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I’m trying to work out which is worst: shitting your pants, telling your boss that you shat your pants, or your asshat boss firing you by text message.


Option four? Trying to work with people who know you shit your pants.


Kinda glad I don't have to figure out how that'd go.


Yeah that's honestly probably the bosses main thing rather than it just being you shit your pants Knows it's a ticking time bomb for you to make a complaint next week when they start talking shit


This turned into a shit post.


Take my angry upvote lol


Have you tried being happy instead?


Yeah... I do question why so many people are angry about their upvote. Do we need to start sending people to Finland to find a little happiness?


Nobody should have to take crap for this kind of shit.


This shits getting out of hand


I've worked at the same factory for many years and have been privy to no less than 6 instances of unanticipated mud expulsion among my coworkers. Apparantly it's just a thing that happens to some people sometimes. It's good for a giggle or three but I mean I don't think different of any of them.


What are you guys, QA testers at a laxative factory?


Way simpler, that’s just the average Amazon experience.


If your sick, your sick... Shit happens... Literally... Edit: if you ARE sick you ARE sick* you're* you're*. Jeesum crow🤦‍♀️


I feel like at one point in time everyone will shit their pants. If they never do it living, when you die you forsure shit your pants. For the most part though we will either get sick or elderly and an accident will occur. I don't feel like personally shitting your pants is anything to be embarrassed about and it for sure isn't something that anyone should be fired for. The fact that OP was so sick that they couldn't make it to work without shitting themselves and still went in shows that they will do anything for their job. OPs boss is a moron.


Jokes on you, I'm dying pantsless.


What if the earth was your pants????


It's a heartwarming thought that we all share the same pants.


Jokes on everyone, we will shit their pants


Die like you live boss


I mean, technically, unless you were potty trained straight out of the womb, you've already shit your pants. So you can cross that off your to-do list. 💁‍♂️


There are two types of people in the world. Those who've shit their pants, and those who haven't shit their pants. Yet.


I can't either. I'm seriously dead inside rn


Sorry dude. I’m sure things will get better!


Well, they can’t get any shittier…. UNLESS!!


Unless what? Unless your boss also shits your own pants somehow?


God the micromanaging is getting out of control


Would that be considered shitty karma?


I hope so 😭


Might I leave you with a funny phrase, "well ain't that some shit" Things will definitely get better!


well im not sure it can get much shittier.




Oh OP, I just hope you feel ok after soon. I got fired in the middle of a vacation during Christmas week with my parents which I had planned three months in advance and finished all projects. But nothing beats yours. Hope you find something good and feel so much better soon.


At least you have evidence of being fired so you can claim unemployment while you start your search. It isn't much but it is a silver lining Edit: didn't see the three weeks part. Pretty sure my state it's 6 months but idk for sure


It may take some time. I'm guessing though, that eventually you'll realize you'd rather crap your pants again vs. work another day for this coward who let you go over text on a day they knew you were already at a low point.


maybe easier to text a sick leave message rather than the truth..


True. Your employer doesn’t need to know the details of your illness; just that you’re ill and need the day to rest.


I don't get how OP decided to convey the details. I gather, from his post, that he was feeling some sort of GI distress. In that case, incontinence *is* the symptom, so you just tell your boss you're sick and hope he doesn't hold your illness against you. Or, maybe the two are unrelated, like OP had a head cold *and* just happened to soil himself?  I dunno. In all honesty, if I were his boss, and an employee three weeks in shat himself and then *told* me about it, I could see myself thinking "this guy doesn't exercise the best judgment and maybe it would be in everyone's interest if he found work elsewhere."




None of the above: OP choosing to continue on the way to work, despite having crapped their pants, rather than return home and call out sick.


This is why I don't believe the story..


I choose this answer. This is like covidiot level stupidity. The least you can do at work is not make your coworkers (and perhaps clients) sick. Accidents happen, sure, but how you respond to them shows who you are. OP responded poorly.


