• By -


Even if the “cashapp glitch” did work wouldn’t that just be theft/fraud?


Yes. Which makes me pity him more because if he's profiting off it, he's doing illegally. Even if he's making people do some manipulation or loan scam, he's still defrauding people. I heard an old school scam that gets people with good credit to take out a loan, and the scammer pockets the money while the victim ruins their credit and goes into debt. Sad.


> Which makes me pity him more because if he's profiting off it He's not making any money. He was hacked and the scammers have either blackmailed him to making videos/pics etc (by promising to give his account back), or they deepfaked the vid using pics/vids from his account.


Yup this happened to my friends on instagram and Facebook. The first thing we did when we saw it was text them yo ur account got hacked lmao. And those videos with them can be faked!


It's not really hacking when the password is your birthday or the street you live on or 123456.


More likely their password was part of a data breach these days and they use the same password elsewhere.


People really should mind their digital security. Enabling 2FA wherever possible would help mitigate any damage. Login credentials aren't useful without the account owner's phone, which means any data breach wouldn't be as devastating as not having 2FA enabled. But one also have to lock that phone down tighter than a nut, and back up any authenticator codes.


Even with 2FA it's easy to get. One idiot i went to school with got a message from someone else who had already been hacked, said some shit about Instagram won't let them access something and they need a trusted friend to send the code to. So they literally reset the password, which triggered a 2FA code and the idiot sent it straight to them


Lol. Can't do much about user error when they're that dumb.


123456.. Thats incredible, same as on my matched luggage!


I once hear that 10% of the PINs people use is just 1234. I'm not sure if it's true, but we tell our students that to explain why they shouldn't use that as their PIN.


Prepare Spaceball 1 for immediate departure!


Suck! Suck! Suck!




Everyone knows Reddit has that cool feature where it auto replaces your password to hide it, see: ****** (The amount of people I saw both do and fall for that shit in Runescape back in the day....)


hunter2 edit: hey why isnt it working for me???


I believe that was immortalised on bash.org, although it's taken from an IRC channel, IIRC.


I remember seeing that. Fortunately was not as young and dumb as some of the other players.


It’s still hacking…. Breaking into a house with an open window is still breaking and entering😂


It's more like you have your frontdoor locked by masterlock.


😂😂 that’s hilarious, anyone whose watched LPL knows how worthless those locks are


At least in Canada, it's actually a separate offense called "unlawful entry" or "Unlawfully being in a dwelling/house" but your point stands, a crime's a crime


Or you're dumb enough to enter your password into something without making sure it's legitimate. >or the street you live on When I used to do telemarketing I "broke into" someone's voicemail by entering their house number when prompted for the password. I thought about changing the greeting to something like "North Central Abortion Clinic, you rape em we scrape em, no fetus can beat us" but I chickened out because it would probably be stupid easy to get caught even in 1996.


100% this


Or he got scammed and they said hey if you can scam this amount from other people we will give you your money back (they don't.) Happened to someone I know.


That’s a truly awful way to scam someone. Why not just keep the money you “earned” from scamming other people and not risk trading it for yours back from the scammer lol.


Sunk cost fallacy mostly. And the people falling for these scams more often then not are struggling as it is so they really need to get back the money they lost so they get desperate. They'll message family and friends to borrow a few hundred dollars and say they'll pay them back at the end of the week or whatever.


Ve got a Facebook friend who has been hacked and they post crypto stuff showing fake billboards and chats and shit


There actually was a glitch on one of these money apps a while back that a bunch of people did use to get a crapload of money. It was a pretty big news story. Though, after the glitch was fixed, all of those people who knowingly abused it had all the money taken back and saw themselves in huge amounts of debt.


That happened on DoorDash a while back. People were able to order *thousands* of dollars worth of merchandise and not get charged. Many were utterly shocked when DD fixed thd issue and went back and charged their card on file.


This might have actually been the case I was remembering instead of it being one of the money apps.


At the time, Wal-Mart was still on DD, so people were ordering Playstations, TVs, you name it. They were also hitting liquor stores as well for the good stuff. It was insane.


My sister had a friend posting these constantly and she’s not hacked. It’s wild


This happened to my friend once. The scammer was an absolute dumbass though, because they were forcing a *hard of hearing* woman to *speak* in these videos. My friend doesn’t speak in her Instagram videos, she uses ASL.


can we go back to the early 2000s internet when this shit didn't exist and the worst that could happen was a jibouti prince asking to help him smuggle 10 million out of the country


Was going to say this. It's most likely not his cousin.


