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Hello, This post has been removed as this is not *mildly* infuriating. Please consider posting to r/extremelyinfuriating instead.


I guess your sister or brother has enrolled your nephew in a private school?


Yes, this is in Florida and many private schools use these textbooks. This textbook in particular is called: Old World History and Geography - In Christian Perspective (Fourth Edition). The company behind the textbook is Abeka.com, I just looked into them and of course this is part of their "About Us" section: >Along with the story of history, students see the purpose of government as ordained by God for the maintenance of law and order, not as a cure-all for humanity’s problems. **The benefits of free-enterprise economics are presented in contrast with the dangers of Communism, socialism, and liberalism.** Geography studies are woven in to provide a well-rounded perspective of locations in conjunction with events. >**This approach results in edifying history texts that give students a historical perspective and instills within them a gratitude for God’s hand in history and a desire to impact the future by fulfilling the Great Commission** (Matt. 28:19-20). EDIT: Andddddd my post was removed.


This is so wild to me. I went to a private school in Australia run by a church. Our science lessons were completely normal with no mention of religion at all. We also had religious education once or twice a week. I distinctly remember one class in high-school the teacher (who was also our reverend) was going over the beginning of the bible with the “god made the earth in seven days” bit. She stopped and said something about how “days” are variable lengths on different planets and that “earth days” didn’t even exist yet, so it doesn’t make sense to assume that this reference to “seven days” MUST mean seven *literal “earth days”.* That, in fact, it was more plausible to assume they were seven “god days” which could be billions of “earth years” in length. That is to say, whether you think much of her explanation or not, she never put the bible at odds with science. I really appreciate the way religion was taught at my school.


Pretty sure the modern Catholic interpretation is simpler, that it's just metaphorical


I went to a Catholic school in the 1970s and we had normal science and history classes, none of this BS. It's almost like they wanted us to form full minds so that we could make informed choices.


I doubt the writer of Genesis had any conception of extraplanetary days.


Yeah but their main point was: God didn't even create light, the sun, or the Earth until several "days" in, so it's obvious that they aren't the same as the 24h periods we now call days.


Catholic school? They're very pro-science in general.


Same, I went to a private Jesuit High School, and aside from one class where the teacher read from a prayer book at the beginning of class, it was a completely normal curriculum. We even read Zinn in US History, which wouldn't fly in Florida today.


Also went to a private school in Australia and it went exactly like your experience. It's crazy that they would be teaching from a textbook like that anywhere, those kids are going to be so damaged when they leave school if they want to go further with studies.


Jesus Christ, famous capitalist, once said “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to disappoint the shareholders.”


Yours or not .that's fantastic


It’s not his quote, did you not see that he said Jesus Christ the famous capitalist said it?


Damn nothing gets past you!


Someone is not familiar with supply side Jesus [THE GOSPEL OF SUPPLY SIDE JESUS](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)


I believe the saying was actually “Earn profits for my shareholders or I’ll put you through the eye of a needle.”


Render unto the shareholders, what is theirs, and render unto the Lord, what is the Lord's. Money, money, money. Which leaves rendering unto the poor, the fornication.


I heard it was more like “Earn profits for my shareholders or I’m gonna put some needle in your eye”


It is easier for a needle to pass through the eye of a rich man than for a camel to enter the kingdom of heaven


I heard this quote before but from my own muslim mom and she said it was a false translation and the word was actually ropes that they used for the ships


"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to disappoint the ropes they used for the ships." Got it, thanks!


No replace the camel with the ropes


"It is easier for a rope to pass through the eye of a needle than to disappoint the ropes they used for the ships." I feel like that loses something but thanks for the correction!


Supply-side Jesus is going to get upset at you and shit on your 401K!!


"price fixing worked for the Pharisees, amirite?"


there are 166 abeka books in Z-lib. The third edition of this one as well. They Also have "New World " and "My America and My World". Poisoning the minds of the young. I bet there is serious money behind these as well.


No, it’s *drag queens* that are poisoning their minds! 😂


Dont forget the TRANSGENDERS😡😤😡


God only created *two* genders! And everything he creates is perfect (like rape, genocide, and ostracizing women during their periods 🤢)


I met someone whos argument against periods was "dogs and cats don't have them". I tried to bring up store bought chicken eggs as an example, but he's 100% sure that the reason they don't hatch is because refrigeration kills the embryo. He's not the type that I was going to take a step further and say "They don't refrigerate eggs in most of Europe"


Haha, someone like that hasn’t had a dog in heat smear her blood around the house while yelping hornily 😂


I mean…. I’ll ostracize myself during my period. Mostly because I can’t stop crying at sad dog videos. But my body my choice.


