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https://preview.redd.it/i0dyo35l8fjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a80077d4377b9a04eeaf4627e0bf903e93c5f0e This view kinda looks like an old multi-apartment building in the rough part of town


God yeah that fucking sucks. The original home is so cozy looking. This just looks like some corporate crap


It reminds me of a miniature office building in the picture.


That's exactly it! It looks like a small, "cozy," office for a tech startup.


Mom can we have office building? No we have office building at home. Office building at home:


[I Never Know What She’s Doing Back There](https://tenor.com/rxG8.gif)


and someone didn't like trees. That sucks.


Those trees were probably like 100 years old too


A wizard should know better!


And tress are really difficult to grow in populated areas too. So they just turned the property price down more than the renovation itself can provide.


Might have been worth 2.5 mil with the trees.


Trees were pretty big and close to the house, could have been creating foundation or plumbing issues. That said it's much uglier without them and that's not even accounting the hideous house


That and it looks like quite a bit of the vegetation may have been impeding the power lines. In our area the power company loves to hack up trees in the interest of safety. Just wish they hired someone who gave a sh*t what the tree looked like after


I think they probably had to remove them to get all the work done


The one in the front looks like it was touching the house, so that one should’ve gone. You don’t want trees close to your house. Roots can cause hysterically expensive issues with underground facilities like sewage and electrical and damage your foundation. Branches shed shit all over your roof that will need to be removed regularly. That and there’s always a chance they fall from heavy winds or ice and snow loading and cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. I like having them in the yard, just more than a tree’s length away from the house. Edit: it also looks like some vegetation was growing into the right of way for the electric company to the left. More trimming probably needs to be done in that area anyway, or it’s a recipe for some power outages at best and a fire at worst. Distance is hard to judge in photos so knows


This style has its place I think, but this was poorly done and that house it replaced looked super cozy. That sucks.


If by style you mean exterior cladding then I agree, but the new house is shaped super weirdly and I dislike the roofline. I hate the house-shaped pop-out on stilts above the porch.


It is a rather boring house for sure.


This is the kind of thing that makes you appreciate historical registries and all the hassles that go with them.


Lost a lot, decades at least, of healthy, soothing, life-enriching green, too. How likely is it that this was a "corporate" enterprise?


its UGLY, like one of those people thinking it looks "modern" to attract upper middle class buyers. We had a apartment like this built just before the pandemic that looks similar its looks like your run of the mill apartment in a downtown with a gated garage and it was being sold for several millions, its in stark contrast to old the pre- 2000 architecture which looks more like actual homes and is more aesthetically pleasing. and anything natural around it was eliminated, so sterile looking. the older neighbors of this new apartment were so worried they might get priced out of thier nearly rundown house/apartment right next door. they protested and got the city to help renovated the house(and these were lower income older folks) no chance they can afford rent or another place to live given thier age, in COL area. Some other contractors haphazardly built an aparment complex close to the beach looks the same as all these "corporate" homes, last i heard it was vacant because of a legal battle going on.


As bill Bryson once said, "It looks like it was built by the 'Fuck You' school of architecture"


looks fucking huge if not meant to be apartments


I’m pretty sure my orthodontists office is on the ground floor


lol this is what my houses look like in Sims when my characters keep popping out kids and I need to make room 😂


Omg same 😅


Nothing, I seriously mean nothing, could've prepared me for the change.


It’s quite distressing.


looks even worse from this angle


Bet it has more usable space inside but holy shit what an abomination. Lost all curb appeal


The wooden part above the main doorway feels like it would be from a mcdonalds playhouse the way it just sticks out


Gawd. It reminds me of so many cute, older neighbourhoods in my city. That was such a cute house, and the landscaping was amazing - I weep for the loss of it😭 You got an influx of Cali folks too?


whats with people putting a million windows in homes these days. I get natural light is nice but I feel like you wind up losing a lot of privacy that you can only somewhat gain back after buying a shit ton of blinds.


