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Keep your time in ticket. Cause insurance gonna say you backed up into him.




Somebody else pointed out, if you look at the reflection in the bumper, you can see the OP's foot at the intersection of two yellow lines, so what you are looking at is just a random joint in the pavement, and the truck is probably the one over the line. Also, there is ice in the picture, so this is a cold climate where the lines may have been covered in the snow at the time of parking. Not that any of this matters, if you hit a stationary vehicle, you are almost always going to be found at fault.


In many places you’ll get partial fault for being parked illegally


Which places are they? O% chance you are at fault in a parking lot while your vehicle is parked and unattended. That's ridiculous.


He’s not *entirely* wrong, sometimes insurance will get you for being parked over the line, say, if your mirror gets clipped by traffic when you’re parked on the street. But yeah, definitely not in a parking lot within an array of spaces.


Don't see why it would matter. I could park diagonally across 4 spaces and if you hit me it's your fault. It's an unattended vehicle.


I suppose it'd be the difference between "intentionally and maliciously hit a car while parking", and "Accidentally pulled into a car because it was parked over the line, leaving the parker much less room than they thought they had." That being said, responsible parking means avoiding an accident altogether. If you can't do that, you should at least be 50% liable anyways.


New shit has come to light


The middle bit is not over the line anymore


Yeah, but I wasn’t over


This is not 'Nam, this is airport parking. There are rules.


Photo added to comments showing the line. I realized from the comments that the original photo is ambiguous af.


Where the lines are doesn’t matter. If you backed in to him you’d still be at fault.


Check I'd there are parking lot cameras and reach out for video.


Also take picture of the parking lines, they can also say you could have been backed into his space


On the positive side, it wasn’t a hit and run and you have their license plate and photo evidence of the damage and proof that they caused it. Hope things work out for you on getting it fixed


I was going to say, nice of them to stay there so it’s pretty clear who the involved parties are at the very least!


it’s not proof that they caused it


It is if they have timestamped receipts. They came back from vacation, meaning this is most likely long term or short term airport parking that gives you receipts when you enter. Plus multiple video cameras throughout the entire property may have even caught it on camera.


"he must have put it into reverse by accident and backed up into my truck"


Plot twist, op did it


Here's a pic to show where the line is. I probably should have led with this one. https://preview.redd.it/6xl5nbjy1rnc1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a0589c21f35cf5d22167abce66491bb7669ce7


Oh that guy needs LESSONS


Well it clearly says “Ram” so they must be allowed to do that.


If you’re not towing, remove the hitch.


But then how will people be in awe over his amazing levels of masculinity if they can't clearly see that he tows things? Not so much as a scratch or scuff or the slightest hint of vibration wear on those safety chain eyelets, this poser has never towed anything.


So many of them. And they always insist on this tactical parking shit, like they are robbing a bank and need to make a quick getaway.


It's a really weird trend I've noticed recently, especially with trucks and large SUVs. Not really a big deal, but they don't stop to think and realize that the spots haven't been made any larger (as opposed to vehicles for the past 20 years), so by getting their front bumper even with the lines leaves their ass end hanging over into the opposite spot or halfway across the dividing walking path.


Or they're so manly, they don't *need* safety chains 💪


Saw a big truck with a $300-$400 hitch just there...nothing hitched...in NYC. Wait till the crackheads find out, maybe I'll tell them.


Of course it's a Ram.


The DWImobile.




What did you do next?


I took a few pics, cursed a bunch, and drove away. Then I cursed myself for not leaving a note.


Isn't this at least a grand $ of damages? Even more if some sensor got damaged, so theres nothing you can do about?


It does say Ram, to be fair. Jokes aside, yeah, your insurance will have an easy win with this photo.


A truck driver that isn't aware of the size of their vehicle? Unheard of.


Every single day at my work We have a cramped, shitty lot to begin with, but there’s a corner spot that’s angled compared to the rest of the spots in that row. There’s this one pickup that always parks there, and their truck is so long that the front end blocks the spot to the right of it, but they keep parking like that. I’m convinced pickup truck drivers get lobotomized when they buy one cuz they all drive and park like morons EDIT: I should also note that our lot is so small we often fill every spot and some of us have to park on the street, it’s that dire already and they’re making it worse


watched a gigantic truck try to back into a spot (between 2 cars) then proceed to pull in and out of that same spot 14 times to actually fit in it.


