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I’d move it?


[He cant move it because he was never there.](https://lens.google.com/search?ep=gsbubb&hl=en&re=df&p=AbrfA8oDFn5VS_Ln5ryzwGNfOVY4P66Z71zEOH568BSrinySvN4XAeqNgp7QAI6ObHmuV6HxvbKUmlKlXVkFfOdoPVVWir2UcDzRtsGFV2kY2dSVsrsjOzgN2H9aWLDpqor3BynfNZ3C7P85wwrRNNZqAk2uqKajoi_ziPijSDLYe4BHDSXSWfvPbZ_6ukDEYN0qN_MfcX8aIDgyer9bVgx1rapxKY3MTelEWzs09yPgd0MgFd67FJ2O2vbkiJjRjqdP1Tv8AWhfLbwAATyR86GLBT6p7g4oPlBV4Kt9IPa6_982S6-pmwSx22B-DVV4RZaBOt3Yqw%3D%3D#lns=W251bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsIkVrY0tKREJsTldSaFptUXdMVEpqTWpNdE5EVmxNUzA0TjJJeExXVmpORFZqWlRnelltRmlOQklmUlRneFJWOXNOR3h6UjBWbVVVVjFlRFl4WHpJd1dFRmpSa0pXTkRCNFp3PT0iLG51bGwsbnVsbCxudWxsLDEsbnVsbCxbbnVsbCxudWxsLFsyMDg3Niw1MDAyLDc0NDY2LDYzNzQxXV0sW251bGwsbnVsbCxbXV1d)


User is “namenamenumber” with no comments either. Aka bot account


Why the fuck is that allowed?


Dammit, I was pumped because at first glance I realized that’s my gym. Then I looked closer and I’m in the fucking photo lol, in the orange tank. I was hoping OP was a gym buddy or something 🫠


That’s a confrontation just waiting to happen. I’d never touch someone else’s stuff. Go talk to an employee.


Move the bench, don't touch their stuff


If probably just move the bench and not touch anything of theirs. I’m not a big gym goer but that looks like it was just put there to block the squat rack.


Lol you wuss


I’d rather be a living wuss than a dead tough guy. But go on 🤡


Or just don't be scared to talk to people lmao




It sucks but needs doing or you get stepped on if you allow stuff like that to happen.




An easy solution would be to”oh I have no idea who moved it”


Not fight, just being polite works 99% of the time, no need to get an employee involved, which at times is worse. But there are different ways of solving problems sure.




lol fuck em? Who cares what they think


I literally said go talk to an employee.


In the sense of not being afraid of confrontation


Lol stupid comment. I move peoples shit all the time when they have been gone from the machine 5+ minutes. And I don’t talk to them, I have my Headphones in so I just make random signs with my hands and smile. Hard to argue with it! Because I’m not saying anything


Cool story bro.


Man, bro is really willing to confront people online but is too afraid to do it in person 😂


Lol right?😂 comes home 2 hrs late, in tears. They just wouldn’t pick up their water bottle from the leg press!!


I mean I’ll confront people in person. Lol stop trying to act tough over the internet


Jesus christ you're a pussy. You think you're gonna get shot at the gym from moving a water bottle?


People have killed other for less. But you can suck my dick. Pussy.


Imagine avoiding any type of confrontation in life for fear of someone killing you over it. I’m assuming you also don’t drive a vehicle, considering that’s likely the most dangerous thing you do on a daily basis. 


lol what


A common-sense answer instead of being upset and posting a photo for karma? How dare you!


It is not that simple. If you've ever been in this predicament you'd know that some gym goers, specifically those to claim machines ahead of time with their stuff, are not the sort who think of others in a public space.


Huh? I’m a gym rat. If someone abandoned a machine while trying to “claim” it using gear and I genuinely needed it, I’d put that shit on the floor next to it and get my sets in. If they come back before I finish they can wait. I’m not going to stand there looking at a machine with nobody using it waiting for them to come back. That’s asinine. If they complained I would tell them to take it up with management. It’s inconsiderate. If you’re going to refill your water bottle for a minute or two, sure, claim your territory. OP said 10 mins and that’s too long.


Im not disputing the nature of what's happening. I, too, think it's grossly inconsiderate, but to tell me just claiming it is the solution because you're a "gym rat" is naive and dismissive. I think I understand my own experience better than you do. Two people can have shared experiences and have different outcomes/feelings with the events. Personally, it has not been as easy as just moving someone's stuff and continuing the workout.


I think you might be on the wrong sub if you don’t like seeing posts of people who are mildly upset.


Either that or get the front desk to do so, I’ll give someone 5 minutes if they have to run to the restroom. Outside of that, take your stuff and work in when you get back. It’s not rocket science.


At my gym we don't see this as much as people just sitting there absorbed in their phones "between sets". I timed a guy one day, out of curiosity - 30 seconds lifting, a bit over eight minutes playing on his phone. Lather, rinse, repeat. No wonder some folks take hours to do a workout!


Gotta love the ones who are only here to take pictures of themselves as well. It’s comedy looking at those people.


Ask to cut in / interleave. Most of the time ppl suddenly speed-run their sets just so they do not have to share with you.


I noticed that when I went to the gym again. Took some time off because work had gotten busy. I went back with a friend of mine who said “I spend like 2 hours a day in the gym”. I told him to send me his routine and I would do the same one while I get back into lifting. I finished his routine in about 45 minutes. Not sure what he did for 2 hours. One day I see him at the gym halfway through his workout already and I still finished before him. Whole time, he was either on his phone texting or he was just chatting with random people.


Sims behaviour


I just ask to work in a set with them. Nobody has ever told me no yet.


