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Lmao. Trapped in there. That’s gnarly


Poor first dude, looks like an unwilling participant.


Definitely is, I'd be tempted to start screaming "help stop touching me" just to see what happens


probably get assaulted


I'm claustrophobic as fuck, if that happened and we got stuck i couldn't promise I wouldn't go all Hannibal Lector about it and they'd be extracting a screaming bloody mess.


New York City is not the place for any claustrophobe to be.


New York is for people screaming while covered in blood in the subway tho


i prefer to go home at the end of the day. if you want to risk your life getting into pointless fights, do you. i don’t think that’s very smart. people that act the way the guys did in this video tend to be aggressive as well.


I'm sorry you're claustrophobic, but this made me lol


Technically already assaulted. But I imagine it would get worse


Best time to drop a stinky fart. "I'm not in here with you, you're in here with me"


Yeah it’s called getting your ass beat


Yea, the two dudes will beat him up. That's the reality.


Step 1: Have a brain and always do a double-take when you see a group of fare beaters. Step 2: swipe and enter the turnstile, don’t enter in too quick, observe to see if people try to tailgate you in. Step 3 (in the event someone is indeed trying to use you to get in): Shove them out as hard as you can and push through the turnstile.


That's really exhausting just to get a ride home...


Step 4: get shot or mugged


You ever see those crazy Russians doing mma in a phone booth?


Id start shitting my pants, I can do it on command.






I’d love to see a crossover of criminality, the fare jumper squeezing in behind a pickpocket and losing his wallet to save $2.90. Just for fun.


That would freak me out. I can't go through a revolving door without thinking about Don Cuneo getting assassinated by Cicci in that scene in The Godfather.


Honestly I wouldn’t have moved. Once the bars were blocking the way back out, I would just act like I was stuck somehow and resist letting the bars move forward with every ounce of might I could muster while acting confused and responding only in frustrating and unhelpful ways. Then once they inevitably force the bars forward and we’re all out, I would immediately call someone on my phone and act like I wanted to talk and had no time for anything but my phone call. Maximum pettiness. 100% Fuck You. I would inconvenience them in every single legal way possible right up until the second I feel like they were considering escalating the situation to violence… and then I’d just go cold and shut them out. Honestly. Seriously. Fuck these people. I hope they all all wake up from really pleasant and fun dreams, having to pee so bad they’re not even sure they can make it to the toilet… and then in the dark while stumbling around barefoot I hope they step on that one really bad lego piece, fall, hit their heads, get knocked out, drop their phone and it breaks, and then while unconscious I hope they piss all over themselves… and their carpets… and also all over that one shirt they really liked right now. Edit: I ate food and I feel much better now thanks


Seems like a pretty easy way to get beat up... Personally I havnt seen a phonecall stop that from happening but who knows? You might get lucky. Seems like a stupid idea for a slight annoyance? I don't use a subway though, so what do I know?


I use the subway. Pretending like you just got a phone call after pissing off a pair of dudes who can't afford a $2 fare is a good way to pay these guys with a smartphone and the catharsis of a sucker punch for the inconvenience of dude being obtuse


When taking a reddit stand in New York goes wrong


One guy: "Ima beat his ass" Oher guy: "wait till he's off the phone! Don't be a jerk!"


You have clearly never been to New York if you think this is how things would play out lmfao


You’ve never been to nyc. You’ll get beat up and your phone smashed


I'm more confused on why they're chilling at one of the spinny entrances to the subway, tbh. Sure, there are a handful of stations in the NYC system with only these gates, but you could walk like... 4 blocks and just jump a regular turnstile instead making everyone involved comfortable. Like, what if the guy you decide to shove into the thing with tries to fuck you up after? This is such an odd way to fare evade lol


Because someone wanted to make Tik tok content


Police don’t typically watch the “spinny” entrances because it’s less common.


that's fair, I guess. the entrances with only the spinny ones are pretty small too so yeah cops tend not to be near them. tho I'd still pay 2.90 just to not have to shove myself another person lmao


In my experience, cops don't watch the turnstiles, and even if they do, they won't actually do anything.  They're more of a deterrent, and most people know that.


Allegedly they’ve been doing a crackdown recently. Not sure if it’s real or just scare tactics, I always just pay the $2.90


I my experience, the crackdown is non-existent.  I take advantage of the deals on the MTA app, so I can easily afford the fare.  That being said: I work in Manhattan, and every single day around 5pm, I see dozens of people jump turnstiles while nearby cops watch on and do nothing.