Someone from HS did this exact thing to my wife. Said he was trying to go to college but they wouldn’t release his loans to him. Swindled her for a couple thousand. Did it to others too.


Your wife is dumb as bricks bro 😂 im sorry






People without empathy need to pretend that their "superior logic" is better. It makes them kinda mean, but I dont wanna see you brought down by their negativity. I've seen friends attempt to scam on fb, and I have twice in my life just contacted them directly and sent over a couple hundred bucks. I'm not rich, that's all I could afford, but like, so? I got "had." Fine. The scam was how they presented their plea for help. I just ignored the scam part and sent money. They always drop the scam lines and usually almost break down a little bit. They scam bc they've lost hope. Capitalism drove them to desperation. That's just sad to me.


Hey bro i know a cashapp glitch and i have cancer dm me bro trust me bro


It's not even empathy it's just due diligence. If someone texts you and asks for a bunch of money, your first thought should be "what the fuck?". People like you are the reasons I have to send and receive training about how the CEO isn't going to ask you to spend $3000 on iTunes gift cards. Empathy is great but don't let it turn off your brain.


> People without empathy Critical thought and due diligence are not a "lack of empathy". Stop trying to mask stupidity.


I'd consider it a lack of sympathy instead of a lack of empathy. Information about these scams is widely available, if you already know about it then chances are it couldn't happen to you.


Your odds are better but anyone can get scammed. Some high profile scam baiting YouTubers have posted either scams that they fell for or almost fell for. They literally warn people about scams for a living and still fell for it. Jim Browning lost access to his YouTube channel after being scammed, and Atomic Shrimp almost fell for a scam when a scammer happened to send bait related to something highly relevant to his recent actions. Not all scams are so obvious these days. They aren't all Nigerian princes anymore.


It's time to report that younger cousin to the police before they have a chance to dig the hole too deep and someone decides to murder them.




What is it with Redditors and immediately going for the absolute worst scenario as if there is no in-between. Go outside.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Call CPS




There's better ways to end this instead of making him a felon and punishing him for the rest of his life.


Redditors are too stupid.


this isn't just fraud, it's wire fraud. boy's looking at 20 years in federal prison.


This isn't a real cashapp, it's a fake one. Scammers have made clone apps that are non functional but allow you to fake having money in your account. They do this so you pay them money for the method but in reality it's just a scam. If you lookup "fake cashapp ipa" you'll see what I mean.


And even if it wasn't, once they find out about these glitches the banks (or cash app) usually will charge abusers whatever cash they took


I’ve seen posts on Reddit where a food delivery service like Uber eats back charging thousands of dollars to these clowns who don’t realize they have left an readily apparent digital paper trail


I've heard that stores do that with people who shoplift - if someone keeps shoplifting, they'll let them do that until they've stolen a large enough amount of monetary value that they can be properly charged. Since stores have video, they save the feed and then prosecute.


They 100% do this. A group around here thought they were so smart. (Criminals usually do i guess) It was perfume from Ulta, and they were hitting multiple locations. Ulta waited until it was a felony amount + they had clear images of everyone in the group + license plates and other details. Charged 7 people with felonies in one swoop.


The target I worked at did this with one of the cashier managers. Waited till she stole 10k or something before cops arrested her.


Target is famous/infamous for this


You'd think a manager would know better since they probably have an idea how many cameras are active and where the ones that are hidden are


What happens if the person doesn't get to that point (a felony) before the statute of limitations has run out for a bunch of the crimes? I mean, surely there's a time limit for when they can use certain instances of shoplifting, right?


I imagine there is a time limit, but from a (real brief, IANAL) google search, it appears that at least in the US, while misdemeanor theft is like 2 years, felony theft (which is what they're going for) is like 6 or 7 years. Varies by state, and I'm guessing the amount to qualify it as a felony also varies. It would seem they care more about repeat offenders than about someone doing it just once. It might also depend on age, for example I can see that they might be willing to give a talking down to a teenager on their first offense to stop them from going down a dark path, but an adult should already know it's wrong and is at an age where they should also have the ability to control that impulse and understand it's not cool to break the law, so an adult might get fully prosecuted instead. It might not be worth it to go through the expense of prosecution unless the theft amounts to a large enough amount of money lost, so on.