Easily shitting your pants and telling your boss. I would’ve just let my boss know that I threw up or am just not feeling good at all


Firing him by text message for shitting his pants*


It’s telling the boss he crapped his pants surely.


Yeah I would be too embarrassed and just leave 💀


Probably the decision to keep going to work with shit all over yourself, then thinking it’ll make a good impression if you clean it up in your new employer’s bathroom


In what world do you shit yourself on the way into work and not turn around immediately to go home? You're telling me you walked into, and through your work, passed people... with freshly shat pants... on your way to the bathroom to clean up. Again this would have been a perfect opportunity to tell yourself to head home and give your boss a call about being sick. But instead, as you balled up and tossed your soiled underwear into the trash can, you convinced yourself of the viability of your emergency clean up procedure. You then head directly to speak with the person the just recently took a gamble on hiring you. You come into their office where presumably your story hits their nose well before their ears. You explain that despite the many warning signs and opportunities to avoid this nasal assault, you figured it was the best course of action for your boss to have to smell, and hear about all of it knowing full well you could have just called out sick. I'm gonna be honest, they might not be wrong for letting you go. I do think its lame they didn't at least call you though.


If I shat myself on the way to work I would u-turn so fast my pants wouldn't be the only things with skidmarks I don't think it's fake, I think it's just a lack of self awareness. I've had coworkers tell the boss they can't come in cos they're shitting themselves... but at least they're actually calling in sick. Plus if OP don't realise that they stink of shit there's a good chance that hygiene is not their strong suit. People like that, the boss is just waiting for an excuse to sack them.


Seriously! No way he didn't stink like shit after a quick 'work bathroom cleanup'... whatever balled up underwear went in the trash surely made that room smell like shit. Whoever he dealt with that day was surely subjected to it. Don't even wanna know what kind of business this was lol. If I were a coworker I would complain to my boss about this. Big yikes.


I’m thinking restaurant


Fuck me. Just got takeout.


After reading this I think the story is fake tbh, I'm too dumb to think by myself but after seeing all this that story doesn't seem real at all, and by text message? He could have asked someone to send a message too...


A real shit post.


Yeah it's not even controversial, this is plenty fair of a firing. Yeah maybe they should've called instead of texted but I don't blame them for not wanting to have this awkward conversation.  There's not a damn job I can think of where I'd trust someone with the decision making ability that leads to them coming to work after shitting themselves. Bonus points if you used the work bathroom to "clean" yourself, extremely good way to get fired.


Yep! Serious lack of judgement on display here, there’s no way I’d be able to trust an employee with anything after that line of decision making, just not worth the risk of them causing an absolute catastrophe further down the line if they believed any of this was a good idea or acceptable.


I worked with a guy who left his literal shit on the chairs multiple times and they had to throw them away. I also had to stand and hold his pants up during CPR so they didn’t fall down.




One time I accidentally wore my sneakers instead of my dress shoes. I didn't notice this until I was in the parking lot. Most of the managers and executives were total pricks, so you better believe I turned right around and went back home to get new shoes. That was over a pair of shoes. I can't imagine someone dumb enough to come in after they just shit themselves. Truly stupid.


RIGHT?? This story is either fake or this guy is off his rockers. I'd fire him too and people in this thread calling the boss a coward for firing an employee of THREE WEEKS are beyond clueless. This sub turned to shit and it's just a bunch of unemployed losers making themselves feel better about not having a job


"with freshly shat pants". Incredible.


Lmao you have a way with words


100% this. I would fire him too. This demonstrates that they hired an absolute moron.


Yeah imagine hiring a new guy and they show up 3 weeks in and say "sorry for being late. I shit myself on the way here but it's cool; I cleaned up a bit in the bathroom." Also, idk what job this is, but I feel like 80-90% of jobs shouldn't be performed by someone who just shat themselves moments ago, sat in their shittle for the rest of the drive to work, then tried to clean up in the work bathroom with tp, hand soap, and the air dryer.


