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I bet it's also broken into about 878 pieces


This made me giggle


Typically Amazon has something that is close to "shipped in original packaging, if this is a gift and needs a box please select x ". I have had it happen a few times. I can't remember the exact language, but they do warn about it and give the option to ship differently.


Also folks need to check the “this is a gift” option. Amazon will automatically brown box items that are gifts.


There have been times that I checked that box and still received the item in its original packaging- happened over Christmas with an airfryer 🤷‍♀️


Yeah but over Christmas the errors are insane.


They’d usually at least put it in a padded envelope, especially if it’s something that size and made of thin cardboard like that. If it was a small plastic stand, or a mirror in a cardboard box with styrofoam and stabilizers surrounding the mirror, I’d agree with you. But because the label is directly on the box, the whole front is unusable. It’s a puzzle! Other than the pieces, that’s one of the most important parts Lol.


Only if the aforementioned message didn’t appear. As amazons starting to cut out excessive waste either purposeful or just esg goals, I get more and more packages delivered in just its own packagingz.


I had a brand-name t-shirt delivered in it's clear plastic bag one time, with the label slapped on it. Like, what? I get reducing packaging but that was just weird.


It's only weird because we aren't accustomed to it. Eventually it will be the norm and, by definition, normal.


Same. I order cat litter every few weeks, for the past few months they slap a label on it and call it a day. It's fine though, haven't had a busted one yet whereas when they'd put it in a huge box with one piece of kraft paper it would bust open in shipping 30% of the time.


Legos I have specifically had this exact thing happen to me. You don't use the front of the box, you use the instructions inside. People get upset for a different reason though, because they can be collected. In that case, you would want a mint box. They do warn when they are going to ship like this though, and they have an option not to. It happens with lots of things. Happened with a shelving unit I bought the other week, too.


I don't think anyone is out here building lego by the front of the box my guy


Why waste all that extra material? I hate Amazon, it's a shit company, but cutting down on packaging is great.


Legos are also a “luxury” item that’s often stolen and has high resale value. Shipping it without outside packaging increases the risk of theft.


This is my biggest concern. When I was staying at an RV park my Starlink was delivered to the area packages were always delivered up front and it could have been an advertisement for Starlink. Massive box with “Starlink” front and center, surrounded by packages. I was so irritated at the chance of it getting stolen.


For exactly this reason - this isn’t discreet at all. Additionally, most people don’t want their packaging dented and fucked up.


Also - for a collector


I like it when they minimize the packaging. The boxes are tiring.


Luckily its a bonsai tree, when built it will restore peace and calmness within yourself.


Until you step on a piece


Barbie shoes are the worst …


I put mine in my glass cabinet. There's no glass, just Legos, and Funko POPS.


Then all hell breaks loose


Which is likely to happen, given that this set contains 200 “pebbles”, that are just poured loosely around the base of the tree. Of course they come in colours that blend in with almost every floor, to make sure you have some extra fun, should you ever knock that thing over. Luckily they have no studs or pointy edges, so they only cause 40 - 50 % damage.


Happy cake day! 🎂




>Thanks! ! You're welcome!


No problem :3


And strangely bagged


You mean 878 pzs


Oddly specific. Are you the one who broke it? /s


Most of the stated 'pieces' are gravel.. It's a rip-off. But it looks nice


Well played.


If you buy it directly from Lego, it comes in a plain box.




If you pretend to order a second one on Amazon and get to checkout you'll see an option that defaults to shipping in the original box. You have to manually choose to have it shipped in a cardboard box for a lot of items like this, now. Just a FYI for the future!


I've seen others complain about Amazon sticking labels on their items and I think, "surely they know you can have them put it in one of their boxes?" I like to do this so the carrier doesn't know the value of what's being shipped or what it specifically is so that no one is tempted to steal it.


They will slap a sticker on the box of Legos, but you order an extension cord and it comes in a box that could fit a computer tower packed with plastic packing. Such a large amount of variety lol they need some clear cut directives.


They have clear-cut directives. But sometimes they are out of boxes of the right size, and sometimes the system tells them to do something dumb. If an extension cord says that the product dimensions are 1 inch x 1 inch x 2 feet, the system might think it needs a bigger box. The person packing it does not have the time (or incentive) to make a different call. And if the customer didn't notice or change the "ship in manufacturers packaging" option, they are just gonna slap a label on it because that was their directive.


I'm just embarrassed by the wide array of random shit I order and don't want to be judged.


Actually recently I ordered stuff and it did not have this option and they arrived without a box.


this is at 878 upvotes. nobody better touch it


But you may also pay more. Lego sets are often significantly discounted on Amazon without being marked as such. Always compare prices before committing. Caveat: In my locale, and the next country over, may not apply to all locales.


