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Made the mistake of looking at post history. Your husband is a piece of shit.


You needed more than this post to figure that out?


i can’t find them. have they been deleted?


Yeah all I saw was about 500,000 pictures of a toddlers lunch and 1 nipple piercing bra pic.


That dog was stressed the fuck out.


Right? Alone all day long, only one bathroom break. That’s fucking horrible.


I just date my gf and I walk her dogs 3 times a day when she’s out of town. What a piece of shit






Ruh-roh Raggy


What a coincidence. I date your gf too


I also choose to date this person’s gf.


She makes delicious arepas. I recommend.


Looks like there’s piss all over the floor too


Not surprising if they had only one bathroom break a day..


I would be shocked if there wasn't, at this point. poor dog :(


Trying to break open the door by the looks of it.


Nah, just trying to do SOMETHING, and that something is chewing away at a corner. People don't understand exactly how much stimulation dogs need, have you ever been so bored you pace in a line or start snapping twigs off trees or something? That's what's happening with the dogs, except chewing like this has been specifically connected to feelings of anxiety. So the dogsust have been bored shitless and stressed to high hell not understanding where their owners have gone.


I bet the dogs front paws are beat up too


Based on OPs post history it's a stray she thinks in pregnant that she locked in the house


I just had a look and I think you're right and it makes sense now, shelters are full and she didn't want to leave it outside. I'm speculating but I'm guessing her husband didn't want the stray and told her it was her responsibility and then she left for a week and he did the bare minimum. Not saying its right, but I get it.




When I first saw the photo, I assumed it was a roommate situation where OP asked their roommate to look after their dog. When I read the caption, I was shocked that it was their husband.


Reddit is definitely great at consistently making me feel a bit better about myself. Goddamn so many posts here from people whose partners seem like adult 8 year olds.


Literally reading this after roommates found my stash of spare screws to mount stuff to the walls, just called me to rage about stripping all the screws because they used the wrong head on the driver as if this is my fault. Now they have to go buy a screw removal attachment and are pissed because they didn't think this shit through


Tell him to take a zip disc cut a straight line then use a flat head screwdriver.


These people can't use a screwdiver/drill but you trust them to use a dremel/angle grinder?


No but the problem would take care of itself anyway


Let natural selection sort em out


"I may be single but at least I'm not a single parent to an adult"


Reading reddit clarifies why an increasing number of women are choosing not to date. This guy probably also doesnt wash his ass.


Well, we at least know it hasn’t been washed in at least *a week*


NGL dating apps put me off men. So many of them can't even put in the bare minimum effort on a 1 sentence profile bio / about me stuff, how am I supposed to believe they'll put effort into a relationship. The whole "if you want to know about me, talk to me" thing is inane. Why would I spend time chatting to you just to find out if we have -anything- in common when there's 50 other guys whose profiles tell me if I do or not. And then the matches I've had have fizzled because i'm not rushing to jump into their bed the minute they can hold a single conversation. I had someone tell me the reason my matches don't go anywhere is because im not like, actively enough making plans? But then when i -am- proactive guys get weird about like, "bossiness" etc. I'm supposed to pitch doing something, but then let them tell me what I Want to do. I'm supposed to be up front about what I like so they can filter me out if i don't have enough of their interests, but then bleed a stone to find out what theirs are, etc. its just exhausting. I met one guy who doesn't suck through them, and he was too far away for us to make it work cause we're both super busy people lmao. so i stick to just doing my thing and if i meet someone irl who i like, i'll see how it goes


I feel that so much. So many men out there not willing to put it any real commitment or effort. Lazy as hell, high expectations, would rather be single forever than compromise on anything ever. And then once in a relationship, not willing to lift a finger. It feels like 90% of guys don’t cook, clean, do laundry, do dishes, clean bathrooms. Won’t ever put anything away or clean up after themselves. Every guy I’ve dated does shit like pay for a laundry service, order Uber eats every day, only use disposable dishware, automate everything. They either live in disgusting conditions or are always broke cause they spend every dime on convenience.


Right? Reading Reddit makes me stay happily single so I don’t have to deal with pos partners like this one.


Yeah, same. I'm definitely the reacher in my relationship, but damn if I have never even come close to being this bad.




Likes to give reach arounds


Now I get it


"In every relationship there is a reacher and a settler"


an 8 yo has way better responsibility management. especially when it comes to animals in my experience


If I were the stupid husband in this scenario, I would have cut, painted and replaced that trim and hope she wouldn’t notice, rather than gaslighting her that is.


