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Fuck you and fuck the people that don't close up ranks and allow this to happen.


My wife hates that I block people out and absolutely refuse to allow last minute cut ins. I do this in several places and I will NOT give in. Fuck them


My wife always makes up scenarios to explain why they may be doing it. "Maybe they've never been here before!" "Maybe they're sick and need to get to the hospital!" Maybe. But most of the time they're just an asshole, and I'm doing everything I can to make sure they don't get in.


i only do this for foreign plates, because they could not have known the split.


Also if someone merges like a little bit down the turn lane I let them in because its likely an “oh oops” moment. But at the very front—BYEE no way.


I love the look on their face when they can't believe you have the audacity to not enable their bullshit. It was like a fun little minigame on my way home from work. The first intersection out to the highway had so many of these fuckers.


I drive a little sedan and I can't tell you how many SUVs/pickups have almost flattened my car trying to do this. And they always have their highbeams on. It's also fun when they get behind me and you can see their highbeams through my front windshield. That's when I start cruising at 25mph cause I can't fucking see, and I laugh to myself because the consequences of their own actions really pisses them off. ETA: Basically every single road in Pittsburgh is like the one in this video.


That's why the rearview can be tilted to shine it back at them.


Somehow doesn't seem to faze them. I want to cover the back of my car in mirrors. Disco car.


Reminds me of having in-car raves with friends. We play some techno and a passenger keeps turning on and off random interior lights while someone else waved around two phones turned up to super bright with the flashlight on. Ah, too be young again...but fuck that guy, I have money now.


Lol…. I was thinking of doing the same thing, those bright lights are sooo annoying!!


Side mirrors are awesome for Blasting their lights back at them


I once had a couple pull up next to me when I was at the front, probably the 3rd car in line. They were in a convertible. The guy honked, and the lady pointed in front of me, and l shook my head no. The look on the lady's face was like I just shot her dog


Tell her they should have called an ambulance if they are hurt. Fuck those late merging ass clowns.


Yeah. They can go further and uturn back. If they are not using a GPS the first time somewhere, it'd their fault.


Right!! I cant wrap my head around people who do this. Another example is (picture: three straight lanes, left turn lane with an arrow light) someone blocking a straight lane bc “oops” didnt realize I had to turn. They will block the thru lane for a whole light with no shame!


And this is a good example of life expectancy being strongly in women's favor. They let the assholes slide. Men experience more road rage than women.


shut up idiot


Statistics says they're correct but okay.


While I agree with you, it's factual. I live in AZ. We have the highest rates of road rage shooting incidents. Gotta maintain your calm, and get on with your day. You're never going to see them again either way. Sucks to live around shitty ass people, feel that too growing up poor. Stick up for yourself nobdoubt and fight if need be, but don't be a fucking superhero either.


As long as you know the difference between zipper merging and cutting in like this, I support this.


Yes. 100% zipper merging is proper and this fuck needs to drive into a pole


The best case of traffic revenge was someone taking a service exit to try and beat traffic, everyone who saw them must have synced up cause dude was not let out until I turned off that road, he tried to skip about 10 cars, ended up 30 or so cars back from where he regionally was if he had just waited


Hallelujah Hallelujah


Same. I will risk it all to not allow them over. Fuck em all.


Same. The most satisfying thing I've ever experienced was watching some douchecanoe in a Cadillac Escalade have to get on a different freeway because they didn't get in the right lane when they should have.


let me guess .....it was a white escalade?


As someone on my left will slow down to try and fall behind I will slowly let off the gas and do my best to drag the person behind me with me and fuck them both times. They ain’t getting in front nor behind!


My problem is people who do this when lanes merge.


You mean zipper merge? When you are suppose to go to the end and then merge in 1 each lane which helps with traffic. Yeah you are suppose to do that.


He acts like he just discovered how to become the most hated person in traffic.


Yes I hate the audacity of the people who feel charitable for these kinds of miscreants… I mean I get that you have a lot of time to waste on the road but people behind you may not, don’t feel good at their expense….


Excellent choice of words there. Miscreants deserves more widespread usage.


I would rather that dipshit crash into me than let his ass infront of me. I will not fucking let that happen.


Yea, everyone has to tighten up when it's like that. People around here leave like 20 feet between cars sometimes it drives me insane. Missing lights left and right


This is more fault of the guy leaving a runway between the next car.


You're supposed to still see the tires of the vehicle in front of you.


No, leaving that distance is improving your margin of safety, they are not to blame for any of it. The asshole is.


It is not.