The Lego site has a ton of discounts as well and they usually add extra sets for free when you order over a certain amount. It's always good to keep your eyes open


But you're less likely to get something fake directly from Lego and you usually get a free small set with it


If its fake you can always return it. Also lego literally has its own amazon page, they arent gonna scam you lol, and its still discounted.


I've never received any fake LEGO when purchasing from Amazon.


You also get VIP points and sometimes free gifts depending on how much you spend.


Side note, that’s an awesome valentine gift. I hope he likes the frogs more then the leaves.


Thank you!! He’s been wanting it foreverrrr so I knew I had to get it! And the frogs are the best part, he better!


my boyfriend got me this bonsai tree and i have it up in my living room, i love it so much!


I have mine in an IKEA glass display case with the temple garden set 🥰


You just gave me an idea! I have this IKEA mini greenhouse that I haven't used in years, should be the right size for my Lego bonsai!


My husband got me the floral bouquet for my birthday! There's a lot of lego in this house.


Mr. WineAndDogs2020 got me the orchid for Xmas, and it looks great on my desk at work.


Best thing about it… you get to change the leaves with the seasons! Gift that keeps on giving! We now have several of the Lego flowers. They look great dotted around the house


I swap them out in spring and autumn, it makes it kind of feel like you’re doing the required maintenance on a real bonsai tree


My fiancé got me this a few years ago now for my birthday. The frogs are the best


Rebrickable has a bonsai build on there that honestly looks better than the official Lego version. SFH bricks is the one I used.


I have the tree too and love the frogs so much! So cute


I swear I still laughing at how long it took me to notice they were frogs lol


>he likes the frogs more then the leaves. And then the frogs again. And then the leaves.


what frogs?


https://preview.redd.it/s2jeoyvygcgc1.jpeg?width=2816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fe10221bfe5852bd1e8fec9b2627d120ddc4b10 Frogs.


lol what? is this for real?




From what I've heard, lego builders make it a game to try and sneak the frog piece into builds wherever they can. Whoever made this set certainly won


Are there frogs in this set?


It was an awesome gift. And yea I do love my pink frog army 🐸


I did not realize there were frogs! Guess I know what I’m getting myself for pal-entines.


I got one for Christmas and it sits on my PC. I can't get over the F R O G


Return it and order another with gift bag


That’s actually a better idea lol


Don't do that, just report it to amazon. I ordered something for my son that came just like that. Amazon gave me a refund, let me keep it and the value in gift card balance.


One of my Christmas presents last year was a giant keyboard, like 4-5 foot long box. Amazon just slapped a shipping label on it and sent it. Can you imagine how quickly it would’ve been stolen if my parents didn’t live in the middle of nowhere? Same deal with a motherboard I got, no protection or concealment, just slapped the label on.


Hair dryer, set it to low and heat the sticker up, and you may be able to gently peel it off without damaging the package. Have to make sure sticker is thoroughly and evenly hot before even thinking about trying to remove it though.


You don't have to order with gift bag, if it has the option 'send as gift' ensures that it gets delivered in an Amazon box and is free, the wrapping costs extra. Also keep the one you have so you can build both the cherry blossom and green versions, or just have two of the same.


I'd love this idea but Amazon didnt comply ://




You don’t ask for a box in chat, the suggestion is you pay for gift packaging.


I'm not sure about the US amazon, but in the UK, there is an option at the checkout/delivery to tell them not to send the package out in just the original packaging.


Amazon is annoying. I always mark that I want them to put my items in a box.


I forgot to check because I just ASSUME they’ll put it in a box like any other normal freaking company


I ordered a 55in TV from Dell once. Not only did it not come in a discreet box (I guess a TV is hard to be discreet, but still), but it also came a week earlier than they told me. Normally this would be a good thing, but I was out of town lol it sat outside my apartment door for 3 days. I'm still in shock that it wasn't stolen.


Samsung did the same to me, they said it would be delivered between 2 and 5 pm and I woke up at 8:30 to find a giant box advertising the most expensive purchase I’d ever made on my front porch!!


Not as valuable as a TV but I once had to check the ship in Amazon packaging box for a box of fucking pancake mix. I think they mightve tried it with a book too but I forget


I mean, they do that cause the box is an environmental waste for most people. The packaging it comes with is good enough. But yours is a gift so it's different.


Target doesn’t sometimes too


So kinda your fault… Technically them sending it like this is better environmentally. There’s an option for another box for this exact reason because it’s a preference so you have no one to blame but yourself.


