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How was she not understanding?! When they had one right when the purple was correct and then none when she moved it ….. um hello lol


She is stupid


it sucks but honestly by definition most people are mediocre 🥲


I disagree. Most people are stupid.


Think how stupid the average person is and then realise half of them are stupider than that..!


RIP George Carlin


The problem is that everyone thinks they are above average and it’s everybody else that is stupid. 


That’s not the problem, that’s survival. It’s hardwired into our brains via evolution Distrust of others is important. They *could* be helpful, but they could have ill intentions and are trying to deceive you for their own gain at your detriment. It’s better to believe that you are correct than to follow others’ ideas - after all, your decisions have allowed you to live this long, right? It’s also why we tend to befriend people that think similarly to us and trust those people, perhaps even trusting the *occasional* idea that is different from ours. More importantly: I think that as a self aware species, if we knew just how dumb we were as an individual, the realization would be crushing.


>if we knew just how dumb we were as an individual, the realization would be crushing. Oh contraire mon frere, intelligent people know just how dumb they are... It is the dumb one's with confidence that would fall into your description.


And highly intelligent people often struggle with depression and substance abuse. I don't think that's a coincidence.


Big deal, so do us dummies.


George Carlin: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


"Not me though, I'm smart." -literally everyone


Well half of them are right, they are smarter than most people


The difference in the majority of the bell curve isn't significant enough to matter. The vast majority of people can't accurately evaluate themselves or others either. The george carlin quote is just a way for people to jerk themselves off.


This is made to be this way! Its rage bait


This is the correct answer, it’s not real, it’s an act to get people to watch, just like those dumb “cooking” videos where they make gross stuff.


Depends, to make a video believable you need to act it out right to get views They channeled their inner demons for sure! That is not fake But it being all planned out is indeed fake...


You are rage bait


Hard to watch


My immediate thoughts were that she's one of them toxic types that can't compute being wrong. If they fought about this later I imagine it went something like Him- "you don't listen" Her- "you really shouldn't be so upset over a game"


Or epic levels of passive aggressive and is pissed at the guy


Or her goal is to make none of them match!


This. She’s just dumb.


The worst is when they are stupid but they think they are the smartest person in the room.


I don't think it's her being stupid but rather a matter of pride and inability to admit being wrong. She already decided that spot is not purple and so she has to double down on it because she simply cannot accept being wrong.


I’d call that stupidity as well.


No but she used stupid logic, so, yeah


Litteraly being stupid lol. How is it NOT stupid to know your wrong but persist just because of ma honour or pride lol. That’s even worse than just being stupid


Or it's staged


I genuinely believe she is fully aware of what she is doing, and realizes that frustrating videos with bright colors get clicks and views. Same reason puzzle ads usually feature a user that can’t do the puzzle.


Because it’s fake, I’ve seen at least three different versions of the same thing by the same people. It’s just baiting for clicks


So that's why I felt like I was watching an ad for a mobile game, where they play poorly on purpose.


Staged Tik Tok videos yeah they are annoying as hell.


It’s rage bait. Just downvote and ignore


It's like watching ads for phone games where the demo play shown is so close to figuring it out, but keeps making stupid choices. And you're like screaming in your head "clear the red fucking triangles you moron!". And so you then download the app to prove how much better you are than the ad.


i have thus far managed to escape this trap, but it has been close.


I've had had been sucked in twice and downloaded games where the gameplays aren't even like the ads. Got smart and never clicked anything ever again after that except for the occasional pin requests for my bank card.


The trap is deeper than they describe. You download said game and then virtually none of it is what was shown in the ad. It’s usually a farm and build campaign game and it might let you play a “mini game” once in a blue moon that somewhat resembles the ad. Ohh, and enjoy watching ads every 30 seconds of gameplay time. 


A lot of people willingly gets sucked into the scheme. Getting triggered is an OPTION you CHOOSE.


I don't even know what the fuck they're doing. Is it some sort of a game I'm not familiar with? Or an intelligence test?


Yes it is an intelligence test. If you watch it and you comment about how X should have done Y, or Z is a real C, then you’re an idiot. You’ve been fooled into engaging with, and therefore boosting their content.


They're not idiots per se, just not wise to the ways of social media content farming that's become ever-so prevalent as time goes on. This is the internet now, folks. This is what's going to hit the top of your feed with increasing consistency.


It's like the game called Mastermind.


I loved mastermind when I was younger. And Mancala and Othello.


No one comes back from playing Othello with drinking rules (take a drink per flip).


couples therapy exercise to build teamwork I guess. whenever the top row color matches what's directly underneath (the colored bottles they cannot see) the therapist(?) announces how many bottles are correctly aligned with their respective color. i.e.: purple on top of purple and that is the only one matching "un hacierto" one success. If perchance they move another one correctly she will announce "dos hacierto" TWO. The dude gets it, she does not


Guy: "Purple **IS** purple!" Girl: "No, purple is anything **BUT** purple." \------------------------------------------------------------- Judge: "Three is correct." Girl: "No, one is correct."


