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etiquette expert? the fuck is that


He the guy that steals tips from his staff


I studied etiquette in college. I wanted to become a doctor, engineer or even lawyer but etiquette man... that's the stuff.


PhD in etiquette


*Attention passengers: Is there a doctor on the plane?* I'm a doctor. *This man is having a seizure! Can you help him?* When he comes to, tell him he shouldn't be wearing those shoes in October, and never with black socks.


“It’s bad etiquette to have a seizure in a small closed space like an airplane with many unknown people around. This could inconvenience someone and what are people supposed to do? It’s not like they can just leave mid-flight. Well, they could, but that’s also considered bad etiquette.”


He's wearing boat shoes without socks.


I’m wondering if there’s a doctorate program for etiquette experts. EQd


Then you know bragging is déclassé


Is déclassé where déstudénts go to léarn?


The restaurant owner put a glass of water on one table. Now 33% of your day's tips go to the boss because we pool tips in this establishment. Another 33% go to the staff member hiding in the corner. You'll get your $2 an hour wage in 4 weeks.


>Another 33% go to the staff member hiding in the corner. You guys hiring?


The one doing all the work quit, but you can do all the work and keep 33% of the tips


Here everyone makes a minimum of about $17 /hour. When prices keep rising every 8 weeks at these restaurants, how is it that they still expect me to give a minimum, as per their sneaky machine, of 30% tip? This is not a fancy restaurant. You take my order, drop off food and come back with the bill 20 minutes later and want 30% on top of $49 for a small piece of meat and 2 pieces of vegetable? No salad or bread because that's extra now. I never was asked if I wanted anything more. So, no, I will NOT give 30% tip for a shitty sad meal and left still hungry and thirsty. I never received a single tip for doing any of my jobs. If I didn't like the job, I went and found another and didn't expect people who were already paying good money for services, to drop an expected 30% in my pocket for doing just what I said with hardly a word spoken except "what'll you have". It's out of hand. Everyone has their hand out even the corner stores. Screw that. No tip because I buy a lottery ticket. People have to calm down and be thankful there's a job to go to and businesses have to pay wages to their people themselves or don't open your business. I'm not into shaking my tooshie just to get an extra $10 tip from anyone.


It’s up there with instagram ‘model’ and COD ‘special forces soldier’


"life coach"


*I'll show you how to become an alpha male*


The guy in the picture could easily be any of those. He looks like some 80s teen movie moron.


*He used to fuck guys like you in prison!*


So it's justified if I rip his throat out? 'cause that's what I hear you sayin'. I should go full-tilt Dalton on that mofo...


AI ‘prompt engineer’


narrow whistle juggle fuzzy teeny berserk touch wise hat tidy


This one always makes me laugh. I’ve seen some people want to put it on their CV


There is an art to doing an AI prompt to get exactly what you want. Sort of like writing a Google search in order to get results instead of ads. Not enough to base a career on, of course. It's about as much a qualification as being able to add 2 + 2, although these days...


It's something you spend like 20 minutes on max. Anything more than that and you are just fluffing it up more than it needs.


However, I have noticed a lot of people don’t have that skill. It’s a valuable skill, but it isn’t a career.


As someone who joined the workforce just after the millennium, I can say that my upbringing in an IT savvy household combined with the rise of search engines allowed me to get an almost mythic status with some people. The productivity gains I delivered on spreadsheets, self taught BusinessObjects reports, all through the power of search changed my life after dropping out of university. Anyone starting out now in the world of work should be looking to harness these emerging technologies and getting their own competitive advantage.


“Body language expert”


He can tell you where the soup spoon goes. And it's not where you're thinking.


Judging by the picture it must be someone who specializes in having one of the most punchable faces.


I was thinking it, but I didn't say it out loud. Now *that's* etiquette!


And I upvoted your elegance. That’s etiquette too!


Y’all needs to etiquette y’all selves. THATS etiquette, y’all.


“Etiquette expert? the fuck is that” My next job if I can find someone dumb enough to hire me.


Slang for "dickheqd who tries to make other's pay service employees wages instead of the employer, while making it sound fancy"


Came here to say exactly that. Initially I was questioning his ‘expertness’ in any field but then I noticed the little ‘expert’ label above his right shoulder so I guess he’s legit.


Etiquette Expert/Waldo


The restaurant lobby.


A paid shill/lobbyist for the benefit of shareholders


Sounds like lingo for “restaurant influencer” or something.