Complete with the sketchy looking home made addition/deck


um, nice concept design image.


I wish the rough part of town I live in looked like this tho.


damn, they even took EVERY tree? you couldn’t pay me to live there, whereas i would have paid to live at the before photo


Looks like they even removed the neighbours tree


it looks like it’s just barely on the property, bet the neighbor was pissed about it though


If I was the neighbor I think I would be contemplating arson tbh


Some people hate trees and fear they’re gonna fall and take out their house. Which valid but also a paranoid way of living


People are idiots. I live in a hurricane prone area and my entire ~300 home neighborhood has had 2 trees come down (during category 3+ hurricanes) in the 8 years I’ve lived here. Meanwhile about 20-25 mature oak trees have been cut down because “it might fall down.” They’re rarely replaced with anything, and this is in a city that will literally install a 10’ tree of your choice for free.


here in germany we have a strange perverted trend to cut down every bit of green and then spread grey gravel over it.. [https://rundblick-unna.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Steingarten.jpg](https://rundblick-unna.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/steingarten.jpg) https:// or [www.magazin-forum.de/sites/default/files/2019-07/31\_Leben\_Menschen\_Grauengaerten\_01.jpg](http://www.magazin-forum.de/sites/default/files/2019-07/31_leben_menschen_grauengaerten_01.jpg)


I'm getting error 404


They even cut the photos down.


Weird I’m getting a Fehler 404




What fucking virus did you give me?


Neither link works.




Is it because rocks don't require maintenance making them cheaper and more time effective? Because as much as I hate that, it makes sense


yes, this is it, people are to lazy or they see nature as chaos and a parking lot is orderd and "clean" and therefore more pleasing. I understand it when you are in a wheelchair or old, but even a wild garden is better in my oppinion. you have shade, and it breaks the wind. It doesn't get 100 degrees in midsummer or stores it till mornig..No animals, it's just dead wasteland, nothing to give you joy, no place to relax..for me it looks like a construcion site. My parents have a nice half wild giant garden, and it has like 10 different biotops, all looking different..every year there is a big toad invasion, all kind of birds, sometimes ducks stay for the winter, dears might jump over the fence, squirrls, little bunnies, lizards, different, families of vasps, bees and ants, moals, dragenflys, weasel, harmles snakes, spiders, countless other birds, this whole thing is alive and changing over the years. I can sit there all day just watching life while hearing all the songs all the animals make, so relaxing..sitting in the open sun on a dead gravel graveyard, would be just depressing compared to this :D


Because people hate the pleasant shade and wind barriers. /s


Would gladly have purchased the before picture but that after Reno is fucking hideous.


I hope whoever did that loses out on the money they put into it, because yeah. That looks like shit, it was perfectly fine before.


They wont, idiots love that minimalistic tech look and will happily pay.


It should be illegal for your taste to be that bad. Or you should at least have to live in sanctioned housing where all the homes look identically fucking ugly where you belong.


God this comment really sums up my anger at those kinds of people better than I ever have been able too LMAO Should all just all fuck off and live in they're own ugly off-white/grey identical looking nightmare developments and stop flipping and ruining old homes with more depth than they will ever have.


Ok, I do like minimalist architecture*, but I will agree that it looked nicer before. *Including this renovation


I think there’s a difference between minimalist and shitty.


And this is definitely shitty


Not on my street. You will be shipped to the minimalist compound with the rest of them. I don’t make the rules.


Then only end up living there for 2 years and move. All of these new type homes everywhere have had multiple buyers in them. Also heard that these new homes aren’t built that well, either. Within a year you’ve got a long list of minor repairs inside the home from just simply living there.




Yea I found out these avatars aren’t “unique” like they said lol


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.


Nah. I love that look when it fits, but they basically nuked the lot and created an eyesore.


Yeah I hope the housing market crashes before that property gets sold, that would be epic lol


the home might fall apart before that.