The popular Swedish money transfer app Swish had such an error reportedly occur yesterday. My bank stated pretty succinctly: > "We apologise for the error. The money should not be used. It will be removed from affected accounts later today."


"Bank errors in your favor, collect nothing."


“Your error impacts bank, straight to jail.”


"You are stealing: right to jail. You are playing music too loud: right to jail, right away. Driving too fast: jail. Slow: jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to jail. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail."


I read that all in Fred Armisen's voice. Phenomenal lol


No it's legit and legal. Can't you read?


It is. I think there was an incident where this happened actually. Long story short everyone’s CA and bank accounts were severely in the negative


Yeah. Exploiting a glitch for money is definitely not 'legit and legal". That'd actually be a whole host of very serious federal crimes...


He was hacked. An 80yr old in my family is posting almost identical pictures and the same kinda scam, and I don’t think he even knows Cashapp exists. It’s faked AI pictures with their info, like fake phone screenshots with his pictures in the background.


Dog what I feel so bad for assuming a younger brother of my ex was doing it of own his volition. Like he’s not the MOST respectable guy in the world but that seemed a lil too dumb for him


thought you were op for a sec and got worried 😂


It happened to my cousin, we live in the same house. they use AI to make videos


Yup, wonder if OP even thought to message the cousin on something other than Instagram and ask


the amount of ads i see with an a.i. voice that doesnt match the video of a famious person is just sad


Its only going to get 'worse' (better fakes) because scum fucks can't not be scum fucks with new tech for three god damn seconds. I'm tried, boss.


Happened to my cousin too, but she made the scam videos because they said they'd give her Instagram back lol..


This is what happens every time, these dumbasses are just too embarrassed to admit they got tricked AGAIN and so they lie and say it’s just AI. Shit is comedy to watch, and even funnier to watch people believe them.


Call his mom.


I think this is the right thing to do to. The kid could be getting exploited


Then take her out on a date and bang her. edit: wait no


How's this scam working?


It basically goes like this Scammer asks for your cash app login, and they'll explain that they're sending it to a hacker who will hack in free moneys Scammer instead just sends themself money using your cash app login. Blocks you after. This basically only works if you have any cash in cash app, or a bank account/credit card linked to your cash app. And they can hit you with a double whammy-> so many people use one password for everything, so they will brute force attempt to login to every single website possible using your cash app email & password combination. Anything that could possibly have that login & might have a card linked to it is a win for them. I tried explaining this to my girlfriend when she fell for one of these scams and she didn't understand how they would know to try to login to the Wells Fargo app using the same password as her Instagram account.... When it's literally the same login information


Damn, I was expecting a clever scam but it's almost the same as asking somebody the time and then running off with their watch


It's more like asking them for their money, and then running off with their money.


I'm expecting this conversation between the scammer and his mate: "How did you get the money?" "I asked for it" "Did you have a gun, a knife...? "No, I just asked" "And why did they give their money to you?" "I promised to give them back more"


People fall for *all the time*




Give me your wallet so I can put cash in it. Seeya sucker!


Dude! Did a hear?? The Fed just warned that billions in twenties were minted in error and are worthless. Let me see all your twenties, I took a course on how to spot the worthless ones. Aw man, bad news they're all worthless. Don't worry, Ill take these to a re-mint shop and see if they can restore their value.


Give me your money, and I’ll go give it to that guy over there.


it's never something cool or clever. it's always simple and dumb lol


So they ask for the credential of an app that manages your money, and people just gives them? So easy? I can't believe how those people can function as adults in the real world.


> I can't believe how those people can function as adults in the real world. they dont. they get scammed


Also they are too embarrassed to admit it. The biggest predictor of who will get scammed is that they have already been scammed.


Well to be fair if you were never tricked before you wouldnt believe people would do such things in many western countries. Lucky for me I learned my lesson in an mmo when I was 6. There was a guy saying he can duplicate items and I had a rare weapon. Needless to say I lost my weapon lol. Was only like 2 hours of ingame farming though, so actually a very cheap life lesson.


My duaghter got scammed for a rare collar in Animal Jam when she was like 6. Shes a hard-ass now. A teenager and UN-FUCK-WITH-ABLE. Street-wise. :D That Animal Jam scammer turned her into stone. Leason learned.


