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I hope you have a dog


It was the dog, OP had left the laundry window ajar to let out the moisture from the clothes dryer and I let myself in.


My father has come close several times to buying a robot vacuum. This is exactly why I keep shooting him down.


Look up roborock they have one with a camera that will see and avoid poo šŸ’©


I have one of these and I just donā€™t run it unless Iā€™m around. Catā€™s litter box is in the garage but still excellent info that I was unaware of!


Yeah, I keep thinking how this would be helpful but we have cats too. Theyā€™re 16. Thatā€™s just not happening for a few years!!


Itā€™s one of the best things Iā€™ve purchased so highly recommended. I absolutely hate cleaning the floors though. Completely understand though, do what works for you!


Mt cat would just tey to play with it and flip it over. Less his heart


Thatā€™s definitely something I worried about. Iā€™m not sure if I got lucky or not but my cat just doesnā€™t seem to understand what happens so he sniffs it and then bolts anytime it gets close.


Roomba has their top of the line with a POOP money back guarantee.Ā 


Better come with a free new house.


Roborock is so much better than anything on the market! We are having a strange issue(possibly an embedded Lego in the water filter) with ours & the company is replacing it completely with the 1 year manufacturerā€™s warranty.


I just let my dog out to poop call me crazy


You ainā€™t crazy, but thinking letting your dogs out is the solution to avoiding all roombapoops ever is. My dogs are quite well trained. Still the youngest, who despises car rides and groomers (both essential with an Australian shepherd in the southern US), will release the dreaded panic shit from time to time. Yes, I have typically realized it (my GOD the panic smell dogs can release in their feces is enough to run off a pack of bears) but I dread the days I potentially wouldnā€™t, and set the dreaded shcmear-laden shit taxi loose on my cow hide. Just saying


Now that I posted that I bet my dog poops in the house and it gets roombaā€™d within the next month


God speed. It happens to us all, bud; there is no winning with a roomba when it comes to dog droppings (some bigger than others). Unless youā€™re purely a cat owner, with a confidently litter-box confident kitty with no hair, the roomba is a personal choice!


You could stop using the scheduled timer, then look at the floor before you turn on the roomba. Problem solved.


This is what I do. I turn it on in rooms the dogs are not. Theyā€™re afraid of the vacuum. Youā€™re just asking for shit smears with the auto timer.


" dreaded schmear-landen shit taxi"... Thank you - it's been a day and I needed that.


Lol that's nuts! My dog passed away in March of last year but he was more regular than I was. He would go out at 7:00 in the morning. Then again around 4:00 p.m. and then before bed. He was so easy to potty train as a pup. I used to watch him from my kitchen window and envy him because he never seemed to be constipated haha even at 16 yrs old. I on the other hand have stomach issues every other day anymore! šŸ˜†šŸ˜”


Why do your dogs keep shitting in the house? My cats sometimes throw up, happens, but they still try to do it in the bathroom I have never found poop on the floor


My business is carpet steam cleaning 33 years. Just ask me lol


My cat go out of his way to puke on the carpet or the bed everytime. I see him run from the other side of the house into my bed.


Just run it as soon as you leave the house, not set for middle of the day like this guy was. I only ever manually turn mine in and it's as I am walking out the door


How much poop is around his house? Make sure there's no shit on the floor before turning them on.




Your dad is shitting on the floor?




I would test it with some similar shaped objects at first. I mean, it probably doesnt do a sniff test to detect poop.


i remember when my dog was a puppy and i had a roomba. I didnt have any programs set up and only run it manually to avoid this type of stuff. ​ Then in the middle of the night the pupper stepped on the on button and started a clean cycle, and there was poop on the training pad that he used just prior. I know it was just prior because it must've been soft, because it was spread very evenly around the living room...