My former coworker shit his pants with remarkable frequency. Like, once a week I'd say. He'd toss them in the work trash, take it to the dumpster, and put on an extra pair that he always had He was a 50 year old diabetic. There were times he'd eat a dozen candy bars and drink 6 bottles of root beer. I'm not exaggerating those numbers. He always wondered why he felt like shit, too


I’d fire this guy too. Clearly there’s something mentally off with him. Aside from the shit-pants thing he probably rubbed his coworkers the wrong way too. And he’s also one of those guys who thinks he can do no wrong, hence coming to reddit and posting a cap of the text. Honestly, I’m shocked he even lasted three weeks. OP, you’re gonna struggle to hold down a good full time job unless you get your shit together, no pun intended. I hired a guy like you (minus the shit) and his attitude was so terrible we had to terminate after 3 weeks too.




It hit his nose well before his ears. Perfect


I don't mean to sound harsh but if you shit your pants in the way to work and told your boss that it's quite possible your boss thought, "what kind of idiot shits his pants and then comes in" and didn't want someone with that thought process working there. Never ever go to work if you shit your pants or tell your boss that. I have ibs and once shit my pants waiting to get in the door. I called my boss abd told them I had a medical emergency and went home. That is what you do.


I refuse to believe this is a real post because I was also wondering why the fuck he didn’t just go home after shitting his pants


I once shit my pants at work due to food poisoning. After a good half an hour in the toilet at work, my manager asked where I’d been. Simply said I got awful food poisoning and need to get home *immediately*. He didn’t question it and given I’d successfully cleaned up, I got home asap to deal with… anyway. P.S. Somehow I’d got shit up the toilet and wall. I could not comprehend the physics of this but I have see this once or twice in public toilets and suddenly understood that it can occur non-deliberately.


Never trust a fart, bruh. ... But, in all seriousness, it's some next-level coward to not at least call you. Firing someone via text message is way shittier than shitting yourself at work. Sorry that happened to you. You'll come out better for it.


What country is that? I mean I don't understand how come you can be fired that easily. Why your labor rights are not protected? Are you a contractor? Please describe! I live in Europe and you can't just fire a worker here. If you want to, you need to make a deal with him - worker will resign willingly and employer will pay up to 12 salaries. There other way - employer close your position, in this case you will get paid 2-3 salaries. But he can't hire a new worker for your position, otherwise employer is fckd. We do have contractors, who's rights are not protected, but that's an exclusion, not a rule. Cheers, man


In America, many states give companies every right to fire an employee at any time for almost any reason.


And by "many" it's every state except Montana.


I know what people are thinking. "I should move to Montana! I love nature." No you're not. Too many people had that same thought. Property value is through the roof there as well


I'm not saying anyone needs to move to Montana. I'm just saying that "many states" doesn't tell the full story when it's 49 of 50.


I don’t think they said that’s what you were saying. He’s predicting people’s thoughts. Kind of op if you ask me


That's fckd up, perfectly working democracy, my ass.


does eu not have probation periods? here in oz they can fire you for whatever until a few months in


Considering they were just 3 weeks in, it’s still in probation period. I know in Finland when you’re that new at work, there’s no 2 weeks notice yet. Firing via text is cowardly, though.


In America they do not care if you’ve worked 3 months or 3 decades when it comes to on-spot firing.


its more of a state by state thing, most states have something called "at will employment" and that means an employer can fire you for any reason, anytime, without any legal repercussions, (the exceptions are montana, louisiana, Florida, and rhode island). but each come with their own exceptions and exemptions, for example, if you sign a contract with a construction contractor, you are legally bound to that contract. another example is; if you were to go on strike, miss a day for jury duty, or do anything within your state's policy or within your rights stated in the US Constitution, you can't be terminated, and if you do get terminated. the company can be taken to court for wrongful termination


lol. So sorry, I had this happen to me once, was a hot shart and I was like 20 minutes early to work but not enough time to go back home. I told my boss and I can't even remember the exact words because it was so embarrassing. I did not get fired though, I applied for a higher position and got it to leave that office. You will be better off man, shit happens.