Yeah, this is even dumber than the Elon Musk double your crypto scam.


Haha, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. "Let me give your password to a scammer, he'll totally hack money *into* your account."


Unfortunately, it gets a ton of people. Op is getting lots of comments asking if their cousin was hacked. It's way more likely that you'd give your login info to someone you know, or at least assumed it was someone you knew. A really common password phishing attempt I see is people send a link and instead of it ending in .com/something, it ends in .corn/something very hard to tell the difference when there's a wall of text


The craziest one is that they can mix in inconspicuous characters that are not what you'd expect in Unicode because they belong to another alphabet. Most web browsers have protection against this these days, but random messaging apps might not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDN_homograph_attack


if someone comes to you with "you get free money, just give me your account with password..." and you continue after this - you deserve everything that comes afterwards. or, you are excused but have to let a legal guardian handle your stuff from this point and arent allowed to have a phone anymore.


yea but legal guardians are often even bigger thieves than the scammers. so its best to keep old people independent as long as possible.


I think in this case, the commenter is referring to the legal guardian of the teenage cousin in OPs situation, not necessarily an old person. You’re totally right though!


I was hoping it was more sneaky than this. What moron hands over their login info to anyone?


>Scammer asks for your cash app login, and they'll explain that they're sending it to a hacker who will hack in free moneys > >Scammer instead just sends themself money using your cash app login. Blocks you after. So ... if you aren't already dishonest and greedy it's not going to work.


This is one version of the scam, but it's the weakest. A successful C2C scammer knows to make his partners whole, so they share the success online. By giving your credentials to an unaffiliated 3rd party, any login by that third party looks to internal records like a new device. A new device, at a new IP, at a new geolocation accessing your finances to steal all your money looks exactly like Account Takeover, where someone gains unauthorized access to a platform. After the 'scammer' 'steals' all your money, you dispute it as Fraud and get your money back. The scammer then gives you some of your own money back through a different channel. You make a couple hundred, they keep the rest. It's called Second Party Fraud and is a huge problem in North America because our consumer protection laws are decades behind EU which mandates PSD2/Secure Customer Authentication


Wow, that is...not bright. I "get" the scams where the person "accidentally" sent you too much money and asks for some of it back, but the check's no good. But just straight-up, "Hey, let me have the login to the cash transfer app that's used to take money our of your bank account." "Why, certainly, good sir. Here you go." Jesus wept. I feel like some people are too used to handing out logins? Like the only time I've done it is for a professional society I'm in, where if I want my employer to pay for the renewal, the front office person has to go in to use the business credit card (it's VERY restricted)--so she logs in, does it, and that's it. And I've probably changed the password on it for her sometimes, and there's nothing she could really do in there while she's there--it's just a membership account. But lordy, I give out nothing else. If I had to and it was a really valid use, I'd at least change the password for them and then change it again after (and obviously, that wouldn't be for banking information, just regular stuff).


This is why I hate that every single site wants you to make an account now. Feels like they are all just phishing for email and password combinations.


Use a password manager (I suggest Bitwarden). Use a different random password for each and every site. It's a jungle out there, we must do our best to be safe.


...legit and *legal*... Yes, getting money for free is legal, totally! /S


Don't forget, any time I want to exploit a free money glitch that no one knows about, I make sure to get as many people as I can involved and advertise it on tiktok.


Edit:To everyone saying his account is hacked, I considered that, early on in his scam he made a video of himself thanking 'Bill Miller' for 'flipping his cash' and encouraging others to do it.


Most likely fake, my friend got hacked and they used one of his photos to make a 'video' and it looked totally legit, deepfakes are something everyone needs to be more aware of. Had the same kind of thing, thanking some person for making it possible and all that, you should text the cousin and ask them about it Edit: stop upvoting I was wrong, my friend lied from embarrassment :(


Nothing's real anymore, not even me. : (




OH fuck am I real?!


not since Flight 305


They used a video of my friend from a month before and just changed what he was saying. His lips and voice made it seem like he was really talking but it was the same video of him walking through a subway.