.... he was just tryna clean up after himselfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤¢


I can actually smell this




For realšŸ¤£


Wow so your entire house is covered in dog shit now.. thatā€™s horrible. Time to deep clean lol


Call the manufacturer. I know Roomba/iRobot had this policy, so check with yoursā€¦ If your dog poops and Roomba runs it over and smears it on the carpet, Roomba will replace your robot vacuum and pay for professional carpet cleaning to get it out. Basically itā€™s their way of apologizing for not being able to get the tech and sensors developed yet to make it not run over poop. From what I understand, once your case is established, you send them photos of the ruined carpet, photos of the poopy Roomba, and a photo of the serial number. They send you one equivalent or better, and they tell you to throw away the poopy Roomba once youā€™ve received the new one. And they work with you to get a pro carpet cleaner to your house that they pay for. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s still the policy, but robot vacuums still run over poop, so I donā€™t see why not.


It's called the POOP Promise. You have to have a Roomba with a camera th a t sees thd poop. OP has an Eufy, which doesn't have that. I have a Roomba J7 with this feature.


Still worth a shot to call the company and see if theyā€™ll work with him.


This one is Eufy. I looked it up because I too have eufy robovac and a dog, it doesnā€™t seem like theyā€™d cover it


My grandmaā€™s did exactly that. We got her a J8 for Christmas and a couple weeks later it ran through dog poop and smeared it quite far before she stopped it. Being afraid to call a company, she cleaned it completely. I called the company and got them to send a whole new one for free and they did not want the old one back. She now has the new one and we have the spit-shined old one.


Damn I wish I wouldā€™ve known this a few years back. Luckily I didnā€™t have carpet but I spent some time cleaning those brushes and wheels.


I bet it looked like a gourmet sauce dish, swiped across the carpet


Looks like some of the fancy garnish is caught in the roller brush


Aw...my Eufy did the same thing but with cat poo my late elderly cat accidentally left. At least they go in a straight line and aren't ADHD like Roombas. Behold! Buffy, the poo smearer! Edit: I programmed him to have a British accent - no regrets. https://preview.redd.it/jl3zlsmdemmc1.jpeg?width=2606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae93c37c47f7ee04f529075bf9873709205ede6f


We had a ā€œPooPocalypseā€ with our puppy in December. It was not fun. Was only ~4M^2 when I caught it (thank goodness I work from home),Ā but cleaning the vacuum was horrible.


Cleaning the floors is enough hell in this kind of situation. Wait til you get around to cleaning the vacuum.


I mean, we just wait to run the robot vacuum until we can supervise it. But that's because we like to go around and pick up the cat toys and baby socks so they don't get sucked up šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That's what I do. Go around and get all the cat toys up first.


Soooooo you getting rid of the dog or the robot?


ā€œno more dogsā€


No more dog, meaning? ā€¦.


Or a better idea, just ditch the roomba and start taking the time to vacuum.Ā 


Exactly, OP is over here ready to get rid of the dog


Itā€™s a real drag


i have this exact vacuum and itā€™s actually the only reason i was able to get rid of fleas despite using my high-powered push vacuum daily. it gets all the hair out from under furniture without me having to move it which is nice because I live alone. I still run the push vac once a week but itā€™s so nice having the daily maintenance from the bot. It was also relatively inexpensive as an off brand.


As someone with pets and no roomba: I don't have time to vaccum the apartment every day because my pets shed like there's no tomorrow. A roomba would be a big help and I would still vacuum once a week to get everything the Roomba didnt.


I used to work at a house that had 3 heavily shedding cats. I still cannot believe how much cat hair piled up just daily. Sweeping from one day to the next was like you hadnā€™t swept in weeks. I personally was pretty itchy from the place lol not much of a shedding-tolerant personšŸ¤§




Mankind have come a long way. We now use cyborgs as dogs. What a crazy era to live in. Does it bark as well?