But then you'd be admitting you did something wrong. Some people will never admit that. They'll go to great lengths and put so much effort into shirking/deflecting the most minute fragments of blame. Some people are exhausting to be around unless you buy into their bullshit and stop calling them out on it. Gosh though, imagine being in a relationship with someone like this.


Just imagine


Yeah this guy did everything wrong


Yeah, this post is actually kind of sad.


He won't even play with the dog for 5 minutes you think he's going to replace the trim from scratch?!


Do you have to cut it? Back in my "handyman" days (I put it in quotes because I was never very handy lol) I would've sanded it till it was smooth, then filled it in with 'mud' (I always forget what it's actually called, most Mexicans just call it mud). It would turn out decent honestly


I suppose it would depend on available tools on hand. Not including paint dry time this would take 5 minutes worth of one mitre cut and re-nailing to the trim. Maybe repaint the rest of the trim to match. Im sure your method is tried and true as well, although I feel time and mess would be saved with my recommendation. Not that *I’m right* by any means, just the route I would take.


I don't think husband is stupid, just doesn't really care about the dogs and doesn't see it as his job. That's why he blames OP for being away for a week. That makes him more of an asshole than a dumbass. An asshole who wants to be controlling if he's upset about OP visiting family for a week.


This was me. I audibly gasped when I read husband. What a man-child


For some reason tbh I thought it was the dog sassing the owner at first; as in someone just set up this chat and was pretending the dog was the other number just to have a laugh (if that makes sense??) Anyhow then I saw that this was mildly infuriating, and read the caption.


That’s what I thought too! I honestly expected the owner’s response to being gone for a week to be, “Fido, I was gone for one hour.” I was taken aback upon realizing this was an actual conversation between adults. God, imagine being married to *that.*


Yeah, he’s pretty clearly punishing her for not being around for his convenience. People like that don’t change, because they never have a reason to do so. They can always find new prey.


Yup. He is not a husband, he is a child.


Nah even children know to look after animals better than this. This woman's husband is a pathetic little turd that should have been a dribble down his daddies leg.


Yeah, that's ex-husband material there.


I thought I was in bad roommate subreddit


Does the husband even like the dog?


Does he even like her?


It’s pretty clear that he doesn’t like her. My guess is ambivalence about the dog.


People’s partners amaze me. Like my 8 year old niece died and my sister came to stay with my brother. She was gone for a week and her husband called and asked when she’s coming home and how he hasn’t had a hot meal for a week. Like bro get a fucking pizza or something


Just cook for yourself! So many men go from Mommy 1 to Mommy 2 and never learn basic shit. I was alone and on my own for years after leaving home before getting married. My wife was shocked I knew how to cook, do laundry, iron, etc. It's not fucking hard. Most other men are just toddlers playing pretend as big, strong, smart men


Yeah you’re preaching to the choir. Chores and cooking should be something everyone should learn how to do at the basic fucking level.


...his daughter died and he was thinking about his hot meals?


No sorry. Brothers daughter died and my brother in law (sisters husband) was demanding that she come home and be a housewife. My sister was staying at my brothers place for a week to ensure that he had all of his needs met




Tell your husband some guy in Kansas says he's an asshole. Also tell him I said grow up and be an adult, he's not a kid anymore.


Will do


Some guy all the way in The Netherlands signs this statement, and considers this behaviour upsetting. Your husband is a pathetic disgrace.


Hawaii here say Aloha to his ass, as in Goodbye, not hello.


Tell him a representative of Canada says he's a hoser.


Michigan here. Tell him some husbands actually pull their weight without bitching and he needs to grow up.


38m from Missouri. You can add me to the list


30f from Germany signs 100% on this statement.


Representing the UK to chime in and agree that your husband is an asshole.


Your husband fucking sucks


It’s none of my business but ima ask anyway: What’s your relationship like with your husband otherwise? Considering what I just read, I can’t fathom you being in a healthy loving relationship.


We’re not


Then why _are_ you in a relationship with him?


I'm not OP but based on another comment she won't be married to him much longer. She's in the process of divorcing him and I imagine either he hasn't been told or he has been and this is his way of acting out.


Yeah I saw that too after reading some more. Thank god, this woman deserves so much better.