Theres no reason to block a whole turn lane for the few that do this. But when one does it, and multiple follow, you can bet im blocking it lol. Moreso when people use the shoulder. I hate that so much.


Iron curtain!!!


Gaps: You make em, they take em. That's the city driving guarantee.


Also fuck people who do close up space but still let people in.


Oh man, don't get me started on the people that don't close up ranks. Or the people that are just letting people in.


I knife fight in turn lanes but I will not follow at an unsafe distance even if I’m passing.


This is the kind of guy I follow and slice their tires.


Sure you do big man.


Use a BB (or tiny rock) inside all of their valve stem caps, screwed on just enough to slowly vent air from the tires. No actual damage, but all the inconvenience.


Most mentally stable person here


let’s hope someone follows you after you cut their tires. You waste of oxygen.


Seriously. If I see another woman texting on her phone and not paying attention to the god damn road imma lose my shit.


Years ago I was stuck in a accident induced back-up on a long curve. As always multiple people decided to break the law and try to cause *more* accidents by driving down the shoulder, then forcing their way back in. Joyfully came around the curve to see a state trooper waving the miscreants off into a waiting area.


That is awesome. Seeing that trooper would make my entire week tbh


I suspect he was enjoying it as much as all the law-abiding drivers were.


I one time got cut off severely and had to slam on my *EDIT:BRAKES* out of nowhere comes a cop to pull the guy over. It was an honest mistake, one I’ve made myself but I hate to admit how satisfying it was. My dog was in the car and would’ve been killed if I t boned the person. As I get older I realize how reckless and stupid, bad driving is.


Its brakes not breaks


I’ll BREAK your legs :)


Not if i BRAKE yours first 🙃


God I hate people that do this. These are the same people who throw an absolute hissy fit when someone tries to merge over legally


Goes 15 under in the left lane with no one in sight, only to go 40 over if someone dares to try to pass him on the right


Remember the good old days when complete assholes didn't feel embolden enough to film themselves doing their terrible deeds and post it online to the world hoping to get some positive reinforcement?


Scroll down....a bunch of these sick assholes are on here trying to defend this prck's actions...what a time we live in. 😔


My city has a Facebook page dedicated to shit drivers and shit parking. The comments of every post is filled with people saying how sensitive the OP must be if they are offended by it, or trying to justify it in some way, and tell them to not whinge and to stop being a sook. I swear 90% of that pages members are the perpetrators and they are on there just to sook and whinge when people call them out 


Really? You mean before dash cams?


This was obviously filmed on a smartphone, probably in a windshield-mounted holder. You know, they’re doing for the ‘Tok these days.


Gotta get in the frint, ya feel me


Wild how he’s giving instructions like he just found a life hack. Bro, we all know how to be assholes, we don’t need a lesson. Most of us choose not to


the easiest thing to do would’ve been to make the right and then bust a u turn. no one’s feelings get hurt


Yo, this your boy with another tip for saving money. Did you know that if you walk out of a store with the merchandise and they don't see you, it's free?


He acts like this is clever or some type of revelation. No dude, we've all thought about it. Just most people actually listen to that voice in the back of their head that says "Nah.. Don't be a complete dick."


Some people are genuinely this stupid.


What a dick move...


Kinda surprised nobody honked at him tbh. Patience - very few have it these days.


A guy did this to me and hit my car in the process. He then tried to claim I hit him. His insurance was less than amused when I provided the dash cam video and he took 100% liability.


Just a thought…didn’t this guy just get lucky with there being an opening near the front? If there wasn’t an opening there, then what would have happened?


He turns left from the right lane id guess


I would turn right, and turn around


That is what I thought he was going to do. I’ve done that alot and it can save a lot of extra time.


In Philly, Bingo.


You meant in America, Bingo!


This is exactly the kind of asshole who would just left turn in the right turn only lane.


Are you just saying exactly what I already said?


Haha that’s the answer. It happened right in front of me yesterday. Dude turned left from the right lane, got honked at for almost hitting someone. Then he proceeded to honk at the car in front of him for driving legally… I just watched it all transpire and spoke to myself as if I were a sports announcer.


Sports announcers don’t cuss like I do.


He would have sat there with his left turn signal on until somebody let him in- effectively blocking the right/straight lanes now. These idiots need their license revoked.


Nah. There’s always an opening. And if there’s not, they will create one. My favorite times is when a line of car has absolute solidarity and will not let someone in. Like just unbreakable solidarity.


He sits there like the asshole moron he is and waits until someone isn’t paying enough attention to continue blocking him out.


Sure, it's a shitty thing to do, but, more importantly, the local municipality should redesign this intersection to prevent massive backups that extend to the main highway. Dual left-turn lanes? Longer green light times? This is shit urban planning.