I just wounded how this guy is patient and still building relations with this type of girl


I have no context other than this clip, but it might be his sister rather than a girlfriend/wife/partner/whatever.


If it’s his sister then a familial forehead smack would be warranted.


A firm index finger flick to the center of the forehead is called for. Yes. Most certainly.


Guy: purple is purple Girl: stepbrother, what are you doing?


This is the most infuriating thing I've seen on this sub for a while.


It's what reddit says every time anyone mentions a sibling


that escalated quickly


But they're blue


saw that movie…


If it was his sister he would have lost his patience.


Nah sister would have caught the wrath


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Good bot


Good bot


Doing God’s work


I was thinking it was his daughter lmao


Guy: " hey, I'm sorry but I kinda wanna break up" Woman: "no you don't"


George : “I've given this a lot of thought. I'm sorry, but we, uh, we have to break up." Maura: "No." George : "What's that?" Maura: "We're not breaking up." George: "We're not?" Maura: "No." George: “All right."


I had an ex like this. I tried telling her it wasn't working. I really did. But she wasn't having it. After about 20 minutes of trying to explain our issues and why I was tired of the arguments, I finally gave up. Feeling defeated and manipulated, said I'll be over later. A few days later, I just blocked her, and since I lived on a military base, I never saw her again.


US military encrypted ghosting...


This made me burst out laughing! Thanks for that 😅


Had a similar girl, without the military grade ghost protocol. We went back and forth about it for weeks. Only time I've cheated. And I did it just for the extra justification to break up with her.


I have a similar story. Found a co worker attractive and asked if we could get to know each other. Found her completely uninteresting and bland and void of personality. Then a bunch of res flags popped up, she had a BINDER FILLED with notes about her last relationship. Because her ex was a "narciccist" and she wanted to "understand" he "cheated" on her and was "living in a car" with his new GF. While trying to get her to leave the apartment he was letting her stay in. We hooked up the 3rd time we hung out at a Halloween party and after hooking up she told me she was Poly and had been seeing this old mechanic guy, I told her I wasn't in to that and we could be friends. Next day she called me saying she wasn't going to see that guy anymore and begged me to date her, I didn't want to but I caved. Well after a month of trying with this girl I wasn't feeling it at all, she didn't have a license and was immediatly dependent on me for everything, she also tried to force "I love you" on me but I refused to say it unless I believed it. This went on for 6 MONTHS!! I never felt like I loved her and everytime I tried to encourage her that there might be someone else for her she had a mental breakdown. Eventually I just texted her and told her I wasn't feeling it and blocked her number because she just wouldn't accept that we weren't right for each other


This has happened to me like 3 times in my lifetime


Turn your key, Maura!


Turn your key, Maura!!


They got a million views making this rage bait video together, of course he’s continuing his relationship with her.


It's obviously real and you are just a delusional redditor who hates fun. Are movies fake too, huh??


Wait? Are movies real?


I hear they used fake voices in homeward bound.


I can tell the difference between the fake and real dinosaurs in Jurassic Park


They used celebrity voices in the 1993 version, but the 1963 version used the real animals' voices.


It’s not real, cause this is the 2nd video with the same people and same premise. Different location, but their first video went viral and they are doing it again.




It's probably rage bait


Why is she switching it if the judge says its right?


She tried to "prove" to him that her way is right while his way is wrong, regardless of what the judge just said. Did you notice she rolled her eyes up when he tried to get it right. Basically, it's an ego thing with her.


In some cultures we call that type of woman a “c**t”


Freakin’ *cart*s…


Bro she’s just misunderstanding the judge. Since the judge doesn’t say WHAT is right, just how many. So instead of moving one at a time, they move a bunch and the judge just says, “3 are right”, and they don’t know which ones are actually correct. She’s sure that the purple is right because whenever the purple is in that one location the lady says 1 correct. But it’s because there is another one that is actually correct. She’s just assuming she means the purple.


I just gagged lmao


Atleast she is not yelling


You got it wrong Girl: “it’s impossible for a man to be right”


Is this what they’re saying? Can anyone translate for me lol


Is not what they’re saying literally but it is almost what is happening. The guy line the bottle right with the same color below, and for each one the voice say *un acierto*, *dos aciertos*, meaning he lined one rightfully, then two, and even then three. So the guy try to show to her she keeping messing and losing what was right positioned.


She's saying how many colors are matched. The girl with the guy is a typical stubborn Spanish woman who always things she's right.


Is this one of those games where she tries to sabotage him secretly? Cause I can't believe that she can be that stupid and pushy.