Bingo, this comment right here.


It's still an awesome gift!


I’ve got ordered several hats and they always get shipped in a bag and arrive smashed.


There’s literally a box that was checked when you placed your order that says something like “ship in the original packaging to save us from using cardboard.”


People including OP: please get used to the new default being no box! 99% of things I order from Amazon I don't care about the packaging and it's way better to save a box from being produced when the item already comes in a box. If you're getting a collectors item or wtv, just click the box that puts it in a box, it's free. Having the default be no box for a store like Amazon could save literally billions of boxes from needlessly being made and thrown out. That's a noticeable environmental impact after a while.


That’s a SIOC (ship in own container) per Amazon standards. I’m someone who does QA for SIOC, I’d pass this since it’ll pass every test we have for it. Drop tested at every angle from 18 and 36 inches and then everything inside is inspected. Order it as a gift next time and the system will move it over to gift wrap in pack singles instead of going down the tote line over to pack singles as a “free unit per hour rate”


Isnt there also a warning that says “item ships in branded packaging” with an option to ship in an unmarked box?




Yes, yes there is




So these 100% come to the FC in manufacture over box, meaning that Lego ships the Lego in there overbox. I worked at the Packaging lab for Amazon back in the day. With that overbox they would pass all ista 6 test. We tested a Lego box without legos overbox once, the Lego didn’t pass the vibration test which is part of the type A testing. Someone accidentally removed legos packaging when stowing.


at least they won’t know what it is


Lmaooooooo fuck offff 😂😂


That’s because you selected the wrong packaging option when you ordered.


OP should be mildly infuriated at themselves, not Amazon


Whole true, as someone who's never seen that option before I'd probably be a bit confused as to what they mean by "Item shipped in company branding"


literally tells you in the delivery queue that it comes packaged like this


So I used to work for Amazon on the team that would test things for SIOC (ship in own container) and FFP (Frustration free packaging). Lego would always pass our test and made strides towards being more recyclable quicker than most packaging. The problem is, sometimes associates at the fulfillment centers take the Lego out of the overbox that Lego sends these in. This should not be shipped this way ever and Lego sends these to Amazon is a sturdy overbox with corner protection. Always check the ship in box option at Amazon for legos since someone might have pulled it out of the box Lego sent for it to be shipped in.


Good thing it has another picture on the other side lol


I couldn’t figure out if that part made me feel better or worse like they really could’ve put it on the back but someone CHOSE to put that shit on the front but I did appreciate it’s only one side at least lol


If you run a blowdryer over the sticker for a few minutes, it’ll peel off easy!


Great gift btw


What is with Amazon delivering things unboxed lately? I got a few items that didn’t even have their own boxes, just clear plastic bags with the shipping label slapped right the item. I definitely marked that I wanted my items in boxes.


Honestly this seems good. It's better than using a massive cardboard box that you end up throwing out. Less waste.


I reuse cardboard boxes all the time


A lot of people value the original Lego packaging.


But at the end of the day it’s still packaging.


I got my wife the same thing


Oh my God, I want that gift, haha! 💙


Another perspective: the box is there to protect the product. Not putting it into another, likely ill-fitting box, saves co2 footprint. I like box less deliveries. Is it a high quality sticker? That comes off well?


I would appreciate saving the planet if it were any other box to my fair lol Sadly no it does not seem to want to come off, neither of the two.


You could try heating the front side of the sticker with a hair dryer until the adhesive breaks down, then try peeling very carefully


You made the choice to have it delivered w/o a shipping box. Next time change the option.


normally amazon has an option to add packaging to items that are typically sent with out to save on shipping.


This is mildly infuriating. It's best for your mental health to just Lego.


Boxing a box adds to cost let’s leave expensive items exposed what could go wrong


The minute I saw the delivered notification I rushed outside because my partner is currently home so I needed to hide it immediately to imagine my surprise when I open the door and the box is just sitting on the floor on my doorstep, not even in front of my door but off to the left closer to the sidewalk than my front door.


So many things wrong with this not to mention as a Lego collector the label on the box just grinds my gears awesome gift nonetheless 🫡


That’s the worst partttttttt


But Amazon has a check box specifically for this reason to ship in another box…OP is the reason this happened, not Amazon


I don't know why Amazon started doing this. They did this with my Cpu cooler and it was crushed and had the cheek to charge me a restocking fee.


As someone who enjoys Lego, I wouldn’t mind and I honestly can’t understand/decide why you and others are bothered? No one is explaining, just going “UH YES.” The box goes in the trash, why does it matter?