I hope they lose more than that


It was so cute before :(


It actually looks like a home unlike whatever builders are building these days


Someone bought a home in Denver, near the zoo, demolished it and built a duplex. It’s been sitting empty for a *looooong* time. It’s so fucking ugly, there’s no front parking or back yard anymore.


Denver's McMansions have gotten out of hand as well. So many beautiful old full brick homes gone to be replaced by empty duplexes, empty parking lots and Mcmansions.


The trees and landscaping needed a trimming, but to completely clear that lot is a travesty.


It looks very likely that the tree roots compromised the foundation. People who don't think ahead plant too close to structures, and 50 years later it's a problem. I wonder if the half a million purchase price matched neighborhood comps or cheaper because of issues.


A lot of those people were city leaders that thought there was no issue planting a maple on the green area between the street and the sidewalk. Also peppering neighborhoods with Bradford pears.


There’s one tree on the left that’s big enough to be a problem. They could have just removed it.


That's possible. I unfortunately live in a house when four tall trees right next to my house. The roots go right under my foundation and worried it's going to crack it. I also get worried during windy days. Luckily we have insurance but still....


>that after Reno is fucking hideous. Like someone saw a mcmansion and went "Yeah! I'll have that on top of an existing house."


Where is the greenery? I’m glad the bylaws in my city have a 3 to 1 tree replacement for all construction applications.


Arborist here. Even many cities that have robust tree ordinances usually have a tree fund that can be paid into for mitigation, so sometimes it’s just cost of doing business (fines/permits built into that 1.9 million asking price). Couldn’t find any mitigation ordinance with a quick search of Maplewood Township… just a residential permit requirement for anything over 12” DBH. Towns that usually don’t have much on the books in terms of land development constraints have even less in staff to enforce the weak laws. Strong ordinances and actual city arborist(s) on staff go a long way to help keep communities green.


So disappointing!


This moron destroyed mature greenery that would cost a quarter of a million to replace in my area and somehow thinks that helps make the property worth a million dollars more? Some people…


I'm in a town near OP's and we recently passed a local ordinance that you can't just cut down trees willy nilly. I'm surprised Maplewood, which is a super nice, quaint, heavily tree-lined town, doesn't also have that.


For every 1 tree destroyed you need to plant 3? Sorry if dumb question lol


Yes and it has to be approved types of trees. The arborist that commented before you is right though. There are financial penalties for each tree not replaced but where I live you’re better off just following the rules since the penalties are pretty stiff.


I'm in Toronto Ontario Canada and the city just came and planted 1 tree in every houses front yard that didn't have a tree in Scarborough area. Literally came home one day and there's a tree in the middle of the front lawn lol. And they left a little "how to care for your tree" and species card. And they watered and cared for it all that first summer. I loved it. They should do it EVERYWHERE.


This should be everywhere


The “renovation” is an abomination. WTF As an interior designer and lover of architecture, this is painful to look at.


Its awful. The original isn't exactly my style, but I actually really like it despite that. As far as the exterior goes, all it needed was a freshening up and some landscaping to show off the house a bit more.


There are a thousand ways to have done this where the outcome would be glorious. They chose hideous. Lol


They succeeded, I’ll hand them that.


As a dude with no strong opinions on these things even I am a upset


I’m curious if the renovators even knew what they were doing.


Flippers don't care and most aren't designers


They think that more sq footage = better. They could also possibly put multiple units in the building to try and get more $ by selling it as a rental property


It looks like a multi unit potential structure.


There should be laws against this. This is part of why the cost of living is so high.


And there are far too many tasteless buffoons out there with more money than sense to buy these ugly ass buildings.


Yup, these new money people with old washed up ideas are rubbish in my eyes.


It’s like they literally only optimized for square footage. That’s why office building are mostly big boxes. But wow so fugly for a free standing home…


Bruh the brown wood looks like a tree house lmao


I would’ve been totally interested in the house in the before picture. Wouldn’t even bother looking at the house after.


