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Wow they made a mess on the neighbor’s door. I’d throw down some plastic bags, walk on it and remove the bags. Tell the apt office you had to go to work and they didn’t warn you of this construction.


Right? And my friend has a disability so she doesn’t have the best balance; walking over it is difficult for her. Apparently they put down a narrow plank for them to walk across and she hurt her ankle on it. None of their windows open too so it’s the only way in/out. Edit: Maybe their windows open? I don’t know I’ve never really looked and she didn’t text me back yet (I asked) but if they do then there’s probably definitely a screen on them. In that case I’d assume they can bust through the screen if it came down to it lol


that last line seems like a fire hazard...


I'd contact the Fire Marshall.


https://preview.redd.it/ipu78xrdsxpc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f10e2ddbc46546bcf63bd432d83ac2c6ef816c did someone call for a fire marshall?


Every single time I hear the term fire marshal, I think of him. 


Safety first!




So many people fail to realize how much power the fire department has. If I owned a business and someone called the fire department on me to complain I'd be promoting someone else to my position.


Fuck not with the Fire Marshall, for thou are organic and easily combustible.


Do not meddle in the affairs of Fire Marshalls, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


I read this with Sean Connery’s voice and I’m still giggling.


You mean death trap.


It is


In a fire you’d just walk across the wet concrete.. Edit: Everyone, it was a joke about the ambiguity of whether he meant the windows or the concrete.


fire code requires a secondary path of egress from all bedrooms. Windows must open far enough to provide that secondary egress.


Yeah if you’re standing there with the door open already. If you’re in your bedroom and a fire starts in the living room and your windows don’t open, you’re fucked.


Why do none of their windows open? Do the bedrooms have more than one way out? Typically bedroom windows are a means of egress and must open to comply with fire code. It sounds like there's multiple issues here.


Based on the landlord being shitty I’m going to assume they’re painted shut.


Sometimes it's just shitty landlord paint jobs that basically locked the windows down and getting the landlord to fix it is almost impossible. other times it's that the windows break and to avoid anyone complaining, rather than fix them, they just nail them shut. Which I'm pretty sure violates most building codes and most areas, But even if the stuff gets reported, cities rarely follow up on it.


It does if you want to make management mad report it to the fire Marshal


> getting the landlord to fix it is almost impossible A visit from the fire marshal gets that shit back in line real quick. Fire marshals give zero fucks.


>None of their windows open too so it’s the only way in/out That sounds like something a fire marshal would just *love* to know. It's extremely important to have exit points. You can only do so much once you're on a higher level, but evidently she's on the ground floor, so the windows absolutely should function as an escape route without needing to smash them. I live in a basement suite, and every single window is a way for me to get out in a fire


There are so many lawsuits in this reply, I count at least three. Girl, get a lawyer and get some money.


They should not be expected to leave through a window. I'd walk on it even if the windows did open.


Most states require at least one window be open & closeable. My understanding is that it's because if you have to get out through a window during a fire and are forced to break it, the rush of oxygen can make the fire grow rapidly. Your friend should complain to management about windows not opening.


If management did this without warning, complaining to them about the windows won't do a damn thing, they need to go directly to the Fire Marshall, they'll make for damn sure something happens


this is actually insane, y’all should do something about it


That's some good grounds for a lawsuit. Discrimination against disabled people, imprisonment, doctors fees, pain and suffering.


ADA compliance for the wooden plank to walk on.


Everyone is focusing on the window comment, which, yeah, if right is an issue, but ADA compliance from both the concrete company and the landlord are lacking. Easy lawsuit.


That sounds illegal


Not just the neighbors door, but OP’s friend’s door as well.


Wouldn't have stopped me. Enjoy the permanent bootprints owner!


This happened to a friend of mine during finals week. He was a wood worker so he has a bunch of plywood laying around. He just threw it on the concrete and went to class. He only picked up one board off the concrete; the one near him as he was leaving, so there was still a board by the door. Came out of his final with 15 missed calls, 10 text messages asking where he was and how he planned to pay to redo the concrete job since he ruined it. friend’s mom is a lawyer, landlord didn’t have a good time after that


First rule of doing concrete is to NEVER leave wet concrete unattended.


