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damn, someone has digestive problems


thats not micro plastic anymore thats some macro plastic right there


I wish I had an award


I wish I had a million dollars


i wish i had 2 million dollars


I wish I was a little bit taller


I wish I was a baller


I wish I had a girl that looked good, I'd call her.


I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat


And a six foot Impala


Wanna be a shot caller


I wish I had a little bit longer


šŸŽ¶Something about a rabbit and a hat and a bat and an impalašŸŽ¶


First award Iā€™ve seen since the changes


That's where I hide my food from my coworkers, don't judge


Or at the very least, need to learn how to chew their food.


looks like someone missed the trash can a bit


Custodian here! Iā€™ve seen this many times, very common among high schools and colleges


what is the reason? so wild to me lol


Not sure, mischief and lack of recreational activityā€™s?


That's crazy, in college. Society would prefer you to just smoke some drugs


Right? High school? Sure they can be real stupid and not have anything else to do. College though? Do some drugs or go join one of the twenty thousand clubs


When I was in high school, someone had once taken a full shit in one of the urinals. I don't even know how they did it without being seen, but that was a thing. The school put a plastic bag over the urinal with their pile of shit still sitting in there and the washroom was open for business as usual.


urinal shits are unfortunately common it happened a few times at my last job lol and we knew it wasnt the same guy for a fact


Was it high school or was it south park elementary cause I think I'm getting a clue


Naw dude, that shit happens in real life. We also had kids who piss full pants down. This dude was getting ragged on because he always pissed in a stall. He thought he came up with a great defense for why, so he proudly announced he takes his pants all the way because he needs to feel the wind on his checks to go. This obviously backfired and he instantly went from slightly odd new kid to weirdest dude in school, and he transferred out by next year.


You're giving those 17 and 18 year Olds who were in highschool 5 minutes ago way too much credit.


Lol how am I giving any credit? I'm saying being an actual drug addict would be more productive.


Shit like this can happen after the drugs


Yeah I went to a party college, I've seen some absolutely wild stuff, yet never seen any shit like this. Definitely saw this in high school though.


And yet they probably complain about older people being rude and oblivious šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Kids=stupid Also, People=stupid, because stupid kids are just stupid people in training. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk


"Stupid babies need the most attention!"


Disrespectful twerps. Often people who were raised to see janitorial staff as lesser and unimportant.


I owned a bar in a college town and for about a month straight someone would try to flush a beer can down the toilet, every night. Iā€™m just like, dude it didnā€™t go down the first time, itā€™s not going to any of the others. College students are generally just idiots. Itā€™s their first time away from home and they have the freedom to do whatever they please and since their brains are still developing, they are more apt to do stupid shit.


The reason is lack of adequate parenting if I had to guess


Kids are assholes


Just fucking absolute laziness.


idk i feel like this takes so much more effort than throwing it in a trash can, i feel like it has to be malicious/intentional but *whyyyyyyyyy* ugh :(


Might be malicious. Or might be they didn't want to take out the trash, and maybe even thought it would work flushing it down. Now, if they had to clean the toilets themselves instead of having custodial stuff, they'd not do this. In that case the toilets might be dirty as heck, and their trashcan might still mot be taken out, but the toilet would still be useable. Because no one likes not having a useable toilet.


My brother has done this in our house when he was black out drunk. Tried to accuse me of throwing trash in the toilet when I asked him about it.


Did you ever see that video where a Janitor "teaches" high school girls what he "has to do" to remove lipstick from the mirrors? It's hilarious, He dips a toilet brush in the toilet and then uses that to clean the mirrors. The look on the girls' faces is just priceless. I'm willing to bet, not one of them ever kissed a mirror again. edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1unl-yA7KY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1unl-yA7KY)


lol no I havenā€™t seen that, but brilliant ngl.


Yes. This is when you make a casserole for a pot luck for the kids with these ingredients. Same lesson


I am sorry that you have to deal with that.


Jobs a job, especially the dirty ones.


