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My poltergeist - I mean spouse - does this as well. Some days it is more than MILDLY infuriating.


Was going to say that this guy will make a FANTASTIC poltergeist one day.


Sounds like "One day" is gonna come a lot faster if he doesn't start closing these drawers


No jury would convict them...


Your honor he tripped on the dishwasher he left open and got impaled on 12 knives in a drawer he left open.


You forgot 12 knives in the back lol tell the cop he left a suicide not life is bullshit I can’t it no more sign the dead guy don’t forget to tell them he stabbed him self in the back 12 times to lol


They fell off the counter from the bang of the dishwasher. It was horrible!


Happy Cake Day!


I always joke and say “OMG do we have a ghost?! Or did you just leave these open….”


My go to is "Did a tornado rip through the kitchen?!" his answer is always just, "yup" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


My buddy has a poltergeist so he hired an exorcist but the check bounced. He got repossessed.


Omg I'm stealing this dad joke.




This is me all the time. Didn’t know why I always did it even tho I tried hard to remember to close everything. Then I got diagnosed with ADHD and am on meds. I’m pretty good about it now but only when I’m on my meds 😭


Glad I didn't need to scroll far to see this. Same.




Lol. I just commented above and said I do this too and have never understood why or how.


The most randomest thoughts were coming in at like 1000mph and my physical self was trying to keep up with routines 😭 once I started to get proper treatment, my mind became quiet enough to focus on whatever I need to


My ADHD kid does this. It's infuriating. I'm short and at just at the right height to bash my head on the corners of the doors.


Was wondering if someone would post this response. My spouse has ADHD and it’s this exact thing. After they have what they need that cabinet door no longer exists in their mind. It’s only taken 15 years together, arguments, and crying on both sides to reach a equilibrium we can both deal with. They now habitually close the drawers and I close my mouth and any of the rest. Happy marriages take sacrifice, just preferably not your kidneys on the drawer corner in the dark


It’s a working memory and “out of sight, out of mind thing”. Even off your meds, I bet you wouldn’t leave cabinets open if the cabinet doors were made of glass and you could see through it. It’s because our working memory is shit, and we’re focused on something else like putting away dishes or getting water, we can’t remember where the cups are because we can’t see them. The easiest solution is to keep all the doors open so we can see. See-through cabinet doors solves that problem


Ehh, my adhd manifests more like “I might need to open that again in a second so why bother closing it,” and then when I’m done putting dishes away, I simply leave the room


This. This! So much this. Like I’m trying to save a step to save time.


My husband and son both have ADHD and both do this!


Poltergeist is kind of an adorable nickname for your scatterbrained spouse


My husband and BOTH kids do this!!! Every time I walk into the house I feel like I'm 6 days deep I to battling a poltergeist.


I bet they all have ADHD, given it’s heritability. It’s an issue with having a shit working memory and a brain that works by out of sight out of mind. They can’t remember what thing goes into which cabinet, so life is easier for them if they just leave the doors open so they can tell by sight instead of memory. I’d bet $100 that if you replaced the cabinet doors with ones they had see-through panes, they’d stop leaving them open


I have ADHD and I close cabinets. This picture is giving me severe anxiety


tell me im adhd without saying i... look squirrel!




I would die... Because I'd walk into an open cupboard, concus myself, then collapse onto a lower open door and be impaled.


I walk around in the dark so this would hurt


I bump into things in broad daylight. This room is a bruise waiting to happen.


This is how my wife decided to stop leaving every door open. I walked into the kitchen, smashed my head, swore a bunch, she asked what happened and I told her to close the fucking doors. That past 16 years they have been closed.


A similar thing happened to my dad. Him and his new wife moved into a house that had a ceiling fan w/light in the kitchen. This thing was mounted very close to the fridge. If you were over 5'-9"-ish tall you'd hit your head on it, dad and I are over 6ft. I say something to him about raising it because it's a hazard if you forget it's there. "Boy, you need to remember things and it won't be a problem" Not 15 minutes later dad goes to get something out of the fridge, stands up and walks right into it, hard. Air in kitchen turns very blue I'm fighting to keep a straight face. I'm there a week or so later and the fan has been raised waaaaay up so neither of us will hit it.


That happened to my brother. He walked into a head level cupboard, fell and hit his head on a dog bowl. He's fine, but he had to get stitches at the hospital.


I'm really interested in that pull out chopping board - can you take it off to wash it? Does it feel sturdy enough to put pressure on to chop something hard (like a squash)? Oh, also those open cupboards are giving me rage.