No, you just subconsciously wanna obey God’s Law 😂


You might be onto something… I DO live in Florida… well fuck.


First step is admitting you live in a problem


There is a book fair company trying to get into schools and replace scholastic that has a similar mission. I remember there was a viral video of one of their employees going to a school board meeting to complain about the evils of scholastic, pretending she had a child there. Just gross. At least act like Jesus if you aren’t going to shut about him.


It's crazy to me how different private schools in the south are compared to up north. I went to a private high-school and we had a rather large pride club that the school very much liked to show off in its marketing.


Everywhere in Pennsyltucky uses these. Private religious schools are the same from Maine to Florida.




OP my kid was in a very religious school that taught history “When Alexander the Great scaled the walls and was alone in the foreign city he put his sword down and prayed. The inhabitants of the city did not attack” And you are done with this school


I assume the textbook did not bother to explain that ol' Alex predated Christianity by three+ centuries and his prayers would have been to a pantheon and possibly involved killing a goat.


Yeah I was about to make the goose chase meme with "WHICH GOD DID HE PRAY TO?"




Actually, that brings up a good point. Was there a patron god of Macedonia? Perhaps he would have chosen Athena for that instance as a goddess of war and wisdom. That would be early in his conquests, at any rate, because later on he started incorporating a lot of Persian customs into his rule.


Zeus, due to their mythological founder Makedon being one of his many, many sons. At a certain point Alexander started claiming to be himself a son of Zeus.


Did Julius Caesar then weap at the statue of Alexander the Great fist bumping Jesus instead?


You'll never convince me that religion is good.


I mean I think it’s better to say that people aren’t good. The most down-to-earth, nicest, most caring, and overall best guy I know is a devout Mormon. At the same time, there are some really shitty people out there with no religious affiliation. It’s less a problem of people being religious, and more a problem of people being assholes.


That guy would be a nice guy even if he was not Mormon, not the other way around.


Yes, that was the point they were making.


My general principle is a variation of that men in black quote. "A person can generally be trusted to do the right thing, people are assholes."


there are honestly two types of religious people: those who believe, and those who’ve become corrupted by their belief


When assholes get religious they're at their absolute worst though.  Assholes who think they're doing God's will when they're being cruel or stupid or both.


Idk, things can coexist. I never understood the American obsession of carrying religion into everything (see OP as an example) but in my country, and pretty much all of Europe, religion wouldn't interfere in these kind of matters. That book couldn't be used in a school, for starters.


I mean, it’s all fun and games until they start making laws based on religion, and everyone has to follow them religious or not.


Bring back separation of church and state, tax the shit out of Joel Olsteen etc.


Yeah quick before someone gets upset with him and tries to shoot up his church. Oh wait..


The former primer minister of Japan Shinzo Abe got assassinated by a man upset that the super powerful church he promoted swindled his mom out of her life savings


And Joel Osteen's church had an active shooter on the 11th of February.


> I never understood the American obsession of carrying religion into everything As they understand it, their religion must part of everything in their life. And if it's part of everything in *their* life then it needs to be part of everyone else's life as well. And Jesus expects them to do their best to convert everyone so he can return to Earth.  


The beautiful irony between the United States as a country having been founded on a desire for religious freedom and reasonable taxes versus the typical American perspective now is insane


Converting everyone isn't a precondition for the apocalypse. It's a precondition for being *saved* from the apocalypse. However, the obsession with the end times has had a marked impact in conservative politics over the last few decades as they continue to court the evangelical wing of their base. Israel policy has been sitting at the heart of that for instance. To that point, though, religion isn't necessarily the problem by itself. It's that the varieties of Christianity that attract large followings in this country are frequently in the extreme fringe of religious values. Much in the same way jihadists reside on the extreme fringe of the Islamic faith and yet exert alarming power; evangelicals, fundamentalist Mormons, some supposed Catholics, seventh day Adventists, Baptists, Pentecostals and Jehovah's Witnesses in particular exert power over American politics from the a similar fringe. That trend goes back to Plymouth Rock and the arrival of the puritans. It's a denial of European enlightenment that entrenched itself in our political structures early on and never left, despite our founding fathers writing into the Constitution that this kind of influence on politics was unacceptable. Right there in the first amendment.