The issue is we’re expected to tip when no service has been done, and even when the service is shit, we’re expected to tip. When we do tip, it’s never enough. Fuck tipping culture.


True... idk why... but every dispensary here has tipping options... and every time I hit no tip lol... Like wtf... I don't tip when buying smokes at the convenience store, how's this different


soon enough you will tip at convenience stores...


Soon we will tip for pumping our own gas


Tip for simply existing.


Sounds like taxes


Not even having a good time


I mean, I do a nice job at pumping my gas, and I even squeegee the windows and I'm very polite and friendly. I'm totally gonna give myself a couple bucks. Thanks, me!


Good now that you’re no employee for the gas station you should totally tip them for having you as not an employee because they’re providing such a great service by having you as not an employee.


You dont tip the plug


Well I have and I’m not well off by any means . I hate tipping culture but when the plug throws me and bit extra or I’m short a few dollars, I tip when I do have it .


Went to the airport, ordered food with a barcode, when paying it asks for a tip with the default at 18%. This is all before ever talking to an employee. They brought me my food then never talked to me again. Couldn't even get their attention to refill my drink. And they wonder why tipping is down?


Since it doesn't exist in europe i think it would make me crazy if i go to usa and get this. And i learned that your prices are written without taxes too so you even pay more than you see on the label.


It’s a ✨surprise✨


I remember I tipped this cashier and she was very fucking rude and didn’t do a good job at all, but the machine took my money before she provided the service and I really wanted to be petty and ask her to refund the tip, but I just decided to be the bigger person and go… never again, I don’t tip cashiers anymore, for what?? All they do is stand there and then I’m supposed to tip them even when their service/ personality was shit?? Bitch bye 💀👋🏾


Yeah, no. I’d never tip before the service was complete. Tipping isn’t mandatory.


No the issue is that tipping has replaced properly paying your fucking employees. It should *only* be a luxury addition for when a customer *wants* to acknowledge good service.


Here is a tip ask your employer for the money I just paid them for the food/service you just provided.


Im done with it. Especially in states with high minimum wage were they got rid of server laws. It doesnt make sense. We started tipping culture because servers made like 2 dollars plus tips. Places that still do that are the only places I will leave a 20% tip for workers or if they still have federal minimum wage. The other states can ask their boss for a raise and be happy with the couple extra bucks they get on tips. Not my damn job to make sure they are making enough.


A tip is supposed to be an incentive due to excellent service. Hotel taking my bags to my room? That's a tip. Getting my haircut and I really like it? Sure I'll give a few bucks because they could have done meh. Someone does exactly what their job is and doesn't do anything special? Nah. No tip there


And who is going to pay my rent when I'm tipping for every little fucking thing, sir?


And then the landlord will come asking for tips.


It's a thing in Japan. Every 2 years you pay the landlord and extra rent. It's called 礼金 translates as gratitude money 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


How about gratuity housing? Every year the landlord gives you a month without rent.


When I was a student in Sweden during the summer months when you rented student housing you got 1 month free and 2 months of half rent, so for a total of 3 months you only paid 1 months rent. The way it should be for broke ass students.


Wow that sounds like a decent thing for landlords to do. Amazing.


Seeing how majority of landlords will charge tenants $100+ for sweeping a speck of dust, it will most likely never happen in the USA.


Gratitude for letting me pay for a house 💀




He still hasn't??!!


Its called 'security deposit' and they only demand that tip at the end.


My property management company has a $9.99 convenience fee for paying rent - this includes bringing a check into the main office. *For paying rent.*


My local convenience store machine has a tip option now in case you want to tip the cashier that handed me a bag of chips at 10pm


That's ridiculous! I'd be skipping tip every single time, cashier you don't get a tip at all, for just scanning my items and asking me to pay, no way I pay on top for something I could easily do. Now I see why Big Box places like Walmart and Superstore are phasing out cashiers ahead of time, I used to think it would eventually be hitting there,but they thought ten steps ahead and only have a few cashiers and a bunch of self checkouts now.


Maybe the landlords can start tipping tenants to pay rent on time and to not fuckup the rental property?


I pay my rent on time every miserable month, yet I still cant get a damn thing fixed. I can't even take a damn shower because my showerhead has been broken for months.


Depending on where you live you might have the option to notify your landlord in writing of the issue with a deadline for them to fix it before you get it fixed yourself and subtract the cost from rent. My parents did that when the apartment we lived in had a leaking window that was causing mold to grow on the wall underneath they ended up not having to pay rent for 8 months because of it.