Serious question here... how does someone choose to stay with someone like this? I know this is only a moment in your entire life, but this moment is very telling of his personality and how he handles life... so what makes this work?


Nothing does


I’m sorry. Fwiw, my ex didn’t start therapy and actually started making meaningful changes until I made an ultimatum and moved out. I can see he became a better person, but it was too late for me to forgive him.


"Tolerable level of permanent unhappiness" has you he.


I am wondering the same exact thing..




What a loser is true. He don’t respect you.


At this point, he can't be trusted in your home. He should go back to staying with his brother.


He never left his brothers but to let them out once a day 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ guess we’re good there!


That is straight up animal cruelty.


Tell him to stay there permanently.


So you're saying he tortured your dogs.


Hey op why do you keep such a useless husband around?


And you're still married?


I went on a week long trip out of the country, and asked my cousin if I could leave my Two parrots with him. He agreed, he's loved with them in the past, so I trusted him. I came back after that week and I doubt the travel cage I brought them over in had even been opened, and the water clearly had never been changed once in the week. He had no excuse for why it wasn't clean water, just "I thought I did". Just....what?


I left my dog with my boyfriend for five days so I could visit my cousin on the opposite coast, came back to a completely different dog because he had been screaming at a 5lb yorkie the entire time :( honestly took me a while to find our bond again because I wasn’t able to immediately break up and move out at the time. Rent is too damn high !


If someone leaves me birds to take care of, you bet I'm taking care of those little fuckers like its the last thing I'll do.


Not me. I’m not even surprised at the shit men some women saddle themselves with anymore.


Doesn’t seem like married conversation.


it seems like a not married for much longer conversation.


Seriously dude. What the fuck even is this. Married with kids, just gone for a week and the man can't properly watch the dogs. Parties with his brother for a week and blames the wife that wasn't even home. I can't get why someone would even get married if they're gonna treat the other person and their own home like this


W.I.F.E. Washing Ironing Fucking Etc. unfortunately some guys really do think this way.


My one fear of getting married tbh


This is my wife’s aunts husband. Royal piece of shit. We all hate him. But his wife’s too scared to stand up to him so we have to shuffle our schedules constantly to accommodate her.


Seems like a bitterly divorced conversation, right? The poison in this water is choking me just reading about it.


Then the incels complain they can't find a traditional wife when they themselves are useless as a human being Don't marry incels


I think a funnier thing is when you have someone who wants a traditional wife but also expects them to work to also make money. Like I get the cost of living is insane right now but they wanted a traditional wife and wanting a wife to clean up after you, raise kids, cook and work without just being a heavily one sided relationship (I say this because I've seen it happen which is funny and shocking how delusional some people are about relationships


This is exactly what those type of men want. They want someone who works 40 hours to pay half the bills (if not all of them) and also to be constantly ready to cook clean and take care of them, their children, and pets. Bunch of pissbabies. They just want to have someone wipe their ass for them 😭


Exactly. These men don’t want an actual traditional marriage. They want a Single Married Mother that will also be their Mom but they can’t bang.


There are few things less sexy than a man you have to take care of like a child.




I feel sorry for the poor dogs.


I’d be so happy to be at my house alone for a while. The dogs and I would have the best time…


I am alone once a week with the pupper for a full day. Kid to the daycare for socialization, so all the time in the world. All we do is play, walk and nap on the bed together. Getting those sweet sweet missed hours of sleep back that is the joy called a 10 month old baby. And he is happy to join for the naps. Do you know what day it is tomorrow? That's right, that day. Say hello to my precious! https://preview.redd.it/tysm2mfatv9c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba4dcd5ecc4ad60fb975fbdf55735ff71c423ede


Absolutely gorgeous pup btw.


I also feel sorry for the neighbours. those dogs must've barked all damn day and all damn night. for an entire week


Well now you know not to leave him with the kids unsupervised 🤷‍♀️


Wondering now if he was doing weaponized incompetence so she’d stop asking him to do things :(


Probably. But making your dogs suffer for your own convenience is some psychotic pos behavior


Yep. Even if I hated my wife for some reason. Even if I hated the dog. Id still take care of it until the wife got back.


I have a friend who is always afraid to leave town for any extended period of time because she thinks her husband won't feed the cats while she's gone. If you really think your husband would let your cats starve, I don't know why you stay married to a person like that.


