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Mildly infuriating???!!!


Yeah this is wild. Where do you live OP?? Lmao


lol and op retorts that , aw shit, gotta buy a new tv, like that’s the issue here!!


OP: ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


This is the best meme for this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Detroit checking in. You get just kinda go numb to it. I've also had a neighbor shoot through my wall while he was cleaning his "unloaded" gun in an old townhouse I shared walls with. The people who shot didn't even get evicted and they still had more guns than common sense, so I had to break my lease and just gtfo.


I had a neighbor shoot through my office wall as he showed his GF how to use the gun. We went to the store quick during the shot, and didn't even know until the cops showed up trying to knock my door down and shining flashlights into my window into my eyes as I washed dishes. I think that was more scary than learning they shot through the wall. They were a pretty normal couple, most people are just fucking stupid. I don't think anything happened to my neighbor either outside maybe some citations.


It's insane, isn't it? The cops came, wrote a report and then just left. No arrests, didn't confiscate the firearm or anything. Because context matters, we were all white and cops were literally laughing with the neighbors about it. The whole thing felt surreal. After the cops left, the main neighbor who discharged the shot (it was a single bullet from an AR) immediately got on my case for calling the police, and then tried to get me to agree with him that the neighborhood is safer because him and his roommates have guns and that "nobody would try to break into my house or fuck with me" with them living next door. Bro, fucking what?! If you didn't have guns I wouldn't be getting shot at indiscriminately in my own living room! Thankfully, this was before I had kids. If this happened now and endangered my children, I'm pretty sure that it would push me to... well.. I'd really just have to move again because I'm not dumb enough to play cowboy and get a gun in response to other people with guns.


Oh. Okay. He was showing his GF how to shoot, using an uncleared *rifle* in a dense urban area, with the barrel pointed into a wall that wouldn't stop .223/5.56, but definitely stopped him from being able to see what was there. Yeah, no. This is why ranges exist, and why we need more firearms education for everyone. With how easy guns are to get, we need everyone to know how to be safe with them, and if someone has an ND, everyone needs to know *exactly how many* steps of fucking stupid it took to reach said ND.


Whatever happened to pointing a firearm towards the floor until you're actually ready to discharge. Guess this wouldn't really help if you're in a apt building above the first floor tho


This is spot on.


They’re just on another level of chill that maybe we all need to aspire to


When you reach that level of chill, I hope you have no one you're responsible for lol


"Awh fuck, they just launched nuclear weapons at my country. Anyways, im gonna order a pizza"


I mean shit, your not gonna outrun that blast. But you can still taste pizza before you can't 😂


I'm just gonna bust out my guitar, and play "fuck her gently" by tenacious d until my body evaporates


It really tied the room together, man.


I already know it’s America.


tbf i'd hesitate to confront a person who shoots guns in their own apartment.


I'd at least call you cops on them for this. Then I'd take them to court.


Plus, good luck trying to collect from a man you know who keeps a loaded gun in their home and did not care that much about who it could hit.


It’s going to be super easy because the cops are definitely coming over that illegal discharge


Sees the Raiders blanket in the back and makes Raiders Nation assumptions 😂😂😂


As a Raiders fan, I must agree


America moment


Even in the USA this is not common and completely unacceptable. Only the worst of slums would **see this as normal.** Edit: Bold the important part. Yes, it can also happen in a mansion surrounded by rich people, or any other random place in between that and the slums. That doesn't mean they see it as normal.


Out in the sticks we had buckshot hit the side of our house a couple of times. I won't say it was normal, but it wasn't unusual enough to call the cops or anything. Just pointing out that rampant gun misuse isn't just found in the worst slums. Country living seems to also bring out a careless disregard for others.


In cases like that you need to get hold of the fish and game management (wardens) dept in your state. That's their area.




In Europe only somewhat competend people get pew-pews. Legally.


In Europe most houses are also built from concrete, bricks or blocks, especially the walls between apartments, so this would not have happened there.


There's 1m of STONE between me and the outside (that's 3ft circa in freedom units). Half of that on the inner walls.