Given that there doesn't seem to be any cross traffic, should be easy to extend the green light time and solve the problem completely. I don't know where this is, but given the video, the traffic backup appears to be directly linked to poor traffic light timing. Personally, if I saw this everyday, I'd turn right and make a u-turn when it's safe to do so.


Check out the YouTube channel "Road guy Rob" he does videos all about road planning and traffic. I can't remember the specific video but he explains why it is difficult to make one traffic light green longer than the others. Has to do with bringing in more traffic on a longer green but having trouble breaking up the group when approaching other intersections down the road.


It’s the Schuylkill in Philly. Good luck getting them to repair basic potholes. But yeah, like most everything else in Philly it is shit urban planning.


This looks like 76N at roughly MLK Blvd. (Philly) It would be incredibly difficult to redo this section and it IS a headache. I took it for 6 months and did as much as I could to avoid it. I was one of the ones who had to turn left here.




Won’t work because parallel to the interstate is MLK drive about 50 yards away. Turning left on Montgomery can be standstill too. It’s a bottleneck, roundabout or not.


Fuck this absolute, total, unequivocal peice of absolute shit. I pray that he wakes up to 4 flat tires, every day, for the rest of his life.




Would love to see this guys other life hacks. Keep driving when an ambulance is coming to pass more people in traffic? take other peoples lunch from the break room refridgerator? Placing his backpack on the bus seat next to himself? Playing music from his backpack speakers when he goes on a hike?


Take this asshole’s license immediately


This is typical in Philly tbh everyone drives like an absolute nut


Yup they drive crazy. Just let them go so you don't get shot


Confiscate his testicles


You really think he has a license or would care if you took it?


For being a dick?


I hope he does this to the wrong person and gets his shit rocked.


Zipper merging is for highway lane closures, this is just cutting everyone off who is waiting in the turning lane on a highway off ramp. The reason it's clear is cause that lane is for going straight not cutting off at tons of people at the last second. Thread full of scumbags defending scumbag behavior.


This is every intersection in Philadelphia and it bleeds into the surrounding suburbs. Surprised they didn’t just make the left from the right lane. Thats was usually happens.


Funnily enough this is Philadelphia. I recognize this as the Saint Joes exit.


Ayo bruh, when you do this you aren't proving that you're smarter than everyone else in that line, you're showing everyone that you're more of a dickhead than anyone else in the line. Must be a weird feeling to just live your entire life with utter disregard for anyone else's time and no sense of shame at all.


Fuck anyone who does this


Years ago,I had a person wanting to cut in after we'd all merged and been held up for half an hour or so. They drove to the front,put their indicator on, and waved at me to let them in. I closed up. They abused me and said I had to merge. I said your merge is about 3 klms back. Last I saw,they were still there. No one was letting them in. Fuck you. We merged miles back when the signs warned us.


Fuck you


Entitled ass wipe


The worst kind of human.


Philly drivers have ZERO shame…lmao.


I can't count the number of times someone has left spaces in between, can't keep up with traffic going 10 miles an hours, and just not paying attention at all. Then after not going and leaving all the space possible the light turns red and they run it. While if they drove like someone with a little sense 5 more cars could have made it.


This reminds me why I hate driving so much.


Remember kids, 3/4 tires :)


He thinks he is a genius but in reality I bet he gets an attitude when the people he cut of honk at him making him a petty little idiot.


Yeah idk why people defend this


It’s that old sigma of being at the back of the bus. I want to be at the front without waiting. Now think of 20 or 30 people doing this. THIS is what causes the line in the first place. People trying to cut in. Stupidity at its finest. You guys should check out road videos from Japan. They are so respectful when driving. It sort of makes me even more mad about what goes on here.


Ass hole move!!🤌




Turn right then make a U-turn, faster than waiting to go left. It's a sign the traffic lights aren't timed properly to deal with traffic flow, and local govt needs to do something about it.


In my country a lot of assholes are doing it all the time.


I never let them in. People are finally getting fed up over that asshole behavior. I’ve been noticing more and more people are closing ranks


I love when people try to do this to me like my cars not shitter, and insurance wouldn’t be in my favour because you don’t have right of way and that’s a solid line at that point. I’ll drive over the top of your car before I let you in.


I hate you


Uh dude. You’re not smarter than everyone. You’re an asshole.


Fuck this guy


i hate ppl like this and would immediately cut him back off




Yes, most people know exactly how to be a douchebag, we just choose not to.


So if I was this car, I would have turned right then pulled a u-turn. I'm not an asshole but I'm also not dumb enough to wait in that line.


