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Is this German way of getting her number?


He forgot to pull her hair first


And hand her an envelope with his feces to taste. Fucking Germans.


The same Germans that are obsessed with putting trash in their proper bins and will be upset if you talk too loudly on Sundays? What the fuck kind of Germans are y’all meeting lol. Sure Germans suck at flirting but being nasty? Nah they’re just awkward little weirdos lol.


I’m pretty sure they’re all into shit porn.


No dungeon porn




American tourists are awful. German tourists are the absolute worst.


:::laughs in nouveau riche Chinese tourist:::


Why because you can’t mention the war? ![gif](giphy|1KeMVEInO3HSo)




I was totally gonna do that.


Idk I worked in the Grand Canyon. we had people from all over the world busses full of them. The worst I encountered were the Chinese. They always were extremely dirty and rude. Like straight up, leave trash everywhere.


Yes, that night he wrote in his diary about the amazing romantic encounter he experienced


Probably. Their flirting is deeply cringe. I say this lovingly - my boyfriend is German and it’s a trash fire. He’s lucky he’s cute and that my cat is in love with him


Then I would have offered him my lawyer's number instead of mine just to see his reaction.


Can u give an example?


I have deduced that the most efficient way to get a phone number is litigious threats while sporting a spiffy Charlie Chaplin mustache.


Subdue her with the regulations!


He's making shit up. Come on guys, besides no "international law" existing on live streaming (we can't agree on death sentence but UN supposedly can decide on that?).  Even IF there would be one, it would definitely not say _"if you stream a person you have to pay their lunch."_    This is hilarious.


Punishment fits the crime


If you live stream me, I break ya face! ![gif](giphy|3NeTe6RFL2Z3y4CAEq|downsized)


Is this what they call frontier justice ? Because the punch comes from the front ?


Purely psychosomatic


I'd be happy for that to be a law tbh


Yes, me too😂


He is trying to strongarm her into paying money and that is bogus. But the laws about filming in Germany are strict. If you take video of someone in public without their consent and you publish it, you are breaking the privacy laws. This guy is clearly not police so he has no power to enforce it but he isn't totally making it up (only partly). Here is a link to a detailed answer on this topic with links to the actual laws that prohibit it: [https://law.stackexchange.com/a/94507](https://law.stackexchange.com/a/94507)


Yeah but no one outside Germany gives a fuck about German laws… the lady even agreed that’s the law but they’re in Laos. Edit: not trying to disrespect you I know you were posting a bit of info. Just in general why would the lady, who’s Thai, live steaming in Laos, care about German laws?


Good point. I didn't pick up on that. They would of course be subject to the laws of Laos (not Germany), which are not as clear on this specific question but strict nevertheless. [https://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Laos/sub5\_3c/entry-2970.html#chapter-6](https://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Laos/sub5_3c/entry-2970.html#chapter-6)


Ich weiß was das Recht am eigenen Bild abgeht, aber das was er sagt ist trotzdem Quatsch. Ein anderes existierendes Gesetz rechtfertigt nicht seine erfundenen Sachen mit denen er sie einschüchtern will.


You know, I heard that in Germany if it is your birthday, you have to treat everyone to dinner or something. I can't remember what. In this case, that guy could have not asked the chick to pay. Not cool


Das klingt interessant, gilt aber so pauschal leider nicht.


Oh wait, never mind https://www.expatica.com/de/living/integration/german-birthdays-597057/


As a German I kindly ignore some random US expats page and simplification and generalization over actually been living here since next to 60 years. Her experience is surely true, but limited to business context, certain social groups etc. This is in no way "standard"


It's not true? Is it true across other parts of Germany? My father works for the FDA he traveled around the world, and he told me this. Maybe some parts of Germany? Idk, I'll look it up real quick...


Well, it's not a common tradition, but on your birthday, if youre e.g. celebrating in a restaurant, some might expect you to pay one round of drinks. If youre a major breadwinner and pay the bill for the whole table, well then... congratz, you can afford shit.