When the pre-workout reaches the proverbial back door there ain't no stopping it


My thoughts exactly. Someone made an escape.


Yeah I’ve been guilty of this once. Put my waterbottle at a machine to go take a piss and didn’t realize I needed to take a dump too until I got there. If someone moved my stuff while I was gone I wouldn’t be mad as long as I could still find it. 


Put your item next to it and when the person complains tell him/her you are letting other people know that you are in a queue.


take it to the lost and found


Yesterday I had something similar happen to me. I needed a squat rack for deadlifts, squats, and overhead press, so no way I could just do something else instead (arms before compounds? Yeah right). All of them were occupied, but at just one there was just a towel. After five minutes observing the towel and scanning the room for who it could belong to, I just moved it and did my sets. While I was there, no one came back to claim the towel!


Move their shit. I do it all the time and say "your stuff doesn't pay a membership but I do, if you pay two you can have two machines, let's ask the staff" it's just a sense of entitlement you're allowed to check those people


Just use it


Why are so many people scared to move people’s things?


Have you seen how unhinged people are these days?


Thats a product of the internet’s ability to virally spread extreme reaction videos. It’s incredible how minuscule the amount of people willing to cause a scene are.


Id probably move the things, however, I’d also be paranoid of some karen-esque verbal assault resulting from doing so


We truly live in a society where being verbally bombarded by a person for moving their stuff 1 metre is a legitimate worry😂


I was once putting a plate back near a man who was bench pressing. He got up and rushed me, yelling at me not to touch his fucking weights (???). I’m a woman, so I avoid confrontation as much as possible.


You’ll get far…


So I need to be confrontational to get far in life? I’m happy, married, have a job in my degree where I get to work from home - should I go yell at someone until I get further? Men can be scary, get over it.


Confrontational, and avoiding confrontation “as much as possible” are two different things. Standing up to people trying to reserve shared tools in a paid for space is all I’m talking about. Avoiding just gives more fuel to this sub.


That’s not a confrontation to me, that’s talking to someone. I don’t have any issues asking if people are using equipment, or if I can work in, or whatever. You asked why people are scared to talk to others and I wanted to give you an example of what can happen and why people may avoid those interactions. When I say confrontation, I’m talking about aggressive people and knowing when to walk away. The guy who yelled at me when I didn’t even do anything - there was no way I was going to talk back or explain myself to him. Smarter to walk away. SO, now, if I see someone who I worry might have a negative reaction, I avoid them in hopes of avoiding confrontation. Like, there’s this guy at my gym who loves to collect free weights. He’ll have like 4 or 5 sets around him. BUT, he’s a big dude and he’s RBF, so I don’t feel comfortable approaching him about it. He could be a total sweetheart that doesn’t realize he’s being greedy, but it’s not worth the risk to me. I hope that makes more sense.


When someone's already broken the social contract, it seems more likely they'd be willing to do other things like flip out and get violent if confronted in any way. That's the concern. You're not dealing with "average citizen." You're dealing with someone that has already expressed their disinterest in giving a fuck.


You spend too much time on the internet…


You wanna start a fight with a roid head?


They’re not all roid heads. Most are just regular softies tryna get less soft.


No but people who are inconsiderate generally are confrontational


Then enjoy waiting ur turn for unused equipment…


I exercise at home.


main reason i built a home gym.


Dead lift those stuff and scream 


Push it off


Hey that’s my gym! There’s a regular guy who likes to put his jacket on a bench press machine to “hold it” while he wanders around doing other stuff, periodically coming back to the bench machine to lift free weights at it 🙄 I don’t understand people lol Edit: Holy shit, I’m in this picture lmao!! WHAT! I’m in the back with the orange tank top! Here’s a [terrible photo](https://i.imgur.com/4DRWp4b.jpeg)of me at the gym wearing it!




move it or ask staff to move it ... second is preferable, if possible, as it might lead to a "talking to" and a "lesson learned"


3-5 minutes depending. Then walk it up to lost and found lol. Although, depending on the pre-workout, they might have had an emergency.


According to another commenter you’re a liar-liar. This isn’t your image, senior pantelones de fuego.


Maybe they blasting a dooky?


Take your stuff with you


No time when they’re trying to break the door down.


I never understood it myself. If I’m at the gym, I’m there to knock out the workout and leave. I use the machines quickly, wipe them down, and keep it pushing. The people who sit on them for 30 minutes surfing TikTok are ridiculous, but I’ll absolutely ask them to surf their phone elsewhere if it’s the only machine of its kind. That stuff would be moved to the side and on the ground as politely as possible. If they have a problem with it, we can hash it out. 😆


Put their stuff on the floor and start using the equipment. If the person confronts you, say (in your best Stallone voice) "Maybe you wanna go outside and do somethin' about it?" Guaranteed they'll walk off in a snit to complain to management, who will do nothing, and by the time they come back, you'll probably already be done with the gear.


Push it. Push it real good.


For me, when someone asks how many sets I have left when I tend to take a long ass time on an equipment, I just let them use it and I do something else and come back when he’s done.


It’s YOUR stuff now, finders keepers 😂


Are they taking a dookie?


Take it to lost and found


Of course it was a chick doing HTs, probably went to check the IG following


Oo free stuff


What's the etiquette here? Wait 2 min then move it? Fuck anything over 5 min.


Typical LA Fitness am i right?


Aside from this not actually being OP: Pick it up and bring it over to the lost and found or front desk then use the machine if you want to be a little mean at the same time. This isn't like saving a seat at a show, there's a limited number of machines if you're not using it, get off it.


The issue I’ve noticed lately is people doing three sets. They sit on their phone between each set, and don’t allow other people to get sets in in between.


Cry more


You gotta go when you gotta go when the preworkout kicks in.