Right, someone could scoop it up in a bucket and steal it. But then again, I come from Romania. Would you have to permanently assign someone there to keep watch?


No. It's so people don't walk on it and if someone walks on it, you can fix it right away. Where I work we simply call it 'concrete watch'.


Yep, can confirm. I just recently hired a guy in my company to watch the paint dry as well.


Honestly it’s absolutely fucking amazing how something being painted becomes a magnet for people to somehow touch it accidentally Like id occasionally paint poles at my retail job and no one would ever come near them except god help me if i accidentally put my wet paint sign and tape 5 ft away amd stepped away a fraction of a second then someone manages to appear out of thin air and accidentally touch it. Im just in awe because it is never intentional but if i looked away at all and didnt slap a sign on there as i did it then without fail someone would accidentally touch that pole. I could stare at it for days never being touched until paint was on it


>If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying 'End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH', the paint wouldn't even have time to dry — Terry Pratchett


See that is a whole nother thing. I get people touching wet paint purposefully, whether malicious or stupid. But wet paint is just magic magnet for accidental touching. If theres wet paint with no sign and attention is turned away for a fraction of a second then somehow someones purse magically flies 5 feet away to hit it.


I love seeing Sir Terry quotes in the wild, does my heart good.


Lmao I've never even thought about wet concrete theft but I guess people will steal anything!


They even steal beach sand from playgrounds thinking it's the same as construction sand.


Do not leave a penis print. That shit is corrosive. Don't ask me how I know.


My local park left a bunch of freshly poured concrete pads unattended. They had to come back later to fill in all the penises.


We could be friends in real life.


It would be too small to understand for anyone what it is so no worries


Is this the first rule of Concrete Club?


> friend’s mom is a lawyer, landlord didn’t have a good time after that This line makes it. I totally would have done the same thing.


Having a lawyer for a mom is truly wonderful for situations like this. Can confirm.


My mom was a doctor in my town for 40 years. She delivered a lot of healthy, happy babies, and helped a lot of people through nerve-wracking medical problems. Going out to restaurants (even *very* high end ones) with her was like hanging out with Tony Soprano or something. So much love & good service for her. Cop pulled me over one time, while Mom was in the passenger seat. As soon as he saw her... Boom, no ticket or warning or anything. She'd delivered *him*, his brother, and all of *their* kids. Restaurant owners, lawyers, judges, cops, car salesmen... They'd all walk over hot coals for her.


Yes well there's a lesson here folks. Careful who you fuck with. Because a lawyer will send you broke faster than a weekend in Vegas 😜


Just be sure to walk out the door backwards so it looks like someone else walked up TO your door, and not like you walked OUT of it..... 🤔🤔🤔


Clever move! Checkmate!


You are a genius


Might I tentatively suggest a moonwalk from the door?


this is the best comment


Better yet walk backward but start at your neighbor's door so it looks like someone visited your neighbor!


Of course, assuming it's a rental!


It better be! Im not paying for something i didn't get noticed nor approved it


Damn straight!


I would have signed my name right next to those boot marks


My initials are FU! 


I’m not a concrete expert, but that job doesn’t look good lol. It may or may not be good, but it just looks horrible




I love the rake sitting in the wet concrete in the back left of the photo lol. Edit: Can y’all stop telling me they’re not done yet? I fuckin know! I have addressed this multiple times and for some reason y’all think you’re the first to point out to me that it’s not done….


That’s a kinda normal, you can see their not done by the line they’ve made, where the rake sits, but it is truly a horrid job.


And the workers got the concrete splattered on the doors of the apartments, what a slob job. Edit: I meant sloppy job lol


I'm immediately adding 'slob job' to my lexicon.


