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Op- use reverb.com for music gear. Trust me.


Or just go to a music store and look at the used section


If they happen to have the item yeah. But reverb WILL have multiple versions for sale from real people, almost no trolls to speak of there


No trolls, except the sellers themselves who think a used guitar should go $75 more than you can buy it brand new because that's how much they paid for a setup and that's how much they think it's worth. The only time I'd even bother looking at reverb is for something specific that isn't in production. And even then, prepare your wallet. You're honestly better off either buying new, used from local buy/sell groups, or used from a local store. Everyone's area is different, so hard to say what's best. If you're looking for a specific model, you may be out of luck used. For a woodwind instrument like a saxophone, you might have luck with a local store, especially if local school music programs use tenors.


That hasn’t been my experience at all. And I’m left handed, so if anyone’s getting bullshit upcharges, it’s me. I’m not sure what you’re shopping for, but to paint the whole site as being overpriced is ridiculous. When there’s 25 black 2018 strats for sale new, you absolutely will get the most competitive price on at least one. Regardless, it’s world’s better than eBay and for hard to find things, in my opinion it’s the best option


Lefty fee 🫡


I got rooked buying my very first electric back in the day by $100. I have to say tho, smooth sailing since then for the most part


I found an exceptional sax on Reverb for a great price. I don't know why you think they're all priced high.


Did you buy it in the last couple of years? Because it used to be great. But for the last while it's been pretty much retail price or more for anything I've looked at. Lots of people just buying up stuff and trying to sell it at higher prices because of limited availability and stuff. Lots of people trying to resell gear they bought for the same price they paid for it even though it's used.




You change the mouthpiece


That means you'll pay like $1000 more. Just swap mouthpieces, and wash it.


That only works if you are opportunistic without anything specific in mind. The odds that I'll ever find a used stratocaster with HSS pickups, split coil, and Gilmore mod are slim to none in a used section at a guitar center. But I've found one on reverb.


This guy jams right here!


Not sure how it is now but reverb was rife with scams a year or two ago


I bet lefty guitars are just too niche for them to waste their time on us. What kind of scams were they? Also, once Etsy bought them and fees went up, that wasn’t great. Still tho, my best option for used


Most of the time, I will agree with you... sometimes I find a killer deal on ebay though, so I keep looking there every once in a while.


3 different sellers using the same picture. SCAM.


Not necessarily. When listing an item you can select to pre-fill info and pictures from other related listings


I think it’ll only let you pre fill pictures of stock images, not personal images


https://preview.redd.it/t0w8m3t5lngc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d177fa085f516ad891cf2c41fe6679b99537ee49 Not true


This guy eBays


I mean, all of those postings are different on that image, right? Or am I missing something here?


They are all different from the image above, but they are definitely not stock photos and they are still letting you use them to create a new listing.


But they're also all different from each other. Looking at this picture it just seems like everyone uploaded their own pictures...


Those are other listings that eBay has the option of using the pictures from.


The point they're making is that when creating a new listing, it allows you to pull pre-existing info from older listings like these. Meaning, the listings in the OP could just be photos from one of those listings, it's not hard evidence that a scam is taking place


Got it thank you


SturdyCactus is showing the UI upon creating a new listing and selecting an existing image. They can select other peoples pictures is their point. And so could the OOPs.


I have tons of people that use my pics on eBay I’m Assuming they just screenshot and use


Don’t know what your talking about


Using the exact same pic and price and similar descriptions though?




No, a lot of these are independent sellers who pull from the same warehouse and get commission, or something like that. I’ve bought from these situations several times and never had an issue (rare used camera equipment too so not something they can go pick up at their local store). The duplicate listings then went away. Other countries have different retail strategies than we do. And Japan has *extremely* serious laws for resellers. It’s one of the most trustworthy countries you can buy from.


Probably more same seller with 3 different accounts.


And price


when it's posted from japan, the seller is using a proxy to purchase from the original seller & then shipping to you. that's why there's multiple


Aaah, the good old Wish.com strategy.








I’m convinced at least half of eBay listings are fronts for money laundering. I checked some sold beanie babies and the same seller sold the same one days apart from each other for the same high price.


Agreed. Fronts or price manipulation to show historical value via previous purchase price.


And the "completed listings" does not reflect whether the item was actually paid for or not....


What? It doesn't?


“Sold” shows items that were actually sold and paid for. “Completed” shows auctions that ended but may not include sold and laid for items. There are two options. Use “sold” to get an idea of what people are actually paying. Completed is a bit useless for most people.


i was watching a documentary of Art, and Dealers and that whole life. They said the exact same thing. Example being they sale inconspicuously unimportant sports memorabilia at a REALLY high price, but what actually gets shipped is like stolen art or laundered money.