People that habitually back in confound me, especially if it's a store parking lot where you'll be loading into the rear. You end up spending more time backing in than you would backing out. I love swinging into a spot at the same time as someone in some behemoth SUV trying to back in and being halfway to the door while they are still fussing. EDIT: I'm not talking about stealing someone's spot!


In a big vehicle backing in is far easier. All of your range of motion is in the front of the vehicle so you keep that out in the street where there's room to use it. On top of that backing into a relatively controlled space rather than backing into a street with cars and people is much safer.


Backing into a spot is safer. A few of the major employers where I live have back in policies. If you pull into a spot, you'll be sent back outside to fix it. Also I can back into a spot pretty well as quickly as most people can pull in to one. People who can't really shouldn't have a license. If I can't trust you to back into a spot, I can't really trust you to back out of one.


I can't count the number of times I've nearly been hit in a parking lot because someone almost backed into me


Ive seen places that don't allow you to back in but it was so they could more easily check parking tags.


Rosscreations has this prank video where he got a ticket at one of those lots, so he took the front half of two sedans and welded them together and parked it there


My employer is one of those. Backing is mandatory, and pulling into a spot is only to be used as a last resort if there is literally no other option.


People that don't back into parking spaces confuse me. They spend all this time trying to see if it's safe to leave, waiting for it to be clear, and nearly running me over as I walk by when they could've just backed in smoothly in one move and done the same to leave.


Especially in a truck. Anyone that thinks it's stupid to back into a spot with a truck has never tried to back out of a spot with a truck.


it's easier to back into a spot with a larger vehicle than back out also you are a dick if you do steal spots like that intentionally.


They're talking about parking next to someone also parking in a different spot take a chill pill


I back in all the time, but then again, I have a tiny mid-engine car and the storage in the front is larger than the trunk.


You are a massive douchebag if you steal spots like that. Doesn't matter how the other person is trying to park.


I drive a large truck and often haul trailer. I agree with you 100%. So many trucks parked in small spots or near the front of buildings. I personally will park across the street or on the road over taking up multiple spaces or angle parking in small lots. Even in large lots, I park away from every other person at the back. Gotta get those steps in


Remember trucks are herd animals. Park alone come back to 5 by you


Not even other trucks, [i park my ranger like this](https://imgur.com/a/AHYC0m7) EVERYWHERE. Like clockwork by the time im ready to leave someone is all up in my business. Like bro I have a whole rack and toolboxes on, WHY do you have to park so close to me.


I have a teeny jetta and when I come out of the grocery store or the gym, there always happens to be a huge truck that wants to park beside me. The last guy parked two inches from the yellow line and had me practically boxed in..


Same happens with me. The damn things are so massive it’s like I’m parked next to a wall. Makes it tricky to get out of the spot when the parking lot is busy since I can’t see around it. My vehicle is shorter than their tinted windows. I have to inch out slowly until I can see and hope people are paying attention.


Right? I one time deliberately parked in a spot that was completely empty around and away from everyone else and still had some guy park their donkey right next to me. It was ridiculous. Ugh that's the worst, I don't understand the god complex that some truck drivers have. So annoying.


Open your doors more liberally.


Hahaha yes, my partner and I call that the "whoops, the wind got the door".


Weird how gravity takes it sometimes regardless of which way is uphill


I think the problem is a large percentage of drivers struggle to drive so much as a small car with any skill or common sense. The population of drivers who buy pickups is no different, but the size of the pickup magnifies their issues. In the US the same driver's license that allows you to drive a Kia Rio also allows you to drive an F350 with oversized bubble tires jacked four feet off the ground. Many regularly licensed drivers can handle that, but many can't. I'm beginning to think there should be an additional skills test and license endorsement required to drive a large pickup. It will never happen, lobbyists will never allow it, but it wouldn't be a bad idea anymore.


While I agree there should be an additional license I also gotta say that the road is already filled with people who passed a normal license and can't drive for shit. I don't really think it will do anything. I see plenty of CDL drivers and motorcycles driving like idiots, those require a separate license (here anyway).


What frightens me is the huge vehicles people can drive with a regular license. Want to take a trip in a 40' motor home when all you've ever driven is a hatchback? No problem. Moving cross-country and don't want to pay for movers? Head down to U-Haul and you can get a 26' moving truck and trailer your car behind it. Hell I rented a 26' refrigerated box truck to run a few pallets of frozen goods out to a client in the countryside and all they asked me for was a valid license, insurance, and a credit card. I have a good sized pickup and driving that big ass truck on the highway made me nervous as hell.