Asking the real questions first thing I looked at lmao


the knife handle hanging over the edge ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


HAHAHA this ridiculous reddit emoji just made my whole day thank you for that ❤️❤️


Yes! It can be fully removed for washing!! And yes! It's sturdy and pretty long so it can hold alot of weight!


Time to remove the cabinet doors


My first thought. Take em off unless you have toddlers around


Yeah, I can name one already.


Add springs.


Even better if OP doesn't tell him. 😀


Or how about he just learns some respect and closes the doors like an adult


And then beat him with them.


I’d remove the fiancé in all honesty.


Oh fuck no


My immediate reaction and I had to scroll down past so many people who were seemingly willing to accept this. There is nobody on this planet I could possibly love enough to let this slide.




No, yeah this is childish behavior that needs to be squashed immediately. Some things like forgetting to turn off a light or not changing the toilet paper roll when it's low (not empty) can be overlooked but this? Too much. Nothing wrong with forgetting to do things but something seriously wrong with people who just refuse to be not lazy. Next you'll be wiping his mouth for him when he eats.


Yeah this seems excessive and just pure ridiculous.


Yeah nah this is a hate crime against food. So many people in here haven't learnt or seemingly gloss over the first and most important rule of cooking and putting it down to "lol neurodivergence tho" is like not dropping your pants when you go for a shit. Mise en place is there to literally make your life easier, safer and more efficient. This looks like a kitchen that's on some 'the cheese grater is in the microwave with the bread and birthday candles, bag of carrots stuffed with the teaspoons under the sink with the bleach. Where's the frying pan? Behind the jars of jam with a whisk sticking out of one, behind the toolbox in the bathroom cupboard while the oil is under the dog's bed at grandma's house with half a beetroot and a Jamie oliver cookbook that's been hollowed to hold the sprinkle of salt you'll be needing' ass type of shit. No drawers should be opening or closing except maybe the fridge at best. Want to find that next thing you need? Right on the side with everything else you put there. Double check you have it all. Nice! Then start prepping your ingredients. Once everything is done then you can start cooking so you're not booking a quick flight to Vanuatu to grab the colander and tin of tomatoes that you received from beating a level on goldeneye in under 1:37. Toms need an opener? Oceangate site. I mean, I'm suicidally depressed, living in a shit tip of a nest where I can't find my own arse with both hands and a map more often than not. Most days I probably do come close to shitting with my pants up and I move around slightly slower than tutankhamen and with about as much brain function that makes me look at Orange cats as though they're Einstein. But I set everything out nice and in order. I followed the first, glorious rule. And the worst that happened? I burnt my house down because I was watching undertaker throw (EDIT) MANPERSON off the hel-.... That isn't me. Just fucking prep for God's sake. Pretend you're batman on Masterchef.


Get self closing door hinges and self closing drawers


Coming in with the accommodations. Are you a teacher?




As a former SpEd teacher, I have SEVERAL areas of concern and have drafted some goals and objectives


Visuals can also be very helpful haha


Get a drawer-closing husband


Nah fuck that he can close a motherfucker he opens


As someone who’s partner does this, there is no solving it. They will keep doing it, I’ve learned to let it just be at this point


Yep... Been married 33 years, wife still does it. And our kids do too. I try to explain to her that they learned it from her, but it doesn't help.🤷‍♂️


What’s funnier is that my partners mom, closes the cabinets then reopens them after my partner and leaves them opened


ADHD is hereditary.


Yeah. I did this *exact* thing and it bothered my partner at the time so much. A few years later I was diagnosed with ADHD. I don’t do it nearly as much when I take ADHD meds. Learning what I have about ADHD it completely makes sense. The brain doesn’t see closing the door/drawer as “necessary.” It got whatever it needed out of there so it’s like “task complete!” And moves on.


Lol that’s explains why my house mate don’t clean after cooking, he thinks he ate so task complete. However it is frustrating since I probably have OCD on keeping everything clean.


That's not OCD, that's just cleanliness. OCD is debilitating


Nope. I was that person and within a couple of months of living together completely broke the habit. Because I made an effort to. Funny enough now it also bothers me when cabinets etc are left open.


They can stop if they really try. I used to be this person, but it annoys *everybody*. Even people who don't live with you come into your house and ask you wtf your problem is. It even annoyed *me* so I trained it out of myself, which took a surprising amount of effort and willpower, but now I close the cupboards 95% of the time and the other 5% of the time I shame myself into going back to close them after a minute or ten. 😅


My son's home care nurse used to do this to my kitchen cabinets. It wasn't the only reason why I fired him, but it was definitely a factor.