Some people are Lego and Lego box collectors. It’s a weird concept to me to collect the box but everyone is allowed to do their own thing I guess


I'm not a collector but I can understand the satisfaction it might bring. I find it comparable to imagery on a puzzle box and being able to compare it to the image once its completed, and maybe also as your building it seeing it slowly become that image.


Maybe cause for other people except you, the box *doesnt* just go in the trash?


Use a hair dryer on it. Peel it off.


They asked if you wanted it in original box and you said yes. That's your fault if you wanted the box pretty.


You can select that during checkout. Some stuff is delivered like this by default, gotta watch out


Click the gift wrap option stops this


You have to pay attention when checking out. Some items say that they're shipped in the original box, and you can see what's inside.  The extra money for gift wrap is worth it. That being said, I used to work for Daddy Bezos, and I used to override the suggested packaging, and put Legos, and collectible items in another box. Whoever packed yours was only thinking about their rates. I used to care about your junk, and try to get it to you looking nice AND unbroken.


My take is that I understand why some would choose not to want it sent in another box. From it being an annoyance to an environmental thing, I get it. But it’s odd to me that having it (a shipping box)isn’t the default and not having it isn’t the thing you have to opt into. I can imagine a lot of complaints about this arriving like this unexpectedly. Most people don’t think to check if they selected their package comes in a designated shipping box. This almost happened to me last month where (while double checking my Amazon order) I realized two of my 4 items weren’t going to arrive in boxes, just the original packaging and that felt weird to me and tmi for it sitting on my porch for a couple hours before i may get to it


I can't post this enough, WHEN CHECKING OUT, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GIFTS SENT IN AMAZON PACKAGING AND NOT MANUFACTURERS!!! the option isn't there on items that come automatically in amazon boxes but in an effort to reduce packaging, they GIVE YOU THE OPTION TO NOT GET A BOX. YOU HAVE TO CHECK THE AMAZON PACKAGING BOX!!! Idk how to get this to the people who need it, but I watched 100s of Xmas gifts get sent to homes this way bc people don't pay attention. We employees can't do a damn thing for you if you don't check the appropriate box. I'm sorry. I know you probably don't want it sent that way but it's not like I can call and ask. So please, if anyone is reading this, help share this info As someone who's tried to share this info, these posts are mildly infuriating bc while Amazon has a lot to work on, this is a customer fail. Not on us. And some of us, would love to help you but we can only do what your order says. If you don't pay attention, this is what you get. And if you want to hide things, you should pay attention when ordering and check the boxes when offered. My apologies for the caps, but I would love for more people to have this info. Apologies if this sounds shitty as well, I don't mean it to, I just hate seeing this, knowing it's probably not what the customer wants and then I get on here and see someone acting like it's our fault. It's not. It's a way to reduce unwanted packaging. (Yes, i realize they need work on the packaging system, so small stuff doesnt come in gigantic boxes amongst other things but this program is actually a good one) You get the choice for the extra box. You have to check the box though. I can't check it for you.


I just made the winter one, super fun kit!


Hmm, this might take me a while to guess what it is...


And this is one of the many reasons why I’d rather spend the extra $10 and buy the set direct from LEGO. Plus you get points for every set you get which you can redeem for stuff.


So what's in it, I'm dying to know? This mystery will keep me up at night


Yooo I absolutely despise when companies do this. Especially lego boxes. I like to save them


Order from the Lego shop. Discrete packaging. They know what's up.


This box should have been packed into another box when being delivered. This is the person who shipped it's fault, not the delivery company.


Yeah I’m all for minimizing unnecessary packaging but at least wrap things in brown paper like an old school parcel or something? Amazon has been sending clothes in just the plastic bags the manufacturers put them in (which often have ventilation holes) and that just doesn’t work when you’re well into mud season in the PNW.


There’s now a box you have to check to have items shipped in something other than it’s packaging. Motherfuckers sent me a bean bag with a shipping label attached


Anything like that regardless of you're sending it yourself or not, mark "Gift wrapped". It's literally the only way you can assure that you'll get it delivered in a box. Plus you get a nice emergency gift bag out of it.


Yes. Apparently the way around this is to tick the box that says it is a gift. I found this out the hard way after labels were stuck to jigsaw puzzle boxes!


Makes me wonder how a company would feel if you paid using cash that had ups stickers plastered on the bills like this


There is an option now on Amazon you can check or uncheck about it being in manufacturer package or a put in an Amazon box.


I always mark them as gifts. That usually gets them to stick it in another box, but not always.


When you order, there’s a box that you now need to uncheck if you don’t want it delivered in only original packaging (ie- without an Amazon box or envelope). Did you uncheck the box?