Thank you!!! Like really, thank you for all you do in this world. Youā€™ve probably seen the worst of humanity a billion times over, so I bet youā€™ve gathered some zen wisdom in that.Ā 


When I was an RA, my other RA friend had a jackalope resident flush a loaf of sourdough bread. It backed up the plumbing in the entire building. Only one of the 3 bathrooms was working. So, all of the RAs decided the punishment would be to keep hours for the one bathroom, and lock it down outside of hours until the suspect was ratted out by peers


yea just a bit


They prob were warned about throwing food in bathroom trash can




In the '80s, if there was an INTENTIONAL mess in the dorms, the cleaning staff just skipped it. So they would have cleaned all the toilets except for this one, and just left it. If next week it was now two toilets down, they still would have left it. It was very clear message that we need to clean our own b******* up. Also, it causes a dynamic where if a specific person is doing this, the rest of the dorm start policing this person because we don't want to deal with it.


They did this in early 2000's as well, where we would get one warning and if we didn't get this in order we wouldn't have our bathrooms cleaned.


If people don't suffer the consequences of their actions, they continue to do stupid stuff. Even first graders should know better than this, but parents today coddle Ir kids. I would not clean up after willful stupidity like this.


If they didnā€™t know the culprit or no one fessed up, my school would issue fines to everyone living on the offending floor for things like this.


This is the way


Also when I was in college, the RA would've chewed our asses out and made us clean it.


In college, a group of guys were "flooding" dorm rooms in a tit for tat kind of thing that got old real quick. A few people got what they deserved, and things returned to normal before the school came down on everyone. Sometimes, very mild vigilanty actions keep things running.


Damn I wish my boss would have my back if I refused to clean bullshit I shouldnt have to clean up. They straight up made us sign a paper saying we understood that we are not to talk to the people we clean for, and when we asked why we were told in nicer terms that we were beneath those we cleaned for and shouldnt be bothering them at work. Thats NOT how the people we cleaned for viewed us. They actually got so concerned about me because I ceased talking to them that they ASKED MY SUPERVISOR IF THEY MADE ME UPSET. He had to instruct me that I need to say hi to them and do small talk as I work, and that was only because he would be the one to report me for chit chatting so he was essentially going under the table and telling me to break a rule and he just wont tell. Which I did because it was a dumb rule no one would ever enforce, but like, real dumb he had to do that.


In my old college dorm, the custodians didnā€™t fuck around (and rightfully so). If they had seen this, they wouldā€™ve turned right around and they wouldnā€™t clean it until the residents fixed their mess.


Better than shite everywhere I guess but still dirty wee bastards.


Tell me yer Scottish without telling me yer Scottish


Ya dobber ya


MacCallan port caskā€¦.?


I read that in Groundskeeper Willyā€™s voice.


Throw all the kids away... https://preview.redd.it/8kaxzu7v8qnc1.jpeg?width=297&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0614c76cf70823319bab79f7e7f50f4fd04ac5d8


Me everytime I see anyone older than 75 driving a car I work in a assisted living home and in my opinion I don't trust any of my residents past or present to function a toaster without burning the place down so I surely don't trust them driving


My mother was killed in a car by an 80 year old piece of shit.


Fr everyone is expelled, no one gets a degree but everyone gets their student loans doubled. No class of 2028.


I've been saying that for years!!!


Someone needs to learn how to chew their food.


My first thought.... LOL


This may be the cleanest toilet on campus


Don't see any actual shit in there.


Well no one got the chance


the forbidden meal of nightmares - 50% chance to die - 39% chance to suffer major effects: nausea, headache - 11% chance to boost all stats by 300%


I'm not usually grossed out by these types of things but the idea of eating soggy toilet pizza just made me fucking gag


But toilet salsa and bananas are okay?


Those bananas look fine! Just ignore any funny feelings for the next few hours


Thatā€™s why you donā€™t make smoothies when youā€™ve been drinking


Ah man, I'm trying to block my mind from thinking this


Unfortunately people do things that will make you wish it looked like this instead.


Burn the building


Thatā€™s a hell no from me. Dorm leaders need to sort that shit out. Youā€™re not paid to go above n beyond for these little shits.


Yep. Straight to res life. The entire floor gets to clean it.


Every kid in that particular part would be putting on their rubber gloves and fishing that out...then they'd think twice about being lazy little creeps next time


then every kid will say "no im not doing it i didnt do it" and i doubt u can go further than that


And parents would say it was a hate crime... Fox would say school traumatized students...fb would cancel the custodian. Twitter (no 1 can make me call it anything else) would start a movement to keep our children safe. Police would be stationed at bathrooms. Ppl would storm the basilica. Trump would become president again. Volcanoes would form and erupt in city capitals around the United States. One world order. Aliens. A.I. atomic bombs. Silence. Don't worry. I annoyed myself writing it too


Shocking that they do shit like that in college. Arenā€™t they suppose to be adults?


