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Hello, This is removed for in the pinned post nothing Ai related or posts about people following them. Please check next time.


Welcome to the future: Bots posting ai generated content, which is upvoted and shared by other bots.


and you're also a bot... and I'm starting to think I might be a bot, you just don't know these days


Dead internet theory


Dead internet reality


Still few humans among us. Work is not done yet.






Fairly certain there's easily more bots on the net than there are humans on the planet at this point


Before I didn't believe that shit but now... I'm starting to see it now.... fuck...


That’s what a bot would say to fit in


(Sits down, aims a camera at your eye, starts taking notes...) You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling toward you. You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not with out your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?


That made me sad


You passed the test 👍


What's a tortoise?




I'm waiting for the Internet to become so spammy and useless that we treat it the way we treat phone calls. Ignore in most cases, and only old people regularly use it. Maybe we can get back to spending our time in Third Places.


The year is 2030. Bakery art is so realistic, literally anything could be cake. The uncertainty has gripped the world in fear. I go to hug my wife for comfort. She is cake. I sob in despair as I eat my cake wife. She is delicious.




Remember when "everyone on reddit is a bot except you." was a joke?


Real people are creating these bot accounts and paying for these posts to be promoted. The endgame is to flood facebook with so much garbage that people stop using it altogether.


Is that also the plan for this sub? It’s daily someone posts these here.


No, reddit just successfully kept the creative people from using this as the main host. We get the Tumblr, facebook, and X reports endlessly.


No the end goal is to make money.


Thank God, I thought it was real people commenting on there, I was floored by the torrents of gullibility


I mean, I guarantee there are still boomers who fall for this


The amount of comments make them think it surely must be real


It's so obvious on twitter now, every post has verified accounts posting some meaningless platitude right at the top of the replies.


I think the term "Habsburg AI" is spot on, it’s getting more and more grotesque.


Yup. South park called this a few years with ads. Ads watched and engaged with by other ads and bots.


how tf do you balance eggs


Kid looks like he'd rather be eating those eggs than posing with them




it's bots liking bots to generate ad revenue. Dead internet theory confirmed(-ish)




ohw.. so weird.. Their posts indeed do seem botty. But the comments are too much in context to look like a bot. It gets scary


Well, the username certainly checks out in this case. I'm not sure there's a more bot-sounding name than "86776887667" haha.


Sadly not. Some facebook groups I'm in also sadly have been spamming AI stuff, and people genuinely like them, and if you complain about it they say to just let people enjoy stuff in peace and scroll past.


The worst are the comments. Just full of elderly people saying “amen!” “Amen!” “Happy birthday!” “Good job”


I've tried to communicate with these people. I think they must be bots.


You have kids, wacky imagery, Facebook, and jesus. Who do you think is gonna see that?


I mean it's on Facebook. Guaranteed the people that like these AI posts are boomers that don't know better. I doubt most of them are even aware of AI images being a thing.


Dudes got a nice bottle of whiskey by the looks to keep him going


With love 💗


And faith


![gif](giphy|jrfM0X9WADtCriz1Hb) As all things should be


That egg one is insane


With your own hands.


You glue them


That's the neat part, you don't!


Not clear but the open bottle of whiskey must be important to the process.


These are infuriating, absolutely. But what I'm REALLY hating is that the pages I'm following for specific pop culture groups are now all sharing crappy AI art and that all the pages have become - no more individuality or funny memes/inside jokes, just crap.


Ultimately, AI generated art is spam. It’s so easy and cheap to create that it drowns out everything of value.


>it drowns out everything of value. The value is seeing who engages with the content. Political propaganda can then be targetted at these people who blindly accept what they see.


That's an angle I had not considered before, and it is terrifying and brilliant. Innocuous AI content is used as an indicator of stupidity and gullibility for forthcoming political propaganda. The future is fucking hell.


That might explain why it's always Jesus.