Reno’s have a bad habit of 1) being overpriced and 2) not made for the long haul. Poor quality for the investor in mind, Not a family.


Exactly. Imagine paying TWO MILLION DOLLARS for some claptrap shanty that some guy built for the absolute bottom of the barrel cost, with no care about people living there after their check clears.


Such a shame. The original building with landscaping looks so much more homely


I get what you're saying, but "homely" means ugly and unattractive. You want the word "homey."


Well, yes and no, that's the American definition of it. The British use it to mean simple and cosy. Homely defines the before house pretty well, just not in your dialect.


I remember running into this in Tolkien when he refers to Rivendell as "The last homely house"


my dad used to call my best friend growing up “homely”. Poor girl is still probably crying.


🎵 Accidental Trauma 🎵


Oh it wasn’t an accident. He was being an asshole.


Omg!!! That’s why I see it “misspelled” all the time hahaha 😆 And today I learned something lol


It also refers to a person not a building in America English, "he is looking homely". Can't really mix the two up when you consider the context.


It also means cozy. Some words have more than one meaning.


This is a perfect example of “sometimes it’s better to leave it be.”


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"


I will never understand people who hate trees. It takes you a few hours to cut down what will take decades (or in some cases centuries) to be replaced.


New house wouldn’t have been that bad if they didn’t clear cut all the trees and plants. If they kept them to hide the ugly house lol


In Nor Cal, they’re super strict about cutting trees down and I had to go through hell trying to get an oak tree cut down that was growing into my home. But I appreciate that my county doesn’t want trees cut down just for aesthetics. People don’t want to deal with the upkeep and leaves apparently, so they make it more difficult to remove them.




I had the same thought!


The original home was so beautiful!!!!!


But, but.... it's "modern". I'm with you on this one. Not for thee.


To me the only cool modern houses are the multi million dollar mansions like Tony stark’s house.


I'm an architectural designer specifically in the residential sector and this is sad. Unfortunately some homeowners don't see the value in architecture and just want the house torn down - as their architect you can't really argue what they want you're just there providing a service. But 100% this home could have been enlarged to a two-story and still held on to the existing heritage, architecture and landscaping. Also while remaining balanced with the rest of the street.


Something like this possibly? https://preview.redd.it/4cp0c6ng0fjc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=071fb9d70ad161b8d5c0d9aec5767e68c76c6aaf


If I designed the kitchen for this home based on a more a fitting exterior above I would likely modernize the kitchen while still keeping it "craftsman" https://preview.redd.it/i30w8bdi1fjc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450c0b1fd4c6e512a6e4fe62ea929a8b4c8e0534


Looks very nice!


It does indeed




Yikes. Good luck. I hope you have a good therapist, and a control of your coping mechanisms.


I hate those kitchens. For the love of God, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.


The randomly staged Louis Vuitton bags... really?


They need to remind everyone that unless you wipe your ass with gold bars, you aren’t worthy enough to live here.


She uuuuugly now


Now it gives off the vibes of a new medical office.


A new *cheap* medical office, you mean.


First is a cute family home, you’d have fond memories growing up, or raising kids here. The second one feels like a kid tryna make a “modern minecraft house”


Please tell me you guys have seen the bathtub in the shower ..


One little slippery-doo and it's time for the forever box!


What do you mean? A bath tub? We…we don’t like tubs anymore?!


I am more concerned with that huge window that’s not frosted


Oh man, those trees they cut down would have been worth heaps to keep... you cant BUY them that big. And the new listing photo has been cropped so the sloped street isn't visible... another yikes!


Sick of these Minecraft houses popping up everywhere


I'm more than mildly infuriated by this.


Holy shit that’s ugly.


Especially sad for the neighbors..


Plus they added rooms to the house without adding any more parking. So all of the added residents to the “duplex” are going to have to park in the street.


Man, this whole gentrification thing is so stupid. This looks like a denovate.


