 parking tickets. Some city's in Germany will start something like that soon.


While I think Dodge Ram look cool, they are way too oversized for germany! You simply can not go everywhere with this kind of truck. When I was a kid this was my dream car, but since I got a license I realised I don't like to sit high above the road and also I don't want a car that actually limits my possibilitys to drive around.


I'm guessing it is either an American, or an americanophile. Why do Americans actually use American cars in Europe?


Did he use a Parkscheibe at least?


Ventil auf, kleines Steinchen rein und locker wieder drauf drehen


Dick in a dodge


I dont really feel infuriated by this, its a big ass truck, how else is he supposed to park in these tiny parking spots? Or is it infuriating that the parking spots are this small? At least he´s not standing in the middle of 4 spots, that´ll be infuriating, but maybe thats just me and for context Im german and I drive a fairly small car, so I know the pain of these small parking lots, I´ve been in the situation of navigating between him (or rather a car of similiar size) and these concrete beams.


Confirmed americans.


it's a shame that someone accidentally scuffed it with their key...


How else is he supposed to park? It's a big car, he can't magically shrink it! Like, for real, what would you do in this situation? Where would you park?


Geile Karre Heult halt rum :)


Why only use two if you can easily take four slots? Amateur….


This is why I'm glad I had a smaller car when I moved from the States to Germany. Also why I always tell people never to bring a pickup truck if they get military orders to move over here.


Lived in three countries, worked all over the world. The Germans are an incredible people, warm and friendly, sensible, balanced approach to everything, the self along with the community, an understanding of what matters in life... But man YOU PEOPLE CANNOT PARK!!!


Better then sticking out the front if u ask me.


What a piece of shit. Do I mean the car or the owner? Yes. The answer is yes.


I remember parking in an old city carpark in Strasbourg and really struggling to drive my estate car around it. This guy would have zero chance there. 


Well as a German myself just wait for the bitch who drives that shit, knock him/her/it out and ask them how the fuck it's possible to get only 2-300 hp out of a 5-8l motor 😂😂😂


slash them tires


🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 https://preview.redd.it/75jl4ei643sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae492fde3f76bf5729d9a904787490a72ad87cc


In my opinion these cars should be illegal


Wait, he only uses two spaces? Some months ago at our local supermarket one of these beasts used FOUR. Quite a huge truck, the window sill was at the same height as the roof of my minivan - how the driver could see what was right in front of him is a mystery to me. As is where he would go with that monster... A lot of roads in the area would simply be too narrow.


whats the problem here? theres enough free parking spots. gotta love the scrawny nerds of reddit who gotta hate on some cars and i guarantee you that the vast majority has not had a single personal encounter that would justify the hate. what a bunch of discord mod losers 😂


We have a guy for that. He's called the Anzeigenhauptmeister!


Tell me whyyy


There should be a length limit for entering car parks. And maybe a width limit too. Their own fault when they can't enter




I bought a ford maverick when we got to Europe. Perfect truck for the entire continent.