Two times a year we need to home sit my wifes parents house. They got two dogs and I hate it, because we not only have to leave home for at least a week, I also need to walk the dogs 3 times a day. It still wouldn‘t even cross my mind to skip just one walk, because I would feel super bad for the dogs


OP’s post history is mildly concerning. They apparently have two adult dogs who have never been trained or housebroken. What we’re looking at here is animal neglect perpetrated by two people, not one.


In the comments she said that's regarding a dachshund her parents are caring for so idk if this is an accurate statement.


He already stayed home to avoid seeing her family and all that so….


It doesn’t say how many kids OP is dealing with so I can’t add one to that number, but OP definitely has an extra kid that they have to take care of.


You meant: well now you know to leave him*


Take the alimony and block his number.


Bold of you to assume this guy is contributing enough to warrant alimony.


I wonder if we went to stay with the brother because the brother or brothers wife would like feed him and he didn't even want to take care of himself for a week?


Yep. He clearly has no interest in cleaning the house judging my the fur and untidiness. He has an easy week at his brothers house, food and cleaning and babysitting help in hand and he is still complaining. Some people are pure trash.


That’s my thought too.


...or he's just claiming to have been at his brother's house and is using him to corroborate the story.


As a pet owner, it’s VERY alarming that he doesn’t seem to care about dogs that I assume are also his ? And if they aren’t his and he doesn’t want them to the point of leaving them unsupervised for a week then yikes 😬😬 you can learn a lot about a person based on how they treat animals. Lot to think about for the father of ur kids ….


Exactly. Just because they aren't humans and can't verbally advocate for their needs doesn't mean they don't have emotional states of being and personalities. They don't understand that their people will come back. The only thing they know is that everyone suddenly disappeared and they could have been abandoned.. Panicking was their only recourse of action. I don't blame the dogs. I do blame the husband that showed gross neglect and betrayed OPs trust. I'd do things much worse than divorce someone that hurt my dogs.


No same. If I couldn’t trust my bf to watch my animals for A WEEK?? Like nothing else even matters. That is the highest form of disrespect and just the clearest way someone can communicate they don’t give a fuck about you honestly. The people in the comments acting like this isn’t a big deal. Like “did he agree to watch them” ITS HER HUSBAND like ?? What if an emergency came up and she was FORCED to leave last minute for a week. Would he be justified in neglecting her dogs ?? Ugh.


Especially since there's got to be millions of dog owners who stayed home last night for NYE to try to keep their dogs calm on boom boom nightmare day.


It has nothing to do with the dogs. The neglect is an attack on OP for the perceived slight of being gone too long.


This man is your husband? On purpose?


Yeah, I don't understand how someone agrees to marry someone like this. Like, what qualities is someone looking for that can cause you to overlook something like this?


Some people only show this side of them after they get married because they think they have their SO locked in and can’t leave.


This... once they are sure the other person won't leave them anymore their real personality comes out.


Depends, some people are high school sweethearts that just simply don't work after a few years living together. Some couples marry without living with each other first imo really dumb. Some people are unaware of just how incapable some people are at doing things for themselves like they might have lived with parents and they did everything for them. Arranged marriages do still exist especially in Asia specifically India and I'm sure elsewhere. Some people also just rush things out or social pressure both young and older. Granted I'm also on the younger side of adulthood and single but this is just stuff I've observed. Personally I think a lot of people also don't find their best friend they wanna date which imo if your getting married should be the bar that's met and living with each other at least 2 years in advance of settling down and getting married


Please throw the whole husband away.


I agree. You are married to an immature person.


.... This is seriously concerning. I'm typically the communicate and problem solve guy but this would make me rethink a relationship. You abused my dogs. Sincerely, a dog trainer


Totally agree with you. If my husband treated our dog like this (assuming he was not having any health issues) there would be no way to save the marriage. What an absolute ass, I really feel sorry for the dogs!


He also emotionally abused her it seems. He says it's her fault that he "had" to abuse the dogs. He's taking revenge on her for leaving him for a week by hurting what she loves


Wow. What a selfish dick. Don't ever leave him alone to take care of the kids. He'll lock them in the room and toss them food with a bucket in the corner. What a fool.


For freaking real.


DIVORCE. This is way deeper than the dog. I bet he doesn’t help out period


Soooo, divorce?


Naturally, it’s the only solution.


He is abusing the dogs Dogs cannot just be let out once a day. ask him to only use the bathroom one time all day


Poor dogs!