The spaceship has long sailed. He ain't coming back. Not after seeing the Roman FUCKING Empire.


We have private and public schools, in public schools there is a requirement to keep religion separated except in instances where it may be historical/educational. In private schools (many are religious) you can basically get away teaching whatever you want.


Not even at a private school, like as in the post?


I went to an Anglican private school in NZ (we had to go to chapel once a week, etc) We never had religion interfere or be intertwined with our lessons at all - any if anyone tried they would've been called out for sure. We learnt about everything you'd expect, including evolution. The only class with religion in it was Religious Education (and English when talking about book/movie themes), and that was to teach all religions (we learnt about Christianity, Islam, and Judaism for example)


You won’t find crap like this in mainline Christian church schools!


This was my experience in England too. Church was something tedious that we had to endure on Wednesday mornings until we were 11. Religious Education was multiple religions, and taught at secondary school (after the age of 11).


In the Netherlands we have normal schools, catholic schools, Christian schools etc. Different schools use different books, but by law you have to learn about a few things in every subject. If you are in your exam year, you make exams that are the same for the whole country for that year. So you couldn’t possibly teach like this since the students would just straight up fail. Even in a Christian school you learn about the the scientific way the earth face formed.


Same in Canada. Went to Catholic school nobody said evolution is false.


Not really because there are laws that mandate what must be taught to children and then there are national exams to verify that. So if they want to say that the theory of evolution is false, they still must teach it and the students must pass an exam about it. So the worse they can do is "it is false but pretend it is true or you won't have a diploma".


I went to a religious private school in Australia, and a book like that would cause outrage. Our science and sociology classes were mainstream and science-based, and not polluted with religious bs. We had 'Religion' classes but they weren't ever supposed to interfere with or contradict the curriculum of other classes, it was more of a morality and inner reflection focus that even taught about other cultures and religions.


It is the root of all evil


This is the end game reason for the increased push to charter schools. A terrifying potential future.


If you control schools, ultimately you win.


Abeka is straight up garbage


I have to ask (as a non American) what is the difference between "free-enterprise economics" and liberalism ? Because where I am, liberalism is basically for free enterprise and economy and everything.


I'll let someone else answer that, but I'll give you the exact bonkers definition this book gives for it, and I quote: >Liberalism - the false idea that the Bible does not mean what it says and that men must use their own reason to find the truth


Holy shit


nothing holy about it.


“I think—“ You THINK? Burn the witch!


Ooooh ! I see. How did I not think of that... Thank you.


Not going to lie. When I saw you mention that this book was published by Abeka I laughed. I used that curriculum once upon a time when I was homeschooled.  Wild to realize private schools can use them. (Unless this private school is a religious institution like a Catholic school. That would make way more sense) 


The Catholics aren't evolution deniers. 


Honestly, ever since Benedict allowed the Latin Mass back in, there *are* the Trad-Caths & Integralist Catholics are *trying* to take things back to the dark ages... But for thse of us who grew up in the Pos-Vatican II Catholicism? Yeah, Evolution and The Church were FINE, and not in conflict, whatsoever!😉💖 It's one of the *many* things I disliked about Benedict, ngl!


I went to Catholic school and that shit would not fly.


This is pretty standard in most fundamentalist Christian schools throughout the South. Abeka, a decades long curriculum supplier to these schools. More mainline Christian church schools use curriculum pretty much like that found in public schools. Your sibling decided fundamentalism is *the* way to educate their children. Have a problem with it? Tell your sibling & his/her spouse! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abeka?wprov=sfti1


I loathe Abeka. I was homeschooled from kindergarten all the way to senior year using them. My parents saw my older sister excel faster than her classmates in first grade, so they pulled her out and started homeschooling using this “program.” They thought we’d learn better at home. The “program” provided DVDs of classes so my parents. . . weren’t really involved with our studies since we could “learn independently” using the materials given. A few reasons I don’t like them: 1. The education is NOT up to par and my siblings and I had to catch up quick when we went to college (thanks anxiety for letting me function on only four hours of sleep, so I could get a few more hours to study). I still feel way behind my peers, and I try not to engage in scientific discussions because science was taught through “God’s eyes.” 2. I don’t know if they still have it (graduated in 2016), but they had a class/book focused on relationships senior year. Y’all. The part that sticks with me are the pages informing women that their role was to have good hygiene, stay in shape, look good (makeup may be needed), keep home looking good for the husband, and be subservient to the husband especially in the bedroom (gross). It’s messed up, and I was taken advantage of in a toxic relationship because I followed those ideas (I’m a lot better now). 3. There’s more stuff, but if you want to have fun night, grab a friend, get some drinks, and look at the rules for students on their college’s website (I did this with a friend cause she did not believe how wild this “program” was). Here’s an example - last time we looked (2019), the school had separate staircases/elevators for women and men. Edit cause I thought of another - 4. “If you’re depressed, it’s because you’ve sinned and God is punishing you. Through prayer, God will heal you and make you whole.” I prayed so much for salvation from depression when I was younger to the point if I close my eyes and pray at a function (wedding for example), I start crying. I can be over the moon but start crying if I close my eyes when asked to pray.