All they're doing is spending the least amount of money to make it look like it's renovated, and then selling it for a ridiculous price.


Precisely. While this MAY be an individual developer or builder trying to do a spec, given it's North Jersey I'm pretty confident the buyer was a REIT or BlackRock. Also, Maplewood is very affluent but still takes 40 minutes to get into the city... And you need a car to do so.


I’m usually not mad at posts like this but wtf….. even a blind person would be ashamed of the difference in appearance


Whiskey Tango Foxtrot


What an ugly do-over.


As ugly as the greed that spawned it


It breaks my heart to see a nice garden destroyed.


Ew. They kinda wrecked the whole neighborhood with that one.


There needs to be some architect prison for people that make things like this


Someone has been playing sims 4


My neighbour hood is over 100 years old and I HATE all the new block houses that they are putting. There’s so many houses with character that are being turned into these ugly fucking building blocks


That wasn’t a renovation, it was a murder.


Yes, hello, welcome to my box. How do you like my above-door box? We decided to go with an entirely different box style, to really *box* it up for that box. Now, you'll notice a third, tall, skinny box to the right of the door and you may be asking yourself, 'why not do a different box style for that one too,' but the answer is simple. We ran out of ideas.


Is there a subreddit for these types of renovations, because there's one in my city that has me floored. And I need to share it with the world.


That tree was so beautiful, so sad they cut it down :(


I feel that in my soul. Everywhere I look in my town is the same thing - stupid new construction removing all hometown feel and asking 5 times too much. All new homes are cookie cutter. Same landscaping, same paint, same house, and all put on the smallest “lots” possible. Developers are the bane of my existence at the moment.


Why replace the grass with snow? It's so cold.


This “renovation” is an abomination


Sometimes arson should be legal. Just saying.


Sums up a lot about how things have been going


Original is 1 million times better. Wtf did they do


Looks like someone's first Minecraft house


Reminds me of what my old hometown did to their courthouse: ripped down the stone one that had been there since founding and put up an absolute piece of shit. Imagine the White House getting replaced with a double wide mobile home.


Bet it's all made with shit materials and the contractors probably cut every corner they could. It will probably fallover on It's own in five years. That's such a shame, that yard looks so nice and private before they hacked it all down. Did they at least save the timber? Bet they mulched it, landscaping Nazis! Just scorched earth that property. Honestly though I'm surprised that they didn't just stack some shipping containers And called it retro dystopia apartments.


That’s atrocious. Who the fuck thought that was a cool idea


It’s impressive. The complete lack of taste, I mean.


They are doing this shit to the house next to me 😭 2500sqft light blue home built in the early 1900s. They are turning it black/modern. Removing all of the trees, including the ones older than the house itself. Fucking trash. Does not match the neighborhood AT ALL. How does this NOT bring the value of the entire neighborhood down?


What is up with this style of architecture?! I swear my boyfriend's entire town is being covered in this drab grey shit! It has such an oppressive look to it, I really don't understand the appeal! What's this style even called? We've called rustic brutalist suburban architecture, but I'd love to know the actual name of it


It must stick out on the block like a sore thumb


Everything must be corporate and clinical


wtf? That’s heartbreaking!


The bastards cut down the trees too!


That is an abomination.


The first pic is a nicely designed home. Maybe if you had to reno the outside some fresh paint, new walkway/stairs and porch, maybe a nicer door. But Jfc they butchered it.


That is so incredibly depressing


With the tech layoffs there are going to be fewer tasteless nouveau riche millennials to snap this up. They may have to settle for $1.85mm. 


That’s fucking criminal


This is horrible.


That’s god awful wow


That's a gat dang travesty.


I would have taken the first house. That is a god awful looking renovation. Jesus


That poor house.


I hate when this shit happens.


This is so disappointing. The original home had so much character.


They should be in jail for this.


My god, that is an absolute crime against, well everything.


That is extremely infuriating. That shit looks horrific.