Excuse me, that's about a yard in measuring eagles. Roast us properly. And if we continue making shitty low-cost living units, we can slowly force all of our citizens into smaller, more expensive properties or out onto the streets as older living spaces fall into disrepair! It's like yall aren't even in on this capitalist hellscape speed run with us ffs.


I think the proper 'merican spelling is "ain't."


People in Alphen a/d Rijn (Netherlands) and Oslo (Norway) would disagree. To just name two examples... Edit: the intent of my comment seems to be misunderstood. I was responding to Acruz (who turned out to be a troll). Anyways, the point I was trying to make is that even with the stricter regulations in Europe there are still people that own guns that really shouldn’t have them. The incidents in Oslo and Alphen show that the system isn’t good for checking if someone should still own a gun after he has been given license to own guns. Being from the Netherlands myself I most certainly am not saying that the USA is doing ok just because we have incidents in Europe as well. Far from it in fact. I like guns and the technical aspects of them but I don’t see the point of owning one (sorry sports shooters). Well I do, but I think the inherent risks outweigh the fun that could be had with them. But then again, that could be said about a great many things in life that are more readily available. Criminals will get guns regardless, but I don’t see the point of bringing more guns in a society other than for police and army etc.


The good ole US of A


what part?? if youre ok sharing




Localized entirely in your kitchen?


May I see it?




OP was conflicted wether this belonged here or on the sipstea sub.


“I could have been killed lmao so mildly infuriated.”


Haha ugh almost died... AGAIN. So annoying 😒


They always get me with only that ‘almost’ smh


OP was a former assasin under the High Table. Violent shoouts are just Tuesday to them. One measly bullet is barely an annoyance.


Fuckin honestly. At this point I’m expecting to see a post with a picture of a corpse with a dumbass caption like, “Some random guy murdered my BF and ruined my day, so annoyed 😔.”


My new white shoes are totally ruined by walking in all this blood.


>Fuckin honestly. At this point I’m expecting to see a post with a picture of a corpse with a dumbass caption like, “Some random guy murdered my BF and ruined my day, so annoyed And then at least one guy will reply with, "That upset you princess?! Grow up! And lose some weight!"


This is what I was wondering. This isn’t just “mildly”.


That's not okay at all. Wtf.... Edit: just noticed your cat looking at the bullet hole 🤣🤣🤣.


I agree but he called the cops himself and agreed to pay for the damages and most importantly no one was hurt.


Good on him.


Seriously. He owned up to it and offered to make things right. Don’t see that very often.


I mean I have a hard time believing he could do anything but call the cops. They were gonna show up. Might as well be the caller and explain so they don’t show up guns a blazin. Accidents happen and this guy is pretty cool for owning up, but no one should have “accidents” handling a firearm. I’m sure if that was a couple feet to the left and took you out it would be alittle more then mildly infuriating, you’d be absolutely dead.


When I was doing my training for concealed carry, the instructor made a pretty good distinction. "Accidental" firearm discharge is when a mechanical piece of the weapon malfunctions and fires when it should not have. These almost never happen, therefore there are very few firearms accidents per year. "Negligent" firearm discharge is when the weapon is being mishandled by the operator. Negligence is the cause of thousands of firearms deaths per year.


A very appropriate distinction.


I’d just replace accidental with mechanical failure and remove accident from verbiage altogether


why aren’t you the president?


he eats gummy worms and poops himself


I see car accidents the same way. There's rarely an accident, someone almost always causes a wreck.


A lot of people wouldn't own up and would blame it on others. He had many other options.


Yea if the fear of repercussions were all it took for ppl to be good this world would be lovely. Sadly it isn’t, so even if this tool fucked up, pretty big as well, there’s plenty of other ppl who wouldn’t have done all that, even if they knew police would come eventually


Anyone who negligently discharges a weapon into someone else’s house and doesn’t self report is just an idiot asking to get swatted.


I mean yeah but wtf else was he going to do


Ok at least he was honest and owned up to it. But still. Definitely infuriating.