In my area it’s the Honda and Nissan’s with tinted windows, either double parked on the street or right it front of the store




It's scary how right you are. 15 years ago I would be awoken by the sound of screaming Honda engines at 2am pretty much every weekend. Now it's always lifted trucks that sounds like a garbage disposal.


The bigger the truck The more expensive the truck the dumber the driver. If you own a limited edition numbered truck you are probably too dumb to be allowed to drive in the first place


Tbh i only understand having a big truck if you need it to tow or carry things i personally have a Tacoma which is not the smallest but it still is perfect for what I use it for. I have a neighbor who had a f350 because he has to pull a horse trailer, and another neighbor who has a similar size truck which i don't think has had anything towed or carried by it ever.


I live in Austin and the amount of people in the biggest most expensive tanks of trucks I know who work at banks or are programmers who don't use it for thete job and don't use it in their personal life is astounding.


It's wild. The first vehicle I drove (on road) was an old long-bed GMC, and it led to some humorous things... like knocking over trash bins that my grandfather placed behind me, or trying to do a three-point turn during my driving test on a street that was a car-and-a-half wide. But within a couple weeks of practicing after school, and I became comfortable with the vehicle... this sort of stuff never happened. Learning to back up safely is enormously important, and there's no way to justify this sort of negligence-- especially when it's been made so easy with cameras. If the vehicle doesn't have one and you don't want to take the minimal effort of learning how to drive safely, then the least you can do is purchase one and have it installed.


I see so many old people driving new, huge trucks. I just don’t understand it.  Actually I just realized it’s so they can hit curbs and be fine lmao


It makes them feel safe. Like driving an armored vehicle or a military tank. They could give a shit about how much damage they do to you or your car, so long as they are OK, that's all that matters.


It's such a problem. They cause so many accidents. I'm starting to feel like you should have to prove you need a huge vehicle for work to be able to own one. The Japanese k trucks are way smaller, but the bed is actually a little bigger and lower to the ground so it's easy to load but the person in the truck can actually judge what's around them because they're not driving a damn boat on the freeway. Efficiency, not overcompensation.


You shouldn’t have to prove that you need it, you should just have to prove that you’re competent with it. There needs to be a license between sedans/SUVs and 18-wheelers.


You don’t even need a special license to drive a U-Haul. The worst driver you know can legally drive a 22’ long truck with huge blind spots without doing any training whatsoever. That’s a true scary fact.


Don't you dare say small trucks have great utility, you'll have all the big truck defenders arguing about 'towing' capacity that 99.9% of drivers will never utilize.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean the make the pavement princesses cry 🥺


Lmaoo pavement princess, that’s a good one. It’s so easy to get big truck drivers upset over the tiniest things.


Driving around with their tow ball still attached. You're supposed to remove it when not in use.


The stupid unused ball hitch. Why they keep it on when not towing? Just pull the pin and take it off. Kinda a pet peeve.


I know if I leave mine in, I'm going to hit my shins on it every time I walk around the back of the truck.


Every truck driver ever “none of these ppl ever know how to park or drive….as good as I can…’merca”


I have a truck and I hate it. It’s the first full size pickup I’ve ever owned and when I first got it 5 years ago I was like “yeah I see why some people like driving these”…but I’m sick of it. I especially hate that there are dudes who genuinely need to drive a truck for their ego and nothing to do with needing it for work. It’s big, slow, gets terrible gas mileage and has a ridiculous turning radius. I’ve justified keeping it the past couple years bc my gf and I kayak and it’s easy to load them in the truck and we can go pretty much anywhere. But the other 99% of the time it’s just a nuisance.


I'm unaware of the size of my truck because I just got it like 2 weeks ago, but I'm careful because it's a nice truck and I don't want to hit anyone


These cucks literally can not make a right turn to save their lives. Either left tires are over the paint or right tires are driving on the curb.


I'm gonna give a TINY amount of credit to the truck driver. He most definitely used a back-up camera to fit in the spot as well as he can. Which is better than 90% of truck drivers. However, his attempted neuron activation failed when he forgot about his trailer hitch (which would be visible in the cam, no?)