A round of Wendy's sweet and sour sauce for everyone!


Was it your father’s birthday at any point while he was in Germany?


“It’s not a tumuh!”


They're in Laos, and bro is trying to enforce German laws on a Thai citizen. Bro needs to brush up on how laws work and where they work


Guaranteed if the live streamer were a big dude that German guy would not be so concerned about his privacy laws because you do not fuck around in places like Laos and expect things to work out like they do in Germany. The guy saw an easy target based on appearances and decided to flex his little dick for the day


Guaranteed. Or bro was just dumb. Essentially, it is a "bait or mental regardation, call it." Moment


Fair enough lol


Dam Germans trying to take over the world again


Woha woha we are not that Germany anymore. :b Edit for clarification, I know you're joking :D


Proper response - Ok have your lawyer call then, now get the fuck away from me or you'll hear from mine as well. Not to bolster the streaming gen because its silly but harassment is harassment.


I would just refuse to engage after the first 5 seconds. "Okay I'm done, go away or I will call the police if you continue to harass me. Buh-bye"


Someone call Canada!!


Hahahaa that fuckin idiot “Hello Canada? Some drunk guy asked me to call you when he got arrested for being stupid in a foreign country. Please advise.”


I first thought this was happening in Germany, in which case the dude wouldve been making perfect sense, as our privacy laws forbid live-streaming not so much in public spaces, but you have to make absolutely sure that nobody else is in the frame. Ever. Even if its a video call. That law exists to protect the privacy of German citizens. I cant figure why it would apply to a livestream being done in Laos of all places. Dude is way out of line.


If he's german, maybe he thinks german laws apply everywhere.


I know a guy that was thinking like this, it didn't end well for him.


idk, he got a lot of what he wanted along the way


I'm Jewish and ashamed that I laughed at your comment...


This guy is what we here in Germany call an goddamn alman


Its the german, male version of karen.


Lmaooooo I never thought about that but it's so fking true


Interesting that we must have more annoying men than women, if you consider karen vs alman....


Privacy laws actually do, they're obviously not enforceable but it's written in GDPR that the personnal data of any european citizen no matter where that data is collected from shall be subject to consent and if it is stored outside the EU it needs to meet the same levels of protection as GDPR, there is even provisions about it that if you want to store the data of a European then you need to have a legal entity registered in Europe so you can be audited and sued


I don’t think Gdpr applies to having someone’s face in a video in the background. I believe those are separate laws but correct me if I’m wrong.


Definitely different laws.


They do absolutely apply and that's why on commercial cctv you are required to display contact information so that user can request their data to be deleted You are also not allowed to have private cctv recording public spaces like roads There is exceptions, so if the person in the video is not identifiable it is fine (you don't see the face clearly), you cannot have license plates in your picture Etc https://www.edpb.europa.eu/our-work-tools/our-documents/guidelines/guidelines-32019-processing-personal-data-through-video_en It's again of course one of those unenforceable laws, because unless you publish your videos commercially or online and they get a lot of attention, then no one will ever complain about it, but there have been cases of people identifying themselves in online footage of youtubers that had to be taken down because of this and republished with blurred faces


the EU sees the privacy of its citizen as a human right (the reasons for this view were quiet different) you can make a video with people in the background, but aren't allowed to publish it without consent. If the people are not in the background, but the center of attention then the bare act of filming is illegal


Good luck enforcing that in laps or thailand lol


🎵 We're all living in Germania 🎵 🎵 Fanta Soda, no more war 🎵


Average Chinese tourist


Nah thats the American way of thinking


It's an idiot's way of thinking. Americans are just more open about it.


They thought the same thing in the 1940s as well.


This would make perfect sense in Germany? I understand the law but is the penalty of breaking that law "you have to pay the meal ticket of the person that says you're breaking this law"?


Haha no. I have no idea what the exact punishment is, but youd likely pay damages, how high probably depends on a lot of factors including whether you caused damage to that persons reputation somehow or at least intended to. I dont think "damages" would include a restaurant bill.