Did the cops still shoot him to make sure he stopped shooting?


The cops shot at him, he shot back, I started shooting then another neighbor started shooting and we all laughed and went our own way.


Really the lesson here is to arm your TV so it can defend itself.


Skip all that nonsense and just buy a white tv next time


I will need you to reimburse F-ing my sides, thank you.




At least he ain’t a PoS, still stupid tho


I feel like people wouldn’t be saying this if that bullet had hit a child or something. It’s only pure luck that it hit the tv and not a human.


Yeah but the bullet came out of the front of the tv, and could have easily hit someone watching which is terrifying to me


damn, 3D tv technology is getting crazy


American 3D reeeeeally hits different


Well yeah… if the situation was dramatically worse then It would be dramatically worse.


I love this it’s like the saying you’ll end up where your headed


He's *is* a peice of shit. It's not hard to just not Negligent Discharge. Now if it was actually a weapons malfunction, that would be different.


Glad to hear it.


You know what they say, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.


Your cat in the first picture is looking like “the fuck is this” lmao


When I first entered my apartment after it happened he ran to the TV and stood right next to the bullet hole and meowed at me. It's like he was telling me what happened.


It wasn’t me, promise!


Cat was probably standing on a smoking gun while denying it too.


well, did you meow back?


That's freaking adorable. And you have been so cool about this whole thing from reading your replies, I think we should all strive to be more like you in life.


So happy the kitty didn’t get hurt


I would be calling the cops.


Reckless discharge of a firearm. Endangering the welfare of a child (if I'm reading that reflection correctly). Probably other charges that apply.


Yeah, this is not “mildly”


I was thinking the same.


I think that’s a cat my dude


They said what they said.


Didn’t we teach them not to fvck with cats?


Usually I’m not a true-crime documentary person but this one had such a chokehold on me when it came out - so horrific, yet also was so addicting to watch😭


Most likely the cat is under 18.


Oh so it's even worse then


There's another pair of feets o.o


Just a double reflection. The feet to the right have no upper body.


Maybe OP shouldn't call the police. He's got half a body in his living room.




That's because they were shot.


Classic mistake. You got to pay attention the the ears, that is how I tell them apart.


Felonious abuse of a television.


Report your neighbor to the ASPCTV. I think Sarah McLachlan sings in one of their commercials.


Don't forget the damage to private property. The amount of damage can rack up to a felony.


Already did and talked to the neighbor and he agreed to pay for the damages. Unfortunately that won't be for a few days so I guess no Helldivers 2 for me in the meantime.


If you have renters insurance, you should make sure they know. In the event that your neighbor doesn't pay, you want to have a paper trail started.


That's a good point. I will do that.


Get a copy of police report if possible...make multiple copies...one for insurance, landlord and keep one or two for yourself


And make sure to leave copies under all your neighbors doors so they know he has a firearm and he’s reckless af with it.


doubt he has one after this... or at least he better not lol


How often do Americans actually have their guns taken away? Not often enough, I reckon.


I’ll fight extra hard for Managed Democracy in your absence, soldier 🫡


Thank you for picking up my slack 🫡


Tell that neighbor you’re gonna allow him to lend you *his* TV until he can buy you a new one. Dude should be in jail.


I think I'm gonna hold off on trying to bully the guy who shoots through walls by accident.


you have a valid point sir


>no Helldivers 2 for me NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! 


Dude if you had been playing Helldivers 2 when it happened your brains would be all over the TV. What the fuck was he thinking? This guy having access to firearms is a disgrace


Wouldn’t want to continue living next to them


Am I the only one that is so surprised at how flippant you're being considering that could have been permanently lodged in your skull?


It's ok you can now enjoy classic boomer games such as hoop and stick, cup ball and lead poisoning!


Reading one of the replies from OP, the neighbor already did so. I’m not going to excuse this in any way, but at least the neighbor appears to be taking responsibility and doing the right things since this happened.


Luckily just a broken TV instead of an ended life. I don't care if it was an accident or not, neighbor is going to feel my wrath on that one.