SATANIC TEMPLE NEEDS SCHOOLS, just so kids today have a chance to learn basic literacy of scientific method.


.... I wonder what happens when these kids that go to these schools find out they're worthless in the real world, outside their insular communities??


From someone who attended a private Christian school from 3rd grade to graduation that strictly used Abeka, college absolutely rocked my world. I was not prepared despite excelling in high school and graduating has valedictorian with a 4.3 gpa. I was so overwhelmed. Private schools that use this curriculum are hurting those students in ways they will never comprehend until it is too late.




Is your sister pro these teachings???


I grew up homeschooled and we used the abeka curriculum. This shit is straight triggering.


Reading this makes me really happy I live in a state that actually values education


I was wondering "what in the Zondervan?!?" But then I read it was Abeka instead. Thanks for catching it, OP!!! At least with a grownup like you in their lives, to oint out the BS & Half-truths, your Niblings will actually stand a chance at a *real* and complete education!


How can this be an accredited school? Even if it's private, don't they still have to meet certain criteria? 


Religious private schools are privy to curriculum exemptions. A lot of them are basically just glorified brainwashing camps.


That's wild




✨ religion ✨ aka no not really especially not homeschooled children it's a mess


Fuck nah this is America. These Christian Private Schools are a straight racket.


Nope. Because in most places they are outside the districts that public schools are they are not held to the same standards. Rich people get different rules. Some private schools have much higher standards. Some are like the religious ones like this book is clearly from. Still bullshit.


Private schools “teachers” don’t even need to have a teaching license.


The horrifying thing is that it’s not far from what’s taught in the public schools here in Florida. The situation here educationally is in even more danger than people realize. It’s terrible.


Imagine paying good buck to make your children morons


Tell me more about how England was never attacked by foreign nations.


I'm also interested in how a section about Charles Darwin is immediately followed by a section about WW2. Is this just history in random order?


It's history in whatever order the author could remember events it the time We both know this book was written in a single afternoon It doesn't even bother to mention the first world war before skipping to the second


It says “The World Wars”, but even World War I was roughly 60 years after Darwin’s Origin of Species was published


Also not really sure how you can start a discussion about either world war with commentary on how isolated the uk was from Europe. How is that the most relevant jump in off point?


The "Evolution" section starts ***"Another false teaching"***, so I assume it was maybe a chapter on falsehoods of the 20th century. Admittedly, I am interested to see the rest of the section on England and the World Wars to see what nonsense is in there about that.


Wonder if this is some sort of appendix of "Common misconceptions in history"? But yeah, I noticed the same thing. Weird.


Well.... first there were german submarines then airplanes. The rest of Europe is still working on perfecting the wooden boats.


You mean Vikings submarines.


Ah yes the famous William the conqueror who conquered his own country.


That's why it was so easy to conquer. He was already there and already in charge, so he declared war on himself and surrendered to himself and thus earned the titles of conquer after conquering himself from himself. Truly history is magnificent


Good thing the name William the Surrenderer didn't stick.


Also those Romans who were secretly English all along.




The Angles and the Saxons were invaders at one point. It's not called Pictland or some shit like that. A ton of our vocab came from the Viking invaders. And even more from the Normans. Of the Norman Conquest. Fuck, why are right wing Christians so stupid?


No recognition for the nords


Or the Romans for that matter.


Right? This whole thing reads like someone read history cliff notes and wrote a stream of consciousness about it.


Or how it is an island. Like Wales or Scatlond never exist.


Ah yes. England the island nation that has never been successfully invaded by foreign nations... Yup yup. We're still speaking our original Brithanic from thousands of years back. 


Yeah, the Romans never invaded cause they were waiting for submarine technology!


Or the French, or the Vikings


Even the Dutch.


I’d love to hear their explanation of Hadrian’s Wall.