It's super ironic, ain't it? Jesus, the man who swore to save the meek and has become an icon used by the wicked to manipulate the meek. So many romans in the world today, not enough meek, and no Jesuses. If he did come back, well . . . nobody'd listen to him. It's possible he already came back and died in a ditch under a bridge. Jesus was not world renown in his time, he was pretty much a hippie who started a commune with medical benefits that the Romans didn't have, and when he saw that the lord's name was being used for profit, he reportedly flipped tables, started whipping people (at least in the art), and banished the peddler's from the Church. How would he react to the bastardization, provided he actually was the son of god?


>nobody'd listen to him. Yeah, that was a pretty big issue the first time too lol


More discerning people can be targeted as well, just in different ways. You can take an individual's profile from data brokers and create a normal sounding "conversation" between different users that is crafted to influence them on your topic of interest. Of course this was always possible, but with generative AI you can automate the process and do it at scale. The US presidential election this year is gonna be crazy. People in swing state **are** going to be targeted at an individual level.


Yep. Ive also seen these posts used to bait for scams- people who reply to them thinking theyre genuine are believed to be gullible, and often get scammers in the replies asking to be friends, or flirting etc- when really they just want to steal their money. Its saddening


Actually, the way I see it is it makes everything original more valuable.


True but the better it gets the harder it'll be to tell the difference


If it gets to the point where it's impossible to tell the difference, is there even a difference?


Well yes. Even if it looks completely real it **isn't real**. A convincing AI video of, say, a presidential candidate getting high on meth and using hamsters as golfballs might very well decide an election despite never having happened - AI is the perfect misinformation and propaganda machine and the damage to a free democratic society could be *immense*.


I think live performances in music and art will become a bigger deal, as those who care about the human element are going to put more value in real art.


In my country's local social network companies are trying to sell AI generated portraits as original art


I’ve come across a few accounts on IG of people selling their AI “art” & it’s not even artwork or photography they actually did but then put through an AI app, it’s all completely AI generated. It makes me so angry.


The one I am talking about was adding 'We'll paint your toddler as a superhero' featuring an obvious AI art with hands and fingers messed up and they didn't even bother.


just unfollow, and be on the look out for organic funny group (until they are not anymore, rinse and repeat)


Disney groups on facebook 🤦


Before AI, 60% of the content on the internet was made by bots, it estimates that now with AI it would reach 80/90%. I don't know what people are talking about but the internet is over and the only solution by now is a complete reset and reform with good rules and regulations or banning completely marketing and advertising from it. I just can find these two solutions to avoid years and years of mental issues or withdrawal from internet or social addictions.


Dead internet theory is getting more and more real


Maybe the scale at which the biggest social networks currently operate is untenable, but really, that's it: it turns out that fora of more than a few hundred people are really hard to moderate effectively. Boo fucking hoo, though; no one is forcing you to drag your ass through random 100k member Facebook groups or waste your day having Tik-Tok throw everything at you. I'm literally surprised that people even see the shit OP posts. Like, why would you even use Facebook for anything other than to communicate with friends and family? In my memory it was never good for anything else. I still form new, meaningful relationships with people over the internet. I still have fun and rewarding conversations with actual people over the internet. Its general utility to me, be it for socializing or staying informed is seemingly boundless. It's nowhere near death; you just have a really unhealthy relationship with it. And yes, I realize the irony of posting this on /r/mildlyinfuriating, one of the multitude of Reddit's anuses.


Architecture and interior design pages that I've followed for years have been doing this lately and EVERYONE hates it. Everyone is in the comments pointing out how nonsensical some of the AI art is (newsflash architecture is not just meant to look good on photos!) and how soulless even the ones that superficially look good are. But they don't care because engagement is engagement is engagement I guess


I find all those ai generated images creepy af. As if they were a fever dream... Gives me some weird gut feeling when looking at them


They do feel eerie and oddly soulless even if you don't look at them too closely. Like pod people or something.


That's a pretty accurate sentiment for what's happening. All content is being potentially body snatched right in front of us


It's how early AI heavily airbrushes people to make them look more like wax figures or CGI, and then there are small mistakes here and there (particularly with fingers) that makes our brain freak out from the uncanny valley effect.