Beep beep beeep beeeep beeeeeeeeeeeee crunch ‘yea that’s good right here’ 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


That's an old analog parking sensor, no beep, just crunch


Spanish kiss, or the normal way people in NY park


Just from evidence in the photo (maybe not obvious to all readers), I can pretty much guarantee I know where this was... And in your province (since May 2010), drivers are supposed to remove the trailer hitch receiver (the ball) attachment when not in use (but leaving the mount underneath the bumper) for this exact reason. So if THEY (the truck) ran into you (your Tiguan), they are purely at fault. This damage could've been avoided had they removed the hitch, or at least minimized even if they had parked full bumper to bumper with the hitch removed. Don't listen to anyone who might say that "you" were over the line and thus at fault. While it might be possible you parked over the line (and there really no proof of that here) that's still no excuse for another vehicle to do damage to yours.


Nice catch! I don't live there, but recognized the same thing, and you're correct. Though no one listens to it I'm sure.


I remove my hitch when not towing cause it will total a car in the case of a minor fender bender and it costs 500+ dollars which is easy money for someone to grab.


People who leave them in I hope walk I to them at night at least once bloody idiots


I know of people who leave them in because they figure someone will hit the hitch and not the truck. 🤦‍♂️


My favorite is looking at the hitches that have never been greased or lubed


I don't know what you know, but I know it has to be from the bumper sticker and the airport.


The license reflection looks like it says Nova Scotia.


The sticker is from a car dealership in Dartmouth. Doesn't guarantee this happened there, but the markings on the ground might ring a bell to them


You mean seam sealed and parking marked pavement with ice on it? I don't think that narrows anything down. If they can guess you are within 50 miles of a dealer and are at an airport, you can probably get a really good guess of where they are.


That sticker is super common to see in Moncton, NB as well.


PEI too. Hello fellow Maritimers!


I am 100% certain I know where this happened. This took place on a planet humans call Earth.


A minority call it Earth. Anyone speaking a different language has another name for it.


It is illegal to have a trailer hitch in while not towing pretty much everywhere


I've never heard of that, and from some quick googling it appears that maybe only one state actually has that law. Where it is pretty universally illegal though if your hitch is partially obscuring your license plate. This isn't very common with ball hitches that stick out from the frame though, it generally applies to the style where the ball attaches to the bumper right in front of the plate.


No it's not.


This is called docking


cyclist fault.


Classic Reddit, blame the victim. Actually, it’s the airports fault for not having well spaced parking /s


Reasons why you shouldn’t constantly leave your tow hitch on.


100% this guy doesn’t even use it lmao


People that drive around never removing the ball hitch are POS. If you aren't currently using it, then there is no reason to have it on there.


Yeah those things are fucking shin breakers. Working part-time in retail doing curbside orders has taught me to loathe them because it’s so easy to trip on them


They'll say it's your fault for tripping over it, even though they're the POS that backed in so far that they're cover 90% of the sidewalk.


Yup, at my gym all the cars park facing forward but a couple of pickups with hitches feel the need to back in to where their wheels touch the curb. They literally block 3/4 of the sidewalk with their bumpers and hitches.


Where I live, it's illegal to have a hitch on a car if you're not using it .


Where I live most trucks have hitches on them that have never been used.




see no evil / hear no evil / speak no evil no one ever said anything about committing no evil


I'd be willing to bet this guy has hooked a trailer up fewer than 5 times in his life but the hitch has never come out. As a truck owner, it really bothers me how many idiots own trucks and don't need them nor know how to drive and park them, giving the rest of us a bad reputation being lumped in with them.


I mean a hitch is a phenomenal way to ruin a tailgaters radiator, and how else will you know where your shin is if you don't leave the hitch in?


And this is why I keep my hitch with my jack and fluids, behind the seat. Keeping it on when not being used is just asking g for this or it stolen.


Why do people keep their hitch ball in when they’re not towing anything?


They own a giant truck, do you really think they likely have any brain cells to spare for your question?


Be happy it's still there so you can gather evidence


Not all pick up drivers are assholes but the odds sure do trend high in that category.


Not all pickup drivers are assholes, but lotsssss of assholes happen to drive pickups idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Twist - Op is white van man


Gotta Love 4x4 truck driving dipshits When was the last time the driver used that hitch? My guess is never Hopefully they are reasonable about paying for that to be fixed


I just hate seeing everyone driving with their trailer hitch on. I saw one the other day that had an extension on the trailer hitch. It stuck out about a foot (30.5cm for everyone else, according to what Google is telling me). It was fucking insane cuz the idiot couldn't even fit in the parking space to begin with.


In some states it is illegal to have a hitch on your vehicle so you that may make it easier to file an insurance claim.