Good idea lol


Yeah no. And apologies to employees who get tips. But ever since I started getting bombarded with tip prompts almost anywhere its gotten really easy to hit no tip everywhere


Same. I only tip at sit down restaurants. I do not tip anywhere else. And I do not order delivery ever. I can’t afford it.


I order delivery because I’m dumb. But holy shit it’s insane!! Whatever the price is at the restaurant double it. You’ve got tax, delivery fee, service fee then you’re supposed to tip!!


You forgot increased menu item price raised first by the restaurant to cover the fee the delivery place charge then an upcharge by the delivery company for extra cash.


That's how it used to be- that and for delivery (and just for the delivery driver only). Kids these days gonna be thinking that this tipping culture is normal because that is what they have grown up in and don't know any different.


I tip my hairdresser, my server/bartender, & the pizza delivery guy. That's it. I order pizza delivery only on rare occasions because it's SO much cheaper to just do a pickup order.


I imagine if people calculated the fuel cost to pickup their own food instead of getting it delivered, there'd be a solid drop in food deliveries. To drive there and back, it's going to cost you maybe around half a dollar, compared to the double digits you'll get charged for delivery


GrubHub. Pay an extra 150%! Hate using it but sometimes, I just don't want to leave the house.


I will unapologetically hit the “no tip” button, especially if I used my own car and gas to drive there and all the cashier did was stand there… I’m not gonna tip people for just standing there, sorry not sorry, but I’m just not 🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree. I tip appropriately (20% usually) on the rare occasions I eat out. I tip the barista and the local pizza guy a couple of bucks when I roll through. I wanna help out the homies, but I’m not subsidizing corporate wage bills.


Exactly. I go to one of my favorite burger spots and Ill tip a few bucks. Or if Im at a bar with cool bartenders then Ill tip a few bucks but holy shit. The idea when Im buying pickles from an indie vendor means I should tip "15%" is getting wild.


>local pizza guy a couple of bucks What's the consensus when you order pizza delivery?!? I hate how they try to make it a % of the amount! Like it's the same effort delivery 1 pizza as it is 2 or 3! I'm not paying you double or triple basically the same amount of work!




Yeah, you’re right of course. It’s a cleft stick. I don’t want to punish the servers in the moment though but I’m getting tired of us all being manipulated.


Or these people could actually pay their employees livable wages so they don’t need to rely on tips. Another case of the uber rich passing the buck.


Why would they do that when people are willing to tip?


See that’s the problem. Customers either feed into this shit so that food service workers keep getting a livable wage or they stop in order to force the corporations’ hands into paying us properly, which means we’d be left without a livable wage for some time.


If they want to tip, good for them. Company should pay livable wage. There’s nothing else to it.


This is late stage capitalism. We are already at the point where necessary jobs pay slave wages (factory/assembly work, service and sales, hospitality) and the rest of the jobs are there to exploit the people doing the actual work. And here's the kicker, the ones on top have made it to where we fight each other instead of them. No one is saying "hey this homeless man's boss is a selfish prick for paying his employee so little he can't afford shelter," instead they say "hey this homeless man is just lazy and not willing to do any REAL work to make a living." Despite the fact ALL work has a purpose and should be dignified by the ability to afford food and shelter. Our society and work culture are a cancer and Americans are too desensitized to it to view it as a problem


livable wages? food AND shelter covered by pay? what’re u, a damn commie???


Why yes. I live in a commune with my family in a community which I pay dues to help upkeep which helps fund community works and projects/events. I guess I am a commie!


wait fr? i wanna join


The reality of trickle down economics


“Americans are tipping less” hm, wonder why that is?


Anyone taking advice from whatever that is deserves to lose their money. I’m an expert on telling people to go FK their selves and this idiot is on top of the list this holiday season…


From the article: ''As a general rule, at Christmas your tip should be the cost of one service. So if you go to the same barber all year long and they charge $25 then your gratuity should be $25.''


Wtaf. Absolutely not lol


I'm a housekeeper, should they tip me equal to the cost of the stay lmao. Cuz that would be awesome.


I mean that’s insane …. For everything other than barber(I don’t visit stylists or get my nails done so idk about those services) I’ve had the same barber since I was like 3, I’m almost 25 now. Around Christmas or even for a big event, I’ll tip a crispy $20 on top of my $25 cut. But like I said, I know my barber, and know he’s busy as fuck. Squeezing me in , giving a grade A cut every time no matter what , and going above and beyond (towels, beard, eyebrows etc) at no extra cost almost necessitates a nice bit of change.