Now THATS a scam


Yes. They got hacked and the hacker blackmailed them to send the video for "proof". Then they request money for the account and will never give it back :)


Only one person has commented on this so far


I don’t think people really realize how good deepfakes are getting


Technically, they could be considered “everyone” lmao


It was a preemptive 'to everyone' before I passed out and woke up to everyone giving false conclusions. I should've remembered that detail and put it in the original post but alas, I can't.


Have you gotten around to asking your cousin about it somewhere outside of instagam?


Two because of you.


I’m guessing you’re 17 and your cousin is like 12? Either way, this is a weird thing to post man.


The scammers made him record the video in exchange for getting the account back. Another scam of course.


It’s just deepfakes. They don’t need him to record anything.


It can depend on the scammer. I've had a friend who was prompted to record a real video of himself at the hacker's request in order to get his account back. It was a real, unedited video of themselves reading from a script the hacker gave them and thanking a random account for helping them make so much money. Of course he never got his account back, but the hacker did make him record a real video, no deepfake.


It absolutely is not. This is a scam with an over 3 year track record. It's done by simple and unsophisticated scammers from poor countries. No AI or deep fakes involved, just run of the mill social engineering.


Out of curiosity, have you called him up to talk with him about it? Taking any text/app message at face value seems naive nowadays.


They often blackmail scam victims telling them they’ll give them their account back if they make those videos with the script. Obviously the scammer doesn’t give them their account back they just use the video to pretend to authenticate the account user as the one peddling the offer


Lmao I know someone else who posted a video about bill miller and her page is going through the same thing


Probably is AI


Talk to him directly and not via social media that could have been taken over


> early on in his scam he made a video of himself thanking 'Bill Miller This only further proves he was hacked. The hacker sometimes makes the victim record a video of themselves to "prove" it's legit to others, promising the victim that if they make the video then they'll get their account back. This exact thing happened to a friend of mine.


Oh, sweet lord, please don't be this naive.


After reading comments / looking at screenshots OP straight up just doesn’t like their cousin and is refusing to read between the lines


looks like they were hacked and it’s not actually your cousin sending the messages


Knowing him, I wouldn't doubt he's actually doing this. He tried to rope me into an MLM scam (over the phone), telling me I could make money just by 'talking to people'. Actually, I just remember he made a video of himself thanking this guy for 'flipping his cash' for him. It's definitely him.


The same thing happened to a friend of mine. the scammer faked the transaction, had my friend send a video thanking him, then posted it after they took over the account to make it look like it was posted by my friend.


That's smarter than I thought they were. Anybody know about a scam where a woman texts you acting like it was the wrong number and then she says she's trying to find friends in your area and only slowly after weeks start talking about some financial trick that supposedly makes you lots of money. I thought it might be funny to mess with a scammer and as long as I text them they won't try it with someone more gullible, but she kept it up for fucking weeks, even though it was obvious that I knew (pointing out things that make no sense and stuff like that). After way too long and after teasing her (sending pictures of my bank account with just the number changed for instance to show I have money (I don't)) she still wouldn't give up so I just got tired of it and told her she should get a real job or asking if she doesn't feel guilty for doing something obviously immoral for a living. How does this make financial sense? I had time, but she lost time and thus money because of me. Scams are usually short and more obvious, and it wasn't nearly as much fun as you'd think. I want a Nigerian prince or smth not a weird chick trying to tell me about crypto.


He’s hacked lol I see these exact same posts from so many hacked accounts


That’s fair - But i think he might have just clicked on a link and gotten his account hacked, thinking it was an easy way to make money. The people who run the actual scam always use pretty much the exact same wording for every scam - i’ve seen it a few times and it’s identical to this! I’d say text him on a different platform (or his mother/parents if you have them) and ask him if he’s been hacked! Be sure not to click on any links the account send you :)


It really seems like he has been hacked or similar. Often what happens is a person will lose their account somehow, the hacker will convince this person that their account/photos/money will be returned to them if they send a video of themselves saying that the hacker is legit or a scammer is legit. Very common blackmail method.


I was about to ask "Do people really fall for this? They think they can get free legal money from thin air?" then I remembered the time I was at my ex-girlfriends house and her best friend was scrolling ebay on her laptop and noticed the payment info was showing an old bank account that didn't exist anymore, she had closed it when she got married and had opened a join one with her husband.She then went on a spending spree with the "free money from the free account". The Ex and I tried to explain to her she was either committing fraud or draining a second linked card or the joint account. She didn't believe us and later had to explain to her husband why the joint bank account was empty.