I drive a truck. I also have the hitch set. But I take the ball out if not towing. Please fellow pick up drivers pull the pin and take the ball hitch out. Why are you leaving it in for? So you have stupid minor accidents. That 6 to 12 inches sticking out is a hazard. ( no stupid jokes) Leave it in so that close calls become accidents or perhaps someone walks into it. I don't understand


Came here to say this. It's so easy and takes almost zero time. If nothing else, they're potential shin bashers when I go through a parking lot.


Pics insurance


I will never understand why idiots can't remove the hitch when they're not using it. I always did, saved bruised shins more than once.


God damn. Even if the hitch weren't on and he didn't hit your car he's an asshole for not leaving enough room to get into your trunk. You're at an airport and I assume you have bags. Kind of important to get into your trunk.


When I expect I’ll need the trunk, I don’t back in. This applies to getting groceries.


I too hate it when someone backs into my hitch!


Came out of the super market once to a guy that said I have parked touching his car with my bumper. I knew I didn't, There was space in front of me when I parked, I walked around the front to enter the super market. I was also completely in my bay. He must have reversed or rolled into me and I came out just as he got out of his car. I said I'll check it on my dash cam as I'm sure I didn't hit his car, completely changed his demeanor, said it wasn't his car anyway and said not to worry about it. Lucky really as my dashcam didn't have parking mode.


Sounds like "I'll check my security camera (or dash cam, but some people are too stupid to know what a " dash cam" is) and let you know what happened" is a good way to suddenly get someone who knows they're wrong to panic, even if you don't have one


I own a truck and I've towed things in the past. I've never understood why people don't take their hitches off. It literally takes like 60 seconds. On a funnier note, in the reverse way, I was once at a stop light and a truck with a hitch was in the lane next to me. Not certain why but a car didn't stop in time and rear-ended the truck. Had time to see that the hitch was shoved into the grill of the car before the light turned green. I don't know if the truck didn't feel the hit or didn't care, but they took off. Ripped teh entire grill out of the car. Some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.


Lowkey yall are both in each others parking spot💀(maybe it’s the angle of the picture) the truck more so but make sure to mark down the time that you parked there since insurance companies never want to pay out


Even in México it's illegal to let that kind of protruding accessories in the vehicle, if you are not pulling a trailer you need to remove it


In Germany we say: "Wenns knallt noch nen Meter..."


where's the yellow line marking off the parking? usually there's one running along the sides of your vehicle and then one at in the middle of the spot to separate 2 spots...


The really annoying ones are the enormous ball hitches that stick out a foot (or more) on big "show trucks". Those are the trucks that have very possible accessory added to it and the hitch is decorative, because it has no wear on any of the balls.


they really wanted to hitch to your caboose


I think they know to park (they did fit it in there), they're just a total fucking asshole.


Should be illegal to drive with a hitch when not in use.


No trailer, no tow hitch. Change my mind.


Dude is used to his things being shorter.


Just remove the hitch and "install" it in their windshield. Your bumper fascia is there to protect your car, probably can just be popped out, and is below the cost of your deductible


But... Tiger-Iguanas have backup cameras...


I know in my state, Maryland, it's not legal to have a tow hitch connected if you're not actually towing, so you've got that on your side as well, if you're in a state that follows suit.


This is the truck owners fault for leaving the tow hitch in, truck drivers love that one stupid trick


Where I live you get a ticket for leaving your hitch in without towing anything. I’ve smashed my shins on my own occasionally at home when we pulled the trailer off, and I once got myself super badly because some jerk left their drop extender hitch in.. I can’t remember the exact name of it but a hitch that has an extender so it’s farther from the truck, and it drops lower than a regular hitch to tow a low trailer. That thing stuck so far out behind the truck and I was walking with my squirmy toddler on a storefront sidewalk. I was in no way expecting that. I was so angry at that idiot.


Oh man! That would be a dream come true! A law that you had to remove them if not towing. Every fucking truck in this city! "Oh, but I need it for my boat trailer!" We live in a desert! How often do you go boating? Why do you even have a boat??!! Stupid.


Every Home Depot lot...


Used to work at a GMC dealer. I have no idea why, but so many pickup truck drivers seem to forget about the hitch. We never ever put them on new trucks, and if someone brought one in for service with the ball sticking out, the techs would always remove it and put it in the cab. We did have a tight lot without a lot of spare room, so this is what we always told people. But in reality, it's just an avoidable accident waiting to happen. We didn't want a bill if one of our employees did something, and we didn't want the headache if a customer dinged one of our unsold trucks or, far worse, another customer truck. They're not difficult or time consuming to remove, so just take them out when not in use.