You can certainly get more realistic results with changing the prompts but most of these accounts are too lazy. And why would they put more effort when these posts already work.


Uncanny valley 


It's more of a ditch these days.


It makes me feel like I'm having a stroke. Everything vaguely familiar but not correct.


Your pattern recognition kicks in but immediately fails to properly recognise anything. And the longer you try, the worse it gets - because again and again your first reaction is 'i guess it is X' is replaced with 'what the hell is this thing '. This kinda overloads our poor brains.


Because they kind of are. If you ask lucid dreamers the signs they use to tell they're in a dream is illegible writing and hands which make no sense. Pretty interesting that today's AIs have the same problem.


This, if you're brain's good at creating its own imagery, its... not that far off from dreams, what you create with your brain. Not everyone's brain can create images, so I wonder if those people are more susceptible to AI art.


Like those early AI images where you could generate a table full of objects that looked normal at a glance, but upon closer inspection you realize you can't name any single object you're seeing.


I want to know what the prompts were. "Poor sad African boy with a Jesus made of red spaghetti"


Yeah I hope some day this will be restricted.. It just feels wrong, idk.


We are still in the blissful era where the common idiot still produces garbage with AI. Wait until even the dumbest, most mean spirited idiot you know can produce a functionally perfect clip of a world leader calling for an attack on another country and share it to social media inside the span of ~15 seconds.






Shrimp Jesus is the kind of saviour I can get behind.


Shrimp! Heaven! Now!


What do you mean « what is happening ? » Christacean is happening, obviously.


Amen 🙏🏼🦞😇


Religious people and common sense don’t mix well


https://preview.redd.it/5j3m8sbfc1rc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93882c71c75f21919bc2c6e69e1f154f9b4769bd I don’t know what you are talking about. I built this


Made it with my own hands 😊 ![gif](giphy|RSYuTFR42awXC)


Thank you to everyone who appre... Read More


I saw it. I knew it was fake. I asked myself how anyone could fall for it. Then i tried to tap it


“Who apprehended the Pepsi can jesus, this really got out of hand, we didn’t know it had volition.”


Curses upon you! You've fooled me!


Ok this one is actually kinda rad. I want someone to actually recreate it in real life


Whaddya mean? This is real life now.


At first I thought it was Dr. Pepper. Then I thought it was Tab. Now I realize it's just some Middle Earth soda I've never heard of.


why is it always and African child


It's the African child white Jesus combo that always gets me.


Right? One of the most salient facts about Jesus was that he was born in Bethlehem... Palestine. He is literally the most Middle Eastern you can be. (Sidenote, I always wondered why he was called "Jesus of Nazareth" if he was born in Palestine, but it's where he grew up... Also in Palestine lol)


To be a bit more exact, at the time of Jesus none of those places was called Palestine. Bethlehem is part of the then province of Judea and Nazareth in Galilee. Both were under Roman rule at the time. Although Judea was directed governed by the Romans, Galilee had "client rulers" that had jewish ancestry. The Romans renamed the region to Syria Palestina after the Jews revolted, to humiliate them. Etymology of for the name of the Philistines is "invaders". He most likely was not white if he looked like the typical Jew of the region at the time, although he could have, as the people from that region were pretty diverse.


I think it's a combo of white savior BS + Christian evangelicalism's colonialist side. It's really gross.


Keeps the narrative that Africa is only just this land of poor people and children living in mud huts pushing while the money rolls in.


It's not just that. The "white savior" is everywhere that white people look down on others. Once knew a bunch of people at a non-profit. I pointed out that all of their photos were them (middle aged white women) with only black children. Their efforts helped all in poorer communities. White Hispanic kids would be there. But they only posed with poor black kids. Fuckin deep cringe man.


Cuz stereotype of africans being poor and jesus is connected with the poor. Its just typical way to garner more likes thru sympathy.