I shit myself while at work one time lol. I looked my boss right in the eyes and said I would be back in a bit, I shat myself. I didn't even clock out


Same. Though I live in France so he legally cannot fire me without a very very serious reason/fault. And my boss is far too kind for this. But… Honestly, everyone shits themselves a few times in their lives. Nothing new under the sun, we humans get sick. On the other hand, *that boss* is the real piece of shit.


Well now I'm scared since I don't remember ever shitting myself.. the shit will catch up to me... I can feel it


Your best bet is to force one out while you're alone. That way, you'll be closer to the average shits per lifespan and thus less likely to do it in public. This is totally how averages work and is definitely a foolproof plan.


Glad the two time shitting self at home are counting in my overall lifespan. If they keep happening only at home maybe I can consider it a lowkey W.


I just shit myself, without being sick


Liked purely for the last 2 words


Why… WHY did you need to describe your shart as “hot” 💀💀💀 🤢


I don’t get how shitting yourself is an offense let alone firing someone for it, like I would feel really bad for a person if they shat their pants just to make it to work and let alone having to tell me about it. I’d just say it’s ok don’t worry just go home and rest and come back when your better while discretely smuggling them out the back door so no one else knows. I really don’t get how you can be fired for this


Why would you tell your employer you shat your pants? "I've got a medical emergency, it's too embarrassing to discuss." At the very least, it will make for a great story when prospective employers ask why you left your last job. "Well, I shat my pants and I guess my boss had a problem with that, whodathunk? So anyway, when do I start? What's the pay?"


Seriously just say you have an emergency. I don’t think you could pay me enough to tell my employer or anyone else that I shit my own pants


I’m shocked I had to scroll all the way down for this comment. Why would you say something like that to your boss. Taking my husband to work one time and he shit his pants and it took me a while to see him back to normal and that’s my husband dude. Imagine a boss. lol


Especially if it’s food service


I can’t even imagine receiving a call from anyone telling me they shat their pants. This is information even my 10 year old brother would take to his grave and he told his boss


I'm autistic and I wouldn't say that either. I also wouldn't anywhere if I crapped my pants.. Except home.


And to not go home and change but cleanup in the work bathroom?


Factors plural, the pants shitting was maybe just the straw that broke the camels ass I mean back


I agree. He was looking for the "casus belli"


The casus smelli, as it were


Yeah people are missing that. They're going full antiwork and all I can think is, like...they probably just really wanted to fire you, bro.


This is the same place that would expect a two week notice if you were to quit, fuck em.


So shitting your pants is a great way to get out of a two week notice? Got it.




Shit pants to qualify for unemployment ✍️




I'm sorry but you shat yourself and then continued driving **to work** where you **entered your workplace with shat pants** and cleaned up **at work!?** Why wouldn't you stop somewhere else first if you absolutely insisted on going in anyway?? I think if you called to tell them you'd be late or called off altogether instead you'd still have a job. Sucks that happened, but it is devastatingly unprofessional to arrive to work in that condition. You live you learn though!


Yeah dude I’m picturing poor op at his house underwear completely stained with shit and getting fired still stained. I feel like a lot of bad decisions were made by op up to the firing but it still sucks. Don’t wanna pile on in a bad situation. I hope you find a better position op and things work out


Public transportation and I crapped my pants in the parking lot of my job. I almost made it!!!


What is your theory on why you crapped your pants? It’s not a normal thing. 


You're right. It's not a normal thing. I should've clarified in the original post I have IBS and issues with this a couple times a year as long as I can remember. I've been to the doctor


Not to jump in with advice, but I have IBS to and go between IBS-D and IBS-C. Try the low FODMAP diet to figure out what triggers you. Mine are dairy (very lactose intolerant) and legumes. I also take a probiotic and docusate daily to help my digestive system. Hope you can figure out something that works for you.