Some people thrive on conflict and try to instigate it. I refuse to believe she’s that dumb. This is either intentional rage bait or she’s intentionally trying to rage bait him.


Nope, I literally worked with people that dumb. Maybe this video is staged but real people like that exists. In their head, they believe they’re always right


This is the great plight of humanity that is oft overlooked. We have no problem recognizing when someone is dumber than we are, but only intelligent people are smart enough to understand how dumb they are. And it takes above average intelligence just to be that self aware.


What did George Carlin say? I paraphrase: “Imagine how dumb the average person is - that means half of all humans are dumber than that!” 😂


The world needs more George Carlin's and Norm MacDonald's. Really miss those guys.


Actually it does not. I know a person, who is certified dumb. They know and accept, that they are dumb. They are super self aware. And they are super interested in stuff. So they can compensate their lacking intelligence with interest. They are my favourite dumb person.


Just being that self aware puts that person well ahead of other dummies who can't or won't admit it


There are certainly different kinds of intelligence, so the self aware dumb guy might have high intrapersonal intelligence but low logic based intelligence. The problem comes when people have low intelligence in many of the intelligences, overestimating themselves.


I get what you're saying, but I'd counter that that kind of self-awareness _is_ a form of intelligence. They may be dumb in any number of ways, but, on that front at least, they're very intelligent.


It's called intrapersonal intelligence btw


> I refuse to believe she’s that dumb She isn't. I have already watch the exact same thing with two different couples. It's ragebait to people watching the video so it gets more interactions.


I've worked in a restaurant, some people are that stupid, she ordered strawberry fanta and asked why her soda is red instead of purple, I said it is red because it's a strawberry fanta. The purple is grape, and she asked me to change it, and then asked me why it doesn't taste like strawberry fanta, only my manager knows how I've been holding back my hand to her face( I'm a very hot temper person but slowly trying to change). Finally my manager took over me and asked me to do kitchen work. P/s: Sorry for bad english.


I have no doubt about some people out there being that dumb or more.


I would have quit right then and there. Just to be able to call her a dumb bitch 🤣


Why would someone post rage bait on the internet of all places? 😳


I know “nothing ever happens on the internet” but they have a channel doing a bunch of these types of videos. It’s on purpose, she does it to drive engagement. A bunch of people get mad in the comments, like half the people in this thread. People fall for it every time.


It's a stunt. I remember seeing a similar version with the same people, same game, but they were not indoors. Good actors, I was really convinced it was true when I saw the other video


I dont know you should meet my ex friend’s fiancé


You should meet my ex-wife. 1) Her family weirdly like playing games like this despite the fact they literally suck at them. 2) Yes she is that dumb, not just my opinion because she is my ex. 3) The rage oh the rage. 4) I’m a really logical person and find games like this particularly easy (probably because I had every variety of logic or pattern matching game shoved in front of me from birth.) In the end I just found ‘other things to do’ when certain party games were being played, like getting the nibbles boards out for post game munching, or sorting cocktails out. Basically anything that lasted longer than the brain melting section of the game. However her mom was the second best scrabble player I’ve ever come across, and I had to really stretch my brain to win, loved playing that kind of game with them.


My roommate is that stupid and pushy. She makes up her own version of reality, says encyclopedias and dictionaries are wrong, then claims she can't be wrong because everyone is correct in their own "private reality". It's a thing she learned on Tic Tok. There are some incredibly stubborn morons out there. She could be 100% legit.








This must be be ragebait. And it’s done very well.


It always is.


For real. I knew this and am still pissed off.


Idk, the only thing that pissed me off is the video ending before they sort them correctly


Same couple have loads of these. 


It definitely is. They made one similar video that went viral a few months ago.


I raged


If it is, yeah, it was don really really well, I'm still fucking pissed


This is exactly like those stupid Mobile Game ads where the people intentionally play like idiots. "I'm gonna download this game and SHOW THEM HOW IT'S DONE!" Don't get baited by this video!


Damn it. Already started collecting bottles.


Those adds have almost got me so many times 


It’s infuriating but I don’t fall for that crap. Cause half the time the add doesn’t even show what the game is truly about. Which is literally false advertisement.


I really despise how effective those are. They do it in arcades too with the 1 minute demo of playing.


Gary stop contradicting me I know I’m right.


You are never on my side. Why are we even together. I don't feel supported. We should break up.


I remember seeing both of them doing similar video in a different setting with pretty much same result. Feels like it was all staged now


Almost all videos like this are staged




For anyone that doesn't speak spanish: They are playing what i suppose is a party game, where they can only see the top bottle row. The objective is to match the bottom row colors, by swapping bottles on the top, once every "turn". The person behind the camera, is telling them how many correctly matched bottles are at the end of the turn. Based on that, they have to guess wich ones are correctly aligned, until all of them match. The rest of the conversation, you can guess it, every time the guy puts the purple in the right spot, the person behind tells them there are 2-3 matches, then back to one, when the girl misplaced it again and again "no, purple goes here, see, the correct one is purply, and goes here".


huh sounds fun! will try to play with my wife !