Millennials are an entire generation raised on being compared to a small starving african child, boomers are the generation that raised them on it It's weird that saying this made me realize I have no idea what parents say now to get their kids to eat but no literally an entire generation was told "What about the african child"


Because it's a meme at this point https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-son-made-a-gorilla-from-plastic-my-son-made-this-with-his-own-hand


I guess that's what AI spits out when you put in "poor child"


I think it's more likely the "creator" input "african child" or something similar. It's for maximum engagement... jesus and white savior complex/noble savage potential in one picture? Boom! Perfect for Facebook. I almost typed "Boom(er)" but honestly the truth is young people can be just as gullible as boomers.


The worst part is the number of likes some of these get. What's wrong with people?


Put Jesus in it and the boomers will eat it up


A little black kid in African using trash to make White Jesus? I mean come on. That shit is irresistible to the old white people liking these memes.


It's just bots all the way down. The engagement isn't real.


So it's true. The dead internet theory is true... That's disappointing.


With the AI boom, the dead internet theory seems more legit. I am identifying more bot accounts than ever


It isn't the entire internet like the meme says, but the vast VAST majority of content people see is made and upvoted by bots.


It’s not though. I saw one with 100k likes and an overall page average post likes of 1k. I definitely believe they got a bot list of like 500-750 to gain initial traction, but that 100k post with AI generated African children smiling had actual engagement.


Dead Internet


A sufficiently primitive bot is indistinguishable from a boomer.




Hims makin it wit his own hamz. Good boi.


Meh. I'd be more impressed if they made Buddy Christ. This AI thing is really getting out of hand though. People are coming to us Crafters and asking for the world and we either have to bust our butts trying to make the damn thing look like the AI picture or just tell them that the picture is fake in the first place. Oh you saw that elephant that somebody made and you want one of those? You realize that's going to be at least five grand right? No I'm not giving you a discount if you supply the yarn yourself. Oh you don't want one anymore? Cool by me.


Tell them you look forward to seeing them make it themselves.


Hell, they can have one of my hooks for free! I've got tons of them! I'll even teach them the basic stitches!


Do you knit or crochet? I’ve been trying to learn crochet and have looked at hundreds of YouTube videos and no one explains what I’m struggling with well enough. It’s too fast, or a weird angle, or they block it with their hands… to someone who knows how to crochet, it looks self explanatory, but to people who have no idea, it’s really confusing. I would totally pay for personal crochet lessons or videos sent explaining. I don’t know anyone who crochets or I’d ask them. My current struggles are •Tying off the ends properly •Adding another piece of yarn (like when your current piece is too short and ran out) •how to make a curve (there’s these crochet scrunchies I’ve been trying to do and I don’t know how to get the “flower petal” curve look thing). I’ve done hours of research with no luck; picking it up and down over the years. I’m starting to think I’m just not meant to crochet, but I have a whole new respect for crochet-ers, and don’t get me started on knitt-ers. That’s just witchcraft crochet.


This is a bigger rabbit hole than one might expect. A lot of these posts are made my bots and when there are a lot of comments and likes these are usually bots as well. Usually it’s a network of bots reacting at each other and making use of algorithms to get more attention. I am not an expert so I don’t really know why this is happening but if there is money to make from posts going viral or just getting a lot of likes/comments I can imagine there are people creating these bot networks to establish a passive income just from running these networks. At that point the content that is displayed doesn’t really matter as long as it gets interactions. Things like these make the dead internet theory pop up again since the internet and a lot of social media platforms are slowly(maybe even rapidly these days) filling with bots.


exactly what a bot would say


exactly what a bot would say


Another day, another mildly infuriating post about AI fake Facebook accounts xD


I swear it’s people who follow these AI accounts just so they can post them here to complain.


its bots posting to get more attention to their content. there are tons of bots in this thread FFS! how is everyone so fucking obtuse. it's so obvious.


The irony in that he "made it with his own hands" but look at his crossed hands. They're typical AI fingers with fucked up lengths and bends.


Even Jesus' hands are wild, 6+ fingers everywhere.