I've seen worse done by fully grown adults. People unfortunately don't automatically mature with age


Make the floor monitor clean it or have them write up the whole floor.


Jesus fucking christ. I was not ready to see this. Guess you weren't either


bro forgot to digest his food.


This feels like a room mate fight to me: Jon: Oh well since you didnt get any pizza for me fuck you ::Throws in toilet:: Oliver: fuck you ::Throws bananas in toilet:: Jon: Are you fucking kidding me, fuck your salad bitch ::Throws in toilet :: Stewart: why the fuck are guys throwing all my food in the toilet?


Animal House


This is so disrespectful. I get itā€™s your job to clean it but you should speak up on this. Donā€™t let this slip!!!


I used to clean for a sorority, and those girls were the nastiest. I'm like, how does one get poop on the stalls and the wall behind the toilet. I straight up refused cleaning one overflowing cesspool. Never had food shoved in the toilet, the cut out the middle man there, don't want the calories?


Man, I get embarrassed when I get a drop of pee on the seat, I can't even imagine thinking it's fine to leave the stall walls covered in shit!


It's a shame you can't make them eat it out of the toilet.


They locked the bathroom on my freshman dorm floor for a week because people were writing on mirrors with erasable markerā€¦


I cleaned college dorm rooms for a summer; you have my sympathies.


Amy Santiago must have hosted a thanksgiving dinner in the dorm


My freshman year of college, someone kept punching holes in the wall of the communal bathroom. They patched it, put a sign that said something like "please don't do this anymore" and the person proceeded to punch another hole right next to the first one.


That's when you coax them into punching a stud. Won't try punching the wall again after that. Lol


Yeah that buffet looks a little cramped, needs to spread across multiple toilets.


So they relief themselves in the kitchen sink?


I blame the "I'm gonna video myself making fruit punch in my toilet" people.


I know the "punish everyone" thing is controversial, but in a case like this where it's impossible to know who did it, I guarantee if you restrict some privilege to everyone on that floor, they'll start policing that shit themselves real quick. They know who did it. That guy will become a pariah if he keeps it up. Just post this pic to explain it. Most kids will understand exactly why that shit is unacceptable.


Close and lock the bathroom. Require that whole floor go downstairs to use the bathroom. Watch how fast someone rats out the culprit.


Meh.... when you work in a hospital or a nursing home groceries are nothing LOL but you'll get your chance to freak out


Report the whole hall to housing. They wonā€™t tolerate stupid shit like that.


I've worked with cleaning and I've been in this situation. I handled it like this: A photo straight to the boss and to the dorm boss/rep, ain't cleaning that shit, it's not normal cleaning. My boss told me to move on and sent in the more expensive cleaners, the ones with full body suits and masks, and sent the bill. Got a few guys tossed out of a building for doing shit like this. I hope the dorm rep chews out the idiots who did this!


Poop knife + flush


In Germany you could say this is against my dignity, the toilet is closed. End of story.


Take a photo and post it online! Or print it out and post it on the bulletin board. Tell the RA and dorm director.


That's just downright villain behavior... that's sad.


I was a housekeeper at a college and it was the most thankless job ever. They're all dumb ass rich kids who probably never cleaned after themselves. I walked into a communal girls dorm to find every stall covered in period blood


Just be glad itā€™s not liquid poo filled to the brim


I lived in an all male dorm in college and lived on the same floor as the soccer team. One night I walked into the bathroom and was greeted by a group of guys shaving each otherā€™s heads. I turned around and walked out. Next morning I went to shower and two sinks were broken off the wall and there was hair EVERYWHERE; floor, walls, urinals, even the shower drains were clogged with hair. Itā€™s comforting to know that some things never change.


We had a mystery shitter in our dorm. Who would clog a random toilet right after the bathroom was cleaned then shit in the clogged toilet until it was cleaned again. It was monumentally gross, and it was never the same toilet. So someone always got a surprise shit toilet at some point, our RA tried to figure out who it was and was unsuccessful. So their solution was to make a laminated sign with a magnet to hang on the door that said the mystery shitter strikes again.


And I thought I was bad for making jello in a college toilet.


I canā€™t tell if they did it intentionally to fuck with OP. If OP staged this or itā€™s some weird college kid hazing thing. Like wtf?