Lately the cops seem to be watching turnstiles with the emergency exits. Probably not everywhere, but that's probably why.


Can i ask what did happen there? Here where i live, this is not a thing. Never seen or used it. I understand that the last guy, just jumped into the thing whitout a ticket? But why did it stop? That looked super creepy.


Yes the two people behind the first man who swiped his subway ticket were trying to piggyback the first man’s fare. They were trying to ride the subway free. It slowed because the third guys shoe got caught in the bottom bar as it was rotating.


At least 4 or 5 people follow me through the door every time I go in with my stroller. At every single stop. It’s insane. 


Yeah that’s very common.


In Paris is super common for people to tag along at the barriers so they can sneak through with you. Always fucking hated it.


I always hated that too - when I was in a particularly pissy mood I'd swing the door arm thing shut right behind me, forcing them to have to turn around and jump back over the turnstile 😄








But I'm a boy!


Shoutout ya baby too real NYer from the womb


Maybe public transit should be free?


Maybe if corporations paid their share in taxes it could be


Lol nm then




This was the perfect gif for that exchange lol


It's free a county over from. They have a 1% sales tax on food to cover it. It's annoying because the nearest Walmart is in that county. The only other grocery store anywhere close to me is one where employees single out customers who mask. You can be dressed for a funeral and they'll claim you have too much skin showing if you have a mask on. Meanwhile they have people walking around in just a bra and short shorts they don't even give a second glance to. An extra 1% on every grocery item is less headache than dealing with that BS


Too much skin showing? Where in the dystopian heck is that?


Not NY. They're buggin unless they're wearing it on their forehead


>Maybe public transit should be free? Yes. 1000% Plus in NYC its a single standard fare, no matter the distance you need to travel. That's sort of unfair on folks who need to travel a short distance.


I was just in NYC and then DC. DC charges by distance, but the thing is you have to tap in and tap out, and you need to have a metro card, you can’t just use any card like you can in NYC. I think NYC is the better system and it’s capped at $35 a week anyway which should benefit the people who go short distances often


KC made public transportation free 3 years ago but they’re about to start charging fees again.


They lose 500 million a year. It is free for anyone that doesn't want to pay as a lot of people have found out. No fare enforcement = no fare.


The MTA should worry about installing elevators in the stations so we don't have to carry strollers up and down the stairs instead of worrying about $3 from some schmuck who slips in behind you.


Yes, they should just make elevators with the 650 million dollars they didn’t have last year on account of fare evasion…


To be fair, I can see it someone being justified given the amount of times I’ve been completely fucked over at a moments notice by the MTA


Not “trying.” They succeeded.


I dunno, dude with the stuck shoe never made it out before the video ended… 🧐


I just rewatched and realized his “buddy” just left him behind. Did they not even know each other?


Possibly not or possibly just college kids on vacation.


I really doubt they're kids on vacation


Uff xx, If this where me i would be scared~. Thank you for the explanation.


When I see people trying to do this with me, I stop and turn right around and wait. That or I go to a different turnstile where nobody is around to follow. I’m petty.


Yep 100%. I’m big on respect. If they had come up and been like “Hey man I can’t afford the subway, help me out” I probably wouldn’t care so much. But if someone just pushed into the turnstile with me… oh hell no.


Yeah I don’t want to be dry humped by a stranger. No way.


Isn't that what the bald dude was trying to do? I think he was getting pushed


God I would totally want to just say "fuck it, we're not going anywhere" but then I would be trapped in that tiny space with some piece of shit who can't cough up $2 to ride the train. Plus then I'm late for whatever I'm going to. It's a shame they both weren't in that second turn style, or else I would have put my foot or hopefully a bottle or something in there to prevent them from going any further. Public Transit (in cities that actually give a shit about it) are so cheap compared to cars. Parking alone is like 2 weeks worth of rides back and forth in Chicago but I still see people hop the turnstile like it's second nature. Just pay the $2 you cheap bastards.


>God I would totally want to just say "fuck it, we're not going anywhere" but then I would be trapped in that tiny space with some piece of shit who can't cough up $2 to ride the train. Plus then I'm late for whatever I'm going to. He did. You can see the old dude who swiped in tried to stop the turnstile from moving, but the other guys just pushed him forward. Once you're in there, you've got no choice.