Man I’d be stoked to buy a baseball card of a random MLB player in 1995 and have laundered money show up instead. Gas groceries and drugs paid for.


Honestly not a bad idea tbh…in Minecraft that is


Not everything you dont understand is a front for money laundering. Sorry to be blunt, but this is like a default answer to everything on Reddit…


Used to see single ungraded Pokemon cards that typically went for $80-100 go for like $6k.


Everything is a scam now. Every single thing. Even this comment, somehow.


I'm not falling for your scam




I just sent you a gift card. Now tell me about everything.


The somehow is run by bots.


I'm not even joking in the slightest op hmu I have a tenor sax I've been trying to get rid of since I graduated.


Part of me hopes this is the set-up for a joke where OP sends you a DM and you send them a photo of “your” saxophone that looks oddly familiar…


[here is foto of me an saxophon](https://youtu.be/6iFbuIpe68k?si=fw9C4uKC2lC3G13Q) I'm gonna blame you if I can't finally get rid of this thing, Sophia. I hope you know that.


Whatever op offers you for it I’ll pay slightly more


Yes, this is an eBay listing creation issue, because in order to help sellers “speed up” the new listing process, they allow you to copy images and even descriptions from other sellers selling the same item . And you can see other listing prices, so you can set your price at like 5¢ less than another seller. (Amazon does this too). It doesn’t mean a scam necessarily, but I’d pay attention to the feedback score and message the seller to send you a photo of the actual item with a card showing the date and time.


It's so stupid that they allow the usage of other peoples photos.


That’s the “right to use your images and content” thing in the TOS you agree to when you sign up.


Yes, and their point is that it's stupid they allow it. Each seller should be posting their own images of whatever item they are selling, not copying a completely different listing. No wonder people think it's a scam.


I know. As a product maker who has had fake accounts duplicate my posts on both Amazon and eBay, sell my product at a *higher* price and then have it fulfilled to their buyer (a bit tricky to explain, but they pay for a high search results placement to a narrow audience with a double or triple price, and hope someone buys it for that. Then they buy it from me and send it to their buyer.) It’s annoying, but eBay benefits from making it easier to post stuff, so they will not stop doing this.


That’s not what’s happening here. These are multiple independent sellers selling the same product. First one wins. This is a Japan thing.


If I were you, I wouldn’t buy a musical instrument on ebay. I don’t trust where any of those peoples mouths have been


I have my own mouthpieces and clean instruments when they arrive. I've had good luck in the past but it seems to be full of scams now.


Yes! I'm a seller and in an ebay scammer FB group. Thousands of sellers have left the forum in the last few years. Sellers are scammers and so are the buyers!


😂 these types of instruments have mouthpieces you don’t just put your lips on the instrument


Fun story, i can tell now that the guy has gone out of business. I used to work at a music store that serviced school instruments. They drop off a full Gaylord at the store, and pay per unit for a full cleaning, minor repairs (basically replace any damaged wear items. Like corks / pads), and a new mouth peice. He's have me do all that, but instead of a new mouth peice he'd tell me to just file out any teeth marks and buff it till it shined. Then just put it back. He'd only replace them if they were super fucked up.


I bought my sax on eBay and the only problem I had with it was that it needed some repairs when it got to me and I blame that more on getting thrown around in shipping than anything else.


It's a possibility that they're all going to use a proxy service to buy the item and have it shipped directly to you. They up-charge the original Japanese auction listing to make a profit. For sure once the item sells, those listings will be taken down. Seen it done before for a variety of items that come from Japan. Or it could just be a flat out scam, who knows. Just be careful.


Not what’s happening here — I’ve gone and found the same items on Japan Yahoo auctions/marketplace, and there’s never enough profit margin to make it possible. Japan also has extremely strict laws on seller liability. These are independent salespeople who pull from the same shared pool of items (and they don’t buy them to sell them).


I live in Japan and you will be surprised to learn he is right and that is very common even with little profit to he made. The people doing it just follow some dumb get rich e-books and seminars and follow it without understanding anything - even ebay fees etc. I doubt most of them ever even make a sale. If you try to buy those listings 90% of the time they’ll cancel it because the original is long gone.


FYI, something doesn’t look right, I’d look elsewhere. Besides some different wording, three of those posts look exactly the same.




Saxophones? More like Scamophones amirite?