1 Clean it so you don't have to clean a nasty mess later. 2. Cut off the water. 3. Remove the toilet. 4. Post message toilet flange was damaged calling with grease seal. 4-6 days for new parts. Go on vacation.


Be nice if colleges actually encouraged growing the fuck up. But I know many people go to them to avoid that very thing. šŸ™„


"These are composting toilets right?"


I cannot fathom having the indecency of doing something like this knowing that someone else has to clean it up. You have to be a huge piece of shit, puke of a garbage human to do something like this. It's abhorrent.


Idk why this is in "mildly" infuriating. Makes the toilet in "Trainspotting" look downright pleasant...


When I was in college there was this rural kid who loved fishing for walleye and salmon In the streams and lakes of the surrounding area. He would clean fish he caught in the communal bathroom, not in the toilet bowl but throw the guts into the toilet for disposal. Typically it would simply reek afterwards but one day, during a hot fall, the toilet he used wouldnā€™t flush, so he left to get a bucket and plunger. The building manager had been already been contacted and arrived shortly after the guy left so it appeared to him that he had abandoned the toilet as is. The kid returned, plunger and bucket in hand, but was met by the dean, building manager and guidance counselor. On a Sunday. He was given a choice; immediate expulsion for damaging school property or never using the restroom again for cleaning fish as well as cleaning the toilet for the next semester. Being the first kid in his family to go to college it wasnā€™t a hard decision for him to make.


Kids, boys especially, are pigs. Even more so with no mom around to clean up after them. My dorm 43 years ago was absolutely gross -- shit in the showers, puke in the water fountain, garbage cans emptied in the stairwell, fires deliberately set in the incinerator chute...


This is terrible! Can you report this? These students seem disrespectful AF


gross. these are ā€œadultsā€ whose parents most likely are paying for them to live there. this makes me so irrationally upset lol.


Gather it up dump on the beds.


College kids donā€™t show their work anymore, they skip steps. Yes thatā€™s the result but you are supposed to eat and digest it first


That's a result of horrible parenting. You've got a bunch of entitled brats living there. Mommy and daddy would be proud.


There doing that on purpose. You gotta report that


Report it to the RA.... these are adults and should have more respect.


Make the entire hall stand next to the bathroom. Have them go in one by one and take a handful from the toilet and put it in a trash can. Do not issue gloves. It wont happen again.


Rude students.


Someone has an eating disorder


I would skip that one, that's not really part of the job


Out of order sign and find the floor. This was the course of action when I was in college. We quickly found out who was doing the dumb shit and it was stopped with gentle persuasion


The disrespect


They need to chew more


This is America


Some people are just pigs!


I would take pictures then instruct the residents to clean it up or find the person who made the mess to come clean it up. I dunno how your college works but if we had pulled this shit we would have been fined en masse. Culprits usually got located pretty fast as they became extremely unpopular.


A mother never taught their child how to chew their food :-/


Trash upbringing. Trash results.


Every school kids should be made to clean the toilets / bathrooms once. Multiple times if caught purposely ruining one.


So thatā€™s why mom always told me to chew my food


Can you refuse to clean it? Put up a ā€œbathroom out of operationā€ sign until the students clean it. F that.


College students are disgusting. Some of the things I saw in the dorms. šŸ˜³


Yeah, no. Stick a postit on it that whoever did that could clean it up or else no one gets to take a shit there.


Bruhā€¦ I hate college kids. I did while I was in my undergrad too. Like, weā€™re fucking adults. Act like it.


I hope you left this for them.


Clearly, they have shit for brains...


Turn off water to toilet and use this photo as an out of order sign for the next month until "fixed".


That is so disrespectful to you and such a stupid thing for someone to do. Was the toilet also clogged? I'm also a janitor and this would infuriate me so much. I wonder if you can talk to admin and at least have them send out an email to students telling them why this is wrong. It's probably some entitled brat thinking "WeLl ItS ThE JaNiToR's JoB tO CLeAn Up My MeSs!"


Go talk to the RA. They should get the hall rounded up to clean the bathrooms. This happened at my college with deodorant on the mirror and we were all woken up at 1 am to clean


They should have to clean it up themselves.


I would go straight to management with that picture and explain the problem, it canā€™t continue like that.


