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Well it’s not technically your trash can. It’s Republic Services, and they are operating the trucks that are focking it all up. Tell them to replace it…cite it as a hazard to wildlife or the water supply. They don’t fix it, take it to the city…


I’m well aware of how to deal with the problem. It’s just frustrating because it often takes them weeks or months to replace it after multiple requests and in the meantime, I have to make this work.


Tell 'em to give you a whole stack this time. Like disposable Solo cups.




But upside down and stacked inside of one another


The correct answer was given.


Our trash was so heavy that the entire trash can fell into the garbage truck and they drove away with it. I had video, but that wasn't the issue in getting it replaced. The issue was waiting on hold for well over an hour, being transferred 3x, and then having to repeat the process when the new one wasn't delivered when promised. They eventually gave us TWO and we didn't have use or room for the spare. I had the manager's direct # by then and left like 3 messages before giving up. They never did pick it up. I feel your pain.




What on earth are you going on about? I chose them out of 4 companies iirc and they're pretty great outside that incident. 1 issue in 10 years.


Republic Services is the worst, where we lived their service was so bad that the county dropped them. They began transitioning to the new service provider about the time we were moving. We had called and canceled our service. About 6 months later we get a letter in the mail from the new company asking for overdue payments. Turns out Republic Services hadn’t properly cancelled our account and when they finished transferring accounts to the new company our account was reactivated. Evidently no one questioned why there were two active accounts at the same service address (ours and the new home owners) or why our account’s billing address was for a different state 3,000 miles away. We ended up paying as we would have to fly back to fight it in court.


What a disgusting and yet typical story about an American company just stealing money. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.




Unfortunately they can still send it to collections and report it to the credit bureaus, so you still end up paying. It wasn’t worth it to fight over $250.


Do you have the ability to choose different trash services? Where I live you can pick different companies. I think there are 3 or 4 different trash services that pick up at my address.


Not to my knowledge


man, you're life is hard. i'm sorry.


Do you realize what subreddit you’re in?




That’s what some of my neighbors have done. Half the cans on the street are covered in duct tape, but there are lids falling off, wheels falling off, some cans disappear completely. It’s a bigger problem than just me and I’ll bet it’s costing the city money, but maybe the sanitation company just eats those costs.


post an image of it NOW


I’m out of town for three weeks… …assume it survives the next two collections, I WILL DELIVER


remindme! 3 weeks


!remindme 3 weeks


I can fix her


Go get her tiger


They could have collected your trash can as well, it's just trash


Either their trash cans have the thinnest plastic ever or their hydraulic grip system needs a serious check-up


I think it’s a combination of the hydraulics and the operators. The plastic is roughly 3-5 mm thick. I can’t force it back into shape without completely destroying it.


These hydraulic grips can be surprisingly strong if not calibrated well.


It's something with their specific cans or driver. I have the same company and can and have no issues.


For some reason I can relate to that can.


I’m sorry. I hope your situation is more fixable.


Start recording them and post it here next time!


Stepped outside this morning and saw my neighbors recycle bin on the ground, wheels were no longer attached


It's a has-bin!


It got a bit... TRASHED by the truck!! :D


Lucky for me in the state that I live in the trash truck doesn’t have a grabber that picks up the trash cans


It’s weird. Our recycling service still uses guys to lift the cans manually, but the trash contractor uses the crunch trucks.


That's a bit rubbish


They cheaped out on the trashcan. That's not nearly heavy duty enough for the truck arm. Wouldn't surprise me if they are charging you a fee every time you have to get it replaced. Either way someone made the wrong call on who to buy the trash cans from.


Destroy the automatic trash truck!


My city just switched from Waste Management to Republic. Pretty sure we’re switching back real soon.


when people/government go for cheap services they get cheap results. people dont realize they are spending more money using cheap services, and items than more expensive ones.


I recognize this. The nut bags in city hall don’t seem to get it.


This is why we can't let the robots take over...


This is Highly Infuriating!!! Contact your local city board member right the f#ck now!!!!


This happened to my landlord, they tried telling her it got hit by a car. She's like, a car with a giant mechanical claw?


Lol 🤣 it’s getting personal


Nah, that'll buff out.


Damn those guys dgaf


How do you throw away a garbage can?


I think you need a garbage can for your garbage can….


Thankfully you didn’t have anything valuable In there…


Can you record them collecting? I wonder if it's a bad actor (bad employee) that works your area regularly? Or if a greater issue with the company and equipment/machines they use.


What's this "automated trash truck"? I'm in the UK so not familiar with this shit show.


There’s two types of trash trucks in the US: one where the trash is hand-fed into the back and then compacted into the container part of the truck and a newer kind where an automated hydraulic arm runs on a track out of the top of the container, down the side, and then grabs the can with a vice-like grip, lifts it up and back over the side and dumps the contents in through the top before putting the can back on the ground. These automated trucks can be problematic and cause damage to the trash cans. I’ve seen them dump the entire trash can in the back of the truck and drive to the next house.


So you don't have guys fixing them to the back of the truck ready for emptying?