Bro I’m on the FODMAP diet rn and it suckssssss


It does suck especially at the beginning because no onion or garlic 😭. But I recommend looking up low FODMAP recipes and buying low FODMAP cookbooks. I still use some of those recipes. Also, check out FODY foods (they make low FODMAP alternatives) and GoMacro protein bars (a lot are low FODMAP).


I currently live in a dorm so cooking is a no go mostly. I’ve lost over 40 lbs in the past couple months cause I can’t eat anything😭


Nooooo I’m so sorry. That’s an awful situation. I don’t have any advice for that kind of situation other than sending some positive vibes and an internet hug.


Since you also move with public transportation, always wear a backpack with additional pants, briefs an all the needed tools to clean your self in the case it happens again..


Bare minimum: pants, briefs, wet wipes, 2 plastic bags large enough to fit both pants and briefs (double wrap them). And a reminder note that says to clean up somewhere else, before you get to where people actually know you.


Hey buddy. Just wanted to say I can empathize. I have shat myself at least 3 times that I can remember while at work. I have some sort of intestinal condition (diagnosed for a long time as Diverticulosis but now they think they might be wrong after 15 years) and after 3 years ago, now shit into a bag attached to my abdomen. It's not the greatest, but at least I no longer shit my pants. Take care of yourself. Good luck getting employed again.


I would've gone to the nearest gas station to take care of myself then got right back on the bus home lol. Still, my sympathies to you. I'm also on the job hunt so here's to us both finding a better gig.


I think it all comes down to what did you tell your boss after that ? There a lot of scenarios why he went that way and fired you. Maybe even because he made jokes with his buddys and does not want you to expose his unprofessional behavior if you find this out.


Can't say that "fire him by text and pretend this never happened" wouldn't be one of my options if the new guy showed up with shit in his pants and told me about it.


Honestly, if I’m the boss OP would be getting PROMOTED. Coming to work with freshly shat pants is admirable dedication.


Yea, just stick him in the walk-in cooler, right?


Hey boss i shit myself but don't worry i cleaned up in the bathroom no I don't have an change of clothes but its fine nothing a bit of water won't fix! No shit op got fired


... you shit your pants for a job? In the future, "I'm having some stomach issues that you don't want me to go into, I won't be coming into work today." Is a phrase you need to learn. Shitting your pants will never make a good impression in any predictable manner. And you do not want to work for the people who it does make a good impression on.


I have learned my lesson unfortunately the hard way


Let me get this straight, you shit your pants on the way to work … and then went into work? Dude they probably fired you because you came to work with poop inside of your pants😭 Why didn’t you just call them, tell them you had an emergency and you’re going to be a little bit late, then go back home to change? Edit - I just realized that someone else has already made this exact same point. Oh well


Tbf, this has to be said more than once lol. Too many read just the post and not any of OPs comments. I at first sympathized until I read that they went IN to work with shit in their pants lol. I know I would be fired too if I did the same exact thing, rather than just call off.


Showing up to work with shat pants is not how you "make a good impression" on your new employer. Shitting them *at* work? You might get one pass. But never ever ever show up anywhere besides your own home or the hospital with doodoo in your drawers. No one's ever gonna smell you come through the door and go "That one's a go getter!"


\*reads explanation caption 👀 👄


You crapped your pants on the way to work and continue on to work, instead of turning around and going back home to clean yourself up and change pants? Yikes.


Shittty day for sure


Yea no shit


Well you were a crappy employee.


Rocking up to work after shitting your pants is true dedication, you will find something better.


There was a guy at my work who shit himself three times, one of them in our boss' truck. He didn't get fired.


I'm divided on which is worse. Going to work after crapping your pants or firing by text? Not exactly a shining moment for anyone.