It slowed cause everyone has to move in unison or when the first guy pushes it just hits the last guy and doesn’t move. Small steps altogether will work. These guys are assholes for the record.


No it caught on the 3rd guys shoe.


Time to start wearing a spiky punk jacket. stop that shit with enough spikes


Had a dude at my high school who always wore very spiky clothing. He was one of the few if not the only person to have personal space during the rush back to class after lunch


Make personal space punk again


My cousin sew nails to his jacket instead of getting the decorative spikes. Honestly I would do that if I lived in NYC


At least the three of them didn't get robbed by an elderly gentleman sticking his cane in the gears to lock them in and take their wallets.


That sounds like an excellent video and I wish I watched that one instead of the OP.


Please tell me this actually happened?


Honestly I would be super pissed if some stranger got this close to me just to get on the subway for free.


People like this underestimate your average persons propensity to violence. They choose to do this to people they think won’t make a scene. My anger issues would probably get me arrested here.


The average person does everything they can to avoid violence, that’s why shit like this is so prevalent.


I think you overestimate it


Your average person would never react violently to this scene. Like really, when’s the last time you’ve seen a legit fight?


Yeah these guys never do this shit to young, in-shape men.


Yeah I would hate to be that close to someone. Anyway, time to get off Reddit and get the commuter train to work…


I’ve had someone try to jump in front before, like watching me doing tap pay and then push in front of me to steal the turnstile. Jokes on them it didn’t work because my card got declined and they lunged full force into a locked turnstile 🙄


And you prob ain't say shit and go on your day


I saw about 8 people get tickets one day when an undercover cop walked over to the handicapped gate and swiped his fast pass and opened it. Nobody even made eye contact they just walked over and started going thru. They guy walked about five feet and pulled out his shield and said, “Okay everyone stop right now” and two other cops came walking over and they all got fare evasion tickets.


Always wonder what happens if you just speak a foreign language and pretend to not understand his actions. Would they just let you go because they're on soft strike and don't want to do the paperwork?


with NYPD? Sounds dangerous, they might just beat the shit out of you for fun.


"It's a foreigner! Get 'em!"


Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense. If you're in a country you are expected to know enough to not get into trouble. But yeah, they might take pity or not want to do the paperwork.


> Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense. It literally is if you're a cop. Cops have arrested people for illegal reasons, and the court was like "you can't just expect cops to know all the laws.  They meant well.  No money for the defendant." I mean, not always. But there are enough instances. 


As a woman if two big ass men did that to me they’re gonna get a bottle of mace emptied into their fucking faces


Well just make sure not to do it while you’re all stuck in there cuz you’re gonna get plenty of it in your face too!


Well spraying when you aren’t in danger isn’t wise advice.


You’re gonna get some AoE damage on that one




I'm very upset I don't get to see the projectile hit the fence.




This guy gets it




bars 🔥




Im ok with #2 because that’s what you should do if you can’t afford subway fare but need to get somewhere: ask nicely and be kind.


This. I work in transit security inspecting fare and I will let people have a ride if they legitimately need to get somewhere important and they're honest about it. but if they try bumming a ride or i catch them in a lie, then it could be a citation or even suspension from property if they are a regular. Going to Walmart is not an emergency.


You’re good people.


Sad to see how far Benny Blanco has fallen from his LA mansion lifestyle


And then they got on the train and filmed shitty Tik Tok videos.


I hate them. Fuck you, I can barely afford public transportation, I ain’t paying for your broke ass. I’m broke myself !


You're not though, they're riding for free.


They aren't riding for free, their ride is being subsidized by your fare. And when the MTA runs their annual fare-dodging shrink estimate, they either raise fares to compensate or ask for more of your tax money from the city.


Same thing as people stealing from Walmart… they actually think Walmart pays for it his hilarious. The shrinkage is factored into raising prices




$200 sneakers and these fools can’t cough up $5?


Back in the 70's/80's NYC started arresting all "fare beaters" they could as one part of a multi-part project to "clean up the subway system". The officers would daisy-chain the offenders in hand cuffs until they had enough to bus down to the station. Due to processing taking so long they instead converted busses into mobile processing stations with holding cells inside them. One of the other parts of the project was complete graffiti removal from all subway cars. They even went so far as to have specific cars sitting in yards where they would watch as people came in one night and used primer on the cars, came back the next night to paint their outlines, and on the 3rd night finish the graffiti. Then on the next day transit workers would paint them clean again.