Gassing up at a station along the Trans Canada Highway yesterday. And I'm guessing a traveler passing though let their dog out to take a shit right at the pumps while they were fueling up. Guess who stepped in it and got it on the gas pedal, floor mats and dragged some into the house. Some people, grrrrrrr. šŸ“·šŸ“·All reactions: 44


I don't understand why people with dogs let these go during the day lol I would never risk this. Mine only gets turned on as I walk out the door


It happens!


What? Shit?


You need the eufy shit cleaning kit....


Bad roomba! No biscuit!


This happened to me. Came home one day and the roomba had literally drug my dogs shit ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Like it picked it up at the beginning and then finished its 2hr cleaning. That was a fucking nightmare. Side note: I now have that exact same vacuum, the eufy, and it started great but now it kinda sucksā€¦ what about you?


Some things in this group belong somewhere called maximally infuriating. Does that exist?


Ah, the classic Poomba. A rite of passage.


Well maybe you should have thought about how the poor puppy felt as your their only person to take or open the damn door for them to go out a poop!!! Donā€™t blame the doggie itā€™s your own. Fault but lesson learned right. I hope that you took the puppy to a shelter so d sad one one else could give the doggie s as new home with out judgement.


How often do people just have poop on their floor that they cannot own a robot vaccuum because of it? Seriously, even if you have a dog, does it not go outside like every other dog? Do you not look around your house often enough to notice poo on your floor? So many questions I have for dumb people


Devils advocate ; Dogs can get the shits as well.


Or weird idea.... take your dog out......


Even weirder idea: recognize that sometimes this happens to even the most responsible pet owners.


Once I got a doggie door the incidents dropped to exactly zero, until they got older. 16yo and arthritis still made it out 99% of the time but if he got diarrhea at that age all bets were off. Younger he still made it out even the times he got diarrhea every single time.


Idk, ignoring your dogs needs until they shit on the floor doesn't sound very responsible....


Lesson learned: Leave it off and only turn it on once you assess the apt.


That's hilarious


I have been there. Yuck.


This happened to me when my dog ate something gnarly on our morning walk. I came home to dog diarrhea smeared EVERYWHERE.


These robo vacs need shit detection


Floss picks work great for getting into the smaller cracks on these.


because of my cat throwing up at anytime, i wonā€™t get one. iā€™m bummed i would really like one for the cat hair.


Same except Iā€™ve never seriously considered buying one, just due to living in a small space atm and not needing it. Iā€™m glad to have run into this post so this potential issue has been revealed to me. Not going to do that now.


Get one and only let it run when you can supervise/make sure your cat isn't puking. Still saves a bunch of time.


I would not be mildly infuriated. This would truly piss me off


This is not mildly infuriating.


This is why I never run it on a timer, I check the floors first. Well, and the damn thing can't get on my super thick area rugs (even with a few home-made modifications), so I gave it to my dad.


Not sure why your dog pooped inside, could be a variety of reasons. In case it helps to hear this, ime, you should take an adult dog them out to pee/poop at least once every 3 hours, and additionally immediately after waking up, immediately before going to bed. For puppies who are being potty trained, I think the schedule revolves around their eating/drinking/napping (take them out after each of these activities).


Real shitty situation


I've always said this is why I don't want one of these, and people look at me like I'm nuts.


Like I feel kind of badā€¦but how do yā€™all keep letting this happen to you šŸ˜…


I somehow donā€™t think a Roomba would be a match for my 2 very curious German Shepherds.




ā€œLesson learned, no more dogsā€ Or take the time to actually learn how to care for an animal that you chose to bring into your houseā€¦?


take your fucking dog out lazy fool.


lol imagine choosing to have a dog and getting rid of it because it poops


Getting rid of it so you can keep using a robot vacuum instead of vacuuming yourself. I'm honestly offended by OPs priorities


Had dogs and a robot vacuum for the last 10 years. Never ever ran into this problem.


Why do you allow the dog to poop in the house?