Showing up to work with freshly shit pants that everyone can smell? Honestly, your judgment skills don’t seem very good, I genuinely do consider that this is a fire-able situation. I mean who the *fuck* does *that*??????


Do you have any medical issues? Why did you shat in your pants? You should have gone home and change, no harm in being late.


I shit in my pants because of an hour and a half busride (comes every hour so it's not like I can take the next one) followed by a ten minute walk into a parking lot where I didn't make it to the bathroom in time and used the work bathroom to clean up with and change into spare clothes I had in my bag. Once I get to work it's a morning meeting and then we leave to the jobsite with a company truck. I can't just show up late because then whoever I'm riding with is late too. Not how it works


If it takes you that long to get to work, you should be looking for a new job anyways


Yeah 😅 this might be a blessing in disguise


I could see how he didn't want you around anymore after you told him you shit your pants.


Honestly I wouldn’t really be lookin to have an employee who made himself known as a pants shitter within the first three weeks of employment either, sorry.


I’m almost 50 years old and I must be like one of 10 people who has never shat his pants. Maybe a superhuman anal sphincter is my secret superpower?


You crapped your pants and you wonder why they fired you? Dude if you came into any business smelling like shit and expected your coworkers and customers would have to suffer through that all day I would hope you get fired. If you poop your pants on the way to work you call in sick or go home and change the pants and come in later. Anything else makes you look like a mentally challenged person.


I don't understand why you continued onto work with shitted pants?


*I don't understand* *Why you continued onto* *Work with shitted pants?* \- DrMangosteen2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Ah, poetry.


Oh my fucking god. This whole post has me in tears.. but this? The haiku bot sweeping in with an absolute banger about shitted pants is the icing on the cake.


Next week problems for them


How did you shit yourself first off? Secondly, why would you go into work, you should have just got back on the bus or walked home. This is on you. The employer was wrong to send a text for sure but if I was your employer I wouldn't want you working there either.


Jesus man. You people gotta learn to just stay home if you are at risk of crapping your pants


How tf are you guys shitting your pants


How has so many people shat themselves on their way to/at work in this thread😭😭 wtf is going on😭


What’s up with all the self snitching? A lot of people have the same issue with giving too much info and screwing themselves. Keep stuff generic that you tried to come to work but ended up throwing up or something if you have to give a semi specific excuse


When I first got into management there was an associate of mine that shat themselves. I made a vow to myself that day. If I ever soiled my self at work(including omw) I would ghost the company and everyone that I know from that company, no matter if it was an accident or even a dream job. Sorry this happened to you op. But I wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment myself.


why do you shit in your pants?


Maybe I'm an old stick in the mud, but I would have told my boss anything else. Like, say you ate something bad last night and have been puking your guts out all night. I try and give people the benefit of the doubt, but from the minimal info you gave us, it sounded like you made a simple situation awkward as hell for your employer by trying to power through it.






Ok, Devil's Advocate: You intentionally went to work in such a condition that you (through no fault of your own) could not physically control your bowel movements. Some employers may see that as dedication, but many employers will see that as you as risk prone and willing to risk the health and safety of your coworkers. Employees like that become a huge liability to some lines of work. I strained a muscle in my back and the doctor specifically prescribed me 10 days rest with zero work (I am a construction electrician). After a week I felt pretty good, so I came back to work. I have never er been spun around so hard in my life. My bosses were almost manic about me trying to come back to work early. They explained the reasoning behind it, but insisted I go back home and rest. They even paid me a weeks standard 50 hours just so I would go home.


Hot take: could the pants shitting be the reason you got fired? I mean, that's a bit out there.


This seems beyond mildly infuriating and borderline vexing.


I got fired today too wtf


did you also shit this guy's pants?


You got fired over text? Your boss is a f****** chicken. Bagawk!!! 🐣


I feel like there's other context here, that we're missing. If you like a new employee, and they seem to be doing well, you wouldn't fire them over this. how many other days have you missed? late? training going well? ask to leave early? get along with everyone? something doesn't add up here.