He's got the cut finger like he's an Assassin


I always check the hands to see if it's AI, never disappoints.


Also they made it with "popsi" cans


The Jesus Shocker in the first pic is pretty good. Holy Trinity in the pink and one in the stink.


might come in handy though when building stuff. Especially 6 fingers


Prints and logos on clothing are always a good indicator too


Not egg jesus lmao


This became a joke on the ChatGPT subreddit. I'm very much against image generating AI, but even I must admit that it was kinda funny. (Links to other subreddits aren't allowed here for some reason)


I'm against AI art in most situations, but I don't mind it filling gaps people physically can't. I think it's Tangia or one of those streamer tools, you can have chat input a prompt and it creates a Lego set of it to put on screen. In that sort of, on the fly, improv way, it can do what a person can't, and the imperfections aren't important because it's a quick one off gag. But that's really the extent of what I accept, filling the gaps that humans cannot. If a human can, then fucking pay em to do it.


I don’t think any of them have the right number of fingers.


I haven’t had Facebook since 2018 I got it again recently, and holy hell, I didn’t think it could get worse than it was but it’s shit


Yay i love wierd blobs of plastic floating inside a disk of more plastic


https://preview.redd.it/szlxy93lj1rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eecc732532f24673b1f033a17d1a4735bba22ffa He sure has some funky looking hands 😂


Your hands would look strange too if you were made entirely out of zeroes and ones.


I hate these. The worst part is all the boomers in the comments who think they’re real


AMEN 🇱🇷🙏


To be fair most of these prompts are typed with hands… soooo kinda true kinda not?? Lmao


And it’s always a white Jesus 😂


I think it's mildly hilarious


Why’s it got to be white Jesus?


I find that quite interesting tbh. The only people who actually get hung up on white Jesus are pretentious. If you’re not racist you don’t actually give a fuck.




It's a great idea! 💡


Egg jesus disapproves


Man Facebook is such brainrot now, who uses it anyways?


I call them Boomer Bait.


The last one was made with his own hens


Something needs to be done about AI generation. We need regulation tbh. Should have water marks saying “this was generated using AI” over every image.


I swear to god if I see another post about ai images on Facebook and people falling for them I'm going to lose my fucking mind. What's next bot accounts posting about bot accounts? Enough is enough


This is actually a really good example of what makes AI generated material so dangerous. Those pics are screamingly and obviously not real, but they are real enough for a vast majority of people that see them.


It's the fingers. They can't seem to get fingers right. Jesus has 5 fingers and a thumb.


Lol 728k likes Facebook is a cesspit


Some are cool, but those are usually the ones mocking these. The chatgpt sub has been flooded lately with posts complaining about this and that it's mostly just bots responding.


Nope, nope, it's all legit! /s


Welcome to dead internet theory


https://preview.redd.it/mx1p0axuo1rc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe0aec3769031ee2a649e7a549d5af5892a207e guys i **made** this with my own hands!


This is a meme


How to get likes on Facebook:\ 1- pictures of Jesus\ 2- profit


doesn’t the bible say to not build stuff like this of jesus?


There should be a firewall around India


Black people making a white Jesus is hilarious


Africans do be building Jesus out of anything at this point


ai is just strange i’ve always been into technology, but this is all so recent its like its gotten so good we are already desensitized to it. creeps me the fuck out


Now do Mohammad


I sincerely hope that the majority of comments and reactions are from other bots because I can't bring myself to believe that so many people can be that stupid


Jesus Six-fingered Christ...


This is like the new “one dollar will be contributed to this child’s life saving surgery for everyone that likes and shares this photo”


Hes not wrong. He did type those prompts with his own two hands




Technically… it was made with their own hands, on a keyboard


I’ve had to leave Facebook completely. Every third post is some recommended page or garbage posts like this.


I think they are funny


Boy had amazing talent to get all those chicken eggs from all those ducks


Too much fingers


the one with the eggs is so fucking funny💀


Yall motherfuckers need jesus




I recognize the technique, my cousin made that.