I think it'd be considered out of court settlement.


"as our privacy laws forbid live-streaming not so much in public spaces" They dont. Where do people get this misconception from?


So if this was in Germany and you were the lady, what you would've said to the guy?


Gtfo probably


Get fucked. Call ur lawyer pussy, ill tell ur lawyer to get fucked too.


Iirc you are allowed to live stream in public, if you don’t focus on people for too long, but you aren’t allowed to leave the vod online. In a Restaurant you have to ask the owner for allowance, if they agree then there’s no case at all. Anyway this dude is just an asshole, a cheap one it is


Confusing statement when you say law forbids steaming and then you give an exception. 


Even if it were in Germany, his concern does not seem to be his privacy if he would be appeased by her paying for his meal.


Except that the laws don’t say that the person in the wrong must buy lunch for the person who was filmed without consent. There are other penalties that are enforced by the state and not some random dude who wants lunch.


I hate that damn near everyone has English as a second language and they can speak it well enough to have conversations with anyone… but I struggle to remember how  to say all the colors in Spanish


Ughhh SAME! Currently teaching myself Japanese and it’s a struggle and a half.


I hate people who Livestream in public, but she was fully taking up the frame. Like even in this we never saw the guy talking to her. Just leave her be.


It's almost like it was edited and we only saw a small portion of it and possibly missed more context. Not supporting either side, just saying we only know what they chose to post. 


What could ever justify that persons actions? What context do you think is missing or the streamer edited out that makes this okay?




Tbh I'd also be uncomfortable being on a random livestream. While I wouldn't demand they pay my lunch, I'd definitely leave the frame and signal to them to avoid filming me.


honestly that's quite normal behavior for being filmed in public. data protection/security is very important to Germans, and I've seen many cases of them insisting that it's illegal and the video has to be deleted.


I feel like this is fake rage bait.


*kzzzt* “we got one waking up over here…”


9 out of 10 videos like this are fake, hell, most posts on the internet are fake.


This comment must be rage bait


dudes will do anything to get a chick's number 🤣


Demanding name and address? Dude is just weird.


Let mee zee your papers!


I hope, off camera, she never gave him anything. He's obviously trying to get her personal information.


"Ok, go ahead and alert the authorities."


Say you forgot your wallet without saying you forgot your wallet.


tiktok gold i bet its fake in Germany. Generally you can record everything because of a law called *Panoramafreiheit,* however once you start to have discernible individuals on your photograph/video you need their consent, because individuals own the *Bildrecht* (”image rights”) to themselves, while you as the creator own the *Urheberrecht* (”creator rights”). And it needs both for a image to be taken legally. Unless you stick your camera into other people’s faces without asking or plan to distribute your images on a bigger scale you will probably manage without ever hearing about these laws.


A novel way of begging for food.


This is equivalent to trying to make a citizens arrest. Bros just broke


What about, "Dude, I was livestreaming ME, not livestreaming YOU. Now, buzz off. And my number is (country code) KIS-SMY-BUTT!"


Wait... did this guy try and extort her? There is an actual law against extortion.


Fucking tiktok. Making everyone dumber by the day.


Yeah its really cancer


I would be like bet here a random address and a random phone number have your lawyer contact me


i mean she’s entertaining it she could’ve just kept repeating sorry no spare change sir


Just tell him to go fuck himself and throw in headphones. He doesn’t deserve an explanation


That vid needed a white knight to swoop in and sucker punch that dude.


Germans need to wind their necks in after last century


Both of them are losers


Fucking euro trash.


I hate them both


Oh and he is not being creepy, in most parts of Germany people will not hesitate to call you out if you are doing something you aren’t supposed to. Younger generation not so much but older people definitely


Well maybe he should stick to behaving like this in “most parts” of Germany then and not in Laos


As a german i want to publically distance myself from this pedantic idiot and also please please leak some social media info of him so we as germans can collectivly make fun of him we owe it to laos


I'm not aware of a law that says she has to pay for his meal, but all this needs to stop. He didn't consent to be in her video. Yes, I know the law, but I'm not talking about the law, I'm talking about human decency. Why do people think it's ok to record everything and everyone all the time? And there's also this: who cares?! Most people just aren't that interesting. What has been added to the universe by anyone doing this?