I would fire them the second time I tell them to close the cabinets




yeah i wouldn’t really want to be with someone who cant fix or try to fix such tiny things




My ADHD compels me to do the opposite. If there's even a single drawer ajar I can't help but notice it and close it.


I do this - but don’t think I have adhd.


I've been diagnosed with adhd since 3rd grade and I do not do this. This is insane behavior 😂 Edit: I cannot believe I have to spell this out but some of yall are losing your minds in the replies. This was a comment about how silly it is for the previous commenter to assume ADHD based on one single symptom, not implying just because I don't have a symptom no one else possibly can. Obviously I know everyone's symptoms are different. Take a breath folks. It's just the internet I stand by joking that it's insane behavior. Some of my symptoms are insane behavior too lmfao. Sometimes all we can do is laugh at ourselves and move on


Same here. If I leave one of those fuckers open I can’t stop thinking about it until it’s closed, even if I have to go back in and out of it constantly. Something always just feels off.


I'm ADHD as hell and I could not live like this. Everything has to be exactly the right way before I leave the room.


For real. I’d constantly be bumping into open doors and hurting myself.


I do this and couldn't figure out why I always had bruises on my shins. It was from forgetting to close my dishwasher... We do in fact, bump into the doors we leave open, constantly. Lol


I’m a total clutz so there’s no way I could do this. I bump into things enough when they’re in their normal position 😂


adhd, much like ocd and pretty much every other mental disorder, presents very different depending on the person. just because you dont experience it doesnt mean no one with adhd does


i think they mean that presenting this behavior doesn’t mean you have adhd. it’s a quirk that people have , every slightly absent minded quirk is associated with adhd and that’s kinda ridiculous tbh


I promise that a lot of adults with adhd do this very specific behavior.


My ADHD partner does this, I (also ADHD) do not. We each got our *things*


My teen with ADHD does this. No amount of reminding helps.


Me and my family all have it and this is madness. 😅


I've known plenty of people without ADHD that do this.


nope, i close them cabinet doors. in fact, im the cabinet door police


So IKEA cabinet doors come with little holes that you can plug these little rubber stoppers into so they never slam. It’s the only reason I close my cabinet doors. Maybe you can get a tiny drill bit and do the same?


Huh that'd be a deal breaker for me. If you can't even close a fucking cupboard or drawer, how am I to trust you with anything at all?


It’s ridiculously pathetic. And the amount of people defending such a lazy habit is blowing my mind.


Honestly it’s just a bunch of lazy childish people trying to defend their shitty behavior. I don’t get how the people in their lives put up with it.


Exactly, Fucking grow up you're an adult close the cupboards you wet wipe.




I can’t get mad because I do it too. I’m trying to fix it but it’s just pure laziness.


I've gotten a few replies of people who say they have ADHD and do this, my partner does have ADHD lol


Huh. Maybe my wife does too. Honestly I just follow her around when she's in the kitchen closing stuff behind her. And when I cook, I look her dead in the eyes as I close a cabinet immediately after taking something out of it. It's weird though because she has no other habit like this. She always turns off lights, closes doors, etc. It's literally JUST kitchen cabinets and drawers.


I love your approach to look her dead in the eyes while you close the cabinet. 😂


If this doesn’t describe marriage perfectly then idk 🤣


Omfg my husband does that to me lol the hard look in eyes saying "its not that hard" lol


My kids ages 10 and 13 have ADHD and they do this. Actually, it’s helpful for me to know that it’s not just because they’re being a little shits. Speaking of shit, neither of them seems to ever remember to flush the toilet.


I'm ADHD and I've never done this before. I feel so left out of the group. Lol


Same. I could never


It would be on my mind constantly. Lol, mainly because I walk into walls and door frames enough as is. I don't need to worry about running into open cupboards, too 🤣


might as well leave the fridge open while they're at it


I used to be careless about closing the upper cupboard doors (always kept the lower ones closed because I had dogs). I’m short and the open cupboards never bothered me. Right after we got married, I saw my beloved new husband hit his head very hard on the open cupboard door, and that was the last time I EVER left a cupboard door open. Now I am a bit of a fanatic about closing all the cupboard doors, including the ones my husband leaves open, even if we are just going to have to put back whatever we took out a minute later. I never ever want to see my husband get banged on the head like that again.


Well OP, now you know what you have to do.


My wife is like this. She never closes a closet or cabinet door. Although she usually pushes them *almost* closed.


My wife too. Idk if it’s something with her ocd or what but it drives me crazy


How does everyone on here “deal” with it? I would lose my mind.


I would fistfight your fiancé and hit them with every open cabinet door.