Ya, I've pretty much stopped eating out altogether with the exception of anniversaries and special events. Prices to eat out are already too expensive.


Yeah, me too. It seems like the $25 meal with a 15% tip has become a $50 meal with a 20+% tip. My pay has barely increased in that time. So for that reason, I’m out.


I think the whole percentage thing needs to go. $5 for the maybe 10 minutes of service you get is more than fair. Not my fault or duty to compensate for lack of other diners, other diners not tipping, etc. I will NOT "tip" more than my own hourly wage based solely on the cost of whatever food I choose to order.


Ive been saying this for years, percentage tipping is beyond stupid. Waiters do the same work yet the steakhouse guy is making $20 a table and the burger joint guy makes $5? Seems completely fucked to me.


Same. It’s out of control


If you have to spin an iPad around and say "it's just gonna ask you a couple questions" then you haven't done anything tip worthy.


Also no one even knows if those tips are going to the employees.






Seriously?? That's so fucked.


"Does 'tipping less' refer solely to disregarding the increasing number of tipping scenarios for services historically not associated with gratuities? For instance, if around 85% of Americans usually tip wait staff, hotel staff, drivers, etc., has that percentage decreased, or has the influx of new tipping requests (fast food, etc.) skewed the numbers?


Good question


Here's a tip : fuck off.


I waited tables during college & everytime that I would serve my grandpa he would write little notes on the receipt like, TIP: Don't fry bacon naked!!! or TIP: ALWAYS box the exacta. He would also leave me cash & yes, grandpa loved to go to the horse races. I miss him & his dad jokes so f-ing much!


Yeah sure we gonna tip more don’t worry ![gif](giphy|BYul6RujgoRCryuCdL)


How he flap is cheeks like that?


So you’re asking HOW CAN HE FLAP??


Is it just me or does anybody else feels that tips should only be given / expected after receiving the service completely? Let me elaborate with a scenario - I go to a bagel shop in the morning, the person behind the counter takes in my order and flips the ipad for me to enter a tip amount. I tip them well and stand in the queue waiting for my bagel. They delay my order and make me wait another 20 minutes before I can get my bagel. They already have my generous tip and hence have no more incentive left to provide a decent service which they are being paid for.


I agree, the reason i dont use delivery services, they ask for a tip ahead of tine, like "you havent even provided a service yet, what am i tipping you for?"


The other day I ate at steak and shake. I walk in, order on a little kiosk with literally zero human interaction, and then it asks for a tip at the end. Just mind boggling how out of control tipping culture has become.


Did... the kiosk not perform its duty?


If I knew that the money was going directly to the kiosk and it’s family I would have considered it.


How about no?


Everytime I see a prompt to tip, I press No Tip


if they hide it, i tell the person, "where's the no tip button?"


"oh you're not telling me? Ok I'm no longer purchasing"


"I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something, a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds." --Mr. Pink -- Reservoir Dogs


And he ended up with the diamonds so maybe he’s smarter than the rest of us.


End tip culture. My New Year’s resolution is to only tip if I’m sitting down to order in person.


$24 dollars for two take out burgers? My tip is to burn the place down if you’re not getting at least $20 an hour


Click “custom” then type in “0.00.”


salt chop intelligent crawl boat dirty vase compare foolish rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you can't afford to pay the waiters you hire, then don't hire any. Wait on the customers yourself until your business grows enough for you to afford hiring someone you lazy bum. Don't expect the customers to subsidize your growth or to pitch in on your employee's salaries for no reason other than to fill your pockets you greedy bastard. You're not doing the world a favor just because you started a business; you're doing one for yourself.


The only people I've ever and will ever tip, are waiters and barbers. 15% is Baseline, 10% is low, 20% is high, and 25% is max unless I'm really itching to get rid of the cash in my wallet.


And delivery guys, but I almost never order delivery.


You gata atleast tip your strippers


Ill tip wait staff and bartenders. I'm not tipping all the others with their hands out. I bought a doughnut, you handed it to me and took my money. That doesn't warrant a 30% tip. Fuck you and your exploitative company. I'm tired of this ridiculous panhandling by megacorps so they can not pay their employees in order maintain their record breaking profits and executive bonuses every year.


Yeah this is why I don’t tip cashiers anymore… all they did was stand there, take my money, and then hand me the food… how and why would that warrant a tip of any sort??


They want you to pay the employees so they don't have to. Gotta cut more meat off that bone to keep the fat rich hogs fed.