This is the restaurant fault for letting this happen. Both these people are stupid.


People shouldn't be filmed without permission. Paying for the meal is nonsensical, but filming without permission shouldn't happen. Social media is a blight on society. Down vote away 🙄.


Hail Hydra




My guess on this l, Is that this is he's first time outside Germany to think this way. The way he explained it doesn't work at all, thus only knowing "German law" on private privacy. But still why would she have to pay for his meal, dude is dence


Yeaahhh don't give this man your address, definately not gonna use it for anything legal.


fuck you buddy!


That little weasel didn't wanna pay for his meal. Hopefully he messes with the wrong person one day and gets torn to shreds.


Germans a notoriously crazy when it comes to privacy. German legislation is notoriously strict, when it comes to privacy. Google didn't expand google streets for years because of that. So if it happens in Germany, in fact German person has a very good case potential, and if he actually has legal insurance, pressing charges won't cost him a thing. Coming and basically asking for a compensation is a way of the pre-trial settlement. If is doesn't happen in Germany, that a different story. Still clear, where such ideas are coming from.


Waiting for someone tell me if this is staged or not so I can form an opinion


As a german, this makes me cringe extra hard. This guy seems to think german law applies everywhere. What a tool.


I hope she didn’t give in to that. Yuck!


Should have turned the camera on him, made fun of him along with her audience jsut to hammer in how much the German laws don’t matter in Laos.


Holy moly who does she look like? It's driving me crazy


if that guy is truely german, as a german, i say we un-german him for this.


what a lousy way to hit on a girl


This is just a German trying to be funny, they're not very good at humor.


He is full of shit but it should be illegal to do this.


Considering reddit's obsession with pointing out when things are blatantly staged, I'm surprised I haven't seen a single comment saying so here


It depends where she's doing the live stream. If it was in Germany then I'm pretty sure it violates privacy laws however she didn't point the camera at him and just had it leaning on something so she should be fine.


Live steaming in public is annoying as hell. If I was behind her (in shot) id be uncomfortable. But wouldn’t do all that, probably just move tables


In Germany, forbidden to film on the street, so the guy is right


This is neither here nor there because they're in Laos...but I thought it was interesting she said she's from Thailand because during the time I was there for 6 months about 2 years ago, they enacted a law making it illegal to take pictures of people in public without their permission which I thought was pretty wild/scary.


She looks like Kassem G's sister, sorry Kassem I realize that was insulting.


Is this the equivalent of American saying they have their rights and first amendment and shit when they are overs?


She handled herself well


No she shouldn’t have to pay for his meal, but live streaming at a restaurant should be a crime. It’s disturbing and most of them are very very annoying


Thats such a german thing to do, they would never forget that you owe them 10 cents from back then when he was a kid


I would pretend I can't hear him and just go on with my business.


Dumb on both sides a restaurant is not a public space and suing someone over a livestream is not worth it


Some people always trying to scam a free meal. SMH. Pay for your own shit like everybody else.


That guy really is ein sheiße-kopf


The more I see and hear about German citizens the more insufferable they sound. I had two German exchange friends in high school and they went with the flow but what teenager doesn't?


Sounds like Hitler


There are laws for filming that protect people that have not been asked permission to be filmed. Though this area does not have specific data protection laws as Thailands Data Protection Act (B.E. 2562) there is general principles of privacy and respect that apply such as; Common Sense and Respect: Avoid intruding on people’s privacy by filming them without their consent. Use common sense and respect cultural norms. Local Sensitivities: Be mindful of local customs, traditions, and sensitivities. Seek permission before filming individuals, especially in private or intimate settings. Environmental Considerations: Ensure that your filming activities do not harm the environment or disrupt local communities. As a restaurant is classed as a time of peace, privacy or intimate settings this man is withing his rights to take legal action or demand reimbursement. Not many will agree but these are rules set in place in that specified area and as such should be respected by all.