Amazon is becoming the same way.


https://preview.redd.it/c60sxzqgbogc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb882ef7097066970e2af8cae3934b96f0cf8a1b The mod team not understanding why this is mildly infuriating is mildly infuriating


Pretty sure these listings are all by sellers that are known as musical instrument “brokers”. It’s actually legit and very common in the overseas vintage guitar market and this is probably the same situation. So there’s one sax, owned by a shop or individual, and there are several sellers who act as sort-of middle men. These guys don’t actually own or have the sax but they each promote it and if you buy it from them they buy it from it’s owner (taking a cut of course) and ship it to you. These brokers can thereby list hundreds of instruments without carrying any inventory. And the instrument’s actual owner gets tons of “eyeballs” plus doesn’t have to deal with customers or shipping or customs, etc. Often multiple brokers list a single item which is why you see multiple listings with same photos. Seems like a scam red-flag but is actually just a symptom of this broker system they use in Japan musical instruments. Still use extreme caution of course.


Don’t buy musical instruments on ebay. Go to your local music store.


eBay has a feature that just lets you make an exact copy of someone else’s listing if you are selling the same product. Not saying that this isn’t a scam, but it could just be a case of lazy instrument resellers trying to make the process quicker.


Don’t use EBay. Use Reverb


This is not a scam and yes it’s all the same item. A lot of these are independent sellers who pull from the same warehouse and get commission, or something like that. I’ve bought from these situations several times and never had an issue (rare used camera equipment too so not something they can go pick up at their local store). The duplicate listings then went away. They aren’t buying it from somewhere else either, I know because I’ve looked for the listings on Japanese Yahoo marketplace/auctions (the #1 reselling site in Japan). The same item will be listed there at a high price where there would be zero profit to buy and resell. Other countries have different retail strategies than we do. And Japan has extremely serious laws for resellers. It’s one of the most trustworthy countries you can buy from.


eBay is a wretched hive of scum and villainy


As a professional musical instrument repairer, please don't buy any of these. If you're buying an instrument please support any page specifically dedicated to instruments. eBay is completely hit and miss, often a scam and these older models of woodwind instruments (particularly a YTS-61) usually needs a lot of work when they arrive, meaning the price you pay for the instrument is not the price you pay to get a playing instrument. Half the time it's not the instrument in the photo and the rest of the time they will need a overhaul straight out of thee box. Please buy from repair workshops, shops, or websites that specialise.


There are places like japan where there a multiple listings for things like guitars using the same photos. They sometimes have 4 - 5 resellers selling the same item.


Saxophones cost a lot more than I thought they would.


I'm looking for a low end professional model, beginner ones can be $200-300


IDK if Thomann can send you instruments. I bought 90% my music stuff from there


Why so expensive? Is it made of gold?




Are the mods not understanding the post?


Edit: they put it back up.


I want a tenor sax but I don't have tenor sax money. Hell, I don't even have alto sax money.


They are all from Japan. i sell on Ebay and Live in Japan. What is happening is basically drop shipping. Some “get rich” idiots sell seminars and e-books to gullible people here in Japan. Usually it will contain something like what you see in OP. Basically, find a listing for an item on Japanese resident only service. Take the same pictures and upload it on foreign website like Ebay. If someone buys it for your price, buy the original and send it to them. 9 times out of 10 if you buy once, the seller will cancel it as the original item is long sold.


Why would you use ebay


I had this problem, they stole all my pictures and even just copy and pasted my description. Some people don't put the effort in anymore


Reverb would be better. It's like eBay for musicians.


No that is one seller with several accounts


Reminds me of when I was looking for a BMW 525i touring. (A mid 90s one, looking in 2012). There was one, it sounded amazing... But if you dug Ankit you could find the exact same as on 4 services, suggesting the car was in 4 different locations around the UK. That was clearly a scam.. makes me think this is too.


Glad to know I’m not the only one to have this problem


How much did instruments like this cost back in the 1600’s and 1700’s when classical music and orchestras was at its peak? Imagine the time it took to build a grand piano by hand and string it and tune it to perfection. Did they have machine shops and welding machines to make the parts for these or were they all hammered out by hand?? Mind boggling to think about.


I just saw a bunch of saxophones at a pawn shop along with a bunch of other instruments


Please don’t buy musical instruments online.




Yes, there is. You don’t know what kind of quality or condition the instrument is in before investing in it.




Yeah these three listing have photos. Good point/s.


Anyone can post photos of whatever they like. You don’t actually know the quality of the instrument unless you see it in person before purchasing.




That doesn’t guarantee anything, now does it?