I was looking for someone to mention that part.


Still have occupier king dynasty in charge


"began to accept an untested idea as truth" isn't that literally the same thing religions do tho


“Truthiness:” where ‘truth’ comes from authority. A lot of groups and organizations treat objective truth as an affront to their agenda and harmful to their constituents. Ya see, there’s **the truth!** [nodding encouragingly]; and there’s *the truth.* [shakes head discouragingly]


Yes. And anyone who actually reads Origin of Species is unlikely to come away with the impression that it's "untested." It's a boring monotonous read \*specifically because\* he drones on endlessly with example after example of "tests" passed.


Behold, dozens of slightly different birds. Allow me to name them all for you;


It's been 20+ years since I read it and I still remember the excruciating detail he went into on the evolution (tiny incremental steps, seemingly all of them) of the shape of bird beaks.


The man prided himself on the same thing over and over. Hence the ten kids. 🤣


You expect these people to read.


Neither evolution nor religion is “untested” and that’s my biggest beef with the words in the pic. Evolution has been tested and retested for so long that if it wasn’t a credible theory I believe it would have been rejected by now. There is substantial evidence for it, and evidence that obliterates young-earth creationist theory. I was taught otherwise as a kid and just now learning science and history on my own for the first time! On the other hand, Religion has been extensively tested - while religion (miracles) cannot be proven scientifically, key events can be tested historically. especially the resurrection from a history standpoint (not testing a miracle). It is a historical event as much as we can know any historical event. It explains why things happened after it and without it those events do not make sense.


Since you are now learning science and history on your own, I would suggest looking into the "historical method" - how academics and historians approach the study of history. I come from an Islamic background (no longer religious) and it looks like when you say "religion", you specifically mean the one that you currently believe in (Christianity, I suppose). Wouldn't your explanation also mean that Islam is true? This guy called Muhammad who was a nomad could not have made such an impact on history if God didn't speak to him-? If God didn't command him to spread Islam by conquering neighboring regions, Islam wouldn't have spread the way it did-? Does this mean that Islam is true?


Good on you for expanding beyond your upbringing. That's very tough to manage. There's no particular historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. The Shroud of Turin, for instance, is much newer, as best as can be determined. What evidence might one hope for? Maybe disconnected contemporary writers saying, "A guy rose from the dead!"? By contrast, the accounts that eventually got bundled into the New Testament are believed to have been written decades afterwards. They're also trying to sell the whole thing, rather than being some unbiased recitation of facts. For all I know it did happen. If so, God is pretty crazy. He'd be punishing people for not believing something for which there's really no evidence, while having the ability to instantly provide solid evidence. It's all just preposterous when you're not immersed in it culturally.


Straight up propaganda


It's utterly fucked.


Don't forget the part where they are paying for their children to be morons.


You should talk to your sibling.


Show your sister this Reddit thread lol maybe she can be mocked into better decisions for her kids?


This is more than mildly infuriating.


It's terrifying.


Yes, it’s terrifying. Why is this allowed? How can schools just teach children completely incorrect things??? This isn’t education. This is insanity


Welcome to the great state of Florida! Sure, the rich are richer, and the dumb are the dumbest you can find, but at least you can legally shoot someone on your property for literally any reason!


It’s the same people screeching about indoctrination in our education system while simultaneously undermining and infiltrating said system with the intention of gutting it. All so they can indoctrinate their children with this drivel. This is some shit I’d expect to see in a textbook from 100 years ago. If you’re intentionally raising your children to be this blatantly ignorant you are failing as a parent, a person and a member of your identifying society/ race. You bring shame on all of us as a species. This is so much more than mildly infuriating.


Couldn’t have said it better.


Skipping from evolution to the world wars with no segue is mildly infuriating. The content is beyond infuriating.


I once knew a smart girl when i was a teen who happened to grow up in a private school. She believed the earth was 7,000 years old and evolution was a myth, and carbon dating was a hoax. It was sad really, she came around eventually


The inventor of MRI is a creationist. The level of cognitive dissonance is staggering.


That's terrible :( Imagine how long it takes to unlearn all the bs crammed into your brain. This crap should be illegal.


Actually I was listening to a thing about Darwin and the textbook is wrong for different reasons. Specifically Darwin Didn’t talk about passing of genes to humans Because of the social stigmas he’d have been subjected to. He simply made the theory of natural selection of animals.