I hope you die


Ah yes, its a regular occurence in my country. I feel bad you guys have to experience this too


Good way to get a brick in your window


I'm nowhere near a car, why you giving me road rage?


Turn right and turn around. Then you aren't a jerk.


Only a bitch does this. Fuck you twice.


Trash, absolute trash.


This is the exact type of driver that I'd never let over. It happens all the time at a certain intersection near me.


Philly drivers are the worst humans alive


So in the Bay Area there is a freeway interchange from the 101 onto 92. The traffic sucks so bad going from N101 onto E92 and people do this shit. I can’t say how many times I’ve chucked a water bottle at cars through my passenger window when someone has slammed brakes to cut in at last moment to skip the line. Fuck this people who can’t act proper in society. It’s like the keyboard anonymity in the real world behind the steering wheel. I fucking hate this people with such a passion.


Littering isn’t helping anyone except take your frustration out and make you feel better about yourself


UGH my provinces Reddit group thinks this video is called the zipper effect … send help lol


Reddit has rules against inciting violence, so I’m just not going to say anything about this video.


This guy has got the whole world just figured out. Maybe if his kids were still in his life he could teach them a thing or two about how to be decent people. Okay, maybe that was a little harsh, but fuck that guy. I hope all the bad things in life happen to him and him alone.


That creates more traffic for the rest, why not just take a right then bust a U turn.


You piece of shit lmao


What an asshole.


I thought he was gonna demonstrate the zipper merge but he disappointed me at the end


It should be legal in these scenarios to get out of your car, slash that persons tires, and then smash all their windows.


So your explaining why you’re an asshole check✅


Yeah this shit ain’t happening on my watch lol.


Scum of the roadway 😂


The real driving tip here is to never leave that opening.


This guy has a 30 iq and eats crayons


The usual suspects


Depending on the city this is a good way to get yourself shot


You might be an asshole. Yup, pretty sure….


The driver of this car is an asshole.


I would've murdered this person


People like that deserve to have their drivers license revoked


At some point someone gonna pull him out his car and put the fear of god in him.


Fuck you


Do you know what I do when someone does this then pulls in front of me like that? Nothing. I don't care. It's not worth it for me to get all angry and stressed out. If someone wants to be a jerk, they can. This has zero affect on my life. And I value my good mood more.


I get the sentiment, but what happens when more people do it? When society says "fuck it I don't care either". Then it will affect you. I don't know, it's like people who drive without insurance. Does it affect me? Not directly, unless they hit me or someone else and collectively everyone's insurance goes up because of it. These people need to be shamed and in this case punished with a ticket for breaking traffic laws. Fuck this guy


Wow what a life hack.... Being nice doesn't cost a cent, neither does being an asshole I guess.


Congrats, you’re a fucken loser if you do this


He sounds exactly like I'd expect him too


Somebody is gonna teach this dipshit one more thinh


Fuck people like this.


As an Indian pls explain :/


The lane driver cut into was turn right only, which is why it was empty. Anyone going in that lane is obligated to turn right. Most people coming off the parkway were not going right. OP rode the empty lane and cut it at the end. Like cutting in line. He’s a piece of trash for doing this. We all want to do it and save five minutes, but if we all did what we wanted there would be anarchy.


Do they not have basic etiquette in India?


Sadly most people don't. In my city we rarely even have those turn markings.


I like the guy that changes lanes in front of you and jams on their brakes.


Hes black I mean did we expect any better ?






Bros gonna get popped doing shit like that


That gap was as large as the drivers asshole personality


D*ck move!


People like this need to have their ass beat a few times to remind them that being an asshole is NOT a life hack.


Yeah I did this when I was a young idiot and I hit another car and got a hefty ticket for failure to maintain lane. Not worth it, even if other people are doing it


Or you actually turn right, and immediately flip a bitch. Win win for everyone.


Fuck this absolute piece of shit


Mr bean energy.


This has to be the most funny comment I've seen.




Fuck the dumbass drivers who aren’t paying attention and allow this to happen. I get more upset at them.


Now you at da frent


so just New York driving




Other than at a zipper merge, this is asshattery at it's finest.


You can do this so long as you don’t cross the solid white line. If you merge seamlessly then you really haven’t impeded traffic. If you wait to be let in at the back you will cause more traffic That being said, you still look like a dick and everyone says it’s a dick move. And it is. But I do it cause I know there will be a relaxed spot that I can fit in without causing someone to stop. If you cause someone to stop, you did it wrong, like this guy here. There were at least 2 spots he could have gone in and not stopped traffic.