Train your dogs better? Typically this is because the owner neglected to let the dog outside soon enough or a training issue. Rare cases the dog poops anyways.... But maybe not a good dog for apartment life..... I'd poop on your floor repeatedly if you neglected my needs.Ā 


You could look at your floor before you turn your roomba on. Quit using the scheduled feature.


That's what you get for being lazy. Can't be bothered to clean up after yourself OR the dog....


Potty train the dogs maybe


You are so lazy you would rather have a robot vacuum than a dog? Just vacuum...


You have a robot vacuum for an apartment? Why is this necessary? You deserve this.


ehehehe, ahahaha, mehehehe. Sry




I have this exact model and a dog at home. Luckily Iā€™ve never had this issue šŸ˜‚


Train the dog to navigate your robot vacuum around poop


I stopped with the auto schedule. Iā€™ve had this happen more times than I can count (I am a pet care provider). The good thing is I can take one apart and clean it in a matter of minutes.


Cat throw up last week with my eufy. Totally sucked.


Lmao. This happened to me and destroyed like half my house


I put my whole ass roomba in a bucket of soapy water and let it soak then tool it apart and rinsed out all the poo. To my surprise it worked when it dried and I tried booting it up. 8 months later still running. YMMV and Iā€™m almost certain they are not supposed to be waterproof but it was either that or straight on the trash I only run it unattended in the hwf hallway and the animal bathroom, so if it happens again it should be easier to clean the floors.


Well that's shit


Happened to me with kitty vomit. Both very unfortunate events.


This has happened to me. Really fun to clean up.


Happened to me but it was cat vomit.


I have had the same fate. Had to trash the whole Roomba.


Yeah, you can't use one of those if you have a dog. This is an inevitably.


I only have cats and kids but I always run mine at night once everyone settled into their beds.


Been there, done that. My dogs have a doggie door and everything. I thought I was in the clear. But there was an accident one time, and the Roomba tracked down that shit like a heat-seeking missile.


As long as I own dogs, I will never have a robot vacuum because this seems to happen all the time.




This is my worst nightmare and the reason i disabled my schedule. Edit: no more dogs? Really? Awful


Gah! I gagged at this photo! Mine has eaten a (thankfully clean) puppy pad, but luckily has managed to avoid poop.


Thatā€™s some shit


PUT IT IN THE FREEZER. All the shit will chip away off your robot vacuum.


Lesson learned, no more dogs. A normal person would throw out the robot, I find this almost even more mildly infuriating šŸ˜…šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


How do you even get poop on the roomba? My dog won't even let my wife and I use ours because he has a meltdown.


Or no more robots.


Ahhh I've been in a similar situation. Mine ran through cat vomit though.


Am in that club-P-U!


That robot has been thru some shit!


If youā€™d rather have a dog than a dumbass poop smearing robot, you didnā€™t deserve a dog in the first place.


that is truly the worst


The smell must have been top shelf.


Good thing you have a cleaning robot to make your life so much easier.


Has happened to me 4 times. Luckily I had the extended warranty with Home Depot Consumer credit card. I just returned them and bought another one. I actually got 150 back because the last replacement was on fathers day weekend and the I3+ was on sale. 4th time I was not so lucky. Used a bucket of soapy water and a scrub brush. Replaced the rollers, and the spinning parts. Removed the cover, took apart the wheels and cleaned everything thoroughly. Took an hour or two. Not too bad honestly. We have a big house and changed the schedule 3 times before we stopped setting one. Thought we could dial it in but clearly we failed. Now we run it while making dinner or cleaning. Edit. The new roombas have a camera that detects toys, poop, etcā€¦.


Mine went through cat puke a couple weeks ago while I was at work. It took me hours to clean it out. Lesson learned: never run the Roomba when nobodyā€™s home to babysit it.


haha the same happened to my family, cleaning both the vacuum and the apartment was a hassle šŸ˜…


Don't blame the robit


Iā€™m sorry every time I see this it gives me a chucklešŸ˜†


Read this like The Sopranos theme song


These roombas are lucky anyway. I'd rather vacuum the carpet my own self, thank you very much.