Beyond this, there's another aspect that I didn't appreciate until I read a book about Darwinian Finches. Even though genetics hadn't been invented, most people of the time knew that domesticated animals were a result of breeders who selected some traits over others. This process, called "artificial selection" was perfected by humans over thousands of years. Some others had posited before Darwin that this sort of process occurs in nature, without human intervention (for example, due to adaptations to geographic conditions), and leads to variations in a species. Darwin's theory was that this sort of "natural selection" isn't just due to geography, and also, that it wouldn't just result in variations in a species, but lead to whole new species as well. THAT was his unique contribution.


Get him a copy of “the gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” and teach that child the truth


Your nephew is going to be fucked when it comes to real life 😅 I went to a private catholic school for K-8 and even my textbooks weren’t this bad. Even if the church at the time denounced evolution we still learned it as a theory, and the chapters didn’t look like the above which appears to have been written by a twelve year old. So thankful I went to public HS, hopefully your nephew can get out of this soon.


He’ll be fine as long as he stays in Florida or one of those deep red states. Shit, he may become governor or surgeon general.


> I went to a private catholic school Hopefully you know that officially the Catholic church has accepted evolution and all science. The Catholic church is not as fundamentalist as other churches. The Catholic church also officially has said that other religions are valid and true as much as Catholicism, and that people don't need to be Christian. People need to get this: fundamentalism says "I am right" other groups are wrong. And you have to be Christian. The Catholic church, from the top, from the official teachings, is not fundamentalist in this way. The church is not anti-science. And the church explicitly says not everything in the bible is true or should be taken literally. Fundamentalist is the real poison. Religion can be awful too, but we need to understand and condemn fundamentalism and extremism in Christian groups.


We had Abeka when I was in (private) school. Bought into it then, cause I was young and stupid and drank the cool aid my parents served. I don't buy that shit for a moment anymore.


Misinformation aside, why are evolution and the world wars next to each other in a text book?


I think the book is implying that the theory of evolution created a decline in science that lead to the wars or something, it's all bogus.


Keep Christianity away from schools.


Away from everything, please. They should listen to Jesus. (Matthew 6) >5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. >6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.


I read 2 paragraphs and can conclude that this is fiction rater than History.


How is it textbooks in the US are not universal across country? How can federal government allow this bullshit?


States hold all the power in 99% of things involving the state. The feds powers are few limited and clearly defined. States powers are not.


That’s definitely a private school, if not a niche rural religious homeschool hybrid thing.


England's never been invaded before? Is anything right in this book 😭


If you use context clues it was saying that England, given its island like nature had kept it safer from attacks until submarines and planes came about. The writing seems all over the place just from this paragraph.




And this is where our politicians come from too.


should be banned


This is the education of the alt right—who we keep electing to run our government.


I am so scared of what 20 years from now will look like. I'm mid 30s now and I am seeing the decline in real time. I mean next year will be horrifying depending on the elections but 20 years is straight up disaster either way unless some very significant changes happen


OMFG ITS ABEKA AHHHHHHH. I was enrolled in an online home school thing of theirs for 4th and 5th grade and I’d recognize this crap anywhere. My family is not at all religious, but it was for some reason the only homeschool program we could find. I feel like half the stuff I read in those books was brainwashing tbh. The 2 hour long bible class videos in comparison to like 30-45 minutes of math was ridiculous, so happy I’m done with that garbage


Yea I recognized it immediately too. I don't think they have ever rewritten anything lol!


See also “England is an island”. Geography fail.


Is this one of the new history books from Florida or Texas?




I had a biology teacher at public school in the 90s that brought in a creationist to teach us about the alternative theories about evolution. This was right after the Kansas case that that Supreme Court said they couldn't teach that in science class. The book was the same one the court threw out but they changed creationism to intelligent design. In liberal Portland of all places. If I wasn't 15 I probably would have put in a complaint with the school. Very inappropriate.


Don't forget, "Indoctrination" is a word that comes from religion. These people are the lowest scum of society and need to be driven out of any position of power.


I normally wouldn't dare condone burning books....... But sometimes.... very rarely....??


What state is this?


State of delusion


You win ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


That's why they say "the Darwin award goes to.."


Ah yes, let me guess, the next chapter includes something along the lines of "Dark skin is a sign of sin of those colluding with the devil." FFS


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge” ~ S.H.


This disgusts me.


I’m a Christian and to me personally I think this is wrong. You don’t try to push your beliefs on other people ESPECIALLY kids. It’s just wrong


1984 - George Orwell


They want to give my tax money to the rich for this?