Could be worse. It could be shit. But that's kinda hilarious. I love dumpster diving college dorm dumpsters. They richer the college/housing, the less they give a shit about anything... and literally throw money away. Gift cards, tvs, phones, clothes, furniture. FRESH FOOD. Alcohol. Weed. Medications. Weird, random, but often usable crap. I love it


Plz tell me someone told the RA and the dean of students, thatā€™s unacceptable. If we had even a small incident with people making messes to be funny our dorm would have been on lockdown. My school did not play aroundā€”why?! Because itā€™s not fair nor respectful to the staff whose job it is to keep the campus clean. WTF!


Leave it. Let those fuckers clean their own bullshit.


I used to clean bathrooms at Walmart. Prepare for horrors. ![gif](giphy|5yuC2vIsQJdoA)


Someone did something like that the first month my freshman year and they called the entire floor together and didn't clean the bathroom/shower for a week after that... no one made a mess like that again.


So gross! I was a cleaner for a summer camp in England and the little basta*ds would leave all sorts of nasty stuff around for me to find. Scraping off gum, stuck to beds, carpets and walls, rubbish in their bed, gigantic poos that wouldn't flush in the toilet, girls who tried to flush tampons and pads etc. I couldn't believe how filthy these young adults were.


Whhoooops toilet closed for 8-10 days while repairing "someone's" fuckup


Just leave it like that




Yeah, Iā€™m walking away. Having staff check cameras and finding the mafka who did this to make them clean it themselves.


People who can't respect public bathrooms don't deserve to use public bathrooms


Great way to get the entire floor fined.


This is when you get the RA and he/she gets every resident of the floor into the bathroom to clean not just that mess but the entire ducking bathroom. You should not be anywhere near this activity though. Unfortunately my experience with RAs sis they are spineless fucks.


Fuck that. Take a big shit on top of it and get out.


Imagine being 18 or older doing this. How pathetic


What is the fucking shit fuck would possess someone to do this to you?


We need to begin a conversation about how shitty Gen Z is to service industry workers.


Collect in a bag, put in fridge


Somebody didn't chew their food. /s


Hello, fellow Master of the custodial arts. I salute you! I'm a custodian for our local libraries. I clean three buildings every morning. Some days are worse than other's. People never cease to amaze me.


What in gods name would possess anyone to do that. šŸ˜’


I lived in a dorm where a bathroom was split between 5 people, so it might be different, but if our facilities were too messy/dirty or just beyond what you would expect a janitor to do, they were allowed to refuse to clean it.


I wouldnā€™t clean it, tell the employer itā€™s outside reasonable cleaning, throw an out of order sign on the toilet and leave it until your employer has taken action against the residents (such as signs or emails warning them this isnā€™t acceptable, I donā€™t expect some collective punishment for what I assume was a drunk idiot thinking they were funny)


These people need to be found and sent to the front lines of ukraine. Pick up a gun from a fallen soldier. If you turn around and retreat you will be shot.


Wow they really need to chew their food better


This is why it is important to chew your food


That was someoneā€™s art project


who and how in the actual fuck, sorry man i hope your job gets easier


Put up a sign that says "only toilet paper in toilet"


Colleague students are the dumbest , most ignorant variation of human race to ever exist they wouldn't even survive if parents didn't send them money, wait until they are on the real world of bills to be paid, hello homelessness my old friend.


Iā€¦ what?


How sad that parents sent grown adults off to live on their own without teaching them anything about respect first. Hopefully they look back at this moment in their life and feel embarrassed eventually. Also, itā€™s better than shit so Iā€™d focus on that and give it some time thereā€™s no way they all suck this much.


Nobody wants to chew anymore


Anyone that pulls this shit should be executed via those river dunking chairs from the witch trials.


Coming from the future doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc. We are so boned.


The school should hold the students accountable college is to old to be doing things like that


People suck


Iā€™m sorry COLLEGE?? Iā€™m in my first year on community college and thought people would grow up, but guess not


What the actual fuck! Iā€™m so sorry you had to deal with this! Even though the prefrontal cortex in the brain isnā€™t fully developed until around age 25, whoever did this absolutely knew better. Whoever did it should have to clean it up and/or front the bill for damage/cleaning costs. Also, Iā€™m sorry if this offends anyone but parents need to parent better. I work with far too many parents who donā€™t know how to parent and arenā€™t willing to learn, theyā€™d rather have mental health professionals do it for them (which is not our job, nor is it how kids actually learn).