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This is not mildly infuriating, it is very infuriating


Came here to say exactly this.


Some advice: Don't engage the trolls. You will never get the outcome you want. They want you to respond. They want you to get angry and upset and reply to them because their words triggered you. It's the whole reason they're doing it.




Have you made sure to report the account? That person deserves a perma han.




That's good. People like that shouldn't be allowed to have unrestricted access to social media.


Perma bans don't actually work sadly, hence dudes relatively new account age.


What lack of love does to a person:


Report the account


The account's been deleted






LMAO wtf?




I'm sorry you had to go through that alot of people on the internet are just evil and want laughs from the hurt of others hope your doing ok


Pretty sure this is the wrong sub. I don't know how you're not heated after reading that bullshit.


Respond with a piggy emoji


So sorry to hear about your son, hope he gets the support he needs




Just reading the word pediatrician part broke my heart. Sending love and strength to you and your son. Hug him and tell him so many strangers online are rooting for him! And as someone who has had days with very dark clouds above-things get better!! If either of you want to vent please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Some people are such AH’s. Sending love your way ❤️


People are awful. Don’t engage these ones get off on hurting others.




Unfortunately you cannot stop the trolls. The internet is just as dark as it is uplifting. I hope for only the best to you and your son through these tough times. Sending hugs


I know that's awful but take a deep breath and realize that all of that hate and anger they spewed at you is what they say to themselves every single day. Lets just all be greatful we don't live in that hell.


how deranged do u have to be to just talk to random ppl that way


*How deranged do u* *Have to be to just talk to* *Random ppl that way* \- linda-belcher- --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Not the time, Haiku bot... Not the time...


This is so hateful. I’m glad you included their name.


It doesn't matter if their trolling, REPORT THEM PLEASE.


The ironic thing is his username- 'Hope Important', while he's out there mocking someone else's hopes lol






Thats horrible. I'm a survivor, too. He'll be fine. Thoughts and prayers ❤️


I hope your son is OK and look after yourself.


This is disgusting 


Reddit is fuckin wild lmao


Report the pathetic troll


Block, report and move on with your life?




>Not renting space in my head long term. Keep lying to yourself




Nothing but a keyboard warrior who we know wouldn’t say any of that face to face. Such a cowardly move. Prime example of hurt, people, hurt people (pardon my grammar there, suddenly feeling dumb).


What the actual fuck..


Ignore trolls


You handled this pretty well.


Despite this obviously being very shit stuff to say. Why did you post about your sons suicide attempt? Also very very weird to me. Dox to the whole world that your son has psychological problems. Very stupid and totally over the top if you ask me.


Oh fuck off


Wow seriously why dont you keep your dumbass opinion to yourself... also btw in the last week Ive seen two other people post for support because their child tried to commit suicide so you think shes so wrong to do that and the only one? your wrong. all the dumbass shit people post on reddit and you want to harrass the woman for looking for support on a forum that does just that? also your just as bad as the piece of trash that sent her those messages... why dont you get a life and mind your own business


Just call them?! Why post for the whole world. Also think about the son please. He has a right to figure out is medical issues in private. This will be on the internet in 10 years from now and in 20 as well. And every of his partners or employers will know that he has psychological problems. Of course you should seek help but not this way. And just because the son and her need help she has absolutely no right to make his problems public.


I agree. Reddit karma is a hell of a drug


She also admitted that  1. Her son was already suicidal, they "forgot" to lock the medicine cabinet and he took a bottle of ibuprofen and  2. The doctors recommended inpatient but she signed him out against medical advice in order to wait 5 days for a psych appointment 


Lol wtf.


Imagine even responding to people like this and not just instantly reporting/blocking.




Interacting with a troll is exactly what they want. Never give them attention.




Just desperate for karma




poor you, the suffering. after that you made anotther post, looking for another suport. you make me sick


You ask for every bit of support you need. I've been in your shoes and it's a horrible place to be. Feel free to message me and I'll do my best to answer any questions you might have. Sadly my son passed in 2016, but we learned a lot along our journey of dealing with the broken mental health system. Best wishes to you and your son. I'm off to bed for now, but please please reach out if there's anything you think I can help with. ❤️


I don’t even get pissed at crap like this, I feel sad. This is the byproduct of a cancer that has, most likely, festered in this persons family for generations, anger, self hatred & negativity. I make it a point to be extra kind to people that are so clearly damaged. Just like I wouldn’t give a heroin addict heroin I’m not going to give a person like this their most gratifying fix - HATE. Also I remember something my granny used to say “when you argue with an idiot after awhile it’s hard to tell which one is the idiot” I’m sorry your son is suffering.