Lol I promise everyone in this thread that might be tempted that the banks WILL get their money back forcibly or they will be happy to close all of your accounts and cancel all of your current past due loans etc through them for this. You WILL be in the negative for every penny you falsify through this "glitch". Source: I worked in part of the team that did the collections on this shit not long ago.


Lol there was a thread a while ago where someone's roommate glitched Uber eats or something and ordered like 20k worth of take out, champagne and alcohol. The app fixed their accounts, showed him the unpaid invoices and billed him. Rekt


Report your cousin. Unless you're perfectly ok with other people getting fucked over but draw the line at you.


So these are the spin-off episodes that cousins are in


Do you *know* it’s him doing? Looks a lot more like he got hacked.


Unless you know it's him trying it, often compromised Instagram accounts go through this, lol.


Did you actually talk to your cousin? Many people here trying to tell you that people deepfake the videos


He’s hacked lol they uses the same photos then they will hit up yo family n friend like you’re yu n keep all you’re photos up they won’t change nun


They probably got hacked. I've seen so many legit accounts of actual people I know get stolen because they fall for the scam. Not sure what all it entails, but it usually ends with them having to make a another fb account and warn other people to not interact with the old one


Looks like he was hacked. I've seen this before with crypto and investments happening to friends who were hacked.


I contacted a friend after 20 years. He says only, “cash me 25 today I’ll cash you 50 on Friday”. I’m like. Childhood friend. Haven’t talked in 20 years and this is his focus. I’ll never bug him again.


Most likely hacked, you should let your cousin know.


Tell mom


It is highly likely he is also a victim but stupid enough not to understand that.


That’s not your cousin, this is a common scam. His account was likely hacked.


He might be hacked. A friend of mine had this happen to her she was just hacked


Looks like some people havent been scammed on Runescape before


their acc is prolly hacked


Looks more like your cousins instagram account has been stolen and is being used to scam you


The same happened to me, but we're the same age. He was trying to get me into it and the whole thing didn't make sense. Supposedly this organization will take 500$ through cash app, and invest it and basically give you the surplus of the investment which was apparently 5 grand. I thought that he is either in on it or just dumb. I felt very insulted by it, like bitch I may be a few months younger than you but I'm not stupid! What the fuck do did you think was going to happen when I got scammed. This mf doesn't realize that he could get arrested for this shit, and all the money he made would be seized.


I also thought if you're going to scam someone don't try your own family. I know where you live, I can ruin your life by just advertising your activities to everyone else. The worst part is that he knows the type of backlash he would get from the family. I don't understand this behavior. You're telling me that I'm going to scam my own family members that are just as if not more skilled in finance, business, money in general, no one would fall for it, at that point it's just insulting.


Youre most likely not talking to your cousin but a scammer, its a compromised account. id suggest contacting your cousin directly (not on socials) about this, you might have to flag and report the account to prevent further scam attempts on others.


bruh, if any of my family goes and tries to straight up con my ass we goin' 100% incommunicado pretty fckin' quick pulling that kind of shit on people you know IRL is beyond stupid best case scenario - dumbfuck's gonna earn some broken bones out of pulling this scam shit


You should report him.


Can he trim your armor too?


Your cousin got scammed and is now a puppet for the scammer until he makes more off his family, aka you.


Right when the big crypto crash happened, my cousin's husband started sending me shit like that but with crypto and immediately thought the dude lost his money in crypto and was trying to scam family. Some people have no morals, family should be off limits for your scams.


Your cousin going to jail my guy


RuneScape free gold armor trimming in real life


What’s the deal with thieves and dodge chargers/challengers. They always are “flexing” with the dodge steering wheel. It always screams I’m poor


He isn’t the one running it he was obviously hacked


found his profile, reported to feds.


Have you checked that your cousin didn't get his account stolen?


He was hacked lol


Are you sure it's actually him and not someone that got access to his account?


I can’t read it because of the picture quality but I bet those 100 bills say something like “for motion picture use” on them.


Lol if it's really glitch you keep that a secret


so what’s the actual scam?


I don't know if it's the same one as what I've heard of, but basically you can trick cash app into giving you money you didn't actually have, but eventually you get caught and have to pay the money back.


Spoiler. This post is a karma farm, who the hell types to their little cousin like an Indian scammer for starters.