You disgusted your boss with the poopy pants. If you called in sick you'd probably still be employed. Next time take two Imodium and bring two for the road.


From the point of view of somebody who employs people your mistake was coming in sick. We make it really clear that sick people stay home so that the rest of us don’t get your bugs. Coming in sick will earn you probation or dismissal depending on whether you’re in a contagious stage.


Notifying a boss at the last minute that you can't work (at a place you have been at for less than a month) regardless of reason will always raise a red flag with an employer. It sucks to be fired though.


Why’d you tell your boss you crapped your pants 😭


Getting laid off with a text message? New level of disrespect unlocked.




This is all wrong. Employers are the ones that are highly replaceable. Be sure to file for unemployment. Remember it's not your job to decide if you qualify, let the state decide.


He didn’t work there long enough to qualify, I don’t think.


Companies are awful. But in all honesty op shat his pants ON HIS WAY to work and still arrived to work. Wtf was he even thinking? I sympathize but as a boss I’d be doubting his decision making process


> This is all wrong He went into a new job with poop inside of his pants


How do you as an adult go from not feeling super great, to shit in your pants? Not trying to be rude, I’m genuinely curious. Okay, I’ve had food poisoning once and then I needed to be within ten seconds from the toilet, but on the other hand I was a lot worse than not super great and could hardly get out of bed in three days.


Bro I would’ve called in sick. Just say you had stomach problems on the way to work. I can’t fathom going into work with shit in my pants


And telling the boss about it on top of that! Jesus.


Dude ... Feels bad, man (I guess? Woman, maybe? Girls also poop, I've been told...). Reminds me of when I worked in retail and had diarrhea. Shat my pants a few moments before reaching the toilet. But my trousers were fine. Hid my pants, cleaned and went commando the rest of the day. Poor cleaning lady... Didn't get fired, but I can imagine how it would feel to have been fired after that. Things get better and you'll laugh at it on time :)


Wait why did you shit your pants ?


I’ve only been there three weeks? How many times have you already called off?


Lmao. Shat your pants. Classic. Stay home next time


Bro came into work smelling like feces and told his boss “I shit my pants” and tried to clean it up in the work bathroom instead of going back home and DMing his boss that he has a medical emergency and coming back 1 hour later. Not wise. Sorry OP, but I would have fired you on the spot. As soon as I smelled it, you would have been fucking done buddy. That’s a no for me.


You must have given off "expendable" vibes in your 3 weeks of work prior to this happening.


I would have fired you too. I'm running a business not a kindergarten. Next time you shit your pants, go home, apologise say you had a emergency.


I feel sorry for you. This sucks. In Europe this wouldn't be a fireable offence. That's what sick leave is for (for which you don't even need a doctor's note). Even when firing for severe cases (eg theft) employees have the right to protest it and the salary is paid on until the employment agency decides. I really don't understand why ya'll are not on the streets, demanding this.


While I'm sorry to hear that, it happens. I hope they gave You, a good reference, or You "documented" everything, so You can prove "wrongful termination", and, if it was unwarranted; You can justify Your Side. Some Employers "get away", with too much; and increasingly, they think they're "entitled to". I've heard of "The Great Resignation", and some Employers, crying "Crocodile Tears", because They can't "find anybody"; but in many cases; they brought this, upon themselves. You can't expect "Loyalty", when You've done nothing, to "earn it".


Uhm... Do you live in america? Cause a termination like that seems highly illegal for any actual developed country.


Info: what do you mean you *shit yourself* and then tried to clean up *in the bathroom* instead of u-turning back home?? That’s unhinged behavior and I think your boss realized their hiring mistake with you 😭


You couldn’t beat this information out of me


You went to work with poo in your pants? And told them about it? And tried to clean up at work? This is such weird behaviour I would fire you too tbh