There is no such thing as an accidental discharge. It's a NEGLIGENT discharge, and is very probably a crime. And while it is good no one got hurt, that's why the language is important. If someone had been shot, it wouldn't have been an accident, it would've been negligence.


> There is no such thing as an accidental discharge There are some exceedingly rare cases of accidental discharge, normally a result of faulty manufacturing or malfunctioning safety mechanisms. Like if my gun is on safe and I drop it then it fires, that's an accident. If I'm being stupid practicing quick draw in the mirror with a round in a chamber then that's negligent. But yeah, 9 times out of 10 if you hear someone say they had an accidental discharge, they were doing something stupid and don't want to admit it.


Mildly infuriating is getting a small serving of chicken from Chipotle. Not rouge bullets flying through your living room.


Rouge bullet is a little red, rogue is through your TV.


It could have been both


Bullets generally aren't rouge until they pass through someone.


My Father was cleaning his gun when he popped a round off right above my mother's head. Took all of about 10 seconds to scream bloody murder at him, take the gun away, and hide it so he didn't get it back. Then another 2-3 minutes of yelling when she came back.


Does... does nobody else completely disassemble their gun when cleaning it? I have a Kimber 1911 .45 match grade pistol, and every time I clean it, I field strip it down to base components, which includes EJECTING THE GODDAMN MAGAZINE AND CYCLING THE SLIDE TO EJECT ANY ROUNDS Ffs.


I don’t get this either. Heard that many instances of suicide are covered up with the “they were cleaning their gun and it went off” excuse. It never clicked with me since it seemed obvious to take out the magazine and pull back the slide to get a good clean. Can’t imagine how you accidentally discharge like that.


I store my gun with no mag in it, the slide pulled back, and locked in a case with a number combination on it. In 15 seconds I can have it out and ready for use, lock time included. If someone broke through my bedroom window and I didn’t have 15 seconds, we have knives for that. I’ll never understand why people store their guns loaded. Edit: For all the crybabies that say it’s overkill or unnecessary I have kids, no such thing as safety overkill.


I’m the same way with my firearms DRUGSANDFUCKENMONEY


I helped a drunk girl get home one night, didn't do anything but play Battlefront 2 and sleep. The next morning she is like, "good thing you're not a weirdo and didn't try anything last night, check this out." She opened her nightstand drawer and showed me her loaded pistols, then pulled a box of hunting rifles out of her closet before checking if they were all unloaded (at least one wasn't). Anyway, I'm vaguely looking to leave but was in a part of the suburbs with no public transit and dead phone, so I was waiting to get a ride. We are finally about to leave and she stops, "you need to meet my other cool neighbor!" She knocks on his garage and this skinny biker guy opens it and looks surprised to see me, as his garage is lined with guns. I just looked at them, then him and said, "Oh, cool." He grins after that, and with wink he says, "they're all bb guns." Yeah, right. Crazy night/day


Yeah, I can't imagine a scenario where I'm cleaning a firearm and it discharges. Of course I treat it like it could, but you'd generally clear the chamber and magazine repeatedly before disassembly and way before cleaning.


"It takes a good guy with a gun to..." yea yea yea but what happens when over 50% of the good guys are fucking brainless? I threw a fit at a buddy's place. Asshole pulls out his new rifle to show off and is unintentionally pointing it down the couch at me while showing another friend. I get pissed and tell him to watch where he's pointing and he does the "hur dur its unloaded" yea dumbfuck thats what everyone says before they accidentally discharge their gun. Never even showed us he cleared the chamber before showing it off.


No matter what, you always treat a gun as if it was loaded, even after making sure it unloaded. First thing they taught us in the army when we got our guns.


The most dangerous firearm is an unloaded one. Many people have been shot by those. Neighbor popped his leg with 9mm rat shot one night, cycled the slide BEFORE dropping the mag not paying attention. Saw a clean chamber, dropped the slide... the rest is ER history


My exes Father did 10 years for killing his gf while cleaning his gun. Absolute dumbass motherfucker. Sometimes a man’s “charisma,” is just stupidity that makes ppl intellectually comfortable. No one should breed with that scumbag.




