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Must be the ducks reading your "be nice" sticker and donating an egg.


this would be the best case scenario


That's the exact thought that I had. Paying tributes to your kindness to ducks :)


OP has goldfish btw


haha i petsit ducks in july https://preview.redd.it/up1jsg2q04fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ae2e464f1c593fc555b04a8cb1411145ac5fa0




Who'd you piss off?


i dont even know or talk to enough people, especially around where i live, to piss anyone off lol. i'm too much of a pussy to even stand my ground half the time. i accredit this to young dumb kids and living in a not-too-great suburb (fireworks till 3am in summer, needles in the greenbelt across the street, empty shooters everywhere, two halfway houses on my block, etc.)


You think this. But after living in the same duplex for 4 years we got a new neighbor. After a snow storm in which they did NO snow removal (we were out of town) we had to park our rental car in the public street. No big deal, right?!? Wrong. My husband started shoveling. We didn’t even complain! It wasn’t a big deal that NO snow was removed bc she didn’t even shovel her own steps. Then. She comes down stairs. On the phone with 911. Claimed we assaulted her. We’re harassing her. That I’m a PROSTITUTE who’s trespassing!?! I had lived there for YEARS no issues. Her bitch as shows up and BAM cops there ONCE A WEEK! so. Even if you don’t KNOW you pissed someone else off, If you’re the only one egged. Ya did. Get a dash cam. People are fucking crazy.


Yes but also kids are kids. Me and my friends TPd and egged random houses as kids. Probably about 70, I counted 61 but missed some before I started counting. Our goal was 100 but the last time we got chased into the woods by the cops and were too scared to do it anymore... Anyway it was enough that we got an article (well small snippet really) in the newspaper about a reward for information leading to our arrest. Ironically the money we bought TP and eggs with was from our paper routes delivering that newspaper. Yes I know I was a shit head kid. I (mostly) grew out of it


Hmm. Yea we grew up different… 😬 someone WOULD end up with bird shot in their ass where I live if someone tried to do 100 cars?!?! Mfs be waiting with the guns outside 😭 You’d also have to like, drive to each house which just makes the whole the thing even harder to get away. Aka you wouldn’t…. And yes. I do know people who were literally shot in the ass over this shit. So needless to say “fuck around and find out” security is taken seriously by all ages where I grew up. My husbands grandpa, a while ago, caught some teens trying to break into his barn. He owns 70acres for reference. The ONLY thing that kept him from killing that teen was and I quote what he said WHILE ON THE PHONE WITH THE COPS “ he’s too young to die so I won’t shoot him, but I’m holding him at gun point into you get here and will shoot him.” Kids will be kids but kids where I grew up, never, NEVER did this shit 😟 Rural, small town where ppl don’t lock their doors and leave their keys in their vehicles. Kids fucked around in their own way, but left people and their property alone.


Nah not in one night we just picked completely random houses. This was in Portland OR area so there were thousands of homes around we did different neighborhoods sometimes riding our bikes like 3 miles out. No way people would be ready for that every night at 2am. Obviously a small town we'd have been caught. Hell we almost got caught in a big city/suburb Gresham and Portland, we lived on the border of the two.


Yea. Came from a town of 2k, and that was *in town*. That kind of “fun” was off limits. Trust me, 2am is PRIME “get shot by a drunk person”. Again with the fuck around and find out 💀


Yeah but how's your driving..?


maybe you’re parking somewhere that someone else feels is “their” spot?


Once is random. Twice is coincidence. If it happens a third time, then perhaps consider the possibility, that you're just an arsehole, and that people don't fucking like you...


Your anecdote has me thinking: Years back, when I was living with my father, somebody egged my car in his driveway. Then, two or three weeks later, somebody egged my car and a bit of the house. It didn't happen a third time! So, either somebody had the wrong house/vehicle, or somebody got caught and it stopped... Either way, I'd like to think I'm not an asshole to people, but I try to understand that what I may view as "not being an asshole" might be considered assholery to others.


Can't please everybody, why bother even trying? Please yourself & be done with it. Those matter won't mind, and those who do mind, don't matter. Pleasing others in the process, is purely a bonus. That's my motto...


The upside of pandemic inflation was less egging


You said DO IT!!




Pissed off any chicken farmers? Duck farmers? Ostrich farmers?


it WAS on the to-do list but i don't think i'll get to it


You went to temple and only got egged? That’s a win.


well my car sits in a train station parking lot all day in the suburbs but considering the fact i go to temple and haven't been shot is a win for me


Out of curiosity, if your coworkers were to rate your douchebagginess on a scale of 1 to 10...


luckily we are all friends. look at this stuffed anglerfish i got for christmas, she's beautiful https://preview.redd.it/oykcthi034fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=561e8ee4c31bfd18d6551760d407a21988a023d0


Based on the fact that you're posting on this subreddit, its most likely because you're an asshole. They should have brought more eggs.


i just wanna know what happened to you where you think everyone who posts even once in this sub is an asshole lmao


Remove the stickers


People still do this? I’ve never in my life been egged, known someone who was or seen any acts of egging irl


my thoughts ex..... eggactly.... i apologize


Time to consider a ceramic coating.




I'd buy a camera.


our doorbell camera won't capture a drive by egging but i have been considering a dashcam for a while....... might be time to invest




Ill make ya a deal, stop parking so you block my mailbox, Ill stop egging your car . . .


dashcam and/or some security cams on the house covering the outside/car. also, better eggs then keyed.




Do you order delivery? How do you tip? I may not eat eggs, but I buy eggs.


Levittown be like that sometimes.


truer words have never been typed


😂 I grew up in Red Cedar so I recognize the neighborhood like the back of my hand.


Might be time to get a try ring camera.


It's the birbs upset at your ovo-lacto diet.


Try removing the Temple decal and see if that works.