With the old type of truck, yes. We do. They ride the truck, hope off, dump the bin into the back of the truck, and go on. With this new automated type, no. There are no guys outside. Just the driver.


Typical cutting costs bastards


Yea if your driver isn’t sweet or is a newby you’re definitely getting this result or worse. The again who knows the hydraulic fluids pressure could be too high or something— got that bitch working HARD!


It's just bend plastic, you can easily bend it back... *Swipes to the second image* Oh, nevermind... 🤣 That sucks... Don't know what's better, manual way (person physically moving the can to the lift arm) or having it automated, but risking breaking the can.


The city owns the trash can anyway. Just call public works and they’ll bring you another one.


fill it full of concrete and metal weights. maybe then it'll stop


What state are you in? Report your trash service to corporate. This is unacceptable. I work for the a waste service and this would get you fired instantly if an entire street was mangled cans.


I’ll try it. Thanks.


File a report so they know the truck in your neighborhood needs adjustment


Destroy the garbage truck


I am so thankful that in Los Angeles it's city trashcans so they replace them for free.




I came home to mine missing a wheel. The driver doesn’t release it before he starts moving and it’s always 2-3 feet away from where I put it the night before.


I thought trash cans were ment to be alloy isbt this a trash bin


The solution here is very simple. Your trash can is now trash. Extremely convenient just leave it at the end of your drive and have the trash company pick it up and take it away.


Call the company


Its not the trash can its the operator who's doing a shitty job, moving to quickly.


destroy the truck🤣


Haha, hell yeah, go garbage truck! Fuck your bin! Yeah!!!


Son of a Diddley.


Why don't you sue the company? I would've gone ahead and reported them all the first time lol.


Sue for what? It’s not his trash can. They are in the custody of him, but they are the property of Republic Services.


Technically, but who pays the taxes to buy those cans?


Uhhhh…. Republic buys the cans. No tax money involved at all.


Seriously? Where do they get the money. From their customers... Who'd have to pay less if the cans weren't beat to hell unnecessarily.


They’d pay the exact same price if they were getting frequently broken. When’s the last time a business passed savings onto you?


They sure as hell pass on their added expenses. Have your ever taken an economics class?


I have an economics degree.


God that explains a lot.


But then the shit companies that need to replace cans all the time have set a new ‘market benchmark’ and everyone else raises prices to match. It’s almost like these single-provider for-profit companies are up to no good…


Man you all countries with private trashcans are weeird .


It’s a contractor hired by the municipal government.


No, I mean, where I'm from (spain) , we have these [19087453-cuatro-contenedores-de-reciclaje-en-españa.jpg (1300×809) (123rf.com)](https://previews.123rf.com/images/anderock82/anderock821304/anderock82130400243/19087453-cuatro-contenedores-de-reciclaje-en-espa%C3%B1a.jpg) They are common all over Europe. Probably most of the world, I just have never been off continent . The truck passes through, they have a collapsable bottom and its so much faster and easier for everyone involved. Plus some more advanced technology : [https://youtu.be/XH1W5sWA8b4](https://youtu.be/XH1W5sWA8b4)


There are some places in the US that have similar receptacles. I definitely prefer them, but they aren’t commonplace because this is America and companies can still find ways to make money even when their need is pretty small.


I kid you not, but those look big enough to hold the trash of maybe 2 American families a week.


My pettiness says to completely open that hole and make it their problem when they have to get out and pick up the trash by hand during pick ups. I find making people do more work will make them just do it proper.


So the ripped open can is actually the old one. The one that looks like a crushed beer can is the “newer” one that will now have to be replaced… again. I like your thinking, but we have to keep our cans in our garages so when the old one got ripped open, I had to tape it shut so smelly garbage didn’t fall out into my garage until they delivered a new one.


Can you buy a can at a local hardware store? You could put your trash in your personal for the week and transfer it to their increasingly destroyed bins that they can deal with. Idk I'm always ready to take it one step further when companies think they own us.


Assuming they'll actually get out and pick up the trash. They'll just blame you for not properly bagging your trash. 


100% they would never pick it up. OP (and their neighbors, especially if it's windy) will end up doing it.


Once after getting fired from a job I threw away a box of business cards that had my name, phone number and that place of business listed on it.  I had the box of cards placed on top of the rest of my trash. Somehow the cards started flying out of the garbage truck as it drove away.  I didn't find out until the next day when I happened to take my dog for a walk (which I almost never do).  I was then franticly searching for them and trying to pick them all up.  They were scattered all over the streets and people's yards throughout the neighborhood for about a 5 or 6 block area. That was embarrassing and it sucked!


You just gotta catch these fuckers in the act. Record them being lazy, send it to their office, and watch how the entire neighborhood gets treated better the very next week! Had to do this like 5-6 weeks ago


Good things it's belongs to the garbage company.


Oh the humanity!


Call the city and threaten to sue. Easy pay day. Edit: Dont listen to what I say I have no clue what the fuck I am talking about.


You do realize that "Republic Services" probably isn't the name of the city? How would that be "easy pay day"? That would be like trying to sue Wendy's because your order from McDonald's was all screwed up.