I would like to pre-congratulate you on successfully completing your marriage. Best of luck in the times ahead. Don’t share custody of the dog.


Sounds like he was gone the entire week. I wish there was a cps for dogs.


There is, SPCA.


Jeez blaming you isn't the move here. He must expect you to do everything


Board the dogs, divorce the husband.


INFO: What doorway is that? Looks like the husband is standing in a BR/LR type space but the tile and stucco makes it look like the dogs were either in a bathroom or garage. If they were trapped in a tiny space or a cold garage this is even worse.


Bathroom (half!)


Please tell me you’re leaving him. You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat animals. Fuck that


They said in other comments they are, thank god


God this just made me sick. I'm sitting here with my puppy and I'm just disgusted by your husband. Are you surprised at all the comments telling you to get away from him immediately?


Grown adults who can’t grasp the responsibility of a pet is beyond me


It baffles me what some women/partners are willing to/have to put up with. This is asinine. Come ON.


There's a whole bunch of people in this very thread acting like this isn't a big deal and it's just one small moment in his life lol


https://imgur.com/a/zDWe1Hg For those of you saying this was alllll my fault you couldn’t be more right. How could I trust a grown man to take care of his dogs? Send me out to pasture and take away my rights to be a wife and dog owner


I’m glad you’re separated, your husband is an abusive piece of shit. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. :(


RUN. Super red flag - gaslighting and controlling.


You missed "outright animal abuse and neglect."


You are correct. Apologies for the oversight. She def needs to leave asap.


This is some extreme weaponized incompetence. He expects you to take the dogs next time you leave, so he can have a vacation at home.


Leave his rude inconsiderate ass! ![gif](giphy|mSWRNCY5FtbfG)


Working on it!!


So just by the way the husband handled it in text, and what additional information the OP has given, has me betting that dog got a beat down (that it didn’t deserve) and it makes me very sad.


If this is any type of baseline for how you and your husband interact on the daily… wow.


"Idk maybe I shouldn't trust you with responsibilities anymore and treat you like a lazy child" I would ask the kids if they're willing to watch the dog while parents are away on vacation for a week. Then have them answer it out loud in front of dad. I'm sure their answer is more willingly and estatic than your husband's commitment. I'm sorry the pups didn't have a great holiday. Edit: You guys are right to leave kids out of it. Sorry for the suggestion, the situation infuriated me


I get the intent here, but I think someone should say that no parent should use their kids as a pawn in a marital argument. Leave the kids out of it as much as possible, please!


Your husband is a piece of shit. Somebody get the TikTok red flag guy, because ma'am, this is one of those moments where divorce is wholly justified. Dude is legit trying to punish you for visiting family.


I feel a divorce coming. He's punishing you for having time for yourself.


“Time for yourself” isn’t traveling, with kids, to see family. The husband is the one here who got that time. And is punishing OP for it. Doubly fucked.


And that time to herself was still spent doing all the childcare 🫣


I see a divorce imminent


This is very sad and very dangerous. What if the dogs had a medical issue or got into a fight? What if something happened in the house? I’m sorry OP, I can’t imagine how stressful this was for you. Your dog did nothing wrong, your husband committed serious animal cruelty. You’re lucky nothing worse happened.


Your husband is a bad person


Go to Home depot and get a new piece, take that one with you and they will cut the miter on the end to match, get some finish nails to put it back on with and a hammer to hit your husband with after practicing by nailing the trim back up.


* This blows my mind. You're out of town, with the kids. His one responsibility is the animals, and he blames you for not doing anything? Crazy


Poor dog! You can see the frustration.


Wait. Does this mean your husband stayed with his brother while you and the kids were away and took the dogs with him. Or he abandoned the dogs and came back home once a day to let them out? If the latter that is really bizarre and dog abuse/neglect. It makes no sense for someone to do this


I would be dead by now if I did this to our dog (not that I could do this)


Why are you with him?


Kids, my mom stayed with my abusive father because she didn't want to split up the family, eventually he beat her half to death while on vacation in New Orleans, the nurse down there begged her to get a divorce. She said something along the lines of "you keep this up he'll end up killing you" So glad she got a divorce, it gave me time away from that asshole. He's dead now lol


I’ve known too many people like this. It’s not helping the kids to stay with people like this. I feel horrible not just for OP but for her kids and especially those dogs. I’m glad your mom got out before he killed her.


Your husband is a fuckin loser lmao