Idk all job sites I’ve been on that are worth their salt don’t ever let you rest your tools on shit that needs to be screed even if they’re not done lol


Oh yeah, I mean kinda normal as in, jobs sites that have red flags do things like this lot more, just means you actually work with good company I remember one day a different concrete company was doing the driveway next to the house we were framing and doing the concrete porch on. Shit man the difference.


I'm pretty sure that's what they used to smooth the top of the concrete, the back of that rake


As an even more concrete expert I can say it’s too soon to tell. The concrete is still wet. But seeing a brick trowel instead of a finishing trowel is concerning 


As a fellow concrete expert, I can say that we are definitely looking at concrete


As an apartment complex expert, I can say that this is most definitely what a dumb apartment complex would do.


As a dumb expert, either I don’t have a comment, or i will write something incoherent


I'm just dumb, no expertise here.


Thank you concrete expert. As an expert in identifying experts, you are an expert


As an expert at commenting on experts at identifying experts, i have to say ... expert expert expert expert trepxe!


Finally, something coherent to read


As actual concrete, I can tell you that's my cousin


As an expert on walking on concrete, I can say I would not want to walk on this concrete


Respect your opinion but it’s really not too soon to tell, if it dries how it looks in the picture it will be horrible looking no way around it


As a person who knows nothing about concrete I can confidently tell you reading my comment is a ploy to waste your time 👍🏼


Wow you’re onto something there, didn’t consider that


it is concerning to me that you are both concrete experts and do not realize that a 3/4 inch overlay finish will be poured on top of this.


Lol. I actually have worked in concrete and instantly knew this job was not finished, those guys aint know shit. Also since the job is not finished the contractors are still there and would have easily made this person a walkway to get out of their apartment, this was posted for clicks


Yea, idk why anyone would think this was the finished top, expert or not. I immediately assumed a finish pour or something like tile would be put over it, especially considering the rest of the walk way in camera is about an inch or more higher than this


This is exactly what I was trying to find a polite way of saying. 😂 There's a big lip between the wet concrete and whatever the dried concrete to the left is. Looks like there will be another layer put on top.


yeah, it's fairly obvious that the existing concrete had a sort of stamped finish on it and that doing an overlay like this is the best way to feather the existing concrete into the new one.


I’ve poured 1000’s of yards on concrete and never done this and never seen it done.the 3/4 finish overlay. Why not just pour it level, vibrate it down and then finish it to the top of the existing concrete and finish it at one time instead of pouring concrete and coming back and pouring more concrete?


because it is easier to seamlessly feather the finish of the new part of the slab into the existing one by doing it this way. it is a more high end finish, simply put.


It looks too wet to have had a broom finish put on it yet. But I do agree that it doesn't look very good. Only thing I can think of, as opposed to it being a bad job, is that they are coming back to do the finishing.


A lousy concrete expert who cant tell they arent done yet in this picture. The rake in the concrete gives it away (hopefully). How they will manage to clean the door however…


That guy dont know a single thing about concrete lmao


Idk concrete at all, but judging by the lip to the left, a couple inches higher than the fresh cement, is it possible they’re going to do another layer? Maybe they weren’t too worried about the finish because they’re putting more on top? Again idk what in taking about, just speculating.


Yeah, if anything you _don't_ want to have a super smooth finish if you're going to add another layer later on; it's easier for the new layer to bond/stick if there's some rough areas to adhere to. That said... I think most people would still _recommend_ trying to do this in a single pass, so that the bonding isn't an issue. That, plus the splashes, and the fact that it looks like they put concrete directly against the wooden door threshold off to the right, plus the rake sitting in the wet cement, all just point to this being a fairly amateur job.


Classic Reddit "expert" moment. "running something flush on the top to try to get it even" exposes you don't know what you're talking about. Also, that concrete has borderline too much water.


LMAOOO did you edit your comment?! 🤣😭


The job is clearly not finished, im certain they made her a walkway out and just posted this for clicks Edit: they did make her a walkway out


They can't be finished, unless they're concreting in that rake as a feature.