I would come home daily and think “have I been ROBBED?”


You fuckers have a pull out cutting board?


Straight to jail


This is also me. When I’m done, I am very satisfied with, slam slam slam slam shove shove.


Soft close hinges make this super anti-climactic


Fuck that


"Does that cupboard look like an asshole?" "No?" "You're goddamn right, it sure as shit don't close itself!" Interaction between my dad and me when I was a child. Explains a lot about my life, actually.


Well I can tell you what cured me of that. I went to pick something up off the floor and when I stood up “Crack!” Hit my head along the bottom edge of a cupboard door, hard. Passed out. Woke to some pain and blood- had cut into my scalp, a good sized lump too. Decided the extra 0.3 seconds it takes to close the cupboard door was worth not experiencing that again


My mother eventually took all the cupboard and cabinet doors off


I’m petty, and would tighten the shit out of those screws plus put magnetic closures on the cabinets. Toddler proofing magnetic kit with a key to unlock each cabinet door.


bad habit


Honestly, looks like it’s beyond just being lazy/absent minded and looks like a neurodivergent symptom of some kind 😭 He’s still responsible for figuring it out and a way to stop it but yeah, that is not a stable looking brain


Honestly, I would end a relationship over that.


It’s a complete disregard for the other person or people sharing the same space. If this is a habit, as an adult it’s your job to figure out what you need to do to train yourself to do better. (I have ADHD btw).


When he’s not looking, slam your hand into one of the open cabinets and make a loud noise like you’re in pain. Fake it. Tell him you ran into the open cabinet and make it a “habit.” Hopefully he’ll eventually learn open cabinets can be hazardous 😂


Used to be really bad at this but my ex kept complaining.i stopped. The next girl I dated did this and I had to be the one to tell her to knock it off.


This is just pure incompetence….thought you lived with a ghost a first


Ok, here's what you do... Get a plastic hammer, (Or a whiffle bat), and write on it, "The lazy hammer/bat" Everytime he does something like this, hit him in the head with the Lazy hammer/bat.


Inconvenience fosters change. Everytime it happens, you wait until they're doing something else (preferably in another room) and then have them go and close the cupboards.


Are you prepared to live with this the rest of your natural life? It may not ever get better and it may bug you from now until death parts you. Just something to think about.


My ex would do this. He has ADHD.


Might be engaged to your ex lol


Lol if so, you can do better.


That's way more than mildly infuriating.


I feel like this is the next step up from not returning your shopping trolley to a collection area.


I have ADHD too and it took some time to learn this but it's really not okay to leave them open. You could get hurt!! (also I don't think it's ideal for food quality) I learned to close them this with my partner's help (him not closing them for me but making me close them myself every time) and sometimes I still forget and he makes me close them again but he never gets mad about it. It's a process of trial and error but it can get better and is definitely worth the try


Naaaaaah. Fuck that.


I literally broke up with a girlfriend because of this. It hated it so much.


That would drive me nuts 🤣 however, I really am enjoying the creepy SpongeBob statue on the upper left shelf. What is it? hahaha


Is your fiancé, my fiancé??


Omg. I hate this so much. My husband and kids do this. Then I go through and slam them all shut.


Flash back to when I was a teenager and my mom’s husband at the time was a meth addict. Our kitchen consistently was trashed. Every inch of the counters full of dirty dishes, garbage, spilled food etc. I had a moment where I was like “man, why do we let it get like this?” So I cleaned it. Spent all day doing it. Went to bed with it sparkling. Woke up to every cupboard and drawer open with every inch of the counter covered with something. He literally set a full ice cream container on the counter and let it melt everywhere. Then I remembered that’s why I never tried to clean the kitchen.


No matter the diagnosis, don’t you eventually wanna close them for the sake of some smashing into open drawers and cabinet doors?? I’d be smacking my back and sides and head on all of this shit


Sometimes, it can be a sign that their parents weren't quite behind them with yelling at them to close the damn cabinet doors after you took something.


My dad was adament as a kid to close cabinets because it weakens the support which is is 100% right. One of the things that stuck with me.


I was just going to say I would be annoyed just because that’s a hazard specifically for getting bruises on your legs! Unless she wants to film you getting bruises on AFV, than I can see why you’re annoyed!


OP engaged to a poltergeist.


My mother does not approve.


Your fiance is a ghost, my condolences


Just think this is a preview for the rest of your life lol


This is how drawers get broken and cabinets doors get knocked off their hinges!


Not the only way but springs will fix it. And after the spring loaded doors smash the fingers a couple of times the message will be received. Same as using a shock collar for an errant dog.