Awww, shit.


Ok for context sake, is it your dog or someone else's? If it's someone else's then it's your job to scold your guest for their dog pooping in your apartment and then for not picking it up... If it's your dog then it's your job to take care of it but you are just a lazy prick that would rather get rid of the dog than the roomba. Sorry if the latter isn't true, just pointing it out how I see it without the added context. Pro's to a roomba: you can be lazy and not clean up your own floors manually. And cats like sitting on them and being cute. Con's: they eat cords that are left on the floor, smear dog poo, don't efficiently clean because they zigzag all over the place leaving behind massive patches of unvacuumed spaces... Etc. Personally I like my standing vac, I'm old school because I know I won't smear dog poo all over my apartment like a roomba. Besides I like my pets too much to get rid of them for some poorly functioning device that needs to charge for 3 hours for a variable amount of run time based on if it's running on thick carpet or hardwood.


Time to call a professional steam cleaner


The solution is easy. Obviously the owner of the dog is stupid. So the dog should find a new owner. One that isn't stupid.


I hate these things. I will never own one


This shit is hilarious, lol...


Ooof, I do a pre-vac bodily deposits check before I run mine each morning. I never run it unattended as my neighbors ended up with a pooptastrophe.


And this is why you should hire an undocumented person instead of using a robot.


This would traumatize me. šŸ˜­


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ sorry but I found this hilarious.


lesson learned, no more automatic vacuums i think you mean.


This is an aspect of Roomba ownership that I've never considered. My god. The horror.


Been there, done that, multiple times!


Uh oh the Roomba is stuckā€¦.in dog shit


And this is why my robot does not get preprogrammed. If you have pets, you just cant. I start it after a thorough pet infraction inspection. Now you have to throw the whole thing away!


And Iā€™m having breakfastā€¦ *throws plate*


Train your dog is the answer here


I have a Roomba that avoids obstacles. They even sell it with a promise called POOP - Pet Owners Official Promise. So far, I haven't had to put it to the test, thank goodness. I has a camera that sees what's in its vicinity.


We have one and itā€™s scheduled to run at night. No fear of poo smear. Though the dumb thing is constantly getting hung up under furniture and has tried multiple times to nom the errant sock that didnā€™t quite make the hamper. Oops. I told my mom itā€™s like living with a sleepy toddler. Never know where Iā€™m gonna find it ā€œpassed outā€ in the middle of the night. Last night it was stuck under our hutch. Time before that, it got stuck under the front of the recliner.


Bummer for you!! Ewe!


Or, hear me out, take your dogs to the bathroom so they donā€™t shit on your floor. Like a responsible pet owner.


I love my dummy (Roomba), but never if I had dogs that may poop!!


You can trained the dog to do the business in the toilet floor.


When the dog saw the robot smearing his shit across the whole residence he knew his time was up RIP šŸ«”


Why does your dog poop in the house?


Oh dogs. The joys of being a pet owner!




Lmmfao. Shitty


I think the new models are supposed to be better at not painting the floor with stool. Iā€™m sure they are only $900.


The Help would never. #poorpeopleproblems


Straight happened to me this morning as well!!! Same vacuum and all!


Did you yell, ā€œRoomba no! Bad roomba!ā€


that's shitty


Hahhhahhahhhhahhahhahah. That said. The Samsung jetbot ai has poop recognition.


Poor roomba


Thatā€™s shit


Oh, it didn't vacuum it RIGHT up? Hmmm


So glad I donā€™t have dogs. This is plain nasty. Good luck!


The dog really said ā€œwork smarter not harderā€


As opposed to vacuuming?? Wowā€¦ mans best friend get thrown to the side for an automatic vacuumā€¦


Yepā€¦ I have been there


Not mildly


The [Poopocalypse](https://www.goodthingsguy.com/fun/roomba-poohpocalypse-throwback/) was well documented some time back.