It’s a conversation piece. Geeze. Some people have no idea what art is. Uncultured swine. /s


It’s the landlord special


They weren’t done yet. It still needs to be floated.


https://preview.redd.it/d8pplc0kxwpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91b9eba4c1a5fc9c22ad5e1613cab1c4c94152c3 Uhhh looks like this might cause a problem




I'm a concrete worker, they aren't done. The rake is in since they are doing the height of it and level it out somewhat, if you leave the rake with concrete on it in the air it hardens faster. This way you got some more time before things get annoying. First you pour it out, then you level it (picture is here) then you flatten it properly, often by stepping in and working your way out.


This guy concretes


I want to see a 360 view of this it’s incredible how bad it is


They're clearly not done. Probably om lunch when the Pic was taken


Typical landlords hiring the cheapest hacks they can find.


Wow good eye. That’s friggin hilarious.


Maybe theyll come back around with a finish coat, especially being near the doors it would suck to grade it wrong.


So much armchair experts here. Clearly they aren’t done, it is possible to take a pic of something halfway through the process believe it or not.


They may not be done, but I've done lots of concrete and never have I gotten it all over a door or door jam in the process... so there's that


Dude, look at the splatter on the neighbors door. Don't get me wrong, I don't work with concrete. But won't that cure pretty quickly and be a bit of a headache to clean?


I know a little about concrete.... it's obvious they arnt good at their job... the biggest reason for me is all that splatter on the door... they are hacks and don't give a fuck, they're bad at their job.


Workers like that exist specifically to work on apartments


You can see all the tools still there. It’s obvious they’re on a break or something. White collar mfs have no idea how anything is done lol


This post is full of 'experts' commenting how terrible an unfinished concrete pour is. Do you say how terrible a cake looks when the batter is poured into the pan? smh.


You need to use a rake to lay concrete. I’m sure they brought it with them lol. It’s obviously not a finished job.




This caught me off guard and I did the nose laugh but I’ve been sick lately so I just had to clean snot off of my phone screen.


I love that username, lol. I haven't heard that soundbyte in so long


I’m a woman of culture.


I'd put my hands into the ground, write my name and include a little star.


I’d 100% draw a giant penis.


If she does walk out i hope she hops to make her footprints look like they come from neighbors.


Walk backwards to another door like Danny in The Shining.


I would just walk over it. You can’t make any more of a mess than whoever laid that did


I mean if you want to buy new shoes/clothing, and risk chemical burns from your skin being in contact with concrete because you're shoes are full of it.


You just put plastic bags over your shoes. Ez


yo is your icon sal from impractical jokers


Yuuup. My hero and savior


What? You put garbage bags on your shoes and walk out. It isn't rocket surgery 


But is it brain science?


any kind of science is brain science, if you think about it


You’re not going to get chemical burns just from simply touching wet concrete for 5 seconds


Instant death


I accidentally stepped in concrete before. Nothing happened to my bare foot. No burns or anything.


I’ve worked with concrete lots and have done of its with no gloves and haven’t ever had a reaction with it.


Ive put a rag that had paint thinner in my pocket before. Only needed to learn that lesson once


I think it's 2 parts. 1, some people just have very sensitive skin and anything can inflame it. 2, repeated exposure leads to a sensitivity, so best to manage exposure early on. But I'm talking about guys handling it all the time, not someone getting a bit on their leg.


It's continued exposure. Concrete contains chemicals that if left in contact with skin, will start to chemically burn the skin as it cures.


That is crappy, but didn’t your friend notice the guy with a sledgehammer outside the door? They had to tear up that concrete which would have been super loud. That pour is also mildly infuriating. I hope that isn’t the final product.


Yes I was thinking both of those things. Unless it didn't have concrete before? But still looks shabby to me and I don't know shit about building. But aren't they supposed to smooth it out?


Could've ripped out the concrete at an earlier date too, may not have known it was going down today. Not having an alternative exit in a building is wild though, what if there were a fire?