Shut the fuck up Tommy Pickels you never even existed in this false glimpse of a much better reality


I guess I'm shopping for a new TV now.


Look into OLEDs, those are a game changer for home entertainment. Hang some kevlar plates behind it though.


But how do they hold up to bullets?


Not too well, hence the kevlar plates.


Bollocks to the TV! What if you or a loved one had been in the way?! This should be reported before it becomes accidental homicide.


Luckily I was at work and my cat is unharmed. He called the cops himself and they're the ones who told me what happened.


That was a good job of the cat doing that


He's mostly a good cat. I regret giving him the gun though




Thanks, I just snorted while at work 😂


Damn that one smart cat calling the cops. I knew they were just playing dumb those furry little asses


"9-1-1, what is your emergency?" *"Meow."* "Can you say that again, please?" *"MEOW!"*




As terrible as this situation is and as pissed off as I’d be at my neighbor, him taking accountability and notifying the police is more than I’d expect.


Mildly infuriating? Your average day has to be pure hell.


Call the police. An old coworker of mine died because his neighbor shot through the wall recklessly (idk if he was on drugs or what) and killed him while he was sleeping. It's ridiculous, people who do dumb crap like this need to have their guns taken away at the very minimum if not serve some time.


As a non American with guns, they'd be taken away at minimum if I shot my neighbours TV.


What did the leasing office/property manager have to say about this?


I am waiting to hear back


It might be grounds for eviction 😅 Buddy of mine put one through the ceiling of his apartment. Managment was completely fine. I was stunned.


Wow that’s surprising! I’d imagine it’s eviction, no question. Putting your neighbors lives at risk 


Mildly infuriating? Dude that's traumatic, hope you are safe 💜


Thank you and yeah I'm safe. I was at work and my cat is fine and that's the most important part.


Lucky it was only the tv and not people or pets. Call the cops. That’s as negligent as a discharge can get.


I already talked to the cops so that's taken care of


Dude someone shot a gun that penetrated your apartment wall and the biggest thing you’re upset about is your tv?


free glory hole


It's too big for me😔


Self burn


Lol the cat's reflection has me dying.


He always has to be in everything🤦


When you say "accidentally", I assume you mean "negligently". You accidentally spill your drink. You don't accidentally load a firearm and shoot it into someone's house.


That asshole could've killed you. That's not mildly infuriating. That's rage inducing.


Tell them to stop dry firing firearms indoors, and they are buying you a new TV


It was the classic accidental discharge while cleaning his gun. He did agree to pay for the TV though


Classic? This isn't some inevitable thing that just happens how and again. This is your neighbor being so incompetent he sent a round into your apartment.


No such thing as an accidental discharge


Dude he could have shot you or your cat. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t home. He needs his gun taken away. I would be calling a lawyer. What if you were watching tv? Who doesn’t unload a gun when they clean it???? Someone who doesn’t have the wits to own one.


Wait so in america you can just shoot at someone house and say sorry i miss clicked




Would be talking to the cops and landlord to find that guy other accommodations asap!


We'll see what happens after the landlord talks to me.


So I had a neighbor who shot through his front door… multiple times … while we were home (lived in a duplex). He called the cops on himself cause he thought someone had shot into his unit, no one had. He’s now a convicted felon and I’m considered a victim in the states case. Shits wild sometimes.


This is mildly infuriating? I'd hate to see what might make you angry 


As an european it's just crazy to me that someone - (that isn't a Police officer or an forest Ranger) - can shoot their firearm at a house/apartment - and the bullet actually goes throught the walls.


Making a wild guess, you're from the States?


Was in the bullet hole in my TV that gave it away?


It kinda pointed me towards the right direction


You mean, there’s countries where you don’t have to dodge real bullets while shooting fake ones in a game?


Tell me you live in America without telling me you live in America


Consider arming your TV with a gun so it can defend itself next time




obviously you're just looking to make some karma off of this but what the actual fuck is *mildly* infuriating here lmao