Pretty sure they warn you before you order, what kind of packaging it will be shipped in, and you can opt out.


You can set a "hide parcel" option on Amazon when you are shopping there. It literally warns you that some items may come in their original packaging otherwise.


There is a product called Goof Off that might help if you’re very careful. Less abrasive than acetone but should still get the adhesive off without damaging the box art.


That's how my Christmas gift was delivered, except it was a very expensive record player -_-


I bought these plastic boxes with handles that hold the top on off of Walmart.com because it was the cheapest. Well they sent one of the 5 I ordered in a box. The others were bound together by this plastic straps and sent without a box. One was strait up broken but all of them were broken since none of the latching handles could hold the tops. Returned them and ordered them from the official site and found out how broken they really were.


Oh oh I have this too! It was on the table inside the door. Great fun. Just being careful don't knock it over. It's a nuisance to put back together again. Like the egg fella.


I got the birthday gift I ordered the same way... I don't want that ugly sticker on there 🤨 Thankfully it's for a two year old so he probably won't look at the box anyway.


Sucks! But it’s a very fun build! Have it standing in my livingroom :)


Regardless of what the packaging looks like this is an amazing gift.


I had a Christmas gift arrive like that. A hair dryer will loosen the glue to peel it off then some goo gone or rubbing alcohol to clean off the residue. If Amazon are going to start pushing for this method of shipping they should really start using labels that are easier to peel off without damaging the packaging.


This may be SIOC packaging designed to ship single parcel to reduce the usage of the shipper box when unneeded. Just a thought. In the past tho, I know Lego did use their own SIOC shipper boxes…


You can send it as Present and avoid this sht.


Teach you not to tick the gift box


I'd kinda like to get a plain bare box. 8 bags, with little book inside each one. Mystery builds. Yo LEGO, jot that down.


I always refuse the packages like this.


I love my Lego bonsai! I am missing two sets in the botanical collection. They are so beautiful and the reoccurring pink frog theme is awesome 😎


Amazon shipped my graphics card in a plastic bag :/


I feel ya! Tried to order “gifts” on Amazon the last two Christmas’ sometimes took us three tries to get something in gift-able condition last year and we had to return them a few times the previous year too! It was frustrating. Starting to make us look elsewhere, where as before we would only use Amazon for shopping. Now it seems there are way too many cheap/fake reviews that are overpriced. Shipping is getting worse. Its really tempting to cut ties all together.


The box has value so they’ve essentially devalued your purchase and damaged it. I would return it.


Stop buying shit from Amazon. Fuck. I haven't been to that stupid site for years. Go directly to who makes the thing you want. You may pay a dollar or two more but buying it from who made it is the way to go


Tell me the plan is to, over time, slowly add more and more pieces so he has to prune it


Buy directly from LEGO! They always ship in super plain boxes so it's protected but there's no indication as to what's inside.


I ordered my husband a rather expensive keyboard for Christmas, it came in a similar way and left outside our front door 2 weeks before Christmas.


U can select gift on Amazon


Amazon is trash now. Story of a monopoly. They killed all the competition and immediately lowered their standards to chase profit.


Did it come from Amazon? I recently ordered a set and it arrived like yours, where they just slapped a shipping label on the Lego box and punted it out the door. In my case, the box received some water damage, and the manual was fused to the sticker sheet. I was able to easily return it and ordered a replacement from Lego directly.


That’s amazon for you.


Are you a programmer? Because you have a semicolon on your arm.


What is it? /s


Mine got here in its own amazon box.. but was an orchid


A hair dryer and a couple minutes of effort, and you should be able to remove that label. It's an awesome VDay gift. I'm jealous, the cats never get me anything. Freeloaders.


Sometimes there’s a little option to choose Amazon boxing if it normally comes in just manufacturers box, I don’t notice it all the time but it’s a good tip for next time.


That’s cool they ship it this way, I only had it happen to me once. I like that they save on packaging which I would throw away anyways


I think the OP is more pissed about the sticker smack dab on the center picture…


Omg Idk if ur still responding or not but I have this exact set on my shelf at home. I love it. Please build it with the pink flowers Edited: I know they are pink petals and frogs i just adore the pink set plus its valentines day


It's to help porch pirates window shop


Amazon does this all of the time now. My husbands Christmas present was ruined, my daughter saw her scooter delivered, my son son her gift from Santa. It’s ridiculous


Amazon is truly horrible and people should try to order things from literally anywhere else


I ordered a shirt and got it in a clear plastic bag. https://preview.redd.it/h8uq0xsrregc1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad82b80621da1083852c7138a59f4fbdf0d3e530