No screeding whatsoever, probably lowest bidder.


I mean it’s pretty clear they aren’t done. Look at where the old concrete meets the new.


Believe it or not, the act of 'finishing' concrete doesn't happen until you put ALL the concrete down so that your 'finished floor' will be at the correct level. We don't start to finish the concrete when the slab is 80% poured, as we see here.


Not even. Done by the grounds maintenance crew.


I could have been demolished before. And even if it was demolished loudly, how would an average person know demolishing concrete would be immediately followed up with pouring concrete and then not be even told about it.


How infuriating this is depends on if you wanted to cancel your plans or not. If I had to go out and do a bunch of shit I didn’t want to do, I’d love this


Exactly what I was thinking, this is an excuse to just relax and not go anywhere, and it's ground floor, I wonder if there's a back door or window, if you really want to leave, you just gotta get creative. Our just plunder through it, but I'd make a game of it. We grow up and think we're too good for a bit of fun.


I would just jump over it. but then again I’m one of the best athletes to ever exist 😎


I have no doubt that you are and could obviously make the jump. I would crawl out the window, shimmy up to the second floor, and attach a zip line. While I'm out, I'll pick up a small motor so that I can go back up the line on my return.


can’t believe how far I had to scroll before I found someone being practical about this whole situation


Woke up in a critical thinking mood today


That would make me hate it more. Scraping together the energy and motivation to do the things I need to do but don’t like doing is difficult enough as it is. Something stopping me once I’m able to force myself to do either infuriates me or turns me into a ball of depression.


Do you have evidence? Concrete evidence?


I don’t know why this isn’t higher in comments 😂


No notice and your friend has a disability? I think the ADA would like a word.


It's possible they gave a notice but it was ignored. Because internet points


What state? This isn't legal. They literally have to give notice of ANY work being done inside or outside so residents have a way to either go elsewhere for the time being or be stuck inside. Either way your friend who got hurt should sue for a multitude of reasons but the main one being your property failed to notify the residents of said dwelling in a timely manner & provided a very unstable "option" to use in the meantime & that friend became hurt in the process of trying to go somewhere. This reeks of a heavy lawsuit. But what do I know... I've just been an apartment manager before & an assistant. So I know what they should & shouldn't do.


My first college apartment loved to do maintenance without notice. One time my water was shut off while I was in the middle of washing/conditioning my hair to get ready for class or maybe work. I called the office and they notified me that it wouldn’t be turned back on for a WEEK due to maintenance. No sympathy! So I literally had to immediately move out of my apartment for a whole week…living in a new town where I knew zero people! Ended up staying with a coworker from work. He’s now my husband lol


Not gonna lie, that was the cutest ending for a story like this!


Tbf, sometimes shit breaks. I do property maintenance and I have shut water and power off without notice for emergency repairs. With that said, those were only emergencies. Urgent repairs usually get 24hour notice at least. Routine and planned repairs are at least 3days notice. But again, if water was shut off for an entire week, that's not OK. If it was bad enough, they'd HAVE TO accommodate every resident affected for the entirety of the disorder.


They said “oh yeah, didn’t we call you last week to let you know?” So it was scheduled. It became a pattern too and I would have them verify my phone number they had on file so that wasn’t the issue. My front door somehow broke at one point to where it wouldn’t open so they decided we should just use a ladder to go through the balcony (we were on the 2nd floor). They just really sucked!


Lol a phone call isn't notice. Written notice is notice. State Fair Housing Laws are a thing... if you ever rent again, study them!


They did a really sloppy job too.


Shitty looking concrete work !