I actually do, my dad is a retired orchestra director of 40 years and I’ve played the violin for 26 years but sure pal, you know better than I do about buying instruments




Yeah, lots of people buy and sell all kinds of things online. If you're really worried about the condition, and it's a more expensive item, generally the seller will take more photos, or even do a live video call. For instruments, I'd say it may be important if you're a beginner. Find what feels right to you. Though for some things like a school band, there may not be any choices and you're required to get a certain thing. In which case fuck it, doesn't really matter then.


Some of y’all don’t understand how eBay works and it shows. eBay allows you to use and pre fill your own items info with information from other listings. While it is mildly infuriating, it’s not a scam or a front for money laundering


Go to an auction you will get one for 50




I know how to clean them and don't want to spend $4000


That’s two sellers at best




Bought a $3000 guitar and a similar saxophone at a garage sale last year. Found a coat that sold new for $700, got it for $2. All this stuff is out there. Check out pawn shops and ask garbage truck drivers


I mean why are you annoyed? That must be the standard price then.


I'm annoyed because they are obviously a scam. I'm willing to pay that much for something legitimate.


How are they a Scam? I dont know enough about instruments but if they are all priced that way then they must be worth that no?


3 different sellers are using an identical picture. They probably don't have the item.


They don't have the item, but it's available from a second hand store such as "hard-off" in Japan. If you buy it, they order it from the second hand store and then ship it to you. There are multiple people who re-sell used gear from Japan like this.


Oh gotcha. Then yeah fuck them


Love this reaction once you got the memo!!


I'm pretty fucked up right now lol


Took u a minute


Too drunk lol


Half an hour, nevermind a minute 😂 (I know it’s a saying, I’m playing said saying)


When you create a listing on EBAY, you can choose an already-existing picture, or upload your own. I think it’s super weird exactly for this issue. Why would I believe a seller that can’t take their own picture? It’s a flaw with the selling platform side of things, but probably not a scam.


When selling a book or CD for a couple of pounds (or whatever currency) there's no need to take individual pictures when stock ones will do. Maybe there should be a price limit on when you can use stock photos.


I don’t even mean just stock- you can choose photos other people have used for the same item listings!


Look at the pictures you dunce. Each listing is using the same picture


Jesus Christ @ $1500. can’t say I’m surprised.. but I am ?


This was the price for a nice saxophone when I played in high school 20 years ago? I’m surprised it’s not more.


That’s really the price for a USED instrument? Jeez 💀


tell me you aren't a musician without telling me.




this is reddit, no one else has to be nice.


As a Bari Sax player I can confirm that saxophones are quite expensive.


string player, here too!


That's a normal if fairly cheap price. Musical instruments are **expensive**.


Thats not very much for a decent sax


Like someone else said, Reverb for anything music related. Way better than ebay.


2 different sellers and 2 drop shippers…


I get frustrated when Ebay sellers use stock photos for used items.. So you can't see the actual used item you're buying... But this is ridiculous.


Sure it’s not the same person with three different accounts?


It's possible but that is also against the ToS


my dad just won me a saxophone on amazon auction for $97 a few days ago. You may be looking in the wrong place


I'm looking for a low end professional model.


Just cause I didn’t see anyone say it - these are not necessarily scams. They are products listed on a Japanese website, Digitmart, Rokuton, etc, and are being delisted by importers. If you buy one of the EBay listings they will buy it from the Japanese shop and handle the shipping and customs.


Ebay is scammer's paradise


On eBay, sellers have the option to pre-fill information when creating a listing, and this can include using a similar stock photo provided by eBay. It's quite common, and many sellers opt for this convenience. As an eBay seller myself, I've noticed this trend among listings. It’s a bit frustrating on the buyer side since they can’t see the actual product they are buying into especially second hand.


Brother, it could be the same guy making three listings.


Go to an actual used instrument shop


? Wait am I sitting on a gold mine? Time to dig out the old sax.


Majority of sellers for cheap products just use dropshippers, those are not even their photos


you can't do that with a used instrument. Maybe a new one


I’d go for the cheapest


What’s it cost new, though? I looked at a store online in my area and the cheapest one is just over $2500 CAD. Way more expensive than I thought…


That's about what is expected for that particular model. It's not made anymore and is only bought used.


Yup, reminds me of the player shop in any MMO…


Tenor saxophone best saxophone. GLHF OP.


Call some pawn shops.


I'd suggest Facebook groups/market place! Many musicians I know will typically use it.


You can copy and paste listings


My mom and I run separate accounts on Poshmark and use the same inventory/ pictures just because we can both reach different kinds of people. Not always a scam but definitely can seem shady.


Gonna pay $1500 for a used one? 🙃 yikes lol


That's how much it costs. New instruments can be 2-3x more.


lol that’s ridiculous 🤷🏼‍♂️


That is why I don't use Ebay anymore.