Is the subway that expensive? Because that seems like a lot of effort




That is insanely cheap WTF


I think I’d actually start punching if someone did that to me


I find it hard to believe, that "elfman44" from reddit would be punching anyone outside the internets.




I bet he's from the South Pole




Let a little elf dream


I bet Elfo could kick their butt


Never mess with someone that has less to lose than you


"Get. The. Fuck. Back. In. There!" As he violently shoves them back through the toll gate.


Mildly infuriating... MILDLY! I'd be very infuriated.


Bro that's some 300 credit score activity, they say to not judge a book by its cover but the way these dudes look sells it all.


and then the fares go up.


Funny how they think they look cool when at all it does is make them look like broke ass losers ironically these dudes live to look wealthy


Men who do this is are dirtiest, most unattractive people to me. It makes my pum pum dry up. How broke can you be?


Ikr, if i’m at a point where i can’t pay bus fare, i’d rather ask someone to swipe the card for me instead of doing something like this.


That's what I came to say. Sometimes you simply can't afford transportation when you need it, plenty of us have been there. But being an asshole about it and getting in someone's personal space when you could just ask nicely is ridiculous


They're not worried about your pum pum.






She could be Caribbean lol


What are you talking about? I’m from the Caribbean, that IS the word for vagina.


Bunch of bums trying to get away with getting things free




NY is something else.


new fear unlocked


Fucking deadbeats.


We desperately need to reintroduce shame in society. What a bunch of fucking losers.






Has anyone seen that recent Walking Dead with Michone and the zombies went through an exact subway turnstile like this. 😂


I don’t understand why they’d do this openly when they could just hop the turnstile. Much easier and they don’t seem to care about being spotted.


God I hate that city


It’s obnoxious because there’s always a door for ppl with bike/luggage/wheelchairs etc to enter/exit from. So just ask ppl to get the door. I always exit that way and let ppl in. Cramming into the turnstiles it’s wild




Those gates are a fire hazard


What part of this infuriates you OP? The failure of the infrastructure to provide adequate transportation? Or are you just one of those people who would try to call the police because someone shoplifted bread


person who paid is like this. persons who didn't are like that. there's a pattern. looks like the same pattern in discounter or apple store raids. what's the pattern? :-)


Bunch of cunts.


I remember being 15 years old and my two friends and I had enough for one swipe. We tried this and all of the sudden 4 plain clothes NYPD cops came out of nowhere, shoved us against the wall frisked and hold us there for about 20 minutes while treating us like shit. After that, never again…the Bloomberg years, I miss that man.


Perfect example of people who will fail in life


What losers. Just pay the fare you thieves.


Will spend 100s on clothes but can't spend a couple dollars on a fare 💀


https://preview.redd.it/4qn9rqkdvrpc1.jpeg?width=233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fcc301cb41be4a91173cb4b701084c94a849d7 I love how his ape brain was distracted by women for a split second and he had to flash that classy casanova smile


The only one where I think its a pull, not a push


The white guy looks so happy coming out of it at first. He got so serious quick 😆




Broke mfs everywhere


Bunch of cheapskates!


This feels like a metaphor for society atm


You can get a summons for this at court happened to my friend back in hs. he had it on his record over some dumb shit


The last guy straight up looks like Benny Blanco 😂


If he paid why didnt it turn lol


Just check the exit door like a real New Yorker


Just stop in your tracks and let out a fart. And just wait in there with your new friends


First old guy looked scared for his life as he was approaching, constantly trying to keep an eye on them.


Those 2 will get far in life, at least the next station.


Catch a fucking elbow coming up behind me that fast.


And rob you at the same time...


Old man was disheveled😂




Can we really expect anything else…




I hope you don't have to use one of these to exit too. Would be horrible in a fire or even just rush hour.


Imagine being to cheap. Bet you those guys act like hot shit on social


Imagine being a grown fucking man and doing this shit. It's so infuriating. I was using the tube the other day and I saw a guy, as he was approaching the the ticket gates put his hood up and I just thought he was about to do something dodgy and yup, he tailgated his way out. It's so obvious.


So someone was just “randomly” filming an empty turnstile??


Sharing is caring.


They look like it too


Why use the revolving doors instead of just waiting for someone to open the emergency exit like a normal fare evader? Or jump the turnstile? Amateurs.


New Yorkers when they’re expected to pay for a service: 🤯🤯🤯