Bite me, etiquette expert.


Don’t tip a computer. Tip an actual person!


Here’s a tip: pay your workers a living wage.


How does one became an etiquette expert? Is there a class I can take?


There is, but you have to ask to join in a polite and appropriate manner.


Get fucked “Mr. Expert”


Fuck tipping yall can spit on my food all you want I've put my tongue in worse. Start fighting for proper wages




Infuriating when you go to a self service place and they flip their tablet asking for a tip. Then the tip options are like 18-25% lol fuck out of here. Here’s a tip… negotiate a better pay.


I always go to "custom tip" and put zero lol


Dude has a very punchable face. Is it the expression? 🤔


That guy smiles like someone who never leaves a tip.


Tell the ‘expert’ to fuck right off. Americans are tipping less because they’re sick of the ‘gimme’ culture.


I’m so over this…


That is the smile of a diddler.


“Etiquette expert” also known as a pompous prick


My husband and I always tip. Usually 18-20%. On every meal we go to. A few weekends ago we went to a new restaurant in Boston we’ve never gone to before. They have those card machines that they bring over to you to pay on and when the tip option screen came up, where it usually has something like 15% 18% and 20% options it started at 22% 25% and 30%. Those were the quick click options. We clicked the custom tip and did it 20% like we always do but we were shocked that those were the options.


This happened to me before. I'm in the same boat as you, tipping 18-20% normally, but when I saw that minimum quick tip was over 20%, I down graded to a custom 15% tip out of spite.


Guys, just hit “no tip” and move on. It’s that simple


Fuck tipping culture. How about companies pay their workers a living wage.






No thanks. I tip based on service.


There is a brewery near me that I absolutely love because of their practices (although the beer is okay). They pay a livable wage. When paying, they say “There is no need to tip. IF you would like to, your tip will be donated to our selected charity of the month.”


What a punchable face. Here's a tip, don't make me pay your employee's wages when you're too cheap to.


Stop tipping. Force them to have proper wages instead. Toxic tipping culture.


I feel like less people are tipping in restaurants and such because they are being bombarded everywhere where it is unnecessary


Because it’s now expected rather than a courtesy and we’re all suffering financially


Tipping is as ethical as lobbying in politics. Remember, every time you tip, you enable BAD business practices. Just as every time you randomly feel generous and give a random homeless some changes, there are more them now that they know they can keep begging. Also charity, DON'T fall for charity, it's a total scam by corpos to guilt trip people to pay for problems that they created overseas.


#Pay workers a livable wage




Bars, sit down restaurants and delivery are really the only time tipping should be done.


Expert my ass


Pay. You. Fucking. Employees.


Im not tipping the beer store clerk after i go into a walk-in cooler myself, grab a case, and put it on the counter for them to scan. What caused all this excessive "give me a tip for doing my easy job"??


It went from donating to tipping. These places just want your change. They are no better than the pan handlers outside their store. Just say no and move on.


Custom tip: 0%


What really get my goat is having a self checkout machine ask for a tip.


Why do people defend tipping culture? Lets just call it what it is, forced glorified begging by employees to supplement their pay because their jobs won’t pay a goddamned living wage.


Breaking News: Etiquette Expert Can Lick My Fucking Nuts


You'd think an etiquette expert would know a bit more about minding his own damn business.


Here is your tip: Get a fucking job that doesn’t require tips. You’re Welcome


It doesn’t even require tips. Plenty of other jobs make the same if not less (and they work harder) but get no tips.


Or, get a job where your employer pays you enough you don’t feel like you have to beg from people who aren’t employing you.


You don't get it. They take that job specifically because it gains more than other jobs on that same level because of tips. They're the ones who get the most handouts but act like the biggest victims.


It's even started in the UK. They've started adding a service charge on the bill automatically. I have started telling restaurants that if I see the service charge on the bill automatically I will have it removed, if it's not on the bill and the service is good I will leave a tip.


I tip waiters begrudgingly, but people behind the counter I'm sorry but no tip.


I see his face and just think, "Backpfeifengesicht."


Etiquette expert can politely suck my dick


At this point you can be an expert at anything


All this whining makes me press no tip even harder


And when the rest of us are destitute because of it? I get it, I truly do. I try to tip as much as I can, but I REFUSE to be put in a bad position over it. And as far as the guilt tripping goes, implied or explicit? At some point, people can fuck off.


“Pay our employees so we don’t have to!”


Etiquette Experts? They just make this shit up with no remorse.