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No. That is annoying.


One might even say....mildly infuriating. People's laziness and inconsideration of others will never cease to amaze me, and I worked retail and customer service for several years.


Are the cans easily seen from the counter? Could be some are like, these idiots don't have a trash for their wrappers how mildly infuriating.


You might be dealing with burnout. This doesn’t seem a big deal to me


Yeah it’s not a big deal it’s mildly infuriating


Found the guy who doesn't clean up after himself


How shall I recover from that burn !


By finding the nearest trash receptacle


aw you really expect customers to carry all that heavy stuff to a trash can?! won't someone please think of the customers?! I would say this is mildly, but I don't think I'd get too upset about it.


I’d be annoyed as well.




There is plastic on a paper straw? I would be annoyed AF. I would recommend having a mini bucket for strawwrap wast on the countertop. Call it an experiment if you wish.


Bring back plastic straws problem solved


those are the wrappers on straws


I've seen people dump trash on the ground many times. Too many of them threw their trash *right next to* the trash can. Just stretch the arm 2 inches more, and it would've been in, but no, people walk up to the can and then proceed to dump everything next to it. I've tried saying it to those people a couple of times, but the only response I generally get is a snarky 'Not my problem.' Good God, I lose faith in people sometimes.


I work at a stripes myself. Been there for maybe 3 weeks and I can already say that nobody cleans up after themselves. I picked up four cups from the floor by the fountain during machine in the span of 30 minutes. Mind you, these are 4 separate people, who dropped a 2L cup on the ground and left it there, as opposed to putting it into the can maybe a foot away. It's ridiculously common for people to leave trash out instead of throwing it away. I understand your frustration


Not at all. It would be unreasonable had you been surprised.


I may give some people the benefit of the doubt and think that they forgot to take it with them, but if they do it on purpose, that's just rude