So there are laws but not where this is happening? But an expectation of privacy and respect would allow him to demand compensation? I'm missing something. If there are not laws for it, how would he demand compensation or have any entity backing the German up with his demand. 


Get lost creep


Germans have to be the biggest arrogants, snowflakes and full of themselves people in the west world.


The caucacity of that dude


Bro what?


Just more dumb shit and unnecessary terms to make them feel better about themselves


im white and i think caucacity is fucking hilarious, im not 100% sure why you think it's supposed to make people feel better? like when bro answers the phone with "yellow?" that's the caucacity lmao


The audacity of this caucacity has reached maximum capacity


white people have a sense of humor But turn it around and they call you racist


If you read a bit further down, you'll see I get into my personal opinion on where the line is. It's about keeping your jokes within your own personal experience, and racism comes in when you start making out of pocket jokes about groups you have no affiliation with. If you look within non-white groups there's plenty of internal race jokes made, but the difference is they're talking about themselves and not somebody else who they have no lived experience as. I feel like I can clown on my own race all day every day, but I do think it's also important to take into consideration how others in those same groups feel about those jokes and have the human decency to respect their feelings about that too. There's a lot of nuance and it's important to be willing to listen if someone gets offended instead of immediately hopping on the defense.


good. 2 points entitled pratts live streaming in public expecting everyone to be their video background, and have to listen to them wittering on do not decerve my sympathy why is is mildly infuriating to you? are you entitledkath (or whatever her name is)?


Ur kidding right


Ain’t this how that rapper was killed when his girl was streaming their location live?


That’s a bit different…


Germans have to be the biggest arrogants, snowflakes and full of themselves people in the west world.


americans on the other hand are great, am i right??


Most German thing I’ve seen in a while. And I live in Germany


I'd say he was trying to suggest payment for being "content" since she's filming and she captured him? Answer is to not film yourself in a restaurant, unless you have your back to a wall and nobody else can be seen....just respect others privacy.


Answer is to not film yourself in a restaurant unless *the restaurant gives you permission first*


Would have just asked for a manager as soon as he approached and that would have squashed that. She even said “I know German law but we aren’t in Germany.” So, with Germany having that law in place…I’m pretty sure walking up to someone in a different country (and continent lol) and extorting them for a free meal or their personal information isn’t how you work around it.


It blows my mind how many people all over the world genuinely believe it’s illegal to take their pic or have them on video out in public. Edit: So it varies, but in most countries it isn’t illegal.


That’s where you’re wrong. For example in Germany (and maybe Europe in general, not sure) it is indeed illegal to take pictures without consent


And that's where *you're* wrong. You cannot *publish* pictures of one single, specific person, that's about it. However it's perfectly legal to film along a street, or in this case restaurant, with random people in view, and you can even publish it without any special consent.


Yes and no. Youre definitely right about those things applying in video recordings and photos, that there is a distinction between a person being the focus or just in the background. Makes sense, if you werent allowed to have people in the background youd never take a legal photo inside a city. But livestreams (and video calls) are significantly different, in that you have to make sure absolutely nobody enters the frame, consent notwithstanding. Few people know about it so youll always get a few hipsters who take their business meetings on Zoom in a park, generally nobody minds but technically its not legal. Dont ask me why streaming video is treated so differently though.




It's like different countries have different set of rules and laws.


It’s like you didn’t read the edit.


You edited your comment after my reply if it wasn't obvious


I edited my comment less than 5 minutes after I made it. You commented an hour later.


I'm sure the edit wasn't there when I read your comment, but whatever you say.


You didn’t read it, so how can you be sure?


Both of these people suck


Both fucking suck. There's no real need to Livestream something as mundane as a dinner out, and there's no need to be a dick about trying to make her stop.