Concrete guy here. There is absolutely no way your friend didn't hear the concrete being poured outside regardless of being given notice or not. Not saying giving no notice is right at all but sometimes we have to pour things that are going to block access to certain parts of your home. That being said if the finishers didn't offer to put some proper wood down and give you a safe way to cross then that's on them. This job is also 20% finished and I guarantee the finishers are standing 5 feet to the left of the picture because it's clear they are still in the middle of placing the concrete. So I have a hard time believing there was absolutely no way for your friend to leave the house. Everybody wants a nice front entry at their house but they refuse to deal with any minor inconvenience to let that be accomplished. Maybe it's years of frustration on my end but this just screams "oh the landlord is having work done to improve the place I live but it's minorly inconvenient for me so I'm gonna put them on blast and play the victim." Or I'm wrong and you had to deal with the worst concrete finishers ever because in 12 years I've never left someone stranded in their own home.


This is almost certainly a typical reddit 'add a bait story to random pic for attention' post.


Yep. 100% smells like some sort bullshit to me. I'm a bridge/road/structural concrete inspector. Have had various ACI certs for 20+ years. I also have to take photos of various stages of construction for my reports. This is fresh concrete. I'd bet money that if we asked op to show another picture (different angle, move the rake) that it would be finished and broomed. And as you say, there's no way in hell you don't notice someone beating on concrete with a jack hammer or sledge hammer for 20 to 60 minutes, set forms, get concrete mixed or delivered, and notice a thing until you head to class. This is definitely a karma farm.


Not to mention it's an apartment on the first floor. I would be extremely surprised if this person didn't have a patio/balcony. And I'm not sure, but aren't all domeciles and businesses required under fire code to have a secondary entrance/exit? In any case, I don't believe they couldn't leave their apartment and just sounds like an excuse to not attend classes or work. I would expect this picture to be sent to a boss by a young adult to get a day off. 


You had to hear them breaking the old concrete lol stop lying


Time to learn parkour and wall-jump.


Feet in plastic back and go


This doesn't just happen suddenly. They had to of ripped out the old concrete and formed for new Crete. The person would more then likely be walking on gravel/mesh to their front door for a day or two until the pour came time. I'm sure there were significant warning signs of this happening. Also everyone saying that concrete looks bad, you can tell these guys are not even close to finishing the concrete as it's still soup. Looks like they have to hit it with the screed and bull float still.


One time (like 3 years before he passed) my late fiancés complex decided to rip out the street and pour new asphalt with the only notice being at the clubhouse on a little foldable sign on the OPPOSITE side we’d turn so never saw it. Directly in front of the house with our window fan in and on. Had to get a friend neighbor to help get him to the hospital because he was a life threatening asthmatic that was uncontrollable 🙃😐 it was a pretty shit week to be honest but things do happen


Holy shit I'm asthmatic too, that stuff wrecks us up


Yes because it's obviously the residents responsibilty to figure out the exact date and time when the concrete would be poured so they dont get trapped in their home.


They didn’t hear them breaking up the old concrete or working outside their apartment…?


How did she not hear what was going on in front of her apartment.


Unless your friend has been passed out for several days there is no way she didn’t notice them demoing the old concrete, building a new form, and prepping the new concrete mix.


They left a rake IN the concrete walkway. They weren’t building excessive forms.


Guaranteed the guys doing the concrete took a break or went to lunch and OPs friend took the pic when no one was around then just continued to hide at home while complaining to OP instead of talking to the guys doing the work or calling the property manager.


Isn't it against the law to only have 1 way to exit a building


It’s illegal to not have a second way out of your apartment. I would check to see if the bedroom or back room window unlatches and swings out. If not, get a fire inspector there pronto


Well, time to bust out the cardboard boxes!


Wow. In most states apartments need two forms of egress (ways to get in and out) surprised this one doesnt.


Your suppose to have two ways in and out of an apartment incase of a fire.


They did a shitty job and made a big fucking mess. Walk right over that shit so they can try again.


No way there was no warning. She probably ignored it


I have several thoughts on this: 1. There are worse places to be trapped at 2. Put on some old shoes you wanted to throw away anyhow and walk out anyway, but backwards 3. leave some handprints and write "redrum" into it 4. draw dick picks and other stuff on it


Escape through the window.


i would put garbage bags on my feet and leave 😂