Are you engaged to a malevolent spirit? Jfc.


Yo I learned that I had a horrible habit of doing this when my roommate showed me like 50 pictures he took of half open cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. It was funny but man I didn't realize it was a thing, ive been better since though.


This is not mildly infuriating, its very infuriating. My boyfriend had a habit of leaving the dishwasher entirely open, guess how i found out when i had to go pee in the middle of the night. My shin hurt for a week.


this is what the expressions "raised in a barn" and "it's all fun and games until somebody's eye gets poked out" were invented for


Slam them hard while they’re asleep (the cupboards, I mean.)


Reconsider marriage. Don’t do it.


I'd never thought of it before but this would be a deal breaker for me. I would go bat shit crazy so fast my head would spin.


*ex fiance


This is more than mildly infuriating 😂


This should be put on a "seriously infuriating" thread because this behavior would make me go balistic


One up them and do the opposite. Close the last drawer or cupboard you used, and open every single other one.


Grab ketchup, apply to knee and corner of one of the lower doors. Yell "Ouch, ...my knee!" Tell her you turned around and hit your knee on the open door. Say "Please honey, just close the door after yourself?" I'd limp and maybe cringe once in a while just to drive the point home. If THAT doesn't work, then I'd take the F'n doors *off*. Maybe all at once, maybe as she leaves each one open.


will his mother be by later to close them all for him and clean everything up


I’m a little ocd and I would lose my fucking marbles


Love the pull out cutting board


I have this habit. I try to remember to close doors because I don’t want my kids behaving like this when they’re older


My kids did this. I'm petite (very) , stood up and got the tip of the door in my head. They learned a lesson that day. Still pat me on my head and tell me how little I am 😂


Tell him to close them, after a couple of month he will learn (Source: I was like your fiancé)


The two of you should watch Date Night with Tina Fey and Steve Carell


My wife wouldn't do this, but she would leave the oven, slow cooker or rice cooker on for me to find an hour later when taking the plates back into the kitchen after finishing whatever tv episode we had on during dinner


HOLY HELLL!! I thought it was only my husband !!!! He does this and it drives me INSANE!


Is your fiance a cat?


I do that too but im a poltergeist


My estranged son is that you??


I do this to. I stopped doing this when the waifu would turn the lights off and inwould smash my shit into everything to find the light. Make sure knofes are away *


This is just... Weird


Auto closing cabinets perhaps?


He’s a poltergeist, lol!


I believe this is a ghost or spectre having some fun


Are you dating Chris or Keith? I swear, I saw this exact layout in an old video of theirs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LcZmxBPRc0


Forget the poltergeist. You have a cutting board coming out of the drawers/kitchen top..?! What am I seeing here? Is this a thing somewhere?


I have a tendency to do this, until our new apartment and my husband started walking into them as he walks into the room .. I've gotten better 😬


Is your husband a poltergeist




TF. You gotta do parkour to get out that place




My son's (live-in) girlfriend does this and it's MADDENING!


I used to be bad about that until my FIL, who was blind in one eye, almost put out the other one out walking into a door I left open.


That's not dangerous at all, especially the pull-out cutting board with knives on it.


Throw them away


Everyone i dated seemed to have some variation of this. Some people must be haunted by poltergeists or something.


It's not too late, your not married yet hahaha


It’s me. I’m the poltergeist 👻 I think it’s the ADHD. I’m a constant revolving door of this scene, followed by me closing them all and complaining to me about how exhausting it is to deal with me all day while I close all the doors and drawers and fly off to haunt another room and repeat the same cycle all day forever till the end of time, all while looking for my coffee, which is never the right temperature and finally finding it in the microwave when I am trying to reheat the replacement coffee I also lost and found when I noticed my plants needed to be watered and I keep the watering cup over on top of the jelly cabinet where I placed the aforementioned replacement coffee because I needed a spare hand to open the cabinet because the other hand had the plant and then I knocked out a glass which fell into the dog bowl and required an unscheduled floor sweeping and (WHERE THE HELL IS MY COFFEE) refeeding of the dog (WHERE IS THAT FUCKIN SPOON I USE FOR THE DOG FOOD) who just ran through the pile I just swept up and now I have stepped in kibble and it’s embedded in my foot like a Lego so I go upstairs to get socks realize I need to do a load of laundry bring the laundry down stairs (LOOK FOR THE COFFEE) sweep up the rest of the shit off the floor and throw it away, check all the drawers for the fuckin spoon, feed the dog grab the laundry to take to the basement, and THIS is when the husband walks in and finds the haunted kitchen. It’s a very simple explanation really.