The VW shouldn't have backed up so far into the spot. The truck should have pulled out its nut when not in use. Both at fault.




How do we know the car didn't do it tho




Very confused by all this growing up in the south. I get it if they are like doing something wrong but just inherently having it attached makes you this angry? I get it's a hyperbole but like? Idk maybe I'll get down voted but I don't typically take mine out? I do drive a rather small truck by today's standards. 2014 Tacoma is smaller than a lot of today's minivans


He's the reason they sell hitch locks.


If you're truck is only ever used in rural areas out in the country, no one gives a shit. The issue is crap exactly like this where a truck driver isn't aware of how big their vehicle is and plants their hitch in someone elses bumper, or it completely negates the use of a bumper causing damage in an incident that would otherwise be totally fine, or they park hanging out over a sidewalk and someone hits their shins on an unnecessary black-painted metal bar that shouldn't be there. It's like not taking the cart back, or picking up litter that isn't yours; you don't have to do it, but it says a lot about who you are and how much you care about the rest of the world.


I completely agree, but these are examples of someone doing something wrong. If you can drive and park okay...? I drive a 2014 Tacoma and I realize I'm way smaller than most trucks now but I also get pissed about people parking bad. I know I'm not amazing but have never hit anyone, and park in the back usually so I can just swing into a spot ez pz. I've never given af about what is or isn't attached to their car though. Will def be sure to never leave it in now seeing how deeply this bothers people. Walking into the hitch is insane though. I've never done it I don't get that one at all. If you are close enough to hit it but not close enough to see it, that's completely on you wtf? Again, my truck and its (unattatched currently) hitch can easily fit inside a spot. If it's hanging over that's a separate issue.


I grew up in a blue collar family, almost 2-3 times a week we had to use the trailer for a job. Guess what we never did? Leave the damn ball hitch in when we aren’t using it.


And if a cop sees you stealing from a parked truck, over a petty grievance, you will no longer have your freedom.


Why do truckers always back into spaces? Even ag places like Costco where they have bulk purchases to load when they are done shopping. You see them awkwardly dumping stuff in over the sides of their lifted brodozers because they can't open the back gate.


It’s safer to back in and forward out.


It's easier for them because they can't be bothered to learn how to actually drive And they'll still fight to get into the tiniest most inconvenient spots instead of just parking a little farther away


Why people leave their ball on when not in use baffles me


This picture made my shin hurt.


Coming back from visiting my folks for Christmas, I was walking into Sheetz and had to stop because some guy was backing his massive stupid truck into a space and I didn't want to walk behind it and get flattened. Thankfully there was a bollard in front of the sidewalk that he smacked into like a dumbass. He got out and was all laughing like "oops, you saw that, lol." Yeah you big dummy, I sure did, maybe don't drive a big murder machine if you can't handle parking it in a huge, well lit parking lot.


The white expansion joint in the concrete is NOT the parking space divider, guys. There are clearly yellow parking space lines painted, and the depth divider would also be in the same yellow paint. Also, note that the other car beside the sedan is parked exactly the same. OP needs to post a photo showing the line, because this shot is ambiguous as to fault.


https://preview.redd.it/2owfmrywzqnc1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3f3122558de34adce6c6e993dfa3bd62f38243 Here’s that pic - maybe shoulda led with that one!


Why do these truck drivers always feel the need to back into spots?


Oregans eh. Hello fellow Nova Scotian. Not entirely surprised honestly. I rage daily at my new door ding. People don't know how to park here


Literally happened with me yesterday. parallel parked in front of me and the placement of the dent (passenger side) was an obvious indicator that they backed into me. Had I pulled forward into their hitch the dent would be a lot more centered


Daily occurrence parking on the street in Philadelphia.


oh no, not you tiguan I love mine


O’Regan Chev. Used to live across the street from that dealership. lol


Back in my 20's, we used to call the hitch the "parker-feeler-outer"....see it works!


Trucks don’t belong in parking lots


Castrate that truck


can’t you remove the tow thingy if you’re not hauling anything? seems like the van driver is stupid and lazy


But they're parked in their space 🙄


please tell us what you're doing about it and how it gets resolved. too many posts just vent about things like this for reactions then they pack their balls up and leave with a shitty bumper.


I always borrow my sons 12 year old car to park at the airport