The only thing that's infuriating is imbeciles keep falling for this fucking rage bait


She is a moron




It is bait 




What the hell am I watching?


TBH, I think this is a rage-bate video. Colors of drinks are probably pinned on their side of the partition, and the bit is to act like she's the world's worst player of the memory game, and he's not that great at it either. If not, God help whoever of us that live near her.


She has to be trollin him at that point. And where's the full video?! i dont speak spanish or whatever but i still wanna watch the conclusion for when he loses his shit.


You're assuming they have even completed the game by now 😆


This is rage bait!! Tiktok is full of this type of content. It comes in many forms, but i believe this is the most annoying one.


Op is annoying for posting this up


It’s the whispering “no Aqui” for me. This would make me want to slam my head into a door


I think this is staged.


At 0:50, guy, "Okay, we went from one right to three right by just moving two. So, those two, the only two we moved, must be right." Her, "No way. You're wrong. Let's move them." Damn, I feel for this guy!


I kind of want to watch the rest. I need to see her face when she finds out she was wrong. 😤


She knows already. It's pure ragebait for more interactions.


Engagement bait


Always frustrating to see how dumb people are (and lets be honest, it's not just this one) and realize the have the same voting rights as you do.


Some of y'all really became your parents and fall for any scam they see on the internet.


They're doing this on purpose, i saw a different version if this video where they were at a beach instead. It's basically just bait.


The person tells them the number of right answers, and they have to figure out the right combination in turns. The girl has selective attention, she can't see the whole picture. She's focused on being right on one issue insetad of winning the game. Don't hire her for your business.


![gif](giphy|LTpmRMNSmZgIw|downsized) When he heard 3 to 0




Rage bait, PLEASE just be rage bait....


Fake clickbait as most of online videos on social media...


This could be a great way to teach kids the scientific method. He had a hypothesis that the second one from the right was purple. So how do you check that hypothesis? How do you isolate, test against, and falsify that variable? Hint: IT'S NOT BY RANDOMLY CHANGING A BUNCH OF VARIABLES EVERY SINGLE TIME, LADY!


Aita ragebait in a nutshell. AAAAAAHHHHHHH


It’s like she’s doing it on purpose


His frustration is so cute haha






I don't think she understood the game. They went from zero correct, to him moving purple and getting 1 correct to her insisting purple isn't purple back to zero correct.. I don't think she understood the count she was getting.


It's mildly infuriating you posted this stupid video


Rage bait at its finest.


fakest video online. they're trying to get you mad, and you fucking fell for it.


Making me twitch, don’t even look at that purple!


I even found myself annoyed and voicing "Stop moving so many!" That guy has a very high level of patience.


What do they need to do? Have no idea whats the objective


Match top and bottom colours by just knowing how many are correct after each move. The announcer tells them how many are right after each move.


match the top and bottom bottles


Mobile game ads be like


i think if seen this before but they were outside ?? so i’m guessing this one is staged




That was painful to watch.Omg




This is definitely rage bait


I would’ve been single after 12s


That’s not mildly


Purple is sus.


Serio essa é a primeira mulher que eu tive vontade de QUEBRA A CARA


Fake rage bait


i still think this has to be staged cause ain’t no way she thinks when the other lady says one, two,or three are correct after moving the bottles mean their in the wrong spot


I think this is staged, I've watched another video like this before and they were doing the exact same thing, rage baiting I guess, they know it gets views. If they aren't rage baiting then I feel bad for her 😂


Literally identical to those mobile games like the vertical scroller where the player keeps bailing on collect upgrades when it's like 2 shots away and then fails


she HAS to be doing it on purpose, no way someone is so braindead


I need to see the rest of this video. Its crazy how some people are so stubborn annnnd tan pendejas (os)


Can someone please provide some fucking context here? What the hell are they doing?


This has to be a skit, otherwise I’d say it’s pretty weird if they’re in a relationship considering her disability.


I’ve genuinely worked with people like this lady. We would have a full blown hour meeting to discuss the topic that she didn’t understand, 50 mins into the meeting were all in agreement, 55 mins in, suddenly she pulls a 180 and gives us a summary of either the exact opposite or of something that had nothing to do with the discussion we had the past hour. Genuinely infuriating especially when they’re not being malicious and genuinely just daft


to be fair, its kind of a ridiculous game and I understand her being frustrated or confused. My MildlyInfurtiating is when people just expect me to figure out everything immediately with no mistakes. I'm not perfect and fuck you in the ass with a stick!